How To Configure A JBOD Disk Array (PowerVault) For Performance

Feb 11, 2006

We have an application that is experiencing I/O contention,
particularly in tempdb but also in two other databases. The data is
stored on mirrored PowerVault 220's, each with 10 of 14 possible disks.
The PowerVaults are JBOD devices, not true SANs. The current config has
four separate groups of physical drives assigned to distinct logical
drives for log files, tempdb, and the two app dbs. This means, for
example, that tempdb resides on one mirrored drive. The standard advice
when faced with disk contention is to add spindles if possible. With 4
empty slots, we would presumably assign the new physical disks to the
most stressed db, e.g. tempdb.

An alternative arrangement would be to combine all the physical drives
into one logical drive, and put all the files, log and data, onto the
single logical drive. The hope for this configuration is that the
PowerVault would automagically distribute the data among the drives
such that all drives were in use, all spindles reading and writing at
maximum capacity when necessary. It is my understanding that
full-featured SANs, like NetApps and EMC models, do this. My question
is whether this configuration is best for the PowerVault, as well. Or
is this the essential difference between JBOD and a true SAN?

Has anyone tried both arrangements?

Advice is much appreciated.

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Active/passive W/o Shared Disk Array

Feb 2, 2005

can you have an active/passive without a shared disk array?

can you have an active/active without a shared disk array?

Where are the actual db files stored?


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Do I Have A Disk Performance Problem?

Aug 10, 2007

***cross-posted to MSDN SQL Server forum***

Hi All. Hopefully I posted this to the right section.

I would like help identifying if I have a disk performance issue or not. First the background: we have a j2ee application using the MS SQL 2005 JDBC driver and Hibernate on 4 application servers, and an active-passive SQL Server 2005 cluster. All of the servers reside in the same physical rack and switch.

Our application is typically bounded by CPU on the app server, or throughput from the database. Several months ago we were using SQL 2000 and would often max out the CPU on the database server before anything else, but often the database could keep up and we would max out the app servers CPU. Now we have 2005 on a much more powerful machine and more app servers, but we seem to be running up against a problem with throughput from the database.

The issue is not CPU. The total cpu average on the database server, as monitored in perfmon on 30 second intervals, stays consistently below 40%. The app servers stay well below 30%. But what concerns me is the Average Disk Queue Read Length on the database server, particularly for our E: drive. On this db server, the transaction log, the system and temp dbs, and our application's database are all on separate EMC SAN shares, connected via fibre chanel. The E drive houses the app data and is a 15-way meta device (fifteen 10GB logical devices striped at 960k for a 150GB device) in a RAID-S configuration, EMC Symmetrix array located in the same rack. The database is roughly 30GB.

I have read various articles online describing how to interpret the Average Disk Queue Read Length performance counter with regards to SQL Server. Some have said this should not exceed the number of physical spindles * 2. We are seeing values of 32 consistently, averaging over 60 during peak processing hours, and spiking to well over 100 on a scale of 1.0. (3-second sample interval).

So since our application servers seem to be waiting on their database calls (a lot of inserts with frequent, but small-resultset selects) and do not show I/O issues either with their local storage, memory, or network interface. The database server again has no CPU, network, or memory issues. I should add the the Average Disk Queue Write Length counter does not have any issues; its always below 1 (on a 1.0 scale). The EMC array has both read and write caching. The indexes of the application database are rebuilt weekly and defragmented every day, with stats rebuilt after the defrag.

So how can I further determine where my performance problem lies? All thoughts appreciated! Thanks!


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SQL Performance - Disk Queue.

Oct 25, 2007

I am running SQL server 2000 SP4 on a server with 2 Dual core 4G processors with data attached via a SAN>

I have a 70G database with 10 users that is giving attrocious performance. I have just tried to run a count(*) accross a couple of tables and am still waiting for the results 15 mins later. When I look at the disk queue it is around 50/60. I thought the target for this was around 2. I am sure that the hardware that we have in place is capable of running this db. However I`m not sure how to fully analyse what is going wrong here.

Any tips would be greatfully received.


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Do I Have A Disk Performance Problem?

Aug 9, 2007

Hi All:

I would like help identifying if I have a disk performance issue or not. First the background: we have a j2ee application using the MS SQL 2005 JDBC driver and Hibernate on 4 application servers, and an active-passive SQL Server 2005 cluster. All of the servers reside in the same physical rack and switch.

