How To Display UTF-8 Chinese Characters In Reporting Services

Jun 11, 2007


We have stored some chinese characters in SQL database with datatype as nvarchar, but they are displayed in RS as some weird characters.

like this: 耹±Ã¥€¢€ 耹±Ã§¾Å½Ã¨¸Ã¨€°Ã¥€¢€ Ã¥€¹„¢(耚¡)Ã¥€¦¬Ã¥¸Ã¥°Ã§£Ã¥Ë†€ Ã¥€¦¬Ã¥¸

When we code the asp pages, we put the following on each page to display the chinese characters properly.

<meta http-equiv="CONTENT-TYPE" content="TEXT/HTML; CHARSET=UTF-8">

So my question is what do I need to do in RS in order to show the chinese characters properly as well ?

Many thanks!

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Can The Data Viewers Display Chinese Characters?

Jan 11, 2007

Is there a way to change the font that the data viewer uses, so that the Chinese characters don't appear as boxes?
The data viewer displays Chinese characters as boxes, something similar to [_], at least on a computer with the following regional settings.

get-wmiobject CIM_OperatingSystem | ft OSLanguage, CodeSet, Locale

OSLanguage CodeSet Locale
---------- ------- ------
1033 1252 0409The data itself is flowing correctly into the target database with a pipeline data_type of DT_WSTR. The ideograms can be seen by query utilities which supports a unicode font (e.g. Management Studio).

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Read Chinese Character From SQL(SQL Server 2005) Database Table Column And Display Chinese Character

Feb 1, 2008


I have a table like this below and it doesn't only contain English Names but it also contain Chinese Name.
(FirstName NVARCHAR (50),
LastName NVARCHAR (50));
I tried to view the column using SQL Query Analyzer, It didn't display Chinese Character.
I know that SQL Server 2005 is using UCS-2 Encoding and Chinese Character uses Double Byte Character Set (DBCS) Encoding.
I want to read the FirstName and LastName columns and display in Window Form Data Grid and ASP.NET Grid View.
I tried to use this code below and it didn't work. It convert some of the English Name to Chinese Character and it display the chinese character and some still in the original unreadable characters.
Does anybody know how to read those character from SQL Table and display the correct Chinese Character without converting the English Name into Chinese also?

int codePage = 950;
StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder();
Encoding targetEncoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(codePage);
byte[] encodedChars= targetEncoding.GetBytes(str);
message.AppendLine("Byte representation of '" + str + "' in Code Page '" + codePage + "':");
for (int i = 0; i < encodedChars.Length; i++)
message.Append("Byte " + i + ": " + encodedChars);

message.AppendLine(" RESULT : " + System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetString(encodedChars));

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Reporting Services :: Broken Chinese Language On Report Builder

Sep 1, 2015

We can see the chinese language without any problem.However, when I open the upper report on my Report Builder, the chinese words are broken looks like below.This symptom happens after windows10 upgrade from window7 , once I use windows7 , there was no problem to see report builder. 

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Reporting Services :: Display Columns When There Is No Data To Display

Apr 30, 2015

I would like to display a portion of report where there is data or no data

There is data subreport  display   

     Product Name Latex Gloves  
     Product ID      

 There NO data in the subReport
  Product Name                          
   Product ID    

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Chinese Characters

Mar 27, 2007

How do I have to setup my SQL Server in order to be able to introduce (save) Chinese Characters additionally?

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Sorting Chinese Characters In SQL

Sep 29, 2005

I have a column (ntext) and set collation to be Chinese-PRC, when I say Order By colName, how the column is sorted.

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Chinese Characters In SQL 2000

Nov 22, 2004

Hi All

I have to develop a website which allows users to enter their comments into Chinese languages. I need sql2000 to support the chinese characters.

I am experienced .net web programmer, but have very little knowledge on the database side. Would really appreciate any help on this


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Import Chinese Characters Help

May 9, 2008


I need some help importing Chinese characters into my SQL Server 2005 database.

