How To Check For The Value Before You Select It

Sep 19, 2007

This is what i am trying to do:

Table dbo.Customers

Name: Address

Charlie 12344

Mik 12254

Steven 12545

AJ 12456

in my stored procedure: I want to select the column name and the address so I will have

select name, address from

* the question is how can I check if the name is Mike i want to replace it with Chris

so i am trying to do something like that

select if(name)='Mike' then i want to replace it with Chris, also if the name is =€™AJ€™ I want to replace it with €˜Sarah€™,

address from Customers

how can I check the value before I select it in my stored procedure

Thank you

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Select Statement To Check Nullable

Mar 6, 2008


Sir i want to check and use the select statement to select which field have a nullable=false in a table

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Can You Check My Select Max Query ? The Result Not Corret...

Aug 1, 2007

in table Databackup
company       keepmonth
-----------------  -------------------
001                 12002                 12003                  6005                  607917              609747              6
I run this query
select Max(keepmonth) as keep from Databackup
why the result is 6 not 12? I think the max value should 12 , have no idea why it return 6
does my query error?
thank you

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Select And Check A Boolean Value With Stored Procedure?

Apr 10, 2008

 Hi all,How do you select and check a boolean value within a stored procedure? I don't know if this is correct or not:DECLARE @CheckStatus bitSELECT @CheckStatus = PREF_STATUS FROM  tblPrefsWHERE [PREF_ID] = @PREF_IDIF (@CheckStatus IS FALSE) -- DO SOMETHINGIF (@CheckStatus IS TRUE) -- DO SOMETHING But I'm not sure if what I've used (IS FALSE/TRUE) is the correct way? "PREF_STATUS" is a bit column in my table.Thanks. 

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How To Check That Is 'select All' Checkbox Of The Parameter Is Selected

Mar 29, 2007

My parameter pass the id of the parameter to my query while its name is displyed on the parameter combo.

I have a report on which there is a text field.

1,On this field i want's to display the name of the parameter.

If select all check box is check i want's to show Report of AllFieldName.

other wise it should be comma separate like Report of aa,cc.


I have field myfield with fieldname aa,bb,cc dd value with fieldid as 1,2,3,4

I am passing this parameter in the query like

select ... where id in( @fieldid)

2,I am exporting this report in a excel format.

How can i pass the parameter in the query string ,submit it.

{How to check select all parameter or particular parameter e.t.c }

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SQL 2012 :: Select Statement - Check For All Same ID And Return Records

Jan 9, 2015

My example data as this:

ID code1 code2
1 a m
1 b n
1 c T
2 d m
2 e n
2 f n
3 g m
3 h n
3 i T

I would like to have a select stmt that check for all same ID and code2 does not contain T, then return the records

For example data: the query should return
2 d m
2 e n
2 f n

Is it possible to do this?

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Data Access :: Select After Check Previous Records

May 5, 2015

I have two tables. Users and records. I need to select only the users that not has lines recorded in the other table. How could I do that?


ID| Name| Access 1|Access 2|
1 | Axel   | True         |False   |
2 | Ivan  | False        |False   |
3 | Bob  | True          |False   |
4 | Sue  | False         |False   |

ID| Points| Month| Year|User_1|User_2|
1 |  2      |    5 | 2015|   2  |   1  |
2 |  5      |    5 | 2015|   2  |   1  |
3 |  1      |    5 | 2015|   3  |   1  |

Then I want to run a select in the users table, only with the users that hasn't records in the second table.

In the example, the second table has User_1 as the user who receives the points and the User_2 is the user who give the points. Then I would know what user didn't receive 'points' yet.

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Check If (Select All) Option Was Selected In Multi-value Parameter.

Jan 22, 2008

I am working in .net 2.0.
How can I check if "(Select All)" option was selected in multi-value parameter?
Thanks in advance!

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Data Access :: How To Check All Connection Automatically During Routine Check By Using Batch File

May 20, 2015

I have multiple ODBC connection and how to check all connection automatically during routine check by using batch file.

