How To Archiv Part Of The Table Information Based On The Timestamp?

Jul 25, 2003

In my database I want to archive some rows based on the time stamp. I read that horizontal partitioning will do that. This partitioning will insert the rows from the table into some other Database - Tablename. In retrivng those rows back I need to issue separate queries and UNION the result set. Is this way is correct or there any better ways to do this? If it is I have another question. If I add a new column to the table I partitioned, what will happen to the table that I stored in other Database. Is that going to add this new column too?

If possible please give me a sample code or queries to partition the database.

Thank you.

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Merge Two Tables Into A Single Table Based On The Matching Timestamp

Aug 2, 2013

Two tables:

table #1 = timestamp, servername1(never changes), value(int)
Table #2 = timestamp, servername2(never changes), value(int)

What I need to do is merge the two tables into a single table based on the matching timestamp:

timestamp, servername1, servername2 as headers then values under
"1/1/1-1:10:1" , "10" , "10" - as an example
"1/1/1-1:20:1" , "20" , "21" - as an example
"1/1/1-1:30:1" , "1" , "5" - as an example

Powershell or MSSQL 2008 queries work.

I have a powershell script atm that can create the table and then throw it back into the database but its very slow because of the amount of records.

The table is for some performance stat collection app.

Table #1 records a timestamp, the servername (which is the same over and over in the table) and the value of the performance object.
Table #2 is the same collection but for a different server.

The layout in the database is terrible but this is what I get to work with.

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How To Archiv Table To Another Table With Unique Number For All Rows Once + Date

Apr 28, 2008

need help
how to archiv table to another table with unique number for all rows once + date time (not the second only day time +minute)
i need whan i insert to the another table add 2 more fields (unique number , date_time )

this is the table 1 i select from
ID fname new_date val_holiday

111 aaaa 15/03/2008 1
111 aaaa 16/03/2008 1
111 aaaa 18/03/2008 1
111 aaaa 19/03/2008 1
111 aaaa 20/03/2008 1
111 aaaa 21/03/2008 1

222 bbb 02/05/2008 3
222 bbb 03/05/2008 3
222 bbb 04/05/2008 3
222 bbb 05/05/2008 3
222 bbb 06/05/2008 3
222 bbb 07/05/2008 3
222 bbb 08/05/2008 3
222 bbb 09/05/2008 3

333 ccc 03/04/2008 4
333 ccc 04/04/2008 4

this is the table 2 i insert into
ID fname new_date val_holiday unique number date_time

111 aaaa 15/03/2008 1 666 15/04/2008 17:03
111 aaaa 16/03/2008 1 666 15/04/2008 17:03
111 aaaa 18/03/2008 1
111 aaaa 19/03/2008 1 666 15/04/2008 17:03
111 aaaa 20/03/2008 1 666 15/04/2008 17:03
111 aaaa 21/03/2008 1 666 15/04/2008 17:03

222 bbb 02/05/2008 3 666 15/04/2008 17:03
222 bbb 03/05/2008 3
222 bbb 04/05/2008 3 666 15/04/2008 17:03
222 bbb 05/05/2008 3 666 15/04/2008 17:03
222 bbb 06/05/2008 3 666 15/04/2008 17:03
222 bbb 07/05/2008 3 666 15/04/2008 17:03
222 bbb 08/05/2008 3 666 15/04/2008 17:03
222 bbb 09/05/2008 3 666 15/04/2008 17:03

333 ccc 03/04/2008 4 666 15/04/2008 17:03
333 ccc 04/04/2008 4 666 15/04/2008 17:03

for evry archiv table to another table (insert) i need to get a unique number + date time (not the second only day time +minute)

next insert ......
ID fname new_date val_holiday unique number date_time

111 aaaa 15/03/2008 1 667 15/04/2008 17:15
111 aaaa 16/03/2008 1 667 15/04/2008 17:15
111 aaaa 18/03/2008 1
111 aaaa 19/03/2008 1 667 15/04/2008 17:15

.....................................................................667 15/04/2008 17:15

next insert ......
ID fname new_date val_holiday unique number date_time

111 aaaa 15/03/2008 1 668 15/04/2008 08:15
111 aaaa 16/03/2008 1 668 15/04/2008 08:15
111 aaaa 18/03/2008 1
111 aaaa 19/03/2008 1 668 15/04/2008 08:15

.....................................................................668 15/04/2008 08:15


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Summarized Report From One Table Based On Information From Other Tables

Dec 11, 2004


These are my tables

id, level, base

aid, name

aid, itemID

aid is the ID that comes from the auth table.

