foreach (myParameterClass param in parameters.Values)
if (vars.Contains(param.Name))
vars[param.Name].Value = (object)param.Value;
DTSExecResult r = package.Execute();
I Always get the same error:
"The result of the expression "@[Tbase::MyKey]" on property "IDMyKey" cannot be written to the property. The expression was evaluated, but cannot be set on the property."
The variables Name and Fully Qualified Name are correct, plus If I run the same package via DtsExec.exe it works fine...
i am executing Sql task with a stored proceedure to get values from Database. Which gets the value correctly. The variable value i am trying to set in the connection string through the Expression.
there are around 22 Variables i am setting to the connection string of the DTSX files.
Error: 0xC001401E at DoArchive, Connection manager "ArchiveTicketException.dtsx": The file name "D:TAHOEAPPSSSISPackagesIntegration Services PackagesArchiveTicketException.dtsx " specified in the connection was not valid.
Error: 0xC0017004 at DoArchive: The result of the expression "@[User::TicketExceptionConnSt]" on property "ConnectionString" cannot be written to the property. The expression was evaluated, but cannot be set on the property.
Error: 0xC00220DE at ArchiveTicketException: Error 0x80070003 while loading package file "". The system cannot find the path specified.
task failed: ArchiveTicketException.
i saw this error in
The expression "__" on property "__" cannot be evaluated. Modify the expression to be valid.
Sorry i am posting this again cos my problem is not fixed yet and i set the last reply as answer i don't know if i need to post it again.
i am executing Sql task with a stored proceedure to get values from Database. Which gets the value correctly. The variable value i am trying to set in the connection string through the Expression.
there are around 22 Variables i am setting to the connection string of the DTSX files.
Error: 0xC001401E at DoArchive, Connection manager "ArchiveTicketException.dtsx": The file name "D:TAHOEAPPSSSISPackagesIntegration Services PackagesArchiveTicketException.dtsx " specified in the connection was not valid.
Error: 0xC0017004 at DoArchive: The result of the expression "@[User::TicketExceptionConnSt]" on property "ConnectionString" cannot be written to the property. The expression was evaluated, but cannot be set on the property.
Error: 0xC00220DE at ArchiveTicketException: Error 0x80070003 while loading package file "". The system cannot find the path specified.
task failed: ArchiveTicketException.
i saw this error in
The expression "__" on property "__" cannot be evaluated. Modify the expression to be valid.
How can i rectify this
I get the saem proble again the path and varaible value if correct
How can I avoid duplicate primary key error when I use DetailsView Inserting that the field column is one of the primary key ? Thanks in advance ! stephen
I have an stored procedure which is called by using ADO and OLEDB. I wish that when an error occurs (such as when a contraint is violated or trying to insert NULL in a not-null column) the error message is stored on an output parameter and returned to the client, without the error being raised by the OLEDB Provider.
There are certain errors that does not come during compilation and it shows during execution because of late-binding concept implemented in SQL Server from 7.0 version.
The problem is when Tables are not there, SPs are created. And there is no option where we can set like 'Validate object resolution during compilation"
There are lot of SPs that are in invalid status because the tables are really not there and SP needs to be modified to reflect the correct table name. In Oracle, if I have to find the list of objects that are in invalid state (because of object resolution problems), it was possible. How do I do it in SQL?
I need a listing of all objects in my database that is in invalid state. Searched in NET but there seems to be no supporting tool also that lists invalid objects.
Pl let me know whether there exists a way by which I can get to know the invalid object lists in my SQL 2005 database
Hi All,I am working on Web Application which deals with history data forreports and keeping track of changes.Current Solution :1) For each Entity I am having a column TID (Tracking ID) whichkeep on increasing for an instance of Entity. (so history and presentdata in the same table) . It makes querying the data difficult.2) I am also using month year table for Managing data i.e<TableNameMMYYYY> for a given month and yearPurposed Soluion :1) Using a seperate table so that history and present data isplaced seperately .2) Store All data in one table <TableName>Please guide me on advantages and disadvantages you pin point in thetwo approaches.With warm regardsJatinder
In out web application it happens very rarely that same query gets executed more than once meaning that sp_executesql is degrading performance. Does anyone know a way to tell ADO.NET to stop encapsulating queries in sp_executesql? Thank you.
I found some fragmented data pages in my database tables. I have found out using DBCC Showcontig commands. I want to remove data fragmentation. My tables are replicated. Is it possible to remove fragmentation without using export and import. Please help me in fixing this problem.
