How To Create Merge Replication With Latest Update Always From Subscribers

May 13, 2006

Hi ,

I am trying to create Replication Topology (Merge Replication) like below.

Subscriber1 --> Publisher <-- Subscriber2.

I have created both subscribers with Subscription Type as Server with Priority as 75. I am updating the Column A of Row_10 in Subscriber1 on time say 11 am. After i am running the Starting synchronizing agent from Subscriber1. The value propagated to Publisher now publisher contains the latest value in Column A. Uptonow the Subscriber2 is not synchronized with Publisher.

Now in Subscriber2 also Column A of Row_10 is updated say at 11.10 am. Actually now Publisher contains the value from Subscriber1 for that Column and in Subscriber2 we have the same column updated.

Now i am running the Synchronization in Subscriber2, i am getting the result which is not expected. Here Publisher's value is propagated to Subscriber2. But as per real scenario Subscriber2 has the Latest value which is updated on 11.10 AM.

I don't know what am i missing here. Actually merge replication should see the time stamp and it has to decide winner. But here it always considers publisher as a winner and puts the data to Subscriber.

Can anyone help ?

Thanks in advance

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Merge Replication With Anonymous Subscribers And Identity Columns

Dec 21, 2005


I read the BOL on how the publisher will had out identity ranges to subscribers, but it was not clear if this was also the case for anonymous subscribers. Will merge replication with identity columns work with anonymous subscribers that sync via HTTPS?

Darrell Young

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Optimising Merge Replication For Both Server And Client Subscribers

Jan 4, 2007

I need to merge replicate data to two different types of subscribers:

Clients subscribers which will have a very small percentage of the data from the central database. The data on these machines will be managed using dynamic filtering on host_name()
Server subscribers which will manage a copy of all the data from the central database
There will be far fewer server subscribers than client subscribers.

As I see it I have two options for the configuration
1) Use two separate merge publications €“ one which is filtered and one which isn€™t
2) Use a single merge publication and setup the filtering so that the server subscribers receive all the rows

Which option is likely to lead to better performance?

With option 1) there would be 2 complete sets of replication metadata which need to be maintained €“ so I am tending towards option 2. Are there any disadvantages in using a dynamic filter to return a very large number of rows?

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Is 2005 Merge Replication Reliable For Compact Edition Subscribers On WinXP Tablets Over VPN?

Oct 24, 2007

I posted a more detailed technical question a couple of weeks ago
with Subject = "Compact Edition 2005 Subscribers - Merge Agent failed after detecting that retention-based cleanup has deleted metadata"
But I got no replies.

Now my question is simpler: Is SQL Server 2005 Merge Replication reliable with Compact Edition subscribers on WindowsXP tablets?

We deleted all users' local databases a couple of weeks ago, and republished two publications with retention = 60 days.
Now we have at least one user who can't sync with the server, and replication monitor shows the error below.
But if she e-mails her sdf file to a support person, they can successfully sync her database.
We're sure that it's not a permissions issue, which is a normal suspicion when one user can perform a task that another can not.
It doesn't seem like a retention problem, because she's well inside the retention period.
She can successfully sync with the publication with upload/download tablers, but not with the publication with download only tables. Both publications were created on the same day, by the same DBA, with nearly identical properties.

This problem user has operated in the past with no problem, and she's configured identically to all of the others. It just seems like random flakyness with merge replication for Compact Edition subscribers.

I feel stupid saying that, because it sounds like I believe in a magical ghost in the machine. So my question is - IS MERGE REPLICATION A LITTLE BIT FLAKY FOR COMPACT EDITION SUBSCRIBERS ON XP MACHINES?

We've applied SP2 to the server, but no subsequent HotFixes.

We're trying to sell users and management on developing a larger occasionally connected system with the same replication scheme, so we need to know if it deserves our confidence.

Error messages:

The Merge Agent failed after detecting that retention-based metadata cleanup has deleted metadata at the Publisher for changes not yet sent to the Subscriber. You must reinitialize the subscription (without upload). (Source: MSSQL_REPL, Error number: MSSQL_REPL-2147199402)
Get help: http://help/MSSQL_REPL-2147199402

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Merge Subscribers Pull Twice The Amount Of Rows

May 26, 2007

We are running merge replication, SQL Server 2005 Enterprise with SQL Mobile 2005 (Windows Mobile 5) subscribers. Partitions are filtered on HOST_ID.

