How To Check SSRS Details

Jun 20, 2007

I am web developer.Currently I am working on SSRS 2005.I want to check which the Version and Service pack details have installed in my system.

Please help me how to do this.

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Reporting Services :: Details Of Reports Scheduled On SSRS

Jun 4, 2012

Is there a way to find all SSRS scheduled reports details such as (Report Name, schedule time, mail IDs configured, etc.)?

We have many SCCM reports on SRS, and manual work will take very long time..

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SQL Server 2014 :: SSRS - Reporting Website With Login Details

Nov 28, 2014

I need to create a website which has login details and then shows a list of reports for my clients?

Clients are external so would be website based with a login screen.

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Is There A Way To Open SSRS 2005 Tree View In A Table In A Details Row Upward?

Apr 4, 2008


I building some reports with SSRS, and showing data in a table. The table has one Details row that forms at the end multiple rows with the tree view (+ and -).

Is there a way to open the tree view upwards and not downwards so that the children of level 2, 3 etc come over the parent row?

I've goggled it everywhere, but I don't seem to find the answer. If anyone could help me out, I would appreciated.


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Reporting Services :: SSRS Matrix Click On The Count Like Pivot Table To Get Details

Apr 24, 2015

I am trying to create a matrix report to work similar to a pivot table, where when a user clicks on the count, the details are displayed. When I add the action to open a sub-report, how do I pass in the parameter values for the group that was selected? meaning if in row group- I have company name, and column group I have job title, when the count gets clicked, i need to pass in the company name for the row that was clicked along with the column group. How can I proceed?

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Reporting Services :: Check Box Against Each Database Field SSRS?

Aug 11, 2015

I have to display check box against each value coming from the table in SSRS. I have tried using html tags in an expression but it is displaying only for the first field.

Ex: my table contains Medical details with Type column with 3 rows Type


in my report i have to display as 

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Reporting Services :: Check Box To Use As A Group By Parameter (Optional) In SSRS

May 13, 2015

I have a ssrs report with Name, phone ,state and city as columns. I have check box as one of my parameter(optional). If user checks that checkbox then it should group by state, if checkbox is left blank no need to do any grouping. How can i do this in ssrs 2012.

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Reporting Services :: Display Check Box In SSRS Within Database Field Split By A Separator?

Aug 12, 2015

I have a database field which consists of a long string of values with some separator.

Ex: Injection^!@$#Medication

in my report i have to split the string as


till here i am able to display the results but in addition to that i have to display check box against these values like below

and this string can contain any no of values ex: if we have 4 values are separated within a string then i have to display 4 check boxes against 4 results.

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Data Access :: How To Check All Connection Automatically During Routine Check By Using Batch File

May 20, 2015

I have multiple ODBC connection and how to check all connection automatically during routine check by using batch file.

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Log Details

Nov 30, 2007

Is there any way to capture the log details such as row count of the data flow,number of success rows and failed rows in a separate table?

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Attention To Details

Aug 15, 2004

Well I made a bussiness object for registering users as well as logging them in. I dont know if my bussiness obect is screwed up or if its the database, or the SQL syntax or what. Please take a look at this. I am not getting any error messages, but nothing is being added to the server. I am using MSDE for the SQL Server.

Here's my bussiness object:

Imports System
Imports System.Data
imports System.Data.oledb

NameSpace LoveShare

Public Class UserDetails
public UserID AS Integer
public FirstName AS String
public LastName AS String
public UserName AS string
public Password AS String
public Address AS String
public City AS String
public State AS String
public Zip As Integer
public Email AS String
End Class

Public Class User

Private objConn As New oledbConnection("Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=GARAGESALELOVESHARE;Initial Catalog=LoveShare1;User Id=sa;Password=notonthispost;")

Public function Login(strUsername AS String, strPassword As String) As Integer
dim intID as integer
dim objparam AS new oledbparameter
dim objcmd AS oledbCommand

objCmd = new oledbCommand("dbo.SPLoginUser", objconn)
objcmd.commandtype = commandtype.Storedprocedure

objparam = New oledbparameter("@UserName", oledbtype.Char)
objParam.Value = strUserName

objParam = New oledbParameter("@Password", OleDbType.Char)
objParam.Value = strPassword

intID = CType(objCmd.ExecuteScalar, Integer)
Catch e As Exception
Throw e
End Try

