How To Create A Veiw For Inheritance Table

Dec 12, 2007

i have two table. i want to create a veiw for display data which in both table(parent class table and a child class)
how can i do?

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Table Inheritance In SQL

Apr 11, 2008

First of all I apologise if this is a dumb question. I am from a object-orientated background and am trying to convert a legacy application to have an SQL backend. My SQL knowledge is fairly basic...

I have an application where I am trying to maintain a list of recipies that are composed of base ingredients.
No problem so far two tables Ingredients and a Recipie table coupled with another table Element which maintains the many-to-many relationship.



ID (PK) <-- maybe not necessary
RecipieFK <-- the recipie this element belongs to
Amount <-- the amount of the ingredient used (e.g. 200g)
IngredientFK <-- the ingredient that makes up this element

My problem comes because Recipies can also form part of other recipies, for example the White Sauce is composed of
Milk (ingrediant)
Flour (ingrediant)
Butter (ingrediant)

However a lasagne is composed of
Minced Beef (ingrediant)
Tomatoes (ingrediant)
Lasagne Pasta (ingrediant)
Onions (ingrediant)
Basil (ingrediant)
White Sauce (recipie)

In a OO environment this is simple, I have a base class Ingredient and a Recipie class derives from Ingredient. Each Recipie contains a list of Ingredients that make up the dish. As Recipie derives from Ingredient that list of ingredients can include other recipies.

The best SQL I've come up with so far is changing the Element table to be
ID (PK) <-- maybe not necessary
RecipieFK <-- the recipie this element belongs to
Amount <-- the amount of the ingredient used (e.g. 200g)
IngredientFK <-- an ingredient that makes up this element (can be NULL)
ComplexIngredientFK <-- a recipie that makes up this element (can be NULL)

And to insist that one of IngredientFK or ComplexIngredientFK must be NULL and the other cannot be. This bothers me because it doesn't feel right. There's redundancy built into this design, you'd have to use tiggers to wipe one FK if the other was specified and it is crying out for a more elegant solution, but so far I have drawn a blank.

Can anyone suggest a more appropriate schema!
Thanks in advance

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Table Inheritance

Mar 7, 2006

Hi, I am running SQL SERVER 2005 Enterprise Edition under Windows 2003 server. I would like to use table hierarchies (inheritance) in SQL 2k5 just as we do it in informix,PosgresSQL and other databases. Can we do the same in SQL 2k5 also? If yes, then  how?


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Table Inheritance In SQL ?

Sep 3, 2006

Is there a table inheritance in SQL ?

I need to make two tables which are identical :

1. Recharcheable battery

2. Primery Battery

Is there a way to make a 'Battery' Table and create the 1 and 2 tables with inheritance in a way that when i change a field from smallint to int in the Battery Table , The same fields in the 1 and 2 tables will be replaced too?

(I work with SQL Server 2005)


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Updating Veiw - Problem

Jun 18, 2002


Can anyone give solution for following error?
Acutally i am trying to update a view(which was created actully from two tables with union all and check constraints)..whenever i try to update it is giving following error?
Thanks in advance
Server: Msg 4416, Level 16, State 5, Line 1
UNION ALL view '%' is not updatable because the definition contains a disallowed construct.

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Grid Veiw , Latest On Top

Nov 23, 2007

Good day all
I have a grid veiw of my data base on a windows form . As the data grows , the more I have to scroll down to add new data in a row . Does anyone know if there is an option or propertie I can set so as the latest data row is on top?

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Type Inheritance

Nov 27, 2004

Hi is it possible to implement type inheritance in SQL server? and is it also possible to define user defined types's operators/functions in a level lower than SQL?

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Inheritance Advice In A Database...

