How To Store Alpha And Gamma Special Charcters In SQL Server Database

Mar 14, 2002


We are using VB 6.0 as frontend and SQL server 7.0 as backend. We want to store some special charcters like Alpha, Gamma, etc in the database. We tried different ways but could not find the solution.

Could you please help on this.


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Pattern Matching - Searching For Numeric Or Alpha Or Alpha-Numeric Characters In A String

Aug 18, 2006


I was trying to find numeric characters in a field of nvarchar. I looked this up in HELP.



Any string of zero or more characters.


Any single character.

[ ]

Any single character within the specified range (for example, [a-f]) or set (for example, [abcdef]).

Any single character not within the specified range (for example, [^a - f]) or set (for example, [^abcdef]).

Nowhere in the examples below it in Help was it explicitly detailed that a user could do this.

In MS Access the # can be substituted for any numeric character such that I could do a WHERE clause:

Gift_Date NOT LIKE "####*"

After looking at the above for the [ ] wildcard, it became clear that I could subsitute [0-9] for #:

Gift_Date NOT LIKE '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]%'

using single quotes and the % wildcard instead of Access' double quotes and * wildcard.

Just putting this out there for anybody else that is new to SQL, like me.


Patrick Briggs,
Pasadena, CA

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How To Deny Access To Sql Server 2005 Database Except One Special Program

Nov 2, 2007

We want to deny access to sql server 2005 database by the sql management studio or any other sql editor while our developed application can access the database even malicious user gets the login name and password by disassembling our code

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SQL.. Studio Query Will Not Show More Than 500 Charcters

Mar 29, 2007

I have a column that is a varchar(1000). When I select that column the whole column doesn't show in the grid. To see the what's in there I right click the cell and "Copy". I then paste the results into notepad.

My problem is that I'm only getting 500 characters. I have several questions:

1. How do I verify that there are more than 500 characters in the column?

2. How do I select all characters in the column?

3. Is there anyway to see them in the Management Studio tool or do I still need to past them into notepad.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Use Cursor To Run Dynamic To Find Special Characters Used In Database

Apr 16, 2015

I need to find all uses of special characters in a database. I used the following code to do this:

USE dbName
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#Results') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Results


This will check all tables in the database, but if you want to check specific tables you can uncomment the line in the where clause and specify tables to be checked. The query will return any text fields that have any characters other than letters, numbers or spaces.

This code works fine for me because all the tables in my database have single column primary keys. However I know how much Jeff Moden hates cursors or RBAR queries, so my question is could this have been done by any method other than using a cursor?

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Can I Install SQL Server 6.5 On Alpha System With Fx!32

Dec 23, 1998


We want to port our Nt application to Alpha system with Fx!32. Is it possible to have SQl Server on this system.

Is there any SQL server available specifically for Alpha system..? Because there are VB and VC compilers available for Alpha systems.

__Vijay VM

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SQL Server 2012 :: Remove Non Alpha Chars From A Column

Mar 1, 2014

How to remove non alpha chars from a column ?

I googled the following code
Create Function [dbo].[RemoveNonAlphaCharacters](@Temp VarChar(1000))
Returns VarChar(1000)


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Alpha Numeric Auto Increment Code In Sql Server 2000

Jan 25, 2006

Karikalan writes "We need alpha numeric auto increment code in sql server 2000.
(for eg.: ico1001, ico1002, ico1003,......)
Can any one send the code in MS sql server 2000? plz ..................
bcoz i am beginner in sqlserver 2000"

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Database Special Users

Sep 12, 2007

What are the sys and information_schema special database users used for.

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How Can I Store Image (.jpg , .gif) In A Database (SQL SERVER)

Jan 27, 2006

hi to all !!!!
i want to store the image file from user click in SQL Server , so how can i ??
How can i Store image (.jpg , .gif) in a database .
pls send me Code or any thing which helps me ...

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Insert Special Characters In Database

Sep 19, 2006

I am writing a web application and everytime I attempt to insert some special characters in the database I get errors. Is there a way around this?

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Want To Store Arabic Values In The Sql Server Database

Feb 27, 2008


I want to store arabic values and dates in sql server database.

I am using visual basic 2005 with sql server 2005. I entered the the arabic values through visual basic forms. But when i open the database table, i see the values in english format.

I change my regional settings of the operating system is arabic (platform vista).

Can you give how to see arabic values.


