How To Count Working Days Only Between Two Dates

Dec 16, 2013

I have the following simple SQL which counts the days difference between two date fields:

DATEDIFF(dd,central_enquiry.enquiry_time, GETDATE()) as Days_Open


How do I get it to exclude weekends?

I also have a table nonworkingdays which has a nonworking_date field where users can manually record national holidays and bank holidays etc.

Example date


How can I include this table in the calculation too?

View 16 Replies


Remove Weekends And Non Working Days When Calculating Days Difference Between Two Dates

Jan 7, 2014

I have an SQL code below which removes weekends and non working days when calculating days difference between two dates:

ce.enquiry_time represents when the enquiry was logged

(DATEDIFF(dd, ce.enquiry_time, getdate()) + 1)
-(DATEDIFF(wk, ce.enquiry_time, getdate()) * 2)
-(CASE WHEN DATENAME(dw, ce.enquiry_time) = 'Sunday' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
-(CASE WHEN DATENAME(dw, getdate()) = 'Saturday' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
-(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM nonworking_day WHERE nonworking_day.nonworking_date >= ce.enquiry_time AND nonworking_day.nonworking_date < dateadd(dd,datediff(dd,0,getdate()),1))

It works but I don't understand how it works it out. I am having issues understanding each coloured piece of code and how it works together.

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TSQL : Calculating Working Days Between Two Dates

Jul 12, 2000

Can anyone out there tell me if there's a simple way to calculate the number of week days between two dates in TSQL? Need it to calc. average turnaround times, excluding weekends. Can do it v. easily in VB, but gets a little more tricky in TSQL as there's no way to return the number of Sundays and Saturdays between the two dates. Any help much appreciated !

Jon Reade
Sql Server DBA
NEC Technologies (UK) Ltd.

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TSQL : Calculating Working Days Between Two Dates

Jul 12, 2000

Can anyone out there tell me if there's a simple way to calculate the number of week days between two dates in TSQL? Need it to calc. average turnaround times, excluding weekends. Can do it v. easily in VB, but gets a little more tricky in TSQL as there's no way to return the number of Sundays and Saturdays between the two dates. Any help much appreciated !

Jon Reade
Sql Server DBA
NEC Technologies (UK) Ltd.

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Analysis :: Count Working Days MDX

Nov 23, 2015

 I would like to count the working days of a spesific time range and then find the Average Daily Dispatches.Currently the time range is at WHERE statement. how to count the dates in a month range. I prefer not to add a new calc Member.

WITH MEMBER [Measures].[Working Days] AS
COUNT(Date.[Working Date].&[1])--Doesn't work
MEMBER [Measures].[Average Daily Dispatches] AS
[Measures].[Total Dispatches]/[Measures].[Working Days]
SELECT [Measures].[Average Daily Dispatches] ON 0
FROM [cube]

View 4 Replies View Related

Days Between Two Dates.

Aug 6, 2007

Hi all,
I have a table in which I have two fields in my DB.
FromDate and ToDate.
Both are stored as Varchar(MAX).
I would like to have an SP which gives me the Days in Between them.

View 4 Replies View Related

How To Get Dates Within Certain # Of Days

Apr 16, 2007

I have a table with a field Expiration of smalldatetime. I want to only display the data that has 60 days or more between Expiration and todays date. Any help would be highly appreciated.

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Cal Number Of Days In Between Dates

Feb 27, 2005

select a.RelocateID,a.DateEntered,a.CompanyID,b.FileClose dDate from test1 a inner join test b on
(a.RelocateID = b.RelocateID) where
CompanyID ='5710' and DateEntered >= '01/01/2004' and convert(varchar,FileClosedDate,101) < '31/12/2004'

Hi I was wondering if somebody could help me alter this query so I an calulate the difference in days in between DateEntered and FileClosedDate having the above criteria.
I can't seem to be able to get the datediff function right in this particular example

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Recalculate Days Between Two Dates

Jul 9, 2014

Have a table called Customers that has a datetime column called Submitted. I need a way to compare the Submitted field against the current date to tell if 5 days have pasted excluding weekends. In the sample data below, the record submitted on 7/2 is the record that should be returned in the query when compared to today's date 7/9.


