How To Retuen Data With SqlDataSource1.SelectParameters At StoredProcedure
Mar 2, 2007
I Have This StoredProcedure
ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.Default_Edit1
( @ID int, @Family Nvarchar (100) OutPut
SELECT @Family=Family FROM Table1 where (ID=@ID)
I went to use SqlDataSource1.SelectParameters to Return Data
Ho to get and set @ID , @Family with SelectParameters ?
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Feb 28, 2007
ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.Default_Edit1
@ID int,
@Family Nvarchar (100) OutPut
SELECT @Family=Family FROM Table1 where (ID=@ID)
SqlDataSource1.SelectParameters.Add("ID", Me.GridView1.DataKeys(CInt(e.CommandArgument)).Item(0))
SqlDataSource1.DeleteCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.StoredProcedure
SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = "dbo.Default_Edit1"
SqlDataSource1.SelectParameters("Family").Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.Output
Label3.Text = SqlDataSource1.SelectParameters("Family").Direction.ToString()
it's have error
I went to return 1 fild
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Aug 22, 2006
Hi there,
I'm having a problem where the data taken from the textboxes is being inserted into a table twice. I looked online and someone on another forum was experiencing the same problem. His solution was making the "submitdsabledcontrols" attribute of the form false. That hasn't fixed the issue for me.
Below is my code. I'm still learning all this so this is just a test page, hence the wacky naming conventions.
When the button click calls Button1_Click, all it runs is "SqlDataSource1.Insert()"
Any ideas?
<%@ Page EnableEventValidation="false" Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/MasterPage.master" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="Default3.aspx.vb" Inherits="Default3" title="Untitled Page" %>
<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="mainContent" Runat="Server">
<form id="form1" submitdisabledcontrols=false>
<br />
<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server">Name</asp:Label>
<asp:TextBox ID="NameTextBox" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<br />
<br />
<asp:Label ID="Label2" runat="server" Text="Label">Number</asp:Label>
<asp:TextBox ID="NumberTextBox" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<br />
<br />
<asp:Label ID="Label3" runat="server" Text="Label">Salary</asp:Label>
<asp:TextBox ID="SalaryTextBox" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button" OnClick="Button1_click" />
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:pubsConnectionString1 %>" DeleteCommand="DELETE FROM [Table1] WHERE [TableID] = @original_TableID" InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [Table1] ([Name], [Number], [Salary]) VALUES (@Name, @Number, @Salary)" OldValuesParameterFormatString="original_{0}" SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [Table1]" UpdateCommand="UPDATE [Table1] SET [Name] = @Name, [Number] = @Number, [Salary] = @Salary WHERE [TableID] = @original_TableID">
<asp:Parameter Name="original_TableID" Type="Int32" />
<asp:Parameter Name="Name" Type="String" />
<asp:Parameter Name="Number" Type="String" />
<asp:Parameter Name="Salary" Type="Decimal" />
<asp:Parameter Name="original_TableID" Type="Int32" />
<asp:ControlParameter Name="Name" Type="String" ControlID="NameTextBox" />
<asp:ControlParameter Name="Number" Type="String" ControlID="NumberTextBox" />
<asp:ControlParameter Name="Salary" Type="decimal" ControlID="SalaryTextBox" />
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Jul 4, 2007
This works:
SqlDataSource1.ConnectionString = "Data;Initial Catalog=mydbname;User ID=mydblogin; pwd=mydbpassword";
This doesn't:
SqlDataSource1.ConnectionString = "<%$ ConnectionStrings:myConnectionString_from_WebConfig %>"
Ok, how do I tell it to use my connection string from my web.config?
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Jan 19, 2008
I am using SQLDataSource1.Update() in my update button
but nothing is updating, why? how to make it work?
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Oct 8, 2007
Hi, nice to meet you all. I need to return a parameter value from a store procedure, i already done insert(), update(), delete() to return parameter back. Just only select() can't return parameter and it need argument, I try to write in Sqldatasource1.Select(Argument.empty), it can't work and return null. How should i solve the problem? Or I wirte the wrong argument? Can anyone help me? Thank in advance.
