How To Build Database To Support User-specified Entities And Attributes?

Jul 23, 2005

I have a database that tracks players for children's sports clubs. I have
included representative DDL for this database at the end of this post.

A single instance of this database supports multiple clubs. I would like to
add support for letting each club define and store custom information about
arbitrary entities. Basically, allows the clubs to define custom entities
(i.e tables) and associated custom attributes (i.e. fields) that may be
related to existing tables (such as Player and FootballClub) or existing
entities. For instance, a club may define a PlayerAssessment entity that
records all player assessments.

To do this, I plan to support the following use case:
1. FootballClub admin creates a new entity and gives it a name and
description (Entity is only accessible to this FootballClub).
2. FootballClub admin indicates that the new entity has a M:1 relationship
with the Player table (this will add Player_ID as a FK attribute).
- {An entity may have no relationships.}
- {Relationships are also supported to other entities.}
3. FootballClub admin specifies the names and domain/types of any data
attributes (i.e. fields) of the entity.
- {An attribute's type may be constrained to a few allowable types like
Relationship, Integer, Float, Currency, Date, Time, DateTime, Name,
Description and Memo.}
4. System creates entity as specified.

A few constraints:
1. Any entity defined is "private" to the defining club. Other clubs aren't
aware of it although they may define custom entities of their own
with the same name and attributes. [Perhaps there is a way to share
definitions of identical entities?]
2. A club doesn't have to define any custom entities.

Ideas I've considered:
1. Generate DLL and create actual tables
- Restrict such customizations such that while admin is setting up entities,
no other user is allowed to use the system.
- Once entity definition is complete, generate an actual table using DLL.
Table and column names might be changed to enforce uniqueness/validity
constraints - this suggests a need for table/column name mapping.
- PROS: Easy to implement.
- CONS: Doesn't scale since only a limited number of tables can be created.
DDL on a live, shared system?. Scary!!
All users for all clubs will be locked out while entity is

2. Generate DDL and create actual tables in secondary database(s)
- Same as above except that the user tables are created in secondary [,
shared] databases.
- PROS: Reassurance that DDL is never run on the "core" data
All users don't have to be locked out.
- CONS: Doesn't scale since only a limited number of tables can be created.
{ Unless I start creating additional databases too!. }
Still needs to DDL on a live, shared system.

Has anyone done anything similar?. Any ideas on how it might be done?. In
particular, is this possible without having to execute DDL on the live


=================== BEGIN DDL ===================
CREATE TABLE FootballClub (
Name char(80) NOT NULL,
Area char(4) NOT NULL,
League char(4) NOT NULL,
City char(30) NOT NULL,

exec sp_primarykey FootballClub,

Player_ID int IDENTITY,
First_Name char(30) NOT NULL,
Initials char(30) NULL,
Last_Name char(30) NOT NULL,
Date_Of_Birth datetime NOT NULL,
Position char(4) NULL,
Club_ID int NULL,

exec sp_primarykey Player,

CREATE TABLE UserAccount (
Club_ID int NOT NULL,
FullName char(80) NOT NULL,
Logon char(20) NOT NULL,
PWD_Hash char(60) NOT NULL,

exec sp_primarykey UserAccount,

exec sp_foreignkey Player, FootballClub,

exec sp_foreignkey UserAccount, FootballClub,
=================== END DDL ===================

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How To Build Database To Support User-specified Attributes?

Jul 23, 2005

I have a database that tracks players for children's sports clubs. I haveincluded representative DDL for this database at the end of this post.A single instance of this database supports multiple clubs. I would like toadd support for letting each club define and store custom information abouttheir players. Basically, allows the clubs to define custom attributes forplayers (e.g. "height", "weight", "favourite sweet").A few constraints:1. Any attributes defined is "private" to the defining club. Other clubsaren't aware of it although they may define custom attributes of their ownwith the same name and type. [Perhaps there is a way to share definitions ofidentical attributes?]2. A club doesn't have to define any custom attributes.Has anyone done anything similar?. Any ideas on how it might be done?Kunle=================== BEGIN DDL ===================CREATE TABLE FootballClub (Club_ID int IDENTITY,Name char(80) NOT NULL,Area char(4) NOT NULL,League char(4) NOT NULL,City char(30) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (Club_ID))goexec sp_primarykey FootballClub,Club_IDgoCREATE TABLE Player (Player_ID int IDENTITY,First_Name char(30) NOT NULL,Initials char(30) NULL,Last_Name char(30) NOT NULL,Date_Of_Birth datetime NOT NULL,Position char(4) NULL,Club_ID int NULL,PRIMARY KEY (Player_ID),FOREIGN KEY (Club_ID)REFERENCES FootballClub)goexec sp_primarykey Player,Player_IDgoCREATE TABLE UserAccount (User_ID int IDENTITY,Club_ID int NOT NULL,FullName char(80) NOT NULL,Logon char(20) NOT NULL,PWD_Hash char(60) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (User_ID, Club_ID),FOREIGN KEY (Club_ID)REFERENCES FootballClub)goexec sp_primarykey UserAccount,User_ID,Club_IDgoexec sp_foreignkey Player, FootballClub,Club_IDgoexec sp_foreignkey UserAccount, FootballClub,Club_IDgo=================== END DDL ===================

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LookUp Entities And Roles Against Multiple Entities?

Sep 10, 2007

Apologies if this has already been asked and answered, though I haven't found it via search.

In my report model I have a lookup entity that consists of a Code field (PK) and a Description field this is linked to a parent entity (table) and works fine, e.g. the description is shown in the parent entity instead of the FK code. However this lookup entity would be useful linked to many other entities (tables) which use the same FK code linked to the lookup entity's Code field (PK) for use of the Description field. In my first attempt I linked the lookup to a second table entity but unlike the originally linked table entity, this is not shown as the description in report builder, only the role appears and I have to select the role then the description from the 2 fields displayed (Code, Description), additionally I get shown the related first table entity.

Firstly can a lookup entity be linked to multiple tables?
Secondly, if so am I forgetting something so only the description is shown like in the first linked table entity?
Thirdly, if I correct the problem is there a property I need to enable/disable to stop the first linked table entity appearing in the second table entity entity list in report builder or should I just leave it?

Any help/advice/suggestions would be appreciated, and apologies for long list of questions but all the books and help files I have used don't seem to use imperfect/real life data sources and examples.



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Master Data Services :: Error Opening Entities In User Role Management

Apr 27, 2015

I am trying the assign the models to the user in the user management page. But when  I try to expand the + symbol next to the model and open the entities, I get the error that the object reference is not set for a object server instance.

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How I Imported My SQL Database Entities Into My SQL Compact Database

Nov 29, 2006


I am still working on my project, but figured I would share my findings with the community, on how I imported my SQL Server database tables into a new SQL Compact Edition database. Unfortunately, I haven't figured a workaround to the IDENTITY_INSERT issue, but other than that, I will proceed.

1) I downloaded and played with the tool presented in the article "Generate SQL Insert statements for your SQL Server 2000 Database" I made the following modifications . (my modification can be found here)
a) Disable scripting dependencies
b) Add a filter for objects to script
c) Prompt for each table from which to export data

2) From the scripts output by this tool, I had to (which I may integrate into the tool later... who knows)
a) Remove 'On Primary' statements after the create table statements.
b) Remove date defaults.
c) Most other SQL generated by the tool seemed to work.

3) Execute each 'Create Table' statement individually.

4) For the Data Import, I had to add semi-colons to the end of each Insert Line.