The final output that I plan to get is

Name Number of Items

where name comes from the info table, and number of items comes from the store table.

Query something like:

show the total number of items for all those users (in the fashion Name, Number of items)from the store table, for all those whose level=something and base=something in the auth table.

For example,

if there are 10 users whom match level=something and base=something in the auth table,

What I want displayed is:
Name Number of Items
user1 10
user2 15
user3 20
user10 30

which if broken up is:
select name from info where aid=X
select count(*) from store where aid=X ..

for all those whose base=something and level=something from auth.


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Selecting A Record By Part Of The TIMESTAMP

Apr 20, 2007


Is it possible to select a record by just the date part of the data type TIMESTAMP?

2007-04-20 16:27:01

For example, a query to select all records added today.

Thanks very much,


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Extract Date Part Of Timestamp Column And Convert It To Char Field

Nov 28, 2012

Is there a way to extract the date part (11/27/2012) of a datetime/time stamp column (11/27/2012 00:00:00.000) and keep it in a date format?

The code i have below extracts the date part of a timestamp column and converts it to a char field. This becomes a problem when I joing the resultant table with a SAS dataset which contains the same column but is in a date format. The join process generates an error saying the column is in different formats.

convert(char(15), process_date,112) as process_dt

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Analysis :: DAX - Dynamic Masking Of Information Based On Role Security

Oct 2, 2015

I have a business requirement to build a tabular data model, where I need to mask information of other Agents from a given Agent but I still need to show the overall sales of the given product. 

For eg: IF an Agent is in APAC region he should see APAC region sales and also should be able see the sales of the same product in other region without knowing region specific break down.

For Agent  "Tom" in APAC region, the numbers will look like this
APAC_Sales = 100,000
Other_Sales = 500,000

And if "John" is in NA region, then the number will look like this for him

NA_Sales     = 200,000
Other_Sales = 400,000

I wanted to create "Roles" based on the Region, so all the agents belong to "APAC" region will have same view as Tom and "NA" region agents will have John's view.

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Query To Select Data Based On Alphanumeric (surname) Information.

Jul 31, 2007


I am trying to write a query that will be able to select different segments of data based on spelling of the last name.

For example, in my database of name information, I need to select anyone whose last name starts with 'AAA' to 'EJJ'

then need to select anyone whose last name starts with 'EJK' to 'JAE' and so on...

I have tried using LIKE and some other methods with the > operator, but I can't get it to work. Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas on how to select data based on the alphanumeric characters this way?


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For Loop - Iterate From Older Files To Newer Files Based On File's Timestamp

Mar 13, 2008

In the For Loop, How to Iterate from Older flat files to Newer flat files based on File's Timestamp. If there are some older files in that folder, it should be processed first and then continue with the newer one.

Any Suggestions?

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Integration Services :: Load Incremental Data Into Fact Table When Source Table Not Have Timestamp And Unique Key

Sep 24, 2015

I have a transaction table having about 40 crore rows in source. It don't have timestamp and unique key columns. It have only Bill_month and Bill_Year columns. Actually for loading this table into staging I have added a new datetime column by adding default bill_date as 01. Then

* First we delete last 3 month data from staging tables.
* Get last 3 months data from source table.
* Load that 3 months data from source to staging table. 

We do this because we only get update for last three months data. Now I have to include this transaction table as Fact table in DW. What will be the best practice for loading the fact table by picking data form staging table. Also we have to look up with dimensions for Foreign Keys. 

* Should I implement the same method of deleting last 3 months records and loading them again. 

