How To Add (pick And Choose) Items From One Table To Another

Jan 19, 2007

We have two tables (one has DTS import of external spreadsheet - the other is the online table)

The scenario is that I need to add items (from the first table) to the second table, when they don't exist. However, it's harder than that - the second table, in some fields has integers (ID field)), referring to another table (let's call it the 3rd table), but the first table has text (which is in the description, in the third table).

I have to run through the first table, row by row, checking the part number if it already exists in the second table - nothing happens, and it goes to the next line. In each line, if the part number does NOT exist, I need to insert the data in that row. BUT - remember that third table, for the item(s) in the first table with text, I need to dynamically query the third table, to get the ID, in order to complete the insert correctly (Select ID from Third Table where Description=@FirstTableFieldText)

 I've never done anything like this, and I have no idea how to put this together - especially if it's all in one Stored Procedure. I need some help here on recommended ways to do it (and how)..... Even the base structure (pseudo code- whatever) would help

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DB Design :: Generate A Script To Choose Only Top 10 Items From Each Table In Database?

Aug 22, 2015

I know how to generate scripts that would contain insert queries of all records in all tables. But how can I limit this to top 10 records only from each table?I can select "Data Only" when generating the script, but it generates insert queries for all data. How can get the script to have only top 10 record insert statements? These top 10 should be ordered by the primary key.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Identify Sets That Have Same Items (where Set ID And Items In Same Table)

Feb 25, 2015

I am struggling to come up with a set-based solution for this problem (i.e. that doesn't involve loops/cursors) ..A table contains items (identified by an ItemCode) and the set they belong to (identified by a SetId). Here is some sample data:



You can see that there are some sets that have the same members:

- 1 and 10
- 2 and 11
- 7, 8 & 9

What I want to do is identify the sets that have the same members, by giving them the same ID in another column called UniqueSetId.

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How I Can Pick Between 5 - 20 Rows In Table

Jun 27, 2006

Mostly we are using to get 100 or more record with Top operator, but I want to take specific row in between like

10 - 100 or 100 to 200 etc.

How I can pick it. plz give suggestion

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Pick List Values Into A Table

Jul 20, 2005

Can anybody help on this question?When I select 3 values from the drop down list box, how can I insert into atable?Please help

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Pick Recent Modified Date In The Table

Feb 21, 2014

This is my table:

ID AppName DepCode DepName Group ModifiedDate YearlyAmount
1 Nestle NS Foods Products 01/12/14 451
1 Nestle NS Foods Products 01/17/14 495
2 Oracle OR Software Info 01/24/14 279
2 Oracle OR Soft & IT Info 01/26/14 310
2 Oracle ORL Software Info 01/25/14 219
2 Oracle ORL Soft IT 01/28/14 600

MonthlyAmount Funded AppCategory Research
37.5623 Yes NE NA
41.2365 No N NA
23.2568 Yes OR InProgress
25.8333 Yes ORL NA
18.2189 Yes SOF Approved
50.0000 No IT RejectedExpected Output:

ID AppName DepCode DepName Group ModifiedDate YearlyAmount
1 Nestle NS Foods Products 01/17/14 946
2 Oracle OR Soft & IT Info 01/26/14 589
2 Oracle ORL Soft IT 01/28/14 819

MonthlyAmount Funded AppCategory Research
78.7988 No N NA
49.0901 Yes ORL NA
68.2189 No IT Rejected

I want to pick the recent modified date for DepCode and sum Yearly and Monthly Amount. I have tried this query and not able to get the output. This is the single table.

select B1.[ID], B1.[AppName], B1.[DepCode], B1.[DepName], B1.[Group],
B2.ModifiedDate, B2.YearlyAmount, B2.MonthlyAmount,
B1.[FuBded], B1.[AppCategory], B1.[Research]
FROM Business B1
(select [ID], MAX(ModifiedDate) as ModifiedDate, SUM(YearlyAmount) as YearlyAmount,
SUM(MonthlyAmount) as MonthlyAmount
from Business
Group by ID) B2
ON B1.ID = B2.ID AND B1.ModifiedDate = B2.ModifiedDate

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How To Create A Table With A Name Choose *in The Fly*

Jun 3, 2004

Hi guys!