5) I Have found no workaround for the IDENTITY_INSERT issue. If anyone has a good idea, I would love to hear it. In my case, I was importing the DotNetNuke core store module tables populated with about 2500 products and 20+ categories consisting of a simple categories table and products table. I imported the categories table into a fresh MS Access database file, and then ran the update query against the attached products table in the original SQL Database, then regenerated the insert statements, and imported the data generating fresh product ID's. This database will only be read only, so it didn't matter about maintaining the Product ID's, just the relationship between the products and categories.

Separately, I found a great blog article on how to embed a SQL script as a resource for your application and run it on your applications first run, so my steps above would provide a quick foundation for generating that sql script.


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Master Data Services :: Change Order Of Attributes Using Arrows Jumps Over 24 Attributes

Jun 30, 2015

I am working in SQL Server Master Data Services  Version 11.0.5058.0 (SP 2).

I have been asked to group all the financial attributes together.  When I move one of the attributes up using the arrows, it works good jumping over one attribute at a time.  Then I reach a section of attributes where it leap frogs over 24 attributes.

It appears these 24 attributes are in a subgroup but there are no attribute groups and I removed the subscription view from the entity.  If I move one of the 24 attributes in the group, it moves it outside of the 24 attributes.

This is under leaf member attributes.  There are no collection or consolidated groups.

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Analysis :: Dimensions Attributes - Drag All Or Some Specific Attributes

May 24, 2015

I'm using a DW from Northwind database to build a cube to do some analitical taks. I already create the cube and now I am "cleaning" the dimensions. I'm having some difficults to understand the logical off this part. The reason is that When I create the Data Source View, I only import the Foreign Keys that connect the Dimensions to Fact_Table. I have to drag the attributes of Dimension from Data Source View to the tab attributes? 

Imagine this:

I have the following dimension:


When I create the cube only Customer_ID appears in attributes tab, it's normal? 

One more question:

I don't want to create a hierarchy like:

Customer ID -> Name_Customer
Customer ID -> Date_of_Birth
Customer ID -> Address
Customer ID -> City
Customer ID -> Country

My idea is to create the following hierarchy: 

Name_Customer -> Date_of_Birth ->  Address ->  City -> Country

But the first hierarchy that I show is always appears to me. Do you know what is happens?

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Car's Attributes Should Be &>= Spec's Attributes (was Help With Query)

Nov 11, 2004

Hello all-

I have a specification table that has some attributes defined.
SpecId - Id of the specification
Attribute - Attribute of the spec. (Like Color, HP etc)
Value - Is the value of the attribute
Then I have a car table that actually has information about the cars. Intention is to take each specification and match the cars that match the specification. If the car has more attributes than the spec, we ignore the extra attributes for the match. But if the car has less attributes, we don't even consider the car as a match (even if the attributes present, match). To summarize, the car's attributes should be >= spec's attributes.

The code I have below is bad because I am joining the same tables twice. In addition, it fails in the condition "the car's attributes should be >= spec's attributes"

Any help is greatly appreciated.

DECLARE @Specification TABLE
(SpecId VARCHAR(10),

(CarName VARCHAR(10),

INSERT INTO @Specification VALUES ('S1', 'Type', 'Sedan')
INSERT INTO @Specification VALUES ('S1', 'Transmission', 'Auto')
INSERT INTO @Specification VALUES ('S1', 'HP', '220')

INSERT INTO @Specification VALUES ('S2', 'Type', 'SUV')
INSERT INTO @Specification VALUES ('S2', 'Transmission', 'Manual')
INSERT INTO @Specification VALUES ('S2', 'HP', '300')

INSERT INTO @Car VALUES ('Accord', 'Type', 'Sedan')
INSERT INTO @Car VALUES ('Accord', 'Transmission', 'Auto')
INSERT INTO @Car VALUES ('Accord', 'HP', '220')
INSERT INTO @Car VALUES ('Accord', 'Color', 'Black')

INSERT INTO @Car VALUES ('Escape', 'Type', 'SUV')
INSERT INTO @Car VALUES ('Escape', 'Transmission', 'Manual')
INSERT INTO @Car VALUES ('Escape', 'HP', '300')

INSERT INTO @Car VALUES ('Explorer', 'Type', 'SUV')
INSERT INTO @Car VALUES ('Explorer', 'Transmission', 'Manual')

SELECT DISTINCT Spec.SpecId, Car.CarName
FROM @Specification Spec
ON Spec.Attribute = Car.Attribute
AND Spec.Value = Car.Value
WHERE Spec.SpecId NOT IN (SELECT Spec.SpecId
FROM @Specification Spec
ON Spec.Attribute = Car.Attribute
AND Spec.Value = Car.Value

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MDX To Build Calculated Dimension Member Throughout User Hierarchy

May 20, 2008

I want an MDX calculated dimension member, (with no measure specified in expression, so that any related measure can be used in a query/browse), and that accomplishes either one of the following:

Ideal: To calculate Median values on every level of a user hierarchy

If "Ideal" is not possible, then "Acceptable" is: To calculates Median values on one or more levels OTHER than the highest level.

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Change Database Attributes With SQL?

Aug 23, 2006

Is there a way to change the password or encryption settings with SQL or do I need to use Compact from code to do so?

I'm trying to work around the issue that USE does not accept a password.

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CLR User-defined Aggregate Support Java/J#?

May 18, 2006

I want to write a Java User-defined aggregate (UDA). Shall I use J#?

I converted the C# example given in books online to J#. I am getting this error (as well as whole bunch of warning when I create the assembly.)

Msg 6558, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

CREATE AGGREGATE failed because type 'Concatenate' does not conform to UDAGG specification due to method 'Init'.

Msg 6597, Level 16, State 2, Line 1


btw, I have the use unsafe assembly options when creating the assembly otherwise I get this error:

Msg 6265, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

CREATE ASSEMBLY failed because type "" in safe assembly "vjscor" has a pinvokeimpl method. P/Invoke is not allowed in safe assemblies.

Warning: The Microsoft .Net frameworks assembly 'vjscor, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a, processorarchitecture=x86.' you are registering is not fully tested in SQL Server hosted environment.

From the warning, I can tell the J# UDA is not tested.

Can someone confirm whether J# UDA is supported or not?



Here is my code:


CREATE ASSEMBLY MyAgg FROM 'C:codeconsolePriceUDAobjDebugPriceUDA.dll' WITH PERMISSION_SET = unsafe

CREATE AGGREGATE MyAgg (@input nvarchar(200)) RETURNS nvarchar(max) EXTERNAL NAME MyAgg.Concatenate



import System.*;

import System.Data.*;

import Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.*;

import System.Data.SqlTypes.*;

import System.IO.*;

import System.Text.*;

/** @attribute Serializable() */

/** @attribute SqlUserDefinedAggregate(

Format.UserDefined, //use clr serialization to serialize the intermediate result

IsInvariantToNulls = true, //optimizer property

IsInvariantToDuplicates = false, //optimizer property

IsInvariantToOrder = false, //optimizer property

MaxByteSize = 8000) //maximum size in bytes of persisted value


public class Concatenate implements IBinarySerialize


/// <summary>

/// The variable that holds the intermediate result of the concatenation

/// </summary>

private StringBuilder intermediateResult;

/// <summary>

/// Initialize the internal data structures

/// </summary>

public void Init()


this.intermediateResult = new StringBuilder();


/// <summary>

/// Accumulate the next value, not if the value is null

/// </summary>

/// <param name="value"></param>

public void Accumulate(SqlString value)


if (value.get_IsNull())






/// <summary>

/// Merge the partially computed aggregate with this aggregate.

/// </summary>

/// <param name="other"></param>

public void Merge(Concatenate other)




/// <summary>

/// Called at the end of aggregation, to return the results of the aggregation.

