How To Collapsible A Column When The Report Was Designed In Table Mode?

Jun 30, 2006

Hi folks, I'm trying to collapse a column on a report that's designed in table mode. I was trying to mimick what happens in a matrix where you have a column that has a '+' in it that makes toggles the visibility of a column to its immediate right (The reason I'm not using Matrix mode is I continually get "out of memory" errors on the report I'm generating.).

When I select the column and mark visible to 'false' in the properties, it of course asks me for a TextBox. My problem is that I am unable to find a scenario where the textbox is "in the proper group". Is this something that's supported, and if so, I'd appreciate some pointers to lead me in the right direction.


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Querying A Really Badly Designed Table

Mar 28, 2006

I am working on an application with a number of tables (which I can't
change) that have data of the form a1, b1, c1... a2, b2, c2...a3, b3,
c3... The tables contain 5 to 10 sets of data in each row.

I want to create a stored procedure to return a cursor with a row for
each set of data for a row of the table. I know I can use unions:

select a1 as a, b1 as b , c1 as c... from sometable where pk=@pk


select a2, b2, c2... from sometable where pk=@pk


select a3...

Is there a way that is more efficient (eliminates requerying the table and all the unions)?

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How To Change The Target Table Name In SSIS Package(not Designed From Scratch But Was Migrated)

Nov 6, 2007

In Past, I created DTS package on 2000 version, that import TXT file into SQL 2000 table.

Now I migrated the DTS to DTSX (SSIS) package, and all is working fine. but I can not find how can I edit or modify the target table name in DTSX(SSIS) package in BI Studio.

can you some body help.


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Reporting Services :: Fixing Ssrs Report Table Column Heading While Scrolling Is Not Working In Report-viewer?

Dec 14, 2012

i just clicked on Advanced mode in Column Group, and then in Row Group Side i set Fixed Data=true for first  top static. I'm using local report not server report and i'm displaying that local report in Reportviewer. Now also its not working....

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Report Builder In Integrated Mode

Jan 4, 2007


I have an installation with Reporting Services in integrated mode with WSS 3.0, with Reporting Services Add-in for SharePoint.

I have a document library in witch I added a data source to an SSAS database and a Report model on top of this. When I click Add a Report with Report Builder, the report builder opens, but it fails to connect to the model.

There is a dialog window "Select Site or Server "asking for a URL. I put in there http://localhost, but is not working. I am not able to connect to the report model.

I will appreciate any help on what could be the reason or how can I investigate this.




I did the same scenario on the development environment it works from start, without any problems. But now on production €¦.

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How To Use Sql Express In Offline Mode For Generating A Report !!

May 27, 2007

Hi ,

I have been using ms sql 2000 database for generating reports up till now . but now as per a new requirement , i have to obtain data for generating the report from sql express & not ms sql 2000 , and that too in offline mode . i do not know how the structure of data is there in sql express .

1)do we have data stored in tables? or do we use xml ?

2)do we write similar queries as we write in ms sql ??

3) and lastly what is this offline stuff ???

Can any one please throw some light on comparison between sql 2000 and sql express in these three points.

Thanks in advance

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Report Viewer Control In Local Mode ?

Jun 15, 2007

I run my reports in local mode and do something like this :

Code Snippet

//Local Processing mode for Reports

reportViewer.ProcessingMode = ProcessingMode.Local;

// Set RDL file based on handout/grid selected

if (gridRadioButton.Checked)


reportViewer.LocalReport.ReportPath = "Grid.rdlc";





reportViewer.LocalReport.ReportPath = "Handout.rdlc";


//Refresh the report in order to show it to the user.


The problem is that both handout and grid is diiferent, Say User Selects the grid once it always shows the grid report. Even second time you change to handout still it shows the same Grid format and I debugged it and it picks the new report path but doesn't help? The application needs to be rerun to fix it.

Can anyone explain what is causing this and how to get rid of it.



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Building A Report-dashboard In WSS 3.0 Integrated Mode

Dec 7, 2006

I have a page with three Web parts;

1. Filter Web Part that uses a BDC-driven list of clients

2. Part showing RDL's from a doclib

3. Report viewer Web Part

I can use the Filter part to supply a parameter value to 3. when I select an RDL manually, I can set the Viewer connections to get the Report Definition from 2. But I can't get both options to work at the same time. The reports in 2. all have the same Parameter so there shouldn't really be a problem.

Looking forward to any suggestions or a way to provide feedback on the CTP (RS SharePoint Addin).



