How To Create Global Variable For Connection Manager In SSIS PAcakge
Jul 6, 2006
now i am currently using SSIS Package using BUI, The Source and Destination File we Given Manullay Connect the Server name ,And Table . Instead of given Manual . How to create Global Variable Connection Manager.
Suppose Today i am Working Developement Server. Latter i will be changed Production Server Database. At That time we have to Going to Modify all the Connection .Instead of This How to Create the Connection Manager Gloabe Variable . and How to Use .Please Any one give Sample For Connection Manager variable for Different Server.
Thanks & Regards,
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Sep 2, 2014
I have a table which contains a column ([Connection String]) that has every connection string for the SQL instances on our estate.
I have a package which will import data from a single instance, but how do I set the connection manager so that it uses a variable and is populated by a selecting the connection strings from my central database?
Do I use a cursor to select the next connection string?
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Aug 24, 2010
How to use variables in Connection Manager's properties? I see some replies through Configuration Package. But what if, it is still in development stage? I mean, can I use the Variable tab and create some variables like
User::DBUserNameSource, User::DBPasswordSource,
User::DBuserNameDestination, User::DBPasswordDestination,
Then put them in Password and UserName property of Connection Manager? If this is possible, how and how can I set the values of those variables I mentioned when I am going to deploy the package in the Production?
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Mar 6, 2008
I have a SQL Task that updates running totals on a record inserted using a Data Flow Task. The package runs without error, but the actual row does not calculate the running totals. I suspect that the inserted record is not committed until the package completes and the SQL Task is seeing the previous record as the current. Here is the code in the SQL Task:
SET @DV = (SELECT MAX(DateValue) FROM tblTG);
SET @PV = @DV - 1;
I've not been successful in passing a SSIS global variable to a declared parameter, but is it possible to do this:
SET @DV = ?;
SET @PV = @DV - 1;
I have almost 50 references to these parameters in the query so a substitution would be helpful.
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Feb 27, 2008
I'm new to SSIS, but have been programming in SQL and ASP.Net for several years. In Visual Studio 2005 Team Edition I've created an SSIS that imports data from a flat file into the database. The original process worked, but did not check the creation date of the import file. I've been asked to add logic that will check that date and verify that it's more recent than a value stored in the database before the import process executes.
Here are the task steps.
[Execute SQL Task] - Run a stored procedure that checks to see if the import is running. If so, stop execution. Otherwise, proceed to the next step.
[Execute SQL Task] - Log an entry to a table indicating that the import has started.
[Script Task] - Get the create date for the current flat file via the reference provided in the file connection manager. Assign that date to a global value (FileCreateDate) and pass it to the next step. This works.
[Execute SQL Task] - Compare this file date with the last file create date in the database. This is where the process breaks. This step depends on 2 variables defined at a global level. The first is FileCreateDate, which gets set in step 3. The second is a global variable named IsNewFile. That variable needs to be set in this step based on what the stored procedure this step calls finds out on the database. Precedence constraints direct behavior to the next proper node according to the TRUE/FALSE setting of IsNewFile.
If IsNewFile is FALSE, direct the process to a step that enters a log entry to a table and conclude execution of the SSIS.
If IsNewFile is TRUE, proceed with the import. There are 5 other subsequent steps that follow this decision, but since those work they are not relevant to this post.
Here is the stored procedure that Step 4 is calling. You can see that I experimented with using and not using the OUTPUT option. I really don't care if it returns the value as an OUTPUT or as a field in a recordset. All I care about is getting that value back from the stored procedure so this node in the decision tree can point the flow in the correct direction.
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[p_CheckImportFileCreateDate]
The SSIS package passes the FileCreateDate parameter to this procedure, which then compares that parameter with the date saved in tbl_ImportFileCreateDate.
If the date is newer (or if there is no date), it updates the field in that table and returns a TRUE IsNewFile bit value in a recordset.
