Hi, I have asked this question on 3 forums now and never get an answer, I don't know what is so hard about this question but I will try it here. I am using SHA512 in C# to convert a password and its salt to hashed. I need to store the password hash and the salt hash in the database in two fields. I was told to use binary field to store the hash data and that the output of SHA512 would ALWAYS be the same no matter how long the password is. I modified this hash example to use only SHA512 and to work with byte array instead of plain text. All I need to know now is what size I need to make my binary field to hold this password that is hashed. http://www.obviex.com/samples/Code.aspx?Source=HashCS&Title=Hashing%20Data&Lang=C%23 Say I have a password which is 30 characters max, and a salt which is 16 characters max. The password and the hash are stored in seperate fields in the same table. They are both hashed using SHA512 and are both being stored as byte arrays in C#, what size to I need to make the binary data type in order to hold the password, and to hold the salt. Thanks!
I am doing a shopping basket type demo.I have difficulties going from table with fields like (Name,ProductCode) to table(Name, ProductCode, NumberOfItems). One way could be adding just Name and ProductCode fields and let NumberOfItems come automatically. It could have some common value like 1. How should I do this with VB.
Hiim new to ms sql server, having previously used mysql. How do i make a auto number field? What datatype shall i use for it? like autonumber for mysql. Ive tried setting my primary key field to uniqueidentifier data type but then i still need to manually add a guid key in there. i want it so it automatically generates a unique key everytime i add a new row. is this possible?!hope someone can help!thanks
Hi(SQL Server 2000)I have an existing table (t) with a column that is NOT an identity column(t.ID), but it has manually inserted "row numbers". I want to make thiscolumn become an identity column. This column is a key field to othertables, so I want to keep the row numbers that are allready inserted.From the Query Analyzer, how do I do this?Thanks in advance!Regards,Gunnar VøyenliEDB-konsulent asNORWAY
Hi there! I'm using a Switch statement in my SQL as follows:
SELECT symbol, Switch(timestamp Is Null,Null, timestamp <= 005959, 0, timestamp<=235959,23) AS period INTO averageprice FROM stocktrades;
Now here's my problem. The Data Type stored in the 'period' field of this new table I've created, dubbed averageprice, is a Text field and I want it to be a Number field. I've tried my best to figure this out and I'm still looking so any helpful hints or solution would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!!
is there any way i can make a field in a table accomodate more than 1023 charcters? i used the 'varchar' datatype and used a length of 2500, but still, I can't fill up a field with more than 1023 characters. Is there any way to change it? Also, is there any way to used a symbol or special character in a field? Can SQL server identify such a character? like the alpha or beta symbol...
Hallo !I have a Table with a column "ordernumber"ordernumberA12A45A77A88Is it possible to create a stored procedure which makes a string of these column ?Result: string = ('A12','A45','A77','A88')Thanks !aaapaul
Hi, SELECT UserID, UserName, Password, PublisherID, CurrencyFROM [User]WHERE (Password = 'Anitha') I am using the above mentioned it is working but int the password field i had given it as anitha. Now the querry is retriving the record for anitha, it shouldnot happen. The querry should retrive the record of anitha only for where condition anitha and not for Anitha or ANITHA etc.. Thanks Vishwanath
I have a table where i have to make a check constraint that states the first 3 characters of the customerid field must be the first 3 characters of the company name I am so lost I looked everywhere.
I have a table that contains names that are all in upper case, this column is called in many different areas of my web app. I wanted to make the names all lowercase, or with the leading character only capitalized. How can I make a column within a SQL table lowercase at the SQL server end and not the programming side?
Is this the way to create one of my columns clustered. The books that I have all use stored procedure I only want to use regular sql commands. Is this possible?
I have a store procedure to create a table temp, populate data from Origin1 table, and then add a new column SSN to temp table, update the SSNs from another table. but the following code gives error, pleaes help!
Create table temp ( .... ) Insert into temp select * from Origin1
Alter table temp ADD Name int
Update temp Set SSN = (select SSN from Origin2 where id = Origin.id)
it gives 'Invalid column name: 'SSN' I am aware that the add new column doesn't take effect until end of the SP, but there must be a way, Thanks for any inputs.
