How To Recover Committed Transactions From SQL Server Log(.ldf) File?
Dec 23, 2003
Hi ,
I got problem in production server at client place(No backup copy & not replicated,it's a SQL SERVER 2000 Enterprise server),by mistake client updated the data without using where condition then updated lakhs of rows (in SQL server autocommited),Now I need to recover this data from LOG file(.ldf).I tried with LOG EXPLORER(Third party tool) Trail version recovered from default database(Northwind,Pubs).But client not willing purchase this S/W for simple cause,How can we recover the data from LOG file.
1.Can we write the Program in C# to read the SQL Server Log and show the past transactions?
2.Is There any Stored procedures exist in SQL Server to read the day transactions in log file and take the backup?
3. How to read Transactions Log file in SQL Server 2000?
It's very Urgent,I am not expert in SQL Server 2000.
Could U Please Help me with possible solutions.
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Dec 22, 2006
My database corrupted because when I was running an update query, there is a power failure. After the computer booted, I cannot open the database anymore, it just not responding. Then I stop the sql server service, and tried to rename the .mdf and .ldf. After that it worked normally, but I need the data from the corrupted mdf file, I tried to attach the database but it just hanged. I even tried to attach without the .ldf file but it didn't work either, so I concluded that the problem is with the mdf file.
Is there any way to recover my data ??
Thanks in advance
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Nov 4, 2015
After I watch a video for how to create MS SQL Replication, I configure distribution and create the publication. The problem comes from subscription. If I create a "PUSH" subscription, it works fine. However, when I create a "PULL" subscription, I got the following error. Where I should look for solution for this error.
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Jun 3, 2015
SQL server. By-mistake I updated values of a column in a database hosted online, is there any way undo the transaction. I didn't created any backup of the database. I read that still it can be recoverd through the .ldf (log file) but unable to access it. Is there anyway to get access of the Log file or is there any way to recover the data.
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Dec 10, 2014
I have several databases set to read committed snapshot isolation level. Tempdb is configured according to best practices, but I don't see it's used much.
The application uses EF6, and it calls the stored procedures in the following way
Database.ExecuteSqlCommandAsync("exec dbo.spSync_MatchesByTenant @MatchesGroup, @TenantId", parameter, licenseIDParam);
Is it possible the code does not use the read committed snapshot isolation level of the database?
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Jul 20, 2005
Recently, one of our database's mdf and ldf was corrupted. We were able tobring back the database with the capability of importing and querying thedata. However, the data is not the full list. Some of the data are stillmissing because the tables we want still has sone 'chain mis linkage' errorwhen we did a DBCC checkdb/checktable. DBCC couldn't fix those errorseither. We're pretty sure that there are some data still burry under thecorruption. Then we thought of the life LDF file. This file should haverecorded every transaction up to the point of failure. So we trying torecover that file, but there are 2 problems. First is we don't have back upof that file and 2nd, that file is also corrupted. I couldn't backup thecorrupted ldf file at its current state. It's giving me some unrelated errormessage like disk space is out. All I know now is the only hope to recoverthose missing data are in this LDF file. We tried to use this software fromLimingent Log Explorer to recover it. So far no such luck with that. SoI'm asking anyone who has similar experience or problem. Please let me know.I need to know anyway to recover this LDF file, either by using sql server'snative tools or 3rd party tools. Any input is helpfull. thanks in advance.Wei
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Aug 24, 2006
hi all,
i have SQL 2000 server with SP3, yesterday my database was suddenly goes to suspect mode. then i found log in sql server log. and it shows following text:
I/O error (bad page ID) detected during read at offset 0x00000000030000 in file 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLDataMFS_Data.MDF'..
kindly, do needful for recover data from this file...
Tejas Kishanwala
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Oct 21, 2015
I am working on SQL Server 2008 R2 and unfortunately I have lost my .mdf file after detaching it from my database, but the .ldf is still in my system. Is there a way to recover my database from .ldf file?
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Jun 15, 2006
Hopefully someone can help me with the following (potentially huge) problem:
We've got a simple database application running on microsoft sql desktop engine. This database contains two tables. Up until now all worked fine, but probably due to a programma that crashed part of the database seems to be corrupted or broken while today only one table contains/returns data and the other table does not return any values!
When I open the .ldf and .mdf files in notepad I see that there is data belonging to both the tables. But how do I recover it??
The max. size of the database has not been reached by far (it's only 9Mbs), the sql queries are correct.
This .ldf file is a log file (?) I can't find detailed info about the principles of these .ldf and .mdf files on the internet, is it possible to trace back what has happened en recover the database that way?
Thanks in advance.
Rens Voogd
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Apr 4, 2015
I am inserting updating few tables from snapshot and reading same bunch of tables from reporting using readcommitted . It is showing some deadlocks i think it is write in this situation as " x" is not compitable with "s" ,"is".