Is there any way to fix replication failure with out recreating it. My replication has failed saying is timout error.error is could not connect subscriber. But I can able to ping the subscriber and if I create a new publisher and subscriber it is working fine. But existing one is not working. What might be the possible reason. We have recreated the replication. We droped the existing one and recreated it. It took around 14 hours to sync. Is there any way to resync with out recreate publication. We are using transaction replication and merge replication.
I've got one table with two columns. Column Name Data Type 1) Id Integer Identity 2) RemDate DateTime
I've to write one SP/JOB in that there will be an integer input parameter @numofday.
Say value of @numofday is 5 then.... in SP/Job I need to insert 31 - 5 = 26 records to above-mentioned table where date starting from 1st of current month.
This logic can be achieve through looping but if anyone can suggest some better way to achieve this functionality without use of looping.
I added a new column to StagePayments table - Activity - which is supposed to end up being the same as the JobActivityID from the JobActivities table. Basically, I need to get JobActivities (JA) info and put it in the StagePayment (SP) column. Problem is there are duplicate JA/Descriptions and SP/Activities, so what I need is to take the first sequence SP/Activity and grab the first JA/JobActivityID that matches for a particular JobID. Then get the next one of each and so on and so on...
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[StagePayment] ( [PaymentID] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL , [JobID] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL , [Paid] [bit] NOT NULL , [Sequence] [smallint] NOT NULL , [Amount] [decimal](10, 2) NOT NULL , [Comment] [varchar] (2000) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP437_BIN NULL , [Activity] [varchar] (30) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP437_BIN NULL , [ActivityID] [uniqueidentifier] NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] GO
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[StagePayment] WITH NOCHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__StagePayme__Paid__4668671F] DEFAULT (0) FOR [Paid] GO
CREATE INDEX [IX_StagePayment] ON [dbo].[StagePayment]([JobID], [Sequence]) ON [PRIMARY] GO
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[JobActivities] ( [JobActivityID] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL , [JobID] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL , [Sequence] [smallint] NOT NULL , [Activity_Status] [char] (1) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP437_BIN NOT NULL , [Description] [char] (30) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP437_BIN NOT NULL , [PlanStartDate] [datetime] NULL , [PlanEndDate] [datetime] NULL , [ActEndDate] [datetime] NULL , [AmountDue] [decimal](10, 2) NOT NULL , [CanDelete] [bit] NOT NULL , [Comments] [varchar] (2000) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP437_BIN NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] GO
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[JobActivities] WITH NOCHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_JobActivities_JobActivityID] DEFAULT (newid()) FOR [JobActivityID] GO
CREATE INDEX [IX_JobActivity] ON [dbo].[JobActivities]([JobID]) WITH FILLFACTOR = 90 ON [PRIMARY] GO
CREATE INDEX [IX_JobActivity_1] ON [dbo].[JobActivities]([JobID], [Activity_Status]) WITH FILLFACTOR = 90 ON [PRIMARY] GO
CREATE INDEX [IX_JobActivity_2] ON [dbo].[JobActivities]([JobID], [ActEndDate]) WITH FILLFACTOR = 90 ON [PRIMARY] GO
CREATE INDEX [IX_JobActivities] ON [dbo].[JobActivities]([JobID], [PlanEndDate]) WITH FILLFACTOR = 90 ON [PRIMARY] GO
CREATE INDEX [JobActivities53] ON [dbo].[JobActivities]([JobID], [Description], [ActEndDate]) WITH FILLFACTOR = 90 ON [PRIMARY] GO
CREATE INDEX [JobActivities50] ON [dbo].[JobActivities]([JobID], [Description], [PlanEndDate], [ActEndDate]) WITH FILLFACTOR = 90 ON [PRIMARY] GO
CREATE INDEX [IX_JobActivities_6] ON [dbo].[JobActivities]([JobActivityID], [Activity_Status], [Description]) WITH FILLFACTOR = 90 ON [PRIMARY] GO
CREATE INDEX [IX_JobActivities_1] ON [dbo].[JobActivities]([JobID], [Sequence], [Description], [JobActivityID]) ON [PRIMARY] GO
CREATE INDEX [IX_JobActivities_2] ON [dbo].[JobActivities]([JobID], [Sequence], [ActEndDate]) ON [PRIMARY] GO
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[JobActivities] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_JobActivity_Job] FOREIGN KEY ( [JobID] ) REFERENCES [dbo].[Jobs] ( [JobID] ) ON DELETE CASCADE GO
I have tried various versions of this... begin transaction update StagePayment set Activity = (Select J.JobActivityID from JobActivities J (nolock) inner join StagePayment SP (nolock) on J.JobID = SP.JobID and J.Description = SP.Activity) where Activity is not NULL
way too basic as I get this error...