Our application is typically bounded by CPU on the app server, or throughput from the database. Several months ago we were using SQL 2000 and would often max out the CPU on the database server before anything else, but often the database could keep up. Now we have 2005 on a much more powerful machine and more app servers, but we seem to be running up against a problem with throughput from the database.

The issue is not CPU. The total cpu average, as monitored in perfmon on 30 second intervals, stays consistently below 40%. But what concerns me is the Average Disk Queue Read Length, particularly for our E: drive. On this machine, the transaction log, the system and temp dbs, and our application's database are all on separate EMC partitions, connected via fibre chanel. The E drive houses the app data and is a 15-way meta device (fifteen 10GB logical devices striped at 960k for a 150GB device) in a RAID-S configuration.

I have read various articles online describing how to interpet the Average Disk Queue Read Length performance counter with regards to SQL Server. Some have said this should not exceed the number of physical spindles * 2. We are seeing values of 32 consistently, averaging over 60 during peak processing hours, and spiking to well over 100 on a scale of 1.0. (3-second sample interval).

So since our application servers seem to be waiting on their database calls (a lot of inserts with frequent, but small-resultset selects) and do not show I/O issues either with their local storage, memory, or network interface. The database server again has no CPU, network, or memory issues. I should add the the Average Disk Queue Write Length counter does not have any issues; its always below 1 (on a 1.0 scale). The EMC Celerra array has both read and write caching. The indexes of the application database are rebuilt weekly and defragmented every day, with stats rebuilt after the defrag.

So how can I further determine where my performance problem lies? All thoughts appreciated! Thanks!


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Best Objects To Monitor In Perfmon To Judge Disk Performance

Mar 2, 2004

Have a sql 2000 db which I have no say in design, just make it run. My typical sql counters such as system queue, and buffer cache and cache hit ratio are all good. If I need to monitor disk activity (mainly how fast my data is being read, how long the user is waiting for that data for both reads and inserts), what are the best counters for this, and what value should throw up a red flag.

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SQL Server Disk Sub-system (overhaul) Performance Questions

Jul 20, 2005

I 'inherited' a group of SQL Server server class machines. They aretrue server technology but the disk sub-systems are lacking. There isone hot-swap backplane that all the drives share (with one SCSIchannel) thusly even though there are three logical drives (composedfrom 6 to 8 hard drives), they all go through one channel. This iscreating a performance issue that is noticable and can be seen invarious performance counters that Microsoft recommended one shouldmonitor in terms of disk I/O. For a cheaper 'fix', I can add aseperate two drive bay (with its own SCSI channel) with mirroreddrives. I would then mostly likely place the transaction log files onthis new channel. Or I could place the indices filegroup files onthis new channel for DBs with mainly searching going on (not muchupdating). If I went this route I would be leaning towards thetransaction log move since the second method would require me movingDBs around quite a bit. Any input on this solution (besides spendingmore money)?What I would prefer to do is get a better server class machine or addan external drive bay solution (not a SAN). I would try to get threeor four SCSI channels in the new hardware to split the differentfile/filegroups out (i.e. transaction logs files, data filegroup,indices filegroup, etc.). My only concern here is: would this moreexpensive solution be worth the money? As far as replacing servers, Ihave only two kinds of experience...replacing somewhat underpoweredservers with slightly less underpowered servers and replacing overkillservers with even more overkill servers. In both cases, the disksub-systems were fairly equivalent from the old system to the new one.Will going the three/four channel route really get data moving along?We have one server in particular that hosts a database (one of many onit) for a web application that gets decent traffic (it is a privatelogin based system for internal use and external use by our clients'agents). Periodically throughout the day, there are 2-5 minute burstswhere performance slows to a crawl. I want to spend more timeprofiling queries and such before recommending we spend more money,but the folks I am working for want quick results and there is quite abit of stored procedure logic to profile and investigate. I know thedisk sub-system is definately in need of an overhaul, but I would liketo get an idea of peformance gains from adding either one additionalchannel over the existing single channel as well as going thethree/four channel route over the existing single channel setup.Any information would be greatly appreciated.Regards,Tony

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Replication System Disk Performance Issue After 1 Month

May 14, 2007

Summary: Started replication April 1 of 4M xact / day publishing system to subscribing system.

Performance was good. Latency was ~ 5-7 seconds.

May 10 we noticed that the DB was behind (latency was 12 hours).

All performance counters seem good with the exception of the disk.