I need to create a table always that a new register is add in TABLE_ONE

The name of this new table must by 'TABLE_' + TABLE_ONE.Cod

It will be:

I know this code must be in a trigger of insert... but how? I did some tests but didnt work.

Thanks in advance.

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Summing Invoice Items - The Multi-part Identifier Items.TAX Could Not Be Bound

Apr 17, 2007

Hi: I'm try to create a stored procedure where I sum the amounts in an invoice and then store that summed amount in the Invoice record.  My attempts at this have been me with the error "The multi-part identifier "items.TAX" could not be bound"Any help at correcting my procedure would be greatly appreciate. Regards,Roger Swetnam  ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[UpdateInvoiceSummary]    @Invoice_ID intAS    DECLARE @Amount intBEGIN    SELECT     Invoice_ID, SUM(Rate * Quantity) AS Amount, SUM(PST) AS TAX    FROM         InvoiceItems AS items    GROUP BY Invoice_ID    HAVING      (Invoice_ID = @Invoice_ID)    Update Invoices SET Amount = items.Amount    WHERE Invoice_ID =@Invoice_IDEND

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Reporting Services :: Group And Sum Items / Sub-items Into One Record

Apr 10, 2015

I'm having an issue creating a report that can group & sum similar items together (I know in some ways, the requirement doesn't make sense, but it's what the client wants).

I have a table of items (i.e. products).  In some cases, items can be components of another item (called "Kits").  In this scenario, we consider the kit itself, the "parent item" and the components within the kit are called "child items".  In our Items table, we have a field called "Parent_Item_Id".  Records for Child Items contain the Item Id of the parent.  So a sample of my database would be the following:

ItemId | Parent_Item_Id | Name | QuantityAvailable
1 | NULL | Kit A | 10
2 | 1 | Item 1 | 2
3 | 1 | Item 2 | 3
4 | NULL | Kit B | 4
5 | 4 | Item 3 | 21
6 | NULL | Item 4 | 100

Item's 2 & 3 are child items of "Kit A", Item 5 is a child item of "Kit B" and Item 6 is just a stand alone item.

So, in my report, the client wants to see the SUM of both the kit & its components in a single line, grouped by the parent item.  So an example of the report would be the following:

Name | Available Qty
Kit A | 15
Kit B | 25
Item 4 | 100

How I can setup my report to group properly?

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Items Not In Table

Oct 3, 2007

how to find which items from a list (without using table ) are not in a specific table

problem is the following query gives what is in the table

select distinct areacode
from area_code
where areacode

tried using count to see 0 but only get 1 .... N

don't want to create a table everytime ... for dynamic list


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Matching Top 5 Items To Customers In Another Table

Oct 4, 2000

I'm trying to create a resultset with the top 100 customers for the year (based on this year's sales) and for each of these customers, to return 5 top items and their corresponding sales dollars, as well as percentage of total sales achieved by each item. What I'm struggling with is how to return specifically 5 sales items per customer. If I use a temp table or a correlated subquery, what is the exact syntax to use? Any advice will be appreciated. Thanks all :)

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Search For Items Across Multiple Table...

Oct 24, 2007

I have been working on a database and I have imported a number of lists into multiple tables.

I am having a lot of trouble writing the SQL code to be able to query across multiple tables. For instance, I want to know if john doe is on all five lists or if he is only on 3 lists (search by student name).

Can someone help me with this?


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Table Items Custom Sort

Feb 15, 2007


i am currently trying to port a "Business Objects" report to SQL Server Reporting Services.

in B.O., there is a possibility to define the order of the table values by previewing the table values and moving them up or down.

