How To Declare Sql Column For Storing Text?

May 5, 2005

Hi Everyone,

I have a simple webform with a text box with multiline enabled and a submit button, in  Inside the text box, when you are typing text with let's say adding carriage returns, spaces etc.  How to i save the text to a database?  By that, i mean, how to i declare the column in my database, varchar, text ...?

Also, when retrieving the saved text back to the textbox, will it keep the formatting because that's what i am trying to do?  Or, what is the best way to keep text formatting in a database?

Thanks for the help,


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Declare @var Text

Dec 17, 2001


I want to store more than 8000 characters. Ideally it might have been fine if decalre @var text had worked for me.

Can anyone tell is it possible....


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Integration Services :: How To Declare Multiple Derived Column In SSIS Derived Column Task

Jul 22, 2015

how to declare multiple derived columns in SSIS Derived Column Task in one i have around 150 columns coming from Flat file. I had created the required Expression in Excel and now i want add those in derived column task but its allowing only 1 expression at a time.

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How To Compress Text Before Storing In DB?

Feb 15, 2005

I was planning on running a service where thousands of text messages are stored. Obviously I'd want to make the most of my DB space, and was wondering if there's some way for SQL to compress text down to the smallest space possible. If not, is there some kind of ASP component I could download to do this? Failing that, I could always write a simple one, which takes the most common letter combinations, and shortens them down to a single character.

Any advice?

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Storing A Text File?

Apr 21, 2008


In SQL 2005, what is the best way to take a text file and store it in a table field, then later extract that file to a directory with original name and format intact?



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Adding A Default Value In A Column In A Declare Statment

Jul 5, 2004

Hi Can anybody help me.

I have this querey at the minute but when I attempt to put the default value of IND in the Sales Rep Code field I get an error Invalid column name, if I try and put 'IND' AS [Sales Rep Code] I get an incorrect syntax error.

DECLARE @Query nVarchar(1000)
SET @Query = N'SELECT NULL AS [GEO UNIT], NULL AS [PMC Invoice Date], IND AS [Sales Rep Code] FROM '+ 'Test' + RIGHT(DATEPART(yy, GETDATE()), 2) + '_' + CASE WHEN DATEPART(m, GETDATE()) IN ('11', '12', '1')
THEN 'Q3' ELSE CASE WHEN DATEPART(m, GETDATE()) IN ('8', '9', '10') THEN 'Q4' END END END END + '.dbo.all_data' EXECUTE sp_executesql @Query, N'@level tinyint', @level = 35

Can anybody please help on this.


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Storing Rich Text In A Database

Jan 27, 2005

Hey folks,

Just a quick question to ask what is the best field to store the data held in a rich text box/control. Just want to make sure that i get it right first time you know. Not sure about the amount of characters that needs held but its going to be quite a lot as this field shall contain most of my pages content.

Appreciate any help



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Storing And Indexing Very Large Text

Jul 31, 2005

Hi!I want to store some really big text in my database (for my articles). The approximate size will be from 500 to 40000 characters. I was thinking of using the database 'text' datatype.I have heard that reading these text fields is slower and decreases the performance. Moreover is it advisable to index this for searching purposes?

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Storing Large Pieces Of Text

Mar 2, 2000

I'm sorry, but I'm a definite newbie. How can I store really long pieces of text other than as the 'text' datatype, which is too short in SQLS7?

Please help! It's key to my site admin system for importing third party wysiwyg-generated pages into our system....


John E.

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Storing Rich Text Information.

Sep 5, 2002

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SQL Server 2008 :: Storing Column Value To A Column

Sep 9, 2015

I just have a question regarding storing values to a column in ms sql 2008.

Why is it that the value I inserted at the column is truncated when selected in a query.

The column for this is created to accept max. values.


The string which I need to insert is a combination of characters with a length of 14,720.

According to some forums, the max value that a column can hold is 8000 chars. only (Is this true? even though I set it to MAX?)

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Error Storing Data In Text File???

