How To Change The Time Property In Sql Server 200?

Apr 24, 2008

We using SQL SERVER2000..and in control panel we enabled date/time settings as per IST.

I updated one record at 9.30...It shows time 4.It's showing GMT time,how to change the time format.

I used UTC function to get timing.

Plz help me ASAP.

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Programmatically Change Property

Apr 24, 2006

In the old DTS, we can use the ActiveX Script to change any task's property programmatically.

Can we still do it in SSIS? Using the Script task? It seems changing the value of variables then use a expression can do some of the work, but what if a task has no expression defined?

Say, I want to change the Fuzzy look up reference table name.

Can we do it?

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Change OracleDataAdapter Property

Jun 26, 2007

I am getting the following error when trying to run a query against an Oracle DB.

"TITLE: Microsoft Report Designer

An error occurred while reading data from the query result set.
OCI-22053: overflow error


OCI-22053: overflow error

The fix is...

set the ReturnProviderSpecificTypes property of the OracleDataAdapter to true and have it read OracleNumber's instead of System.Decimal, which can't handle the value

I need to know How I can do this.

Using BI tools in sql server 2005

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Dynamically Change The SelectCommand Property

Nov 8, 2007

I have a gridview that I use on a products page, my problems is certain products have different attributes that I would like to display.
Therefore what I would like to do is change the SelectCommand property to my SQLDatasource depending on the querystring that is passed.
For instance in my page load event I would have a CASE statement with numerous SQLString Variables.
Here is the current coding for my datasource
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource2" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>"

SelectCommand="SELECT PS.ProductSizeMM AS [Coupling Size], PS.ProductWallThickness AS [To Suit], PS.Cost AS [Price], PS.Sold_By AS [Sold by] FROM tblProduct AS P INNER JOIN tblProductSize AS PS ON P.ProductCode = PS.ProductCode WHERE (P.ProductDescription = @ProductDescription) ORDER BY PS.Sorter">
     <asp:QueryStringParameter Name="ProductDescription" QueryStringField="ProductDescription" />
</asp:SqlDataSource>I have tried declaring a string variable in my page load event (SQLString) then setting the
SelectCommand="SQLString" but this causes a syntax error
Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Incorrect syntax near 'SQLString'.
Any help would be greatly appreicated!!

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How To Change Language Property On-fly In Reports?

Sep 27, 2007

Hi all,

I have a question regarding a Language property on Report, Table and Cell levels.
My reports must show monetary values in different formats depending on a currency symbol where the Client resides.
For instance, money fields for USA, Canada, UK are shown as 123,456,789.00 and then "$" or "£" symbol;
but European countries should have 123.456.789,00 format and a Euro symbol.

I have found that XXX.XXX.XXX,00 format corresponds to the Language property = "Italian".
If I set the Language property = "Italian" on Report or Cell level at design time, the report shows the expected 123.456.789,00 format, no problem.
(By the way, for some reason, on the Table level this property set does not work at all)

Unfortunately, I was not able to change the Language property to "Italian" on Report or Cell level on-fly using the following expression:
=IIF((Parameters!Symbol.Value="$" OR Parameters!Symbol.Value="£"),"English (United States)","Italian")
For debugging, I even tried:
=IIF((Parameters!Symbol.Value="$" OR Parameters!Symbol.Value="£"),"Italian","Italian")
But all numbers on the report are still shown in the 123,456,789.00 format regardless the Client's currency symbol.

I don't want to have 2 sets of my reports only because if the monetary format difference.
And also I don't want to CAST the monetary value into a string and mask it myself with dots and commas.

I appreciate at advance any help or comment regarding the issue very much.
This is a critical bug and it must be resolved ASAP.

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Time Change On SQL Server

Jun 28, 2001

Hello Everyone,

This may seem a simple question, but are there specific precautions that should be fundamentally taken when resetting the time between two SQL servers that replicate?

Thank you in Advance

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Cannot Change The Length Property Of Excel Source

Sep 5, 2007

I have a SSIS package loading Excel file. The Excel Source automatically give the length of 255 for all text columns. However, some of the column may exceed 255 length.

I cannot change the length of Error output columns. "Error at Data Flow Task [Excel Source [508]]: The data type for "output "Excel Source Error Output" (517)" cannot be modified in the error "output column "F45" (2345)".
Error at Data Flow Task [Excel Source [508]]: Failed to set property "DataType" on "output column "F45" (2345)".