Example : the dataset contains data for 3 items, so in the Custom Sort window, I will see these 3 items and I can order them by moving them up or down in a listbox.

is this possible to do in Reporting Services ?

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How To Count No Of Items In Nested Table

Aug 28, 2007

I have the following table
Region Table


What i tried to do is count the number of restaurants by specific regionname. My current query is
Select RegionID, RegionName, count(*) as RestaurantNo
From Region Inner Join Restaurant
On Region.ID = Restaurant.RegionID

However I only get the results below
RegionID RegionName RestaurantNO
1 A1 0
2 A1.1 2
3 A1.2 1
4 A1.3 0

Where A1.1 , A1.2, and A1.3 are children of A1 in Region table
The result is not correct due to A1 should have 3 in RestaurantNo due to it contains A1.1 , A1.2 and A1.3
Could anyone help me to solve this problem.
Thank you

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Help With Pulling Data Related To All Items In A Table

Jan 11, 2006

Hey guys,
I have created an page where users can select multiple items and then submit the form.  I would like to return related items back.  The catch is, I want to only return items that are related to all of the selected items.
I've created a SQL Procedure that puts each of the inputted item's ItemId in to a temp table, I have a second table called RelatedItems which I use as my junction table that has ItemId, and ReleatedItemId, I then have my Item table that has the data I want to get to (I've excluded this because I have no trouble pulling out data once I have an ItemId)
I can pull out all related ItemIds with a simple join, however I don't know where to start when it comes to pulling out only items related to all ItemIds in the @TempTable.
Any help or suggestions would be great.

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Query Table For Cheapest Items (but A Little More Complicated Than That)

Oct 18, 2006

I'm not sure if this is even possible but can i pull out rows from two tables (that have a one-to-many relationship) but only if they satisfy a few conditions.

tblWine tblSources
ID Name ID WineID Source Price Status
----------------- -----------------------------------------
1 Le Dome 1 1 Smith 100.00 IB
2 Teyssier 2 1 Jones 110.00 IB
3 Muscat 3 1 Hill 100.00 DP
4 2 Smith 135.00 DP
5 2 Hill 125.00 DP

I only want to pull out row that contain the cheapest wine for their status. So the result would look something like this.

WineID Name SourceID Source Price Status
1 Le Dome 1 Smith 110.00 IB
1 Le Dome 3 Hill 100.00 DP
2 Teyssier 5 Hill 125.00 DP

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DELETE Items Where Count(items) &>1

May 12, 2006

I cannot find an easy way to DELETE items which are > 1 time in my table (i am working with MS SQL 2000)

7fdfd 0

I want to DELETE each Row IN

SELECT doublons.serial, Count(doublons.serial) AS 2Times
FROM doublons
GROUP BY doublons.serial
HAVING Count(doublons.serial)>1

and WHERE isOK = 0

in my exemple , after deleting, my table must look like


thank you for helping

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Retrieve Popular Search Items From Table - Problems

Jul 10, 2007

I've been using SQL for a while but I'm kinda stumped as to where to start with this one. I have a search function on my ecommerce site and whatever anyone searches for is being stored in a database.

I need a script that will look at my search entries table and return a list of the most popular search terms.

So go to the table and produce result like

Search Term (count)
Harry Potter (6)
Sherlock Holmes (4)
Garfield (2)

But like I say, I'm a little stumped as to where to even begin with this one.

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Insert Items From One To Table To Multiple Smaller Tables

Nov 15, 2004

I have a table that I filled with data imported from another database.

What I need to do is now take this huge table and break apart the information and put it into 5 smaller tables.

So I have a huge insert statement.

I have one main table called Property with two keys. One key is a "Prop_ID" and the other is "owner" where Prop_Id is a automated unique ID. Once the information is inserted into that table, I then get the Unique ID that it was given, and I then used that ID to insert into the other tables.

The problem I am encountering is I keep getting the following error

Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_Prop_Res_Detail'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'Prop_Res_Detail'.
The statement has been terminated.

