How To Change Login In Linked Server (From Sql Security To Integrated Sec)
Jun 19, 2006
We are having some commercial applications that are running on sql servers at different sites, all with sql security. The software vendor wants to copy data into staging tables on our BI server. But our BI server only support Integrated security.
But how can i say, in the definition of a linked server (at the remote machines) to swicth security system ?
If it is possible i could enter a fixed domain-account in that users fields, but i suppose that this field was intended for SqlServer security.
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Mar 6, 2005
ok thi is my code for test
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("server=majed13;Integrated Security=SSPI;");
connection is OK
the user logged in SQL Server is ASPNET USER
i want looged in current NT USER not ASPNET USER
thanx in advance
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Aug 8, 2007
We're having a bit of a problem getting Integrated Security to work with a .Net 2.0 application and SQL 2005. While we're tweaking permissions on the SQL-side, we came across an account "Application Login" and wondered what its role is. First, our problem:
Currently, the users in the AD group get a connection error. This group is defined as follows at the instance level:
role: public
user mapping: to the database without any default schema
securables: none
status: grant and enabled
At the database security level:
general: none
securables: execute on all (100+) stored procedures
And we gave them "Execute" on the database itself.
A little background: we had detached and copied this database from one server to another. So we suspect that the Application Login may have been modified/corrupted, even though it appears to be identical between the original and the copied databases. So we redefined it on the copied DB to match the original.
Another group, which is defined as dbo on the database, has no problem at all connecting and running the application.
The Application Login has Execute permissions on all stored procedures and Delete, Insert, Select, Update, and View Definition on the ChangeLog table. It also has db_DataReader, db_DataWriter, and db_ddlAdmin roles associated with it.
Is there another SQL login required for initial connection to the database even though Integrated Security=SSPI is used in the connection string?
Does anyone see where we may be missing a security setting for the non-dbo user group to connect to the database?
Thanks very much for any suggestions, ideas ....
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Mar 30, 2005
Any idea why I cannot connect to a SQL Server database using SqlConnection and no Integrated security? I get a "Login failed for user 'XXXX'" error. The user ID and password I am using are all correct and have the required access (tested several times from different places).The connection string I am using is:
"Server=XXXXX;Database=XXXXX;Trusted_Connection=fal se;User ID=XXXX;Password=XXXXX"
I have also tried replacing "Server" by "Data source", "Database" by "Initial catalog", "Trusted_Connection" by "Integrated security", "User ID" by "UID" and "Password" by "PWD".Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!
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Dec 16, 2005
I 'm a newbie to SQL Server, been using Access as a database for my web app. and have decided I need the power of SQL Server. Using VWD Express, I am able to generate a SQL database with my tables and stored procedures quite easily as well as access the database from my code. This works fine on my devlopment machine. But now I want to deploy on my remote server and the webhost says they can attach my SQL database but they need my SQL login info. So I have a couple of questions:
1. Does the SQL database I create in VWD express only work in Integrated Security mode or can I assign a username & password to the .mdf file so I can upload to my remote host to work in a shared SQL environment?
2. Or am I confused and the .mdf file is just a data file which can be attached to any SQL account and the SQL login info only pertains to the instance of SQL Server that I'm trying to connect to?
3. My web host mainly uses SQL Server 2000. Will a simple database created in SQL Server 2005 Express work on an instance of SQL Server 2000?
If I can just figure these simple items out, I will be ecstatic!
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Aug 1, 2006
Hello Everyone,
I am trying to connect SQL database through code but I get this error,I have spent days to solve it but unfortunately I couldn't...Here is my code in VB express(OP:windows 2000 with SP4)I am new to VB,so it makes the situation more difficult for me.
my code is:
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim conn1 As SqlConnection = _
New SqlConnection("Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;" & _
"Integrated Security=SSPI;" & _
'Open connection
MessageBox.Show("Connection succeeded.")
'Close connection
MessageBox.Show("Connection closed.")
End Sub
The error message is,it is in german but it is clear I guess:)
" Die von der Anmeldung angeforderte "deneme3_database"-Datenbank kann nicht geöffnet werden. Fehler bei der Anmeldung.
Fehler bei der Anmeldung für den Benutzer 'ADPLANatalay'. "
Thank you in advance!
