How To Load/Insert Image Into SQL SERVER

Mar 14, 2006

hi gurus,

im sure someone may have already posted this thread once before, but i cant seem find any topics using the search engines.

could some one point me in the right direction when it comes to inserting images into the databases. i.e. how to load/insert images into SQLSERVER2K

thanks in advance

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How To Load Image To And Retrieve From Database(sql Server)

Feb 19, 2005

can anyone out there help me to solve this problem???

how to load image to and retrieve from database(sql server)??
thanks alot


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Image Load

Feb 1, 2007

Hi all

I wonder if someone can help me with a snippit of code or a referance to a tutorial.

I have my database grid veiw on a vb 2005 form and the data is related to equipment data capturing.

With each set of data I want a image to be loaded into a image box to show the piece of equipment.

If anyone can help with the code needed it will be much appreciated.



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Insert Image Into SQL Server In

Mar 30, 2005

help me;
i want to insert image into SQL server

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Load Image File

Jun 8, 2007


how to load a image file in to a sql server.

do we need c# code for it or can we use just a t-sql procedure to upload it.

In my application we don't have ant c# or other application. we have only t-sql



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Insert Image Into Table SQL Server 2005

Jun 27, 2007

I have a table tblImage with column ImageName as varchar(50)  and picture as Image
 I am trying to Insert picture I have in C: drive into table using the following code
Insert into tblImage (ImageName, Picture)
Select 'Dog' as ImageName, Bulkcolumn from OPENROWSET(BULK N'C:dog1.jpg', SINGLE_BLOB) as picture
 I am getting error message.
Can I insert image into table through query.
Thanks in advance.

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Insert Image Into SQL Server (MSDE) Database

Feb 25, 2005

Dim con As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("con"))

Dim info= "this is a des."

Dim fs As New FileStream _
("C:Inetpubwwwrootimages est.jpeg", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, _
lblInfo.Text = "filestream created"
strInsert = "INSERT INTO image ( image, text ) VALUES ( 'fs' ,'" & info& "');"
lblInfo.Text = "Insert complete"
cmdInsert = New SqlCommand(strInsert, con)

- Why is'nt the image inserted, only the text / info?

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Insert An Image In SQL Server With Stored Prcedure In ADO With C++

Oct 18, 2007

I have a SQL table with one column that has the type = image.
I have a Stored procedure that inserts an image into that table.
@test image
insert into Table_1(test)values(@test)

I am using ADO in C++ for creating a connection,command, and parameters.

Code Block
par.vt = VT_ARRAY;
par.pbVal = (BYTE*)pBuffer;

pCommand->Parameters->Append(pCommand->CreateParameter("test",DataTypeEnum::adArray, ParameterDirectionEnum::adParamInput,strlen(pBuffer),par));


Code Block
_CommandPtr pCommand;
pCommand->CommandText = (_bstr_t)procedureName;
pCommand->CommandType = CommandTypeEnum::adCmdStoredProc;

//When I append the created parameter, in comutil.h, at these lines :
namespace _com_util {
inline void CheckError(HRESULT hr) throw(...)
if (FAILED(hr)) {


I get an exception : m_hresult 0x80020008 Bad variable type.

If I try to insert a string or an number, it works. But with BYTE* it dosen't.

Can someone help me?

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How Do You Load .JPG Files Into A Image Datatype Column

Sep 9, 2006

I have been fighting with this all day. If you can point me in the right direction I'd appreiciate it. I need to load about 500 jpg files into a table. The table has 3 columns an "ID", "Filename" which has the filename of the jpg in it already, but not the unc path, and a ("Photo" Image Datatype)column which is not populated yet. I need to store the Image file in the photo field so that I can run reports in reporting services and so on and so forth. I am not sure how to complete this task.

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How To Load/Unload Non-Graphical Files Into/From IMAGE Field?

Dec 13, 2007

I want to be able to load and unload, byte-for-byte, a file to and from a field of data type IMAGE in a SQL Server CE database. The files are larger than 8000 bytes so IMAGE appears to be the way to go data type wise.

I'm using VB 2008 but pseudocode for any VS language would be awesome.

I was able to do this without much effort using ADODB and its stream object, fetching a recordset object and updating the appropriate data field one "chunk" of bytes at a time. I cannot for the life of me find a way of doing this using, for example, a SqlCeResultSet.

I've tried using ADODB to connect to a SqlCe SDF database file, using a connection string that I found online, and am able to write action and select queries successfully against the database... but when I try and return a recordset that is updatable, it returns an error. So no help there.