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Help Please (Check File Exists/ Archive File/ Check If File Empty)

Mar 10, 2008

Hello World,

I'm new to SSIS and would like a little assistance getting started, if possible...

Here is what I want to do:

Check if file exist (C:DTS UpgradeFilexxx.txt) --->

Archive file (C:DTS UpgradeArchive) --->

Check if file has data (true or false)


If there are any good website that have good direction, let me know

Thanks in advance for your help!!!

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(Select All) In Multi-select Enabled Drop Down Parameters Doesn't Work

Apr 29, 2008

Hello all,
I have two mult-value parameters in my report. Both of them working with selecting one or more values. But, when I test using "(Select All)" values for both parameters , only one parameter works. The "available values" for these two parameters are both from the data set.

select distinct ProductType
from Product
order by ProductType

Any suggestion? thx

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DB Engine :: Unable To Select Data From A Table Even After Providing Select Access

Aug 28, 2015

I am unable to the access on table even after providing the SELECT permission on table.

Used Query by me :

Here Test is schema ; Card is table ; User is Satish

To grant select on Table

Even after this it is not working, So provided select on schema also.
used query : GRANT SELECT ON SCHEMA::TEST  TO Satish.

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SELECT-Using Correlated Subqueries: Just Name In Results && 0 Row Affected In One Of MSDN2 SELECT Examples

Jan 11, 2008

Hi all,
I copied and executed the following sql code in my SQL Server Management Studio Express (SSMSE):
--SELECTeg8.sql from SELECT-Using correlated subqueries of MSDN2 SELECT Examples--

USE AdventureWorks ;



FROM Production.Product p



FROM Production.ProductModel pm

WHERE p.ProductModelID = pm.ProductModelID

AND pm.Name = 'Long-sleeve logo jersey') ;


-- OR

USE AdventureWorks ;



FROM Production.Product

WHERE ProductModelID IN

(SELECT ProductModelID

FROM Production.ProductModel

WHERE Name = 'Long-sleeve logo jersey') ;


I got:
Results Messages
Name o row affected
I think I did not get a complete output from this job. Please help and advise whether I should search somewhere in the SSMSE for the complete results or I should correct some code statements in my SELECTeg8.sql for obtaining the complete results.

Thanks in advance,
Scott Chang

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Reporting Services :: Select Text Field Dataset Based On User Select Option?

Aug 4, 2015

I have a report that uses different datasets based on the year selected by a user.

I have a year_id parameter that sets a report variable named dataset_chosen. I have varified that these are working correctly together.

I have attempted populating table cell data to display from the chosen dataset. As yet to no avail.

How could I display data from the dataset a user selects via the year_id options?

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How To: Create A SELECT To Select Records From A Table Based On The First Letter.......

Aug 16, 2007

Dear All
I need to cerate a SP that SELECTS all the records from a table WHERE the first letter of each records starts with 'A' or 'B' or 'C' and so on. The letter is passed via a parameter from a aspx web page, I was wondering that someone can help me in the what TSQL to use I am not looking for a solution just a poin in the right direction. Can you help.
Thanks Ross

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Multiple Tables Select Performance - SQL 2005 - Should It Take 90 Seconds For A Select?

Dec 4, 2007

I have a problem where my users complain that a select statement takes too long, at 90 seconds, to read 120 records out of a database.
The select statement reads from 9 tables three of which contain 1000000 records, the others contain between 100 and 250000 records.
I have checked that each column in the joins are indexed - they are (but some of them are clustered indexes, not unclustered).
I have run the SQL Profiler trace from the run of the query through the "Database Engine Tuning Advisor". That just suggested two statistics items which I added (no benefit) and two indexes for tables that are not involved at all in the query (I didn't add these).
I also ran the query through the Query window in SSMS with "Include Actual Execution Plan" enabled. This showed that all the execution time was being taken up by searches of the clustered indexes.
I have tried running the select with just three tables involved, and it completes fast. I added a fourth and it took 7 seconds. However there was no WHERE clause for the fourth table, so I got a cartesian product which might have explained the problem.
So my question is: Is it normal for such a type of read query to take 90 seconds to complete?
Is there anything I could do to speed it up.
Any other thoughts?