/// </summary>

/// <returns></returns>

public SqlString Terminate()


String output = String.Empty;

//delete the trailing comma, if any

if (this.intermediateResult != null

&& this.intermediateResult.get_Length() > 0)


output = this.intermediateResult.ToString(0, this.intermediateResult.get_Length() - 1);


return new SqlString(output);


public void Read(BinaryReader r)


intermediateResult = new StringBuilder(r.ReadString());


public void Write(BinaryWriter w)





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Import/Export CSV, Excel And Multiple User Support Via Remoting

Nov 1, 2007


I'd recently posted a question about using SQL CE as a database server for a multi-user desktop app. I did some development and tested it, and it seemed to work fine. What I did was:

1. create a remoteable object that used SqlCe classes to perform read and write operations to an encrypted CE database.

public class RemData : MarshalByRefObject


public DataSet GetData()


//Read data

public int AddData(DataSet data)

//Write data

2. hosted this object in a Remoting Server

TcpServerChannel channel = new TcpServerChannel(props, bp);

// Register the channel with the runtime remoting services

ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(channel, false);


typeof(RemData ), // The type to register

"RM_RemData", // The objectURI



So, basically the CE DB is running in-proc with this Remoting Server. This is hosted on a regular P2 1GB box.

3. created client WinForms app to connect to this object through remoting with url tcp://myserverip/RM_RemData and distributed this client EXE to various machines within the intranet to execute the GetData and AddData methods

This seems to work perfectly fine and super fast, and i was also concurrently executing the above methods in loops of 100.

So what I don't understand is why most of the posts I read about multi-user scenario here and on the web are always discouraging people to only use CE for single-user desktop? As long as I use the SQL CE ONLY as a Data Store and all logic into my data layer such as the Remotabe Objects, will this be a feasible option for around 10-20 Users since CE allows 256 Connections anyway?

My other questions are with regards to programmatically Import/Export to and from CSV and this supported or anything planned?

Would appreciate a detailed product hangs in balance as i need some closure on this


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Adding Support For User Defined Functions To The Ssis Expression Language

Jul 19, 2006

good idea or bad idea?

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How To Print Or Save The Structure And Attributes Of All Tables And Columns In A Database (simply)

May 6, 2008


A newbie question. I am tearing my hair out trying to work out how in Sql Server 2005 to get a printout (or even better a file I can save that i could incroporate in a wrod document), or both, which shows the structure of all the tables in my database.

I want to list all tables (or selected tables perhaps) , and all columns in those tables, with the attributes of each column (nvarchar(2) etc or decimal(18,5) etc). Just a simple listing of all tables and their columns and the attributes of those columns.

Surely this must be possible with a simple one click operation in Sql Server 2005. I have created a database diagram which gives me part of what I want, but that just shows the tables, relationships, and column names, not the attributes of each column which is what I need as well.

I don't want to have to start installing third party products to do this, and I have no great script writing capabilities. Surely such a basic function is easily acheivable with one or two clicks in Sql Server 2005 from a menu somewhere in sql server mangaement studio?

Thanks in Advance for your help.

Chris M

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Error On Build Solution, If SSIS Project Is Part Of Build

Mar 22, 2006


we have automated build on every night. In our solution is SSIS project, where each package is encrypted per password. We call build process per command line like this..

C:ProgrammeMicrosoft Visual Studio 8Common7IDEdevenv.exe (c:DevelopmentX3\X3.sln /build Release)' in 'c:DevelopmentProjectsDailyBuild

Through build process we get a error:

External Program Failed: C:ProgrammeMicrosoft Visual Studio 8Common7IDEdevenv.exe (return code was 1):

We think a reason is, that on build of SSIS project must be entered a password. You can wonder for what we need that SSIS packages are part of our build. We hope that on build process is also created Deployment Utility, if so set in dtproject.user. Is it so? Is there any way to create Deployment utility on automated build process? Can be a password provided pre command line?

with best regards

Anton Kalcik

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How Do We Determine Which User Database Tables Are Mostly Retrieved By User Or Modified By User?

May 22, 2008

Please give the T-SQL script for this ? Thanks


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How Do You Build An Enterprise Database Solution?

Feb 1, 2008

Hi, I am noob, so excuse me if this is a stupid question, but I just bought a Learn HTML in 3 Hours book and a learn SQL in 10 minutes book and I was wondering how I would start to go about to build a super flexible enterprise wide web based database application, that is so flexible the users can put in any old crap in the front end and make up new fields as they go. Another one of my requirements is that it perform super fast and be distributed securely across my international multi billion dollar a year company.

So like I know Excel and a little VBA and I know how to use the query builder in Access and I landed this big old contract to revamp this old comapny's infrastructure. Should be pretty easy, right? Everyone is doing it.

So can you guys like help me out for free and stuff?

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Fastest Way To Build A Database Out Of SQL Scripts

Jul 23, 2005

What is the fastest way to generate an SQL 2000 databaseout of SQL scripts.The SQL scripts contain the create tables, views, storedprocedures, triggers, constraints, and the tables DATArecords.What are my options? isql? osql? are there other ways?Thank you

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Build Database Application On Internet With ISP?

Jul 20, 2005

I have been building ASP, ASP.NET and Crystal Reports on SQL serverfor a few years now.I have build them mostly on an Intranet or with companies that havetheir own web servers.I now need to build an application for a company that doesn't not havea web server. Just a small shop that wants an internet application.How do I build an database application when the site will be host byan ISP? The database will be SQL Server 2000, but located locally.The site will be maintained by the ISP? How does the an applicationhosted by an ISP interact with a database located locally (client'ssite)?If someone could point me toward some tutorial or tell me how to dothis, I would appreciate it.

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DB Design :: Bat File To Build A Database?

Dec 1, 2015

I have a SQL script folder on my HDD. The folder contains SQL Scripts and subfolders with Constraints and Extended properties. I need a BAT file that builds a database on my SQL Server instance.

I have the following structure:

 Tables (folder)
  Constraints (folder)
           Foreign Keys(folder)
  Extended Properties(folder)

The Server name for the SQL CMD is PCMSSQL2014? user: sa pass is empty.

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Support For SQL Express2005 My Host Provider Does Not Provide Support?

Dec 5, 2005

Reader Community
I've just started hosting my newly created Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition web site.  Unfortunately the Login group membership functions will not function correctly.  Having contacted the web service hosting provider, They replied: "We do not support SQL express2005.  The only way to use the extra functions of ASP.NET2 such as group membership is if it is using an SQL 2000 database to connect to. "
Is it possible to design web sites with Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition that store membership details on an SQL 2000 database?
I've just paid £88 approx. $140 for a years subscription, have I chosen the wrong web service hosting provider?
Should I have designed the web site with a better web site design software tool that also makes designing membership login functionality easy, just as Microsoft Visual Web developer 2005 express edition?
Look forward to all comments?

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I Need To Generate The Query To Build A Database I've Designed. Please Help..

Apr 3, 2007

I've registered with GoDaddy for my site. I've used Visual Web Dev 2005 with SQL Server Mgmt Express 2005 to create my database etc. Now with GoDaddy, I need to "recreate" the database on their server again, but I don't want to go throug the whole process again. I just want to use their query editor to generate the database online.GoDaddy mentions a "personal-sql" file that SQL Server 2000 generates, but I can't find anything like that with what I have. Thanks.

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How Build Web Application ( + C# ) With Dynamic Database Schema?

Mar 26, 2008

Hi all,

I am doing an e-commerce project. This website will have a category of product. Each category will have sub-category. And sub-category may have another level of sub-category. This means the number of sub-category is not fixed. In the sub-category we will have products. Each product will have unpredicable number of properties (1, 2, 3 or many properties).