Otherwise it returns a FALSE value in the IsNewFile column.
exec p_CheckImportFileCreateDate 'GL Account Import', '2/27/2008 9:24 AM', 0
@ProcessName varchar(50)
, @FileCreateDate datetime
, @IsNewFile bit OUTPUT
--DECLARE @IsNewFile bit
DECLARE @CreateDateInTable datetime
SELECT @CreateDateInTable = FileCreateDate FROM tbl_ImportFileCreateDate WHERE ProcessName = @ProcessName
IF EXISTS (SELECT ProcessName FROM tbl_ImportFileCreateDate WHERE ProcessName = @ProcessName)
-- The process exists in tbl_ImportFileCreateDate. Compare the create dates.
IF (@FileCreateDate > @CreateDateInTable)
-- This is a newer file date. Update the table and set @IsNewFile to TRUE.
UPDATE tbl_ImportFileCreateDate
SET FileCreateDate = @FileCreateDate
WHERE ProcessName = @ProcessName
SET @IsNewFile = 1
-- The file date is the same or older.
SET @IsNewFile = 0
-- This is a new process for tbl_ImportFileCreateDate. Add a record to that table and set @IsNewFile to TRUE.
INSERT INTO tbl_ImportFileCreateDate (ProcessName, FileCreateDate)
VALUES (@ProcessName, @FileCreateDate)
SET @IsNewFile = 1
The relevant Global Variables in the package are defined as follows:
Name : Scope : Date Type : Value
FileCreateDate : (Package Name) : DateType : 1/1/2000
IsNewFile : (Package Name) : Boolean : False
Setting the properties in the "Execute SQL Task Editor" has been the difficult part of this. Here are the settings.
Name = Compare Last File Create Date
Description = Compares the create date of the current file with a value in tbl_ImportFileCreateDate.
TimeOut = 0
CodePage = 1252
ResultSet = None
ConnectionType = OLE DB
Connection = MyServerDataBase
SQLSourceType = Direct input
IsQueryStoredProcedure = False
BypassPrepare = True
I tried several SQL statements, suspecting it's a syntax issue. All of these failed, but with different error messages. These are the 2 most recent attempts based on posts I was able to locate.
SQLStatement = exec ? = dbo.p_CheckImportFileCreateDate 'GL Account Import', ?, ? output
SQLStatement = exec p_CheckImportFileCreateDate 'GL Account Import', ?, ? output
Parameter Mapping
Variable Name = User::FileCreateDate, Direction = Input, DataType = DATE, Parameter Name = 0, Parameter Size = -1
Variable Name = User::IsNewFile, Direction = Output, DataType = BYTE, Parameter Name = 1, Parameter Size = -1
Result Set is empty.
Expressions is empty.
When I run this in debug mode with this SQL statement ...
exec ? = dbo.p_CheckImportFileCreateDate 'GL Account Import', ?, ? output
... the following error message appears.
SSIS package "MyPackage.dtsx" starting.
Information: 0x4004300A at Import data from flat file to tbl_GLImport, DTS.Pipeline: Validation phase is beginning.
Error: 0xC002F210 at Compare Last File Create Date, Execute SQL Task: Executing the query "exec ? = dbo.p_CheckImportFileCreateDate 'GL Account Import', ?, ? output" failed with the following error: "No value given for one or more required parameters.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.
Task failed: Compare Last File Create Date
Warning: 0x80019002 at GLImport: SSIS Warning Code DTS_W_MAXIMUMERRORCOUNTREACHED. The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (1) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the errors.
SSIS package "MyPackage.dtsx" finished: Failure.
When the above is run tbl_ImportFileCreateDate does not get updated, so it's failing at some point when calling the procedure.
When I run this in debug mode with this SQL statement ...
exec p_CheckImportFileCreateDate 'GL Account Import', ?, ? output
... the tbl_ImportFileCreateDate table gets updated. So I know that data piece is working, but then it fails with the following message.
SSIS package "MyPackage.dtsx" starting.
Information: 0x4004300A at Import data from flat file to tbl_GLImport, DTS.Pipeline: Validation phase is beginning.
Error: 0xC001F009 at GLImport: The type of the value being assigned to variable "User::IsNewFile" differs from the current variable type. Variables may not change type during execution. Variable types are strict, except for variables of type Object.