May 27, 2008

The error I recieve is as follows:

"[Flat File Destination [13]] Error: Data conversion failed. The data conversion for column "SDATA" returned status value 4 and status text "Text was truncated or one or more characters had no match in the target code page.". "
"[Flat File Destination [13]] Error: Cannot copy or convert flat file data for column "SDATA". "
"[DTS.Pipeline] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_PROCESSINPUTFAILED. The ProcessInput method on component "Flat File Destination" (13) failed with error code 0xC02020A0. The identified component returned an error from the ProcessInput method. The error is specific to the component, but the error is fatal and will cause the Data Flow task to stop running. There may be error messages posted before this with more information about the failure. "
"[DTS.Pipeline] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_THREADFAILED. Thread "WorkThread0" has exited with error code 0xC02020A0. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the thread has exited. "
"[DataReader Source [207]] Error: The component "DataReader Source" (207) was unable to process the data. "
"[DTS.Pipeline] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_PRIMEOUTPUTFAILED. The PrimeOutput method on component "DataReader Source" (207) returned error code 0xC02090F5. The component returned a failure code when the pipeline engine called PrimeOutput(). The meaning of the failure code is defined by the component, but the error is fatal and the pipeline stopped executing. There may be error messages posted before this with more information about the failure. "
"[DTS.Pipeline] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_THREADFAILED. Thread "SourceThread0" has exited with error code 0xC0047038. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the thread has exited. "

I am selecting data from an OBDC then copying it to a text file an I always get this error, but when I change the destination to a excel file it works perfectly. But the whole point of the package is to copy to a text file.

Please could you help me, your replies will be greatly appreciated.

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Storing Text Data In A Binary Field

Jul 23, 2005

This may be a stupid question but I can't find an easy answer for what Iwant to do. I need a blob data field that can store both binary and textdata like the sql_variant field. I am using to populate a sql table.I want to store both string and binary data.

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Best Practice For Storing Long Text Fields

Sep 12, 2006

As we all know, there is a 8060 bytes size limit on SQL Server rows. Ihave a table which requires a number of text fields (5 or 6). Each ofthese text fields should support a max of 4000 characters. We currentlystore the data in varchar columns, which worked fine untill ourappetite for text fields increased to the current requirement of 5, 6fields of 4000 characters size. I am given to review a design, whichesentially suggests moving the text columns to a separate TextFieldstable. The TextFields table will have two columns - a unique referenceand a VARCHAR (4000) column, thus allowing us to crossreference withthe original record. My first impresion is that I'd rather use the SQLServer 'text' DB type instead, which would allow me the samefunctionality with much less effort and possibly better performance.Can anyone advise on advantages and disadvantages of the two optionsand what the best practice in this case would be.Any advise will be well appreciated.Tzanko

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Stored Procedure Text Is Not Storing In Database

May 14, 2008

in my front end i have one text area where user can input his sql statements. for samller data its working. the data type of coulmn is Text in sql server 2005. but problem is when i try to store this data its showing error.i meant not storing data at all. if i cut some of line from this then in this case it stores the data .what should i do to overcome this problem

thanx a lot.

DECLARE @nDocumentTypeNo INT
DECLARE @nDocumentFormat INT
DECLARE @sEmailAddress VARCHAR(200)
SET @sTemp = '{*MEMBERID*}'
IF UPPER(@sTemp) = 'NULL'
SET @nMemberID = NULL
SET @nMemberID = CAST(@sTemp AS INT)
SET @sTemp = '{*PARTNERID*}'
IF UPPER(@sTemp) = 'NULL'
SET @nPartnerID = NULL
SET @nPartnerID = CAST(@sTemp AS INT)
IF UPPER(@sTemp) = 'NULL'
SET @nDocumentTypeNo = NULL
SET @nDocumentTypeNo = CAST(@sTemp AS INT)
IF UPPER(@sTemp) = 'NULL'
SET @nDocumentFormat = NULL
SET @nDocumentFormat = CAST(@sTemp AS INT)
SET @sEmailAddress = '{*EMAILADDRESS*}'
FROM ProtocolSettings
WHERE ((@nMemberID IS NULL AND MemberID IS NULL) OR MemberID = @nMemberID)
AND ((@nPartnerID IS NULL AND PartnerID IS NULL) OR PartnerID = @nPartnerID)
AND ((@nDocumentTypeNo IS NULL AND DocumentTypeNo IS NULL) OR DocumentTypeNo = @nDocumentTypeNo)
AND ((@nDocumentFormat IS NULL AND DocumentFormatNo IS NULL) OR DocumentFormatNo = @nDocumentFormat)
AND ProtocolSettingNo = 307)
UPDATE ProtocolSettings
SET SettingValue = @sEmailAddress
WHERE ((@nMemberID IS NULL AND MemberID IS NULL) OR MemberID = @nMemberID)
AND ((@nPartnerID IS NULL AND PartnerID IS NULL) OR PartnerID = @nPartnerID)
AND ((@nDocumentTypeNo IS NULL AND DocumentTypeNo IS NULL) OR DocumentTypeNo = @nDocumentTypeNo)
AND ((@nDocumentFormat IS NULL AND DocumentFormatNo IS NULL) OR DocumentFormatNo = @nDocumentFormat)
AND ProtocolSettingNo = 307
INSERT INTO ProtocolSettings (ProtocolSettingNo, MemberID, PartnerID, DocumentTypeNo, DocumentFormatNo, SettingValue)
VALUES(307, @nMemberID, @nPartnerID, @nDocumentTypeNo, @nDocumentFormat, @sEmailAddress)