Jul 20, 2005

hi folks,i'm puzzled over this one, anyone with some solid db experience might beable to enlighten me here.i'm modelling a file system in a database as follows, and i can't figure outto cleanly implement an inheritance mechanism.i have a hierarchy of folders in an sql table. every folder has aparentFolderID, if this value is 0 then it means it's a root folder.then, in a 'files' table, every file has a parentFolderID to give it alocation in the structure. fairly basic.the hard part is that each file record has an attribute 'STYLE' that can beexplicitly specified, or inherited from it's parent folder, or it's parentsparent folder, or.. all the way back to the root.the 2 ways i've come up with representing it are:1) if the style is being inherited, enter a null value in the STYLE field.then to figure out what style applies to a file or folder, i trace backthrough it's parentFolderID records until i find a style attribute that isnot null.the good thing about this is that if i change the style that is applied tothe entire filesystem, it only takes one update.the bad thing is when i want to figure out what style applies to a file, ihave to traverse back through possibly several records to locate the folderthat actually specifies the style being inherited by the file.2) explicitly state all style values in each record.this is good for accessing the style of a file or folder because you get itstraight out first time from the db.the bad thing is if i update the entire file system, i might have severalhundred / thousand update sql statements to execute to update all the valuesin every folder and every file. nasty!thanks for any help, i'm really stumped with this and i'm thinking theremust be a more elegant way to implement inheritance.thankstim

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Report Model Inheritance

Aug 3, 2007

The Adventure Works Model comes with 'Sales Person' entity inheriting 'Employees'. The Binding dropdown in the inheritance property for 'Sales Person' provides a 'FK_SalesPerson_Employee_SalesPersonID' choice.
The Refining a Report Model in Model Designer Tutorial Lesson 10: Inheriting Properties from Other Entities, walks you through the process of setting this inheritance, but the Binding dropdown, after you set InheritsFrom to Employee, provides only the (None) choice. Anyone know why?

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Does SQL Server 2000 Implements Inheritance

Jul 14, 2006

Hey ,
I would like to kow how to implemented inherintance in SQL 2000.
I Have create one Employee super class and want Inherit it's attribute to subclass supervisor and Safety_officer.
Please help me
Thank tou.
Looking forward for your kind Help


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Implementing Inheritance For Hierarchical Data

Oct 12, 2007

in my application, the data is in hierarchical format. there is a tree with set of nodes having parent child relationships. this data can be stored either through adjacency or nested set model approach. this is fine. but the issue here is that each child node inherits the properties of its parent node, parent's parent node and so on until the root node. lets say root node has two attributes A1 and A2 and they are stored in two columns in a table. but its child nodes inherits this data from its parent and it has its own extra attributes. so should I copy parent's data for the child node as two additional columns? the problem is that there are around 15 levels in the tree and the attribute list grows from top to bottom in the tree. lets say I need to find all the attributes for a leaf node in the tree (both direct and inherited), if I am not storing the inherited attributes for each node, then I need to walk-up the tree and find all the inherited attributes. there are around 30K nodes and each node has around ten attributes. xml is not option because of large volumes of data and auditing and reporting on individual nodes. what is the best way to store this type of data? my current approach is to have an attribute table having nodeid as a foreign key and only store the direct and NOT the inherited attributes of the node in the table, but this means to find all the attributes for the node, I need to gather the attributes of all the parents until the root node. I can't see any easy way out for this.

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Inheritance Of Security Role In Folder Structure Of Reports

May 16, 2007

I have a folder structure of reports like this

Now, suppose I have created this folder, A first and user, say A_User is given permission to view this folder. I am expecting this user to browse from 'Home' to A folder but as you know to browse folder 'Home' he must also be added to 'Home' folder . So I add him to 'Home' now.

The problem comes when I add new folder B, for user B_User. The moment I add this folder A_User is also added to folder B because of the inheritance of users to child folders.
So user A is able to see both A and B folder....and thats my problem, he is supposed to only A folder and not B

Is there any way to disable this inheritance feature ??
I tried deleting A_User from B with a script using "InheritParentSecurity" method of ReportingService but it says that it can not delete inherited users.

How can I fix the problem ? without need to manually delete users from folders ??/



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Create Table From Text File, Extract Data, Create New Table From Extracted Data....