I have an idea what might be going wrong, but I am not sure. What I want to happen is that I want the query to look at the first row of the huge table and then do all 4 of the inserts, and then go to the next row. But I think it is trying to all the inserts into the property table, and then go on to the Prop_Res_Detail table and that is why I am getting that error.

Any help is greatly appreicated.

here is the code..


CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Insert_Properties]




INSERT INTO Property(Acres,

CONVERT(Varchar(25), Assoc_Phone),
CONVERT(Varchar(50), AppraisalForm),
CONVERT(Varchar(10), Area),
CONVERT(Varchar(50), Assess_Account),
CONVERT(Varchar(20), AttachDetach),
CONVERT(Varchar(20), Block),
CONVERT(Varchar(40), City),
CONVERT(Varchar(50), County),
CONVERT(Varchar(1000), Directions),
CONVERT(Varchar(10), ER_EA),
CONVERT(Varchar(50), FloodZone),
CONVERT(Varchar(20), Import_From),
CONVERT(Varchar(20), Import_ID),
CONVERT(datetime, Insert_Date, 101),
CONVERT(Varchar(20), LandSQFT),
CONVERT(Varchar(50), LandSQFTDim),
CONVERT(Varchar(2000), LegalRemarks),
CONVERT(Varchar(50), ListAppraiser_ID),
CONVERT(Varchar(50), ListAssoc_ID),
CONVERT(Varchar(50), ListBroker_ID),
CONVERT(varchar(11), ListDate),
CONVERT(Varchar(1000), Listing_Office_Remarks),
CONVERT(Varchar(10), ListPrice),
CONVERT(Varchar(20), Lot),
CONVERT(Varchar(10), Map),
CONVERT(Varchar(10), Num_Images),
CONVERT(Varchar(25), Office_Phone),
CONVERT(Varchar(10), Original_ListPrice),
CONVERT(Varchar(50), Owner),
CONVERT(datetime, Pending_Date, 101),
CONVERT(Varchar(50), PhotoName),
CONVERT(Varchar(25), PropSubType),
CONVERT(Varchar(20), Prop_Type),
CONVERT(Varchar(10), Quad),
CONVERT(Varchar(1000), Remarks),
CONVERT(Varchar(25), State),
CONVERT(Varchar(10), Status),
CONVERT(Varchar(4), StreetDir),
CONVERT(Varchar(15), StreetNum),
CONVERT(Varchar(50), StreetName),
CONVERT(Varchar(20), Township),
CONVERT(Varchar(6), UnitNumber),
CONVERT(Varchar(20), ZipCode )