View 5 Replies View Related

T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Retrieve Dates For Last 7 Days

Mar 26, 2014

The following query was used for retrieving dates for the last 7 days . Untill February this query was running fine and would return the last seven days date including today.

SELECT DISTINCT TOP 7 Convert(DateTime, DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, DateCreated)) AS DateCreated,
datepart(dw,DateCreated) AS WeekNum from [TechnologyRepository].[helpdsk].[WorkDetails]
WHERE DATEDIFF(DAY, Convert(DateTime, DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, DateCreated)),GETDATE()) <= 7

However from March (not sure of the exact date)..the query below would only give us 7 days until yesterday..i.e it would list dates from 3/19,3/20,3/21,3/22,3/23,3/24,3/25 and not 3/26 ..

I changed the query to <= 6 and it works as expected. But still not sure why it would not return todays date with <= 7.

SELECT DISTINCT TOP 7 Convert(DateTime, DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, DateCreated)) AS DateCreated,
datepart(dw,DateCreated) AS WeekNum from [TechnologyRepository].[helpdsk].[WorkDetails]
WHERE DATEDIFF(DAY, Convert(DateTime, DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, DateCreated)),GETDATE()) <= 6

View 5 Replies View Related

Number Of Days Between Two Dates In Same Column

Apr 17, 2007

I have a table like this (a small section of the table)

Cu_id |Tr_id |Date
1234 |1 |12/3/2006
1234 |2 |12/18/2006
1234 |3 |1/5/2007
1234 |4 |1/9/2007
1234 |5 |2/21/2007
9999 |91 | 1/3/2006
9999 |81 |1/10/2006
9999 |71 |1/18/2007
9999 |61 |2/1/2007

I have to find the number of days between the dates for the same cu_id and add the number as a new column. The new table should look like this.

Cu_id |Tr_id |Date| Days_between
1234 |1 |12/3/2006 |0
1234 |2 |12/18/2006 |15
1234 |3 |1/5/2007 |18
1234 |4 |1/9/2007 |4
1234 |5 |2/21/2007 | 43
9999 |91 |1/3/2006 |0
9999 |81 |1/10/2006 |7
9999 |71 |1/18/2007 |8
9999 |61 |2/1/2007 |14

Please let me know how I can find the number of days between two dates in the same column for the same cu_id (customer_id).


View 14 Replies View Related

Help With Dates-finding Number Of Days Per Month

Mar 28, 2000

I am trying to determine the amount of days in a month to prorate a month end estimate.
We measure service calls and need to approximate how many we will have at month end.
I would like to automate a query to post on our web and need to know how many days are in the current month.

A possible solution would be to piece together a datetime variable using getdate and dateadd then use a datepart.
However , I don't know how to create a datetime variable this way.

Thanks in advance

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Finding Number Of Business Days Between Two Dates

Nov 27, 1999

Hi and Thank you in advance
I am trying to find a away to calculate the number of business days between two dates. In other word, I do not want to count Saturday nor Sundays if those days are between the two dates.
if Date1 = 11/26/1999
Date2 = 11/30/1999

the DateDiff(dd,Date1,Date2) the result should be 2
I need to do this against a table which might not have a lot of records, but I also need to not count Holidays if they fall within the two Dates.
Thank you in advance

View 1 Replies View Related

Finding Number Of Business Days Between Two Dates

Nov 27, 1999

Hi and Thank you in advance
I am trying to find a away to calculate the number of business days between two dates. In other word, I do not want to count Saturday nor Sundays if those days are between the two dates.
if Date1 = 11/26/1999
Date2 = 11/30/1999

the DateDiff(dd,Date1,Date2) the result should be 2
I need to do this against a table which might not have a lot of records, but I also need to not count Holidays if they fall within the two Dates.
Thank you in advance