I've searched other threads in the forums, and online in general, and I've found information on loading/unloading graphic files using a memoryStream and the toArray method thereof, but this will not work as many of the files I want to load and unload as BLOBs are not graphical in nature. FileStreams do not implement the toArray method, so I can't just stream an arbitrary file's worth of bytes that way. I also do not want to change the original file in any fashion--e.g., a hash of the source file should be identical to the file after it has been loaded into the data field and then unloaded into a new file.

Any thoughts? Your help is MUCH appreciated!

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Is There Any Way To Insert Picture To Image Datatype In Sql Server 2000 Without Using Front End

Nov 12, 2007

Sir,  Is there any way to insert picture to image datatype in sql server 2000 without using front end. If so please let me know.  Thanks in Advance,Arun. 

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SQL Server 2012 :: Use Direct Select And Insert Or Load To Speedup Process Instead Of Cursor

Mar 6, 2015

I have stored procedure .In SP i am using cursur to load data from Parent to several child table.

I have attached the script with this message.

And my problem is how to use direct select and insert or load to speedup the process instead of cursor.

USE [IconicMarketing]
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[SP_DMS_INVENTORY] Script Date: 3/6/2015 3:34:03 PM ******/

[Code] ....

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SQL Server 2012 :: Unable To Load Data From Flat File To Table Using Bulk Insert Statement

Apr 3, 2015

I am unable to load data from flat file to sql table using bulk insert sql statement

My code:-

DECLARE @filePath VARCHAR(200)
Declare @filename varchar(100)
set @filename='CCNVZ_150401054418'
SET @filePath = 'I:IncomingFiles'+@FileName+'.txt'

[Code] .....

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Sending Uploaded Image To Data Access Class When Storing Image In SQL Server 2005

Apr 20, 2007

I am using the 3-tiered architecture design (presentation, business laws, and data acess layers). I am stuck on how to send the image the user selects in the upload file control to the BLL and then to the DAL because the DAL does all the inserts into the database. I would like to be able to check the file type in the BLL to make sure the file being uploaded is indeed a picture. Is there a way I can send the location of the file to the BLL, check the filetype, then upload the file and have the DAL insert the image into the database? I have seen examples where people use streams to upload the file directly from their presentation layer, but I would like to keep everything seperated in the three classes if possible. I also wasn't sure what variable type the image would be in the function in the BLL that receive the image from the PL. If there are any examples or tips anyone can give me that would be appreciated.

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How To Save Image In Sql Server And Display That Image In Datagrid??

Jun 27, 2007

Hay Friend's
Can u plese send me the way how to save image in sql server and display that images in datagrid or other control also like Image control or Image control Button?? Plese send the coding in C#.

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How To Store Image In Image Field In Sql Server 2000

Jul 12, 2007

hi all,

i have created a table with image field in it. Now i just want to store a jpeg file in it but not finding any way to do so.

how can i store any image ? what are the steps???????

thanx in advance

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HOW To Retrieve An Image From Sql Server And Display It In Using Imagemap Or Image ?

Jul 6, 2006

Ok, the problem is that , i have a field called "Attach" in sql of type image, when selecting it , the field is getting data of type BYTE(). which am being unable to display them on an Image on the panel.

using the following code:

'Dim sel2 As String

'Dim myCom As SqlCommand

'Dim conn As New SqlConnection

'Dim drr As SqlDataReader

'Dim image As System.Drawing.Image

'sel2 = "select * from attach where att_desc = '" & DropDownList1.SelectedItem().Text & "' and doc_code = " & w_doc_code & " and subcode = " & w_doc_subcode & " and doc_num= " & w_doc_num & " "

'conn.ConnectionString = ("server=developer01;uid=sa;password=aims;database=DVPSOC;timeout=45")

'myCom = New SqlCommand(sel2, conn)


'drr = myCom.ExecuteReader()

'If drr.Read Then

' Me.ImageMap1.ImageUrl = drr.Item("attach")

'End If


Am getting an exeption on the following line Me.ImageMap1.ImageUrl = drr.Item("attach")

saying: Conversion from type 'Byte()' to type 'String' is not valid.

knowing that i tried converting using ToString but it's not getting any output then.

thanks for your help.

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How To Insert An Image To Sql Db?

Sep 27, 2006

Hi there! how to insert an image to sql db using FileUpload Control? I saw a data type named "image", so it means to say you are able to insert an image and not the path, am I right? I spent a lot of time to do this but still, I don't know how to store the image to the db. Please post your example code if you want... I will appreciate all your suggestions or comments about this. Thanks!