Error: 0xC002F210 at Compare Last File Create Date, Execute SQL Task: Executing the query "exec p_CheckImportFileCreateDate 'GL Account Import', ?, ? output" failed with the following error: "The type of the value being assigned to variable "User::IsNewFile" differs from the current variable type. Variables may not change type during execution. Variable types are strict, except for variables of type Object.
". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.
Task failed: Compare Last File Create Date
Warning: 0x80019002 at GLImport: SSIS Warning Code DTS_W_MAXIMUMERRORCOUNTREACHED. The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (3) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the errors.
SSIS package "MyPackage.dtsx" finished: Failure.
The IsNewFile global variable is scoped at the package level and has a Boolean data type, and the Output parameter in the stored procedure is defined as a Bit. So what gives?
The "Possible Failure Reasons" message is so generic that it's been useless to me. And I've been unable to find any examples online that explain how to do what I'm attempting. This would seem to be a very common task. My suspicion is that one or more of the settings in that Execute SQL Task node is bad. Or that there is some cryptic, undocumented reason that this is failing.
Thanks for your help.
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Oct 1, 2015
I have a linked server setup in dev environment which is pointing to ORACLE server of a third-party. I m on  sql server 2008 r2 and  using BIDS 2008 for building an SSIS package which would pull data from oracle and do a look up in SQL server table to get a final  extract. Now the query which pulls data from a single table from linked server is like the one below
select * from [oracle linked server ]..dbo.tablename a
left join  mySQLSERVERtable b
Note:I can execute this query on SSMS as  the linked server is setup -[oracle linked server ] and I have sql  oledb connection manager for dev environment already configured in my ssis package .
My questions are do I need to create a SSIS CONNECTION manager specifically for linked server in my ssis package ?
Are there any best practices which we follow when using linked servers in this context ? I am thinking will the join suffer performance issue and what kind of exceptions I need to write when the linked server connection is broken.
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Feb 8, 2007
I just want to store the value of a parameter in a global variable that all my reports in the same project can use.
My goal is to create a dynamic query. For example:
Company Name: Widgets inc.
Divisions: Sales, Service, Tech, Accounting
I have a matrix and when I click on the more information button it goes to another report. I want the next report to know what division is currently selected in the dropdown parameter. So, being a VB programmer, I thought I could store parameter1.division.value into a global variable and update the variable whenever the parameter changes.
This way, on the next report, my query's where statement is the global variable.
@GlobalVariable = parameter1.division.value
Select name, address, phone FROM Employee WHERE division = @GlobalVariable
I am using Visual Studio to design this project although I would prefer to use VB or ASP. But this is my only stumbling block right now. Everything else is complete.
Please let me know if anyone can help.
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Mar 10, 2008
I have some reports in the same project.
Is it possible to create a global variable that will be used in the different reports?
Thanks in advance.
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Sep 15, 2004
Can I define a Global variable and use it as a Connection to SQL Server .
What I want to do is Create a DTS which pumps out files to an app server. However this might be done in different environments and I want to keep the SQL Connection Dynamic and change it in global parameter value.
Please help ,,,
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May 27, 2008
I am trying to create an SSIS package but am not able to set the global variable values.
I want to have a Global Variable as @EventID
and the create a Execute SQL Task which will run this query:
FROM EventTable
and assign this Max value to the global variable @EventID
How can I achieve me please
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Apr 17, 2007
I have a dts package that currently uses a dynamic properties task to set the values of global variables. Each variable is based on the value of a query to the database.
I am in the process of migrating this dts package to SSIS but cannot find an equivalent function. I have looked at property expressions but cannot get this working the same way.
Any help would be appreciated.
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Mar 29, 2006
Within an SSIS Package, we are trying to change the connection string of an output file connection manager at runtime (used for package logging).
To do this, we have defined variables with package-level scope and set the connection manager connection string to this variable. The first step of the package is to set these variables. The second step begins the rest of the package operations (moving data). The package executes successfully, but the log file is never created/appended to.
When the package is debugged, I can verify that the variables are being set correctly in the script task and that the variable values are being passed to the connection manager data sources.
Any ideas why this isn€™t working?