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Remove Select All Options From Multi Select Parameter Dropdown

Jun 8, 2007

Hi All

I am using SQL Server 2005 with SP2. I have multi select parameter in the report. In SP2 reporting services gives Select All option in the drop down.

Is there any way I can remove that option from the list?


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Select Statement Problem - Group By Maybe Nested Select?

Sep 17, 2007

Hey guys i have a stock table and a stock type table and what i would like to do is say for every different piece of stock find out how many are available The two tables are like thisstockIDconsumableIDstockAvailableconsumableIDconsumableName So i want to,Select every consumableName in my table and then group all the stock by the consumable ID with some form of total where stockavailable = 1I should then end up with a table like thisEpson T001 - Available 6Epson T002 - Available 0Epson T003 - Available 4If anyone can help me i would be very appreciative. If you want excact table names etc then i can put that here but for now i thought i would ask how you would do it and then give it a go myself.ThanksMatt 

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Result Sets Using Select In Query Anlyzer Vs BCP Vs Select Into

Jul 9, 2002

When I run simple select against my view in Query Analyzer, I get result set in one sort order. The sort order differs, when I BCP the same view. Using third technique i.e. Select Into, I have observed the sort order is again different in the resulting table. My question is what is the difference in mechanisim of query analyzer, bcp, and select into.

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Implement SELECT Starement On A Results Of Prev SELECT

Dec 22, 2002

im getting from my first select a list of pairs of codes (let say the codes r of products.)
so i have something like:

FirstCode SecondCode
1 1
2 5
4 2
... ...
now i want to get the name of each product so it whould be like:


the names stored in other table.
how can i do it?


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SELECT Then DELETE Versus Extra Clause In SELECT

Nov 29, 2007

Far below (in section "original 3 steps"), you see the following:1. a temp table is created2. some data is inserted into this table3. some of the inserted data is removed based on a join with the sametable that the original select was made fromIn my opinion, there is no way that the join could produce more rowsthan were originally retrieved from viewD. Hence, we could get rid ofthe DELETE step by simply changing the query to be:INSERT INTO #details ( rec_id, orig_corr, bene_corr )SELECT rec_id, 0, 0FROM viewDWHERE SOURCE_SYS NOT IN ( 'G', 'K' )AND MONTH( VALUE_DATE_A8 ) = MONTH( @date )AND YEAR( VALUE_DATE_A8 ) = YEAR( @date )AND INMESS NOT LIKE '2__' ---- the added line===== original 3 steps (mentioned above) =====CREATE TABLE #details (rec_id UNIQUEIDENTIFIER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,orig VARCHAR(35) NULL,bene VARCHAR(35) NULL,orig_corr TINYINT NULL,bene_corr TINYINT NULL)INSERT INTO #details ( rec_id, orig_corr, bene_corr )SELECT rec_id, 0, 0FROM viewDWHERE SOURCE_SYS NOT IN ( 'G', 'K' )AND MONTH( VALUE_DATE_A8 ) = MONTH( @date )AND YEAR( VALUE_DATE_A8 ) = YEAR( @date )DELETE dFROM #details dJOIN viewD v ON ( d.rec_id = v.rec_id )WHERE INMESS LIKE '2__'

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Transact SQL :: Select From A Select Using Row Number With Left Join

Aug 20, 2015

The select command below will output one patient’s information in 1 row:

Patient id
Last name
First name
Address 1
OP Coverage Plan 1
OP Policy # 1
OP Coverage Plan 2