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Transact SQL :: Displaying POs With Due Dates Greater Than Three Days

Apr 24, 2015

What I want to see is how to show PO's who's due dates  are > three

Select * from mytable
where myorderstatus = 'onorder'

This is my duedate format and what I want is any that past that date over 3 days

2014-08-11 00:00:00.000

View 11 Replies View Related

SQL Server 2008 :: Selecting Days In Month Between Two Dates

May 19, 2015

I need some with selecting the number of days, in a month, between a date range. For example, my data looks like:

FileNumb | startdate | enddate
1 04/25/2015 05/02/2015
2 05/01/2015 05/10/2015

The output I am looking for would be:

FileNumb | Year | Month | Days
1 2015 4 6
1 2015 5 2
2 2015 5 10

View 9 Replies View Related

Sql To Pull Appt Dates 2 Days Greater Than Current

Feb 4, 2008

I am pulling data that shows appt information on a patient:

FName,LName, PhoneNumber, ApptDate, ApptTime, and Status that equals Active. I need to pull this info everyday. How can I set this up in a stored procedure to pull all this information automatically on a daily basis where it pulls by Appt Date that is 2 days greater than the current date?



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Transact SQL :: Total Number Of Days Between Two Dates By Year?

May 6, 2015

I am currently working on a T-Sql query(Sql server 2008) to calculate total no of days between date ranges by year


Start Date End Date
01/01/2013 04/30/2014
11/01/2014 05/31/2015
06/01/2015 12/31/2015

My expected result.

2013 - 365
2014 - 181
2015 - 365


Date range can span b/w  multiple years

Date ranges will not overlap

I just want the total number of days covered by the range for each year.

Is there any simple way to do this calculation.

View 9 Replies View Related

Count Of Days

Aug 28, 2007

I am looking to do the following:
CurrentDate - admit date /24 (round down to whole number)

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Been Working On A Query For A Few Days Now ...

Jan 23, 2008

I have the following tables

typeId PK tinyint
type varchar(30)

id PK int
typeId FK tinyint
title varchar(35)
description varchar(300)
purchaseDate smalldatetime

recordId PK int
id >> dunno if I should make this a foreign key - relates to
checkOutDate smalldatetime
dueBackDate smalldatetime
returned bit

It is actually has a relationship that is similar to a regular customers, orders set of tables.

I have a list of movies and every time a movie is checked out a record gets added to the checkedout table. So while there is 1 of each movie in the entertainment table ... the movie may be referred to in the checkedout table multiple times ...

The result set that I am trying to get, and that i've spent all day on, is - all the movies and an indication of whether they are currently available for checkout.

i have the following, which I also had help with ...

select * from entertainment
where entId not in
( select entId from checkedout
-- checks if dates conflict, assume 2 days checkout
( checkOutDate > dateadd(d,2,getdate())
or dueBackDate < getdate() )
-- checks if current booking returned and is now available
( checkOutDate < getdate()
and dueBackDate > getdate()
and returned = 'true')

though this returns a list of all the movies that are currently available for checkout. I need to be able to show all the movies that I have, so that someone knows that I have it even if its not available right now. The relationship is very similar to a customers - orders set of tables and I suppose the equivalent would be asking for a list of all the customers indicating the lastest product they bought ...

If I replace not in with exists I get the desired result but it won't work with a join so I don't know how to indicate if its available or not. Does anyone have any suggestions ... I appreciate any help you can provide ...