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Report Deployment Error In SharePoint Integration Mode

May 16, 2007


I get the following error when I am trying to deploy Report from Visual Studio Report Designer.
SRSS is configured in SharePoint integration mode. Configuration is mentioned below.

TITLE: Microsoft Report Designer

A connection could not be made to the report server http://rbddspsdev2:44887/.


Server was unable to process request. ---> The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized. (System.Web.Services)



Configuration is as follows.

Web front end server.
MOSS 2007 Standard edition 64 bit.
SQL Reporting Service Add in 64 bit.

SQL Server
MS SQL server 2005 32 bit with sp2.
Reporting Services configured.
WSS 3.0 32 bit required for configuration, of SRSS in integrated mode.
Windows service and web service are both running under a domain account. The account is a SharePoint Admininstrator. The account is also in Administrators, Reporting Server user and Web service group and also has a dbo rights on database.

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Report Works In Preview Mode But Not In SSMS 2005

Apr 10, 2008


I've created an SSRS report in Visual Studio 2005 which runs fine in the preview. I have a list of server names which when clicked on expands to a list of databases on the chosen server. When I click on a database it then queries a table of information and displays information on that database. The query is something like:

SELECT * FROM MyDB.dbo.DB_info
WHERE ServerName = @ServerName and DBname = @DBname

This works fine in preview mode. When I run it in SQL Management Studio via the Custom Reports menu it only works when the chosen server is the one that contains MyDB. I've run a trace and can see the query being issued when I use preview mode. However, when I run it from SSMS I don't see any query being issued to the database. This seems strange as it does return data in the instance described above and if I put MyDB into single-user mode it then complains that it can't access it so it is obviously trying to communicate with the database but not showing up on the trace. I've selected all events and only put a filter on the database name.

Seeing as all of the information is in the same table it seems odd that they query only works when the server name is the one where the database is held and that the query is not shown up in a trace. I'm running the report under the same credentials too.

I'm completely baffled by this so I'd be very grateful if someone could explain what might be happening here.


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Cannot View Report With MOSS And SSRS Integrated Mode

May 7, 2008


I have configured Reporting services to use MOSS integrated mode. I have two servers, one for MOSS and the other for SQL database and reporting server.

Since I am using NTLM for IIS authentication, I can only use "Trusted Account" for Reporting Service Integration.

Then I created a report in SQL Server BI development studio and deployed to a MOSS document library. The deployment was successful. However, when I tried to open the report, I got the following error message:

An error has occurred during report processing.
This data source is configured to use Windows integrated security. Windows integrated security is either disabled for this report server or your report server is using Trusted Account mode.

I have tried to switch to "Windows Authentication" for Reporting Service Integration, but this will give error for "Set Server Defaults" screen. Also the deployment from BI studio to MOSS will fail with authentication error. So I think I have to stay with "Trusted Account" option there.

What should I do to make the report accessible while using "Trusted Account"? Is there any configuration which has to be done for this purpose? Any input is appreciated.


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Relationships Correctly Designed?

Feb 26, 2008

I am new to SQL Server 2005. I have tried to be a good student and learn on my own about designing the database. However, I am facing a blockage of getting data into the database. I want to verify I have setup the relationships correctly. Here is the tables.

1. A Manufacture has an Address.
2. A Manufacturer has one or more Distribution Points.
3. A Distribution Point has an Address.

The Manufacturer --> Address is a one-to-one relationship.
The Distribution Point --> Address is a one-to-one relationship.
The Manufacturer --> Distribution Point is a one-to-many relationship.

The manufacturer table has a FK to the address id (PK).
The distribution table has a FK to the address id (PK).
The distribution table has a FK to the Manufacturer id (PK).
Address has several other FK, but not used in this scenario.

The INSERT and UPDATE Specification for the Delete Rule and Update Rule is set to "No Action" for the Manufacturer and Address tables. In the Distribution Point table, the relationship for the update rule involving the relationship with the Address and Manufacturer tables is set to CASCADE. What this tells me is SQL Server 2005 will update the table should changes occur in Address and Manufacturer table.

Is there anything else I can check to be sure the issue I am facing is NOT the deisgn of the database?

Thanks for taking the time to read my post.


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SP2 Broke My Reports In Report Viewer Print Layout Mode

Feb 26, 2007

Since SP2 was installed on our SSRS server a couple of days ago, reports viewed in the client Report Viewer control (with or without VS SP1) show a black background when in Print Layout Mode. All other rendering options work fine. Anyone else seen this? Any clues how to fix?



