I am trying to use sp_send_dbmail to exec stored procedure results to an email as an attachement. This works very well, except for one problem, it is not giving the result headers for the queries in the stored procedure even with the
@query_result_header = 1
I have also tried this with a VERY simple query, just incase it was the multiple result sets causing the problem, also not putting the results as an attachment and just straight into the body.
I have two tables namely lu_parameter and tbl_param_values. The lu_parameter table consists of param_id and parameter column containing id numbers for the parameter names.
The tbl_param_values table consists of values corresponding to the parameters with the param_id value as the column header.
I want to join these two tables so that in the result query instead of param_id value as column heading, I need to have the parameter value as the column heading.
I have attached the screenshot of the data for reference. I am not that much aware of sql queries.
I'm converting a set of queries from Access to work as stored procedures on SQL server, and one of them that uses IIF gives me a syntax error. Here's the WHERE clause of the SELECT:
WHERE IIF(@myExtNum > 0,D.ExtentionNumber=@myExtNum,'') AND ...
I get the error message "syntax error near '>'."
It would seem this query wants to do two things: 1) if @myExtNum is >0, return only the rows for which D.ExtentionNumber equals a user specified value, or 2) if @myExtNum is 0 ignore this part of the condition.
I can rewrite this using multiple ANDs and ORs, but I wodered if there was a way I could get IIF working.
Something in my gut tells me this is not going to work, that IIF is being used to modify the query; that is, change which rows are returned; it is not being used to change how a given data value is displayed, which I think was the purpose for which IIF was originally intended.
Is there a way of taking a result from a query and pulling out a certain account number and displaying those account numbers - as fred? Eg. I have a drop down of account number (s) however they pull from a table that only displays them as account numbers. I would like to give more a description to certain account numbers that are pulled. Eg. account number 234 will be fred and account number 555 will be sam etc. Trying to add it to the query on the dataset is complicated, so I was wondering if I created an additional blank field with an expression to be able to do this?Â
I am interested in changing the way that data is displayed in my result set.Essentially I want to display a selection of rows (1 to n) as columns, the following diagram explains my intentions.Perhaps one of the greatest challenges here is the fact that I do not have a concrete number of rows (or BIN numbers). Each stock item could be stored in one or more BINS, which I will not know until running my query.
While trying to set up an unpivot transformation to load data from excel (2003) into sql server db, the dates as column headers get lost in the translation.
To simplify the problem I created a very simple package with an excel source and an excel destination.
The test Excel Source looks like
ID 1/1/2008 3/1/2008 5/1/2008 A 5 7 9 B 10 12 24
After running the package The destination looks like this: ID F4 F5 F6 A 5 7 9 B 10 12 24
I need to keep the dates since I am loading a large volume of data often. Any suggestions?
I have two tables - one with dates at the end of each month (10/31, 11/30, 12/31, et al) that's linked to a data table containing client signups. While I can get the count per month in a pivot table, I'm trying to calculate the beginning count of each month.
How do I use calculate or something similar to sum the count of records created minus count of records closed prior to the beginning of the period?
The pivot looks like this right now and works by month:
beginning active records ????? count of records created 100 count of records deleted 50 net records created 50 running balance in net records created 100 (theoretically the next month's beginning balance, but can't figure out how to reference or calculate)
As you can see, the above table has cumulative data. 1. It calculates the number of Products submitted till a particular date- weekly 2. The date columns should increase dynamically(if the dates in base table increases) each time the query is executed For ex: the next date would be 11/28/2007 I tried something like, it gives me count of €˜b€™ level and €˜p€™ level products by week declare @date1 as datetime select @date1 = '6/30/2007' while (@date1 != (select max(SDate) from dbo.TrendTable)) begin set @date1 = @date1 + 7 select Level, count(Products) from dbo.TrendTable where SDate < @date1 group by Level end what I think is required is a pivot that dynamically adds the columns for increase in date range. /Pls suggest if any other way of achieving it. Pls help!!!
How to show the CurrentMonthanddateandyear in my report header in ssrs?
1.How to show the currentdateandMonthyear exmple date format like June 29 2015 on my report header.
