How To Creat A Database Via SQL Querry Analyzer To A Web Server

Nov 20, 2003

I am new to ASP.NET and met a problem about access a database on a Web Server ( My meaning here that I created a .sql from my localhost to test, but when to upload to my web server on the internet, an error occured: "System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: SQL Server does not exist or access denied".

Anyone here can help me to solve my problem. Waiting for your reply soon. Thanks

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Running DTS From Querry Analyzer

Sep 21, 2007

Hi,How to run a DTS from query analyzer using some t-sql commands??? Is it possible?? What is the command to run a DTS from QA???and What are the possible ways of running a DTS?? from how many types we can execute a DTS like 2 of it i know from EM directly and from the help of Schedule jobs.

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Editing In Querry Analyzer Not In EM

Nov 24, 2006


In SQL if we want to edit a row in a table then we have two ways to do the same,

1. Execute a command to Update the records in sql through querry analyzer.

2. Go to enterprise manager and then open the table and update a new row.

But can't we do the editing in the querry analyzer is there any way to do this.

That means i select all the records from my table using the following querry.

Select * from MyTable

and then performs editing in the querry analyzer without executing any update command and without using the Enterprise manager.

Can we do this????????

Bye and TC

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How To Creat A DataBase?

Dec 1, 2007

I have a DataBase name Customer
Customer have 30 Tables name table1 �table2�table 3...
I want to have a DataBase name Customer_Offile with same Table same column like Customer ( the Customer_Offlike will used to a backup  DataBase)
How to wirte a script for copy Customer?
 thank you very much

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Cannot Creat Stored Procedure On Existing Database

May 15, 2008

Hi, I already got a database and I need to add another stored procedure on it in order to call it from the SSIS package.
But when I execute the sql file to create the procedure, there is a error message popping out like:

"Cannot add rows to sys.sql_dependencies for the stored procedure because it depends on the missing table 'logit'. The stored procedure will still be created; however, it cannot be successfully executed until the table exists."

And I have tried it on another computer, there is the same error. Could you please tell me how to solve the problem. Thanks very very much.

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How We Run “SELECT� Statement (in SQL SERVER Query Analyzer) For A Table In Different Database.

Sep 11, 2006

Hi All, Please let me know how we can need to run “SELECT” statement (in SQL SERVER query analyzer) for a table in different database without going/loading DATABASE B (i.e. without running “USE B”) e.g. we are in a database “A” and we need to run “SELECT” command for a table in Database say “B” without going/loading (i.e. without running “USE B”) the Database “B” Thanks in Advance J

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Creat Server Using Sql Server 2005

Jun 5, 2006

i want to creat server using sql server 2005
and connect the server with clients (computers)
my question is :
1-must be the server computer using OS Windows Server
2-which book you advice me to read for creat server using SQL Server 2005 database
thank you

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How To Creat A First DB?

Dec 3, 2006

Hello all,

I've Installed VS2005 and MSSQL express with it. I used to work with mssql 2003 enterprise edition where it had "Enterprise Manager" from which I could create and modify my Databases.

How do I creat a new database with MSSQL express?

I've tried to do this via visual studio 2005 "server explorer". I"m entering the "Create new SQL Server Database" dialog, I select my server's name and my new database name and I recive an error message which says "An error has occurred while estabilishing a connection to the server" and it also says that

"When connecting to SQL server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the defult settings SQL sever does not allow remote connections".

How do configure my MSSQL express to allow the remote connection?

Thanks in advance!

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Creat A Table.

Jun 3, 2006

Kindly provide me the creat table querry for MS sql
its urgent.

Thank you!

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Can't Creat Subscriptions

May 11, 2006

We're new to SQL Reporting Services and have a new SQL 2005 server.

I'm having a problem activating scubscriptions.

- "New Subscription" is greyed out in Server Management Studio.

- Subscribing via the browser, even as the Content Manager, allows you to fill in the form for the subscription but then reports the following error;

"The current action cannot be completed because the user data source credentials that are required to execute this report are not stored in the report server database. (rsInvalidDataSourceCredentialSetting)"

Any suggestions?


Found the problem.

When configuring the Data Source the "Impersonate the authenticated user after a connection has been made to the data source" button should be off.


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What If I Attempt To Creat A Publication While...

Apr 29, 2007

What if I attempt to creat a (merge) publication while the production sql server is online and active?

From another point of view, is there any drawback if I try to create (merge) publication while the tables are being used by users?


Ekrem Önsoy

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Customising Creat User Wizard

Feb 23, 2008

This code was translated from c# but I keep getting this error.
 The variable name '@UserId' has already been declared. Variable names must be unique within a query batch or stored procedure
Any ideas I have tried changing the user id name but no luck. thanks
 Partial Class userInherits System.Web.UI.Page
 Protected Sub CreateUserWizard1_CreatedUser(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CreateUserWizard1.CreatedUser
Dim UserNameTextBox As TextBox
UserNameTextBox = CreateUserWizardStep2.ContentTemplateContainer.FindControl("UserName")Dim DataSource As SqlDataSource = CreateUserWizardStep2.ContentTemplateContainer.FindControl("InsertExtraInfo")
Dim user As MembershipUser = Membership.GetUser(UserNameTextBox.Text)Dim UserGUID As Object = user.ProviderUserKeyDataSource.InsertParameters.Add("UserId", UserGUID.ToString())
End Sub
End Class

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Any Available Solution Do Creat 3 Databases Correspondence?