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Apr 12, 2007
I am so close to haveing the web page i want, but i hve a syntax error with the Public Function Insert() as Integer.
I see no reason for this
i will post the code below, any help will be appreciated
<%@ Page Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/MasterPage.master" %>
<script runat="server">
Private Sub Submitdata(ByVal Source As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
End Sub ' Submitdata
<asp:Content ID="Content1" runat="server" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder1">
connectionstring="<%$ ConnectionStrings:clientInfoConnectionString %>"
selectcommand="SELECT Client Name,Client Address FROM Clients"
insertcommand="INSERT INTO Clients (Client Name,Client Address) VALUES (@CName,@CAddress)">
<asp:formparameter name="CName" formfield="Namebox" />
<asp:formparameter name="CAddress" formfield="Addressbox" />
Name:<br />
<asp:TextBox ID="Namebox" runat="server" /><br />
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator1" runat="server" ControlToValidate="Namebox"
ErrorMessage="Please Enter A Name"></asp:RequiredFieldValidator>
<br />Address:<br />
<asp:TextBox ID="Addressbox" runat="server" /><br />
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator2" runat="server" ControlToValidate="Addressbox"
ErrorMessage="Please Enter An Address"></asp:RequiredFieldValidator>
<br /><asp:Button ID="Submitbtn" runat="server" Text="Submit" OnClick="InsertShipper" />
<br />
The King
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Jun 5, 2008
Hi to all,
I'm writting code that needs to pass data returned by a SqlDataSource object to another object (user control to graph data)
Query in SqlDataSource object is OK, I've seen data returned by it at a GridView Object but I need to pass that data to an user control that needs a reference to the table that has the data
... What would be the code that do that task ??
I'm new to develop web applications... using Visual Web Developer Express 2008
Help in advance
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Feb 10, 2008
Hi there!Basicly I only want to retrieve the value of the field "FirstTime" from a record as shown below:1
2 Dim ProdUserID As String = "samurai"
4 Dim LoginSource As New SqlDataSource()
6 LoginSource.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ASPNETDBConnectionString1").ToString()
8 LoginSource.SelectCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.Text
9 LoginSource.SelectCommand = "SELECT FROM aspnet_Users (FirstTime) VALUES (@FirstTime) WHERE UserName=@ProdUserID"
11 Dim SeExiste As Boolean = LoginSource.SelectParameters.GetValues("@FirstTime")
This is the error reported:Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately.
Compiler Error Message: BC30455: Argument not specified for parameter 'control' of 'Public Function GetValues(context As System.Web.HttpContext, control As System.Web.UI.Control) As System.Collections.Specialized.IOrderedDictionary'. Please can you answer in the same logical schema? I'm a newbie so if you may, describe the process step by step. It would be easier for me to understand.Thanks in advance.
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Mar 10, 2008
What am I forgetting to do? I am setting the SELECT parameter 'techcode' in the code behind trying to paqss it as the ZWOP in my SQL Select statement but it is not getting to the SQl SelectParameters statement. Do I need to place a TextBox control on the ASPX page to hold it?
ERROR: Exception Details: System.InvalidOperationException: Could not find control 'techcode' in ControlParameter 'ZWOP'.
CODE BEHINDint techcode;protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e){ techcode = 11; }
ASPX CODE. . . SelectCommand="SELECT [ZL_ID], [complete], [error], [Zip], [ZipCity], [ZipState], [ZWOP] FROM ZipData WHERE ([complete] = 0 OR [complete] IS NULL ) AND [ZWOP] = @techcode ORDER BY Zip" <SelectParameters> <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="techcode" Name="ZWOP" PropertyName="SelectedValue" Type="Int16" /> </SelectParameters>
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Apr 3, 2008
What im looking to do is put a checkbox on my page and if the box is checked have it add a where clause to the sql statement.
The most i have seen with selectparameters is for it to basically take the value of the given control (or whatever) and dump it in to a query.