With the current requirment, I can know exactly the number of sub-category level and the number of properties. But the problem comes when later my boss add more category, sub-category ,... sub-category(more sub-category level), and product, as well as the products properties. At that time my database schema will not suitable for new category, products because the in can only design database with fixed number of sub-category level and fixed number of product properties(attributes or fiels in database).

Therefore, I want to ask all of you that
- Is there anyway to solve this problem?
- how to design database that meet extended requirements as I present above?

Thanks for all of your advices.


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Want To Run Stored Procedures To Build Maintenance Database

May 13, 2015

create all the maintenance scripts (SProcs) to my maintenance databases in an automated way?I have around 12 procedures which I don't want to consolidate in a single Proc and execute.Another problem which is coming to my mind is, I can';t use the below method to execute the proc, as I dont have RDP access to the servers.

sqlcmd -i C:MyFolderMyScript.sql -o C:MyFolderMyOutput.txt

I am thinking to ask for a central location where I can create a folder , dumping all my scripts and build the maintenance DB and creating all my procs, table, etc.

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I've Build A Database Schema-Open For Suggestions

Apr 18, 2007

Hello Guys:I have included the schema that i build for sql serve 2005 below, My concern is with creating views and cursors.I open for any suggestions. Please try out the scheme;

DatabaseMS SQL 2005

use master
if exists (select name from sys.databases where name='clubDataBase')
drop database clubdataBase
create database clubDataBase
use clubDatabase

Create table [Role]
[Role_Id] Char(3) NOT NULL,
[Role_Type] Char(30) NOT NULL,
[Description] Char(30) NOT NULL,
Primary Key ([Role_Id])

Create table [Employee]
[employee_id] Char(20) NOT NULL,
[Add_Id] Char(10) NOT NULL,
[Role_Id] Char(3) NOT NULL,
[Manager_Id] Char(20) NOT NULL,
[Club_Id] Char(5) NOT NULL,
[HireDate] Datetime NOT NULL,
[PayRate] Real NOT NULL,
[Status] Varchar(30) NOT NULL,
[SSN] Char(12) NOT NULL,
[Fname] Char(30) NOT NULL,
[Lname] Char(30) NOT NULL,
[Gender] Char(1) NOT NULL,
[DOB] Datetime NOT NULL,
[LastUpdated] Datetime NOT NULL,
Primary Key ([employee_id])

Create table [Address]
[Add_Id] Char(10) NOT NULL,
[AddressLine1] Varchar(30) NOT NULL,
[AddressLine2] Varchar(30) NULL,
[City] Varchar(20) NOT NULL,
[State] Char(2) NOT NULL,
[ZipCode] Char(10) NOT NULL,
[Region] Char(20) NOT NULL,
Primary Key ([Add_Id])

Create table [Club]
[Club_Id] Char(5) NOT NULL,
[Add_Id] Char(10) NOT NULL,
[RegionId] Char(5) NOT NULL,
[ClubName] Varchar(30) NOT NULL,
[PhoneNumber] Char(13) NOT NULL,
[FaxNumber] Char(13) NULL,
[Email] Varchar(30) NOT NULL,
[WebSite] Varchar(30) NOT NULL,
[Description] Varchar(30) NOT NULL,
Primary Key ([Club_Id])

Create table [Equip_Inven]
[Equip_Inven_Id] Char(5) NOT NULL,
[Club_Id] Char(5) NOT NULL,
[Equip_Id] Char(5) NOT NULL,
[Purchase_Date] Datetime NOT NULL,
[Purchase_Cost] Money NULL,
Primary Key ([Equip_Inven_Id])

Create table [Equipment]
[Equip_Id] Char(5) NOT NULL, UNIQUE ([Equip_Id]),
[Equip_Name] Varchar(30) NOT NULL,
[Equip_Type] Varchar(20) NOT NULL,
[Equip_Desc] Varchar(30) NULL,
Primary Key ([Equip_Id])

Create table [CustomerClass]
[Club_Id] Char(5) NOT NULL,
[Class_Id] Char(5) NOT NULL,
[StartDate] Datetime NOT NULL,
[Member_Id] Char(10) NOT NULL,
[MemClassFees] Money NOT NULL,
[Description] Varchar(30) NULL,
Primary Key ([Club_Id],[Class_Id],[StartDate],[Member_Id])

Create table [Classes]
[Class_Id] Char(5) NOT NULL,
[ClassName] Varchar(30) NOT NULL,
[ClassDescription] Varchar(30) NOT NULL,
Primary Key ([Class_Id])

Create table [Member]
[Member_Id] Char(10) NOT NULL,
[Club_Id] Char(5) NOT NULL,
[Plan_Id] Char(5) NOT NULL,
[Add_Id] Char(10) NOT NULL,
[TotalFees] Money NOT NULL,
[MemberFname] Char(20) NOT NULL,
[MemberLname] Char(20) NOT NULL,
[Phonenumber] Char(12) NOT NULL,
[DOB] Datetime NOT NULL,
[Gender] Char(1) NOT NULL,
[Email] Char(20) NULL,
[LastUpdated] Datetime NOT NULL,
Primary Key ([Member_Id])

Create table [Health_Info]
[Member_Id] Char(10) NOT NULL,
[Doctor_Name] Varchar(20) NOT NULL,
[Allergy] Varchar(30) NULL,
[Diseases] Varchar(30) NULL,
[Emergency_Contact1] Char(20) NOT NULL,
[Emergency_Phone1] Char(12) NOT NULL,
[Contact_Relation1] Char(20) NOT NULL,
[Emergency_Contact2] Char(20) NULL,
[Emergency_Phone2] Char(12) NULL,
[Contact_Relation2] Char(20) NULL,
Primary Key ([Member_Id])

Create table [ClubClasses]
[StartDate] Datetime NOT NULL,
[Club_Id] Char(5) NOT NULL,
[Class_Id] Char(5) NOT NULL,
[employee_id] Char(20) NOT NULL,
[ClassAgeRange] Char(10) NULL,
[ClubClassCost] Money NOT NULL,
[ClubClassSchedule] Varchar(30) NOT NULL,
Primary Key ([StartDate],[Club_Id],[Class_Id])

Create table [Plans]
[Plan_Id] Char(5) NOT NULL,
[SuggestedPrice] Money NOT NULL,
[PlanName] Varchar(30) NOT NULL,
[PlanDuration] Varchar(20) NOT NULL,
[Description] Varchar(30) NOT NULL,
Primary Key ([Plan_Id])

Create table [ClubPlans]
[Club_Id] Char(5) NOT NULL,
[Plan_Id] Char(5) NOT NULL,
[Discount] Numeric(2,2) NULL,
[Description] Varchar(30) NULL,
Primary Key ([Club_Id],[Plan_Id])

Create table [MemberClubUsage]
[StartDate] Datetime NOT NULL,
[Club_Id] Char(5) NOT NULL,
[Member_Id] Char(10) NOT NULL,
[EndDate] Datetime NOT NULL,
Primary Key ([StartDate],[Club_Id],[Member_Id])

Create table [Facility]
[Facility_Id] Char(5) NOT NULL, UNIQUE ([Facility_Id]),
[FacilityName] Varchar(30) NOT NULL,
[FacilityType] Varchar(30) NOT NULL,
[Description] Varchar(30) NULL,
Primary Key ([Facility_Id])

Create table [FacilityUsage]
[StartDate] Char(1) NOT NULL,
[Member_Id] Char(10) NOT NULL,
[Club_Id] Char(5) NOT NULL,
[Facility_Id] Char(5) NOT NULL,
[EndDate] Datetime NULL,
Primary Key ([StartDate],[Member_Id])