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May 4, 2015
How to change the Security Properties of a Linked Server.
In tsql, I need to setup a linked server and want to set the Properties -> Security -> For a login not defined in the list above, connections will: -> Not be made But I cannot figure out how to set it to Not be made. I manually set it in the GUI, and the scripted the linked server and when I ran the script to create it was set to Be made using the login's current security context. The create script did not even set it correctly.
I have looked around and all that I have found is a column in sys.linked_logins, uses_self_credential that looks promising. But I cannot change the system catalog.
how i can set the "For a login not defined in the list above" security property in tsql?
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Jan 4, 2006
Hi, Happy New Year!
I have been struggling with this problem for a while with SQL 2005. I have never had such login problem with SQL 2000. Here is the scenario:
I have installed SQL2005 standard version on a XP Pro box and I am trying to access it from another XP Pro machine. I can access it using a SQL user name and password that I set up on the server, but I have not had luck with using Windows NT Integrated security. When I try to connect to it (e.g. by a UDL file), I get an error saying Login failed for user €˜HP-AMD64Guest€™ where €˜HP-AMD64€™ is the name of the PC running the SQL 2005. I can access the files on the machine without any problem. I do not understand why it uses €˜Guest€™ that is not what I use to log on my machine. Does anyone have any clue to offer me?
Thank you in advance!
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Nov 21, 2006
i have created a username and a password in sqlserver 2000 from logins in Enterprise manager
and i permit him to the database i need to connect to ..
and i check all server roles for that user and i make sqlserver authentication for him with a password and then i goto the udl file to connect to that database using that user it fails !! and says
"login failed for that user 'myusername' reason not associated with a trusted sqlserver connection"
while i use NT integrated security it works well
so how can i connect to sqlserver using a username and a password
thanks in advance
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Jun 17, 2006
I got a website using .Net and SQL Server Express 2005 in a Win2003 Domain Controller machine. Both website and SQLServer is running on the same machine. Website and SQLServer are configured to accept only Integrated Windows Authentication. Domain Users group is added in SQLServer logins list and given Read and Write access to the database used by the website. Also Domain Admins groups is added and given full permission to the same database.
I thought since website will run only with login details from Active Directory, SQL Server connection is also going to be validated against the same login details. But I felt I got the whole concept wrong when I received the error mentioned in subject line.
Can anyone please explain the best way to connect to database in above-mentioned context. Please remember that I need to implement different rights on the database for 'Domain Users' and 'Domain Admins' group. If there is a better approach than using these groups, lemme know please.
AbdulGafoor GK
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Apr 29, 2005
In my architecture I have a Domain Controller with Active Directory (DOMAIN_A), IIS 6.0 (WEBSERVER) and SqlServer 2000
.NET application with windows authentication. The .NET application interacts with the
database server. I want to use Integrated Security to pass in
the users login credentials to the database to run any database calls so that I can
audit who is making what calls on the database.
The connection string
I am using for this is as follows:
string connStr =
The problem arises
after I login to the web application (I use the user DOMAIN_ASomeUser where
SomeUser is a user who has permissions set up to make all of the database
calls). After logging in however, when I go to a page that makes a database
call I get the following error:
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Login failed for user
It seems that for some
reason, .NET is not passing the login name SomeUser, but instead is passing
SERVERNAME$. Would anyone pls have any ideas how I can implement this. Any guide or references would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
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Dec 17, 1998
We are using a VB application with a "dsnless" connection. It is not able to connect to the SQL box using integrated WinNT authentication. Receive the below error message:
Run-time error '-2147217843 (80040e4d)':
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server] Login Failed
We can connect to our test SQL box with using the same application with no problem. The only difference we can see is the clustering on the "real" box.
We are using the following program string to connect to both boxes with the exception of the server we connect to:
"driver={SQL Server};server=server;uid=;pwd=;database=pubs"
Any info. would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks :)
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Sep 8, 2006
Hi all,I use the following connectionstring connect to sqlservserver=(local); database=mydata;Integrated Security=trueIf I tried browse the website in VS Web Developer 2005 environment, it's ok. After I compiled the site and access through IIS server, can not connect to sqlserver , I need to use login and password to connect. How can I connect wihtout using LogID and password.Thanks
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May 30, 2007
Greetings Folks,
We have a SQL Server Reporting Services instance running SP2. I have attempted to add a domain group in a trusted domain to the server to enable regular users to access reports. I have added this group to the instance folder as a SYSTEM USER and home as BROWSER. I am allowing those settings to be inherited down through the folders (reports and data sources) to the reports. My test user in this report receives:
The permissions granted to user 'DOMAINuser' are insufficient for performing this operation.