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Aug 3, 2002
Hi All,
By mistake i delete database from sql server. Due to which the the mdf and ldf file of the datbase are removed from my system. Then i used file recover utility and retrived my mdf and ldf files.But now i am not able to attach those files into databse. These mdf and ldf files has been corrupted. Now how can i recover my data from those mdf and ldf files.Please answer me if you have any solution on this problem.
Satish Rotella
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Jul 10, 2015
Recently i got task from Senior DBA, as : Recover a database without LOG file Currently Data File is available.
Log file is also available, but shows size as 0 KB. Means Log file is corrupted.
Currently existing DB is shown as Offline Mode in SSMS.
So i got below link:
When i tried 1st/2nd solution from above link, i got below message:The log cannot be rebuilt because there were open transactions/users when the database was shutdown, no checkpoint occurred to the database, or the database was read-only. This error could occur if the transaction log file was manually deleted or lost due to a hardware or environment failure.
To try that 3rd solution, I had to DELETE/Remove existing DB from SSMS, so i can create New DB with same name.
When i tried to delete Log file from Command Prompt, using below command, Windows replied that File is corrupted, so it cannot be deleted.
DEL /F /Q /A C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL11.SQLEXPRESS2012MSSQLDATAMyDB.ldf
Meanwhile my Senior DBA brought DB in Recovery Pending mode.
So if i want to go for 3rd solution,then i need to DELETE file, But Windows is not allowing me.
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Jul 6, 2006
Dear All,SOS Please Help.I have a MS-SQL DB with 4 .ndf files. One (first) .ndf file is missing.somehow got deleted??. Is there any way can rebuild my DB.The .MDF and .LDF files are in tact.Please help asap.Dhumbak*** Sent via Developersdex ***
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Feb 24, 2002
Our SQL database log file got physically deleted. Now the database is in suspect mode. Is it possible to recover / restore the database just with the data file.
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Nov 28, 2014
I run MSDE on a Windows XP Server and my database was marked as "suspect" by Enterprise Manager and its icon become gray. I detach that database and try to re-attach it but there is an error as the following:
Error 3624:
Location : page.cpp:2801
Expression: rowLength >= offset + deleteLenght
SPID : 56
Precess ID:1612
After that, I uninstall the MSDE and re-install new MSDE SP4 and try to re-attach the database file again and there is still an error. Is there anyway i can recover the data from that database?
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Nov 10, 2006
catcat writes "Hi All,
Our MSSQL 2000 server crashed yesterday and one database cannot be restored. the latest backup we have is june. We can only recover the MDF file from the harddisk and according to our admin, it cannot be restored anymore because no proper shutdown was made.
Will appreciate your help here."
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Jul 20, 2005
I have SQL server 2000 which recently crashed. I try to recover it andfound out that the Master database is corrupt. I never backup myserver using inline sql backup nor any third party backup program thataware to SQL server. But I have full system backup of volume c on tape(using NTBackup), which includes old version of Master database. Myquestions are:1. How can I recover this file into SQL server?2. If so, it is not risky to recover Master database from two weeksago?Thanks in advance!
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Nov 19, 2007
The standby file (.tuf file) got deleted accidentally on the secondary. How can I recover the database without the standby file?
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Jul 18, 2000
Does anyone know how I can dump the transaction log to a file
so I can read it?
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Nov 28, 2007
greetings from germyn,
heres my question:
someone deleted data from our sql server in several tables. our backup is from yesterday evening and 150 people worked with the database for 7 hours today so it is not possible to restore the database from backup. is it possible to use the ldf to rollback the transactions deleted the data? Can someone give me an idea?
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Sep 7, 2005
Hi groupI have an application running on a couple of pc's all connecting tothe same SQL-serve databaser. The other day one of my applicationsstarted a transaction which it never committed (programming error) .The application continiued running for a couple og hours filling everyinsert and update statement to the sql-server log-file, where theyremain rigt now. The applications on all the other machinesdeadlocket because they waited for the first application to commit. Ieventually shot down the ms sql service and restarted it. Now all thetransactions which were not commited are not to bee seen in thedatabase, because they remain in the log file (ldf-file) waiting foraf commit I cannot perform. Are there a way to browse an ms-server..ldf file to see which uncommitted records are in itThanks if anyone can heloRegardsjsa
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May 11, 2006
I have a package loading up rows of employees from an excel file. An employee may be in the file multiple times. The package does a lookup and if not found it inserts the employee. When the employee is found it does an update.
So in my file employee A gets added on the first occurrence in the file. On the second occurrence, the lookup does not find the employee and tries to insert a second time and I get a unique constraint. How do I make the first insert Commit so that it is seen by the lookup on the second occurrence.
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Aug 2, 2006
I am developing an application with a SQLExpress database. The database contains a very simple table, and I have added a Dataset object to the solution, and generated a plain Adapter object in the Dataset (using the standard VS wizard capabilities) to operate on one of the tables in de database. Just plain SELECT, INSERT operations, etc.