Create table [ClubFacilites]
[Club_Id] Char(5) NOT NULL,
[Facility_Id] Char(5) NOT NULL,
[OpenDate] Datetime NOT NULL,
[CloseDate] Datetime NOT NULL,
[Description] Varchar(30) NULL,
Primary Key ([Club_Id],[Facility_Id])

Create table [Equip_Maintanence]
[Equip_Maintanence_Id] Char(5) NOT NULL,
[Equip_Inven_Id] Char(5) NOT NULL,
[Main_Date] Datetime NULL,
[Main_Cost] Money NULL,
[Comment] Varchar(30) NULL,
Primary Key ([Equip_Maintanence_Id])

Create table [Guest]
[GuestId] Char(5) NOT NULL,
[Member_Id] Char(10) NOT NULL,
[Add_Id] Char(10) NOT NULL,
[GuestName] Char(20) NOT NULL,
[GuestDOB] Datetime NOT NULL,
Primary Key ([GuestId])

Create table [RegionalOffice]
[RegionId] Char(5) NOT NULL,
[Add_Id] Char(10) NOT NULL,
[RegionName] Nvarchar(30) NOT NULL,
Primary Key ([RegionId])

Alter table [Employee] add foreign key([Role_Id]) references [Role] ([Role_Id]) on update no action on delete no action
Alter table [Employee] add foreign key([Manager_Id]) references [Employee] ([employee_id]) on update no action on delete no action
Alter table [ClubClasses] add foreign key([employee_id]) references [Employee] ([employee_id]) on update no action on delete no action
Alter table [Employee] add foreign key([Add_Id]) references [Address] ([Add_Id]) on update no action on delete no action
Alter table [Club] add foreign key([Add_Id]) references [Address] ([Add_Id]) on update no action on delete no action
Alter table [Member] add foreign key([Add_Id]) references [Address] ([Add_Id]) on update no action on delete no action
Alter table [Guest] add foreign key([Add_Id]) references [Address] ([Add_Id]) on update no action on delete no action
Alter table [RegionalOffice] add foreign key([Add_Id]) references [Address] ([Add_Id]) on update no action on delete no action
Alter table [Equip_Inven] add foreign key([Club_Id]) references [Club] ([Club_Id]) on update no action on delete no action
Alter table [Employee] add foreign key([Club_Id]) references [Club] ([Club_Id]) on update no action on delete no action
Alter table [ClubClasses] add foreign key([Club_Id]) references [Club] ([Club_Id]) on update no action on delete no action
Alter table [ClubPlans] add foreign key([Club_Id]) references [Club] ([Club_Id]) on update no action on delete no action
Alter table [MemberClubUsage] add foreign key([Club_Id]) references [Club] ([Club_Id]) on update no action on delete no action
Alter table [ClubFacilites] add foreign key([Club_Id]) references [Club] ([Club_Id]) on update no action on delete no action
Alter table [Equip_Maintanence] add foreign key([Equip_Inven_Id]) references [Equip_Inven] ([Equip_Inven_Id]) on update no action on delete no action
Alter table [Equip_Inven] add foreign key([Equip_Id]) references [Equipment] ([Equip_Id]) on update no action on delete no action
Alter table [ClubClasses] add foreign key([Class_Id]) references [Classes] ([Class_Id]) on update no action on delete no action
Alter table [CustomerClass] add foreign key([Member_Id]) references [Member] ([Member_Id]) on update no action on delete no action
Alter table [MemberClubUsage] add foreign key([Member_Id]) references [Member] ([Member_Id]) on update no action on delete no action
Alter table [FacilityUsage] add foreign key([Member_Id]) references [Member] ([Member_Id]) on update no action on delete no action
Alter table [Health_Info] add foreign key([Member_Id]) references [Member] ([Member_Id]) on update no action on delete no action
Alter table [Guest] add foreign key([Member_Id]) references [Member] ([Member_Id]) on update no action on delete no action
Alter table [CustomerClass] add foreign key([StartDate],[Club_Id],[Class_Id]) references [ClubClasses] ([StartDate],[Club_Id],[Class_Id]) on update no action on delete no action
Alter table [ClubPlans] add foreign key([Plan_Id]) references [Plans] ([Plan_Id]) on update no action on delete no action
Alter table [Member] add foreign key([Club_Id],[Plan_Id]) references [ClubPlans] ([Club_Id],[Plan_Id]) on update no action on delete no action
Alter table [ClubFacilites] add foreign key([Facility_Id]) references [Facility] ([Facility_Id]) on update no action on delete no action
Alter table [FacilityUsage] add foreign key([Club_Id],[Facility_Id]) references [ClubFacilites] ([Club_Id],[Facility_Id]) on update no action on delete no action
Alter table [Club] add foreign key([RegionId]) references [RegionalOffice] ([RegionId]) on update no action on delete no action

--create procedures and views
--the procedure to randomly add members visit the club
create procedure getMemberClubUsage
declare @memID char(10),
@clubID char(10)
declare @begDate datetime
declare mem_club_cursor cursor
--randamly to add the member to visit clubs
select member_ID, c.club_ID
from member, club c
open mem_club_cursor
fetch mem_club_cursor into
@memID, @clubID

while @@fetch_status=0
set @begDate=dateadd(day, rand()*-365, getdate())
insert into memberClubUsage
select @begDate, @clubID, @memID, dateadd(minute, rand()*300, @begDate)
fetch mem_club_cursor into
@memID, @clubID

close mem_club_cursor
deallocate mem_club_cursor

--the procedure randomly add the member to classes
create procedure getMemberClubClass
insert into customerClass (startDate, club_ID, class_ID, Member_ID, memclassFees)
select startDate, c.club_ID, class_ID, Member_ID, 150
from member m, clubClasses c

create view MembershipClubRegion_VW
select member_ID, memberFName, memberLName, C.Club_ID, C.ClubName, c.RegionID, r.RegionName
from member m join club c on m.club_ID=c.Club_ID
join regionaloffice r on c.regionID=r.regionID

create view VistorbyMonthClub_VW
select clubName,
datename(month, startdate)+'-'+datename(year, startdate) 'Month',
count(*) TotalVistors
from club c join memberclubusage mc on c.club_ID=mc.club_ID
group by clubName, datename(month, startdate)+'-'+datename(year, startdate)


