How To Display Parameter On The Report
Aug 8, 2007
I am trying to display a report parameter value in the report body, but when I run the report it is displaying the actual dimensional value [Product].[Category]&1 instead of the value that user has selected "Bikes". The report is built on Analysis Service data mart.
Environment: SQL Server 2005 - Analysis Services & Reporting Services.
How would I fix this issue?
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Nov 28, 2007
When I open a report in Report Server it opens up with the parameter area open, showing available paramater lists.
However when I call the same report from another report the parameter area is closed. I would like the default behavior to be the same - an open parameter display area.
Is this possible?
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May 22, 2008
Hi all,
I'm trying to embed a report into a CRM IFrame. So I have the report created in Business Intelligence Visual Studio 2005, but I need to display it with none of the header details SRS displays by default.
Using the following URL I included rc:toolbar=false and rcarameters=false but they don't seem to make any difference. I basically need to display the report content as if it were part of that page and not an SRS hosted page.
Anyone have some pointers for me?
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May 22, 2008
Hi all,
I'm trying to embed a report into a CRM IFrame. So I have the report created in Business Intelligence Visual Studio 2005, but I need to display it with none of the header details SRS displays by default.
Using the following URL I included rc:toolbar=false and rcarameters=false but they don't seem to make any difference. I basically need to display the report content as if it were part of that page and not an SRS hosted page.
Anyone have some pointers for me?
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Mar 6, 2008
Hi All,
I have configured the ReportParameter as following, but it is not visible on RunTime ? Any idea why ?
LocalReport oLocalReport = ReportViewer.LocalReport;
List<ReportParameter> oParmList = new List<ReportParameter>();
String sResidentID = "";
sResidentID = "RES100";
ReportParameter oReportParameter = new ReportParameter("ResidentID",sResidentID, true);
Appreciate any help,
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Feb 19, 2008
I am trying to figure out a way to toggle the visibility of attribute data based on a parameter. Specifically, I have a report that has many columns that an end-user may not want to see, depending on what they are using the report for. I know you can toggle visibilities on individual columns easily enough, however I want the user to be able to select which fields (at the attribute level) they want visible on the report up in the parameters, via a multi-value prompt.
Is this possible with reporting services 2005?
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Mar 19, 2008
Hi All,
I have a report parameter which i multivalue. I want to display the selected value in a text box. I have written the following code :
=Switch(Parameters!ServiceAttribute.Count = 1,Parameters!ServiceAttribute.Value(0),
Parameters!ServiceAttribute.Count = 2,(Parameters!ServiceAttribute.Value(0) & ", " & Parameters!ServiceAttribute.Value(1)))
Which suggests that if only one of the two multivalue parameter id is selected display the same (Parameters!ServiceAttribute.Value(0)).
This works fine when i select both the attributes but throws an exception "Index was outside the bounds of the array" when i select only one of the parameters. Can anyone help me with that?
Also i want this report parameter to allow null i.e. if a user does not select anything he should still be able to view the report.
In case of regular dropdowns i have added a <Null> value to the existing values and set the default to null. But in case of multi-value, it does not give an option of adding <Null>
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Dec 18, 2007
I have a report parameter named "Schools" which display a list of schools. For example, Alo elementary school, Balo middle school and Calo high school.
When "Alo elementary" is selected the report only display students from that school along with other assessments data fields. same goes for other schools too. But I want to display different data fields for "Calo high school" when it is selected. It is not currently possilbe becasue I am using the same template for all types of schools. There some fields only should be displayed for "Calo high school" but not for any other type of schools.
I can accomplish this by creating two separate report, one for "Calo high school" and the other for other schools. But I want to accomplish this just by creating one report. So when "Alo elementary school" is selected it displays report with certain fields and when "Calo high school" is selected then it displays same fields as "Alo elementary school" but as well as some other fields too in the report. Is this possible? Need help.
