How To Create Unique Field Or Sequence In View

Jun 5, 2012

I have created a view based on joining 3 tables, however, it is not possible to have a unique field in the view which I must need it and I must create index on some other fields. Is there any way to create sequence number or uniqie field in mssql view.

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How To Create Non-unique Clustered Indexed View?

May 30, 2008

I'm not able to create indexed views,
which are clustered-indexed on only 1st field.

I can't even INCLUDED other fields.

I need the entire view to exist as a physical table. (for performance)

Please let me know the work around.


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Create Unique Field That Isn't The Key

Nov 10, 2005

I have a table where the key is an autonumber. I also have a field which holds the reference of a room eg 0BM1. It is nvarchar. Is there a way I can set this field to duplicates = No, so that my user cannot enter the same room reference more than once. Or do I have to do this check in my code ?


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Create View With Field Combination

May 30, 2004

Hi there, my situation is
I have a table x with 3 filed
a nvarchar(100), b smalldatetime, c text(16)
. I want to create a view like this:
select a + ' ' + b + ' ' + c as all_field from x where all_field like %my_str%

So, I always get a message error said wrong datatype, how can i do, please help me.

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Can Someone Help Me Create A Derived Field In A View

May 22, 2008

I am a C# developer who was forced to use a DataSet with Infragistics grid instead of the class object I was using as a data source, so that I can implement an AddNew functionality directly in the grid.

In code I would simply add a read only property to do this, and it was much simpler, but if someone could point in the right direction as to can a view do what I want.

The field I want to create is called "Info" short for HasInfo.
Info has 3 values (from an enumeration) NoInfo = 0; HasResume = 1; HasHomeInfo = 2

The business logic for this is if we have a resume, I show a resume icon in the grid, if we do not have a resume, if we have home phone # or mobil # then an icon of phones are shown in the grid.

To find out if a contact has a resume the SQL is going to be something like if exists (select ContactResumeID from ContactResume Where ContactResume.ContactID = Contact.ContactID) then 1; and if that is not true; check if Contact.HomePhone is Not Null Or Empty or Contact.WorkPhone is not null or empty then 2 else 0

I can do this in C# blindfolded, but in SQL I am fish out of water for compound if statements.

The SQL for this view is shown below (creating using SQL Server Gui Selector which I think is real cool).





ALTER VIEW [dbo].[Employees]


SELECT dbo.Company.CompanyID,

dbo.Company.Name AS CompanyName,











FROM dbo.ContactPosition INNER JOIN dbo.Contact

ON dbo.ContactPosition.ContactID = dbo.Contact.ContactID INNER JOIN dbo.Position

ON dbo.ContactPosition.PositionID = dbo.Position.PositionID INNER JOIN dbo.Department

ON dbo.Position.DepartmentID = dbo.Department.DepartmentID INNER JOIN dbo.Company

ON dbo.Position.CompanyID = dbo.Company.CompanyID


Flying Elephant Software

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Iterate Field In Table And Create A View

Jul 14, 2015

I have a table that houses fully qualified table names, roughly 15. How can I iterate that table and create a view ? For example, something like this

Create Table tocreateviewfrom (dbname varchar(100))
Insert Into tocreateviewfrom Values (foxfire.dbo.abcd), (foxfire.dbo.abcde), (foxfire.dbo.abcdf), (foxfire.dbo.abcdg), (foxfire.dbo.abcde), (foxfire.dbo.abcdl)

--Then somehow iterate each value in the field dbname to create a view something like
Create View viewcreatedfromtable As
Select * from foxfire.dbo.abcd
Union All
Select * from foxfire.dbo.abcde

[Code] ....

I tried this, but it is only printing the last result returned not the entire result set

Declare @database varchar(max), @sql varchar(max)
Declare c1 Cursor For
Select Program
from tocreateviewfrom
Open c1

[Code] .....