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Apr 7, 2008
When running the project in debug mode or non-debug mode, I get the following error from MS Visual Studio:
TITLE: Package Validation Error
Package Validation Error
Error at Package [Connection manager "SYBASE_CONNECTION"]: The connection manager failed to defect from the transaction.
Any ideas???
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Feb 1, 2006
I do not know the Excel file name to load in design time.
Would like to pass the value to a variable in the package in run time?
How to do this?
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Apr 11, 2008
I'm doing a simple ETL that reads a database table and dumps the content to a text file. The text file will be named Employee.txt. This file name will remain the same across my environments, but I may want to vary the directory location to where I want this file dumped.
So, I defined an environment variable called "DataTargetDir" in all my environments. Now, I want to utilize this variable in the "File name:" box within the Flat File Connection Manager Editor. How do I do this? I'm thinking I can write something like "%DataTargetDir%Employee.txt" in the "File name:" box, but it's not working.
Am I approaching this the right way?
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Oct 4, 2006
I have a data flow task within a foreach file loop. My problem occurs when I tried to make up an expression for the connection string of the Excel connection manager. Somehow I can see only system variables and none of the variables which I set up within the scope of the foreach file loop.
Can anyone provide me any insight into this mystery? As far as I can see, all the variables I created in the foreach file loop are still showing on the variable windows (without the Show All Variable button clicked).
Thank you very much and hope to hear from someone soon!
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May 28, 2009
I have a requirement wherein I have to setup the flat file connection manager to accept columns on fly. Meaning I want to retrieve list of columns/column count from the database when the package is run and set the connection manager with those many columns.
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May 8, 2008
I have a legncy DTS package when upgrading to SQL 2005, I used "SQL Business Intelligence Development Studio" to create a project, the control flow is "Execute 2000 DTS Package", by right click "Execute Task" of the control flow, the color changed from yellow to red, the message said "package Execution completed". When I try to schedule this package in SQL Server Agent, the job failed. When I run dtexec, got following error message.
C:>dtexec /file "C:Documents and SettingslyangMy DocumentsVisual Studio 200
Microsoft (R) SQL Server Execute Package Utility
Version 9.00.1399.06 for 32-bit
Source: Execute DTS 2000 Package Task
Execute DTS 2000 Package Task is initiated: 0% complete
End Progress
Error: 2008-05-08 09:13:35.74
Code: 0x00000000
Source: Execute DTS 2000 Package Task
Description: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80040427): Execut
ion was canceled by user.
at DTS.PackageClass.Execute()
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.Exec80PackageTask.Exec80PackageTask.ExecuteT
End Error
Progress: 2008-05-08 09:13:35.74
Source: Execute DTS 2000 Package Task
Execute DTS 2000 Package Task is completed: 100% complete
End Progress
Warning: 2008-05-08 09:13:35.74
Code: 0x80019002
Source: DTSTraining
Description: The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised
(1) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the
number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the M
aximumErrorCount or fix the errors.
End Warning
DTExec: The package execution returned DTSER_FAILURE (1).
Can anyone tell me what does the error message mean and how to solve them?
Thanks very much in advance!
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Jan 17, 2008
I want to import data from Oracle database programmatically using ODBC connection manager. I was able to import data by creating an ODBC DSN and then using it BIDS with ADO.NET connection using ODBC data provider for Oracle. Now I want to do the same programmatically. How should I create a connection manager? I tried using code below
ConnectionManager cmOracle = this.package.Connections.Add("ADO.NET: ODBC");
cmOracle.Name = "OracleSourceConnection";
cmOracle.ConnectionString = "Dsn=MyDSN;uid=MyID;";
But I get an error when acquiring connection
The connection manager "__" is an incorrect type. The type required is "__". The type available to the component is "__".
Which one of the connection managers given by Microsoft here should be used?
Has anyone come across similar scenario?
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Sep 18, 2007
I am following the samples in the online books. I've got an OLEDB connection manager and source component defined. I now want to create an Excel connection manager and destination component (see below). How can I do this?