. Performance spikes are 8 minutes apart and last from 30 - 60 seconds.

. During this period, Disk % Busy (1 - Disk % Idle) is 100%

The publisher DB publishes about 50-52 xacts/sec.

Rate of distribution (distribution DB to Subscriber DB) is ~ 47 xacts / second, so latency is increasing (currently at 33 hours). Previously my Subscriber system's "capacity" was 150 xacts / sec.

I know this because several weeks ago, the network went down, we were 24 hours behind.

When the network came back up the replication subscriber system was able to catchup at around 150 xacts / sec, or 3X the production system rate.

What has changed between then and now? Not much. We did install Tivoli Service Manager (IBM's backup system) a couple of weeks ago. It seems to run fine on a nightly basis, but I don't see any periodic heavy Disk I/O from that. Just to be sure, I've had them shut the TSM services down just to be sure.

We've also eliminated all extraneous processes other than those I need for performance monitoring (there was a RTVscan, virus scan process).

I've eliminated Autogrowth's as an issue as I've bumped the growth so that they are very infrequent (several days at this point. When we resolve the problem, I'll dial this down to something more reasonable.

My disk configuration is not ideal I realize (single Raid-5 disk with 3 partitions), however, this has not changed in the 6 weeks.

Thanks for any help on this!

Jack Griffith


Subscribing System:

SQL Server: 2000, SP4 - 8.0.2039

CPU - 2.8GHZ Xeon, Quad Dual-core

Memory - 3.5GB RAM

Disk: 3 partitions on a single RAID-5 disk with 1118 GB of space:

C: 39GB System and Programs

D: 97GB Log space

E: 982 GB Data space

Replication configuration:

- nosynch, continuous Transactional Replication
- Distribution db is on Subscription system
- distribution - Publication of approx. 50 transactions / second

Subscriber DB configuration:
DB size: 64458 MB
Logging: Simple (at this point)


DB size: 3111 MB
Logging: Simple (at this point)

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Performance Problem, Lots Of Disk Activity, Running Out Of Memory

Jul 20, 2005

Fellas!!This is a very complicated one and it took me a few days to figure outexactly what's going on, but here's the final story:I have a production environment running on .NET with a SQL Server(2000, SP3). The SQL Server is on a dedicated Proliant computer with2GB RAM (the actual SQLServer.exe process has dynamic memoryassignment and can reach up to 1.6GB RAM). Nothing else is running onthat specific computer.Once the SQLServer is started, it hits 300MB RAM (the minimum that wasset in the configuration of the server - remember, it is dynamicallyaquired).Then there is a .NET program that requests just about all the data theSQL Server contains (apart from a single table that contains roughly1.6 million rows and another table that contains about 10000 rowswhich are all of type IMAGE).Once all the data is retrieved, the RAM is at about 400MB. From thereon, every update I make to the data on the server causes the RAM to goup by a bit (that updates are done in a Transaction which of course iscommitted at the end). It seems that BLOB updates are the majorproblem in all of this. For some reason, uploading a blob of size 9MBcauses the RAM to go up by roughly 20MB and after commit it gose down10MB (total gain of roughly 10MB RAM). Eventually the SQLServerprocess hits its upper limit (1.6GB) and at this point it startsslowing down.Some performance checks showed me the SQLServer has a lot of diskactivity, it seems it is reading and writing pages of data from/to theHD all the time (which causes the queries to be much much muchslower).We have a development environment running the exact same code (it isthe exact same in everything, except for the amount of data stored inthe DB). This does not happen there at all.I have a few questions:1. Why is the RAM going up after BLOB updates?2. Why is the RAM going up at all?3. How can I tell the DB which tables should remain in the RAM at alltime (never swapped back to the HD?) - DBCC PINTABLE does not seem todo the job.It does not seem to have anything to do with the .NET code.Thank you very much,M Yamo.

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Performance ? - Whether Or Not To Leverage Parallelism (cpu/disk/time Trade-offs)

May 29, 2008

Depending on the way I write a query, I come up with these 2 stats.
Is there a sure winner in this race, keeping in mind the overall health of the server?
(I'm not sure of the specs of the server, as I can't log on to it :/ but are there any sql variables that would show cpu speed and # of cpus?)

I almost am leaning towards the single cpu query because of lower resources used -
or are most of the "reads" in the parallel'd query not read directly from the HD, but using the Table Spool created internally (query plan shows it)?