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Error While Converting Oracle Timestamp To Sql Server Timestamp (datetime) - Invalid Date Format

Jun 19, 2007

I am populating oracle source in Sql Server Destination. after few rows it fails it displays this error:

[OLE DB Destination [16]] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description:
"Invalid date format".

I used this script component using the following code in between the adapters, However after 9,500 rows it failed again giving the same above error:

To convert Oracle timestamp to Sql Server timestamp





End If

End If

I don't know if my code is right . Please inform, how i can achieve this.

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Transact SQL :: Query To Display Avg Values For Each Timestamp And Count Of Timestamp

Jun 23, 2015

date        time         s-sitename TimeTaken(Seconds)
6/8/2015 10:56:26 TestSite 100
6/8/2015 10:56:26 TestSite 500
6/8/2015 10:56:26 TestSite 800
6/9/2015 11:56:26 TestSite 700
6/9/2015 11:56:26 TestSite 200
6/12/2015 12:56:26 TestSite 700

I have a table with above values, I am looking for a sql query to find AvgTimeTaken at different time stamps and total count of each time stamp

date        time         s-sitename TimeTaken(Seconds) Count_of_Request
6/8/2015 10:56:26 TestSite 1400                  3
6/9/2015 11:56:26 TestSite 900                   2
6/12/2015 12:56:26 TestSite 700                   1

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Select Part Of Character String Based On A Character

Apr 15, 2004

I have data in a column that starts with 1-4 characters followed by a dash then followed by an number of characters (ex: EU-Surgery).

How do I select everything to the right of the dash when the number of characters to the left of the dash varies?

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PK And Timestamp In Same Table?

Oct 7, 2005

Is there any reason to have a row that is the PK/Identity and a rowthat is datatype Timestamp in the same table?Does this in any way help speeding up row updates?Thanks,lq

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Table Row Timestamp

May 27, 2008


I've heard that in Oracle, tables have an implicitly column that stores the last modified timestamps for each record.
Using this timestamp i can find out all the newly inserted/updated records in a table.
Do we have something similar in SQL server. Or is there a method to find out newly inserted/updated/deleted records ?

Deep GZ.

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Query To Only Display Information From One Table Where The Foreign Key Doesnt Exist In The Other Table.

Nov 28, 2006

I want to make a query, stored procedure, or whatever which will only display the primary key where there does no exist a foreign key in linked table.For example. If I had two tables with a one to many relationship.A [Computer] has one or more [Hard Drives]. I want to select only those computers which do not have a Hard Drive(s) associated with them. That is, show all computers where the Computer_ID field in the [Hard Drives] table does not exist. This seems simple but I'm drawing a blank here. 

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Timestamp To A Temporary Table?

Sep 11, 2013

how you code to get a timestamps to a temp table.ex. select date from clock where name='name' and nbr='10';I want this data to be in my temp date table..

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Web Part Deserialization Error When Trying To Change Report Viewer Web Part Programmatically.

Oct 29, 2007

I have SSRS 2005 SP2 configured to work in Sharepoint integration. Everything works fine except that I am not able to programmatically change any property of report viewer web part (instance) that I have added on on home page of my sharepoint site.
I can do same thing via sharepoint UI but not through program. When my programs runs it fetches all web parts been added on home page, then I need to iterate through each one and find report viewer web part.
While iterating, as soon as I arrive to report viewer web part it is named as "Error web part" with error message as
"Windows SharePoint Services cannot deserialize the Web Part. Check the format of the properties and try again"

If someone has a solution, please respond at your earlist.



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Extract Data From Table Using Timestamp Range

Apr 21, 2014

There is a simple SQL table ("mytable"). Say, it has 100 rows and 5 columns. One of the columns (say "time") contains timestamps across the whole day and the data in this column has the following format: hh:mm:ssAM/PM. So, the table looks like this:

time var1 var2 var3 var4

12:00:01PM value ...
12:00:05PM value
12:00:08PM value
12:00:20PM value
12:10:12PM value
...100 rows

How to create simple SQL request for extracting data between any 2 timestamps? For example, I need sub-table of the initial table containing all data values between 12:00:05PM and 12:00:20PM:

time var1 var2 var3 var4

12:00:05PM value
12:00:08PM value
12:00:20PM value

I consider something like this:

SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE time BETWEEN ...?