May 3, 2004

Hello all,

Please help....

I have a text file which needs to be created into a table (let's call it DataFile table). For now I'm just doing the manual DTS to import the txt into SQL server to create the table, which works. But here's my problem....

I need to extract data from DataFile table, here's my query:

select * from dbo.DataFile
where DF_SC_Case_Nbr not like '0000%';

Then I need to create a new table for the extracted data, let's call it ExtractedDataFile. But I don't know how to create a new table and insert the data I selected above into the new one.

Also, can the extraction and the creation of new table be done in just one stored procedure? or is there any other way of doing all this (including the importation of the text file)?

Any help would be highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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Problems On Create Proc Includes Granting Create Table Or View Perissinin SP

Aug 4, 2004

Hi All,

I'm trying to create a proc for granting permission for developer, but I tried many times, still couldn't get successful, someone can help me? The original statement is:

Create PROC dbo.GrantPermission
@user1 varchar(50)


Grant create table to @user1

Grant create view to @user1

Grant create Procedure to @user1

Thanks Guys.

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Boolean: {[If [table With This Name] Already Exists In [this Sql Database] Then [ Don't Create Another One] Else [create It And Populate It With These Values]}

May 20, 2008

the subject pretty much says it all, I want to be able to do the following in in code):
{[If [table with this name] already exists [in this sql database] then [ don't create another one] else [create it and populate it with these values]}
How would I do this?

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Dynamic Create Table, Create Index Based Upon A Given Database

Jul 20, 2005

Can I dynamically (from a stored procedure) generatea create table script of all tables in a given database (with defaults etc)a create view script of all viewsa create function script of all functionsa create index script of all indexes.(The result will be 4 scripts)Arno de Jong,The Netherlands.

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Can CREATE DATABASE Or CREATE TABLE Be Wrapped In Transactions?

Jul 20, 2005

I have some code that dynamically creates a database (name is @FullName) andthen creates a table within that database. Is it possible to wrap thesethings into a transaction such that if any one of the following fails, thedatabase "creation" is rolledback. Otherwise, I would try deleting on errordetection, but it could get messy.IF @Error = 0BEGINSET @ExecString = 'CREATE DATABASE ' + @FullNameEXEC sp_executesql @ExecStringSET @Error = @@ErrorENDIF @Error = 0BEGINSET @ExecString = 'CREATE TABLE ' + @FullName + '.[dbo].[Image] ( [ID][int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL, [Blob] [image] NULL , [DateAdded] [datetime]NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] TEXTIMAGE_ON [PRIMARY]'EXEC sp_executesql @ExecStringSET @Error = @@ErrorENDIF @Error = 0BEGINSET @ExecString = 'ALTER TABLE ' + @FullName + '.[dbo].[Image] WITHNOCHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_Image] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [ID] ) ON[PRIMARY]'EXEC sp_executesql @ExecStringSET @Error = @@ErrorEND

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Nov 21, 2006

For reasons that are not relevant (though I explain them below *), Iwant, for all my users whatever privelige level, an SP which createsand inserts into a temporary table and then another SP which reads anddrops the same temporary table.My users are not able to create dbo tables (eg dbo.tblTest), but arepermitted to create tables under their own user (eg MyUser.tblTest). Ihave found that I can achieve my aim by using code like this . . .SET @SQL = 'CREATE TABLE ' + @MyUserName + '.' + 'tblTest(tstIDDATETIME)'EXEC (@SQL)SET @SQL = 'INSERT INTO ' + @MyUserName + '.' + 'tblTest(tstID) VALUES(GETDATE())'EXEC (@SQL)This becomes exceptionally cumbersome for the complex INSERT & SELECTcode. I'm looking for a simpler way.Simplified down, I am looking for something like this . . .CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.TestInsert ASCREATE TABLE tblTest(tstID DATETIME)INSERT INTO tblTest(tstID) VALUES(GETDATE())GOCREATE PROCEDURE dbo.TestSelect ASSELECT * FROM tblTestDROP TABLE tblTestIn the above example, if the SPs are owned by dbo (as above), CREATETABLE & DROP TABLE use MyUser.tblTest while INSERT & SELECT usedbo.tblTest.If the SPs are owned by the user (eg MyUser.TestInsert), it workscorrectly (MyUser.tblTest is used throughout) but I would have to havea pair of SPs for each user.* I have MS Access ADP front end linked to a SQL Server database. Forreports with complex datasets, it times out. Therefore it suit mypurposes to create a temporary table first and then to open the reportbased on that temporary table.

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What Is The Difference Between: A Table Create Using Table Variable And Using # Temporary Table In Stored Procedure

Aug 29, 2007

which is more efficient...which takes less is the memory allocation done for both the types.

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Jan 27, 2006

Hi Minor and inconsequential but sometimes you just gotta know: Is it possible to define a non-primary key index within a Create Table statement? I can create a constraint and a PK. I can create the table and then add the index. I just wondered if you can do it in one statement. e.g. I have: CREATE TABLE MyT (MyT_ID INT Identity(1, 1) CONSTRAINT MyT_PK PRIMARY KEY Clustered, MyT_Desc Char(40) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT MyT_idx1 UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED ON [DEFAULT])which creates a table with a PK and unique constraint. I would like (pseudo SQL):CREATE TABLE MyT (MyT_ID INT Identity(1, 1) CONSTRAINT MyT_PK PRIMARY KEY Clustered, MyT_Desc Char(40) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT MyT_idx1 UNIQUE INDEX NONCLUSTERED ON [DEFAULT]) No big deal - just curious :D Once I know I can stop scouring BOL for clues. Tks in advance

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SQL Server 2012 :: Stored Procedures Compiles Even When There Is No CREATE TABLE For A Temp Table

Feb 11, 2015

i am inserting something into the temp table even without creating it before. But this does not give any compilation error. Only when I want to execute the stored procedure I get the error message that there is an invalid temp table. Should this not result in a compilation error rather during the execution time.?

--create the procedure and insert into the temp table without creating it.
--no compilation error.
INSERT INTO #tmp(dt)

only on calling the proc does this give an execution error

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SSMS Express: Create TABLE &&amp; INSERT Data Into Table - Error Msgs 102 &&amp; 156

May 18, 2006

Hi all,

I have SQL Server Management Studio Express (SSMS Express) and SQL Server 2005 Express (SS Express) installed in my Windows XP Pro PC that is on Microsoft Windows NT 4 LAN System. My Computer Administrator grants me the Administror Privilege to use my PC. I tried to use SQLQuery.sql (see the code below) to create a table "LabResults" and insert 20 data (values) into the table. I got Error Messages 102 and 156 when I did "Parse" or "Execute". This is my first time to apply the data type 'decimal' and the "VALUES" into the table. I do not know what is wrong with the 'decimal' and how to add the "VALUES": (1) Do I put the precision and scale of the decimal wrong? (2) Do I have to use "GO" after each "VALUES"? Please help and advise.