In this case what i would like to do is if the box is not checked it has my basic query run Select * from Table
and if the box is checked i would like it to run Select * from table where status='completed'
basically a check box that shows only completed items.
wasnt sure if i could do this with just the sqldatasource control and some selectparameters or if i had to write some code.
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Oct 24, 2006
Hi , I am trying to write a report generator by simply using a form and then a gridview that query's the database based on what the user selects on the form. Anyways, I update the SQL parameters similar to below code. I just want to know how i can tell the parameter to get ALL values from the parameter instead of a specific value. For example if the user wanted to see ALL the records for CustomerName what would i set the parameter default value to? I tried the asterisk but that did not work. Please guide me....Thanks! MattSqlDataSource1.SelectParameters["CustomerName"].DefaultValue = "some value";<asp:SqlDataSource ... > <SelectParameters> <asp:Parameter Name="CustomerName" /> </SelectParameters></asp:SqlDataSource>
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Feb 16, 2007
I am using Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition.
I am trying to SELECT three information fields from a table when the Page_Load take place (so I select the info on the fly). The refering page, sends the spesific record id as "Articleid", that looks typically like this: "http://localhost:1424/BelaBela/accom_Contents.aspx?Articleid=2". I need to extract the "Article=2" so that I can access record 2 (in this example).
How do I define the SelectParameters or QueryStingField on the fly so that I can define the WHERE part of my query (see code below). If I remove the WHERE portion, then it works, but it seem to return the very last record in the database, and if I include it, then I get an error "Must declare the scalar variable @resortid". How do I programatically set it up so that @resortid contains the value that is associated with "Articleid"?
My code is below.
Thank you for your advise!
// specify the data source
string connContStr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["tourism_connect1"].ConnectionString;
SqlConnection myConn = new SqlConnection(connContStr);
// define the command query
String query = "SELECT resortid, TourismGrading, resortHits FROM Resorts WHERE ([resortid] = @resortid)";
SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(query, myConn);
// open the connection and instantiate a datareader
SqlDataReader myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader();
// loop thru the reader
while (myReader.Read())
Label5.Text = myReader.GetInt32(0).ToString();
Label6.Text = myReader.GetInt32(1).ToString();
Label7.Text = myReader.GetInt32(2).ToString();
// close the reader and the connection
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Apr 4, 2007
I am sure there is a way to do this programmatically, but it is just not sinking in yet on how to go about this. I have a page where I use a dropdownlist that goes into a gridview and then the selected item of the gridview into the detailsview (typical explain seen online). So, when selecting from the dropdownlist, the gridview uses a controlparameter for the selectparameter to display the appropriate data in the gridview (and so on for the detailslist).
My question is - I wanted to use this same page when coming in from a different page that would utilize querystring. So, the parameter in the querystring would be for what to filter on in the gridview, so the dropdownlist (and that associated controlparameter) should be ignored.
Any suggestions on how to go about this? I assume there is some check of some sort I should in the code (like if querystring is present, use this querystringparameter, else use the controlparameter), but I am not sure exactly what I should check for and how to set up these parameters programmatically.
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Apr 27, 2008
I am using a grid view with parameter defined in dropdown list. the asp code is:
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:Pubs %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT [au_id], [au_lname], [au_fname], [state] FROM [authors] WHERE ([state] = @state)"
DeleteCommand="DELETE FROM [authors] WHERE [au_id] = @au_id">
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="DropDownList1" Name="state" PropertyName="SelectedValue"
Type="String" /></SelectParameters>
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:Pubs %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT [au_id], [au_lname], [au_fname], [state] FROM [authors] WHERE ([state] = @state)"
DeleteCommand="DELETE FROM [authors] WHERE [au_id] = @au_id">
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="DropDownList1" Name="state" PropertyName="SelectedValue"
Type="String" />
I would like to to set the parameter assignment in my VB code in Page_Load methodWhen i am using:
SqlDataSource1.SelectParameters("state").DefaultValue = DropDownList1.Text
SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = "SELECT [au_id], [au_lname], [au_fname], [state] FROM [authors] WHERE ([state] = @state)"I get error message saying: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Any ideas how I can set the select parameters (in my VB code) to use the dropdown list I have in my page?