I have the data in an access database, which contains a mixture of english and chinese characters.

Now when I import this into SQL, the Chinese characters are not imported in correctly.

I'm aware of that these characters may need to be imported as unicode, but I don't have an option to change this when importing from the Access table.

Please can somebody assist.

many thanks!

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Chinese And Japanese Characters In Same Colation

Jul 20, 2005

SQL 2000, latest SP. We currently have the need to store data from aUTF-8 application in multiple languages in a single database.Our findings thus far support the fact that single-byte anddouble-byte characters can be held in the same DB without issue.However, when holding two sets of DIFFERING double-byte characters(i.e. Chinese and Japanese) there are issues.Since Japanese has a superset of both Kanji and Katakana charactersit's our theory that the Japanese collations will hold Chinese as well(Mandarin).1) Has anybody tried to store multiple languages in the same db? Whatcollation was used?2) Is it possible to change collation by table?3) Which collation of Japanese should be used for best multibyte,UTF-8 character sets? Currently we're testing with Japanese_CI_AS(encoding MS932).Any and all responses appreciated,Join Bytes!

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How To Design Database For Chinese And Japanese Characters

Aug 23, 2007

I need a small confirmation regarding storing the Chinese and Japanese characters in sql server. Can we store Chinese and Japanese characters on a same database with Chinese Collation? Or else we need to store it separately with respective collations.
I tried to store both characters on db with Chinese collation it works but I am not so sure if it is right way to do so. Please confirm on this as we are doing research stage to build website in Chinese and japanese.
Thanks in advance.

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Table-valued Function Does Not Accept Chinese Characters As Parameter

Nov 15, 2007

I have a table-valued function in mssql 2005 as below:
ALTER FUNCTION fn_test{   @test nvarchar(1000)}RETURNS@TEMP TABLE{   test nvarchar(1000)}ASBEGIN   INSERT INTO @TEMP   SELECT @test
Everytime, I passed in chinese character (@test), such as æ¸¬é©—, the function will return ????.  What should I do for the table-valued function, so that the chinese character can be passed in?  Please help.
Note: I can search and get the chinese characters if I use stored procedures; and the columns in the tables can store chinese chararcters as well.   Only table-valued function is not working with the chinese characters.  Is it a bug from MSSQL 2005?

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DB Engine :: Chinese Collation That Has Latin Case-insensitive Characters?

Aug 21, 2015

I don't quite understand what I am asking for so hopefully this is enough to get an answer or some explanation.

Using SQL2014 I need to use a Chinese collation. I have been told that even with a Chinese collation Latin characters are there. Is there a Chinese collation that will provide Latin case-insensitive behavior?

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Reporting Services :: SSRS Only Display One Row

Sep 13, 2010

I am using VS 2010 and the SSRS that came with it. I am sure its SSRS 2008. Anyway, I added a report file to the project, added an ObjectDataSource and connected this to SQLServer 2008, and display the dataset on the report. The report is using ScriptManager, ReportViewer1, and Report1.rdlc file. I preview the dataset and I have multiple row returned. The problem is I only have one row displayed on the report. Maybe I did a quick and dirty report? What setting of properties did I missed?

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Display Tiff In Reporting Services

Sep 7, 2007

I have a file directory of tiff images that I need to display dynamically with reporting services. I receive the following error message: "The value of the MIMEType property for the image €˜image1€™ is €œimage/tiff€?, which is not a valid MIMEType." After looking it up sure enough tiff is not a valide type. Does anyone know of a way to display tiff images in reporting services.


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Reporting Services :: Display Row Data

May 8, 2015

I have a database that yield 50 different reason codes

Each reasons code yields a total

Appeal 4
Loss 5
Won 0

How can I display all 50 rows of data regardless if there is a total value.

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Reporting Services Display Problem On 2 Mar

Mar 2, 2008

I have Successfully deployed the report in Report Server.
And i also successfully called it from Web application using VS 2005.

But the problem is,I am able to view only half of the report in Web Browser.It was Shrinked to Left side of the browser.
I am getting total report when i browse from Report Server URL directly.

Any body pls help me to solve this.

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Reporting Services :: Drill Through Report - Full Path Must Be Less Than 260 Characters

Sep 15, 2015

I have a drill through report. I am passing multiple parameter values to my sub report using 'url'.

But I am getting error 'The full path must be less than 260 characters long'.

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Reporting Services :: Format Month Into Three Characters In SSRS Expression?

Apr 22, 2015

I am using the following expression to place the month in the heading of a column.


The expression above gives me the previous month, but I need to have it as "Jan", not "January".

expression that will give me the three character month name instead of the full month.  I've tried substituting the "M" with "MMM", but get an error.  I've also tried "Mon", but again, I
get an error.

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How To Display Error Message(Reporting Services)

Mar 10, 2007

I have a report created in Business Intelligence Project.I want to trigger my report result. If it has no returned value, it creates error message displayed on the screen. How could I do this?
Any guidance please.


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How To Display Records Across The Page In Reporting Services?

Apr 14, 2008

I have created a table and want to display a datset. One of the fields in the dataset is 'month' which I need displayed across the top of the report. The other information should make up the rows.

How do I get it to list the Month across the page rather than down?

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Reporting Services :: Need To Display Data In Given Format

Jul 16, 2015

I want a ssrs report with two tables adjacent,using same data set. I want to start row number/records in second table where rownumber of first table ends.and in second page first table should start where second table of first page ends.

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Display Problem In Reporting Services(on 14th Mar)

Mar 14, 2008

Hi all,
I have one problem to display report.
I have 6 fileds in my Dataset.I have to display 4 fileds in one row.
After that I have to display other 2 fields in next row.
Second row may have more than one record based on last field of the first Row.
How can i place my fields at the time of Design.


suppose x,y,z,p,s,t are fields

x y z p(1st row)
in this row values for x,y,z,p fileds
s t
xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx(2 records)
yyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyy
x y z p
in this row values for x,y,z,p fileds
s t
xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx(1 Record)
x y z p
in this row values for x,y,z,p fileds
s t
xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx(3 Records)
yyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyy
zzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzz

How can i display this.
Thanks and Regards

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How To Hide URL When Display Reports In Reporting Services

Jul 26, 2007

Hi ,

How can I hide the URL information when I open a report, some with parameters and some do not have
parameters. Is there anyway or properties in RS that I can set to have it hide all the important information,
like datasource, credentials, parameters, and display the report like a aspx page instead?

Or does this need to have special programming to make this happen? and if so, what do I need to do?

thanks very much

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Reporting Services :: Strip Unwanted Characters From Parameters For SSRS Report

May 22, 2015

I have a third party app that passes parameters (main dataset query) from the app to SSRS.  Unfortunately, when the parameters are passed from the app they will contain equal signs ("=") in front of each parameter.  For example, the parameters that may be passed to the main dataset query should be:


However, the parameters that are passed from the app, get to SSRS as:


Again, this is for the main dataset query and there may be one parameter or there may be any number of them.

Basically, I need to strip the "=" signs from the parameters. whether there is one parameter or ten.

I believe that I will need a custom function to strip the equal signs?

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Reporting Services :: How To Display Month Column As Varchar

Jun 1, 2015

I have a doubt ,while doing report, I have month column, I have passed 11 in  month parameter, but I want to display month column as NOV not 11. 

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Reporting Services :: Display Only Certain Values In Pie And Graph Chart

Sep 3, 2015

I have a table that contains some data. 








I have a pie chart and a bar chart.

In the pie chart I want to plot only TotalForRetire and TotalForDisability and TotalForOrange

In the bar chart I want to plot only TotalForRetire,dummy1,TotalForRelatives.