Feb 19, 2007


we have three dabases:

1. Two localDatabases in two offices, Main Office & Branch Office, each office in a diffrent city!!

2. One remoteDatabes exist in on the internet server.

all of it are with the same exact architecture, we are planning to upload and download to & from remoteDatabase to get the same data in all of them.

any available solution to do this with SQL Server 2005 ?

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Creat Indexed View Error

May 1, 2008

I am tryung to create a indexed view..

CREATE VIEW vwLookAdmissionRecord



select episode_key as episode_key, ee.object_key, ee.encounter_begin_dt , cp.procedure from dbo.encounters e

join (

select episode_key as minepisode, min(isnull(e.object_key,e.Object_key_History) ) as object_key, min(e.encounter_begin_dt)as encounter_begin_dt

from dbo.encounters e

join dbo.CD_Procedure CP on CP.Procedure_CD = e.procedure_cd
where cp.procedure > 0

group by e.episode_key

)ee on e.object_key = ee.object_key

join dbo.cd_procedure cp on cp.procedure_cd = e.procedure_cd


ON vwLookAdmissionRecord (episode_key)

but i keep getting an error:

annot create index on view "dbo.vwLookAdmissionRecord" because it references derived table "ee" (defined by SELECT statement in FROM clause). Consider removing the reference to the derived table or not indexing the view.

How can I fix this?

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Backing Up Database Using Query Analyzer.

Mar 5, 2008

How can i take backup of a database using sql query analyzer?
plz help....

Rahul Arora
07 Batch
NCCE Israna,


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How Do I Use An ODBC Database In Query Analyzer

Jul 20, 2005

How Do I use an ODBC database in Query Analyzer? Presumably I couldthen join a table from another database to a SQL table to either pullinformation together or pass information back and forth between thetwo databases.Thanks.

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How To Create Trigger Which CREAT TABLE From A Variable String?

Feb 23, 2006

I have a Table Name "Forums". I want to ceate an AFTER-Trigger on it. It will execute when ever a new row is inserted to "Froums" Table.

Here is what I did but It needs to be corrected:


ALTER TRIGGER CreateTopicsTableTrigger

ON dbo.Forums




DECLARE @myNewForum varchar

CAST(@@ROWCOUNT as varchar) /*Is it OK???*/

SET @myNewForum=@myNewForum+@@ROWCOUNT /*Here I dont know how assigments work in SQL*/


CREATE Table @myNewForum /*Will this work some how???*/

( TopicID int IDENTITY NOT NULL, TopicTitle varchar(50) , CreatedBy varchar(50) ,

DateCreated DateTime , DateLastUpdate DateTime , LastUpdateBy varchar(50) )


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Trying To Select AdventureWorks Database Data From Query Analyzer - Need Help

Jan 30, 2006

Hi there,    I have installed Sql server 2005 developer on my machine which already has a Sql server 2000 installed on. Now i am trying to query the Sqlserver 2005 data(Ex: from Person.Address located in AdventureWorks database) in Sqlserver 2000 query analyzer:
When i try as Select * from Address it said invalid object.
But when i explored AdventureWorks database in the Management studio i see it as Person.Address!!! i don't understand what is a Person in Person.Address??? any clues on this?
So as a test when i ran select * from Person.Address it did work and i saw the results in query analyzer.
Can any one help me understand about this confusion?

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Viewing Database Via Query Analyzer And/or Enterprise Manager

Sep 20, 2004

We are running SQL 2000 SP3 on a Win2K server with multiple user databases. Our current problem is the ability of users to view the database objects via the native tools.

Example: User Bob
Bob has the following rights:
DB A – datareader/datawriter
DB B – datareader/datawriter
DB C – datareader
DB D – datareader
DB E – datareader/datawriter

The user has no builder rights or server roles.

In Enterprise Manager, the user can not see any databases. In Query Analyzer, the user can only see DB A, B, and C. Anyone seen this problem before and/or have suggestions?

Thanks in advance!

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Can I Find The Space Allocated For A Database W/ Query Analyzer Using 7.0?

May 15, 2001

My group is trying to ensure that there is a sufficient amount of cushion between the space allocated and the current size of a database. I know that I can check this using the Enterprise Manager. Is there a stored procedure or a systems table that holds this information. I know that sp_spaceused will give me the unallocated space, but i want the allocated space. Any suggestions?

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Delete Duplicate Entries From Tables In My Database Using Query Analyzer

Jun 25, 2004


How can I delete duplicate entries from tables in my database using Query Analyzer, as there are many duplicate entries in my tables, I want to delete them.