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How Do I Pass Values To My Stored Procedure In Remote Report Mode

Feb 3, 2007

I have created an report by selecting stored procedure as dataset data source.
Now when I run the report, it is asking for the parameter values for my stored procedure, but I want to pass the values from another .aspx page.
Could any one please let me how do I pass values to the stored procedure parameters in the report. I tried doing the Local method of reports, but the printer icon is not appearing in that, if I use Reportviewer control of my own. When I use the Remote method of reports, I am facing this problem.
Please could any one help me in this.


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Error: Email Subscription To Report (Sharepoint Integrated Mode) Options

Jun 28, 2007

I encounter this error when user try to subscribe using email delivery
to one of the report. I have configured the Reporting Services to use
Sharepoint integrated mode. This user is a regular user that has read
access to the report item.

Below is the message detail:

A subscription delivery error has occurred. (rsDeliveryError)
A subscription delivery error has occurred. (rsDeliveryError)
One of the extension parameters is not valid for the following reason:
The account you are using does not have administrator privileges. A
subscription cannot be created for [emailaddress].

Is it true that user needs to have administrator privilege in order to
subscribe for report? I don't think so, right?

Gunady Ng

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Can I Access My Data Source In Custom Report Item During Design Mode?

Mar 19, 2007


I'm developing a Custom Report Item and would like to fill my properties dialog in design mode with real data. I have the name of the data source and the command text for the corresponding report dataset, read from the report design.

Is it possible to create an dataset so that I can display and use real data in my properties dialog box? First problem I have is to get the connection string from the data source string. I found no docs for that, especially the Microsoft.ReportingServices.DataExtensions.ReportDataSource class is not documented. Am I on the right way with that?


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Reporting Services :: Query Timeout In Report Builder Design Mode

May 18, 2012

I have a very frustrating problem.  But given that this is a development forum, I'll keep that for my 'Envelope Lickers Rehab' and instead talk about an issue I'm having.

I have a very large query (line-wise) that executes in less than a minute when run from the SQL Management Studio as well as via Excel Services. 

It is a stored procedure with one parameter. When I try to prime the designer with this query it gives me the following message:

"Timeout expired.  The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.
The statement has been terminated."

I've considered cracking open the xml source and manually creating the fields, but I'd rather not go there.

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The Operation Is Not Supported On A Report Server That Is Configured To Run In SharePoint Integrated Mode

May 23, 2008


I got the following exception from the code listed below:

System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException occurred
Message="The operation is not supported on a report server that is configured to run in SharePoint integrated mode. ---> The operation is not supported on a report server that is configured to run in SharePoint integrated mode."
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall)
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters)
at Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Planning.Client.Common.ReportServer.ReportingServices2005.ListChildren(String Item, Boolean Recursive) in c:Officedev14ppsplanningclientCommonReportingServices2005.cs:line 1001
at Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Planning.Client.Common.DataAgent.RetrieveDirectoryStructureFromReportingServices(Object caller, Object parameters) in c:Officedev14ppsplanningclientCommonAgentsDataAgent.cs:line 2027

The code is like:

ReportingServices2005 reportingServices = new ReportingServices2005();

reportingServices.Url = "http://haileizws32b:8080/ReportServer/ReportService2005.asmx";

reportingServices.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials

CatalogItem[] items = reportingServices.ListChildren("/", true); <== This code throws the exception.

I can browser and view the items from both Sharepoint site and ReportServer site without problem.

Can you tell me what is wrong?

Thanks a lot!

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Is SQL Server Express Designed For Production Use ?

Jan 27, 2007

Per the subject line :Is SQL Server Express designed for production use ?

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Moving A Poorly Designed Database To SQL

Sep 27, 2001

I have a Access database which has a address field with multiple data sets in it. I am new to writing code and am having trouble finding a example which will help me split these values out into three seperate fields.

Notice how there is no good order in how they are placed.... Some entry's have commas and some don't. Some have periods and some don't.
AMHERST, WI. 54406
ASKOV MN 55704

I then need to convert the state to a state code ie:

2 AK
3 AL
4 AR
5 CA
6 CO
7 CT
8 DC
9 DE
10 FL
11 GA
12 HI
13 IA
14 ID
15 IL
16 IN
17 KS
18 KY

Any good sources of information would be greatly appreciated..... Thank You

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Who's The Idiot That Designed The File Destination?

