Hi friends,
I have created a database DB1 using CREATE DATABASE DB1 command. Then i created login name using CREATE LOGIN login1 WITH PASSWORD = 'password1' command and created user name using CREATE USER user1 FOR LOGIN login1 command. Now i have to assign the user1 to the database DB1.
Any one please tell me how to assign DB1 access privilege to user1?
hi, can anyone help me out with this report.I need to produce a report for the database level user permission.like for a database: DB_A, I want to output as such:[SELECT] [INSERT] [UPDATE] [DELETE] [CREATE TABLE] .... otherpublic G Dguest D D D D Ddbo G G G G Guser_A G D D D GG stands for Grant and D stands for Deny.I need not only to look at direct grant/deny but also whether that useris a member of fixed database role and fixed server role. like dbo willhave G on all.I am trying to look into sysprotects table and looking at lines with id= 0 but I just can't get to know what different action and protecttypenumbers means!Many thanks
I am relatively new to sql developer. There is a new user that just joined our organization. I am trying to grant him the same direct grants privilege to the tables that an existing user has. The existing user has a ton of direct table access privileges and it will take days if I had to do each grant one by one like: grant select,insert,delete,update on 'table name' to 'user id'. Is there a way of copying or inserting an existing user's privilege and granting it to a new user.
it is possible to grant all privilege (CRUD) to specified table to user. But, now, i want to grant all privilege (CRUD) of all tables, views, sp, ... of database to the user. is it possible?regards,
My server administrator has created a few users as domain user privilege for connecting SQL server from my application. However it faild to connect, and
with Domain Admin privilege, my app is running ok.
I asked admin person to upgrade domain user privilege to connect SQL server,
but he couldn't do this for security reason, and told it should work with domain user.
Is it true for domain user to connect SQL server without any problem?
Do I need to add the user, domain user, into Logins of Security inside SQL server Enterprise Manager?
Or inside users of my database section of SQL server EManager?
Hi. Thru a sproc, I drop & re-create some temp tables.When I call that sproc from the client, though, I cannot drop thetables.I need to allow the user, say "Alex", to drop/create tables (actually,that would be DDL). Which role should "Alex" assume ? How do I do that?I run the following sproc named, say, "CREATE_TABLE" (SNIP):__________________________________________________ __________________Set @StrSQL = 'if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id =object_id(N''[dbo].[' + @TableName + ']'') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id,N''IsUserTable'') = 1) drop table [dbo].[' + @TableName + ']'Exec (@StrSQL)Set @StrSQL = 'CREATE TABLE [dbo].[' + @TableName + '] ([GROUP] [varchar] (6) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,...........[Stuff] [varchar] (20) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL) ON [PRIMARY]'Exec (@StrSQL)Set @StrSQL = 'GRANT SELECT , UPDATE , INSERT , DELETE ON [dbo].['+ @TableName + '] TO [Alex]'Exec (@StrSQL)__________________________________________________ __________________As you can see, it is dynamic, because I need to repeat it for many@TableName values - that means, further more, that I will be executingthis in the context of the current user, Alex, and therefore I have togive Alex rights to both executing the sproc and to the tables referredto by the sproc, as specified by @TableName.I created a _TEST sproc which contains only the following:_______________________________________________CREATE PROCEDURE _TEST ASDROP TABLE [dbo].[SomeTable]RETURN_______________________________________________When I execute it from the client, thru ADODB, on user Alex, I get"User does not have permission to execute this operation on tableSomeTable"The table has been created thru "CREATE_TABLE", abovePlease help, I have to finish this tomorrow, and I'm under tons ofpressure.Thanks a lot,Alex.
I have a requirement to allow a user to restore a database and then create database users and add them to the db_owner database role. The user must not have sysadmin rights on the server.
The database restore works ok by placing the user in the dbcreator role.
There is a stored procedure to create the database user and alter role membership, I want the user to execute the sp as a different, higher privilege account so as not to give the user underlying permission to create users in the database.
USE [master] GO
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[sp_create_db_users] Script Date: 22/07/2014 13:54:46 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO
[Code] ....
The user has execute permission on the stored procedure but keeps getting the error:
Msg 916, Level 14, State 1, Line 2
The server principal "Mydomainadmin1" is not able to access the database "Mydatabase" under the current security context.
Mydomainadmin1 has dbowner to Mydatabase and sysadmin rights for server. If the 'execute as' is changed to 'caller' and run by mydomainadmin1 it works so the issue is between the execute sp and the actual running of the procedure.