Server: Msg 512, Level 16, State 1, Line 2 Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression. The statement has been terminated.
I know somehow I have to get the duplicate Activities in the same sequence as the Descriptions, but that's where I'm stuck?!?
If anyone is able to offer suggestions on how to get this to update correctly, I'd be very happy to hear about it! Thanks in advance! Tiffanie
I need to query a database for a recordset and insert this into another database row-by-row.
For each record I want to provide a time of insert, but for each insert this time has to be incremented by 1, the time format is HH:MM:SS.0000 so for each inserted record the last decimal point would increment by 1.
I am conducting stress testing for my website and keep getting deadlocks with the following message when one process is adding about 100 records per second and another process is trying to access the data:
Transaction (Process ID 499) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction.
What do I need to do in my stored procedures to avoid this? I only have ONE stored prcoedure that locks a row while incrementing an ID value. I am not doing any other locks, so is this a SQL Server system lock?
Hi All,I want to avoid using cursors and loops in stored procedures.Please suggest alternate solutions with example (if possible).Any suggestion in these regards will be appreciated.Thanks in advance,T.S.Negi
i'm trying to write a batch that will perform a complex task usingset-based selects instead of a row-based cursor. let me know if you canhelp me figure out how.description of what i'm trying to do:there is TABLE1, TABLE2, and TABLE3i want to select each row from TABLE1, do some analysis on the data ofthat row, and then perform an insert of some data into TABLE2, and somedata into TABLE3how do i do this in a T-SQL batch?
Application is a Work Tracking/Timesheet database.The increments of work are stored in the TimesheetItem table. Thiscontains, inter alia, the Work Code, the Start and the Duration thatthe employee spent that day on a particular project.Some employees in the Network Support Department don't complete astandard 7.5 hour day for various reasons, so for every Network Supportperson I need to update these particular days with an amount to bringthe total day's hours to 7.5.This SQL will get me a list of all TimesheetItem records for thepersonnel concerned.SELECTTimesheetItem.TypeID,[Work].WorkCode,TimesheetItem.Start AS Start,SUM(CAST(TimesheetItem.DurationMins AS float) / 60) AS HoursFROMTimesheetItem LEFT OUTER JOIN[Work] ON TimesheetItem.WorkID = [Work].WorkIDWHERE(TimesheetItem.EmployeeID IN(SELECT EmployeeID FROM Employee WHERE DepartmentID = 2))GROUP BYTimesheetItem.TypeID, TimesheetItem.Start, [Work].WorkCodeHAVING(TimesheetItem.Start >= @FromDate) AND (TimesheetItem.Start <= @ToDate)ORDER BYTimesheetItem.StartWhat I need is to group these records by EmployeeID where theaccumulated hours per day are < 7.5, so that I can then insert anincrement to make up the difference.I'm writing this from home and I don't have access to the tables toprovide a script, but there's nothing untoward there.Hope someone can help!ThanksEdward
I have a long sql batch that does this:1. Gets a list of all tables in user database that start with name COREdeclare@tablenamevarchar(30),@commandvarchar(2000),@cntintegerdeclare GetCOREOids cursor forselect sysobjects.namefrom sysobjectswhere ( OBJECTPROPERTY(,N'IsUserTable')=1 ) and( like 'CORE%' or ='CMNSTRStructGeomBasicPort') and( not like 'CORESpatialIndex%') and (sysobjects.namenot like 'COREDeletedObjects%') and( not in('CORERelationOrigin','CORERelationDestination') ) and( in ( select id from syscolumns where name = 'oid') )for read only2. Populates a temporary table with distinct oids from the list.create table [#tSP3DCoreOid] (oid UNIQUEIDENTIFIER)open GetCOREOidsfetch GetCOREOids into @tablenamewhile ( @@fetch_status = 0)beginselect @command = 'insert into [#tSP3DCoreOid] select distinct oid from' + @tablenameexecute(@command)--print @tablename + ' rows: ' + convert(char,@@rowcount)fetch GetCOREOids into @tablenameend /* while */--Clean upclose GetCOREOidsdeallocate GetCOREOids3. Creates a cursor to get "invalid" oids from 2 other tablesdeclare DanglingRelation cursor forselect oid from [dbo].[CORERelationOrigin] RO where not exists( select oid from [#tSP3DCoreOid] where oid = RO.oid )unionselect oid from [dbo].[CORERelationDestination] RD where not exists( select oid from [#tSP3DCoreOid] where oid = RD.oid )4. Loops thru. the cursor examining each oid and then calls aStoredProc to update another tabledeclare @objectOid uniqueidentifierdeclare @tempOid uniqueidentifieropen DanglingRelationfetch DanglingRelation into @ObjectOidwhile ( @@fetch_status = 0)beginset @tempOid='00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'if left(@ObjectOid,8)='00000002'select @tempOid=oid from COREToDoList where Oid=@ObjectOidelse if left(@ObjectOid,8)='00000003'select @tempOid=oid from COREToDoRecord where Oid=@ObjectOidelse if left(@ObjectOid,8)='00000004'elseselect @tempOid=oid from COREBaseClass where Oid=@ObjectOidif @tempOid = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'BEGINexec CORESetObjectIntegrity @ObjectOid, 2ENDfetch DanglingRelation into @ObjectOidendclose DanglingRelationdeallocate DanglingRelationdrop table [#tSP3DCoreOid]Now the #tSP3DCoreOid temp table can sometimes get as many as 7.5million rows and this is making the batch fail on SQLServer as it runsout of memory.I think the problem is the cursor here and would like somefeedback/tips on how to best optimise it.thanks a lotSunit
hi all, i have a huge database and i am using Cursor to retrieve data and with each fatched data i m doing some my database is increasing the time duration to execute the cycle is also increation to solve it??