How to change it or truncate it to 255? I am using 64bit VS.


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Every Time Job Property Changes

Mar 30, 2007

Dear friends,

Every time i open the jobs propertimes on server, it changes the sql server login to windows from sql authentication. also the properties i set at the time of creating a job had given me an option to select the run as user but from that moment the option has gone, whats that all about?


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Howto Change The Value Of The ProtectionLevel Property Of A SSIS Package?

May 29, 2007

I see various references to the options for a package's protection level (including but I can't seem to find anything telling me how to actually look at and/or change the protection level of a package - thus my question is "How do I change the protection level of an SSIS package?"


- Lance

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How To Change Configured Value For The ServerName Property Of A Connection Via DTEXEC

Feb 1, 2007

I am launching a package the following way:

DTEXEC.EXE /SQL "ProcessReportingDatabase" /SERVER RTG23SQLDB01 /REPORTING V /SET "Package.Variables[User::RunID].Value";35 /SET "Package.Connections[RSAnalytics].Properties[InitialCatalog]";"Fnd Prj 1 Dec29" /SET "Package.Connections[RSAnalytics].Properties[ServerName]";"RTG23SQLDB01UAT1PROD"

The problem does not happen with the [User::RunID] variable or the [Initial Catalog] property of my [RSAnalytics] connection object. But I am not successful in setting the [ServerName] property.

What happens when executed is that the package retains the ServerName property of the deployed package (Value="RTG23SQLDB01UAT1QA"), instead of what I pass in via DTEXEC???

Is ServerName read-only or something? I've tried configuring the package connection to RTG23SQLDB01UAT1PROD and creating a package configuration that I specify in place of the /SET - but to no avail as well!

This package has to work against 10 instances. I really don't want to have to create a separate package for each instance, and then a hack to figure out which one to call.

TIA - Dave

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SQL Server Bug In Handling Of Getutcdate() During DST Time Change?

Nov 6, 2006

During this latest time change, the value of getutcdate() was offset by one hour as called from SQL Server. True UTC time should never be impacted (or changed) by any Daylight Savings Time activity. This is likely not an OS issue, since IIS logs did show the correct UTC time (unchanging) during the DST time change.

Here is a record of how the time change was handled by a running SQL 2000 sp4 Server as these functions were called:

getutcdate() = Oct 29 2006 5:50AM //ran at the same time as// getdate() = Oct 29 2006 1:50AM

getutcdate() = Oct 29 2006 7:05AM //ran at the same time as// getdate() = Oct 29 2006 2:05AM

@@Version=Microsoft SQL Server 2000 - 8.00.2040 (Intel X86) May 13 2005 18:33:17 Copyright (c) 1988-2003 Microsoft Corporation Standard Edition on Windows NT 5.2 (Build 3790: Service Pack 1)

Thanks -

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Change Property Based On Actual State Of Collapsed/expanded Group

Jan 12, 2007

Hi, please I would like to use something like this>

=IIF(table1_group2 is Collapsed,True,False)

I want to generated some event based on actual state of e.g. report group. if user expand group make this event otherwise (group is collapsed) make another event.

Thanks for your advice.

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Change TIME OUT On Qry?

Mar 28, 2006

Below is my error msg. I am trying to save updates made to a table in the designer. my connection time out is set to 0 but i am still getting this msg:

Tuesday, March 28, 20066:32:46 PM
Database: DMS

'Detail' table
- Unable to modify table.
Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.

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How To Change The Time Out Value In A EM?

Apr 3, 2007

Hi there,

Primary platform is COM an NET.

I'd like to alter that value. When I launch queries from there sometimes it ends in time-out error

Thanks in advance for your time,

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Changing Code Page Property Using Property Expression Doesn't Work

Jun 16, 2006

I am having problems exporting data into a flat file using specific code page. My application has a variable "User::CodePage" that stores code page value (936, 950, 1252, etc) based on the data source. This variable is assigned to the CodePage property of desitnation file connection using Property expression.

But, when I execute the package, the CodePage property of the Destination file connection defaults to the initial value that was set for "User:CodePage" variable in design mode. I checked the value within the variable during runtime and it changes correctly for each data source. But, the property of the destinatin file connection doesn't change and results in an error.