View 11 Replies View Related

Unique Number/sequence

Jul 23, 2005

Hallo,Hot to get unique, sequential number during executionof stored procedure ?I can create table with autoincrement column,add record, get ident_current and delete recordeach time i need the number.However its not elegant i regardspluton

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Generating Unique Sequence Number

Jul 19, 2000

Is there wa way to generate unique sequence numbers in SQL server?
(just like the way it is in Oracle i.e. seqeuence and then use nextval)

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Get Next Unique ID From A Table Before Insert @@identity / Sequence

Jul 23, 2005

How do I get the next int value for a column before I do an insert inMY SQL Server 2000? I'm currently using Oracle sequence and doingsomething like:select seq.nextval from dual;Then I do my insert into 3 different table all using the same uniqueID.I can't use the @@identity function because my application uses aconnection pool and it's not garanteed that a connection won't be usedby another request so under a lot of load there could be major problemsand this doens't work:insert into <table>;select @@identity;This doesn't work because the select @@identity might give me the valueof an insert from someone else's request.Thanks,Brent

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Assigning Unique Sequence Numbers Across Different Tables

Oct 11, 2007

I have a procedure which updates a sequence number in a table such as the one below.

Seq Sequence_Id

------ ------------------
NextNum 1

This is the procedure ...

create procedure DBO.MIG_SYS_NEXTVAL(@sequence varchar(10), @sequence_id int)

update mig_sys_sequences
@sequence_id = sequence_id = sequence_id + 1
seq = 'CSN'


The purpose of this is to generate a sequential number each time the procedure is called. This number would then be used in a number of different tables to allocate a unique id so that the id is unique across the different tables.

1). What is the most efficient way of allocating these unique ids? The tables that I plan to update will already be populated with data.

2). How would I call the above procedure from an UPDATE statement?

Many thanks,


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To Get An Unique Sequence Number (record Locking)

Aug 27, 2007

can someone pls show me a way to get an unique sequence at below senario:

PC1 & PC2 using their own local client progam to access to Database Server at SERVER1.
In the SERVER1, there is a table SEQUENCE in a database DATABASE1.
And the table's structure of SEQUENCE are SeqType & SeqNo.
Here is the sample data:

SeqType SeqNo
Invoice 100
DeliveryOrder 200

Now, how to prevent PC1 & PC2 to get a same Invoice No. if they request the Invoice No. at the same time?
Is it possible to lock the record Invoice when i perform a SELECT statement, then i update the Invoice to 101, lastly release the lock for Invoice?

pls advise. thanks.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Generate 8 Char Alphanumeric Unique Sequence

Apr 20, 2015


Last 8 bytes will alternate between 2 byte alpha/2 byte numeric
• Generate from Alphabets – A through Z Numbers -0 to 9
• Generate Unique Sequence (No Duplicates).
• Must Eliminate letters I and O

Output Expected
• AA00AA00………..ZZ99ZZ99
• Using 24 alphabets & 10 digits ,
24*24*10*10*24*24 = 3 317 760 000 records

Below is my Sql Function -

CREATE function [dbo].[SequenceComplexNEW]
Returns char(8)

[Code] .....

View 9 Replies View Related

How To View Results From Sequence Clustering Using DMX Query

Mar 4, 2007

somebody help me??

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SQL 2005 Bug? Not Follow The Order By Sequence In View...but SQL 2000 Does!

Aug 24, 2006

I have a table:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tx1]( [f1] [nvarchar](50) , [seq] [int] IDENTITY(1000,1) NOT NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]

FROM dbo.tx1


f1 seq
zz 1003
uu 1002
kk 1001
yy 1000

create view vx1 as
SELECT top 100 percent *
FROM dbo.tx1
select * from vx1

yy 1000
kk 1001
uu 1002
zz 1003

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Insert Into Sequence Field

Mar 25, 2002

What I want to do is: insert into newtable (field1, field2, sequence) select
(fielda, fieldb, #) from oldtable and have the sequence field "re-seed" to 1 every time the value in fielda/field1 changes. This added requirement makes this not an identity field problem, if I understand identity fields. This is a data conversion problem, so I'm converting 1000's of rows from oldtable to newtable and want the sequence to re-seed at every change in value of the fielda/field1 data; in fact fielda/field1 is a simplification as there could be multiple controlling fields forcing a re-seed.


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How Can I Create A Sequence ?

Jul 16, 2001


I would like to know how it is possible to create a sequence with sql server 2000
With Postgres SQL i create the sequence essai : create sequence essai START 1;
but i don't know what is the sql command.