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Storing Russian Characters In A Column?

Nov 24, 2007

I was wondering does anybody have advice for storing Russian in a column in either 2000 or 2005.

create table Russian
Word varchar(100),
Meaning varchar(500),
Russian varchar(500) COLLATE Cyrillic_General_CI_AS_KS not null,
English varchar(1000)

insert into Russian
'Thank You',
'Thank you',
'spice e ba'
What I get is
Thank You Thank you ?????? spice E bo
How can I store 'Ñ?паÑ?бо' and get this value to display, and not ??????

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Storing Documents (.doc .xls .pdf .jpg Etc) In A Database Column

Jul 31, 2007

Does anybody know how to store objects like files in a database column/
I am familiar with MSAccess (use BLOB) and Oracle (use varchar200?


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Storing A Carriage Return Or VbCrLf In An NVARCHAR Column

Sep 7, 2007

Is it possible to store a carriage return value or VbCrLf in an NVARCHAR column ?

I need to display a textbox in Reporting Services using one row, but showing multiple lines as a result of a few carriage returns.

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Are There No Computed Column Types? For Storing Expressions (results Of Other Fields)

Jun 4, 2006

I just read something interesting here:

A column type that helds an expression, and in queries returns the results.

That sounds excelent in my database, to save some code in my client applications. E.g adding price totals, and taxes of an order.

I can't find any info about this in later versions of SQL server. Is this not possible anymore?

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Storing Comma Separated Values In A Single Column Of A Table

Jul 13, 2007

I have a table called geofence. It has a primary key geofence_id. Each geofence consists of a set of latitudes and latitudes.
So I defined two columns latitude and longitude and their type is varchar. I want to store all latitude/longitude values as a comma separated values in latitude/longitude columns
So in general how do people implement these types of requirements in relational databases?


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Integration Services :: Storing Column Value In SSIS Variable When Skipping Header Row?

Apr 28, 2015

I have a file with a header row which contains the date of the file and under that all the columns without a header.

In SSIS package I skip row and manually name the different columns.

However, I want to use the column in the header row to store the date value in an SSIS variable and use that variable to write it to our staging table. How can I do this when I skip the header row?

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Which Is Better? Storing Data In The Database OR Storing It In The File System

Dec 29, 2006

Hello there,I just want to ask if storing data in dbase is much better than storing it in the file system? Because for one, i am currenlty developing my thesis which uploads a blob.doc file to a web server (currently i'm using the localhost of ASP.NET) then retrieves it from the local hostAlso i want to know if im right at this, the localhost of ASP.NET is the same as the one of a natural web server on the net? Because i'm just thinking of uploading and downloading the files from a web server. Although our thesis defense didn't require us to really upload it on the net, we were advised to use a localhost on our PC's. I'll be just using my local server Is it ok to just use a web server for storing files than a database?    

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Importing Data From Oracle9i CLOB Column To MS SQL Server Text Column

Jul 20, 2005

Hi everyone,I encountered an error "Need to run the object to perform this operationCode execution exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION" When I try to import data from Oracle to MS SQL Server with EnterpriseManager (version 8.0) using DTS Import/Export Wizard. There are 508 rowsin Oracle table and I did get first 42 rows imported to SQL Server.Anyone knows what does the above error message mean and what causes therest of the row failed importing?Thanks very much in advance!Rene Z.--Posted via

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Updating The Column Defined As 'Text' Column

Oct 31, 2002


I have a table with col_noteText defined as 'Text' datatype column.