Kashif Chotu

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How To Store Flash Files Into The Sql Server 2000 Database

Mar 1, 2008


How to store flash files into the sql server 2000 database and again display them back in user interface?thanks 

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How To Store Images In The Image Field In A Sql Server Database

May 6, 2008

hi can anyone tell how to use the image field and add an image in a database. i'm using visual studio web developer express edition 2008 and i want people who visit my website to be able to see the table and the images associated with some of the rows in the table
Thanx Taryn

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Store C# Class Object In SQL Server 2005 Database

Nov 13, 2007

I have a C# application, and I need to store instances of various class objects in a database. For Example:

myClass oMyClass = new myClass(args);

oMyClass.Property1 = something;
oMyClass.Property2 = something;

Now I need to store the oMyClass object in the database for later use, at which point I would get it out of the database, cast it back to myClass, and be able to acess its properties, etc. My problem is that the classes that I am working with are not serializable, so I cannot store the objects as XML. Does anyone have an example of doing this programmatically with C# and ADO.NET. I am assuming that I would have to store it in a vabinary column, but how do I get it in there. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


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SQL Server 2014 :: How To Store The Image Located In Another System Into Local Database

Jan 12, 2015

I have the Image in FTP Server Folder and i need to insert that image into my local database.

How can i do this I tried with the below Query but i shows the errors as below.

--INSERT INTO AcademyStudents (ImageURL)
--Where StudentIdentificationNum = 2
GOt Error

Cannot bulk load because the file [URL] could not be opened. Operating system error code 123(The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.).

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User NOT LIKE (alpha)

Jan 19, 2007


for MS SQL 2000

I am searching users for each letter


how can i search For not starting by A to Z ? all except letters

thank you

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Alpha Prefix - Can It Be Done In SQL?

Jun 14, 2007

Good Morning Db forum.

I am working on a query that I need to pull all fields that contain 3 alpha characters. for example BCB001, MCR001, CHP001 and so forth.

Is there a SQL alpha wildcard that I could use to pull all records that have the three alpha chars?

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Alpha Numeric Function

Oct 14, 2004

hi ,
can anyone tell me if there exists a function in SQL Server that help me determine if a variable is ALL Alphanumeric data or not by returning a 0 or 1 when condition fails or succeeds .
thank you

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Migrate Alpha Sql 6.5 To Intel Platform

Jan 7, 2002


Our company needs to (restore/migrate) our Alpha Nt4sp4 sql 6.5sp5a databases to an Intel hardware platform. For the time being the new intel server will be runing Nt4sp4 sql 6.5 sp5a. I understand that if we were to upgrade to sql 7 we would be able to restore the databases without any problems. However upgrading to sql 7 is not an option right now. I have tried to restore a backup from the alpha to an intel based machine, and it fails because the processor types are different.

I have already search technet, but found nothing, except upgrade to sql 7.

I am hoping someone out there could point me in the right direction.

Thank inadvance for your help, I appreciate it very much.


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SQL Transfer From Alpha To Intel Platform

Oct 19, 2000

please please help?

For the last couple of days i've been trying to transfer a SQL6.5 database from an Alpha platform to an Intel one.

At one point i loaded SQL7 on the Intel platform and tried to perform an upgrade (using the wizard), across the network - but it just did not want to play.

Using Veritas Backup Exec, with SQL6.5 on both machines, i've tried doing a backup of the database on the Alpha platform and then restore to the Intel Platform, but this fails stating that the processors are incompatible

Am i trying something that is impossible?

If anyone could point me in the right direction i'd be truely grateful.


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Migrating Sqlserver 6.5 From Alpha To Intel

Jun 20, 2000


I am looking for ways to migrate Sqlserver 6.5 from Alpha to Intel plat form. The only method I heard was Database/Object transfer.
Is there any other way?


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Backup From Alpha, Restore On Intel??

Dec 10, 1999


I'm trying to move a database over from an Alpha to an Intel-base PC. The SQL Server database is on an Alpha server. The 2nd machine is an Intel. When I make a backup of the database from Alpha, copy over the file to the 2nd PC (Intel) and then try to restore it from the 2nd PC, it doesn't sure up on the list of restores when I click on 'Add Device'

The only other way I can get this to work successfully is with a Database Object Transfer, which takes too long (several hours) and limits me to being on site. I need to do this every few weeks so I need a better way to transfer the database over ?

Anyone have any experience with SQL Server on Alpha??