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Insert Data TimeStamp Column In A Table

Jan 10, 2008

I have been provided with a table where one of the columns is of TimeStamp data type. My question is how to insert and update data in this column through my SQL Statement? When I run my SQL statement, it gives me an error with this column name in the error.

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Transact SQL :: Create Table With Timestamp Column

Jul 2, 2015

Im trying to insert the values from this query into a table, so I can later check the history of memory usage:

[total_physical_memory_kb] / 1024 AS [Total_Physical_Memory_In_MB]
,[available_page_file_kb] / 1024 AS [Available_Physical_Memory_In_MB]
,[total_page_file_kb] / 1024 AS [Total_Page_File_In_MB]
,[available_page_file_kb] / 1024 AS [Available_Page_File_MB]
,[kernel_paged_pool_kb] / 1024 AS [Kernel_Paged_Pool_MB]
,[kernel_nonpaged_pool_kb] / 1024 AS [Kernel_Nonpaged_Pool_MB]
,[system_memory_state_desc] AS [System_Memory_State_Desc]
FROM [master].[sys].[dm_os_sys_memory]

What I'm missing is a way to insert the current timestamp every time I insert to the table.My plan is to use the insert into command.

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Insert Timestamp Data Into Sage SQL Table.

Nov 21, 2007

There's a nullable Timestamp data type column in all tables in Sage SQL database.
When using Insert SQL query add a new record, with a NULL for the Timestamp column, into a table it seems alright. When opening the table it shows the inserted data in the Timestamp column is Binary. But when reading the record by Sage program there's an error message as the following:
'Fractional truncation: table scheme.opheadm unique_no 24969592 1'.
Any idea what the problem is?

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Split A Decimal Number Into The Integer Part And The Fraction Part

Dec 7, 2007

I have a table with a column named measurement decimal(18,1).  If the value is 2.0, I want the stored proc to return 2 but if the value is 2.5 I want the stored proc to return  2.5.  So if the value after the decimal point is 0, I only want the stored proc to return the integer portion.  Is there a sql function that I can use to determine what the fraction part of the decimal value is?  In c#, I can use
dr["measurement "].ToString().Split(".".ToCharArray())[1] to see what the value after the decimal is.

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Import DT_DBDATE Into A SQL TAble With Datatype Of Datetime But Without The Timestamp

Jul 16, 2007

I created a SSIS package and creating a derived column named: Date...set datatype as DT_DBDATE....I do not want the timestamp on date...then I want to load this Date into a SQL server database table, with datatype of datetime, but it will load here with the timestamp which I do not want. Any ideas? I did change datatype of the SQL Server Destination datatype to DT_DBDATE but it will change it back to DT_DBTimestamp. thx

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SQL 2012 :: Function With 2nd Part Working On Results 1st Part

Jan 28, 2015

I have made the following Scalar-valued function:

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[TimeCalc]
@OriginalTime AS INTEGER
, @TenthsOrHundredths AS INTEGER -- code 2: 1/10, code 4: 1/100

[Code] ....

What it does is convert numbers to times

E.g.: 81230 gets divided by 10 (times in seconds: 8123). This 1 1 full minute, and the remainder = 2123 making it 1.21.23 mins)

So far so good (function works perfectly)

My question: sometimes times are in 1/100 (like above sample), sometimes in 1/10.

This means that, e.g. with a time like 3.23.40 the last zero must be deleted.

My thoughts are to use the results from the Return Case part, and as the code = 4: leave it as it is,

is the code 2 the use LEFT(... result Return Case ..., Len(..result Return Case.. - 1))

There are 5 codes: 0 1 2 3 and 4

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Link To SQL 7 Table --db Lib-- PART 2

Apr 28, 2000

I have used the Microsoft code below to create a link to SQL server from access. I am using DAO not ADODB. Someone said that I should use dblib instead of ODBC in the connection string below in order to get the connection to work.