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Image Insert

Dec 3, 2001

Good Morning to all,
I am new to SQL Server. My problem is I want to insert an image in Image type field. The image is on my local machine on c: drive(c:myphoto.jpg). Can any one help me how to insert this image in to SQL Server DB. If you can show me with syntaxt it will be more helpful.

thanks in advance.


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Insert Image

Feb 26, 2002


this may seem like rather a simple question, but can anyone tell me how to insert an image into a column of data type image in sql2000? ...using either vb or t-sql?


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Insert Image

Jun 7, 2002

I have created a table that contains an image field and inserted 37 images into this table using the writetext method. But when I try to save the image to a file using Visual Basic I get an invalid format error when I open the bmp, gif, jpg file.

I tried doing the exact same thing with the pubs..pub_info table and the bmp, gif, and jpg file all open with no errors.

I then tried to insert one of these files into my table and see if it worked it did not.

So my question is how do I insert an image into a table correctly? Is there another way other then writetext?

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How To Insert Image

Jan 8, 2007

i want to insert image which is in my c directory to the database table, i have a table named as img which has the columns as id,picture.i want to insert image which is in my c:/hi.jpg,please give me query for this

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Insert A Image Into A Sql Database

Nov 27, 2007

Hello All,
I want to insert a images into a database and these images save into a one perticular folder.
and i want to use these Images into some Diffrent Diffrent area
please help me

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Image.imageurl And Insert ? Can You Help Me ?

May 7, 2008

hello friends
can you help me ?
i know how textbox.text is inserted to colum of table(data type is char)
but i dont know how image.imageurl is inserted to column of table (data type is picture)..
can you write to me as source ? :)
my code is belowDim SglDataSource2, yeni As New SqlDataSource() SglDataSource2.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ConnectionString").ToString
SglDataSource2.InsertCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.Text
SglDataSource2.InsertCommand = "INSERT INTO table1 (product, user, imagex) VALUES (@product, @user, @imagex)"SglDataSource2.InsertParameters.Add("product", Textbox1.Text)
SglDataSource2.InsertParameters.Add("user", Textbox2.Text)SglDataSource2.InsertParameters.Add("imagex", image.imageurl)    this code line doesnt work ... what should i do ?
Dim rowsaffected As Integer = 0
rowsaffected = SglDataSource2.Insert()Catch ex As Exception Server.Transfer("help.aspx")
SglDataSource2 = Nothing
End Try
If rowsaffected <> 1 ThenServer.Transfer("help.aspx")
End If

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How Do I Insert Image Files?

Feb 6, 2001

How do I insert images, specifically small .jpg and .gif files, to a remote SQL Server 7.0 database?



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How I Can Insert A Value On A Image Datatype??

Sep 1, 2005

Hi!! Im psyche34. :confused:
I was confused on what to do on a Image datatype.
I had created a dummy database name "DUMMY_DB"
On that database I created a table name TB1 having a fields name: Picture as image
Text as text
through queries I insert a value to each field but the problem I can't insert a value on column Picture.

What value would I insert on the field "Picture"
Is it the directory where the picture was stored??

Please help Im badly needed to know. Thank you

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Is There Any Way To Insert Image Into DB Without Coding ??

May 25, 2007

I need just testing function that retreive image from SQL SERVER 2005 with data type "image" so i need to know another way to insert image into SQL SERVER2005 without coding. Because In MICROSOFT ACCESS, I just copy image and then, paste into column.

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Is There Any Way To Insert Image Into DB Without Coding ??

May 25, 2007

I need just testing function that retreive image from SQL SERVER 2005 with data type "image" so i need to know another way to insert image into SQL SERVER2005. Because In MICROSOFT ACCESS, I just copy image and then, paste into column.

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Insert Image Into Database

Dec 8, 2006

how to insert n image.jpg into the database? what should be insert query?

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How Can I Insert An Image Into A SQLServer Database?

Aug 23, 2005

How can I insert an Image into a SQLServer database?

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How To Insert A Value In Image Column Of A Table ?

Nov 15, 1999

Dear all,

In SQL server 6.5/7.0

I have bitmap file called pic123.bmp. it is available in c:pic123.bmp.

I have a table called pictb -- columns picid int, picval image.

How i insert the c:pic123.bmp file into picval column of pictb table.

Image columns only takes value of varbinary.....

How can i do that....? Please give your suggestions.....


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How To Insert IMAGE Datatype In SQL Table

May 15, 2002

How do I add a row with a column of type IMAGE?

IMAGE column will hold a PDF file.
INSERT INTO Table (Image_Col) VALUES (....?)

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How Can I Insert Picture In Image Field

Feb 6, 2001

I try with textcopy but I did'n do nothing. Please help me

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