View 7 Replies View Related

We Are Working On This Sp For Last 4 Days Plese

May 21, 2008

executing this procedure taking time please solve it for less time any modifications


/****** Object: Stored Procedure dbo.r_routeGetCache2 Script Date: 5/21/2008 3:07:05 PM ******/
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[r_routeGetCache2]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1)
drop procedure [dbo].[r_routeGetCache2]

Upgrade Version of r_routeGetCache1 to Implement Grade
By N Mohaed
2005 - 12 - 12
CREATE procedure r_routeGetCache2
@pLongest varchar(32),
@pLongestCls int,
@pDate datetime,
@pSrcInt varchar(7),
@pSrcIntGroup varchar(64),
@pSrcIntDom varchar(64),
@routeclass int=0 ,
@pCLI varchar(32)='',
@pOperatorGroup int = 0 ,
@isgrade int=0,
@pRouteName varchar(32) = ''
declare @pc varchar(2)
declare @dd int
declare @hh int
declare @mm int

set @pc=left(@pLongest,2)
set @dd=1+(@@datefirst+datepart(dw,@pDate)-2)%7
--select @hh=(datepart(hh, @pDate)-timezone) from r_info
set @hh=(datepart(hh, @pDate)-0)
set @mm=datepart(mi, @pDate)
set nocount on

--- Azam
select top 1 @routeclass = routecls from r_interface
where [group] = @pSrcIntGroup
and state='I'

if @routeclass is null set @routeclass=0
--- End

CREATE TABLE #operator_selected (
[routecls] [int] NOT NULL ,
[oprId] [int] NOT NULL ,
[cls] [varchar] (1) NOT NULL ,
[pc] [varchar] (2) NOT NULL

--[dbo].[#operator_selected]([routecls], [oprId], [cls], [pc]) ON [PRIMARY]

insert into #operator_selected(routecls,oprid,cls,pc)
select x.routecls,x.oprid,x.cls,x.pc from
r20_route_timecls x (nolock),
r_TimeCls y with (nolock),
r_interface tit with (nolock),
r_timecode tco with (nolock),
r_daycode dco with (nolock)
where x.routecls=0
and = x.oprid and tit.state = 'I'
and y.tintid =x.oprid and y.cls=x.cls
and and and
and @dd between dco.d1 and dco.d2
and ((24+@hh+isnull(tit.prefixcls,0))%24) * 100 + @mm between tco.h1
and tco.h2-1
and x.pc=@pc

CREATE TABLE #timecls_selected (
[routecls] [int] NOT NULL ,
[oprId] [int] NOT NULL ,
[pc] [varchar] (2) NOT NULL ,
[prefixcode] [varchar] (50) NOT NULL ,
cnt int,
clsA int,
clsP int,
clsO int,
clsW int,
[cls] [varchar] (1) NOT NULL

insert into
select a.routecls, a.oprid, a.pc, max(a.prefixCode) prefixCode,
count(*) cnt,
sum(case when a.cls='A' then 1 else 0 end) clsA,
sum(case when a.cls='P' then 1 else 0 end) clsP,
sum(case when a.cls='O' then 1 else 0 end) clsO,
sum(case when a.cls='W' then 1 else 0 end) clsW, 'Z' cls
from r20_route12 a(nolock), #operator_selected b
where a.routeCls=@routeclass --b.routeCls
and a.oprId=b.oprId and a.cls=b.cls
and a.pc=b.pc
and left(@pLongest,prefixLen)=a.prefixcode
group by a.routecls, a.oprid, a.pc

update #timecls_selected
set cls = (case when (clsW>0) and (cnt = clsW) then 'W'
when (clsO>0) and (cnt = clsO) then 'O'
when (clsP>0) and (cnt = clsP) then 'P'
when (clsA>0) and (cnt = clsA) then 'A'
else 'Z' end)

update #timecls_selected
set cls = (select max(a.cls) from r20_route12 a (nolock)
where a.routecls=#timecls_selected.routecls
and a.oprid = #timecls_selected.oprId
and a.pc=#timecls_selected.pc
and a.prefixCode=#timecls_selected.prefixCode
and ((a.cls='A' and #timecls_selected.clsA<>0) or
(a.cls='P' and #timecls_selected.clsP<>0) or
(a.cls='O' and #timecls_selected.clsO<>0) or
(a.cls='W' and #timecls_selected.clsW<>0))
where cls = 'Z'