CPU Reads Writes Duration
Parallel: 200k 3.2m 2400 62s
Solo: 79k 1.1m 600 79s

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Is It Possible To Move My Sql 2000 Database (in C Disk) To Another Disk (Disk) ?

Dec 28, 2006

          I am new to Sql 2000,I installed sql 2000 database in C disk,but Now I found my C disk space is smaller than before,So I want to move my databse(include data and structure)   from C Disk to D Disk(its space is very large) .
         is it possible to do it ? 
         if its can be done ,do I need to change my program source code (exp: chaneg my crystal  report connectstring ) ?
        thanks in advanced!

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RS2005: Export To Excel Error: Destination Array Was Not Long Enough. Check DestIndex And Length, And The Array's Lower Bounds.

Jan 25, 2007


I am using Reporting Services 2005. One of my reports is getting the following error when I try to export to Excel. It will export to .CSV though.

"Destination array was not long enough. Check destIndex and length, and the array's lower bounds."

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Please copy me at


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How Would I Send A String Array As A Integer Array?

Jun 25, 2007

I have a stored procedure that has a paramter that accepts a string of values. At the user interface, I use a StringBuilder to concatenate the values (2,4,34,35,etc.) I would send these value to the stored procedure. The problem is that the stored procedure doesn't allow it to be query with the parameter because the Fieldname, "Officer_UID" is an integer data type, which can't be query against parameter string type.
What would I need to do to convert it to an Integer array?
@OfficerIDs as varchar(200) 
Select Officer_UID From Officers Where Officer_UID in (@OfficerIDs)

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Calculating COUNTER Physical Disk: AVG. DISK QUEUE LENGTH

Sep 10, 2007

If I return the Average, Minimum, and Maximum values for the counter Physical Disk: Avg. Disk Queue Length, and those values are 10, 0, 87 respectively, which value do I use to compute the Avg. Disk Queue Length for a 4 disk array(RAID 10): Average, Minimum, or Maximum? The disk(lun) is on a SAN.

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Get Total Disk Size And Free Disk Space

Nov 13, 2007

-- Initialize Control Mechanism

SET@Drive = 97

-- Setup Staging Area
Drive CHAR(1),
Info VARCHAR(80)

WHILE @Drive <= 122
SET@SQL = 'EXEC XP_CMDSHELL ''fsutil volume diskfree ' + CHAR(@Drive) + ':'''


SETDrive = CHAR(@Drive)

SET@Drive = @Drive + 1

-- Show the expected output
SUM(CASE WHEN Info LIKE 'Total # of bytes : %' THEN CAST(REPLACE(SUBSTRING(Info, 32, 48), CHAR(13), '') AS BIGINT) ELSE CAST(0 AS BIGINT) END) AS TotalBytes,
SUM(CASE WHEN Info LIKE 'Total # of free bytes : %' THEN CAST(REPLACE(SUBSTRING(Info, 32, 48), CHAR(13), '') AS BIGINT) ELSE CAST(0 AS BIGINT) END) AS FreeBytes,
SUM(CASE WHEN Info LIKE 'Total # of avail free bytes : %' THEN CAST(REPLACE(SUBSTRING(Info, 32, 48), CHAR(13), '') AS BIGINT) ELSE CAST(0 AS BIGINT) END) AS AvailFreeBytes
WHEREInfo LIKE 'Total # of %'
) AS d

E 12°55'05.25"
N 56°04'39.16"

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Should The Quorum Disk Be A Physical Disk Or Majority Node Set?

Nov 15, 2006


I am trying to setup a test cluster and am having an issue. When I try to create the resource of a physical disk it takes both the drive e: and drive q: and doesn't seperate them into two physical disks as resources. This means when I try to associate the quorum disk it links the to physcial disk resource of drive e and q. Then when I try to install SQL2k5 I get the warning about installing SQL on the quorum disk. Am I missing something? Is there a way to seperate e and q onto two physical disk resources so I can specifically associate the quorum to q and the sql to e or should I be setting the quorum disk to a majority node set? Thanks in advance.


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Disk Crash Of Disk That Contains The Paging File.

Feb 20, 2001


this is my configuration :

1) 3 disks in RAID5 that hold the SQL data
2) 1 disk in RAID0 that holds the only paging file.

What will happen to the SQL data (DB) when the disk that holds the paging file crashes?