An old website I inherited uses sa to connect to SQL SessionState and had the details in the web.config. This is bad for security.The session state database is of -sstype "t" which is defined as:Temporary. Session state data is stored in the SQL Server tempdb database. Stored procedures for managing session state are installed in the SQL Server ASPState database. Data is not persisted if you restart SQL. This is the default.What kind of WIndows user, SQL Login, role and permissions do I need to create to make Session State secure? (Windows Server 2012 and SQL Server 2012 mixed mode authentication, Webfarm).
I've read all the posts... set the security policy (for the service account running SQL Server) to lock pages in memory... ran gpupdate... still same error... HELP !!!!
Hi I have add one new database mdf file in my project by ---> add new Item in to project. But This database.mdf file is in windows authetication mode. So there is no password assign to this. I want to assign use id and password to this database or I want to give sql server authetication mode. I have tried Modfy Connection property of database but that is not working. what is the default username of this conncetion????? REply.....
im using the Northwind database, i use T-SQL commands to create a view that restricts users from seeing the address, city for all employees. i dont know how to assign the view to a user in the database using Enterprise manager. pls help me, im really needing a answer. thanks!
I get the following errors associated with trying to create an SP.
Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Procedure AddFortuneUser, Line 8 Line 8: Incorrect syntax near '@newuser'. Server: Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Line 1 Must declare the variable '@newuser'.
Can anyone explain why I have to do a declare. I suspect I have to issue "declare @newuser sysname" somewhere but I'm not sure why.
The following is the code I'm trying to run. My intent would be to create a form for the Admin Clerk that would call this SP. That way they can create a generic login. They have an application that allows them to change the password after the fact. /* Created for Admin person to allow them to add a basic SQL Login Account forcing the user to be a member of a specific role 'helmsman' in a specific database 'Fortune' */ CREATE PROCEDURE AddFortuneUser @newuser char(128) AS EXEC master..sp_addlogin @loginame=@newuser, @passwd =substring(@newuser,1,8), @defdb =Fortune GO if not exists (select * from dbo.sysusers where name = @newuser and uid < 16382) EXEC sp_grantdbaccess @loginame=@newuser, @name_in_db=@newuser GO exec master..sp_addrolemember @rolename ='helmsman', @membername =@newuser GO
how to pass the column that has a numeric(12,0) data type to user variable in SSIS? what kind of variable data type should I choose? if i select int64, it keep giving me an error: Error: 0xC001F009 at Row by Row process: The type of the value being assigned to variable "User:bject_Key" differs from the current variable type. Variables may not change type during execution. Variable types are strict, except for variables of type Object.
there is no numeric data type in variable..
if you click the drop down box in variable data type, you can only see the below data type:
- restore a backup of a 3rd party database onto one of our servers - this has no users that I can use - there is some ETL processing so we're using Control-M to manage the process - create a database user and grant it db_reader.
I'd like to do this without granting any users elevated privileges if possible.
What I've done so far is grant the Control-M user (this is a domain user) dbcreator rights and made it owner of our copy of the database that is being refreshed.
The refresh is completing, but Control-M is not able to log onto the database to create the user.
What is the best way to accomplish this task without granting the control-m user sysadmin rights?
Would I be able to do it if I used a SQL Agent job for the restore and user creation?
When I try to give a login access to a database I get the message: Error 21002: [SQL-DMO] users already exist in the database. I checked sysusers for the database and the users name is in there, even if the user has no login. Is it okay to just delete the record that has the users name from sysusers? Thanks
Downloaded and install SQL 2005 on 2003 member server. Downloaded and ran SQLServerSamples.msi, AdventureWorksBI.msi, AdventureWorksDB.msi, and AdventureWorksLT.msi.
When I go into Sql Server Management Studio I cannot find the Adventure Works database under databases. How do I access it?
My question is regarding SQL Server database security. I want to create a login using SQL Server Authentication and assign it db_owner rights for my database. So far so good. But the critical part is that I want to give exclusive rights for my database to this user only i.e. no other users (dbo, guest etc) should be allowed to access my database.
It will be good to present here the scenario which I need to implement. I am running an ASP.NET application that uses SQL server 2005 db at back end. The database server might have other databases as well but I don't want the administrator (either SQL server admin or the server administrator) to be able to get access to my database or even view the schema. I don't want any other user except my own user to be able to detach the database or perform backup or restore operations.