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Dec 30, 2005
Hi All,
I'm trying to set the SelectParameters of SqlDataSource from the code behind.
This is my query: SELECT * FROM [UploadSessions] WHERE ([OwnerID] = @OwnerID)And I need to set the value of the @OwnerID at the code behind since it is stored in an object.
How can I do it??
Thanks in advance
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Oct 24, 2006
Hi,I have a GridView which is bound to a SqlDataSource that connects to Oracle. Here's the code: <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource2" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:OracleConnectionString %>"
ProviderName="<%$ ConnectionStrings:OracleConnectionString.ProviderName %>" SelectCommand="SELECT QUIZ.TITLE FROM QUIZ WHERE (QUIZ.USERNAME = @UserName)"> <SelectParameters> <asp:SessionParameter Name="UserName" SessionField="currentUser" Type="String" /> </SelectParameters> </asp:SqlDataSource> As you can see I'm trying to pass the value of the "currentUser" session variable to the query. I get an error message "ORA-xxx Illegal name/variable". Where am I going wrong? I tested the connection by placing a specific value instead of the "@UserName" and it worked.
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Nov 24, 2006
Column1 in table 1 has a range from 1 to 5 (int)
A CheckboxList displays these 5 items. When checked (for example 1 and 4) I want a gridview with sqldatasource=sqlProducts to display the records where column1 values 1 or 4.
When I use the code below I only get the records where column1 values 1....
<asp:SQLDataSource id="sqlProducts" Runat="Server" SelectCommand="Select * From Table1 where Column1 IN (@CBLchecked_items)" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:pubs %>"> <SelectParameters> <asp:ControlParameter Name="CBLchecked_items" ControlID="CBL" propertyname="SelectedValue" type="String" /> </SelectParameters></asp:SQLDataSource>
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Mar 14, 2008
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:CollegeDatabaseConnectionString %>" SelectCommand="SELECT employee_datails.* FROM employee_datails WHERE memberid !=@id OR memberid OR memberid==uid"> <SelectParameters> <asp:SessionParameter Name="id" SessionField="userid" /> <asp:QueryStringParameter Name="uid" QueryStringField="memberid" /> </SelectParameters> </asp:SqlDataSource> I tried like this but it is not working. It takes at a time one sessionparameter or querystringparameter. I want if profile.aspx--> then i want session parameter in select queryIf profile.aspx?id=12432---> then i want querystringparameter in select query.
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Feb 17, 2006
How to pass a null to SelectParameters in SqlDataSource?
The type of "CreateDate" is DateTime, the following code can be run correctly!
SqlDataSource1.SelectParameters["CreateDate"].ConvertEmptyStringToNull = true;SqlDataSource1.SelectParameters["CreateDate"].DefaultValue = "2006-11-12";
now I hope to pass null value to the Parameter "CreateDate", but the following 3 section codes don't work!
SqlDataSource1.SelectParameters["CreateDate"].ConvertEmptyStringToNull = true;SqlDataSource1.SelectParameters["CreateDate"].DefaultValue = string.Empty;
SqlDataSource1.SelectParameters["CreateDate"].ConvertEmptyStringToNull = true;SqlDataSource1.SelectParameters["CreateDate"].DefaultValue =null;
SqlDataSource1.SelectParameters["CreateDate"].ConvertEmptyStringToNull = true;SqlDataSource1.SelectParameters["CreateDate"].DefaultValue = "";
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Nov 14, 2007
I have a simple gridview that loads on page load. It uses an on page sqldatasource declaration in which there's a parameter in which value is already available in cookies. I added an asp:HiddenField and set that value on PageLoad() to the value of the cookies. I then set a FormParameter in the sqldatasource mapped to that hidden field. However that appears to have no effect at all. I'm guessing the sqldatasource will only use the form field after postback.