Does anyone know the correct syntax for OLE DB connection string and can it be used with DAO? I am getting an error "ISAM path not found"?? Seems I have wrong connection string syntax?? Please advise.

Thanks again for your help.

Sub ClientServerX3()
Dim dbsCurrent as Database
Dim tdRoy as TableDef
Set dbsCurrent = CurrentDb
Set tdfRoy = dbsCurrent.CreateTableDef("Roy")

tdfRoy.Connect = "ODBC;DATABASE=pubs;UID=sa;PWD=;DSN=Publishers"

***************CONNECTION HERE? How??

tdfRoy.SourceTableName = "Royalties"
dbsCurrent.TableDefs.Append tdfRoy
End Sub

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Link With A Part Of A Table

Apr 20, 2005

Tell me please how can I make a foreing key constraint for a table using from another not all primary key or not all data. For example, I need to link a table "subject" with primary key "dscp_num, depart" using depart as a foreing key. But there is no table with such primary key, there is only table "codif_values" where selecting records by condition "codif_num = 1" gives the relation with necesary primary key to link. Also I need to link "subject" table as a primary key table with the table "ses_curr". But this table doesn't include "depart" field. It includes field "reg_num" that is a primary key in table "students". This table include field "stgroup" as a foreing key for table "groups". The last table includes "speciality" field that is a foreing key for table "specialities". And only this table includes "depart" field. Tell me please how I can make a foreing key constraint for table "ses_curr" by table "subject".

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Total Missing In Part Of Table

Apr 30, 2015

I want to add a new column in a table. In this column I want to include a Total Value. This Total Value exists already for dates after Sept 23, 2013. For dates before Sept 23, 2013 the total can be calculated using the following math:

Total = Total(t-1) - (Resource_Name1-Resource_Name1).

The Resource_Name column contains the Total field (after Sept 23) as well as the Resource_Name1 field. There is a third column called Direction which contains the values injection or withdrawal. The Resource_Name1 differes in value depending on whether it is injection or withdrawal. How do I create a new column with Totals for the full data set?

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Making Part Of A Table Name Into A Variable

Aug 23, 2007

I have a huge question, it's for my job im doing now. I have a table with the name TWO.dbo.SVC06105. I want to be able to take the word "TWO" and put that into a variable. I know this doesn't look correct, but I want to be able to do something like this:



I know the SELECT statement isn't correct, but I hope that you guys understand what i'm trying to do through this example. BTW, I am new to this team so nice to meet you all. L8er

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How To Hide A Row Of Table Which Is Part Of The Header

Jun 5, 2007

I want to hide a row n all pages except the first page , is there a way for doing this,

The haeder has totally 5 rows, But i want to hide only the 4th row, that too I want it in the first page and not the rest of the pages

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Transact SQL :: Using Join With Part Of A Table

Jul 14, 2015

I have a table like this : |   description |  start_date |  end_date |   load_date

I want to join this table with itself on reg. no. But not all the rows in table must be joined.

But for example, rows with load_date 01-07-2015 to be joined with rows with load_date 02-07-2015. And the rest of the rows should not used in join (for example, rows having other load_dates)

Is this possible ? and how?

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Updating A Part Of Coulmn Value In A Table

Aug 14, 2006


I need to update just a portion of a column value in a table.


Order_data = 'source=ABD00050&ordsrc=&ecode=ABD00001'

Order_data ='source=ABD00050&ecode=ABD00001'

for both of these values of Order_data I just need to update value of ecode..

Please help..



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Table Information In Sql Server

Feb 21, 2008

In my Sql Sever i have added one Database "Devtools", by restoring it from .bak file. Now In my asp page I want to Display a Datagrid with data from a table "Devices". I want to Generate the Gridview dynamically. The columns in the table are dynamic they are not constant so I want to generate my Gridview dynamically. So I want to get the columns info of the table and based on that I want to dynamically add the columns to the table.  So how to get the info of the table first. Is there any query where i can get the table info

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