How To Backup/restore The Server List In Enterprise Manager
Jul 20, 2005
In case of a remastering of a client, I need to backup the Enterprise
Manager configuration (the groups, the declared servers in the
groups), instead of registering all servers manually once again.
Hi i need some insistance with Backing up and Restoring database in SQL Enterprise Manager.
I have SQL installed on my local machine, and there is also an instance of the database on the Actual Server.
What i want to do is backup a dbase on the server called 'DATA1' let's call it, and want to then restore it to a new dbase on my local server called 'DATA2'.
What is the best way of doing this, through the wizard in: What menu's do i go through.
I think where i may have the problem is when i try to RESTORE to my local...That part i an confused at.
Please Help with both Backing up and Restoring, using best practices in Enterprise Manager.
When I select All Actions>Backup Database and then click the ... button to choose a location on the hard drive, SQL Enterprise Manager Hangs and I have to kill it from Task Manager.
All other areas of EM browse the disk drive without a problem. (DTS, File Groups, etc.)
Hi All, I have just installed EM for SQL Server 2000 and so have no registered servers in the console list. We have about 50 servers which we support and so I would rather import my colleagues list rather than registering them all manually. Is there ay way to do this ? Many thanks Andy
Hi guys, I want to give someone read only permission to our SQL server so they can log in and look at the database structure and query a few tables. I've set up the user but the problem is that when I connect in SQL server remotley, it shows all the other DB's on the server even though it is restricting access to them. Can these other DB's be hidden so that only the DB the user has access to shows up?
Hi guys, I don't own a copy of Enterprise Manager and I need to remotely restore a database on my local machine to my hosted machine, can you guys recommend an application that can do remote restores?
Or is there a way to convert a Database into a long set of Transact SQL statements that I can run on the remote server (ala MySQL's MySQLDump)?
Hi Everybody,I use MS SQL server 2000 enterprise manager on a windows server 2003.I created a new database in enterprise manager, and try to restore the new database from a .bak file. I went to ---->restore database. I checked "from device" and select the right path to the .bak file.Then I click ok, but there is an error pop up." tend to override existing database", so I went to --->option, and checked "force override existing database". then I click ok, but get an error look like this thought it was a problem with my .bak file. So I try to use another .bak file which I am sure it is 100% good. It prompt the restore is sucessfully. But when I checked the db, there nothing there(No tables).I think there must be something wrong with my enterprise manager's configuration.Do you know what happen with my enterprise manager? Thank you a lot in advance:)!!
Is it possible, using the Database Maintenance Plan in Enterprise Manager, to save the backups to another server? It appears that it isn't.
I guess that I was curious as to why you can create a Backup Device and use that functionality when you run the Backup Database option when right clicking a database, but cannot use it within the context of the Maintenance Plan function.
I have SQL Server 2000 with SP4. When we take backup from Enterprise manager its fails with error "timeout expired". But when we take backup from query analyzer it works.
It seems that through enterprise manager 30 sec is the non configurable timeout parameter set. Checked sysprocesses table during backup but there was no blocking during that time at least for that spid.
Is there a way to find out which process is blocking the database backup? Also, what are the possible scenarios where database backup can be blocked.
IF someone can assist me. Everytime I load up enterprise manager the service manager turns off. And the enterprise manager can't connect to the local database. But everytime i turn it back on and try to connect again it shuts it off and around and around we go. Help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Does anyone know how to recreate the SQL Server Enterprise Manager.MSC file? It seems to have disappeared from the server. How can I open Enterprise Manager without it? I'm using NT4.0 and SQL Server 7.
I've managed somehow to corrupt the Enterprise Manager.MSC file (it has ocurred several times), so it's impossible to open a table. What can I do about it except re-installing the server? What can be done to protect this file?
I'm a newbie to Enterprise Manager so I appreciate any help.
Here's my question:
I have a SQL Server 7.0 account hosted by a webhosting company on a shared server. When I create a server registration and attempt to connect remotely to this database using Enterprise Manager, I get the following error:
Server user "john_sa' is not a valid user in database 'test123497'
The problem is that test123497 is NOT the database that they are hosting for me. I rechecked my Client Network Utility alias to make sure I'm connecting to the correct IP address and I double checked my username and password.