[Flat File Destination [473]] Error: Data conversion failed. The data conversion for column "Column01" returned status value 4 and status text "Text was truncated or one or more characters had no match in the target code page.".

[DTS.Pipeline] Error: The ProcessInput method on component "Flat File Destination" (473) failed with error code 0xC02020A0. The identified component returned an error from the ProcessInput method. The error is specific to the component, but the error is fatal and will cause the Data Flow task to stop running.

If I manually update the variable with correct code page and re-run the ETL, everything works fine. Just that it doesn't work during run-time mode.

Can someone please help me resolve this.

Thanks much.

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Value Of A Readonly Property Of Custom Task Is Not Updated In Property Window

Apr 17, 2008


I developed a simple custom control flow component which has several read/write properties and one readonly property (lets call it ROP) whichs Get method simple returns the value of a private variable (VAR as string). In the Execute method the VAR has a value assigened. When I put the value of ROP or VAR into MsgBox I can see the correct value. However when I execute the component I can not see the value of the ROP in the property window. I see the property but its value is empty string. For example when I put a breakpoint to postexecute or check the property before click OK in a MsgBox I would expect that the property value would be updated in SSIS as well. Is there a way how to display correct values of custom tasks properties in property window?

Thanks for any hints.

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Change Database Time

Feb 25, 2008

Hello, is there a way to set the database to my local time?
I am having troubles using the Membership.GetNumberofUsersOnline method - it is showing users online who in test mode I have logged off, but I think due to time zone difference between my server and myself, still appear logged on.
This is causing further difficulties in using my admin functions to edit user information, because for some reason  I cannot edit a user who is logged on...
Help anyone?

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Change Of Value At The Time Of Insertion

Mar 16, 2006

Hai,Here is a query that i am creating a tablecreate table test10 (item varchar(10),state bit)now at the time of insertion i will enter like thisinsert into test10 values ('book' ,1)but at the time of display in the table i wantitem statebook truefrom above i want to ask that when i am going to insert 1 i want toget true and 0 as false.I never enter true or false in the insertcommand. please help me in coding.thankyou,lucky.Reply

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(URGENT) Cannot Be Written To The Property. The Expression Was Evaluated, But Cannot Be Set On The Property

May 7, 2008

Untill recently I had a smooth running SSIS package,but suddenly it throws error syaing
"OnError,,,,,,,The result of the expression

"@[User:trTextFileImpDirectory] +"SomeTextStringHere"+ @[User:trANTTextFileName] +(DT_STR,30,1252) @[User:taging_Date_Key]+ "SomeTextStringHere"
" on property "ConnectionString" cannot be written to the property. The expression was evaluated, but cannot be set on the property."

I have child SSIS package running under a parent package (through execute package task)

I have few flat file connection managers in child package for text file import , in which I am building text file path dynamically at run time by assigning an expression in connection string property of connection manager.
The Expression is as follows

"@[User:trTextFileImpDirectory] +"SomeTextStringHere."+ @[User:trANTTextFileName] +(DT_STR,30,1252) @[User:taging_Date_Key]+ +"SomeTextStringHere"

Where @[User:trTextFileImpDirectory] is a variable which contains path of directory containg text
files.Value in this variable is assigned at runtime from parent package's variable,which in turns fetch
value from a configuration file on local server.

With my current configuration this path has been configured to some other server's directory over network ( I.e my package picks text files from some other servers folder over network)

"Some string here"+ @[User:trANTTextFileName]" part of file name string.

(DT_STR,30,1252) @[User:taging_Date_Key] Contain the date of processing ,value in this variable is also picked up at run time from parent package variable.

1) So can someone give me some insight into possible reason of failures.
2) Is it possible that problem arises if directory (from which I m picking text files) is assigned password or is there exist some problem in accessing forlders over network ?
3) Or there can be some problem in package configuration at design time( I.e where I m assigning value in variable from parent package vriables)?

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Date Time Format Change

May 19, 2008

Would it be possible to change the date time from varchar to datetime. it currently showing as varchar in the following format 20080401 0845
can it be changed to date/time format into something like this 01/04/2008 08:45. If someone could help that would be great. Many thanks

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Change Time Format - Hhmm

Mar 7, 2014

I have a time column in the below format in a table. I want to change it to "hhmm" format. How I can do that?