Jan 23, 2007

It's funny:

Everyone thinks that CSVs are awesome to transport data. I mean after all, SSIS defaults to Comma Delimited files. Even Excel defaults to it. Microsoft is supposed to be our leader! They should get this right. And get the terminology correct too. How many people describe the file as comma separated? It's delimited! Even SQL server calls it delimited by the "delimited" drop down.

CSVs suck and i will tell you why:

When you transport any text field (especially Address) it has the possibility of containing a comma. This causes data to be parsed into the wrong fields. Why in God's grace would you EVER get in the habit of choosing a delimiter that SOMETIMES doesn't work?

I'll tell you a little short story:

I have been waiting (at work) for like a month for a guy to export data and give me this file. Well today i finally got that file. He was in a hurry and used the Defaults to export this file. I don't blame him for being in a hurry and using the defaults. Well the defaults made the import NOT work because the data parsed into the wrong columns. Comma delimited would work if there was a text qualifier. But the default is comma delimited and NO text qualifier. What idiot thought that would be good. Or it was the separation of duties that eff'd this one up? Who knows?

Fix your products!

That's my .02

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Is SQL Server Express Designed For Production Use?

Jan 28, 2007

Per the subject line :

Is SQL Server Express designed for production use?

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Reporting Services :: Datetime Conversion Of SSRS Report In SharePoint Integrated Mode?

Sep 1, 2015

i have created an report which retrieve data from table which contains a datetime field.  The data of that particular field is stored in UTC time. when i navigating the report from sharepoint site i wish the datetime field will be converted into local time based on the selected timezone of the user.

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Reporting Services :: Running SSRS 2014 Report Viewer In Standard Mode

Jun 4, 2015

Is there any way to get SSRS 2014 report viewer to run in standards mode? We currently host SSRS report viewer in a standards mode IFrame.  Seems to work fine for all browsers but IE8. In IE8, the report detail is missing.

I'm guessing that SSRS Viewer on IE 8 requires Quirks mode.

I noticed this article which states that SSRS 2014 Viewer only works in quirks mode.

Rendering issues with SQL Server Reporting Services reports in Internet Explorer

How do you get the SSRS viewer to run on IE8 in standards mode?

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I Need To Generate The Query To Build A Database I've Designed. Please Help..

Apr 3, 2007

I've registered with GoDaddy for my site. I've used Visual Web Dev 2005 with SQL Server Mgmt Express 2005 to create my database etc. Now with GoDaddy, I need to "recreate" the database on their server again, but I don't want to go throug the whole process again. I just want to use their query editor to generate the database online.GoDaddy mentions a "personal-sql" file that SQL Server 2000 generates, but I can't find anything like that with what I have. Thanks.

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Reporting Services :: SSRS 2012 Intermittent Report Reloading In SharePoint Integrated Mode?

Aug 17, 2015

issue where SSRS reports being executed from a report library in SharePoint intermittently are reloaded after hitting the apply button to run.  We are using SSRS 2010 and SharePoint 2013 in integrated mode. So a user clicks on the report, fills in the parameters and hits apply. Maybe 70% of the time the report runs fine.  The other 30% the report just reloads and wipes out any parameter selections. We do have a load balancer in front of the web servers.

I've ran fiddler to capture some of the error logging.

HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
Cache-Control: private
Content-Length: 16
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
SPRequestGuid: 3101219d-876e-60c8-a883-dcdee38b81b5
request-id: 3101219d-876e-60c8-a883-dcdee38b81b5


Things we have tried. Multiple versions of IE 8,9,10,11, Firefox, Chrome.  All browsers seem to exhibit the behavior.

We ran so more traffic monitoring and it doesn't appear on these refreshes that report actually connects to the data context so it seems to be failing prior to that. (Possibly at the SharePoint server. Logging from the server apparently didn't show much in terms of when this occurred) It doesn't seem to matter if the report has 1 or 10 parameters. 

We did notice that when we took the load balancer out of the equation and just hit the web server directly, the refreshes "appeared" to decrease in regularity but still occur.Also, the reports do not exhibit the refresh issue when running locally within Visual Studio 2013.

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Viewing Reports Designed On SQL 2005 Reporting Server

Jan 8, 2007

I have built the reports that I need using Visual Studio and the SQL 2005 Reporting Server, but now I need a way to view the reports via a web browser.