I want to search a pattern 'Lawyer' and replace with 'Attorney' in the column col_noteText.

Does anyone know how to do this for 'Text' datatype column.

Thanks in advance.


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Add Text To A Column

Jul 25, 2007

I am mapping the .csv files to a destination table in sql server.
The names of each column in the .csv file is the same as the ones in the destination table.
In the destination table there is an extra field i.e. FileTypeField

Here is the question;
When transfering the data from .csv to the destination table i.e flat file source to oledb destination, I would like to place a text into the field FileTypeField
I do not see an option to do this. Can you help please?

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XML Explicit With Text Column?

Jan 31, 2007

    HiI have to create an XML file based on a SQL SERVER 2005 table.Everything works fine:SELECT 1 as Tag,
NULL as Parent,
Ex_Id as [Exam!1!Ex_Id],
NULL as [Ex_Title!2!!cdata]
FROM Exams
WHERE ex_State = 'P'
SELECT 2 as Tag,
1 as Parent,
FROM Exams
WHERE ex_State = 'P'
order by [Exam!1!Ex_Id], [Ex_Title!2!!cdata]
BUT when i add another column, a text column, I get into trouble: SELECT 1 as Tag,
NULL as Parent,
Ex_Id as [Exam!1!Ex_Id],
NULL as [Ex_Title!2!!cdata],
NULL as [Ex_Situation!3!!cdata]
FROM Exams
WHERE ex_State = 'P'
SELECT 2 as Tag,
1 as Parent,
FROM Exams
WHERE ex_State = 'P'
order by [Exam!1!Ex_Id], [Ex_Title!2!!cdata], [Ex_Situation!3!!cdata]
The problem is clearly the fact that i have to sort on the text column, plus the fact that this column requires the CDATA tag enclosurePlease help me....i'm desperate :(

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How To Write Text In SQL Column

Feb 5, 2005


I wanna write text in a sql column of type nvarchar, this text is of type Query, Do you understand me?

Mi problem is that when I write this:


The simple comillas, they cause an error in my command of insert.

How can I write this type of text in a colum SQL?

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Alter Text Column

Apr 19, 2006

I had a text type not null column which i wanted to change to a null column.Writing a simple alter statement gave me an eror cannot change text type column so i tried to rename the original column create a new column with the same name and allowing nulls on it and then copying the contents of the renamed column to the new column and finally deleting the renamed column.
EXEC sp_rename 'TableName.ColumnName', 'ColumnName_old', 'COLUMN'ALTER TABLE TableName ADD ColumnName text NULLUPDATE TableName  SET ColumnName = ColumnName_oldALTER TABLE TableName   DROP COLUMN ColumnName_old
However when i  tried to execute these statements in query analyser on the Update statement it gave me the error that ColumnName_old does not exist.
However then I tried to execute these queries one by one I was able to do that.
Can anybody tell me whats causing the queries to not be executed all at once without giving the ColumnName_old does not exist error cause I wanted to run them on live dbs.
any help would be appreciated.

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Updating A Text Column

Sep 20, 2001

how can i update a column with datatype of text with a combination of columns having a datatype of float? do i convert the float columns to varchar/char/?? and/or can i convert the column i am updating?


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Formatted Text In A Column;

Jan 9, 2006

Hi All ,

Is it possible to insert the below text into a column and retrieve it in the same format ?


Hari Haran Arulmozhi


CLIENT NAME : ABC Corporation

I100 01-01-2006 Rs.600
I200 01-02-2006 Rs.800
I300 01-03-2006 Rs.1600
I400 01-04-2006 Rs.2600
I500 01-05-2006 Rs.9600


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Extract (text To Column)

Apr 30, 2008

I have a column named DATEID in a table DATA that contains the
following format connected to each other(date and name):


What would the syntax be to insert a column to the right of this one,
and extract the first 8 digits from the data in the DATEID column and
insert that into the new column DATE, therefore making it easier for
me to query against an actual date?


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Run Column Text Query

Apr 7, 2014

How to run a query that is in the column as text?

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Removing Text From Column Name

May 18, 2007

Hi all
i want to remove text from my column name using query.
for example
i have the product name like "silver 8' trampoline pack "
i need to remove "silver 8' " and want to display only trampoline pack
similarly if I have product name like "gold 8' trampoline pack"
i need to display only trampoline pack.
can anybody help me in this regard?


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