How To Determine Which Service Pack Level Your SQL Server Is Running And Column Name Spacing Bug?
Aug 10, 2007
I have visual studio 2005 with XP home. I'm trying to find out which service pack my SQL server is running as I've been told that Service pack 2 has a few bugs.
For example ADO Applications Report a Syntax Error When Column Names Contain Spaces. This appears to be an error i am recieving. I just wanted to confirm that it is a microsoft bug rather then something Im doing wrong.
Microsoft meantions the bug here:
I've been looking everywhere. I do not have the "query analyzer window" where you can find this out as I have VS 2005. How would I find this out.
We had a disaster last week (SAN Corruption) and it hit a bunch of my sql serves. I have been able to recover all but one. The one I am having a problem with is a NAMED Instance that I obviously don't know the original SP level on. When I try to restore MSDB it won't let me because of a version conflict Is there any way to tell what the SP Level is either from a system DB .mdf or LDF file or from a backup file without restoreing? Right now I'm installing SQL Server to a test server and I'm going to try and restore the system dbs at each patch level.. seems like there must be a better way!!
I need to determine which service pack we are running on our sql servers. I run SELECT @@VERSION and get it tells me that we are running 7.00.1020. I have a listing from google that tells me the value for each service pack, but my version doesn't match anything on the list.
Can you tell which service pack I am running based on the results of my query?
I am trying to determine what service pack I am running on a SQL 7 server. Can somebody tell me how to do this?
I have an article from technet showing me how to do it for SQL 6.5 but not 7. I assume it is the same method but I need to know which product version number relates to which service pack.
How do I determine which SQL7 service pack is install. I ran select @@version and this is the version number it shows: "Microsoft SQL Server 7.00 - 7.00.842 (Intel X86)"
I checked Microsofts site and could not find any info on this.
Hi, Is there a way to determine what RS service pack is installed on your pc? Aside from the print button on your IE browser. You can't check it on the about RS nor on you add/remove programs window...Thanks...
This doesn't make any sense. I am trying to install SQL Server 2005 on SBS 2003 with Service Pack 1. According to Windows Update, there is nothing left for me to install. However, I am getting this error (while installing SQL Server Express and the Developer Edition):
"Your operating system does not meet Service Pack level requirements for this SQL Server release. Install the Service Pack from the Microsoft Download Center at, and then run SQL Server setup again."
When I go to the link, there is nothing there to download (it takes me to the main Microsoft download page). I meet all the requirements that I have found. What gives?
I have received an alert on a server that is running SQL 2005. 'The service pack level of SQL instance is not upto date'.
I have right clicked the connection properties and found that current version is 9.00.1399.06 How can I tell which Service pack the SQL 2005 is currently on?
Do you know of any articles to upgrade service packs?
I am attempting to install SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition (from CD) on my IBM PC with XP Operating System. During set up, I get a error message (see below) telling me about a Service Pack requirement. When I click on the link provided in the error message, it does not lead to any service pack download.
I'm trying to read thru these forum posts, it seems that there is a service pack that I need to download after installing SQL Server 2005. But how can I install the pack after when I can't install SQL Server. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Below is more information about the version of windows my PC has.
My PC: Windows Version 5.1 (Build 2600.xpsp2.030422-1633:Service Pack 1)
Error message from install program:
Operating System Service Pack Level Requirement. (Error) Messages Operating System Service Pack Level Requirement.
"The current operating system does not meet Service Pack level requirements for this SQL Server release. Install the most recent Service Pack from the Microsoft download center at, and then run SQL Server Setup again."
We have SQL Server 7.0 installed on a server which we didnt think it was installed on. Oops! How do I find out what SQL Server service pack is installed on the server, if any. I tried the following stored procedures to no avail. select @@version and xp_msver.
Is it possible to have spacing within a column name? Something like"column name." I can do it from EM but won't let me do it in queryanalyzer. Can someone tell me the command to do this in queryanalyzer? Thanks!