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Get Index Of First Alpha-numeric Character

Sep 29, 2005

In SQL I need to be able to take a varchar parameter @Area and convert it to a float.

The input values for @Area I can't control. They can range from 6300 to 6,300 SqFt to 1.2 Acres .

So to convert this value to a float I basically look through the string and remove everything that isn't a number or a period. Then I would convert this value to square feet based on how large the number is.


DECLARE @k int, @Temp VarChar(25), @SqFt Float
SELECT@Temp = @Area
select @Temp

select @k = patindex('%[^0-9. ]%', @Temp)
while @k> 0
select @Temp = replace(@Temp, substring(@Temp, @k, 1), '')
select @k= patindex('%[^0-9. ]%', @Temp)

If @Temp = ''
SET @Temp = '0'

SELECT @SqFt = Convert(Float, @Temp)

--Distinguish if it was acres or square feet
If (@SqFt > 750.00)
SET @SqFt = @SqFt
SET @SqFt = (@SqFt * Convert(Float,43560) )


This works great except for one situation, If @Area is something like 6,300 Sq.Ft. . When I run it through the part that removes all non-numeric items and periods, I end up with 6300 .. . So to get around this I want to find the first letter in the string and then remove everything after it. Then take the result and run it through part that removes everything but the numbers and period.

However I can't find away to get the index of the alpha-numeric character and remove everything after it.

Thanks in advance!

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Left Most Character Is An Alpha Or Number?

Feb 23, 2006


How do I do a conditional check for the left most character if it is an alpha or number in a Derived Column Transformation? Something like

ISNUMERIC(newseq) ? "ABC" : "DEF"


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Trigger To Seperate Alpha From Numeric

Nov 9, 2007

We have a table with an indesx that is varchar(7). It contains up to 5 numbers and 2 characters to denote batches. IE. 100a

In an Access gui I need to be able to sort this field numericaly so each number shows up in its correct position. IE.

In order to accomplish this, I created a seperate field on the table named Num as varchar(5). I would like to create a trigger that updates this field any time a new batch number is entered. This way I can have my queries order by Num when returning the recordsets to the GUI.

Below is the code that I thought would work, but it is giving me an error near the keyword BEGIN after the IF(ISNUMERIC) statement. I can't seem to find an error with this code, but I thought maybe a thousand fresh sets of eyes could. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also if you know of a better way to accomplish this task, please feel free to post here.



CREATE TRIGGER [InsertNum] ON [dbo].[IP_Batch_Table_Temp]

DECLARE @Num varchar(7)

SET @Num = (SELECT IP_Batch_Number FROM inserted)
SET @x = 1
WHILE (@x < len(@Num))
SET @Num1 = @Num1 + SUBSTRING(@Num, @x, 1)
SET @x = @x + 1

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Granting Permission To Object In X Database From A Store Procedure In Y Database

May 16, 2000

I need to grant select, insert, update, and delete permission to an object residing in Database "X" from a store procedure in database "Y". I have already tried USE database statement. Any suggestion.
Maroof Khan

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Cannot Use The Special Principal 'sa'. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 15405)

Dec 31, 2007

Hello All, I'm hoping someone else has run into this, because I can't find any posts about it that are helpfull.
I just updated our Dev SQL 2005 db to be able to use new 2005 key words with the script:
 EXEC sp_dbcmptlevel 'myDbName' , 90 
This is all well and good until I notice my sa account no longer has a user mapping to my database. In managment studio when I go to Security - Logins - and sa properties If I try to add user sa to my Db I get the following errors:
 Create failed for User 'sa'.  (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)
Cannot use the special principal 'sa'. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 15405)
I'm access the SQL Server through a client on my local machine, the Server is set to mixed authentication, actual check box is labeled Sql Server and WIndows Authentication Mode. Hopefully I'm just doing something dumb, which is highly likely since I'm a developer and not a DBA.
Thanks in advance

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SQL Server 2014 :: BCP And Bulk Insert Of Special Characters

Jul 22, 2015

I'm testing, with SQL 2014 on the same DB, a procedure that extracts data from a table into a file and Loads data from that file into a different table which has the same columns as the initial table (I use a function to create the create table statement from the source table and change the name of the destination table)

when doing my bcp -c the record with the special character "é" doesn't make it to the file.
when doing a bcp -w the record with the special character makes it to the file but the bulk insert omits the whole record.

The result file in the case that makes it to the file is unicode. I'm not using a format file (don't see the need for it)

The bulk insert into the destination table that contains identical columns as the source (a mixture on int, varchar, char) --> didn't work

I also tried by building the columns of the destination table with nvarchars -- Still doesn't work.

I tried the bulk insert with:

codepage = 'ACP, 'RAW' --> didn't change anything. still didn't work.

It's a complicated process that takes 1 XML record that contains information + the Create Table Statement (to eventually be able to this on a different server/DB) + the title Row for each column + the Data... Each of these are created with a BCP command (all with the same options). they are then appended to each other with a copy /B c:file1.txt + c:File2.txt + c:File3.txt + c:File4.csv c:ResultFile

Once the result file is created I bulk insert the 2 first rows in one table "TableA"
create the tmp table "TABLE B" with the create table statement that is in "TableA"
and do another bulk insert of the remainder of the file into the newly created table.

What else can I try? Should I be creating a format file? what are the benefits of a format file?

It's a very long procedure that does both Extract and Load (with 12 parameters) not sure what I should put here.

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Indexing - What Is Fastest? Numeric Or Alpha Fields?

Jul 27, 2006

If I create an index on a field in SQL Server, what will be the most efficient (fastest) field type to index a field?  (This field will be a "Pointer" to a child table that will contain a list of codes, and their description.)
Would a Numeric field be quicker than a VarChar field?
VarChar would make it easier for a Human to decipher the raw records.  (For example, if I used a numeric the code would be 42 or 47, while the VarChar could be 'savings' or 'checking'.)
Basically I will have the following "Master" table: FieldType
StatusInt -or- VarChar
Customer_TypeInt -or- VarChar
 If Customer_Type is a code that can be looked up in another table, and I index that field, would I want the "Code" to be an Int or VarChar?
SQL: Select *
From Master
Where Customer_Type = <42> or <'savings'>
 My Where clause would depend on the field type.
Thank you,   Bryan

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Determine If Values In A Field Are Alpha Or Numeric

Feb 28, 2008

Thanks in advance for taking your time to read this post.
I am trying to write a SQL query using MS SQL 2005 that will read the value of a field and tell if it is alpha or numeric.  I have tried the following but it does not work:
select field1 from table1 where left(field1,2)='[0-9]'
select field1 from table1 where isnumber(left(field1,2) tried with a =1 at the end and without and =1 at the end
the goal is to read through a field and format it so if a field looks like this 12xxx111xx I can change it to look like 12-xxx-111-xx.
Any help is greatly apprecaited

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Removing Non-alpha Characters && Spaces Script...

Dec 6, 2006

Hi I am trying to strip out any non-alpha characters from a field.

i.e. Field = ABC"_IT8*$ should return: ABCIT8

I am writing a loop to do this for all values of a field. The script runs, but hangs....please could somebody advise on the code below...:

I run the script but it doesn't seem to finish. Can anybody see any issues with the code:

@MATCH_Supplier_name varchar(500),
@Counter numeric,
@Max numeric
-- @sqlstring varchar(500)

SET @Counter = 1

WHILE @Counter <@Max
SET @MATCH_Supplier_name = (SELECT Match_Supplier_Name FROM SUPPLIER_TABLE_TEST WHERE @Counter = DTect_Supplier_SRN)
SET @Index = LEN(@MATCH_Supplier_name)
WHILE @Index > = 1
SET @MATCH_Supplier_name = CASE
WHEN SUBSTRING(@MATCH_Supplier_name, @Index, 1) LIKE '[a-zA-Z]' TH EN SUBSTRING(@MATCH_Supplier_name, @Index, 1)
WHEN SUBSTRING(@MATCH_Supplier_name, @Index, 1) LIKE '[0-9]' THEN SUBSTRING(@MATCH_Supplier_name, @Index, 1)
END + @MATCH_Supplier_name
SET @Index = @Index - 1
--PRINT @MATCH_Supplier_name
SET @Counter = @Counter + 1

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Problems Character Sets / Special Characters Dot.Net &<-&> Mssql-server

Feb 11, 2008

Hi,I come from the "dark side" php/mysql and there often problems withcharacter sets (utf-8, latin...) and storing data in datebase.Exists in the world of and ms-sql-server similiar problems?To precise: I have to store xml-data in database. Maybe its better toencode (like base64) the strings?Perhaps there are some links to read?Thanks.klaus.

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