If intID.toString = "" Then
return 0
End if
Return intID
end function

Public Sub AddUser(objUser As UserDetails)
Dim intId as integer
Dim objReader As oledbdataReader
Dim objCmdID As New oledbCommand("SELECT MAX(userID) FROM tblUsers", objconn)
Dim objcmd AS New oleDBCommand("spAddUser", objConn)
Dim objparam AS OleDbParameter
objCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

objParam = New oleDbParameter("@FirstName", oledbtype.Char)
objParam.value = objuser.FirstName

objParam = New oleDbParameter("@LastName", oledbtype.Char)
objParam.value = objuser.LastName

objParam = new oleDbParameter("@UserName", oledbtype.Char)
objParam.Value = objUser.UserName

objParam = New oleDbParameter("@Password", oledbtype.Char)
objParam.value = objuser.Password

objParam = New oleDbParameter("@Email", oledbtype.Char)
objParam.value = objuser.Email

objParam = New oleDbParameter("@Address", oledbtype.Char)
objParam.value = objuser.Address

objParam = New oleDbParameter("@City", oledbtype.Char)
objParam.value = objuser.City

objParam = New oleDbParameter("@State", oledbtype.Char)
objParam.value = objuser.State

objParam = New oleDbParameter("@Zip", oledbtype.Integer)
objParam.value = objuser.Zip

objUser.UserID = CType(objCmdID.ExecuteScalar, Integer)
Catch e AS Exception
Throw e
End try

If objUser.UserID.ToString = "" then
objuser.UserID = 25
End if
End Sub
End Class
End NameSpace

Here's is my stored procedure for the registration:

@FirstName VarChar(255),
@LastName VarChar(255),
@UserName VarChar(255),
@Password VarChar(255),
@Email VarChar(255),
@Address VarChar(255) ,
@City VarChar(255),
@State VarChar(255) ,
@Zip [INT]

INSERT INTO tblUsers (FirstName, LastName, UserName, Password, Email, Address, City, State, Zip)
VALUES (@FirstName, @LAstName, @UserName, @Password, @Email, @Address, @City, @State, @Zip)

And here is the actual registration page

<%@ Page Language="VB" %>
<%@ Register tagPrefix="LoveShare" TagName="Header" src="head.ascx" %>
<%@ Register tagPrefix="LoveShare" TagName="Menu" src="Men.ascx" %>
<%@ Register tagPrefix="LoveShare" TagName="Stats" src="Stats.ascx" %>
<%@ Register tagPrefix="LoveShare" TagName="Footer" src="foot.ascx" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="system" %>
<%@ Import NameSpace="System.Data" %>
<%@ Import NameSpace="LoveShare" %>

<script runat="server">
Public sub Submit(sender as object, e as eventargs)
If Page.IsValid then

dim objuserdetails as New LoveShare.UserDetails
dim objuser As New LoveShare.User



Session("UserID") = objUserDetails.UserID
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(objUserDetails.UserID, false)
lblMessage.text="Information entered incorrectly"
End If
End Sub


<body BGCOLOR="00ccFF">
<Table Width="800">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<LoveShare:Header runat="server" />

<Table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="15" Width="800">
<form runat="server">
<table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<td colspan="2" Align="center">
<Font size="6">Sign Up Today!<BR><BR></Font>
<td Align="Center">
<Font color="red">
<asp:label id="lblMessage" runat="server" />