Thanks in advance,

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Query Analyzer Does Not See Enterprise Manager Database And Vise Versa

Jul 23, 2005

I am using SQL Server 2000.I have created a new database in Query Analyzer but I cannot see it inEnterprise Manager.I then created a new database in Enterprise Manager, but I can't see it inQuery Analyzer.How do I get these applications to see the databases that the other creates?Thanks,Greg

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IID_IDBDataSourceAdmin Error Trying To Create A Database Using Query Analyzer On A Mobile Device

Sep 25, 2007


Please provide some help regarding the "Interface Defining Error: IID_IDBDataSourceAdmin" error while trying to create a SDF database using Query Analyzer on a Windows CE 5.0 mobile device (Symbol MC3000).

Error: 0x80004005 E_FAIL
Native Error: 28558
Description: SQL Mobile encountered problems when creating database [,,,,]

Param. 0: 0
Param. 1: 0

Param. 2: 0
Param. 3:
Param. 4:
Param. 5:

A list of (related) installed packages:

Basically I have developed a mobile application that programmatically creates the database, the code worked on a similar device (Win CE 50), trying to run the application on a new device resulted in database creation errors. I tried creating a test database manually .. and this is what I got.

Browsing MSDN or searching on the Forum did not help.

~Zarko Gajic

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Querry Help!!!

Aug 25, 2005

Is there a way I can frame the querry for the following scenario??


Querry: Select datediff(month,item1,item2) and next for item2 and item3...


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I Need Help With A New Querry Again

Nov 12, 2007

Hello. I know, you think I'm totally clueless, and you're right. SQL is the most confusing thing for me but I must learn it.
So, I am running a query to find out the name of the person who sold the most stoves with the least color purchased. I have ran that query and it works . My problem is that I have to add to that query another column that counts the number of stoves sold, instead of having them displayed one by one. My query is as follows:

AND EMPLOYEE.Name IN (Select CAST(MAX(Name) AS CHAR(15)) 'Employee Name' FROM EMPLOYEE)

Thank you

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Sql Sub Querry

Feb 18, 2008

I have a single table and I want to check for the duplicates. On the bases of two column.
Namley HiNum, Procode.

so if there are duplicates I want to print out those records
How I can do that in a script.

I tried the following codes but I am getting an error. how I can fix it. Or this is completly wrong?

Select * from Claims Where HiNum in (Select HiNum,Procode,Count(*) as NumberOfRows

From Claims

Group by HiNumber, Procode

Having Count(*) > 1)

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Insert Querry

Mar 16, 2007

          Can anyone give me the code to insert date from textbox to database(SQL Server 2000). The date fromat in SQL is dd-mm-yyyy.

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2 Updates In The Same Querry!

Oct 29, 2007

Hi! I 'd like to update the database..I 'd like to update the same field, the first update would set all to 'No' and the second update woyuld set specific records to 'Yes':
1)  "Update tblDept SET IsTop ='No'
2) "Update tblDept  SET IsTop = 'Yes'  WHERE id = 200 "

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How To Build My SQL Querry.

Nov 12, 2003

I know this querry:


will give the top 10 rows.

But how can I build a querry that can get the rows from 40-50 (ie).

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Need Help To Build Querry

Jan 21, 2005

I have two tables linked with the colunm name systemId and I need to get all the systems responding to the condition ( & 0000000001) = 1 and if they have any contacts I would like to see them.
Here is what I have for the moment however my querry do not return the system info if no contact exist and that is wrong.

select customers.customerId,customers.systemId,
from customers,contacts
where ( & 0000000001) = 1
and customers.SystemId = contacts.SystemId
order by customerid



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Querry Question

Aug 29, 2005

I have created a small querry and for some reason my container (datalist) is not reconizing the company name This is also the first time that i have created a querry with two select statements in the sproc.... Does it make a difference if there is two select statements in a querry?? When populating a datalist?Not sure if i need to seperate the two statements some kind of way..
Is this ok to use with datalist? Erik.. ALTER PROCEDURE Get_Information_For_Datalist_Global_ @IDProduct AS INT, @IDCompany  AS INT AS SELECT  Product.ProductName,                              Product.ProductID,Product.ProductImage,                                   Product.ProductDescription, SprocsTable.*                              FROM              Product                         INNER JOIN                           SprocsTable ON Product.ProductID = SprocsTable.ProductID                        WHERE Product.ProductID = @IDProduct SELECT   Company.CompanyID, Company.CompanyName FROM COMPANY WHERE COMPANY.COMPANYID = @IDCompany

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Get Time Of Querry??

Dec 7, 2006

is there a way to get the time that it takes a querry to run like down to the millsecond

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Search Querry

Jan 26, 2008

i want to have a text box and command button. i will be entering the clients id in the text box and press the command button to search the clients record. this will be search query. i have done that previously in vb6. but dont know what query to write in vb08. Any help. thks.

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