Thanks in advance.


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Write A CREATE VIEW Statement That Defines A View Named Invoice Basic That Returns Three Columns

Jul 24, 2012

Write a CREATE VIEW statement that defines a view named Invoice Basic that returns three columns: VendorName, InvoiceNumber, and InvoiceTotal. Then, write a SELECT statement that returns all of the columns in the view, sorted by VendorName, where the first letter of the vendor name is N, O, or P.

This is what I have so far,

SELECT VendorName, InvoiceNumber, InvoiceTotal
From Vendors JOIN Invoices
ON Vendors.VendorID = Invoices.VendorID


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How To Create A Sql Server Sequence Similar To Oracle?

Jun 2, 2008

In oracle, I can setup a sequence generating unique ids and query the next value (which is used as a unique identifer). I know sql server has the identity field but I need to query the next val so I can insert rows into multiple tables.
When a user submits a form, I want to take the dept info from the form (in c# 2.0) and grab the first two characters. Then query the next val from a table that holds an int.. During insert into two tables it would be something like "IT100" or "SL101". But it needs to be unique.
Is there a way to setup a table in sql server similar to a sequence where I can just query the next val (or some other way?). Remember, I cant do this as identity because I need the key being inserted in other tables during form submit.
 It seems very simple but I can't seem to find an answer online that allows me to query the next val in my code then perform the multiple inserts.
Thanks in advance for any assistance you can lend on this,

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SQL Server 2012 :: Populate Value In Create Sequence?

Jul 29, 2015

I'm looking to see if there is a way to populate starting number for the sequence from a max value of a table.

AS [int]
START WITH (select max(col1)+1000 from table1)
MAXVALUE 2147483647

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Automated Drop/create Script Right Sequence

Apr 17, 2008


I was directed to post this here. I am thinking of creating a script that generates another script for creating/dropping tables, indeces, FK, views, stored procedures..etc in the correct sequence in a specific database. I accept the fact this script is dangerous (like if I ran it on production server). But it sure will be very helpful when moving our SQL objects from development to qa and then to production. Is this worth it? Have you see anything that generates such a thing using sys.objects,sys.indexes,sys.foreign_keys etc?


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How To Create A Sequence Generator Number In SSIS

Mar 28, 2006


I got 5000 rows in source and when i am sending the data to destination it has to create a sequence generator number for each row.

Can any one help me which transformation do i need to take for doing this in SSIS.

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SQL 2012 :: Populate Int Column With A Sequence Of Numbers But Sorted By Another Field

Oct 8, 2015

The following works just fine. The table tmpMHPCLMDET does have a column ADMTDT ( varchar(8) ).

While I am adding the sequence of numbers I like it to be sorted based on ADMTDT column.

What that means is the row with the earliest ( smallest ) ADMTDT will get 1 and the next 2 and so on.

Declare @ID int
If Exists ( Select from sys.columns c where object_id = object_id('tmpMHPCLMDET') and = 'ServiceLineID' )
--Adding a sequence of numbers to the ServiceLineID column.
SET @id = 0
SET @id = ServiceLineID = @id + 1;

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DB Design :: Define Automatic Sequence On A Table Primary Key Field?

Jun 13, 2015

I am designing a database. I want to define a automatic sequence  on a table primary key field. what is the best solution for it?

I know I can enable identity property for a field, but  it has some problems ( for example its seed jumps on restart and unsuccessful events)

I also can use some calculated sequences. for example I can calculate max of the filed values and after incrementing use it as key for new inserted record.

which one is better?

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How To Create A Sequence Invoice Number And Insert Or Update To A Column?

Feb 22, 2005

Hi, can anyone teach me how to automatic create a invoice number and insert or update it to a column?

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Problems On Create Proc Includes Granting Create Table Or View Perissinin SP

Aug 4, 2004

Hi All,

I'm trying to create a proc for granting permission for developer, but I tried many times, still couldn't get successful, someone can help me? The original statement is:

Create PROC dbo.GrantPermission
@user1 varchar(50)


Grant create table to @user1

Grant create view to @user1

Grant create Procedure to @user1

Thanks Guys.