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Jan 14, 2008
Hi everyone,
I am building a search page and am a bit stuck.
The page has an sqldatasource with no select command and i am passing the select command and parameters depending on the optionsm selected.
If a tick box is ticked and a drop down selected i need to add a parameter to the datasource and generate the select command.
then if 1 and or 2 trext boxes are filled in, add the 1 or 2 select parameters then generate the select command.
The select command is correct as far as i can tell , but the parameters are not being passed to the datasource so it doesn't select anything.
my code behind is in the page load handler and at the moment only adds the parameters in one place so i could test.
Does anyone have any idea what i have done wrong?
CODE BEHINDProtected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim SQLstr As String
If cb_Today.Checked = True And dd_Area.SelectedValue.ToString <> "" ThenLocManSearch.SelectParameters.Add("Area", TypeCode.String, dd_Area.SelectedValue.ToString())
SQLstr = "SELECT * FROM [LocMan_CV] WHERE ([area] LIKE '%" & dd_Area.SelectedValue.ToString() & "%') AND ([available] LIKE '%" & Date.Today & "%') AND ([viewable] = 'True')"
ElseIf cb_Today.Checked = False And dd_Area.SelectedValue.ToString <> "" Then
SQLstr = "SELECT * FROM [LocMan_CV] WHERE ([area] LIKE '%" & dd_Area.SelectedValue.ToString() & "%') "
ElseIf txt_FName.Text <> "" And txt_LName.Text <> "" And cb_Today.Checked = False And dd_Area.SelectedValue.ToString = "" Then
SQLstr = "SELECT * FROM [LocMan_CV] WHERE ([FirstName] LIKE '%" & txt_FName.Text.ToString() & "%') and [LastName] LIKE '%" & txt_LName.Text.ToString() & "%')"
ElseIf txt_LName.Text <> "" And cb_Today.Checked = False And dd_Area.SelectedValue.ToString = "" Then
SQLstr = "SELECT * FROM [LocMan_CV] WHERE ([LastName] LIKE '%" & txt_LName.Text.ToString() & "%')"
ElseIf txt_FName.Text <> "" And cb_Today.Checked = False And dd_Area.SelectedValue.ToString = "" Then
SQLstr = "SELECT * FROM [LocMan_CV] WHERE ([FirstName] LIKE '%" & txt_FName.Text.ToString() & "%')"
End If
LocManSearch.SelectCommand = SQLstr
End Sub
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="LocManSearch" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:MYLOCDEVConnectionString %>" >
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Mar 22, 2008
Hello to all coding members!
I'm building my first ever complete website in the VB language and I have to say, I'm pretty happy that I was able to learn from this website and to gain some ground.
Data retrieval and editing from tables and databases was very intuitive with the Visual Web Developer IDE. I even learnt simple ways to implement (and to script a bit of) login pages to make my visitors feel "at home" in my website.However, when I wanted to implement simple Business Logic into one of my page, i happen to stumble upon a block.Business Logic: To have the server go through the whole table of storybook entries submitted by many users, but only pull out the storybook entry(s) that belong to the logged-on user.Hence, let me drill down to my specific questions:
I will be using VB. Coming from a JavaScript genre, my concern is: will putting the Business Logic code into a code-behind page (.vb) or dumping it onto the page itself have any errors or effects?
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Feb 12, 2008
Hi all,
I want to learn about sp with examples,so can any one give me the best urls regarding this.and i want to write single sp for all like (insert,delete and update)in a single sp.Please guide me.
Thank You
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Aug 27, 2004
I use the next StoredProcedure in Access, Inserts Users to tblUsers:
INSERT INTO tblUsers ( UserName, Password, RetypePassword, Email, Comments )
VALUES (@UserName, @Password, @RetypePassword, @Email,@Comments);
How do i have to write it in SQL?
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Mar 12, 2008
I am New to Sql Server. Now i have to write two stored procedures.
Here are my requirements. If any one help please.