<td Align="right">First Name:</td>
<td Align="Left"><asp:textbox id="tbFirstName" runat="server" />
<asp:requiredfieldValidator runat="server" Controltovalidate="tbFirstName" ErrorMessage="First Name Required" Text="Forgot First Name" Display="Dynamic"/>
<td Align="right">Last Name:</Td>
<td Align="Left"><asp:textbox id="tbLastName" runat="server" />
<asp:requiredfieldValidator runat="server" Controltovalidate="tbLastName" ErrorMessage="Last Name Required" Text="Forgot Last Name" Display="Dynamic"/>
<td Align="right">Desired UserName:</td>
<td Align="Left"><asp:textbox id="tbUserName" runat="server" />
<asp:requiredfieldValidator runat="server" Controltovalidate="tbUserName" ErrorMessage="UserName required" Text="Forgot UserName" Display="Dynamic"/>
<td Align="right">Password:</td>
<td Align="Left"><asp:textbox id="tbPassword" Textmode="Password" runat="server" />
<asp:requiredfieldValidator runat="server" Controltovalidate="tbPassword" ErrorMessage="Password Required" Text="Forgot Password" Display="Dynamic"/>
<td Align="right">Verify Password:</td>
<td Align="Left"><asp:textbox id="tbVPassword" Textmode="password" runat="server" />
<asp:requiredfieldValidator runat="server" Controltovalidate="tbVPassword" ErrorMessage="Verify Password" Text="Forgot to verify Password" Display="Dynamic"/>
<td Align="right">Email Address:</td>
<td Align="Left"><asp:textbox id="tbEmail" runat="server" />
<asp:requiredfieldValidator runat="server" Controltovalidate="tbEmail" ErrorMessage="Email address required" Text="Forgot Email address" Display="Dynamic"/>
<td Align="right">Verify Email Address:</td>
<td Align="Left"><asp:textbox id="tbVEmail" runat="server" />
<asp:requiredfieldValidator runat="server" Controltovalidate="tbVEmail" ErrorMessage="Must verify Email address" Text="Verify Email address" Display="Dynamic"/>
<td Align="right">Street Address</td>
<td Align="Left"><asp:textbox id="tbAddress" runat="server" />
<asp:requiredfieldValidator runat="server" Controltovalidate="tbAddress" ErrorMessage="Street Address Required" Text="Forgot Address" Display="Dynamic"/>
<td Align="right">City:</td>
<td Align="Left"><asp:textbox id="tbCity" runat="server" />
<asp:requiredfieldValidator runat="server" Controltovalidate="tbCity" ErrorMessage="City Required" Text="Forgot City" Display="Dynamic"/>
<td Align="right">State:</td>
<td Align="Left"><asp:textbox id="tbState" runat="server" />
<asp:requiredfieldValidator runat="server" Controltovalidate="tbState" ErrorMessage="State Required" Text="Forgot State" Display="Dynamic"/>
<td Align="right">Zip:</td>
<td Align="Left"><asp:textbox id="tbZip" runat="server" />
<asp:requiredfieldValidator runat="server" Controltovalidate="tbZip" ErrorMessage="Zip Code Required" Text="Forgot Zip" Display="Dynamic"/>
<td Align="right">&nbsp;</td>
<td Align="Left"><asp:button id="btsignup" text="Sign Up" onclink="submit" runat="server" />




<LoveShare:Footer runat="server" />

Please help, I cannot figure out what is wrong

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Index Details

Mar 10, 2005

I need to get the index_name,colum_name and table_name in entire database.
Coule you let me know how I can get that details.

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Replication Details

Sep 28, 2006


I used my DB and some tables for replication earlier, now i removed my all replication subscription and publication and my DB is out of replication.

Now i am altering my table for PK then its giving err as follows:

Cannot alter the table 'mstparty' because it is being published for replication.

From where i can find details, i mean in which sys table all replication obj are stored.

There is no Replication now on DB then why still table 'mstparty' has a replication err when i alter table.

Please advice as i am not able to alter my table or tables which earlier i used in replication and now i removed replication.

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Contact Details

Apr 5, 2007

I have a database which has contact column eg. Mr Peter Smith

I am writing a new database which is to have three seperate columns.. saluation, first name and surname. What would be the best way to split the column up?? I was thinking on concentrating on the spaces??

Note: some conacts may not have saluation inc in the contact column, and in this case the saluation column should be blank...


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Getting Object Details In The DB

Apr 30, 2007


Is there any script or procedure which can give the object name , type ,status and owner in a database.


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OLAP Details Please

Aug 28, 2007

Can somebody please go in depth detail what exactly is done in OLAP? i know it deals with the data warehouse end. but what does the SQL DBA do in the OLAP end? please elaborate. thanks.