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Need A Unique Bit Field

May 31, 2001

I have a bit field only alow one row as 1 all other rows should always 0.
How can I control that -- trigger or constraint?? How?

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Unique Field

Nov 17, 2004

I have a database table with a primary key that auto-increments - using MS SQL Server 2000.
However I have another field (standard field) that must not allow duplicates.

Besides writing code to sift through the database every time to check for duplicates (which would take long to search through the db every time), is there any setting in MS SQL Server 2000 that allows for an automatic check for duplication and will prevent duplicates!??

View 14 Replies View Related

Unique Field

Nov 18, 2004

I have a database table with a primary key that auto-increments - using MS SQL Server 2000.
However I have another field (standard field) that must not allow duplicates.

Besides writing code to sift through the database every time to check for duplicates (which would take long to search through the db every time), is there any setting in MS SQL Server 2000 that allows for an automatic check for duplication and will prevent duplicates!??

Here's an example of what I mean...

PK Entry_Sheet Cust_Id Date
1 62345 cust1 16/11/2004
2 45663 cust6 16/11/2004
3 82917 cust1 16/11/2004
4 19283 cust2 17/11/2004
5 28764 cust2 18/11/2004

I have everything created, with data already in the table. What I need now is some way to prevent duplicates from occurring.
The Entry_Sheet value needs to be unique. Instead of writing code to run through the entire db each time an insert is performed, is there a simpler way using a SQL Server DB!??

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Transact SQL :: Creating A View Using DISTINCT And Not Getting Unique Results?

Sep 21, 2015

I am building a view to be used to drill down into a Lightswitch app I'm building and to drive this I want to use a view based off the selection of that value several other values will be given to the user to choose from related to the first selection. I've created a view using the following statement:

FROM dbo.csr_standards_cmsars

 but the results come back with ALL the records of the source table (509 rows) when there should have only been 29 rows returned (the appropriate number of families or unique groups).  The index is necessary to have Lightswitch use the view as a data source.what I'm doing wrong here?

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Creating A Unique Field

Nov 30, 2000

I have built a table called Visit_Fact, which is detailed medical data. Within this table I have to create several index fields.

Well one of the fields ([Diag Code]) that should be included will have null values.

Well in Access I was able to build my new field called IndKey which has the following SQL statement:

IndKey: [PracticeCode]&[Physician Code]&[Chart #]&[Visit #]&[InsCoNum]&[CPT]&[Modifier]&[Units]&[Diag Code]

1. Example data with Diag Code = null

2. Example data with Diag Code <> null

This runs fine in Access and if the Diag Code is null, Access does not care, it still puts all the other information together. Such as the examples above.

Well I tried doing this in a Stored Procedure and when I ran across a record that had a null value for the [Diag Code] it made the IndKey field Null for that record. If it was not null then it looked like Example 2.

What is the proper way of creating my unique field in SQL Server?

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A Table With A Unique Field

Jul 10, 2007


I would like to store some frequently asked questions in a database.
As those questions/answers could be translated in several languages, I was thinking of using two tables :

The first table would contain a unique field : the key wich is an id for each faq.

The second table would contain those fields :
FAQ_ID : foreign key
LANG : language
QUESTION : the question translated in the good language.
ANSWER : the answer translated in the good language.

What I find embarrassing, is that first table just contains a unique field : the id. But it allows :
- to have a table in which a line correspond to an object. It is convenient for object relational mapping.
- it is more evolutionary. If, in the future, I have to add some statistics that concerns a faq, I will have the possibility to store them in the first table, avoiding in this way to duplicate data.

But, one more time, I find a bit embarrassing having a table with a unique field...

What is your opinion about that ?

Thank you in advance for any suggestion.


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Unique Key With Optional Field

Jul 23, 2005

Is it possible to have the field as a unique key and a optional one?It is like.. for example, office code has to be unique (cannot beduplicated with the same code) and it could be null too.

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Create Unique Row

Jun 3, 2006

I am new to MS SQL and I was wondering is it possible to create a table with unique rows?? By this I mean if a table has two columns then a duplicate row would be if BOTH columns matched two columns of another row.


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