2.How to change the report rdl name with the same name like EmpUpdatedreportJune 29 2015.rdl ,it is possible to create and change the rdl file name with the current dateandmonth.
hi this seems to be a simple query. but i could not get it for the last 2 days. so please help. i have 2 tables.1.lineup table 2.station table Script for 2 tables CREATE TABLE [dbo].[lineup]( [LineUpID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [headend_id] [int] NULL, [station_num] [int] NULL, [Channel_position] [int] NULL, [CreateDate] [smalldatetime] NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[station]( [StationId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [Station_num] [int] NOT NULL, [Station_call_sign] [varchar](10) NULL, [CreateDate] [smalldatetime] NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]
insert into lineup ("lineupid","headend_id","station_num","channel_position","createdate") values ('4182570','90973','19510','10','04/09/2008') insert into lineup ("lineupid","headend_id","station_num","channel_position","createdate") values ('4182575','90973','10000','120','04/09/2008') insert into lineup ("lineupid","headend_id","station_num","channel_position","createdate") values ('4182000','90000','12200','100','04/09/2008') insert into lineup ("lineupid","headend_id","station_num","channel_position","createdate") values ('4182333','90234','12270','15','04/09/2008') insert into lineup ("lineupid","headend_id","station_num","channel_position","createdate") values ('4182570','90973','19510','10','04/10/2008') insert into lineup ("lineupid","headend_id","station_num","channel_position","createdate") values ('4182575','90973','10000','120','04/10/2008') insert into lineup ("lineupid","headend_id","station_num","channel_position","createdate") values ('4182000','90000','12200','100','04/10/2008') insert into lineup ("lineupid","headend_id","station_num","channel_position","createdate") values ('4182333','90234','12270','15','04/10/2008') insert into station ("stationid","station_num","station_call_sign","createdate") values ('300','10000','ESPN','04/10/2008'
i want the result to be in this format for the following columns. i need all rows for headend_id = 90973 and createdate = 04/10/2008 please help thanks in advance the resultset column names should have : headend_id channel_position station_call_sign station_num
I need some help. I am writing a report in SSRS 2005 that I then need to export to Excel. When I put a report header I would expect the header to not display in the Excel spreadsheet until the Print Preview or the Print. The report footer works just fine I put some text in the footer, and it shows up in the footer. The header though, shows up as a row in the Excel spreadsheet that then causes columns to merge. How do I get the report header to act like a page header?
I am making a book-like report, I am using a report that has a header and calling a sub-report that has it's own header. However the sub-report header is not showing on the parent report. Parent report header is prevailing over the sub-report. Is it possible to have both headers displaying?
I have a report that I created and the report was working until I added some fields to a group footer row in a table.
My table has 5 group levels. I had information displaying in the 5th level header group and detail. It was working fine. Then I added some fields to the 4th level group footer. Now it displays only the Page header, Table header, and the 4th level group footer data.
What happened to the rest of the data?
All the cells and rows I want to display have the Visibility Hidden set to false. I tried removing the objects I added (to the 4th level group footer) and it still does not work. Is this a bug or did I set something that is hiding the data.
There is a one header in the report, when I publish and hit the report in IE(internet explor) the header appears fine on first page when I go to next page this header does not appear.
But in mozilla the header is visible on every page of the report. so it is working fine in mozilla.
I am doing search through Date Range but didn't get correct result.
For Example if i created a Task on 5/8/2014 and when i have take Date Range from 1/8/2014 to 6/8/2014 then didn't get 5/8/2014 data in result but when i taken range from 1/8/2014 to 5/8/2014 then got the 5th Date data.
I want to convert "2007-01-27 14:13:01.223" to 20070127 (an integer representing the day). I could concatenate the calls to YEAR, MONTH DAY but then I would have to cater for the possibility that MONTH or DAY may return me one char instead of two; then I'll have to pad it manually. Is there a shorter way to write such a query?
Hi, I have this query string: SELECT distinct [KioskID], MAX([ServerDate])FROM [report].[dbo].[tbKiosksLog]Where kioskid like 'ids%' group by kioskid order by kioskid
I'm using Ms SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition. After I've process a OLAP cube, for the dimension with the data type DateTime, the date format will come out as YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss. How do I change that date format to just DD/MM/YYYY?
want to insert a format date "dd/MM/yy" into a MS SQL table, But the fields default format is American "MM/dd/yy" How I can change this default format.
Theres a script that the SQL workprogram instructs someone to run which shows the last change date for a users password. Within the results of the script theres two rows of dates and I would like to know which date indicates the "last password change date"
What is the best way of converting datatime field value 29/03/2005 08:58:27 to 29/03/2005. I only want to remove Time from date and I am using Sql Server 2000. Thanks Arvind
I have to change a due_date field with a varchar(10) to a datetime. I created a new table with datetime but when I imported data into the table it errored out due to the datatype. A varchar(10) going into a datetime(8).
Is there way to resolve this without losing data?. or how do you result this problem?.
How can I automatically change records by a specific date specified inside the record. An example would be the way ebay sales work. How does ebay have the status of an item change to closed, at the time inside the item record of the database.
I know i could use triggers or something to check the current date against the enddate everytime the record is accessed, but is there a more efficient method?