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How Can I Get The Details Of The Error

Jul 23, 2005

How can i get the details of the error in sql server 2000 such where itoccurs in which line. I need something like i get in sql query analyzer.--Message posted via

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Trigger Details

Apr 28, 2008

I Have so many user create trigger's in my database
like create trigger trig_name

Now i want to see what does what and delete the unnecessary ones.

How can i See the logic in the trigger.

I can get the trigger name but not the logic using this query .

SELECT S2.[name] TableName, S1.[name] TriggerName,


WHEN S2.deltrig = THEN 'Delete'

WHEN S2.instrig = THEN 'Insert'

WHEN S2.updtrig = THEN 'Update'

END 'TriggerType' , 'S1',s1.*,'S2',s2.*

FROM sysobjects S1 JOIN sysobjects S2 ON S1.parent_obj = S2.[id]

How to see the logic.

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Failure Details?

Dec 12, 2006

Where is, (or even does it exists) the best place to look for some details on when package execution fails if running as a scheduled job. Obviously when you run from the command line or in VS, there is plenty of output detail on progress and on the source of errors, but when you run it as a scheduled job, it just says step 1 failed in the sql server log, and package foo failed in the NT application log . Is there anywhere to find this info or do we need to build error traps into the package to write stuff out somewhere?



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Comprehensive Details For Setting Up SSE?

Nov 23, 2006

First, soapbox questions for someone who might have more direct pull with Microsoft (or at least knowledge of how I should work with what they've given us), then a more specific question:
Scenario: You install SQL Server Express (or any other version, it doesn't matter) and the feedback with all the little green checkmarks tells you it has installed successfully. "Oh goody," say people (like me) who are not super experienced with SQL Server, "it installed successfully; now I can jump in and start using it!" But it aint so--there are so many other hoops to jump through before it really becomes operational.
 After successful installation, why can't some link become visible indicating what you have to do after that? I mean, it's fine to wade through all the questions in this forum and get answers from all you nice and informed guys, AFTER the problems start coming; but I would rather not have to associate with you, to be honest, in terms of time spent that could be going into my projects.
Why isn't there a comprehensive guide right off the bat? That is, something referenced immediately that tells you such things as: how to register a database with emphasis on the fact that just creating a database won't do the trick for your application; how to set permissions and rights; that (what was I reading in the advice of one post?) you have to register both the database and the user, blah blah; all about instances, the web.config file, etc. etc. I mean, doesn't it seem logical that by virtue of a person installing the database, come on, that this is a pretty good indication that he/she in all likelihood is new at it? As it is now, all they tell you on the SSE site is that you have to have the .NET Framework installed; and the green checkmarks indicating that you've installed it correctly (sorry for mentioning that twice).
"OK, self," I say, "I have the Framework installed and SSE installed correctly, so let's get to work." Then the trouble begins. Unless Microsoft's purpose is to keep you tech guys and book writers in business, I don't understand why they don't give more up-front guidance. Any thoughts on why they work it this way? Bueller, Bueller? Anyone, anyone?
Now, to the question that's pressing me at the moment: I've installed SSE and I'm going through a tutorial ("How Do I: Create Data-Driven Web Sites?" on Yeah, the guy makes it look really easy. He creates a database then shuts down the connection. I try to do the same things and I'm informed that I don't even have a valid connection! How SQL-Server-Express fun and easy is that? It's a real AdventureWorks, if you ask me.
OK, that's my rant; and since MS didn't think in advance and implement my idea of a link to jump off from the installation menu, I have to face the reality of learning this by putting all the pieces together myself. So, my question is, before I try to go through the video and get more frustrated, WHERE DO I GO FOR THE MOST BASIC OF ALL THE STEPS I NEED TO DO, ONE BY ONE? This is like the second "beginner" video I've tried to go through but even these don't start at the very beginning with information on how to register a new database, making the user a part of aspnetWHATEVER, what permissions to dole out, etc.
Guidance is solicited and will be most appreciated. Thanks, Bryan