Dim conMgr As ConnectionManager = package.Connections.Add("OLEDB")
conMgr.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;" "Data Source=FLL-EIS;Initial Catalog=DataLoad;" & _
"Integrated Security=SSPI;"
conMgr.Name = "SSIS Connection Manager for OLE DB"
conMgr.Description = "OLE DB connection to FLL-EIS."
' Create and configure an OLE DB source component.
Dim source As IDTSComponentMetaData90 = dataFlowTask.ComponentMetaDataCollection.New
source.ComponentClassID = "DTSAdapter.OleDbSource"
' Create the design-time instance of the source.
Dim srcDesignTime As CManagedComponentWrapper = source.Instantiate
' Assign the connection manager.
source.RuntimeConnectionCollection(0).ConnectionManager = _
' Set the custom properties of the source.
srcDesignTime.SetComponentProperty("AccessMode", 2)
srcDesignTime.SetComponentProperty("SqlCommand", Dts.Variables("User::gsQuery").Value.ToString)
' Connect to the data source,
' and then update the metadata for the source.
' Create and configure an OLE DB destination. (This is where I need help, as this code does not work)
Dim destination As IDTSComponentMetaData90 = dataFlowTask.ComponentMetaDataCollection.New
destination.ComponentClassID = "DTSAdapter.ExcelDestination"
' Create the design-time instance of the destination.
Dim destDesignTime As CManagedComponentWrapper = destination.Instantiate
' Where can I find documentation about the various ComponentClassIds and Properties???
destDesignTime.SetComponentProperty("ExcelFilePath", Dts.Variables("User::gsExcelFile").Value.ToString)
destDesignTime.SetComponentProperty("TableName", Dts.Variables("User::gsSheetName").Value.ToString)
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May 3, 2007
In SSIS in Sql task we have option to pass parameter or variable..But in Data Flow Task when we use Data Reader Source using ADO.NET connection..There is no option to pass parameter or variable Or no option to receive a parameter or variable .
I am having a query were it need to pass a sql task ...And Data Reader Source have to receive this parameter from sql task .
Sql Task finds a value of parameter and pass to DataReader Source in DataFlow Task .. ...
Please can any one help me to solve this problem of Receiving parameter or variable in DataReader Source using DAO.Net connection in DataFlow Task..thank you dilsa
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Aug 4, 2006
I am trying to use the Import export wizard to created a package,
using the provide source query option. If i just copy the query from a text file
and try to paste , sql only accepts it partially. so i saved it as a sql file
and then opened it in the window. However, when i click on 'next' or 'parse' , i
get the below error.
TITLE: SQL Server Import and Export Wizard
The statement could not be parsed.
prepare could not be completed.
Query timeout expired (Microsoft SQL Native Client)
The query is pretty big, but it executes successfully in the Management Studion Query Explorer window. I had no problem creating a package using DTS with the same query in Sql 2000. I also tried to migrate the package already existing in Sql 2000, but even though i can migrate it successfully , the package does not execute in Sql 2005. Also i tried other queries which are as big as this one, again the query source window during import/export does not seem to accept large queries??? I depend heavily on large queries for my packages, which i run daily. I have not had any issues with this is sql 2000. Can someone help me with this???
Thanks in advance.
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Mar 11, 2008
I have an SSIS package that executes a stored procedure. In that stored procedure is a try/catch block. If the try isn't successful, it goes to the catch block which does a rollback. So when I execute the SSIS package, it tells me that the stored procedure was ran successfully because there essentianlly were no errors and everything ran fine, but in reality, everytime it goes into the catch block and does a rollback, I want the SSIS package to fail as well. How would I send back a failure to the SSIS package from the stored procedure?
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Sep 4, 2007
Once you open the SSIS execute package utility and select a package from a SQL server location, even if you go to the connection managers item (on the left in execute package utility) and change a connection string, it doesn't make a difference.
I have this package that reads flat files into a database. So when I run the package, even if I change the connection string for a connection manager to read a particular flat file and run the package, it still uses the old connection string that was used when the package was initially saved. As always I hate Microsoft for releasing features without even checking if it works.
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Jun 5, 2006
Hi !