create view classClub_View
select c.class_ID,
from classes c join clubClasses cc on c.class_ID=cc.class_ID
join club cl on cc.club_ID=cl.club_ID
--add testing data into database
--insert data to table Address
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('C0001', '100 Washington St', 'Salem', 'NH', '01123', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('C0002', '180 Porland Ave', 'Providence', 'RI', '03123', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('C0003', '36 Huntington Ave', 'Boston', 'MA', '02111', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('C0004', '45 Marine St', 'August', 'ME', '31245', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('C0005', '400 Tel St', 'Vermont', 'VT', '11234', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('C0006', '100 Abc Ave', 'George Town', 'CT', '1111', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('B0001', '180 Matthew Ave', 'Worchest', 'NH', '01145', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('B0002', '1000 Elm St', 'Braintree', 'MA', '02184', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('A0001', '24 Edwin St', 'Quincy', 'MA', '02171', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('A0002', '57 Sterling Street', 'Malden', 'MA', '02148', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('A0003', '26 Royal St', 'Quincy', 'MA', '02171', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('A0004', '439 Newport Ave', 'Quincy', 'MA', '02171', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('A0005', '41 Old Brattleboro', 'August', 'ME', '31245', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('A0006', '110 N Central Ave', 'Montpelier', 'VT', '11234', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('A0007', '67 Marjoril Rd', 'George Town', 'CT', '1111', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('A0008', '1 Holden Row #2', 'Boston', 'MA', '02111', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('A0009', '67 Marjoril Rd', 'Braintree', 'MA', '02421', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('A0010', '253 Cambridge St Apt#2', 'Boston', 'MA', '02111', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('A0011', '30 Hill St', 'Randolph', 'MA', '02134', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('A0012', '87 Ocean St', 'Boston', 'MA', '02111', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('A0013', '7A Park Terrace', 'Boston', 'MA', '02112', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('A0014', '8 FoxRun #12', 'Boston', 'MA', '02113', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('A0015', '45 Upland Road', 'Boston', 'MA', '02114', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('A0016', '378 Medford St', 'Boston', 'MA', '02115', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('A0017', '46 Wheatland St', 'Boston', 'MA', '02116', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('A0018', '177 North Street', 'Boston', 'MA', '02117', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('A0019', '280 Breadway #4', 'Boston', 'MA', '02118', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('A0020', '106 Chester St', 'Boston', 'MA', '02119', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('A0021', '45 Upland Rd', 'Boston', 'MA', '02120', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('A0022', '47 Malvern St', 'Boston', 'MA', '02121', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('A0023', '49 Dwight St #1', 'Boston', 'MA', '02122', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('A0024', '97 LAWN STREET', 'Boston', 'MA', '02123', 'NE')
insert into Address ( Add_ID, Addressline1, City, State, Zipcode, Region) values ('A0025', '418 Revere Beach Pkwy #74', 'Boston', 'MA', '02124', 'NE')
--insert data to table RegionalOffice
insert into RegionalOffice ( RegionID, Add_ID, RegionName) values ('R0001', 'C0001', 'New Hampshire')
insert into RegionalOffice ( RegionID, Add_ID, RegionName) values ('R0002', 'C0002', 'Rhode Island')
insert into RegionalOffice ( RegionID, Add_ID, RegionName) values ('R0003', 'C0003', 'Massachussetts')
insert into RegionalOffice ( RegionID, Add_ID, RegionName) values ('R0004', 'C0004', 'Marine')
insert into RegionalOffice ( RegionID, Add_ID, RegionName) values ('R0005', 'C0005', 'Vermont')
insert into RegionalOffice ( RegionID, Add_ID, RegionName) values ('R0006', 'C0006', 'Connecticut')
--insert data to table Club
insert into Club ( Club_ID, Add_ID, RegionID, ClubName, PhoneNumber, Email, website, Description) values ('C0001', 'C0001', 'R0001', 'NH CLub1', '8952645456', 'mail@ClubNH', '', 'club')
insert into Club ( Club_ID, Add_ID, RegionID, ClubName, PhoneNumber, Email, website, Description) values ('C0002', 'B0001', 'R0001', 'NH CLub2', '8953566889', 'mail@ClubNH', '', 'club')
insert into Club ( Club_ID, Add_ID, RegionID, ClubName, PhoneNumber, Email, website, Description) values ('C0003', 'C0003', 'R0003', 'MA Club1', '6174561787', 'mail@MANH', '', 'club')
insert into Club ( Club_ID, Add_ID, RegionID, ClubName, PhoneNumber, Email, website, Description) values ('C0004', 'B0002', 'R0003', 'MA Club2', '6175688989', 'mail@MANH', '', 'club')
insert into Club ( Club_ID, Add_ID, RegionID, ClubName, PhoneNumber, Email, website, Description) values ('C0005', 'C0002', 'R0002', 'RI Club1', '4264567898', 'mail@ClubRI', '', 'club')
insert into Club ( Club_ID, Add_ID, RegionID, ClubName, PhoneNumber, Email, website, Description) values ('C0006', 'C0004', 'R0004', 'Marine Club 1', '8915678989', 'mail@clubME', '', 'club')
insert into Club ( Club_ID, Add_ID, RegionID, ClubName, PhoneNumber, Email, website, Description) values ('C0007', 'C0005', 'R0005', 'Vermont Club1', '7325641234', 'mail@clubVT', '', 'club')
insert into Club ( Club_ID, Add_ID, RegionID, ClubName, PhoneNumber, Email, website, Description) values ('C0008', 'C0006', 'R0006', 'Connecticut Club1', '7888989999', 'mail@clubCT', '', 'club')
--insert data to table Plans
insert into Plans ( Plan_id, SuggestedPrice, PlanName, PlanDuration, Description) values ('P0001', 156.38, 'Family Plan', '1 year', 'plan')
insert into Plans ( Plan_id, SuggestedPrice, PlanName, PlanDuration, Description) values ('P0002', 90, 'Single Plan', '1 Year', 'plan')
insert into Plans ( Plan_id, SuggestedPrice, PlanName, PlanDuration, Description) values ('P0003', 70, 'Senior Plan', '1 Year', 'plan')
insert into Plans ( Plan_id, SuggestedPrice, PlanName, PlanDuration, Description) values ('P0004', 30, 'promote plan', '1 year', 'plan')
--insert data to table ClubPlans
insert into ClubPlans ( Club_id, Plan_id) values ('C0001', 'P0001')
insert into ClubPlans ( Club_id, Plan_id) values ('C0002', 'P0001')
insert into ClubPlans ( Club_id, Plan_id) values ('C0003', 'P0001')
insert into ClubPlans ( Club_id, Plan_id) values ('C0004', 'P0001')
insert into ClubPlans ( Club_id, Plan_id) values ('C0005', 'P0001')
insert into ClubPlans ( Club_id, Plan_id) values ('C0006', 'P0001')
insert into ClubPlans ( Club_id, Plan_id) values ('C0007', 'P0001')
insert into ClubPlans ( Club_id, Plan_id) values ('C0008', 'P0001')
insert into ClubPlans ( Club_id, Plan_id) values ('C0001', 'P0002')
insert into ClubPlans ( Club_id, Plan_id) values ('C0002', 'P0002')
insert into ClubPlans ( Club_id, Plan_id) values ('C0003', 'P0002')
insert into ClubPlans ( Club_id, Plan_id) values ('C0004', 'P0002')
insert into ClubPlans ( Club_id, Plan_id) values ('C0005', 'P0002')
insert into ClubPlans ( Club_id, Plan_id) values ('C0006', 'P0002')
insert into ClubPlans ( Club_id, Plan_id) values ('C0007', 'P0002')
insert into ClubPlans ( Club_id, Plan_id) values ('C0008', 'P0002')
insert into ClubPlans ( Club_id, Plan_id) values ('C0003', 'P0004')
--insert data to table Classes
insert into Classes ( Class_id, className, classDescription) values ('A0001', 'Beginning Yoga', 'desc')
insert into Classes ( Class_id, className, classDescription) values ('A0002', 'Advance Yoga', 'desc')
insert into Classes ( Class_id, className, classDescription) values ('A0003', 'Swimming', 'desc')
insert into Classes ( Class_id, className, classDescription) values ('A0004', 'Dancing', 'desc')