This works great if there is at least one OP coverage.   There are 3 tables in which to get information which are the patient table, the coverage table, and the coverage history table.   The coverage table links to the patient table via pat_id and it tells me the patient's coverage plan and in which priority to bill.  The coverage history table links to the patient and coverage table via patient id and coverage plan and it gives me the effective date.  

select src.pat_id, lname, fname, addr1,
max(case when rn = 1 then src.coverage_plan_ end) as OP_Coverage1,
max(case when rn = 1 then src.policy_id end) as OP_Policy1,


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(Select All) In Multi-select Enabled Drop Down Parameters

Feb 27, 2008

There are several parameters on a report. One of the parameter is a multi-select enabled parameter and I suppressed the value "All" showing as one of the item in the drop down list, simply by filter out the [bha].[bha].CURRENTMEMBER.LEVEL.ORDINAL to 1, as "(Select All)" is pre-assigned to the drop list when multi-select is enabled and it is confusing to show "(Select All)" and "All" in the drop list. However I have another report which is linked to this report and the value which is required to pass to this report for this parameter is "All". Can I pass the "Select All" as a parameter from the other report? If so, how? Thanks.

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Sql Job Run Check

Jun 6, 2008

I need a job run page to fire a job on a sql server if the job is not already running. How do I check if the job is running on the MSSQL server.
 Can I use the sp_job_help as it does return 4 data sets with the first having the data I need, but as yet I have not mastered a multi data set return.

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How To Check For SP3

Jan 23, 2004

How can I make sure that I have SQL Server 2000 sp3 or sp3a installed?

Thanks you,

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Check This Out!!!

Aug 9, 2004

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Check This

May 4, 2004

DECLARE @Temp int
DECLARE @FullQry varchar(50)

set @FullQry='select @Temp=Emp_ID from Employee where.....'
select @@ROWCOUNT

My Employee table has 3 records and this query sholud return me @@ROWCOUNT=1
but it will return 0 why this i am not able to find out.Exec function return ROWCOUNT or not?

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Please Check It

Jun 24, 2008

insert into OPENROWSET('Excel 8.0;Database=D: esting.xls;',
'SELECT * FROM [testing$]')

getting errore

Incorrect syntax near ')'.

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How To Check Who Is Using The Db?

Feb 1, 2007


Is there any way to tell me how many users connecting to specific database / who are using it in the management studio? we are use the windows authentication mode.


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As For Check Box

Jan 30, 2008

I want to built a table to a form....
I have some check boxes in this form....
what is the script line for this check box ?
I know it is suppose to work 1 or 0 ? for false or true .....
How I suppose to do this ?

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SQL + ASP.NET = Check My Code In VB

Sep 1, 2006

Hello,I Have a code:<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource2" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>" InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [shop_clients] ([ID], [IMIE]) VALUES (@ID, @IMIE)"> <InsertParameters> <asp:Parameter Name="ID" Type="Int32" /> <asp:Parameter Name="IMIE" Type="String" /> </InsertParameters> </asp:SqlDataSource> SO this code It will allow me insert to database SQL textbox - name ?If yes How I can:If I click the button My textbox - name, insert to databasePlease me help :) 

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Please Check This Trigger

Nov 25, 2006

Aperently I could not insert a text field to another table from INSERTED in a trigger.It seems th follwoing is working, do you see any problem joining INSERTED to the mySrcTable which is the table that has this trigger
  INSERT INTO  myRemoteDatabase.dbo.myDestTable (myTrID,myFirstName,myBigText) SELECT     i.myTrID, i.myFirstName, p.myBigText FROM         INSERTED i INNER JOIN mySrcTable p ON i.myTrID = p.myTrID WHERE     (i.myTrType = 'In') Thanks, 

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Check Constraint

Mar 28, 2007

Hi I was wodering how to add an OR statment right in the Check Constraint expression.
This is what I am starting with in the database
([zip] like '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]')
and what I want well not exact but this would answer my question
([zip] like '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] || [A-Z][A-Z][A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]')
 Thanks for any help

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