Strange thing is, the data changes caused by the adapter's generated Insert command (which will call the INSERT statement on the database) are only visible while the application runs (or so it seems). For example:
- I start off with the table containing 2 records, and start debugging- perform a COUNT within the code: 2 records- call the Insert function once from code- perform a COUNT within the code: 3 records- stop debugging- inspect the table: the 3rd record doesn't exist, just the 2 recordsSo, it seems that the changes don't get committed, although I am not sure it is a transaction/commit problem. I haven't been able to figure out what I can do to fix this. I have used adapters before on a SQL database, no problems there. Any comments appreciated.
Cheers, JP
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Mar 10, 2000
Consider this example please.
insert into OrderDetail (fields) VALUES (values)
insert into Orders (fields) VALUES (values)
If there is a trigger on Orders that takes some fields from OrderDetail and puts them into some other table.
When the trigger fires, can it find the details if the COMMIT has not occurred yet.
I'm wondering If I should use isolation level READ UNCOMMITTED.
After all, If the whole transaction rolls back, my trigger activity will be rolled back as well. Comments?
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Jun 9, 2008
I have a queue in service broker, which gets messages with a stored procedure which is invoked from VS application. The messages are properly stored in queue. I want to receive these messages one after the other and put it into a table. I am fetching the messages in a while loop which breaks when messages are over.
The first record is inserted properly. In the next iteration of the loop I want to append the next message data in that same record. This will continue for approximately 10 minutes after which a new record will be created. When I attempt to append the data in first record that record is not being read even though I have used isolation level read uncommitted.
What is it that I am missing to achieve the desired results?
Gouri Sohoni
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Dec 27, 2007
I have a question on locking pattern of read committed with snapshot isolation level that when two transaction update two different records then why do they block to each other even if they have previous committed value (old version of record).
I executed the below batch from a query window in SSMS
--Session 1:
use adventureworks
create table marbles (id int primary key, color char(5))
insert marbles values(1, 'Black')
insert marbles values(2, 'White')
alter database adventureworks set read_committed_snapshot on
set transaction isolation level read committed
begin tran
update marbles set color = 'Black' where color = 'White'
--commit tran
Before committing the first transaction I executed below query from second query window in SSMS
--Session 2:
use adventureworks
set transaction isolation level read committed
begin tran
update marbles set color = 'White' where color = 'Black'
commit tran
Here the first session blocks to second session. These same transactions execute simultaneuosly in snapshot isolation level. So my question is why this blocking is required in read committed with snapshot isolation level?
Thanks & Regards,
Subhash Chandra
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May 22, 2005
Hi there,
I have decided to move all my transaction handling from to stored procedures in a SQL Server 2000 database. I know the database is capable of rolling back the transactions just like myTransaction.Rollback() in But what about exceptions? In, I am used to doing the following:
<code>Try 'execute commands myTransaction.Commit()Catch ex As Exception Response.Write(ex.Message) myTransaction.Rollback()End Try</code>Will the database inform me of any exceptions (and their messages)? Do I need to put anything explicit in my stored procedure other than rollback transaction?
Any help is greatly appreciated
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Feb 1, 2008
By mistake i've damaged my .mdf file and i have no backup on this database . However i have the transaction log intact and an older version of the database .
Is it possible to recover the database using the transaction log? How can it be done?
Thanks to anyone who can help me.
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Apr 16, 2002
I have some procedure in SQL Server 7.3 they are
working fine. Now my SQL Server is not working that is
it not opening Query Analizer or any other tool
in SQL Server ok.
I have no back of my procedures which are written
in SQL Server any where like in notepad or in some
Now i have a plan to load Sql server again
but i want my old procedures before loading
Sql Server again.
How to do it?
How to restore my procedures?
Where actually SQL Server stores these procedures?
I searched in my system with my procedure name but it
shows nothing with those names.
In my case there is no chance of recovering my old SQL Server
i have load again SQL Server.
So kindly help on this issue asap.
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Jan 24, 2004
I can recover all type of ms sql server database losing.please contact me at
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Feb 5, 2007
Back up can be a successful one when it is recovered, I want to know about the Various recovery scenarios and methods of recovery. any guidance,literature help
Articles on various categories
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Apr 14, 2014
I receive Error: 3967, Severity: 17, State: 1. Insufficient space in tempdb to hold row versions. We have 8 data files for temp db of 10210 GB size and given 10240 GB as max size.
As MS suggest to calculate the temp db file size and growth rate we need to monitor the perform counters Free Space in Tempdb (KB) and Version Store Size (KB) in the Transactions object.
basic formula: [Size of Version Store] = 2 * [Version store data generated per minute] * [Longest running time (minutes) of your transaction
My report disk utilizations says tempdb is full ? I thonk I need a shrink for the file .
Still I am confused in calculating the size , My perform counter gives me data as such
Free Space in tempdb (KB) 279938496
Version Generation rate (KB/s) 53681040
Version Cleanup rate (KB/s) 53422320
Version Store Size (KB) 258720
Version Store unit count 22
Version Store unit creation 774
Version Store unit truncation 752
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