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Apr 21, 2008
Is it possible to include a text/string as suffix(append to the end of textbox) to an report parameter prompt string ? Something like this
Enter Date: [ Textbox ] format:mm/dd/yyyy
Enter Age:[Textbox ] e.g 50
I need to include text like the one that I have highlighted in blue. Could someone help me out?
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Jan 9, 2007
Request is to have a Requirement number from the requirement form generate a report in Reporting Services with the requirement number as a filter.
I can set up the parameter - how does the value get there? Should I be asking this question in the Visual C# group?
Terry B
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Nov 5, 2007
How do I display multiple parameter values on report page from a multi-value report parameter. For example, I have a report parameter where users can select multiple attendance codes and I want them displayed at the top of the report after it's run.
Currently, only the first value is showing on the report.
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Jun 22, 2015
How to display the logo in middle of report header , The logo is embedded in the Image folder . The column of the report  are static. we are using SSRS 2008
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Dec 14, 2007
hai iam new to ssrs, please help me.
i have student billbale information assume what ever data it. i need to to dispaly total amount for the student at
Bottom Of Report By Daily, Weekly, Monthly, SYTD . take any example, i want to know formula.
thanks to advanced
Jacks v
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Mar 6, 2007
I have a multi value parameter in my report.
I want to know how can I display all of the selected values in this parameter in a text box.
Whan I try to use this parameter in a textBox it automaticly take the value:
Parameter.param.Value(0) Whice take only the first select value.
Is there a simple way of doing it?
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Sep 19, 2007
I have two parameters: year and month. The Month parameter includes All, 1, 2, ect..
I tried to display the parameter slected with the following expression:
MonthName(Parameters!DateShippedMonth.Label)) & ", " & Parameters!DateShippedYear.Label
I want it to either display the label (All) or the name of the month. I get an error when All is the parameter selected but not when any month is selected. If I removed the MonthName() function, I don't get an error but I also don't get the month name.
Any ideas?
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Jan 29, 2008
My report has a parameter called ToDate. Say the user enters 01/29/2008. How do I display this in the header:
Year to Date Jan 2008. ????
Is there a month and year function that I could use to extract the three letter month and the 4 number date?
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Feb 19, 2007
since a couple of days I'm fighting with RS 2005 and the Stored Procedure.
I have to display the result of a parameterized query and I created a SP that based in the parameter does something:
CREATE PROCEDURE [schema].[spCreateReportTest]
@Name nvarchar(20)= ''
declare @slqSelectQuery nvarchar(MAX);
set @slqSelectQuery = N'SELECT field1,field2,field3 from table'
if (@Name <> '')
set @slqSelectQuery = @slqSelectQuery + ' where field2=''' + @Name + ''''
EXEC sp_executesql @slqSelectQuery
Inside my business Intelligence Project I created:
-the shared data source with the connection String
- a data set :
CommandType = Stored Procedure
Query String = schema.spCreateReportTest
When I run the Query by mean of the "!" icon, the parameter is Prompted and based on the value I provide the proper result set is displayed.
Now I move to "Layout" and my undertanding is that I have to create a report Paramater which values is passed to the SP's parameter...
So inside"Layout" tab, I added the parameter: Name
allow blank value is checked and is non-queried
the problem is that when I move to Preview -> I set the value into the parameter field automatically created but when I click on "View Report" nothing has been generated!!
What is wrong? What I forgot??
Thankx for any help!
Marina B.
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Jul 2, 2007
I had thought that this was possible but I can't seem to figure out the syntax. Essentially I have a report where one of the parameters is populated by a stored procedure.
Right now this is easily accomplished by using "exec <storedprocname>" as the query string for the report parameter. However I am not clear if it is possible to now incorporate User!UserID as parameter to the stored procedure. Is it? Thanks
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Aug 10, 2015
I am using report builder 3.0.
I have a report parameter called para1 which is a drop-down list and what I want to do is display another report parameter based on the para1 selection.
So for example, para1 contains a, b, c choices. if a user selects b, I would like para2 to display but if the user selects a or c, I don't want the para2 to display.