insert into Classes ( Class_id, className, classDescription) values ('A0005', 'Introduction to Tennis', 'desc')
--insert data to table Role
insert into Role ( Role_id, Role_Type, Description) values ('R01', 'Teacher', 'Class teacher')
insert into Role ( Role_id, Role_Type, Description) values ('R02', 'Manager', 'club manager')
--insert data to table Employee
insert into Employee ( Employee_id, add_id, role_id, Manager_id, club_id, HireDate, Payrate, status, SSN, Fname, Lname, Gender, DOB, LastUpdated) values ('E0001', 'A0001', 'R01', 'E0001', 'C0001', '1/1/1999', 15, ' ', '123456789', 'John', 'Joyce', 'M', '1/3/1968', '4/18/2007')
insert into Employee ( Employee_id, add_id, role_id, Manager_id, club_id, HireDate, Payrate, status, SSN, Fname, Lname, Gender, DOB, LastUpdated) values ('E0002', 'A0002', 'R02', 'E0001', 'C0002', '12/1/2004', 25, ' ', '123456789', 'MacDonld', 'Harris', 'M', '10/12/1975', '4/18/2007')
insert into Employee ( Employee_id, add_id, role_id, Manager_id, club_id, HireDate, Payrate, status, SSN, Fname, Lname, Gender, DOB, LastUpdated) values ('E0003', 'A0003', 'R02', 'E0001', 'C0003', '3/1/2006', 20, ' ', '123456789', 'Joane', 'Li', 'F', '11/5/1960', '4/18/2007')
insert into Employee ( Employee_id, add_id, role_id, Manager_id, club_id, HireDate, Payrate, status, SSN, Fname, Lname, Gender, DOB, LastUpdated) values ('E0004', 'A0004', 'R02', 'E0001', 'C0004', '5/1/2006', 22, ' ', '123456789', 'Tony', 'Green', 'M', '8/12/1970', '4/18/2007')
insert into Employee ( Employee_id, add_id, role_id, Manager_id, club_id, HireDate, Payrate, status, SSN, Fname, Lname, Gender, DOB, LastUpdated) values ('E0005', 'A0005', 'R02', 'E0001', 'C0005', '1/1/2007', 20, ' ', '123456789', 'Lisa', 'White', 'F', '11/10/1975', '4/18/2007')
--insert data to table ClubClasses
insert into ClubClasses ( startdate, club_id, class_id, employee_id, ClubclassCost, clubclassSchedule) values ('1/1/2007', 'C0001', 'A0001', 'E0002', 1500, 'Mon, Fri 7:30PM')
insert into ClubClasses ( startdate, club_id, class_id, employee_id, ClubclassCost, clubclassSchedule) values ('2/1/2007', 'C0002', 'A0002', 'E0003', 1500, 'Mon, Fri 7:30PM')
insert into ClubClasses ( startdate, club_id, class_id, employee_id, ClubclassCost, clubclassSchedule) values ('3/1/2007', 'C0003', 'A0003', 'E0004', 1500, 'Tue, Th 8:00PM')
insert into ClubClasses ( startdate, club_id, class_id, employee_id, ClubclassCost, clubclassSchedule) values ('4/1/2007', 'C0004', 'A0004', 'E0005', 1500, 'Tue, Th 8:00PM')
insert into ClubClasses ( startdate, club_id, class_id, employee_id, ClubclassCost, clubclassSchedule) values ('5/1/2007', 'C0005', 'A0005', 'E0002', 1500, 'Wed, Fri 7:00PM')
insert into ClubClasses ( startdate, club_id, class_id, employee_id, ClubclassCost, clubclassSchedule) values ('4/5/2007', 'C0006', 'A0004', 'E0004', 1500, 'Sat, 8:00AM')
--insert data to table Member
insert into Member ( Member_ID, Club_ID, Plan_ID, Add_ID, TotalFees, MemberFName, MemberLName, PhoneNumber, DOB, Gender, LastUpdated) values ('M0001', 'C0001', 'P0001', 'A0006', 153.38, 'John', 'He', '7812671567', '1/15/1965', 'M', '4/18/2007')
insert into Member ( Member_ID, Club_ID, Plan_ID, Add_ID, TotalFees, MemberFName, MemberLName, PhoneNumber, DOB, Gender, LastUpdated) values ('M0002', 'C0002', 'P0001', 'A0007', 153.38, 'Joane', 'Good', '5678945689', '1/16/1975', 'F', '4/18/2007')
insert into Member ( Member_ID, Club_ID, Plan_ID, Add_ID, TotalFees, MemberFName, MemberLName, PhoneNumber, DOB, Gender, LastUpdated) values ('M0003', 'C0003', 'P0001', 'A0008', 153.38, 'Sharon', 'Spears', '8123456789', '1/17/1985', 'F', '4/18/2007')
insert into Member ( Member_ID, Club_ID, Plan_ID, Add_ID, TotalFees, MemberFName, MemberLName, PhoneNumber, DOB, Gender, LastUpdated) values ('M0004', 'C0004', 'P0001', 'A0009', 153.38, 'Sandy', 'Green', '9874567898', '2/18/1965', 'F', '4/18/2007')
insert into Member ( Member_ID, Club_ID, Plan_ID, Add_ID, TotalFees, MemberFName, MemberLName, PhoneNumber, DOB, Gender, LastUpdated) values ('M0005', 'C0005', 'P0001', 'A0010', 153.38, 'Lisa', 'White', '7185642356', '1/19/1967', 'F', '4/18/2007')
insert into Member ( Member_ID, Club_ID, Plan_ID, Add_ID, TotalFees, MemberFName, MemberLName, PhoneNumber, DOB, Gender, LastUpdated) values ('M0006', 'C0006', 'P0001', 'A0011', 153.38, 'William', 'Black', '5689741235', '1/20/1973', 'M', '4/18/2007')
insert into Member ( Member_ID, Club_ID, Plan_ID, Add_ID, TotalFees, MemberFName, MemberLName, PhoneNumber, DOB, Gender, LastUpdated) values ('M0007', 'C0007', 'P0001', 'A0012', 153.38, 'Ollie', 'Green', '7812671567', '1/21/1975', 'M', '4/18/2007')
insert into Member ( Member_ID, Club_ID, Plan_ID, Add_ID, TotalFees, MemberFName, MemberLName, PhoneNumber, DOB, Gender, LastUpdated) values ('M0008', 'C0008', 'P0001', 'A0013', 153.38, 'Louis', 'Brien', '5678945689', '1/15/1965', 'M', '4/18/2007')
insert into Member ( Member_ID, Club_ID, Plan_ID, Add_ID, TotalFees, MemberFName, MemberLName, PhoneNumber, DOB, Gender, LastUpdated) values ('M0009', 'C0001', 'P0002', 'A0014', 90, 'Barbara', 'Stone', '8123456789', '1/16/1975', 'F', '4/18/2007')
insert into Member ( Member_ID, Club_ID, Plan_ID, Add_ID, TotalFees, MemberFName, MemberLName, PhoneNumber, DOB, Gender, LastUpdated) values ('M0010', 'C0002', 'P0002', 'A0015', 90, 'Jenat', 'Jean', '9874567898', '1/17/1985', 'F', '4/18/2007')
insert into Member ( Member_ID, Club_ID, Plan_ID, Add_ID, TotalFees, MemberFName, MemberLName, PhoneNumber, DOB, Gender, LastUpdated) values ('M0011', 'C0003', 'P0002', 'A0016', 90, 'Orlande', 'Moore', '7185642356', '2/18/1965', 'M', '4/18/2007')
insert into Member ( Member_ID, Club_ID, Plan_ID, Add_ID, TotalFees, MemberFName, MemberLName, PhoneNumber, DOB, Gender, LastUpdated) values ('M0012', 'C0004', 'P0002', 'A0017', 90, 'Jerry', 'Dee', '5689741235', '1/19/1967', 'M', '4/18/2007')
insert into Member ( Member_ID, Club_ID, Plan_ID, Add_ID, TotalFees, MemberFName, MemberLName, PhoneNumber, DOB, Gender, LastUpdated) values ('M0013', 'C0005', 'P0002', 'A0018', 90, 'Jim', 'Smith', '7812671567', '1/20/1973', 'M', '4/18/2007')
insert into Member ( Member_ID, Club_ID, Plan_ID, Add_ID, TotalFees, MemberFName, MemberLName, PhoneNumber, DOB, Gender, LastUpdated) values ('M0014', 'C0006', 'P0002', 'A0019', 90, 'Jeff', 'Smith', '5678945689', '1/21/1975', 'M', '4/18/2007')
insert into Member ( Member_ID, Club_ID, Plan_ID, Add_ID, TotalFees, MemberFName, MemberLName, PhoneNumber, DOB, Gender, LastUpdated) values ('M0015', 'C0007', 'P0002', 'A0020', 90, 'Michael', 'Sam', '8123456789', '1/15/1965', 'M', '4/18/2007')
insert into Member ( Member_ID, Club_ID, Plan_ID, Add_ID, TotalFees, MemberFName, MemberLName, PhoneNumber, DOB, Gender, LastUpdated) values ('M0016', 'C0008', 'P0002', 'A0021', 90, 'Michelle', 'Lee', '9874567898', '1/16/1975', 'F', '4/18/2007')
insert into Member ( Member_ID, Club_ID, Plan_ID, Add_ID, TotalFees, MemberFName, MemberLName, PhoneNumber, DOB, Gender, LastUpdated) values ('M0017', 'C0003', 'P0004', 'A0022', 30, 'Judy', 'Andy', '7185642356', '1/17/1985', 'M', '4/18/2007')
insert into Member ( Member_ID, Club_ID, Plan_ID, Add_ID, TotalFees, MemberFName, MemberLName, PhoneNumber, DOB, Gender, LastUpdated) values ('M0018', 'C0001', 'P0001', 'A0023', 153.38, 'Pierre', 'Pierre', '5689741235', '2/18/1965', 'M', '4/18/2007')
insert into Member ( Member_ID, Club_ID, Plan_ID, Add_ID, TotalFees, MemberFName, MemberLName, PhoneNumber, DOB, Gender, LastUpdated) values ('M0019', 'C0002', 'P0001', 'A0024', 153.38, 'Tony', 'Kelliher', '7812671567', '1/19/1967', 'F', '4/18/2007')
insert into Member ( Member_ID, Club_ID, Plan_ID, Add_ID, TotalFees, MemberFName, MemberLName, PhoneNumber, DOB, Gender, LastUpdated) values ('M0020', 'C0003', 'P0001', 'A0025', 153.38, 'Antonia', 'Sheeran', '5678945689', '1/20/1973', 'M', '4/18/2007')
insert into Member ( Member_ID, Club_ID, Plan_ID, Add_ID, TotalFees, MemberFName, MemberLName, PhoneNumber, DOB, Gender, LastUpdated) values ('M0021', 'C0004', 'P0001', 'A0007', 153.38, 'Scott', 'Brown', '8123456789', '1/21/1975', 'M', '4/18/2007')