I am not much of a web/programming expert, so any help that could walk me through the process of publishing the .rdl files that I have created via a web browser would be much, much appreciated. Again, I am a novice in the the web arena, so the more straight forward the steps the better.


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Trouble With Cursor Designed To Revoke Object Access.

May 30, 2008

Hi everyone. I am having difficulties with a cursor that I am trying to write. The purpose of the cursor is to loop through all tables in a selected Database and revoke "Select" access to that table for the indicated role (RoleToRevoke). I am getting the error on the @name variable within the REVOKE statement. I have placed a comment indicating where I am getting the error. Is there a way to have sql server interpret this @name variable within the REVOKE statement? Thanks for your help.

Code Snippet

USE [Database_Name];

Declare cursorExample Cursor for
from information_schema.tables
Where TABLE_TYPE='Base Table'
and TABLE_SCHEMA='dbo'

Declare @name as varchar(255)
Declare @ErrorSave as int
Declare @ErrorCount as int

Open cursorExample

Fetch Next from cursorExample into @name

SET @ErrorSave = 0
SET @ErrorCount = 0

Begin Tran

While @@Fetch_Status=0


--Getting Error on Line below on @name

IF (@@ERROR <> 0)


Print 'Error Revoking Access to Table: ' + CAST(@name AS varchar(75))
SELECT @ErrorCount = @ErrorCount + 1
IF (@@ERROR = 0)


Print 'Successful Revoking Select Rights on Table: ' + CAST(@name AS varchar(75))

SELECT @ErrorSave = @ErrorSave + 1
Fetch Next from cursorExample into @name


IF @ErrorCount = 0


PRINT 'Total Tables Affected:' + CAST(@ErrorSave AS varchar(75))



Close cursorExample
Deallocate cursorExample

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SQL Server 2014 :: Column Store Query Reverting To Row Mode With CROSS JOIN

May 20, 2015

I have two inline selects against a table with a nonclustered columnstore on SQL 2014 (12.0.2000). Both execute in batch mode and when I inner-join the two, they continue to execute in batch mode. When I cross join them, one executes in row mode. Below is some SQL to simulate the issue.

-- The purpose of this script is to demonstrate that
-- two queries against a columnstore index that each execute in batch mode
-- will continue to execute in batch mode when inner joined.
-- However, one of the queries will execute in row mode when cross-joined.

-- Create function to return 0 to n rows

[Code] .....

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Report Model Accessing SSAS Cube In SSRS Sharepoint Integrated Mode----- Perspective ID Error

Dec 11, 2007


I am receiving the following error when I run the report builder query. I am able to successfully select the dimensions and measures that I am intrested in but when I run the report I get the error message.

The 'PerspectiveID' custom property for the 'query' perspective is either not set or is not set to the string data type.
Semantic query execution failed.
Query execution failed for data set 'dataSet'.
An error has occurred during report processing.

I am testing this against both Adventureworks standard and enterprise cubes. Additionality I saw a post in this forum
that seemed related but I am using reporting services in sharepoint integrated mode so I am having a hard time trying to troubleshoot this.


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Reporting Services :: SSRS Report Parameters Getting Reset After Hitting Apply (Sharepoint Integrated Mode)

Mar 6, 2015

We have SSRS reports (pointing to SQL 2012) containing cascading parameters that we have deployed on SharePoint 2013 and once a user makes a selection to the parent parameter, child parameters are getting refreshed based on the selection in the parent parameter and then we see this:

Once we hit Apply, the Loading image comes up and approximately10 seconds later, The whole webpage gets refreshed and the parameter selections get reset to default parameters. 

This is getting frustrating because there are about 10 parameters in the report and once a user makes selections and hit apply if the page gets reset, the user has to make all the selections again.

We are working with Microsoft support on this who suggested us to increase the timeout setting of DistributedCache service on all our SharePoint servers which did seem to work initially but I do see this issue happening occasionally.

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Is It Possible To Switch From Pure Window's Authenticated Mode Ro Mixed Mode? (SQL 2005)

Jan 18, 2007

Durning install I selected Window's Authentication only, but now it seems we may need to use a Mixed Mode with an SA account etc... is there anyway to switch SQL 2005 to use Mixed Mode after the fact?

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: SSRS SharePoint Integrated Mode Versus Native Mode

Jul 25, 2014

We have reports in SharePoint integrated mode which are really slow when compared to native mode. I have been asked to research and give info on what exactly causes the delays.

Any articles which give me information as to what happens when a report is run from SharePoint server and where does it log.

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