Ocassionally we experience a situation where a subscriber experiences an unusually long synchronization duration, and upon examining Replication Monitor, it appears that twice the number of rows, or X the number of rows (up to 7 times the number of rows) that should have been inserted are recorded as synchronized for the session: once the normal amount as inserts and once the normal amount as updates. This occurs for all tables in the subscription. This occurs on a first time synchronization to an empty subscriber database where there should be only inserts taking place.

I have examined the snapshot partition folders for these users on the file system and they appear to be identical in size and content as other subscribers. Checking the last partition snapshot job run and other characteristics for the the subscriber in question, everything appears to be the same as other subscribers functioning normally.

The HOST_ID for us is an employee ID used to filter employee specific data. I have seen this happen if the subscriber changes the value for the HOST_ID used in filtering, after the mobile database has already been populated (2 employees attempt to use the same mobile device and database). But, we have seen this happen recently where the HOST_ID was apparantly never changed midstream.

This just started happening recently. The only modification around the same time frame was the implementation of a custom business logic handler/custom conflict resolver that performs like "Latest Wins" but has logic added to update the a last-update datetime column for selected transaction tables at time of synchronization, so that an SSIS job can detect the changed rows for copying incremental database changes to another application database. This all seems to be working perfectly.

Any ideas?



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Merge Replication &&amp; Update On Keys

Feb 21, 2006

Hi, I'am using several SQL 2000 servers with different working merge-replications. Actually I wrote a .NET assembly which makes updates to key values in one of the replicated tables:

update ReplTable set key = -key where key between (1 and 100)

update ReplTable set key = NewKey where key = ....
end of loop

Intention is to resort the datarows. So I made two updates to every keyvalue in a very short time. At the ConflictViewer I got messages like:

"The row was inserted at 'ServerX' but could not be inserted at 'ServerY'. Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_xxxx. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'ReplTable'. "

The replication did only deliver one (the last) update - this makes the violation. Is there a possibility to make the mergeagent known that I wanted to deliver every transaction? Is there a parameter in the agents profile?

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Update Query Is Slow With Merge Replication?

Dec 4, 2014

I have a database with enabling merge replication.

Then the problem is update query is taking more time.

But when I disable the merge triggers then it'll update quickly.

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SQL 2012 :: Update Query Is Slow With Merge Replication?

Dec 3, 2014

I have a database with enabling merge replication.

Then the problem is update query is taking more time.But when I disable the merge triggers then it'll update quickly.

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Merge Replication – Bug In Business Logic Update Handler

Nov 17, 2006

I have got a business logic update conflict handler working, but I have had to work round what appears to be a bug.

Please can someone confirm if this is indeed a bug €“ and if it is a known bug?

My conflict handler needs to take some columns from the publisher row and some from the subscriber row in the event of conflict.

I can quite happily generate a custom dataset which contains the winning row that I want €“ I can see that because I can step through the conflict handler with debug when a conflict occurs.

However, just returning ActionOnUpdateConflict.AcceptCustomConflictData from the UpdateConflictsHandler method does not set the publisher and subscriber columns correctly. I end up with different values on the two databases.

I have found that the only way to get the correct rows on both publisher and subscriber is to create a new ADO connection to the publisher and actually perform an update €“ updating all the modified columns. This now works reliably in my testing.

Fortunately, due to business rules the frequency of update conflicts are likely to be very infrequent, but I would very much like to avoid having to do the €˜unnecessary€™ update.


I am using column level tracking €“ but I have seen the problem with row level tracking too
I have mainly been using SP1 but have repeated the test on a configuration using the SP2 CTP €“ and the problem occurs there too
The problem is not due to complex logic in my code. If the method just sets customDataSet = publisherDataSet.Copy and then returns ActionOnUpdateConflict.AcceptCustomConflictData, the changed and winning publisher values are not sent to the subscriber

Any thoughts would be much appreciated

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Does The Actual Update Statement Of A Table Affect Merge Replication?

Dec 8, 2006

Suppose your using Merge Replication.

2 Users in 2 locations issue updates to the same table. 1 updating 1 column and the other updating another column. Now in reality the actual Stored Procedure issuing the update statement is passed in all the possible columns that could change and builds an update statement that updates all columns even the ones that havent changed.

Will this break Merge Replications conflict tracking? Or does SQL Server 2005 Merge Replication pickup that in reality the 2 updates only in reality changed the values in 2 columns.