Also, here I want the horizontal axis not to show the label  for dummy1 as the value is 0. How can i do that for each chart?

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Reporting Services :: Display A Report From Another Dataset In Same List?

May 29, 2015

I would like to display different addresses in the same list:

I have the query for married couples working, Also, I have a separate query of non-married people working.I would like to create a separate datasets for unmarried people in the same report.-Is there way to setup another the second data set without duplicating the fields from the first datasource. I tried to use alias on the second datasets and it did not work okay.

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SQL Reporting Services 2005 - Display For Two Times In One Cell

Jan 9, 2008

I have a cell in one of my reports that displays both a begin time and an end time. The problem is that the times are stored in military time and I need to display them in AM/PM format.

Currently I am doing the following:

WHEN DATEPART(HH, start_time) < 13 THEN RIGHT(CAST(100 + DATEPART(HH, start_time) AS CHAR(3)), 2)
ELSE CAST(DATEPART(HH, start_time) - 12 AS CHAR(2)) END + ':' + RIGHT(CAST(100 + DATEPART(MI, start_time) AS CHAR(3)), 2) +
WHEN DATEPART(HH, start_time) < 13 THEN ' AM' ELSE ' PM'
+ ' - ' +
WHEN DATEPART(HH, end_time) < 13 THEN RIGHT(CAST(100 + DATEPART(HH, end_time) AS CHAR(3)), 2)
ELSE CAST(DATEPART(HH, end_time) - 12 AS CHAR(2)) END + ':' + RIGHT(CAST(100 + DATEPART(MI, end_time) AS CHAR(3)), 2) +

in order to present the two times in one cell in AM/PM format. While this works, I'm wondering if there is a way in Reporting Services layout mode to give a date or time format mode to a cell that will work for two times with a dash in between them, rather than simply for one time. Then I could pull the times in the format that they are stored on the database and use Reporting Services to format them. Does anyone have any suggestions?

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Reporting Services :: Display Values By Color Group

May 25, 2015

I am new to SSRS. I created a reporting services with 3 groups. I would like to know how to create different colors for each group so that all my values displayed by color group ?.

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Reporting Services :: Display Multiple Tablix Using A Parameter

May 15, 2015

Using a single multi select parameter I want to show/hide 5 tablix's I have in my SSRS 2008 report. Inside the parameter  I want to give each tablix a value a have user control which tablix he wants to see. If user selects all 5 he should be able to see all 5 or if he selects only 4 then display only the 4 tablix's user selected or select's only 3 then display only 3 so on so forth.

How to configure the parameter and hidden expression of the tablix.

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Reporting Services :: How To Display 3 Rows Of Data In A Matrix

Nov 3, 2015

My stored procedure give me top 3 activities. My SSRS report design, I am able to display first activity when I select the Activity field from the Stored procedure, how to display 3 activities for each category.. Also I need a solution to sort the categories based on the requirement below.

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Reporting Services Parameter Do Not Refresh And Display Correct Value

Apr 4, 2008

I am creating an RS with four parameters -

Parameter 1 = Date Period ex. 20081102
Parameter 2 = Start Date ex. 11/02/2008
Parameter 3 = End Date ex. 12/02/2008
Parameter 4 = Description ex. Period 20081102

For Parameter 2 and 3 it will have available values in a Date Range
ex. for Period 20081102 it will have a date range
for Parameter 2 = from 10/02/2008 - 12/02/2008
for Parameter 3 it will have from 11/02/2008 - 12/02/2008

The process flow goes like this:

1. I'll select value from parameter 1
2. Automatically parameter 2,3 and 4 should display corresponding values.
3. It works well on first try
4. if i'll try selecting another value for Parameter 1,
5. As expected it should display again the corresponding values for the 3 parameters but Parameter 2 is retaining the value for the previous Parameter.

Why is it happening?
Does it have something to do with the date range?
How does the sequencing for RS happens?
This scenario happens when date ranges for each Date Period have common values.

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