Hello, I have a table (publication) that has a primary key pubID which is an identity specification. This ID already has relationships to other tables. I am having problems trying to make one of the other columns in the same table to auto generate. This column (bibNumber) is not related to any other table. All i want to do is when i create a new record in the table, auto generate a number for this column bibNumber. How can i do this? I am using sql server express 2005 Regards
I have a table with an indentity column as first column. At beginning it is continue such as 0-50. I delete last 20 columns by hand. The 0-31 is left. When the new data is inserted, I hope the new indentity column begin from 32. How to do that? Now the indentity column begin from 51 as the new data is inserted.
when we display hierarchies, we'd like the user to have the option of expanding a column for wider viewing, perhaps by dragging a border. Is this possible?
the Table columns is like this NO ProductNo Area In Out1 0001 US NULL NULL2 0002 UK NULL Y3 0003 FR Y NULL 4 0004 FR Y NULL5 0005 UK Y NULL I have Query get the result belowArea Count In&OutUS 1UK 2FR 2 the Area is Group By by Area and the Count columns is counting how many recoreds Table for each Areathe problem is the column "In & OUt'I have to make sure if the "In" or "Out" is Null , if one of them is Null the plus 1 so the result would like I have Query get the result belowArea Count In&OutUS 1 1 UK 2 1 FR 2 0 which syntax I can use for the problem? I just think maybe I can use IsNULL?but I have no idea how to wirte a query ...can you give me a hint? thank you
I have a table of results for various measured quantites and i need to turn this into a view. Only problem is i need to seperate the measured quantities and their respective values into seperate columns.
Currently I'm using a UDF and a physical temp table to accomplish thisand I want to know if there's any way of doing it in a query orsubquery instead...In TableA there are a bunch of rows:InvitationID (PK) PartyID Partygoer1 1 Jim2 20 Bob3 2 Frank4 1 Robert5 1 PeteIn TableB are rows:PartyID (PK) PartyDate PartyName1 1/1/2000 WildParty2 1/1/2000 BoringPartyWhen a user runs a query to search for all parties on 1/1/2000 I wantthe result to look like:PartyID PartyDate PartyName Partygoer1 1/1/2000 WildParty Jim, Robert, Pete2 1/1/2000 BoringParty FrankI'm hoping there's a solution to this.Thanks,lq
I'm making some reports that are made for getting printed. I currently have three groups of reports, each group having four charts (four A4 papers/group). To cut down on the sheer number of papers on the boards I've been asked to merge these charts so that we'll have all three groups in one chart. This works fine for three of the charts (two line charts and one column chart), where the results gets neatly organized in group order. Where I ran into problems was the last chart..
The last chart is a stacked column chart. With one group, it works quite well; the x-axis is by year/week, and for each week there's a bar where the lower part is "done" and the upper part is "failed". Now when doing this graph with multiple groups (groups as series), it doesn't put the different groups beside each other as I would've wished, instead it piles them on top of each other as if it was a 100% stacked column.
So the question is; is there some way to make a stacked column graph with multiple series that are one stacked bar per group instead of having all of them stacked on top of each other? Am I just missing some small detail here?
I created a query that got the following result. But I expect to get the structure like, care_nbr, cust_nbr,legal_name, address_type=physical address, addr_line_1, addr_line_2, address_type-primary address, ddr_line_1, addr_line_2. That means I only need primary and physical address, and expect them to show in a row to each care_nbr. How to perform that?
The reason I say this is because a subtotal of a dollar amount will take up more space than other values. Right now, I'm forced to make all columns the same larger width because it appears to be all wrapped into 1 column width setting. I can try to change the value of the subtotal column, "matrixcolumn4", but it reverts to the other value after I press enter to apply the changes.
I am having issues trying to write a query that would provide me the unique GUID numbers associated with a distinct PID if the unique GUID's > 1. Â To summarize, I need a query that just shows which PID's have more than one unique GUID. A PID could have multiple GUID's that are the same, I'm looking for the PID's that have multiple GUID's that are different/unique.Â
I am sorry if this is the wrong forum for this question but I can not find better fit. I am using Visual Studio 2005 to write an asp.net web site which includes an SQL data base. In the databaseI have a table called 'ACCOUNTS' which has primary key column called 'ID' and a nvarchar column called 'Name'. I want the values in the 'Name' column to be unique in the table so that all accounts have unique names. I don't want to make the 'Name' column the primary key because I want people to be able to change the name of their account after it has been created. It seems to me there must be some way to add such a constraint to the table but I can find none. I have searched the documentation and seen loads of references to unique columns but I can't find any way to set a column to unique thru the IDE (or any other way). Can anyone help me? Thanks in advance for any help.
I created a query that got the following result. But I expect to get the structure like, care_nbr, cust_nbr,legal_name, address_type=physical address, addr_line_1, addr_line_2, address_type-primary address, ddr_line_1, addr_line_2. That means I only need primary and physical address, and expect them to show in a row to each care_nbr. How to perform that?
I'm running SQL Server 2008 Feb08 CTP and I've got a tablix with column groupings and row groupings which works nicely, I'm a becomming a big fan of the tablix.
However sometimes the filter I have on a column group returns no records and the whole column group disappears. Is there any way to make this column appear with but with empty cells as I have another tablix down the page with the same columns and I want the columns to all line up on the multiple tablix.
In Version 2005 I used to achieve the equivalent of a column group within a table by adding a list with filter to the cell, this meant the column always was shown, the tablix allows does this much more elegantly but I'll have to go back to the old method if I can't make the column remain.