I want output


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Change Chart Title At Run-time

May 20, 2008

Is it possible to change the title of a chart at run-time?

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Change Format Of Global!Execution Time

Jun 17, 2008

The format of execution time is as below: 6/17/2008 4:43:07PM. Is it possible to change the format of execution time into the following format: 17/06/2008 16:43:07 ????

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[Resolved] Change Column Value At Time Of Insert

Jan 29, 2008

Prior to insert (into #JobListTable) I need to change the value of the 't2.plant_id' column (from #EquentialJobListTable). This column will have a value of 110, 300 or 320. If 110 then value should be SBGB2, if 300 then values should be RGWP and if 320 value should be RGWP. Is this possible to do?

FROM#EquentialJobListTable AS t2
LEFT JOIN#JobListTable AS t1 ON t1.job_date = t2.job_date
AND t1.job_number = t2.job_number
AND t1.job_phase = t2.job_phase
WHEREt1.job_date IS NULL

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Analysis :: How To Change The Member Names Of Time Dimension

Oct 19, 2015

<SQL Server 2008 R2>

I created a Time table using BIS. I found that the default naming of time members is too long and redundant.

For example, the wizard generated "Fiscal Calendar 2015", "Fiscal Quarter 1, 2015", etc. However, shorter expression like "FY2015", "FQ1 2015", etc would be enough for me. 

Is it possible to change the default naming rule, or does SSAS works correctly if I update the Time table values using SQL?

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DB Engine :: How To Find Last Updated Change Tracking Time

Jul 30, 2015

In a change tracking enabled database I can find the latest change tracking version number by using


Which will give latest change tracking id (example 1022), Is there a way to find the datetime of this latest change tracking id.

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How To Retrive Image From Database Change Automatically Into Time Interval

Dec 31, 2007

how to retrive image from database change automatically into time interval

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DB Engine :: Change Deadlock Detection Interval Time To Less Than 5 Seconds?

Jun 10, 2015

Is it possible to change the default detection interval time to reduce to less than 5 seconds.

We have latency in trouble shooting the deadlocks and causing blockings more on our critical Production server.

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Sql Reporting Services 2005 : Change Chart Type At Run Time

Nov 21, 2007


I am using Sql REporting Services 2005 for viewing reports in my web application. I have to change the chart types at run time basesd on the option. User can select any chart eg. bar chart, pie chart, column chart etc. On selection screen should populate the chart type. I am not able to change chart type at runtime. Help please.


Shraddha Tripathi

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How Should I Change The Source File Name Every Time During Dataflow Task Using Ssis

Apr 4, 2008

I am using SQL Server2005 for SSIS. I want to change the source connection dynamicaly evertime.
Let me clear, I have to extract some column from excel to MS-Access. I am using Data Flow Task and able to successfully complete the job. But problem is that, whenever a new file comes , i must have to reconfigure my Excel Source.
All the time column in file are same, so no need to worry about mapping but how can my package select a file automatically.
I have a directory, suppose "C:dpak". I should able to pick the filename and sheet name from this directory every time when my package will execute.

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Change Chart Type At Run Time Using Sql Reporting Services 2005

Nov 21, 2007

Hi ,

I am using sql reporting services 2005 for viewing my reports, Now i want to change chart type of my report according to diffrent selection, there will be pie chart, coulmn chart , bar chart or many more options resides in my web application and according to user selection , chart of that report should be change.

Please help me out.

Thanks and Regards

Shraddha Tripathi

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Analysis :: Change Dimension Storage Type As Real-time Rolap But Error Occurs?

Jul 7, 2015

I Create a measure group and two dimensions using  [AdventureWorksDW2012], I try to change one dimension's storage mode with setting property proactive caching as Real-Time ROlap. There is no any warning message when deploying and processing, but error occurs when I query in sql server analysis services, see below for the error messages and the screen capture.

Error occurred retrieving child nodes: the current operation was cancelled because another operation in the transaction failed.

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Server Property

May 24, 2008

whether there is any server property to remove lines while viewing the records in text mode

sample data:

select * from Employee
sno ename
--- ------
1 aaa
2 nnn

i need to remove the below the sno and ename column

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