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Replication :: One Publisher 2 Subscribers

Nov 9, 2015

Is it possible to replicate data from one publishers to a multiple subscribers in transaction replication? In other words I have Server A, Server B, Server C with databases A,B,C respectively. I need to replicate 10 articles from A to B but only 1 from A to C. In other words I want to use the same publisher but select one article from that publisher instead of all 10 to Server C/database C.

If it is possible what will be the drawbacks of such implementation? Will performance be a hit?

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No. Of Subscribers In Transactional Replication...

Jan 25, 2007


I am Using Transactional Replication with Updatable Subscriptions. Is there any limitations in the number of subscribers (Servers) used for this type of replication?

I have a scenario of configuring this replication in 60 Subscribers(Servers). And the replication should be in the Continuous running mode. Will Transactional Replication with Updatable Subscriptions work in this scenario??? Or is it meant to work for less than 10 subscribers?

Please reply asap.

Thanks in advance.



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Problem : Extreme Activity - Slow Merge Replication - From A Schema Update

Jul 4, 2007

Hi there,

We have a big problem here with merge replication, specifically whenever a schema change occurs. We are replicating schema changes, and triggers/stored procedures. The example is that we changed about 150 stored procedures and about 30 triggers. This is then replicated to the subscriber database (which is also a merge publisher for further remote systems that were offline at the time) over a 10Mb link - hardly low bandwidth. However, the replication process takes about an hour and a half - considering the SQL on the primary server took less than a minute to run this is a big suprise.

We've run a trace to see if we can identitfy what is going on. There seems to be a great number of calls to sp_MSunmarkschemaobject - we are still waiting for a trace to complete to fully analyse this however it looks like it calls this repeatedly for every stored procedure in the database. We are currently re-testing to one of the remote servers with the merge agent set to the slow profile (not much hope that this will alter the poor performance).

This task looks to be excessive - and certainly does not seem to function in a sensible manner. Has anyone else had similar issues or have any suggestions. This is very infuriating as it means that the servers are effectively offline for a minimum of and hour and a half (in fact the remoter servers take over 4 hours !).


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Transactional Replication With Updateable Subscribers

Nov 28, 2005


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Replication: EM-Could Not Retrieve The List Of Registered Subscribers

Jan 8, 2004

When I try to open the subscribers tab in the publisher and distributor properties in SQL Enterprise Manager I get the following error:

SQL Enterprise Manager could not retrieve the list of registered subscribers.
Error 8152: String or binary data will be truncated

Anyone who has experienced similar problems or has a solution?

Best Regards

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Maximum Number Of Subscribers And Transacational Replication.

Sep 21, 2006


Is there a limit on the number of subscribers for Transactional replication?. My question is how many maximum number of subscribers can we have in transactional replication?. How do I retrieve this information throug T-SQL (any DMVs or system tables?). Please let me know.

I am looking to know for both SQL 2005 as well as SQL 2000 and also if anyone can tell me if anything has changed in SQL 2005 for transactional replication that would be great.

Can anyone please let me know?.

Thank you


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SQL 2005 Replication Performance: More Than 3000 Subscribers

Jun 7, 2007

Hi All,

We are developing a system which will have to support more than 3000
subscribers. We will have to support both Transactional replication
and Merge replication.

I checked the following document about SQL 2005 replication <http://>. The
document does not clearly specify what is the maximum number of
subscribers supported without a significant performance degradation.

The questions i have are:
1. Given the fact that there will be more than 3000 subscribers, there
will be more than 500-1000 subscribers trying to replicate at the same
time. Will be there be a performance degradtion in such a scenario

2. Has anyone used SQL Server 2005 in a scenario involving more than
3000 subscribers?

3. Will it be better if we develop our own system to perform
replication activity instead of relying on SQL Server 2005?

- Ngm

Mail me atnarasimha (DOT) gm (AT) gmail (DOT) com )

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How Can I Push DDL Changes Down To The Subscribers Like A 'drop' Or 'create' Index

Oct 2, 2007

I need a way to push create index statements drop to the subscribers. If I can use replication to distribute index creation that would be great. We don't allow our clients to make any schema changes directly. We are using transaction and merge replication.

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Replication :: Replicate DDL Setting Is Not Working If Multiple Subscribers Are Used

Oct 22, 2015

Replicate ddl setting is not working if multiple subscribers are used...

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Transactional Replication - Updatable Subscribers - Image Data Type- Sql Server 2000

Aug 21, 2007

Sql Server 2000

I am looking for bidirectional transactional replication using updatable subscribers (queued or immediate) . Is it possible to replicate the image data from the updatable subscribers to the publisher. I understood that the Image data can't be replicated to the publisher from the updatable subscriber. I am not using the WRITETEXT or UPDATETEXT. I am using just INSERT and UPDATE for image data type transactions.

Any thoughts on this is greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance

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Get Latest Update In A Table

Oct 4, 1998

I think you experts must know how to do this.. I just can`t find in any book a good example or related information....

1) I have a time-logged table like this

Product Status Datetime Where
A Received 1/1/90 23:00 Chicago
A Sold 1/7/90 08:30 New York
A Returned 1/8/90 04:30 Paris
B Bought 1/12/91 06:39 Dallas
B Received 1/13/91 04:30 Chicago
B Returned 1/14/91 14:23 Chicago
C SendOut 1/15/91 07:45 Chicago
D Bought 1/25/92 06:30 London

All A`s are the same unique product as B and C are too, above is thus a history log of each product item. The records are not updated, just insertions only. (a DELETE on some record in time is likely, but no UPDATES...) I use the history log for several analisys purposes

2) Now, I want by one single SQL query get ONLY latest status of all products,
Like this (No I do not want to keep a separate "status" table each time I insert to the above table)

Product Status Datetime Where
A Returned 1/8/90 04:30 Paris
B Returned 1/14/91 14:23 Chicago
C SendOut 1/15/91 07:45 Chicago
D Bought 1/25/92 06:30 London

how to do such QUERY. It tried many things without exactly what I need.
I am not a good SQL programmer as U may know now..
the QUERY also should run on MS-ACCESS MDB

3) Replication
The history table is updated by each location and SQL server must keep all table in same condition using replication. Anybody has a suggestion how to setup replication in SQL server for this. It means each insertion into the log is send to each individual site. Can I publish to the same table from each site to each site , so that each change in the log gets reflected in the other site`s history table ?

Thanks a lot !

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Create A View To Get Latest Status For Each Application

Apr 24, 2007

I would like some help creating a view that will display the latest status for each application. The lastest status should be based on CreateDt. 
For example:
Table Structure:
Application: ApplicationID, Name, Address, City, State, Zip, etc..
ApplicationAction: ApplicationActionID, ApplicationID, Status (Ex:new, reviewed, approved, closed), CreateDt 
View should display:
ApplicantID, ApplicantActionID, Status, CreateDt  
ApplicantID=4, Name=Bob Smith, etc....
ApplicantActionID=1,  ApplicantID=4, Status=New,  CreatDt=1/3/20071:00
ApplicantActionID=2,  ApplicantID=4, Status=Reviewed,  CreatDt=1/3/2007 2:00
ApplicantActionID=3,  ApplicantID=4, Status=Approved,  CreatDt=1/4/2007 1:00
 .... etc....
View should return:
Applicant=4, ApplicantActionID=3, Status=Approved,  CreatDt=1/4/2007 1:00

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How To Know Latest Update Date Of Each Stored Procedure ?

Aug 3, 2006

on SQL Server 2000
They show only Create date
but I need know update date
because I install my system on customer's site and solve problem on customer site
and I can't bring all stored procedure back to my office and restore all stored
because of my database have two projects.
Please Help me.....

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Transact SQL :: Create A Report Which Would Give Latest Transaction On Database

Jul 17, 2015

I'm trying to create a report which would give the latest transaction on a database, which all sit on different servers. I wanted to know if there is an a simple way tracking the latest transactions instead of getting the information from the database tables.

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Replication :: Difference Between Snapshot And Transaction And Merge Replication?

May 26, 2015

What is the main difference between snapshot and transactional and merge replication?

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Create Output Which Just Reflects Latest Conditions When Joining Back To Contract

Oct 10, 2013

col 1 is the pk for this table called Conditions - this table is related to contract.

Col 1 - PKContract TypeType ID
973300 711917 C30
973301 711917 C32
973302 711917 C31
1152323 711917 C30
1152324 711917 C31
1152325 711917 C32

A contract can many conditions so 1:M...Col 2 is the contract reference and the linking join to contract

Now - a condition related to an contract can have many re-trys and the causes the pk to increment. As you can see there are three conditions related to first attempt and then another three conditions.I want to create an ouput which just reflects the latest conditions when joining back to contract - Is this possible?I have requested to application providers to provide flag, but this will take some time...