(log shows HTTP 500)
when the user attempts to use the URL to go directly to the report. If we try to navigate from HOME and walk the folders the user sees a blank HOME page.
I have used other groups with no problem.
Is there something I am missing in setting up the security environment? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Mark
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Oct 19, 2007
If I am posting to the wrong forum, please point me in the right direction.
We have upgraded to SQL Server 2005 and Window 2003 from SQL Server 2000 and Windows 2000, and have been having all kinds of problems with security of our web applications. We have been forced to put the system account of the web server as a user in the database in order for the web applications to work. We have lost the ability to control security at the user/role level. Is this the way security is going to work in Windows 2003/SQL Server 2005? How do I use integrated security so that I can secure web pages and database objects?
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Dec 4, 2014
I use from sql server 2008. and c#
what is the best connectionstring?
I don't know if i use Persist Security Info and Integrated Security or not?
And if yes then their value must be true or false?
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Mar 13, 2008
Ok, I need to test my webservice with the 'use custom server' option on so that I can specify a base URL that I can reference from apps on a remote machine. I have a connection string I am using to access a sql server db that has Integrated Security=true and windows login has a login for it created in the db.
However, whenever I try to call a webmethod I get this error:
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Login failed for user ''. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.
But when I call the same webmethod specifiying a sql login / pw, and not integrated security, my webmethod works.
I want to use integrated security though, please help!
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Apr 26, 2007
hi i want to know what is the differance between
Persist Security Info=False;Integrated Security=Yes;
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Oct 20, 2006
I have a piece of Java code that needs to connect to SQL 2000 (SP4) using Windows Authentication. It's running on Windows Server 2003 SP1.
I tried JDBC v1.1 and followed the code from the following blog:
But still get this error as shown below. Any help appreciated.
I am using JDK1.4.2, "sqljdbc_auth.dll" is located under "E:SQL2005JDBCDrvsqljdbc_1.1enuauthx86", also made a copy under "E:JavaTest" and "C:WindowsSystem32" but still won't work.
E:JavaTest>javac -classpath ".;E:JavaTestsqljdbc.jar"
E:JavaTest>java -classpath ".;E:JavaTestsqljdbc.jar" -Djava.library.path=E:S
QL2005JDBCDrvsqljdbc_1.1enuauthx86 TestW2 Login failed for user '(null)'.
Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.
(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at Source
n Source)
(Unknown Source)
at Sour
at Source)
at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(Unknown Source)
at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(Unknown Source)
at TestW2.main(
The code is simple (
import java.sql.*;
public class TestW2 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
Connection conn = java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sqlserver://VMW2k3ENT003.TESTCBFPOC.COM.AU;integratedSecurity=true");
} catch (Exception ex) {
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Jul 6, 2007
I have Sql Server Express installed on Vista (service pack 2)
I have Visual Studio 2005 with an application that I'm trying to access it with within a WCF service.
The login ID of the service is added to the database.
The database has remote access turned on.
The ID is granted access to all databases within the server.
The thread is being set with WindowsProvider and the services set their thread to WindowsProvider.
The dataserver is set with using Windows Authentication for security.
When I open my connection to the database, though, it reports the typically useless message that the connection is not allowed and that the server may not allow remote connections.
How to I get past this? I've done everything right.
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Jun 5, 2015
I have a server that has 20 databases . I have tested with few users with different level of access and all of them were able to connect to the server and also see, select, update , delete from a particular database which is kind of weird because they do not have a user login associated or mapped to that database. I checked and no user is part of any group in AD that would give them permission to connect . I need a query that would find the permission path of a user. I already queried with xp_logininfo but I am not getting any thing.
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Sep 5, 2007
if one connects to SQL server (2005) with integrated security, does sql server connect to ADS in order to verify the credentials or does windows handle the authentification mechanism ?