Please help.... I have designed an application that uses sql server 2005 express database. This application was intended to be installed and used on a local desktop machine. However, now this application needs to be also installed on several computers and still needs to use only 1 database. Part of the database saves local user settings, so what I have done thus far is use two connection strings: one for local database (because the application may be used as origionally intended) and one for remote database that everyone should be able to connect to.
When I remotely connect to the database, it works fine. However, it seems to be locked so when I chose the same database for another user I get the error message "This File Is In Use." I need to know how to unlock it and make it usable for several users at the same time.
Thank you for your help! Please let me know if you need more information or if something is unclear in my description.
In the derived column transformation editor, I have a Derived column name called FileGroupID. I would like to pass in a value for this column from a variable that I have set earlier in the scope. Can someone let me know, how to write the expression that does that and where do I specifiy that expression. I am thinking its the expression field in the derived column transformation editor. My main question is how to actually write the expression, what is the syntax to pull the variable value? Thanks.
Just wondering if anyone knows of a useful command to assign execute permissions to a batch of stored procs to a user/role. I've got too many stored procs to manually go thru the steps of browsing for them and scrolling thru each one and clicking "execute" for each one.
Also, would like to know if its possible to update a batch of stored procs that begin with a prefix like "spSomething_".
I am newbie to SQL.I need to create an application will run on server, and of course will be installed by using admin user. I can use the install user to access to database on that server?
How do I create a user that has full access to a database using only SQL statements?
I've create very basic database called "sampledb".
Then I've done:
CREATE LOGIN sampleuser WITH PASSWORD = '123sampleuser', DEFAULT_DATABASE = sampledb; USE sampledb; CREATE sampleuser FOR LOGIN sampleuser WITH DEFAULT_SCHEMA = 'db_owner';
Then I logon to SQL server express 2005 management studio using this user, first of all I do not see the sampledb database listed under "databases" even though it is selected in the "available databases" toolbar (how do I list it there? Because going through "attach..." tells me I do not have the privileges to browse for the database to attach).
I then open up a new query (sampledb is selected), and type (products is one of the table in sampledb): select * from products;
And I get:
Msg 229, Level 14, State 5, Line 1
The SELECT permission was denied on the object 'Products', database 'sampledb', schema 'dbo'.
Shouldn't the chosen schema (db_owner) give me the right to do this? And how do I fix this from the query window (without going through the GUI, just using SQL statements)? And how do I list sampledb under the databases when I log in as this user?
I am using SQL Server Express Edition 2005 as a backend database working with Visual Basic 2005.
I am using Vista and having two users to access to my computer. User-1 and User-2.
I created a database in User-1 and works fine Visual Basic 2005.
Now the problem is when i login to my computer system with User-2. I cannot able to access the database with encountering error like "User-1/SQLExpress". I know that i cannot able to access to database which was created in User-1.
Do you any solution to this problem. when i login with user-1 and user-2 it should able to access database.
if db_id(@DbName) = Null begin Print 'DataBase dose not Exist' end else
Begin Declare @spId Varchar(1000)
DECLARE TmpCursor CURSOR FOR Select 'master..xp_CmdShell ''Net Send ' + rtrim(convert(Varchar(50), HostName))+' "Dear ' + upper(max(rtrim(loginame)))+ space(1) + @Msg + '"''' as spId from master..SysProcesses where db_Name(dbID) = @DbName and spId <> @@SpId and rtrim(ltrim(HostName)) <> '' and HostName <> host_Name() and dbID <> 0 and spId > 50 group by HostName
Currently there are various teams accessing the database. For costing reasons, we need to track usage.Is there an efficient way to monitor User access to the database.Can we track which user has executed which query(SELECT,insert etc),the login time and such parammeters?
I have a SSIS package that copies data from one database, into another, makes a backup, and then FTP's up the backup to a web server. In Sql Server I've made a job to run the package and a Stored procedure to activate the job from an Access database front-end.
Can anyone tell me how I might return a success/failure message to my access user?
I'm trying to grant a user group select access to all the views in a database. I already made a query which creates a result set whit the SQL Syntax I (displayed below) need but it seems to be impossible to get this result set executed after creation.
use [AdventureWorksDW2008R2] SELECT 'GRANT SELECT ON [' + SCHEMA_NAME(Schema_id) + '].[' + name + '] TO [DOMAINGROUP]' FROM sys.views;
How do I grant a user permissions to only one table in a database. How would it affect him using our Main App which is NAV with regards to his user's permission in NAV