The server hosting this account is attempting to connect me to the wrong database. Sometimes I get through ok and other times I get the above error.
Is this because the hosting company has too many accounts on this server? Is the server running out of resources? Is there anything I can do remotely to control this?
I have a AS400 that I retrieved data from and imported into SQL 2000 Server. However, the data will only insert 1 time. I would like to query the AS400 every minutes to update my table on SQL server. If the data is already in my table it does not get updated. How can I get updated/changed data every 15 minutes?
Why does the SQL Server Enterprise Manager seem to block other processes? I am working with SQL2000 developers version with SP4. When I set up a Data transformation service, it is not actioned until I close/open the Server Enterprise Manager. Otherwise it sits there as Process id 51 Master - runnable (this is the SEM) and Process id 52 - DTS sleeping.
I'm a newbie trying to find the SQL Server Enterprise Manager so I cancreate a database. I have installed SQL Server 2005 Express and SQL ServerManagement Studio Express. On the SQL Server menu I see (1) ConfigurationTools and (2) SQL Server Management Studio Express. The SQL ServerManagement Studio Express menu has 3 items on it. Where do I find theEnterprise Manager?Robert
I am trying desparately to build a user defined function on the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 viewer and when it is performed I get the following message:
[Microsoft][ODB SQL Server Driver][SQL Server] Maximum stored procedure, function, trigger, or view nesting level exceeded
Is there any problem using sql MAX() built in function? How can I resolve this issue?
The UDF code is: CREATE FUNCTION TestFunc (@Syn int) RETURNS int AS BEGIN IF @Syn IS NULL RETURN 1 DECLARE @NewPersonID INT SELECT @NewPersonID = MAX(PersonID) FROM GO_Test WHERE SynagogueID = @Syn RETURN ISNULL(@NewPersonID + 1, 1) END
I call the function from the 'Formula' propery of a computed field of a table like this: ([dbo].[TestFunc]([SynagogueID]))
Data got deleted on Friday evening, need to have database restored to FRiday afternoon and also some data has been entered on Monday, which needs to be there.
Hi, I am new to Sql Server 2005. I have worked previously in Sql Server 2000. I want to know if Enterprise Manager exists in Sql Server 2005. If yes, then where? Regards,ap.
I was wondering if I could download the Enterprise Manager for SQL Server. I am aware of some 3rd party tools but I want to use what comes w/ SQL Server.
Hello,I'm having the following dilemma: I'm trying to connect to a database on a SQL Server, somewhere else in the country. - With Server Explorer in VS.Net it is no problem at all. New dataconnection: i fill in the ip-adress, user and pass, and the database-name i want to connect to, and voila, it's done. I can add, edit, delete everything.- With enterprise manager: With enterprise manager i can make a connection with the server, but after that the database isn't visible. And as far as i know i can't connect to a certain database. Another option i tried is to create a linked server on my local server: that does work, only now i can't add/edit/delete..I really want to work with enterprise manager, but is there any way to connect to one db only, and still be able to add/edit/delete ?? I can't find the solution..Please help..Much regards..J.JansmaThe netherlands
Can anyone tell me how Enterprise Manager connects to SQL Server? Does the Client Network Utility affect it? I can ping the servers with SQL on them, but I get timeouts and 'Connection Broken' in EM. Query Analyzer works sometimes and sometimes doesn't.
Unable to view the server logs via EM. sp_cycle_errorlog tried, no help. The physical errorlog file is in c:mssql7log. A server reboot doesn't help either.
Is there a way to export the diagram into another program or have another program open the diagram. I need to send a copy of it to someone and I have no idea how to do this with printing it out.
We're having trouble with Enterprise manager when trying to view views or table data/properties, we get an access violation error and the database crashes sometimes corrupting tables. Ive seen some posts stating a post SP3 for SQL Server is required and some posts saying client access should be modfied. However our enterprise manager clients are registered with SA so I dont think that is an issue. Can anyone give me some help with this and/or direct me to the hotfix please.