Having a table with a varchar(10) column, I try to insert a row where the data for that column is more than 10 characters long. No surprise, I get a MSG 8152 error.
What I want is to get the overlong data clipped to the maximum column width, and no error. Is that possible?
As first task I've got Data Flow which loads a set of data into a .NET recordset. After that, inmediately flow execution goes to For..Each Loop. I'd like to avoid go in that direction when Data Flow returns zero rows.
How can I do such thing?
I've tried this on Precedence Constraint Editor but it doesn't work..It doesn't recognize EOF keyword..
Hi all, I have 10 tables with unique values such as mobile no: and message in each table.But now the problem is that this same mobile no: may be there in other tables.How can i eliminate the records from other tables.Can anyone tel me a suggestion. Thank U.
Hi, I'd really appreciate advice on now to avoid displaying duplicates in a resultset like the one below, only displaying the first field once and all the rows that correspond to that field all listed listed below. Distinct doesn't work. Thanks Customer Name Address ============= =======
Big Bob's Books 123 Stone Lane 456 Seaside Drive 789 Waterhouse Square 1234 Mystery Drive 5678 Simple St
I have to admit, I'm usually using the MySql database, but in this particular case I have to use MSSQL 2000.
Over to my problem.
I'm building a web-based system (who isn't these days) in which the user types arbitrary information that is published when the user pushes the save button. Nothing new about that.
Here comes the tricky part, when the user wants to edit an existing item I copy all information in the database and sets the id of the 'edit-copy' to the negative value ( id 45 becomes id -45 for the edit-copy). This is also done on all items in other tables that is connected to the main item.
This way I get a copy that the user may edit without messing up the published information. When the user is done I either delete all the negative items (cancel) or delete the positive items and update the negative to become positive (save).
So far so good, allmost... my problem is that the transaction log grows tremendously.
Is there any other way to accomplish a safe edit that doesn't affect the transaction log as much as my current solution?
Could I be doing something wrong when updateing or deleteing my items?
hate to gripe, but this was bad. I have taken several sql server classes over the years, and have always been happy with the class, but avoid the 2733a (upgrading you database administration skills to sql 2005). Class is poorly devloped and incomplete. Half of the examples were to do things such as mirroring and replication from a command prompt. I thought I was in an Oracle 8 class. It was clear much of this functionality is not complete. In fact most of the class was command prompt based. They had absolutley nothing about the upgrade process from SQL 2000 to SQL 2005. I hope MS is not taking a step backwards, I always thought the strong suite for MS was the enterprise manager tool suite. The instructor did tell me there was an upgrade to the class that just came out, but it has a long way to go.
How do you avoid phantom inserts? Can you recommend a strategy (or other posts, articles) to avoid "phantom inserts" with the default SQL Server isolation level ("Read Committed").
I have faced a network problem during some days, what forced one of our replications to be stopped. The Publisher database is a high volume database. After I re-started the replication, the Subscirber database has its transacting log size increased quickly, because of the high volume of information to be inserted.
My concern is the way it is working, there will be no enough space for the log or for its backup files.
So, I have created a TSQL job within the following commands:
It's running every 20 minutes, however the transaction log remains increasing.
I have also changed the db_option "SELECT INTO/BULKCOPY" to TRUE, in order to avoid logging bulk copies, but I believe, it didn't work because it didn't apply to replication process.
Does Anybody know if I can disable the transaction log or avoid this incresing of size during the replication?
Thanks a lot! Regards, Felicia Schimidt