FROM Imported_Closed_Property_From_MLS

SET @Prop_ID = @@Identity

/*Property Res Table */
INSERT INTO Prop_Res_Detail(Prop_ID,

CONVERT(Varchar(50), Addition),
CONVERT(Varchar(100), Appliances),
CONVERT(Varchar(25), Basement_Area),
CONVERT(Varchar(100), BasementDesc),
CONVERT(Varchar(50), Builder),
CONVERT(Varchar(50), Construction),
CONVERT(Varchar(20), Cool),
CONVERT(Varchar(10), Dining),
CONVERT(Varchar(60), District_School),
CONVERT(Varchar(100), Energy),
CONVERT(Varchar(100), Exterior_Features),
CONVERT(Varchar(40), Fence),
CONVERT(Varchar(100), Floors),
CONVERT(Varchar(40), Foundation),
CONVERT(Varchar(50), FP),
CONVERT(Varchar(40), FP_Type),
CONVERT(Varchar(50), Garage_Attach_Detach),
CONVERT(Varchar(25), Garage_Cap),
CONVERT(Varchar(20), Handicap),
CONVERT(Varchar(20), Heat),
CONVERT(Varchar(40), HOA),
CONVERT(Varchar(30), HOA_Fee),
CONVERT(Varchar(100), HOA_Inc),
CONVERT(Varchar(20), HOA_Period),
CONVERT(Varchar(20), Inlaw_Plan),
CONVERT(Varchar(100), Interior_Features),
CONVERT(Varchar(40), Livestock),
CONVERT(Varchar(400), Lot_Desc),
CONVERT(Varchar(100), Mechanical),
CONVERT(Varchar(10), NumLivingArea),
CONVERT(Varchar(5), Num_Baths),
CONVERT(Varchar(5), Num_Beds),
CONVERT(Varchar(30), Num_Levels),
CONVERT(Varchar(100), Other_Info),
CONVERT(Varchar(100), OvenDesc),
CONVERT(Varchar(50), Owner),
CONVERT(Varchar(100), Parking),
CONVERT(Varchar(25), Patio),
CONVERT(Varchar(50), Patio_Dim),
CONVERT(Varchar(25), Perc_Basement_Com),
CONVERT(Varchar(20), Pool),
CONVERT(Varchar(20), Pool_Type),
CONVERT(Varchar(40), Prop_Faces),
CONVERT(Varchar(20), Range),
CONVERT(Varchar(100), RangeDesc),
CONVERT(Varchar(50), Remodeled),
CONVERT(Varchar(10), Rental),
CONVERT(Varchar(10), RentalAmount),
CONVERT(Varchar(20), Roof_Type),
CONVERT(Varchar(5), Roof_year),
CONVERT(Varchar(100), RoomOther),
CONVERT(Varchar(10), Sect),
CONVERT(Varchar(10), SQFT),
CONVERT(Varchar(50), SQFTSource),
CONVERT(Varchar(100), Style),
CONVERT(Varchar(10), Tax_Amount),
CONVERT(Varchar(5), Tot_Rooms),
CONVERT(Varchar(100), UtilityAvailable),
CONVERT(Varchar(50), WindowType),
CONVERT(Varchar(5), Year_Built)
FROM Imported_Closed_Property_From_MLS

/*Sold Info Table */
INSERT INTO Sold_Info(Prop_ID,

CONVERT(Varchar(10), Buy_Pts),
CONVERT(datetime, Closed_Date, 101),
CONVERT(Varchar(10), Closed_Price),
CONVERT(Varchar(50), Closed_Price_SQFT),
CONVERT(Varchar(50), COOP_Sales),
CONVERT(Varchar(5), DOM),
CONVERT(Varchar(10), InterestRate),
CONVERT(Varchar(50), Lender),
CONVERT(Varchar(10), LoanAmount),
CONVERT(Varchar(50), LoanTerms),
CONVERT(Varchar(10), Loan_Years),
CONVERT(Varchar(10), Origination_Fee),
CONVERT(Varchar(50), Owner),
CONVERT(Varchar(100), SellerConcessions),
CONVERT(Varchar(25), LoanType),
CONVERT(Varchar(1000), Sold_Remarks)
FROM Imported_Closed_Property_From_MLS

/*Remarks Table */
INSERT INTO Remarks(Prop_ID,

CONVERT(datetime, App_Date, 101),
CONVERT(Varchar(1000), App_Remark),
CONVERT(datetime, Contract_Date, 101),
CONVERT(Varchar(50), Inspection_Type),
CONVERT(Varchar(50), Owner),
CONVERT(Varchar(10), PendingSalesPrice),
CONVERT(Varchar(1000), PendingSaleComments)
FROM Imported_Closed_Property_From_MLS


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SQL 2012 :: Deadlock When Inserting And Deleting Items From Same Table

Nov 3, 2015

I am getting a number of deadlocks when inserting and deleting items from the same table.

The delete statement has a U lock and awaiting an IX lock on an index that covers the column in the where clause.

The insert statement has a IX lock and awaiting a U lock on the same index.

The delete statement is deleting about 5000 rows, where as the insert statement is inserting a single row.

Both these statements are found in stored procedures being called from LINQ to SQL.

