How To Change A Data File Name

Jun 3, 2004

Hi All,

Is anyone can help me to change a existing data file into a new new name?


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Change Data File Name?

Apr 20, 2001

I am not sure how to change data and log file name on existing database,
If it is oracle, I just need mount database and use alter database statement
to change data file name or location.

How to do it in SQL7??


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Change Name File During A Export Data

Nov 24, 2000


i have a package who export data in a text file,
this package is schedule all the night
how i can change the name of the file dynamically ?
or how the new data can be append at the end of the file ?


Cyril Caillaud

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History/Data Change File Approach

Mar 4, 2005

I need to record in a table:
Who, When, What Field and New Value of Fields
When changes occur to an existing record.

The purpose is for users to occassionally view the changes. They'll want to be able to see the history of the record - who changed what and when.

I figured I'd add the needed code to the stored procedure that's doing the update for the record.

When the stored procedure is called to do the update, the PK and parameters are sent.

The SP could first retain the current state of the record from the disk,
then do the update, then "spin" thru the fields comparing the record state prior to the update and after. Differences could be parsed to a "Changes string" and in the end, this string is saved in a history record along with a few other fields:

Name, DateTime, Changes

FK to Changed Record: some int value
Name: Joe Blow
Date: 1/1/05 12:02pm
Changes: Severity: 23 Project: Everest Assigned Lab: 204

How does the above approach sound?

Is there a better way you'd suggest?

Any sample code for a system that spins thru the fields comparing 1 temporary record with another looking for changes?



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How To Change Data Types In Excel Source File?

Mar 8, 2006

I'm getting a bit lost in SSIS. I've got an Excel source file that I'm trying to load into a table. I keep getting validation errors that warn about not being able to convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types.

I'm trying figure out where I have to change this and am frankly confused. It seems SSIS is selecting various columns as unicode/WSTR data types, but I want them to import as regular string types.

On the Data Flow tab in SSIS, I right-click on the source Data Flow component (the Excel file) and select Show Advanced Editor. Then on the last tab, Input and Output Properties, there's a tree view for the Excel output. There are "External Columns" and "Output Columns" containers in the tree view.

I tried setting some of these but they don't seem to "take". Do I need to change the data type for each column under both the External and Output columns?

That seems like a lot of work! And, as I say, I tried setting some, but I still got the same validation errors. So, then I go back to this spot (Advanced Editor -> Input and Output Properties tab) and my changes seem to have been lost.

Any help would be appreciated!

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DB Engine :: How To Change Location Of Secondary Data File

Nov 9, 2015

I added a secondary data file to TEMPdb yesterday and gave it a wrong location by mistake. If I try to change the location, then I am getting an error now. I think that is because TEMPdb is in use and that is why I cant change it's secondary file's location. Do I need to take TempDB offline and then change the secondary file's location??

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Reporting Services :: Change File Extension Of CSV Data Driven Subscription?

Jun 16, 2015

Using SSRS 2008R2 is it possible to change the file extension of a CSV data driven subscription?  I'm outputting a text file with a .csv extension, but users have access to these files and I don;t want them opened with Excel and then saved back in an incorrect format. 

These are the options I have from the report "manage" option.  

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Unable To Change The File In Flat File Connection Manager

May 27, 2008


I have a package A which is copied from another existing package B as most of the data structure and ETL mappings are same.

What I need to change in Package A is to change the file in Flat File Connection Manager. I can change it in the conneciton manager editor. However, it is automatically changed back to the previous one everytime when I try to Save All or run the package.

I also tried to copy/paste this Flat File Connection Manager in the same package but samething happen. The package file is not set 'Read Only" so anything else can Saved well except for the File name in connection manager.

Is this a bug? It would be very appreciated if anyone can give me any idea about this.



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Regarding The Dynamic File Change Within Flat File Source.

Mar 28, 2006


we have one requirement to run the package daily basis.

The package should run at specific time on that day.

we are using windows schedular for that.

we will have one new flatfile everyday.

Is there any process to attach this file to flat file source dynamically?

The requirement is,

The flat file should be able to read the new flatfile everyday.

we have no option change it manually, the flatfile source should have to take the file automatically at that time.

So that it can take that flatfile and load it into database table.

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Change The File Name In File Connection Manager

May 2, 2006


How can I dynamically change the file name in File connection Manager in SSIS package?