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Apr 29, 2008
I have a datetime user inputted parameter on a report. I want to display it on the report without the time part.
ie. it displays
4/8/2007 12:00:00 AM
I want just to display the date part
Is this possible?
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Nov 20, 2007
I have a parameter consisting of a Year-Month hierarchy. The drop down parameter list appears as:
I have two questions:
Can I get the month names to appear instead of number?
When the parameter is selected the Parameters!DateShippedYearMonth.Label displays the month ONLY. How can I see the Year AND Month that was selected?
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Jul 11, 2007
I have a handful of reports that are currently used by sales reps, and I'm trying to make them available to their regional VP's, and coporate users (executives and administrative staff that support Sales nationwide).
Currently, the reports take the UserID and resolve it to show the information that is only appropriate for that specific rep.
What I would like to do is have the parameter section at the top of the report be displayed for higher level users, so they could select an individual sales rep from a drop-down. (Ideally, the RVP's would only be able to select from reps in their region, but the corporate users would be able to select any rep.) The problem is, I don't want any of the sales reps to be able to select a rep other than themselves, for obvious reasons.
Is there a way to have the parameter section hidden/displayed dynamically, based on the UserID, so that users other than reps would have the ability to enter the desired rep name, but reps would not?
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Apr 22, 2015
I'll go to a dataset, open up the query designer, add a new parameter, then refresh the fields, but the parameter won't be added as a report parameter. If I go to the dataset properties under the list of parameters, the value in the dropdown will be blank. However, sometimes this will automatically add.Â
Is this a bug in Visual Studio? How do I get around this?Â
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Nov 8, 2007
I have created a menu report listing available reports and am setting the Jump to settings of each text box in the list to take the user to the relevent report. But I am having a problem setting up drill down to reports with multivalued parameters.
What I want to happen when the user drills down is for the report to open up with no parameter values selected. This works for single value parameters where I have set Null as the default value. But I have not been able to figure out how to do this with MVPs. Does anybody know if this is possible?
As a workaround I have been using Jump to URL (rather than Jump to report), which has no problem opening the report without having to pass any values for the MPV. But I do not like using this as I use different DEV/UAT and PROD environments so would have to amend the URL for each environment.
Seems like this should be possible... Any idea?
Cheers, Mike
PS: I should add I can Jump to reports with MVP without specifying a parameter in development studio but not when the report is published.
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May 15, 2015
Using a single multi select parameter I want to show/hide 5 tablix's I have in my SSRS 2008 report. Inside the parameter  I want to give each tablix a value a have user control which tablix he wants to see. If user selects all 5 he should be able to see all 5 or if he selects only 4 then display only the 4 tablix's user selected or select's only 3 then display only 3 so on so forth.
How to configure the parameter and hidden expression of the tablix.
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Apr 4, 2008
I am creating an RS with four parameters -
Parameter 1 = Date Period ex. 20081102
Parameter 2 = Start Date ex. 11/02/2008
Parameter 3 = End Date ex. 12/02/2008
Parameter 4 = Description ex. Period 20081102
For Parameter 2 and 3 it will have available values in a Date Range
ex. for Period 20081102 it will have a date range
for Parameter 2 = from 10/02/2008 - 12/02/2008
for Parameter 3 it will have from 11/02/2008 - 12/02/2008
The process flow goes like this:
1. I'll select value from parameter 1
2. Automatically parameter 2,3 and 4 should display corresponding values.
3. It works well on first try
4. if i'll try selecting another value for Parameter 1,
5. As expected it should display again the corresponding values for the 3 parameters but Parameter 2 is retaining the value for the previous Parameter.
Why is it happening?
Does it have something to do with the date range?
How does the sequencing for RS happens?
This scenario happens when date ranges for each Date Period have common values.
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Mar 26, 2008
I'm attempting to use the following code to display either 'All' or the date value selected by the user from a Report parameter;
=iif(Parameters!FromCheckOutDateDate.Value.ToString = "[Check Out Date].[Date].[All]", "All", "From Date: " + Parameters!FromCheckOutDateDate.Value.ToString.Substring(26,10))
This is throwing an error ('#Error').