Thanks in advance,

Scott Chang

USE MyDatabase
CREATE TABLE dbo.LabResults
SampleName varchar(25) NOT NULL,
AnalyteName varchar(25) NOT NULL,
Concentration decimal(6.2) NULL)
--Inserting data into a table
INSERT dbo.LabResults (SampleID, SampleName, AnalyteName, Concentration)
VALUES (1, 'MW2', 'Acetone', 1.00)
VALUES (2, 'MW2', 'Dichloroethene', 1.00)
VALUES (3, 'MW2', 'Trichloroethene', 20.00)
VALUES (4, 'MW2', 'Chloroform', 1.00)
VALUES (5, 'MW2', 'Methylene Chloride', 1.00)
VALUES (6, 'MW6S', 'Acetone', 1.00)
VALUES (7, 'MW6S', 'Dichloroethene', 1.00)
VALUES (8, 'MW6S', 'Trichloroethene', 1.00)
VALUES (9, 'MW6S', 'Chloroform', 1.00)
VALUES (10, 'MW6S', 'Methylene Chloride', 1.00
VALUES (11, 'MW7', 'Acetone', 1.00)
VALUES (12, 'MW7', 'Dichloroethene', 1.00)
VALUES (13, 'MW7', 'Trichloroethene', 1.00)
VALUES (14, 'MW7', 'Chloroform', 1.00)
VALUES (15, 'MW7', 'Methylene Chloride', 1.00
VALUES (16, 'TripBlank', 'Acetone', 1.00)
VALUES (17, 'TripBlank', 'Dichloroethene', 1.00)
VALUES (18, 'TripBlank', 'Trichloroethene', 1.00)
VALUES (19, 'TripBlank', 'Chloroform', 0.76)
VALUES (20, 'TripBlank', 'Methylene Chloride', 0.51)
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 5
Incorrect syntax near '6.2'.
Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 4
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'VALUES'.
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 5
Incorrect syntax near '6.2'.
Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 4
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'VALUES'.

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Create Target Table Dynamically Based On Source Table Schema?

Sep 13, 2005

I’ve got a situation where the columns in a table we’re grabbing from a source database keep changing as we need more information from that database. As new columns are added to the source table, I would like to dynamically look for those new columns and add them to our local database’s schema if new ones exist. We’re dropping and creating our target db table each time right now based on a pre-defined known schema, but what we really want is to drop and recreate it based on a dynamic schema, and then import all of the records from the source table to ours.It looks like a starting point might be EXEC sp_columns_rowset 'tablename' and then creating some kind of dynamic SQL statement based on that. However, I'm hoping someone might have a resource that already handles this that they might be able to steer me towards.Sincerely, 
Bryan Ax

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SQL Server 2008 :: Create A Table Valued Function That Fetch Through The Table?

Apr 24, 2015

I would like to create a table valued function that fetch through the table below using a cursor and return the records that are unique

EmpidChDateSiteuseridinitsal finsalNote
-------------------------------------------- ----------
236102015-4-21 22:02:10.8072570 0.696176161 change inisal value
236112015-4-21 22:02:11.0502570 0.696176161change inisal value
236122015-4-21 22:02:11.1202570 0.696176161 change inisal value
236132015-4-21 22:02:11.2452570 0.696176161change inisal value

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Procedure That Create Views With Table Name And A Table Field Parameter?

Aug 4, 2015

I would like to create a procedure which create views by taking parameters the table name and a field value (@Dist).

However I still receive the must declare the scalar variable "@Dist" error message although I use .sp_executesql for executing the particularized query.

Below code.

ALTER Procedure [dbo].[sp_ViewCreate]
/* Input Parameters */
@TableName Varchar(20),
@Dist Varchar(20)
Declare @SQLQuery AS NVarchar(4000)
Declare @ParamDefinition AS NVarchar(2000)


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Transact SQL :: Create Hierarchies Table Or Query From Multi Parent Table?

May 21, 2015

convert my table(like picture) to hierarchical structure in SQL. actually i want to make a table from my data in SQL for a TreeList control datasource in application directly.

ProjectID is 1st Parent
Type_1 is 2nd Parent
Type_2 is 3rd Parent
Type_3 is 4ed Parent

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Create An Extra Table (for Audit Purpose) For Every Existing Table In A Database

Mar 28, 2008

Hi all, please help. I m trying to create an "empty" table from existing table for the audit trigger purpose.
For now, i am trying to create an empty audit table for every table in a database named "pubs", and it's seem won't work.
Please advise.. Thanks in advance.

Here is my code:

Code Snippet

USE pubs


AND TABLE_NAME!= 'sysdiagrams'
AND TABLE_NAME = 'sales'


AND TABLE_NAME = 'sales'



ALTER TABLE @AUDIT_TABLE ADD UserAction Char(10),AuditStartTime Char(50),AuditUser Char(50)

AND TABLE_NAME!= 'sysdiagrams'

Thanks. ..