I can do this in SQL 2000 but how to achieve the same thing in SQL 2005. I have to generate 10 different excel file and just need to change the file name in connection manager for excel file



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Change CSV File To XLS

Jul 22, 2003

I want to automate my performance monitoring Reports(sql2000). So I need to import performance monitor output log file .CSV to a table. I feel converting this .CSV to .XLS is good way to importing the log thru DTS. Is there any command/ script to change the file type .CSV to .XLS, so that i can include this one into DTS Step.

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Change The Name Of The Destination File

Jul 2, 2002

I am exporting a table to an excel format. The package should change the name of the destination file everytime the package is executed(preceded by date). I need to deploy this urgently.

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How To Change Logical File Name

Jan 18, 2000

I cannot find the answer to this: how do you update the logical file name for a database? Restore database "Alpha" over "Beta" specifying WITH MOVE parms allows "Alpha"'s physical files to overlay "Beta"'s, but now "Beta"'s logical file names are "Alpha_Data" and "Alpha_Log".

Updating sysfiles directly gives back a 270; "Get outta here!"

Can this not be done?

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Change Logical Name Of Db And Log File

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,Is there an option (stored procedure) or whatever to change to logical nameof the databasefile and the database log file ?Arno de Jong, The Netherlands.

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Change Data Capture(CDC) For Data Warehouse / Reporting?

Aug 12, 2015

I have a requirement to implement CDC for 50+ tables to implement incremental data changes warehouse/reporting rather than exporting the whole table data. The largest table is having more than half a billion records.

The warehouse use a daily copy of OLTP db (daily DB refresh). How can I accomplish this. Is there a downside in implementing CDC just for the sake of taking incremental changes on the tables?

Is there any performance impact if we enable CDC on OLTP db?

Can we make use of the CDC tables on the environment we do daily db refresh so that the queries don't hit OLTP database?

What is the best way to implement CDC to take incremental changes for reporting.

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SQL Security :: Making Data Change In Read Only Database Without Letting Other Users Update Data

Aug 6, 2015

I want to make data changes in read_only database , that's why i must set database read_write. While database is at read_write mode, i want to be sure that no one makes change in database.

For this aim, i write the code below, but i suspect that after setting the database read_write, till the setting database
single_user ,is it possible get DML script from another user. Is the code below enough for this operation. Or is there another way?

Reminding: Read_only database can not be set single_user mode. That's why, first you must set database read_write.

The code;

use master
alter database xxx set read_write
with rollback immediate
alter database xxx set single_user
with rollback immediate

use xxx
update  tablexxx set columnxxx=yyy
use master
alter database xxx set read_only
with rollback immediate
alter database xxx set multi_user
with rollback immediate

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SQL 2012 :: CDC (Change Data Capture) Is Not Capturing Data Correctly

Apr 21, 2014

I am using SQL Server 2012 and to me a part of data captured by CDC is not making sense.

I have a table called 'Schema.Table1', and I enabled CDC on it by running 'sys.sp_cdc_enable_table'. I see that a table called 'cdc.Schema_Table1_CT' got created which now gets an entry when ever I Insert, Update or delete a record in the original table.

Till this point every thing works fine.

My original Table has a NOT NULL INT column called 'AuditTrackerUserID' with a default value of 1996. My application does not provides a value for this column, but because the column itself has a default value, records get inserted without error.

When I try to execute the following Query I see multiple records with __$operation of 3 and 1.

SELECT * from cdc.Schema_Table1_CT where AuditTrackerUserID IS NULL

My expectation is that I should not ever see any record returned by this query because AuditTrackerUserID is a not null column, but I do.

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Where To Change Where Log Shipping Log File Is Written

Oct 5, 2001

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SQL Script To Change Output To File

Jun 29, 2007

This has probably been asked before and I am having a hard time finding an answer for my question.

What I'd like to do is create an SQL query script file that exports the records of a select statement to a delimited file. I used to know how to do this in Oracle but I can't find any way to do this in SQL Server.

In Oracle I used to call a command from the script to change the output to a named file, then call a command to set the field delimiter, and finally, execute the query. I don't want to use BCP because I want to get the results of a query that select only a subset of records and may gather data from multiple tables. I know I can save a query and then change the output from the Management Studio to a file but I don't want to have to do this manually every time. Being able to run the scrip from a command line would be great. Then I could schedule a task that would execute the script at a preset time.