Kindest regards,

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SQL Server, Disk Arrays And Disk IO

May 7, 2004

Hi all,

Ok here goes,

I have a three tier system using SQL server 2000, we are currently experiencing IO bottle necks on our SCSI Raid 10 array, which holds the Data and the logs in separate partitions.

So my options as I understand it are:

Get Enterprise edition


Get another physical raid 10 array and separate the logs and data i.e. data on one array and logs on the other array.

I would like to try the latter but I am totally unsure how much difference this will make or whether it will make any difference at all.

Does anyone know how much performance increase I will get from using two arrays as opposed to one?

Any other advice on this scenario would be greatly appreciated.


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[Performance Discussion] To Schedule A Time For Mssql Command, Which Way Would Be Faster And Get A Better Performance?

Sep 12, 2004

1. Use mssql server agent service to take the schedule
2. Use a .NET windows service with timers to call SqlClientConnection

above, which way would be faster and get a better performance?

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Jul 17, 2007

how can i send array from to sql?

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Extremely Poor Query Performance - Identical DBs Different Performance

Jun 23, 2006

Hello Everyone,I have a very complex performance issue with our production database.Here's the scenario. We have a production webserver server and adevelopment web server. Both are running SQL Server 2000.I encounted various performance issues with the production server with aparticular query. It would take approximately 22 seconds to return 100rows, thats about 0.22 seconds per row. Note: I ran the query in singleuser mode. So I tested the query on the Development server by taking abackup (.dmp) of the database and moving it onto the dev server. I ranthe same query and found that it ran in less than a second.I took a look at the query execution plan and I found that they we'rethe exact same in both cases.Then I took a look at the various index's, and again I found nodifferences in the table indices.If both databases are identical, I'm assumeing that the issue is relatedto some external hardware issue like: disk space, memory etc. Or couldit be OS software related issues, like service packs, SQL Serverconfiguations etc.Here's what I've done to rule out some obvious hardware issues on theprod server:1. Moved all extraneous files to a secondary harddrive to free up spaceon the primary harddrive. There is 55gb's of free space on the disk.2. Applied SQL Server SP4 service packs3. Defragmented the primary harddrive4. Applied all Windows Server 2003 updatesHere is the prod servers system specs:2x Intel Xeon 2.67GHZTotal Physical Memory 2GB, Available Physical Memory 815MBWindows Server 2003 SE /w SP1Here is the dev serers system specs:2x Intel Xeon 2.80GHz2GB DDR2-SDRAMWindows Server 2003 SE /w SP1I'm not sure what else to do, the query performance is an order ofmagnitude difference and I can't explain it. To me its is a hardware oroperating system related issue.Any Ideas would help me greatly!Thanks,Brian T*** Sent via Developersdex ***

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Get Array Value From A Loop?

Jun 19, 2006

Hi, I am trying to do a loop while a list of array is assigned ('CHP,CNH,COW') ... I am using comma seperator to get each list value ... but, it donest really do what I am trying to do ... pls help!!! How do I loop through each value and do the rest ...??
 WHILE  patindex('%,' + @ABBR + ',%',  @ABBR ) > 0    BEGIN
   -- do the rest

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SQL Query In A Array

Jan 31, 2007

I want to do a query on an SQL Server 2005 db and have the results returned into aarray or collection in how do I do this? I know the basicconnection and stuff.. just not how to get the result to an array thanks!

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Array Problem

Apr 4, 2007

Hi All,
I have this code below:Dim a As Integer = 0        While a <= myArray.Length()            Conn.Open()            Dim UpdateCmd As New SqlClient.SqlCommand("Update email_addr SET category = 'Deleted' where HP = @hp", Conn)            UpdateCmd.Parameters.Add("@hp", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50).Value = myArray(a)            UpdateCmd.ExecuteNonQuery()            a = a + 1            Conn.Close()        End While
BUt, When I run it, I receive error "Prepared statement '(@hp varchar(50))Update email_addr SET category = 'Deleted' wher' expects parameter @hp, which was not supplied.  "
DOes anyone have the solution???

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Array In WHERE Clause

Aug 28, 2007

 Hello, how can I use an array in a WHERE clause? If I had an array saystring[] NamesArray = new string[] {"Tom", "***", "Harry"} How would I do this:string myquery = "SELET name, city, country FROM myTable WHERE name in NamesArray" Thanks in advance,Louis 

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DataRow Array

Jan 16, 2008

 i m pretty new to this forum and 
i m doin a project in
I have four values in my datarow array
for example
DataRow[] cmb;
cmb=dsResult.Tables[0].Select("Controls Like 'cmb%'");// Here i m getting four Rows
cmb[i]=Session["cmb'+i].ToString().Trim()//Here i m getting error;Cannot implicitly convert type 'string' to 'System.Data.DataRow'
 How to assign my session values to them.
I want to assign my value stored in the session variable to that array.Is there any way i can do it.Can i convert datarow array to string array! Please can any one help

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Parameterized Or Array With This SQL?