1)People often ask me to do this as well... change the name of the underwriter. For Mortgage Network underwriters (different than MGIC underwriters) all you need to do is:
Update mnetwork..unw_Nola set underwriter='<underwriters username>' where LoanID='<LoanID>'
So, I need you to write a stored procedure that will do exactly that. If you don't enter a loanID or username, the stored procedure should tell you that it can't complete the task and why. Also, the list of underwriters can be found in:
select LoginName from mnetwork..unw_LoginLookup where UnderwriterName = '<Name on the email>'
So for this one, you would select where underwriterName='John Brennan'.
For most usernames, it's just first initial last name (jbrennan in this case). You can make the stored procedure to both, if you want. If you enter an underwriter name, then it will translate to the loginname. If you enter the login name, it will just use that. You don't have to do all of that if you don't want. Just make sure the procedure verifies that the username is correct (in the table) and that is enough.
Tables for this storedprocedure:
Table Name:mnetwork..unw_Nola
Table Fields:LoanID,ConditionSet,Status,Revised,RevisedBy,PDFNOLA,MonthlyIncome,DocExpDate,Notes,
Table Fields: [LoginLookupID], [LoginName], [UnderwriterName], [FirstName], [LastName], [Title], [Signature], [Address1], [Address2], [Addr1], [Addr2], [City], [State], [Zip], [Phone], [Phone2], [Fax], [Email], [DefaultSet], [rowguid], [FK_UserID], [RecordDate], [Createdby], [LastUpdated], [UpdatedBy]
2)1. Block this loan
2. Grant me access to this blocked loan.
So, I need you to write either one or two stored procedures that will accomplish the following:
When a loan needs to be blocked, it needs to be added to the mnetwork..sec_BlockedLoans table
When a person needs access to that loan, their username needs to be added to the mnetwork..sec_LoanAccess table.
1) SELECT [LoanID], [Username], [Grantor], [GrantDate] FROM [mnetwork].[dbo].[sec_LoanAccess]
2) SELECT [LoanID], [Added] FROM [mnetwork].[dbo].[sec_BlockedLoans
any one can help to write these stored procedure.
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Jun 27, 2006
I am using SQL Server 2005 now and I have a table with following columns.
ID, FirstName, LastName, Email
"ID" is the primary key (int) and is set auto generated (1 increment)
I have a StoredProcedure to insert a new record.
CREATE PROCEDURE Candidate_Create @FName nvarchar(255), @LName nvarchar(255), @Email nvarchar(255)ASINSERT INTO Candidate (FirstName, LastName, Email)VALUES (@FName, @LName, @Email)GO
I want the ID to be returned as the same time when a new record is inserted, how can I do it ? Is it possible ?
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Aug 22, 2007
Hi,I'm wodering if it's possible (and the correct syntax) to make a JOIN between a Table and a SP's result. This is my code, but it goes in error in the EXEC:1 SET ANSI_NULLS ON
2 GO
4 GO
5 -- =============================================
6 -- Author:Luca de Angelis
7 -- Create date: 22/08/2007
8 -- Description:Inserimento dei dati contabili nella tabella di log
9 -- =============================================
10 CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.InsertIntoLog_dati_contabili
11 -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
12 @id_gestore tinyint
13 AS
16 INSERT INTO CEL_log_dati_contabili(numero_telefonico, anno, mese, id_gestore, id_tipo_log)
17 SELECT CEL_traffico_temp.numero_telefonico
18 , CEL_traffico_temp.anno
19 , CEL_traffico_temp.mese
20 , @id_gestore as id_gestore
21 , 1
22 FROM CEL_traffico_temp
24 (EXEC dbo.CEL_SimConGestoreNoFilePeriodo @id_gestore, CEL_traffico_temp.anno + CEL_traffico_temp.mese) AS tabella
25 ON CEL_traffico_temp.numero_telefonico = tabella.numero_telefonico
27 INSERT INTO CEL_log_dati_contabili(numero_telefonico, anno, mese, id_gestore, id_tipo_log)
28 SELECT CEL_traffico_temp.numero_telefonico
29 , CEL_traffico_temp.anno
30 , CEL_traffico_temp.mese
31 , @id_gestore as id_gestore
32 , 2
33 FROM CEL_traffico_temp
35 (EXEC CEL_SimNelFileNoGestore @id_gestore) AS tabella
36 ON CEL_traffico_temp.numero_telefonico = tabella.numero_telefonico
38 INSERT INTO CEL_log_dati_contabili(numero_telefonico, anno, mese, id_gestore, id_tipo_log)
39 SELECT CEL_traffico_temp.numero_telefonico
40 , CEL_traffico_temp.anno
41 , CEL_traffico_temp.mese
42 , @id_gestore as id_gestore
43 , 3
44 FROM CEL_traffico_temp
46 EXEC CEL_SimNelFileNoUtente @id_gestore AS tabella
47 ON CEL_traffico_temp.numero_telefonico = tabella.numero_telefonico
49 IF @@error <> 0
52 END
56 END
Help me please...