I can use the following code with no error, though its not as useful;
=iif(Parameters!FromCheckOutDateDate.Value.ToString = "[Check Out Date].[Date].[All]", "All", "Not all")
I can even use this to display the selected value (i.e. 2007-01-01);
Why can't I use them both in my iif statement?
Can someone please help?
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Feb 16, 2007
OK, I'm pretty sure that the answer to my questions is "no", but the boss is pushing, and I thought I'd double check.
I want the selection of one report parameter to decide what shows up for another report parameter. Specifically in my case it has to do with dates. I have narrowed the results down to monthly dates, meaning that the starting dates always start with mm/1/yyyy and the ending dates are always mm/31/yyyy (for a 31 day month).
The boss wants the ending dates to always be >= the month of the starting dates. So, if the user choose 1/1/2007 for starting, the minimum ending date would be 1/31/2007, etc.. Since the parameters are loaded at report initiation, and SSRS isn't really event driven, I didn't think this was possible. I just wanted to make sure before I tell the boss that it's not. Please advise.
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Jul 20, 2004
I tried to display return value from stored procedure output parameter in Query Analyzer, but I do not know how to do it. Below is my stored procedure:
@Email nvarchar(100),
@Password nvarchar(50),
@UserName nvarchar(100) OUTPUT
SELECT @UserName = Name FROM Users
WHERE Email = @Email AND Password = @Password
If I run the query in Query Analyzer directly, I can display @UserName:
DECLARE @UserName as nvarchar(100)
SELECT @UserName = Name FROM Users
WHERE Email = @Email AND Password = @Password
Select @UserName
But how can I display @UserName if I call stored procedure:
exec UserLogin 'email', 'password', ''
I believed it return int, right?
Thanks in advance for help.
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Jul 9, 2015
I need to set a field value based on two date time parameter's.What is the correct syntax to allow me to pass the value into the field in my SSRS expression ?
=IIf(Parameters!EndDate > Parameters!StartDate.Value, "Overdue")
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Aug 20, 2007
Here's tricky one.
I have a fairly complex report that was given to me that was hard coded for single parameters. There is a dropdown for each market (created from a query in SSRS). The users have to run for each market each week.
Is there a way to use this report as a Sub-report inside a list of a master report and then use a mult-value parameter?
I want this multi-value parameter to build the values for the list and then run the "sub-report" for each value.
Essentially, I want to create a for each loop.
Any ideas?
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Apr 16, 2015
I am working on reports in SSRS 2008 (not R2)... There are some reports with parameters that are hidden when the report is accessed through normal URL using ReportViewer.asx..The thing is that these hidden parameters need to be visible when the report is accessed using SSRS Report Manager.
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May 5, 2008
I am extracting RS reports through a WebService:
report = execService.Render("EXCEL", null, out extension, out mimeType, out encoding, out warnings, out streamIds);
Some works fine but some are generating the following SoapException:
Error during processing of €˜ReportParameterTime€™ report parameter. ---> Error during processing of €˜ReportParameterTime€™ report parameter. ---> Error during processing of €˜ReportParameterTime€™ report parameter.
I set required parameters to their default values. In this specific report I have two required parameters:
1: ReportParameterTime, String
2: ReportParameter1, String
I set them to their default values (ReportParameterTime to "[Czas].[Kalendarzowy].[Rok].&[2007]" - means
Time Calendar Year 2007) but I am getting the exception above. I set parameters using this code:
execService.SetExecutionParameters(parameterValues.ToArray(), CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name);
Where parameterValues is a List<ReportExecution2005.ParameterValue>.
When I am using Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportViewer the report is generated without
any problems. I can see one parameter to choose: "Kalendarzowy" (means adj. Calendar) and can
select years, the default value is "2007".
What am I doing wrong and how can I fix this error ? Does anybody know ?
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