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Why I Got The Message As You Need To Create The Many-to-one Relationship Between The Case Table And The Nested Table?

May 30, 2007

Hi, all experts here,

Thank you very much for your kind attention.

I am trying to create a new mining structure with case table and nested table, the case table (fact table) has alread defined the relationships with the nested table(dimension table), and I can see their relationship from the data source view. But why the wizard for creating the new mining structure showed that message? Why is that? And what could I try to fix it?

Hope it is clear for your help.

Thanks a lot for your kind advices and I am looking forward to hearing from you shortly.

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,

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Tempoary Table Question - How To Create One With The Same Schema As An Existing Table?

Jul 28, 2006


I'd like to create a temporary table with the same schema as an exiting table. How can I do this without hard coding the column definitions into the temporary table definition?

I'd like to do something like:

CREATE TABLE #tempTable LIKE anotherTable

..instead of...


I'm sure there must be a simple way to do this!

Many thanks,

Ben S

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SQL Server 2012 :: Create New Table From Multiple Table?

Feb 19, 2015

I need to create a table from these 2 tables and want all the data. Table 1 has 15000 records and table has around 1000 records.

I have 2 tables.


[Code] ....

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SQL Server 2012 :: Create Table From Rows Of A Different Table

Mar 6, 2015

I am using SQL SERVER 2012..I have the following table:

| A | B | C |
| 1 | Pluto | NULL |
| 2 | Pippo | NULL |
| 3 | Rossi | NULL |

I want to creare a new empy table with the columns name contained into the column B of the first table; the following should my results:

| Pluto | Pippo | Rossi |

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How To Create Index On Table Variable (Table Don't Have Primary Key)

Feb 26, 2008

Hi all,

my stored procedure have one table variable (@t_Replenishment_Rpt).I want to create an Index on this table variable.please advise any of them in this loop...
below is my table variable and I need to create 3 indexes on this...

DECLARE @t_Replenishment_Rpt TABLE
Item_Nbr varchar(25) NULL,
Item_Desc varchar(255) NULL,
Trx_Date datetime NULL,
Balance int NULL,
Trx_Type char(10) NULL,
Issue_Type char(10) NULL,
Location char(25) NULL,
Min_Stock int NULL,
Order_Qty int NULL,
Unit char(10) NULL,
Issue_Qty int NULL,
Vendor varchar(10) NULL,
WO_Nbr varchar(10) NULL,
Lead_Time int NULL,
PO_Nbr char(10) NULL,
PO_Status char(10) NULL,
Currency char(10) NULL,
Last_Cost money NULL,
Dept_No varchar(20) NULL,
MSDSNbr varchar(10) NULL,
VendorName varchar(50) NULL,
Reviewed varchar(20) NULL

I tryed all below is giving error...

--Indexing the @t_Replenishment_Rpt table on the column Names Item Number, Vender , Department Number
--EXEC sp_executesql(CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX Replenishment_index ON @t_Replenishment_Rpt (Item_Nbr))
--CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX Idx1 ON @t_Replenishment_Rpt.Item_Nbr
INDEX_COL ( '@t_Replenishment_Rpt' , ind_Replenishment_id , Item_Nbr )
--EXEC sp_executesql('SELECT INDEXPROPERTY('+ '@t_Replenishment_Rpt' + ', ' + 'Item_Nbr' + ',' + 'IsPadIndex' + ')')
--EXEC sp_executesql(SELECT INDEXPROPERTY('@t_Replenishment_Rpt', 'Vendor','IsPadIndex'))
--EXEC sp_executesql(SELECT INDEXPROPERTY('@t_Replenishment_Rpt', 'Dept_No','IsPadIndex'))

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How To Create Table A By Inserting All Data From Table B?

Jan 16, 2005


Anyone can help me?

How to create Table A by inserting all the data from Table B?


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