I am wondering if there is a way I can prevent the delete statement taking the U lock out?My thinking being if the delete didn't take out the U lock then it would not deadlock with the insert. Are there any hints I could use to avoid the particular lock above?

I have seen various examples of multiple updates causing a deadlock, which can be fixed by adding multiple indexes. However, as I am inserting and deleting rows I imagine that all the indexes will need to be updated by both operations.

I have inherited the architecture and don't have the time to redesign everything at present. My backup plan is to deprioritize the delete and build in a retry mechanism.

However, it would be really good if I could find a more elegant way to handle deleting and inserting rows at the same time.

Deadlock trace information below...

11/02/2015 22:21:26,spid21s,Unknown,waiter id=process1cc9c68558 mode=IX requestType=wait
11/02/2015 22:21:26,spid21s,Unknown,waiter-list
11/02/2015 22:21:26,spid21s,Unknown,owner id=process203f31b498 mode=U
11/02/2015 22:21:26,spid21s,Unknown,owner-list
11/02/2015 22:21:26,spid21s,Unknown,pagelock fileid=1 pageid=721673 dbid=6 subresource=FULL objectname=PerforceReports_Staging.dbo.DebugReport id=lock1663f5d900 mode=U

[Code] ....

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Subtotals In Table (group Footer) Using Report Items 2005

Aug 31, 2007

How can I calculate a subtotal for a Report Item? I have a textbox(lets call it "PlusMinus") in the detail section of my table, which is a calculated textbox of two others (lets call them "Budget" and "Spent"). So, PlusMinus = (Budget - Spent). What I would like to do is get a subtotal for PlusMinus. I have tried several ways, using Sum() or RunningValue, even tried to write code, but I can't seem to get it right. Any ideas??

Thanks in advance!

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Binary Data Types (Images) In Matrix/Table Items In Reports

Jul 11, 2007

I am trying to produce a matrix (crosstab) report in SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services Report Designer, where the column headers contain a binary data type storing a png image.

By just simply using the report wizard and assigning the binary (image) data value to the column headers, and then previewing the report, I get following error:

An error occurred during local report processing.An error has occurred during report processing.The Group expression used in grouping 'matrix1_COMPETITOR_EMBLEM' returned a data type that is not valid.

Is there any way to include binary data types, or images per se from the database into a matrix or even table item in a report ?

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Create A Table Of Contents Based On Report Items From A List Control

Apr 28, 2008

What are the options to create a table of contents based on the report items in a List Control? Document Mapping works for online viewing. A table of content would make the report easier to read when it's printed.

Any help is much appreciated. Thanks.

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Which Sp1 Do I Pick?

Apr 28, 2006

Hi, I have a question that may seem simple to you, but I am having trouble locating the answer.

I want to install sp1 for sql server 2005. The directions tell me to select the correct link and give me three choices. The choices are differentiated with x86, x64, and IA.

I installed the 32 bit sql server 2005 on a window xp professional gateway personal computer. I'm just learning, so I did not involve my home network.

Which sp1 should I select?


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Auto Pick

Feb 21, 2007

hi all,
anyone has any idea in what i want to accomplish here :-
how can we sort the select statement, say, we want to compare integer inputqty=60.. how can we match the suitable sum of column qty to reach the 60 figure...

EG -> qty column : 50, 25, 15, 10

i)how can we prompt the select statemnet to choose 50 and 10 to make it 60...
ii)for another eg, say inputqty=90, then how can we prompt it to select 50 + 25 + 15 = 90
iii)and for some cases, if no round qty, the sum could be more, but the least from the qty list... eg : inputqty=80, how to automate the select statement to choose the closest figure, 50 + 25 + 10 = 85