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Master-Details Insert

Jan 21, 2007

Master table (tlbProduct) having productID as Primary key and which acts as reference key for table (tlbCategory).Fields for tlbProduct are productID,productNameFields for tlbCategort are productID,CategoryID(primary key),CategoryName,Prizeboth productID,CategoryID are autoincrementing.but when i write two inserts simultaneously as follows insert into tlbProduct(productName)values(@productName)insert into tlbCategory(CategoryName,Prize) using sqldatasourceI get the error that ProductID value is null which is not providedBut (productId in both is autoincremented) and relationship is there in both tables How to resolve this problem without adding ProductID in second Insert?SWati 

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Master - Details In Reverse

Mar 20, 2006

HI, I'm using Visual Web Developer and SQL Server 2005 Express Editions. I have a database with two tables, say AccountsTable and PersonsTable, with a one to many relationship respectively.
Given a particular selected record in PersonsTable, I need to look up the corresponding master record in AccountsTable. Here's what I've done:
SqlDataSource1 has a "SELECT * FROM PersonsTable" and a GridView1 which uses this as its datasource and the 'enable Selection' checkbox is On. This works fine.
Then, I create a second SqlDataSource2. When I click on the WHERE button in the Configure Data Source page, I have chosen the following parameters:
Column:PrimaryKeyField; Operator:=; Source=Control; ControlID=GridView1; Default Value='I left this blank' but the Value field shows GridView1.SelectedValue when I click the ADD button.
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource2" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:bizConnectionString %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [AccountsTable] WHERE ([AccountNumber] = @AccountNumber)">
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="GridView1" Name="AccountNumber" PropertyName="SelectedValue"
Type="Int32" />

I have bound DetailsView1 to SqlDataSource2. When I run the page, the GridView1 is shown with Persons records OK. Then I click the 'Select' next to a record in the Gridview expecting the corresponding lookup to the master record (Account) to be shown in the DetailsView, but it does not show anything.
What am I doing wrong? Is there a better way of doing this?
Your help is much appreciated. Thank you.
PS. I could find Tutorials showing Master/Details retrieving records in a top down fashion (1:n), but I could not find the reverse (n:1)

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Backward Compatibility Details

Jul 14, 1999

Does anyone know if the enhanced data types (character length up to 8,000 bytes for some types) and the increase in the number of tables used in joins are available when using the 65 backward compatibility mode?

Many thanks in advance...

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View Transaction Log Details

Aug 31, 2004

Please may I have your assistance with the following
I’m struggling to view the transaction log for a database.
I’m using the following command structure

DBCC log ( {dbid|dbname}, [, type={-1|0|1|2|3|4}] )
Dbid or dbname - Enter either the dbid or the name of the database
in question.

type - is the type of output:

0 - minimum information (operation, context, transaction id)

1 - more information (plus flags, tags, row length)

2 - very detailed information (plus object name, index name,
page id, slot id)

3 - full information about each operation

4 - full information about each operation plus hexadecimal dump
of the current transaction log's row.

-1 - full information about each operation plus hexadecimal dump
of the current transaction log's row, plus Checkpoint Begin,
DB Version, Max XACTID

Which I got from a web site, however the output does not make sense to me

Ideally I would like to analyse which SQL insert commands are predominantly using the log file

Any ideas how to do this or a tool that u recommend

Thanks in advance for your help

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SET IDENTITY_INSERT: Devil In The Details...

Feb 13, 2006

Need to ask this, 'cause as ya'all know I'm a GUID sort of guy with a sever IDENTITY crisis.

Got a client that erroneously deleted some records from a table with an IDENTITY key. We have a backup that we can restore to a new db to isolate the records that need to be reloaded. Question is, when we set IDENTITY INSERT to ON temporarily to reload the affected records, does the db need to be in single-user mode, or will it go merrily on creating IDENTITY values for new records if the db is in use during our fix? It is a 24/7 production db with web users around the country/world.

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SELECT TOP 2 From Each Details Record

Apr 24, 2007

Hi everyone,

I am having a header table and details table and I want to display first 2 records against each header from details, whatever number of records are there in details against each header.