Jun 2, 2008

I have two CheckBoxList controls. One CheckBoxList is a group of area codes as they apply to our customers, and the second CheckBoxList is a group of categories of those customers. The code below works fine with either CheckBoxList as a standalone (this code applies to the Area Codes selection), but what I need is the VB code to combine the choices a user makes in both CheckBoxLists. Is this where parameterized SQL comes into play? Or can I/should I use an array statement to combine both CheckBoxList choices? Sometimes a user will select nothing in one CBL and a few choices in the other, or vice versa, or a handful of choices in both CBLs, so that they might want only customers in, say two area codes and then only the selected categories of those area codes.  Need help on this one, thanks...Protected Sub btn_CustomerSearchCombine_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btn_CustomerSearchCombine.Click        Dim ACSelections As Boolean = False        Dim ACItem As ListItem        For Each ACItem In cbl_CustomerSearchAREA.Items             If ACItem.Selected Then                ACSelections = True            End If        Next        If ACSelections = True Then            Dim ACSqlString As String            ACSqlString = "SELECT Customers.CustomerID, Customers.CustomerName, Customers.CategoryID, Customers.EstHours, Customers.Locality, Categories.Category FROM Customers INNER JOIN Categories ON Customers.CategoryID = Categories.CategoryID WHERE "            For Each ACItem In cbl_CustomerSearchAREA.Items                If ACItem.Selected Then                    ACSqlString &= "Customers.AreaCodeID = '" & ACItem.Value & "' OR "                End If            Next            ACSqlString = Left(ACSqlString, Len(ACSqlString) - 4)            ACSqlString &= "ORDER By Customers.CustomerName"            sql_CustomerSearchGrid.SelectCommand = ACSqlString        End IfEnd Sub 

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Result Set Into Array

Aug 22, 2004

Hi All,

How can I read a query result set (which are of type VARCHAR) into an array? i.e the result set comprises of just one column and 5 rows and i want to save these into an array to easily extract each row whenever i want to. Hope I have conveyed my idea clearly.


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SqlCommand Array Help

Feb 19, 2006

I want to do something like the following but I get an error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.       SqlConnection sqlConnection = new SqlConnection("server=xxxxx");        SqlCommand [] cmd = new SqlCommand[3];        Object returnValue;          cmd[0].CommandText = "DO QUERY";          cmd[1].CommandText = "DO QUERY";          cmd[2].CommandText = "DO QUERY";          cmd[3].CommandText = "DO QUERY";        }        sqlConnection.Open();int i = 0;while(i<4){       cmd[i].CommandType = CommandType.Text;        cmd[i].Connection = sqlConnection;        cmd[i].ExecuteNonQuery();        returnValue[i] = cmd[i].ExecuteScalar();i++}        sqlConnection.Close();How should I do the followingThanks

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Inline Sql With An Array

Sep 20, 2006

I have data which looks like below

actid labname
100 CKS

I need the data to be

actid labname
200 CKS
200 HDP
200 LAS

The ; is the seperator

For a reporting product I created a sp which created a temp table and then using my function below built. problem is the product won't allow me to create a temp table. With what I have below anyone have any creative ideas I could use. In-line sql, subquery views?

select enc_id,labcnt,order_name,date_due





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Array List In DB

Feb 14, 2005

Is it possible to have a column as array in SQL Server 2000- similar to Oracle's varray. If yes, how?


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Array In SQL Server

Jan 27, 2004

How would one implement an array in SQL Server ?

Specically, i'm parsing a field into the array, and doing operations on these elements.


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Array In A STOC??

Feb 3, 2004

Hi all,

My Issue is the next thing:
I have a table filled with contracts
I have Stoc that checks if contract has expired
If I start the Stoc I must give it the contractnumber with it like:
SP_expired 8

This works fine but now I want that the Stoc checks all the contracts by just starting the Stoc.

I don't really know how to do this, I have thinking about using an array.
But don't have an idea where to start....

Thnx in advance

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