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Transact SQL :: Change Name Of CSV File Automatically

May 11, 2015

The code in cmd looks like today.

sqlcmd -S PC03 -d db_test -E -o "testMyData.csv" ^
-Q "[test2]" ^
-W -w 999 -s","

I would like to change the name of the file into "20150512". The name of the file should be today's date. I do not know how to do it.

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Change Data Table From Into Sql Query

Apr 4, 2007

i someone had teach me how to write a query in datatable. however i need to get the data out from my database rather than the data table. can someone teach me how should i do it?esp at the first like.... like DataTable dt = GetFilledTable() since i already have set of data in my preset table i should be getting data from SqlDataSource1 right ( however i am writing this in my background code or within <script></script> so can anyone help me?   protected void lnkRadius_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)        {            DataTable dt = GetFilledTable();                    double radius = Convert.ToDouble(txtRadius.Text);            decimal checkX = (decimal)dt.Rows[0]["Latitude"];            decimal checkY = (decimal)dt.Rows[0]["Longitude"];                    // expect dt[0] to pass - as this is our check point            // We use for rather than fopreach because the later does not allow DELETE during loop execution            for(int index=0; index < dt.Rows.Count; index++)            {                DataRow dr = dt.Rows[index];                        decimal testX = (decimal)dr["Latitude"];                decimal testY = (decimal)dr["Longitude"];                        double testXzeroed = Convert.ToDouble(testX -= checkX);                double testYzeroed = Convert.ToDouble(testY -= checkY);                        double distance = Math.Sqrt((testXzeroed * testXzeroed) + (testYzeroed * testYzeroed));                        // mark for delete (not allowed in a foreach - so we use "for")                if (distance > radius)                    dr.Delete();            }                    // accept deletes            dt.AcceptChanges();                    GridView1.DataSource = dt.DefaultView;            GridView1.DataBind();        }

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How To Change The Connection String In A Web.config File

Mar 9, 2007

I've recently uploaded my website,, to my host. Unfortunately, they don't support the use of SQL Server Express. So, I've purchased an addon through my host - I've attached my database file to their server, now all that I need to do is to change the connection string in my .config file so that it points to the SQL Server. I don't know how to do this. Any help, please?Jeffrey Way 

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SQL 2012 :: How To Change File Path From C Drive To E

Oct 22, 2015

How do I change the file path from C: drive to E:

See attached

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Change SSIS File System Connection

Jun 20, 2007


i've been asked to move our ssis project to another machine
and i've a lot of file system connection whice i must rename them to the new path in the other machine.
there is away to rename the file system connection dynamic or i must go and rename one by one ??

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Change Table File Group Filegroup

May 10, 2007

Hi There

I am running SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition, i want to split my data and indexes on different drives.

In 2000 i had to recreate clustered indexes and non clustered indexes on the correct filegroups to accomplish this.

In 2005 i see there is a ALTER TABLE MOVE TO Filegroup option, thats cool.

Does this effectively do the same as rebuilding the clustered index on the new filegroup? Will this leave the other indexes of the table on the primay filegroup or move them as well ?

If i wanted to also move the non clustered indexes is there a better way to move them that drop and re-create on the new filegroup in 2005, i see the ALTER INDEX statement does not support a move to filegroup option.

In a nutshell what is the best/easiest way to move exisitng table data and indexes to new file groups in Sql Server 2005 Enterprise Edition?


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Change Flat File Source Dynamically

May 21, 2007

I am a relative newbie to SSIS. I have been tasked with writing packages to import data from our clients. We have about 100 clients. Each client has a few different file formats. None of the clients have the same format as each other. We load files from each client each day. Each day the file name changes. I have done all of my current development work with a constant file name in a text file connection manager.

Ultimately we will write a VB application for the computer operator to select the flat file to load and the SSIS package to load it with. I had been planning on accomplishing this thru the SSIS command line interface. Can I specify the flat file to load via a variable that is passed through the command line? Do I need to use a Script Component to take the variable and assign it to the connection manager?

Is there a better way to do this? I have seen glimpses of a VB interface to SSIS. Maybe that is a better way to kick off the packages from a VB app?



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XML Source File Change Issue (same XSD Different XML Files)

May 26, 2008

hi all,
i'm facing a small problem with xml file source.
let me explain the scenario!

we have 4 source xml files with same format, each file has around 25k rows of records.