exec getMemberClubUsage
exec getMemberClubClass
Set quoted_identifier on

Set quoted_identifier off

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Entities Design

Jan 31, 2006

I’ve three questions, would someone answer them please,

I have 3 entities:
The book entity(BookNo,BookNmae,AuthorName,Price...etc), the MembershipCard entity(CardNo,MembershipNo,ClientNo,PublishDate,EmpNo..etc), and the Client entity(ClientNo,ClientName,ClientAddr,ClientPhoneBookNo,RequiredBookNo,..etc)
1-What is the relationship degree between them, is it ternary or binary?and Why?
I'm so confused ,my answer is ternary, I made a (1:m) relationship between the clients entity and the books entity (a client may buy more than one book), (1:m) relationship between the employee entity and the books entity (an employee may sell more than one book)and a (1:m) relationship between the employee and the Client(an employee may serve more than one client(is it right or it's (M:N)).
So is my answer is right or wrong, please help me to understand, I’m so confused.

2- Is the cardinality degree between the Client entity and the book entity , (0,N) for the client entity and (1:N) for the book entity??

3-What is the best model to use in designing data in general,Chen's model or Crow's Foot and why?I think it's Crow's one ,for it's more arranged and easy to read.

with thanks

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Entities Missing

Apr 11, 2007

I created a report model with a single "data source view." The datasource view has three tables "Business, XRef, Employee" and a named query "PeopleCount" based on these tables. The smdl [design] view shows "Business, XRef,Employee" as "entities" and does not show the named query from the "data source view" (I don't know if that is normal). I published this report model to the reporting server (its showed "success").

I then used Report Builder to open the report model as a "chart", and it shows there is only one entity for me to play with, its called "XRef." Why do the other tables ("Business" and "Employee") not show up in the Report Builder's list of entities?

My own guess is that "XRef" is the only "actionable" table for making a chart. Indeed, I notice that among its "fields" is one called "Business Title" (which apparently comes from the Business table). But I also notice it does not have an "Employee Name." Why have the former and not the latter? Again, my own guess is that the type of the Employee.Name field, a nvarchar(MAX), might be considered unusable for reporting, since it is a "max" size. Thoughts?

I am using SQL Server 2005 RTM, which is running on Win 2K3 Server SP1.

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Database Design For TAG Support?

May 12, 2008

I have a websites contains many articles, instead of putting them all into categories, I prefer a more intuitive organizing way, so "tag" function is the first thing come into my mind,but i have no idea how i should design my database for tag support. Any ideas? 

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SQL Server Database Support

Jun 6, 2007

Please do inform me about the SQL server database capacity of handing the data.

Well, I€™m a designing Data warehouse database on SQL server 2005 my first time load of data is 9 million records for 30 years of period, and future growth of data would be almost 20 million for the up coming 10 years.
Will this database would be able to handle that much of data.

Thank you

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Transact SQL :: How To Build Dynamic WHERE Clause In Openquery To Linked Database

Jul 17, 2015

I'd like to modify the dates within this where clause to be dynamic, building the date depending on the current year, but everything I try doesn't seem to be syntactically correct.

FROM Openquery(LS_CIS, 'select * from BI_WRKFLW_TASKS where (BI_EVENT_DT_TM>=''1/1/2011'' and (BI_NEEDED_DT_TM>=''1/1/2011''))OR (BI_EVENT_DT_TM>=''1/1/2011'' and BI_NEEDED_DT_TM is null)') AS derivedtbl_1
I'd like to replace ''1/1/2011''  in the where clause with something like:
CAST(CAST(YEAR (GETDATE())-4 AS varchar) + '-' + CAST(01 AS varchar) + '-' + CAST(01 AS varchar) AS DATETIME)

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Can't See All Tables In Entities Pane

Dec 22, 2006

Why is it that only SOME of the tables in my database show up in the Entities pane?

There are a total of six tables in my database, yet only three of them are available to me in the Entities pane. I have looked at permissions, etc, and I am using the SA account. It seems like I should see either ALL or NONE of the tables, but that is not the case.

What am I missing?

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Argument To Support Database Upgrade From 80 To 90

Mar 16, 2007

I have to build a coherent argument for why we should fix the application to run at compt level 90 instead of just leaving it at 80.

Looking at . . .

Differences Between Lower Compatibility Levels and Level 90

. . . I can't find anything further that tells my why it is in our best interest to do so other than 'Microsoft won't help you until you do'.

Anyone have any good bullet points on this?

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JDBC Support For Database Mirroring

Apr 17, 2006

I am new to Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and i would like to make use of its database mirroring feature.
My question though is: is database mirroring supported by the JDBC driver and if so how would you implement/code a connection to principal and mirror servers i.e. how would i implement a client - redirect in case of failures.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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