In the report I am working on, I have a "textbox39" in a table which has groups. I want to have another "textbox29" outside the table to count the number of "textbox39"s that are actually displayed and also the number of "textbox1"s that have a certain value (e.g. "1") in the final report. I tried to use "Sum(ReportItems!textbox39.Value)" but the compiler complains
Error 1 [rsAggregateReportItemInBody] The Value expression for the textbox 'textbox29' uses an aggregate function on a report item. Aggregate functions can be used only on report items contained in page headers and footers. d:perfperfreportingprojectPerformanceTestDetails v.3.rdl 0 0
Error 7 [rsReportItemReference] The Value expression for the textbox €˜textbox29€™ refers to the report item €˜textbox39€™. Report item expressions can only refer to other report items within the same grouping scope or a containing grouping scope. d:perfperfreportingprojectPerformanceTestDetails v.3.rdl 0 0
Anybody has any idea how to solve it?
Thanks so much,
hi can anyone tell me how to count number of records(rows) in a table without using "COUNT" function.for practise iam trying to implement it through queries.
The following SQL works on Access and Oracle to return the number of Groups(Rows) of the SQL. In MS-SQL this SQL is not valid. What is the equivalent in MS-SQL?
Select Count(1) FROM (Select ShipRegion, Sum(FREIGHT) as [TotalFreight] from ORDERS WHERE OrderID < 123456 GROUP BY ShipRegion )
My understanding from a previous thread was that ExecuteNonQuery() could be used to display the number of rows returned. Does this also work when calling stored procedures and passing parameters? I have code (shown) that perfectly calls and returns Distinct models downloaded by Country. Yet the rowCount variable displays a -1. What should I do?Dim myCommand As New SqlClient.SqlCommand myCommand.CommandText = "ap_Select_ModelRequests_RequestDateTime" myCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@selectDate", dateEntered) myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@selectCountry", CInt(selectCountry)) myCommand.Connection = con con.Open() Dim rowCount As Integer = myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() numberParts.Text = rowCount.ToString con.Close() Thank you.
hello, i have a stored procedure SELECT CommentID, UserName, CommentingDate FROM Comm WHERE PictureID = @PictureID ORDER BY CommentingDate DESC witch shows me the users who commented a Picture with PictureID = x I need to add two rows at that stored procedure, one to show the number of total comments at that picutre (like counting the number of rows returned) and the second to show count the DISTINCT users who commented that picture I tryied with COUNT but i have to use GROUP BY and i don't think this is good... I hope you understand... please help me, thanks
This is my SQL : Select p.patientid,p.patientname,p.patientIc,pvi.DateOfAdmission,pvi.visitid,pvi.ward,pvi.bedno,pf.status,pvi.SurgeonName,(f.Title + ' ( Ver ' + (CAST(f.Version as Char(10))) + ')') as Title FROM patient p, patientvarianceinfo pvi,patientForm pf,Form f where (p.PatientName LIKE '%" & Name & "%' or p.PatientIc LIKE '%" & ic & "%' or pvi.Ward LIKE '%" & ward & "%' or pvi.Bedno LIKE '%" & bed & "%') and (p.patientid = pvi.patientid) and (p.patientid = pf.patientid) and (pvi.patientid = pf.patientid) and (pf.FormID = f.FormID)and p.patientid in (select patientid from patientform pf)how do i get the number of rows?
I want to count number of occurrence in column c3. i.e., count 1 occurred value 9 times, count 2 occurred value 3 times, count 3 occurred value 3 times.
Hi I have a Table with Automatic ID numbers...In access I delete All records by handWhen I add new record with delphi (SQL)the number ID of record count begin with last record+1and not with 0Someone know the statement to reset that?thanx for any help
Is there a way to get the number of occurances of a word within a specific row?
I want to query a dataset and have a column act as the number of occurances of a word within that row. I also need to use Full-Text searching... Is this possible?
I have a query that counts the number of pay checks received in a month, but I need to compare that to the number of actual paydays in a month. If we were on a set pay schedule (i.e. the 15th of each month) it would be easy. Unfortunately that's not the case. We are paid biweekly on Fridays and our last pay day was April 4th.
So I need to know how many pay periods were in a specified month. For example, April would have 2 (April 4th and 18th), May would have 3 (May 2nd, 16th, and 30th), etc.
Hi, I am new to ASP and SQL. I have a sql database that has two tables. One is Employee Table and the other is Ticket Table and they are joined on EmployeeID. Employee Table: EmployeeID, FirstName, Lastname, Tickets Table: TicketID, EmployeeID, Status,Priority I need a SQL statement that will list employee with the number of tickets he has open. For Example: John Doe (10) . This list employee John Doe with 10 Tickets that have a status of Open. I have tried count(*) , Max and everything I could find on web but I can not put the two together. I can get the total number of tickets that have a status of Open, I can even do a distinct statement that will show all employee's, however I can not figure out how to retreive both at the same time for each employee. Please help.
Hi,Should be quite simple but can someone please tell me the best way tocount the number of rows in an UNION ALL statement.I tried using @@ROWCOUNT but that doesn't seem to contain the correctnumber.Also, I assume that running the query again but just returning count(*)instead of the data is horribly inefficient (plus the code is thenbloated.)?Thanks,Mark
Example table structure: Id int, PK Name varchar AddDate smalldatetime
Sample data: Id Name AddDate 1 John 01/15/2005 2 Jane 01/18/2005 . . . 101 Jack 01/10/2006 102 Mary 02/20/2006
First, I need to find the month which has the most records, I finally produced the correct results using this query but I am not convinced it's the most efficient way, can anyone offer a comment or advice here?
select top 1 count(id), datename(mm, AddDate) mth, datepart(yy, AddDate) yr from dbo.sampletable group by datename(mm, AddDate), datepart(yy, AddDate) order by count(id) desc
Also, I'm really having trouble trying to get the overall average of records per month. Can anyone suggest a query which will produce only one number as output?
who has workflows created and ordered by CreateTimestamp . i need to count the number of workflows from top to point where there is either a success or failure workflow that occurs at the latest .Â
1.ban 137108351 has success workflow and prior to that workflow it has 2 workflows (exclude success and failure) 2.ban 104917284 has success workflow as latest (it still has failure but not considered because it is occurred earlier to success ) and prior to that workflow it has 2 workflows (exclude success and failure) 3.ban 107500674 has failure workflow and prior to that workflow it has 0 workflows (exclude success and failure)
below provided code for sample data as well
GO /****** Object: Table [Temp].[deleteit] Script Date: 7/31/2015 3:04:55 PM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [Temp].[deleteit]( [ban] [nvarchar](256) NULL,
How do I count the number of positive dollar values in a query? I have various negative and positive dollar values and want to count how many positive I have then I will know how many are negative. I cannot put >0 or >0.00 in the where because it still returns everything cuz the programmer set the datatype to be money
I have a requirement to calculate the % change in the number of orders received today with the number of orders that were received 3 days back. All data is in the same table. There is a received date column.
I have two count(*) queries - one for today and one for 3 days back running separately and getting the results. Is it possible I can get the % change in orders received from 3 days back and today in one query.Also if I want to get the number of orders received today between 12:00am today and current time. How would I modify the query.