I need help for SSIS Pacakge. using condtional Split How to insert One records with Multiple time depending on Source column value .Is there possible to wrtie the condition in Conditional split.
For Exmaple :
Source Table Name : tbl_source
following Column Name: col_Name1,Col_Name2,Col_Name3, col_Id,Col_Descrip
table contain only one records:GRD1,SRD1,FRD1,100,Product
I want Insert the Destiantion table the Follwing Condition. using Conditional Split.
1)Cond1 (!(ISNULL(GRD1))
2)Cond2 !(ISNULL(SRD1))
3)Cond3 !(ISNULL(FRD1))
I need the Following output
Destination Table Name : tbl _Dest(for One record in source table i need following records in destination)
Coulmn Name , Column Value , ID
Row 1 GRD GRD1 100
Row 2 SRD SRD1 100
Row 3 FRD FRD1 100
How to achieve this result. can u anyone help me.using Conditional split iam getting only first condition Result.
Thanks & regards
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Dec 17, 2007
Hi All,
How to create a text file in UNIX format using Flat File connection manager. By default when we create a connection manager for flat files it is taking "CRLF" as the delimeter.
I beleive the format of the file will be decided based on the control line feed character at the end of each row. There are different control line feeds for different operating systems.
CR - Mac OS (Carraige return)
LF - UNIX (Line Feed)
CRLF - Windows. (Carriage return Line Feed)
Correct me if i am wrong.
Thanks in advance.
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Mar 24, 2008
I am using SSIS 2005 on Windows 2003 server. Using Excel Source to dump the data for staging database.
I am getting following error while I execute it through BI studio's execute button.
Please help.
- Sachin
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Mar 11, 2008
I have deployed my packages into Sql Server and I am using Configuration File. As my Data Source is Excel, I have changed the connection string during deployment with Server Path. But I am getting the following errors. Actually the File Exist in Path. May I know What is cause of the issue? Do I need to give any permission to execute the package.
SSIS Error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER. The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "Excel Connection Manager" failed with error code 0xC0202009. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the AcquireConnection method call failed.
component "Excel Source Service Contract Upload" (1) failed validation and returned error code 0xC020801C.
One or more component failed validation.
There were errors during task validation.
DTS_E_OLEDBERROR, Error Code: 0x80004005 Source: "MS JET DB Engine" Description : Path is not valid
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Jan 16, 2006
I am trying to run a package outside of the Business Intelligence development Studio. It continuously fails and tell me that my username cannot logon due to a password failure. When I check my connections the password never shows in the connection string and remains blank in the connection properties although I have checked Save Password in the connection properties. Does anyone know how I can save the password in the connection string being utilized in the SSIS package?
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Sep 15, 2006
I want know how to config SSIS Package With different connection Manager.
Sample .
When Design time i gave The Connection Manager(Devlopement Server) Name : STG1.XXXSchema
Server Name STG.ssss
Password : xxxxx
I make the The XML configuration file .
after deploy the Package i want from Development Server to Production Server . so i will change the Package Config File Open wiht Notepad .
Server Name STG.qqq
Password :xxxxxx
after Edit Connection String I run the Package . It Always Taking Whatever igave the Connection String When Design time only .is not taking what connection string edit hte in the Package Config File. Please Any one give the Solution .
How we can Change the connection string in XML Config File .Whne I tested . It always taking what ever we given in the Desing Time .
Thanks & Regards,
Jeyakumar .M
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Dec 3, 2006
I plan to send a email from SSIS package after performing a task.
In order to do that, I need to incoporate my account Name and Password in SMTP connection Manager in order to connect to SMTP server in Yahoo.
How can I do that ?
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Oct 6, 2006
Hi to all,
I'm having serious problem with SSIS on my development machine.
each time I try to add a new Connection manager i got this error :
TITLE: Microsoft Visual Studio
The new connection manager could not be created.
The connection manager 'OLEDB' is not properly installed on this computer. (Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design)
This happen for any type of Connection Manager, ADO.NET, FILE,SMTP. I've already tried to uninstall SSIS , but nothing change.
I've any chance to get this problem solved?
Thanks in advance
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