seqno int identity(10,10),
priority int,
[id] int,
isactive int,
reason int,
exception int,
exceptionCls int,
calcexception int,
ext int,
oprid int,
parentid int,
routecls int,
prefixcode varchar(50),
universe varchar(5),
domain varchar(5),

pdomain varchar(5),
[group] varchar(40),
interface varchar(40),
userinfo varchar(40),
hint varchar(100),
clsorg char(1),
cls char(1),
cost float,
flag int,
rating int,
access varchar(10),
redlist int ,quality float)

if @isgrade =0
insert into #route(isactive,reason, exception, exceptionCls, calcexception,[id],parentid,routecls,oprid,prefixcode,clsorg,cls,cost,
x.state isactive, x.reason,
isnull(x.exception,0) exception,
isnull(x.exceptionCls,0) exceptionCls,
case when (isnull(x.exception,0) = 0) then 0
when x.exception > 0 then cast((x.exception+0.5)*10 as int)
else cast((x.exception-0.5)*10 as int)
end [calcException],, x.parentId, x.routeCls, x.oprId, x.prefixCode, x.clsOrg, x.cls,
x.cost, x.priority, rating, x.flag, x.ext,x.quality
from r20_route12 x(nolock), #timecls_selected b
where x.routecls=b.routecls and x.oprid=b.oprid and x.pc=b.pc and
x.prefixcode=b.prefixcode and x.cls=b.cls
order by x.cost
insert into #route(isactive,reason, exception, exceptionCls, calcexception,[id],parentid,routecls,oprid,prefixcode,clsorg,cls,cost,
x.state isactive, x.reason,
isnull(x.exception,0) exception,
isnull(x.exceptionCls,0) exceptionCls,
case when (isnull(x.exception,0) = 0) then 0
when x.exception > 0 then cast((x.exception+0.5)*10 as int)
else cast((x.exception-0.5)*10 as int)
end [calcException],, x.parentId, x.routeCls, x.oprId, x.prefixCode, x.clsOrg, x.cls,
x.cost, x.priority, rating, x.flag, x.ext,x.quality
from r20_route12 x(nolock), #timecls_selected b
where x.routecls=b.routecls and x.oprid=b.oprid and x.pc=b.pc
and x.prefixcode=b.prefixcode and x.cls=b.cls
order by x.quality, x.cost


'r20_route12' routeset,
x.seqno priority,, x.isactive, x.reason, x.exception, x.exceptionCls, x.calcexception,
isnull(x.ext,0) ext,
x.routecls, x.prefixcode, y.universe, y.domain, y.pdomain,
y.[group], interface, y.userinfo, isnull(y.hint, '') hint, x.clsOrg, x.cls
timecls, x.cost, x.flag, x.rating,
'11111' access, 0 redlist,x.quality grade,
oprId, @pLongest routepfx, @pRouteName routename
--into #all Deleted By N Mohamed 051129
from #route x, r_interface y with (nolock) ---, r_interfaceGroup ig with (nolock)
and x.quality < 10
--and ig.tintid=x.oprId
--and ig.intgroupid=@poperatorGroup
--and ig.flag=1 and x.isactive=1
and @pLongest like x.prefixcode+'%'
order by seqno+[calcException]
--order by x.quality, seqno+[calcException], x.cost

--drop table #route
--drop table #timecls_selected
--drop table #operator_selected



View 2 Replies View Related

Working Days Only Date

Jan 29, 2015

I need to calculate a date.example it needs to be 20 working days ago compared to today so that means it needs to not include any Saturday or Sunday in between

declare @start_date datetime
declare @end_date datetime
declare @working_days int
set @working_days = 20


So I need to calculate @start_date but it needs to exclude any weekend days.@working_days is the number of working day I'm interested in.

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Power Pivot :: Calculate Number Of Business Days Between Two Dates

May 14, 2015

I am looking for a formula to calculate the number of weekdays/business days between two dates in power pivot.I do the same in SQl using  the following query

    DATEDIFF(dd, Date1, GETDATE()) - (DATEDIFF(wk, Date1, GETDATE()) * 2) -
    CASE WHEN DATEPART(dw, Date1) = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END +

I am looking for a similar query in Power Pivot.

View 2 Replies View Related

Transact SQL :: How To Get Date Difference Between 2 Dates In DAYS Excluding Weekends

Oct 14, 2015

Here I have 2 Dates. CreatedDttm & ModifiedDttm.

I want  - DATEDIFF(Day,CreatedDttm,ModifiedDttm)  and I have to exclude the Weekend days from that query result.

View 10 Replies View Related

Trying To Count The Days Between Two Datetime's

Feb 10, 2004

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to work out how to count the days between two datetimes, eg:

2004-01-01 10:02:23


2004-29-01 21:24:13

would give me 29 days (inclusive). How could I go about doing this?


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How To Selectively Count Days

Jul 30, 2014

So here is the question, on the last line, MAX(LAST T.LastDate) has a date, or it's NULL.

How can I change the statement to say, IF MAX(LAST T.LastDate) IS NULL use NULL?

TOP (100) PERCENT O.CompID, O.Comp_Name, COUNT(DISTINCT O.Comm_Unit) AS Apartments, FL.First_MI, FL.Last_MO, O.Bldg, DATEDIFF(day, FL.First_MI,
FL.Last_MO) AS days, O2.MoveoutDescription
FROM dbo.OccupancyHistory AS O RIGHT OUTER JOIN

View 7 Replies View Related

DateDiff That Only Counts Working Days

Jul 10, 2006

Hi! I'm trying to create a query to calculate the number of days between two dates, but I only want to include working days. Is there a way to do this?

View 6 Replies View Related

DateDiff: Calculating Working Days

Aug 14, 2007

I am trying to use the DateDiff function to calculate the difference between two dates in working days only... Is this possible in SSRS 2005, or can anyone suggest an alternate solution?

View 8 Replies View Related

T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Selecting Data By Date For Last Five Days AND Avoiding Weekend Dates

Apr 16, 2014

What I am trying to do: Obtain attendance percentages for schools for the last five days. The outcome would look like this:

I am using nested subqueries for each day as follows: (total enrollment-total absent/total enrollment)


The query works with the following exceptions:

My issues are:

1. Avoid the "division by zero" error. This can occur if a school is closed for a day or if a smaller school has no absences for a day.

2. Avoid weekend dates. I need the query to display only weekdays

3. Currently I am using "PERCENTAGE 5: as a column header whereas I need the actual date as the header.

View 6 Replies View Related

Need Function To Count Business Days

Apr 21, 2000

I need a function to count business days (exclude Sat, Sun) that I can call within a view. I would rather not build a "calendar table" this will be used ongoing for years into the future.

Does anyone have anything like this they could share? If there is another source you could direct me to I would appreciate that as well.


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Count Number Of Pay Days In A Month

Apr 11, 2008

I have a query that counts the number of pay checks received in a month, but I need to compare that to the number of actual paydays in a month. If we were on a set pay schedule (i.e. the 15th of each month) it would be easy. Unfortunately that's not the case. We are paid biweekly on Fridays and our last pay day was April 4th.

So I need to know how many pay periods were in a specified month. For example, April would have 2 (April 4th and 18th), May would have 3 (May 2nd, 16th, and 30th), etc.

As always, your help is very much appreciated!

View 10 Replies View Related

Calculate Total Working Hours Between Days

Nov 15, 2013

I have to calculate the total working hours between days, there hours must get automatically round off to nearest value example:

Date :12-05-2013 time : 4:15 will change to 4.00 and if Date :13-05-2013 time: 4:25 then needs to 4.30 and sum the above total hours and results Total : 8.30 hrs.

View 3 Replies View Related

Calculating Number Of Working Days In A Month

Sep 4, 2007

Hi 2 all,
I need to calculate the number of working days in a month. In clear, i need to ignore saturday.sunday and holiday in a month.

can anyone say the solution?


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