Example :
Details table is as follows
HeaderID DetailsID
1 1
1 2
1 3
2 4
3 5
3 6
3 7
3 8

output should be:
TransDate SupplierName HeaderID DetailsID
1/1/2000 abc 1 1
1/1/2000 dsds 1 2
2/3/2003 fgd 2 4
2/4/2005 sdsd 3 5
1/1/2006 fgfdg 3 6

I am using the following query

SELECT H.TransDate, H.SupplierName, D.DetailsID FROM
Header H, Details D
WHERE H.HeaderID = D.DetailsID
AND D.DetailsID IN (SELECT TOP 2 DetailsID FROM Details WHERE HeaderID = H.HeaderID)

As I am dealing with very huge data it is taking very long time to execute.

Is there any better way to accomplish the task?



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Show Total And Details

Apr 8, 2008


I have a categories table and a products table, the products are associated with a category, and my current select statement looks like this..

SELECT COUNT(dbo.tbl_Categories.CatName) AS TotQty, dbo.tbl_Categories.CatName
FROM dbo.tbl_Products INNER JOIN
dbo.tbl_Categories ON dbo.tbl_Products.CatID = dbo.tbl_Categories.ID
GROUP BY dbo.tbl_Categories.CatName

this give me ..

TotQty CatName
1 Books

I wonder how I can change the select statement so I retrieve a result like this..

TotQty CatName Description
1 Books Oliver Twist
2 DVD Dire Straits
2 DVD Elvis

View 20 Replies View Related

Combining Table Details

Apr 23, 2008

I need to combine the details of two tables and narrow the data included.

in my tutor table i have

tutorLastName, tutorSessions and tutorSkills

in my term table i have

week, date, session_Name, tutorName

i need to combine the tales to show:

(from the term table) week, date,session_Name, tutorName,
(from the tutor table) tutorSkills.

i then need to narrow the table down so it shows only tutors with guitar skills and the term dats when the session_name is empty

i can run the two searches sepereately but cannot combine them i am tryin to use Where date = "whateverdate" AND session_name is null
AND tutorSkills = guitar

please help and tell me where im going wrong

View 2 Replies View Related

Pivot With Header And Details

Feb 3, 2014

I need to display data from both header and detail, details has to come from other table also

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Table_Detail](
[Header_ID] [int] NOT NULL,
[Name] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
[DescValue] [nvarchar](max) NULL


..consider the dept code, where the values are now comming from table and need result if the data is not displayed from table and they are static..

use case when 'Bo' then 'Branch Office'
when 'Ro' then 'Reginal Office'
when 'So' then 'Sub Division Office'
when 'Ho' then 'Head Office'

How to replace my above query

Below is my sql

SELECT h.Header_ID,


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Forgot The SQL Authentication Details

Nov 14, 2006

Hi guys,

this is my first post and I am new to SQL server 2005 (well, SQL in general).

I have installed SQL server 2005 but cannot remember if I set authentication for it. I have just tried to access a database on this server through ASP (classic, not .NET) but get the error message saying that login failed for <servername>IUSR_<servername>.

There must be a simple way around this.

Also, is there a way for me to create trusted connections for my server now that it has been installed?

If anyone can give me a few ideas about authentication, etc, I would really appreciate it.

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Details Structure Of A Table

Feb 19, 2007


Can i able to see the all table structure at once throught the Select



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Showing Totals As Well As Details

May 14, 2007

This is showing the details I am looking for. Is there a way to show the totals for the clients for 418 and totals for 417?

SELECT NAME.Nickname1, NAME_1.Nickname1 AS Expr1, SLPTRANS.ActyExpID, SLPTRANS.TimeSpent / 3600 AS Hours
WHERE (NAME.NameType = 0) AND (CUSTOMC.Service_Cont = 'YES') AND (SLPTRANS.ActyExpID = '417') OR
(SLPTRANS.ActyExpID = '418') AND (SLPTRANS.StartDate BETWEEN @IncludeStartDate AND @IncludeEndDate)

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Can't See Job Details Unless Logged Into Server.

Jul 6, 2007

I open up the SQL Server Agent Job window, and I can't see details under the General, Steps, Schedules, or other tabs unless I am running SSMS directly on that server. So much for remote management, eh?
Anybody else experiencing this problem?
Anybody else notice that jobs may fail to complete correctly without raising any errors or logging any issues?
Anybody else remember when, a year ago, SQL Server was a good product?
Anybody think Microsoft is listening?
Anybody? Buehler? Buehler?

e4 d5 xd5 Nf6

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