i dunno if this is possible for any select or function or sp...

~~~Focus on problem, not solution~~~

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Randomly Pick Records

Apr 10, 2001

I need to randomly pick one or more records from a query e.g

select c_id, c_name
from c_table
where cat_id = 52

There may be more than one records for cat_id = 52. and I need to pick 3 of them randomly.

Thanks in advance!

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Pick Random Records

Jun 25, 2002

I need a way to select records at random from a SQL Server 2000 table. If the record I've selected at random meets a few simple conditions (column X <> 'A' and column Y == 'Z') then return this record and get the next. Ideally I'd be able to do this in a stored proc where I'd call it with:

parameter 1: table name
parameter 2: number of random records to get
parameter 3: value for condition 1
parameter 4: value for condition 2

Any help will be greatly appreciated!


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Pick And Display TOP 3 Values

May 18, 2014

I have the below data with two columns (Posting Date and Pond Crop, construct an SQL where i will pick and display only the TOP 3 Posting date of EACH Pond Crop. I only attached less data but in reality there are lots of Ponds and posting date in this table.

Table Name : Weekly Harvest

1. Posting Date
2. PondCrop

Desired Output:

Posting Date PondCrop
2011-12-12 00:00:00.00001PA01-15
2011-12-19 00:00:00.00001PA01-15
2011-12-26 00:00:00.00001PA01-15
2012-03-19 00:00:00.00001PA01-16
2012-03-20 00:00:00.00001PA01-16
2012-03-26 00:00:00.00001PA01-16

Raw Data
Posting Date PondCrop
2011-11-21 00:00:00.00001PA01-15
2011-11-28 00:00:00.00001PA01-15
2011-12-02 00:00:00.00001PA01-15
2011-12-05 00:00:00.00001PA01-15

[Code] ....

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How To Pick Alphabet In A String

Aug 9, 2013

I need to increment values

I have written this script execute this :

This is for this scenario

Insert Into #String SELECT 'S601-S630',1,'Desc1'
Drop table #IDs
CREATE TABLE #IDs(ID INT IDENTITY(1,1) ,String VARCHAR(100),Flag Int,Description VARCHAR(1000))
CREATE TABLE #string(ID INT IDENTITY(1,1) ,String VARCHAR(100),Falg Int,Descript VARCHAR(1000))
DECLARE @min INT ,@Max INT ,@String VARCHAR(50),@Start VARCHAR(50),@End VARCHAR(50),@Flag INT,@Desc VARCHAR(1000)

[Code] ....

How I need to increment if the input is like this

Insert Into #String SELECT '6S01-6S30',1,'Desc1'

if alphabet is in middle of the number??

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How To Pick Up The Diffrent Record

May 5, 2008

I have a table as below:
user_id app_id form_id
1 a 1245
1 a 1345
1 b 1548
2 a 1245
2 a 1345
2 a 1411
2 b 1678
2 c 1245
3 b 1678
Now I want compare user 1 with user 2, and find out the records for user 2 where there are no app_id and from_id the same as user 1, so the output should be"
2 a 1411
2 b 1678
2 c 1245
Please advise how I can do this. Many thanks.

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Cannot See Server Name In The Pick List

Dec 8, 2006

I have installed the MS SQL Server (Developer Edition) that comes with Visual Studuo 2005 Professional Edition into my computer. Seems like install is OK and I can see both SQLEXPRESS and MSSQLSERVER in configuration manager. I can start/stop both of the servers OK. However, when I try to make a connection from Visual Studuo 2005, I can only see SQLEXPRESS in the pick list in "Add Connection" window. SQLSERVER is not in the list.

The very first task I wanted to do is to convert and Access database to SQL. For that reason, I also installed "Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant for Access". In that application I cannot even see any server name when the wizard asks which server to choose. I also tried to start/stop "Sql Server Browser" service. When I stop the service, the pick list becomes empty and when I start the service the pick list has only SQLEXPRESS.

So, how can I see or pick MSSQLSERVER to make a connection in either applications? Please note I am VERY NEW to SQL Server and I appreciate your answers with that consideration.

Thans in advance

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jim work

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