XML Source
Derived Columns
Data Conversion
Conditional Split
OLEDB Destination

its executing fine.
once we change xml file source (second xml file with same xsd),
all other components are showing errors. the error is that

Error 21 Validation error. Staging: DTS.Pipeline: input column "LateRsnCd" (17917) has lineage ID 19380 that was not previously used in the Data Flow task. OnTimeOrderEntry.dtsx 0 0

lineage id has changed it seems, when we are giving new file as xml source. of course xsd is same, but its not taking with names.
to resolve this, if we open that errored task, select all, map using column name--> apply. its getting mapped with the columns as it is in the input.
still the conditional split will show the error.
if we open the conditional flow and give ok, the error has gone, i think some meta dat change has occured in the opening task and giving ok.

what could be the possible probelm and how to fix it?
one more doubt, how can we include xml source in the configuration file? since it doesn't have connection manager, i'm struggling with it for dynamic file selection for xml.
i dont want hard code the source file path (as it reside in the server) in the poperties of the xml source task.
can i have some suggestions please?

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Is It Possible To Change The Datatype In A Excel File From The Float To Varchar

Sep 10, 2007

   I have a excel file and i am trying to import zip codes to the database... but the some of the zip codes start with 06902 but the excel file treats them as float but i want to treat them as varchar...
How can i do it.

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Importing Text File: How To Dynamically Change The Row Delimiter

Jul 22, 2004


I have a dts package that imports a number of text files into a SQL Server 2000 database table. The package has been set up to accept a text file with a row delimiter of carriage return and line feed ({CR}{LF}). Some of the text files I receive only have a line feed ({LF}) as the row delimiter and the dts package fails the file. Is there an activex script i can use that will scan the file and change the row delimiter as required?

i was going to use the filesystemobject which allows me to read a line at a time, however the Readline method doesn't read the new line character. The text files are too big to read into one variable and then do a replace.

Any help would be appreciated

I am using SQL Server 2000 SP3, Windows Server 2000 and Windows XP Professional. All systems are fully patched

Regards Justin

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How To Change Initial Log File Size On Mirrored Database

Oct 23, 2015

I have a database I need to copy from a Prod server to a Dev server. There is not enough space on the Dev server. In looking at the size of the files on the Prod server, the Initial Size property for the transaction log on the Prod server is set to 100,000 MB though the log is using nowhere near that.

This is a mirrored database so the recovery model is "full". I know that to change the initial log size, I have to put the database in 'simple" recovery model. Is this possible? Can I just:

1. Pause the mirror
2. Switch recovery model to simple
3. Change the initial size property to something smaller.
4. Shrink the transaction log
5. Change the recovery model back to full and resume the mirror?

I honestly don't know if the transaction log is needed on the Dev server. Meaning I may just be able to restore the transaction log to a different location on the server and delete it so that  new one is created.

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How To Change The Transaction Log File Size To Less Than The Intial Setting.

Sep 4, 2006

I have H Drive with 12 GB size.

The Transaction log file of my Database is given in H drive.

i.e H:Krishna_log.LDF.

My database initial setting for the Krishna_log.LDF is 10 GB.
so currently I can see 10 gb file occupied in the H Drive.

very soon my database Krishna_log.LDF is going to increase 10%.

Even though If do Backup/Shrink, it will reduce to the initial to 10 GB.

So all I need is, change the initial size of the
Krishna_log.LDF from 10 GB to 5 GB.

Pls give your suggetions...(I dont mind to shutdown,Restart the Sql server do these changes to achive this Task).

Thanx in advance.



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Change Authentication Method In A Local Database File

Apr 13, 2007

I have made a small project which uses a local database file as a part of the project. The project is running fine om my local machine, but when I upload it to the remote server, the login fails for the server.

I suspect this is can be solved by using sqlserver authentication. But I have now spent a lot of time trying to configure the database file to use this authentication mode. As I see it there are three possible solutions to the problem.

use management studio express to configure the local mdf file (Ecxept that I cant find out how to connect to the mdf-file) and from here change the authentication method to sqlserver authentication.
use Visual Web developer to change the authentication method (but how???)
make the windows authentication work on the server (this would probably require that mannamgement studio express connects to the remote database. (Same problem as no 1)

Help will be higly appreciated.


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How To Dynamically Change Source Text File In Sql Server Dts

Sep 25, 2006

Hi ,

I have a table (source file) where all sourse file(its all text file) name and location stored. i have a dts packeage, through this package all the sourse file will upload. So I need to dynamically change the source file name in dts packages.

How i can do it??????

Can any body plz help me out!



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