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May 14, 2008
Visual Studio 2008 Code VB
I'm trying to create a stored procedure that will update a database table. I want to make sure that duplicate records are not inserted into the Database Table, so I used IF NOT EXISTS . With the below code I can update the table, however, you can not add additional rows to the table.
Could someone tell me what is wrong, or how to fix it?
Thanks! losssoc ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.CaseDataInsert
@ReportType varchar(50),@CreatedBy varchar(50),
@OpenDate smalldatetime,@Territory varchar(10),
@Region varchar(10),@StoreNumber varchar(10),
@StoreAddress varchar(200),@TiplineID varchar(50),
@Status varchar(50),@CaseType varchar(200),
@Offense varchar(200)
IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT ReportType,CreatedBy,OpenDate,Territory,Region,StoreNumber,StoreAddress,TiplineID,Status,CaseType,Offense FROM CaseData)INSERT CaseData(ReportType, CreatedBy,OpenDate,Territory,Region,StoreNumber,StoreAddress,TiplineID,
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Jun 11, 2005
To all,
I looked at the MS-SQL pubs sample database and execute the example
stored procedure reptq2 and I got 17 results set back. Where can I find
an example using Visual Studio DataGrid or any means to get all these
results from this SP.
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Apr 16, 2006
public static void ExecuteStoredProcedure(string SPName, ref ArrayList Parameters) { object result=null; ADODB.Connection Connection = new ADODB.Connection(); ADODB.Command Command = new ADODB.Command(); Command.ActiveConnection = Connection; Command.CommandText = SPName; Command.CommandType = CommandTypeEnum.adCmdStoredProc;
if (Parameters != null) { for (int i = 0; i < Parameters.Count; i++) { Command.Parameters.Append(Parameters[i]); } }
try { Connection.Open(ConnectionString, "", "", 0); Command.Execute(out object RecordAffected, ref object parameters, int options ) ;//the second parameter what mean? how set it? } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { Connection.Close(); }
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May 8, 2008
I want to know how to write stored procedure with parameters. And i want to compare this parameters.
I have DropDownList and RadioButtonList in my Web Application.
How to write Procedure passing this Two control parameters.(DropDown and RadioList).
In RadioButtonList having 5 selections.
If selection 1 happens
-- some condition
if selection2 hapens
-- some condition
similarly 3,4,5
How to write conditions in storeprocedure.
Please help me i am not having exp on storedprocedure.
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Mar 23, 2008
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_CustomerDetails]
(@Number varchar(30),
@Name varchar(30),
@City varchar(20),
@SSN varchar(20),
@CustomerID int)
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM CustomerDetails WHERE Name = @Name AND Number = @Number)
UPDATE CustomerDetails SET Number = @Number,Name = @Name,City=@City,SSN = @SSN where CustomerID = @CustomerID
This my storedproc.
My problem is when i select customerID = 1 to update and if the same row having name = @name and number =@number
Then the update should take place.
but if any other row other than CustomerID=1 having name=@name and number=@number
Then the update is should not take place.
but The above stored procedure is not working like that.
so please some one help me with this.
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