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How Do We Add A New Column To A Merge Replication Article, But Specify It As Not For Replication?

Aug 30, 2007

Hi all,

I know that adding a column using ALTER TABLE to add a column automatically allows SQLSERVER 2005 to replicate the schema changes to the subscribers, however, I would like to add a new column to an existing article that is being used for merge replication, however, I don't want this column to be replicated. Re-initialising the subscriptions is not a option. Help would be appreciated.

I am using SQLSERVER 2005 (SP1).

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Seperate Date And Time Merge; Done At SQL Update Or C# .NET Then Update

Feb 18, 2006

I do realize that his could be posted in a few spots but I think the answer is in the SQL.
I have a ASP.NET page, with a SqlDataSource, Text Box and Calendar Controls. I have the textbox and calendar controls eval'ed to the same sql data source DateTime Field. The text box is formatted eval to small time and the calendars eval has no formatting.
<asp:TextBox ID="START_TIME" Text='<%# Eval("EVENT_START","{0:t}") %>' runat=server Width=200></asp:TextBox>
I want to merge the two controls; one has the date the other has the time when I update the pages data to the SqlDataSource field EVENT_START. I've tried a couple of methods, but I would like some other opinions. As Sql server only supports date and time together I am storing the two together.
I could merge the two together in the code behind on the update button's event handler or merge the two during the update query using parameters.
Not that I could get an illegal date for the calendar control, but I could get garbage from the textfield time. So I still would have to do validation on the text field before the SQL server could do the update.
There's a few ways to go about this, so I was wondering if anyone else has figured out an elegant way to handle it.

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Setup And Upgrade :: 2008 R2 / Applying Latest Service Pack And Cumulative Update?

Jun 1, 2015

I have a question about Service Packs and Cumulative Updates for SQL 2008 R2.

Do you need to apply them in the order that they are released? Or can you just apply the latest Service Pack and Cumulative Update?

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Merge Replication Set Off Transactional Replication

Oct 9, 2007

I am working on bringing our disaster recovery site to be a live site. Currently we replicate to one of out servers (server B) with merge replication (from server A). Server A also does one way transactional replication form some table to several other servers including servers at the DR site.

This setup is not going to be fast enough for what we need so I am wondering if a table is receiving merge replication will the merge updates also replicate down the transaction path??

Server B update a row and merges to Server A. With this update them replicate (via transactional) to Server C??


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Replication Issues After A Database Restore - Unable To Drop Or Create Transactional Replication

Sep 13, 2007

Hi,I have transactional replication set up on on of our MS SQL 2000 (SP4)Std Edition database serverBecause of an unfortunate scenario, I had to restore one of thepublication databases. I scripted the replication module and droppedthe publication first. Then did a full restore.When I try to set up the replication thru the script, it created thepublication with the following error messageServer: Msg 2714, Level 16, State 5, Procedure SYNC_FCR ToGPRPTS_GL00100, Line 1There is already an object named 'SYNC_FCR To GPRPTS_GL00100' in thedatabase.It seems the previous replication has set up these system viewsSYNC_FCR To GPRPTS_GL00100. And I have tried dropping the replicationmodule again to see if it drops the views but it didn't.The replication fails with some wired error & complains about thisviews when I try to run the synch..I even tried running the sp_removedbreplication to drop thereplication module, but the views do not seem to disappear.My question is how do I remove these system views or how do I make thereplication work without using these views or create new views.. Whyis this creating those system views in the first place?I would appreciate if anyone can help me fix this issue. Please feelfree to let me know if any additional information or scripts needed.Thanks in advance..Regards,Aravin Rajendra.

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One Way Merge Replication

Feb 14, 2002

Hi everbody,
I setup the Merge Replication , it is working perfectly. But i have one problem now it is updating both ways. I nedd one way. Any body tell me which parameter i have to change.

Thanks in advance

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Merge Replication

Aug 12, 2002


My production box is running on NT4.0,SP6, SQL Server7.0,SP2. We implemented Merge replication. Working fine last 7 months. Last weekend i disabled replication, Successfully removed Distributor and Publishor. After that try add new fileds but won't allowed me. It's give the error message. I Also found Some Conflict_tables found almost 20 tables. All system Tables. Can delete these these tables, if i delete any problem my database.
I added filelds many times but this time i got errors.

Please help me anybody.

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