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Oct 3, 2005
Does anyone know how to impersonate a user and then use integrated security with SQL server? Every place I've looked so far only shows how to use integrated security through IIS. For some reason, everytime I impersonate a user account, SQL server identifies me as "NT AUTHORITYANONYMOUS LOGON" Is this by design? or am I doing something wrong?
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Sep 5, 2007
If one connects to sql server (2005) with integrated security, does sql server connects to ADS in order to verify credentials or does windows handle the authentification mechanism ?
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May 11, 2007
I'm new to ASP, but developping in Sql for years.
What we would like to have is that the user is accessing the database over it's own Windows Logon. Our triggers log quite some changes and are using UserName() for this. I've treid to force the IIS to accept Windows Integration only, the SqlDataSource users a connection that has Integrated Security = True. But when connection to the site i'm gatting error that there is no trusted connection for the user . (dot) ...
I suppose i'm missing something but could you give me a hint where to start looking..... THX
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Dec 2, 1999
We have a a DTS package set up to run against another SQL Server. Using an integrated login is there a way to map an NT Authenticated users is
the sql server login id mapping to this attached server. The DB we are going against only uses NT authentication to attach to.
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Apr 7, 1999
Hi All,
Can we implement a table level (object) security on the groups of the windows NT domain using the integrated windows NT security so that one group has
the permission over one table to update ,select ,delete the information and other group has permission has for some other table.
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Aug 8, 2007
or do i need to setup SQL security users and logins.?
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Nov 10, 1998
We've encountered a problem on one of our SQL servers running integrated security where MS Security Manager errors out with "An error occured executing sp_addlogin using Domain_nameusername - " is not a valid name since itbegins with an invalid character." We think it is because the domain has the underscore character in it name. Can anyone confirm or point to other possible configuration issues?
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Jul 26, 2007
Ideally, I'd like to move away from using SQL-based logins for our internal applications and take advantage of integrated security instead.
Defining AD groups and their permissions in SQL is simple and getting the application to work with that is not an issue.
Where I'm having difficulty, though, is in isolating the accessibility in integrated security. Because the SQL-based login was isolated from the windows user, they could only get access to the sql server via our app -- their normal windows accounts had no access.
If we switch to use only windows authentication, the user would be able connect fine from our application and have rights to various tables. The issue is that they could also connect via Enterprise Manager, Excel, or any other tool. Is there any way to limit the exposure so that we can take use of AD for our access but further limit to allow connections based upon the application? I realize that this could be impersonated, but it's still better than nothing...
--Kevin Fairchild
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Mar 6, 2007
How might I Restrict ASP.NET app DB permissions using Integrated Security?
I can see how it's done with SQL Authentication, but I'd prefer to do it with Windows Authentication.
Is it a matter of restricting the permissions of the general ASP.NET user (€œNT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE€?)...seems like it might affect too much.
Or can I have a Windows user/identity/account that is specific to a single ASP.NET Application?
Any guidance on this would be appreciated.
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Dec 17, 2006
I am having a problem in applying subscription to a report.
Here is my case:
I have a datasource with 'Windows integrated security ' authentication, yes....I am using windows domain authentication, so login info is not stored in DB but its authenticated from domain. Now the report I want to use subscription on is using this DS. I read it somwehere that I can use rsconfig -e -u -p option to assign user to unattended reports.
I think, this is the unattended report. I tried with rsconfig and then clicked on 'new subscription option'...and i got error (again) saying 'Subscription can not be created because the credentials used to run the report are not stored...or if linked report.....blah blah...'
I want to use subscription to this report but with 'Windows integrated security', is there any way I can do it ?? How can I assign some user to this report without changing authentiation method and use subscription ?
Help me ...I am stuck, this is the last milestone in my project !!!
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Mar 1, 2007
I have a set of reports that read from an Analysis Services cube. Permissions are managed at the cube level since different users should look at the same report but different data. This is why for those reports, the data source has Windows Integrated Security set.
Those same users should be able to subscribe to those reports, the problem is that for subscriptions to work, the data sources must store the credentials. This means the filtered reports are lost since the stored account will show all the reports for all users.
Is there any way of generating "filtered subscriptions"?
Thanks in advance
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