I'm developing a report at the moment that uses a sub report twice on the same report (legal legislation type of thing, requires information to be displayed twice.). In the first location the one column is heavily spaced to the right (though not designed this way), causing a new blank page to be created when exporting, but at the other location (on the same report, same data), the spacing is normal. What could be causing this?
I'm working in a manufacturing company which run with a sql server 7 but we 'd like to know whether this is relialable because all our manufacture databse is on that
Does anyone know when SQL Server 6.5 Service Pack 5 came out and of any reviews on it?? Would like to make sure there are no major issues or bugs before installing company-wide. Thanks in Advance, Bill.
If I update my SQL Server 6.5 server with sp5a, do I need to also update the clients? My clients only have the 'SQL Client Configuration Utility' installed.
Hi, I am trying to install the service pack 3 for sql server 2000 but cannot do it. I keep getting stuck at the screen where it asks u for the windows authentication or the sa password.
I select the sa password option and enter the password but it gives me an error saying that it was unable to connect.
I have msde version 8.00.534 that is sp2 I think. When I attempt to upgrade to sp3a I get: “The instance name specified is invalid� . I am working with win XP home edition that include IIS. Have some suggestions? Thanks
I have msde version 8.00.534 that is sp2 I think. When I attempt to upgrade to sp3a I get: “The instance name specified is invalid� . I am working with win XP home edition that include IIS. Have some suggestions? Thanks
My production server has MS SQL Server 7.0 with service pack 2. I want to install the latest service pack but all my seniors who are working on Unix and sybase sql server doesn't want to install SP 4 they think with this service pack there has been no problems, we don't want to install new SP and create problems. CAn anyone guide me that what bugs are fixed and wht are good reasons for installing latest SP over the old one, and Is there any draw backs about new SP.
Has anyone had a problem when installing service pack 2 or 3 on SQL Server 7.0? I'm stuck at MDAC upgrade every time, had to 'end task'. Did select @@version afterwards, still on the old version. I didn't try service pack 1 yet.
I found the following page titled "Can't install SQL server service pack 1", but I'm unable to access.
Any help will be appreciated. Please email me directly. Thanks in advance.
Can someone help me out to uninstall service pack 5a on SQL server 6.5? We have few problems with this new service pack. Stored procedures could not delete temporary tables created in them. Can I load the backup databases from this service pack(5a) to service pack 4 servers?
I wanted to find out more about Service Pack 5. I have heard that the purpose of this service pack is to make SQL Server 6.5 Y2K compliant.
Does anyone know anything about this Service Pack (its contents, release date etc). I have checked the Microsoft SQL Server home page, MSDN Library, TechNet, Knowledge Base and have not had much luck.
We have SQL Server 6.5. We planned to go for Service Pack 5a. Right now SP3 is running on SQL. I went through the "Microsoft Site", we also noted down some information from the site. In our server we didn't set any password for 'sa'. In the Documentation they hv given some options for setup. I am not able to follow that. Can anybody explain to me what options I hv to give while I execute the setup.exe for "SP5a" and Can anybody please tell me what precautions we have to take before installing the SP5a?.
I participate in the SQL Server Integration Services and Reporting Services forums and I have seen many outstanding issues users would like to see fixed. Is there a SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3 being developed and if so when would it become available?
Is there no "passive" install mode for SP1 (gui but no user input required)? I can run unattended using the /quiet switch but this gives me absolutely no feedback as to progress or success/failure of the install. It also returns to the command prompt immediately whilst kicking of msiexec in the background, meaning I can't trap any errorlevel. How are we supposed to check success or failure in applying the SP for unattended installs? For rolling this out across an enterprise we need something, usually hotfix.exe has a passive install mode.
SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 has been released to the web. Many of the questions asked on this forum will be solved by applying Service Pack 2. Please take the time to read about the many benefits this service pack provides.
SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2:
SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 blogs: