I have one table of new records (tableA) that may already exist in
tableB. I want to insert these records into tableB with insert if they
don't already exist, or update any existing ones with new data if they
do already exist. A column (Action) in tableA already tells me whether
this is an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE. I'm able to derive that I can do
an insert with
select * into tableB from tableA where Action = 'INSERT'
....and I think I can handle the delete.
But I'm stuck on the update. How do I do the update? An ordinary
UPDATE statement just won't do unless I use a cursor to cycle through
the recordset. I want to avoid a cursor.
I'm building a package to import data from a flat file into a Customer table, and I have set up a Lookup to check if that customer already exists in this table, and if so, perform an Update command instead of the bulk load. I don't expect many updates, if any, this is why i just used the OLE DB Command instead of using a staging table.
I've a bit of a problem executing this within a transaction and having the lock table option set on the SQL Server Destination. Is there anyway I can get Transaction support for this Data Flow working, as I want to be able to rollback a complete file/import if possible.
Hi when i am using OLDB Command for Update Existing Records the Follwing ERror Code I am getting . Any one pls help me on this one.
1)[DTS.Pipeline] Error: The ProcessInput method on component "OLE DB Command 1" (9282) failed with error code 0xC0202009. The identified component returned an error from the ProcessInput method. The error is specific to the component, but the error is fatal and will cause the Data Flow task to stop running.
[OLE DB Command 1 [9282]] Error: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E10.
[OLE DB Command 1 [9282]] Error: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E10.
I have a following problem: I€™m importing records from an Access table into a SQL Server Table. I€™m using lookup to determine if a record already exists in the SQL Server table and in that case I should update the record if it was modified.
I thought of using OLE DB Destination for new records (done, works fine) and OLE DB Command Transformation to update the modified records. It all works but the thing that bothers me is that my table has approx. 40 columns so my OLE DB Command is very long (update table set col1 = ?, col2 = ?, col3 = ? €¦€¦). The other problem is that I€™m always updating all the columns even if only one column was modified.
Is there a better way to update the existing records?
I have a table that stores all the processed data from other tables. How can I replace the same data in this table when I do "reprocessing"? It's kinda like a combination of delete then insert kind of thing. I cannot simply insert as it will become duplicates. any idea?
I want to join the two tables to add the Code of CodeType "C" to the records of NAMES
Result Example IDNameCode 1FIRSTgfd 2SECOND----
I want to have all records from the names with the codetype C, if there is no record with the codetype c for a given ID, the cell should be blank to identify for which ID's the CodeType C is mising.
Good Morning, I need some assistance with SQL Server 2000 Importing Data. When I import data from a text on a routine basis, three things must happen: 1. New records identified by primary key get appended to table. 2. Exisiting records identified by primary key get overwritten with new/(updated) data. 3. All other existing records are left alone. Does anyone know how to Import Records with the following the criteria above? It cannot insert duplicate primary keys by nature, so it must overwrite those records! This is being built into a DTS Package, but I need to get over this obsticle! Thanks for any guidance!
I currently have a table called stores. I've just added a uniqueidentifier column called store_guid to the stores table. The table currently has about 500 records in it and now i'm trying to set each store_guid = to a newid(). I've tried using UPDATE stores SET store_guid = newid() . however, that doesn't work because i think it's trying to set each record equal to the same guid using that approach. All i need to do is fill in my new column with new guids. any ideas?
Greetings:I have a SQL 2000 database, in which about 1% of the records are inlower case. I need to make them UPPER CASE.Is there a function to determine and change the case of existingrecords, or will I have to re-write the records manually?Thanks,DW
I need a little help here..I want to transfer ONLY new records AND update any modified recordsfrom Oracle into SQL Server using DTS. How should I go about it?a) how do I use global variable to get max date.Where and what DTS task should I use to complete the job? Data DrivenQuery? Transform data task? How ? can u give me samples. Perhaps youcan email me the Demo Package as well.b) so far, what I did was,- I have datemodified field in my Oracle table so that I can comparewith datelastrun of my DTS package to get new records- records in Oracle having datemodified >Max(datelastrun), and transferto SQL Server table.Now, I am stuck as to where should I proceed - how can I transfer theserecords?Hope u can give me some lights. Thank you in advance.
Dear All,I am Using MS SQL EXPRESS SERVER .I have installed all tools available to Express Edition site. Now I have created my database on this .I have imported a table from my MS ACCESS database (Using ODBC Datasource).This table contains 10,000 records ,Now I want to append 1 more access Table(5500 records) to the existing table having same fields.How to do this.Can any body tell me? Thanks and Regardsmukesh
Hi i am getting a weekly transaction file which has two columns trans code and trans date to indicate whether the record is changed, added or modified . and the monthly master file contains blank in these two fields.
How do i update the row coming from the transaction file in the tables which contain the rows from the master file .
to better explain the example is Master File
ID Name AGE Salary Transcode TransDate 2 dev 27 2777
Transaction File indicating change
ID Name AGE Salary Transcode TransDate 2 dev 27 24444 C 08072007
the ouput should be
2 dev 27 24444 C 08072007
replacing the existing row in the table(updating the whole row)
i have 50 columns in my table and based on the two fields i should replace the rows exisiting in table and if ID doesnot match exist just add them as a new row.
what transformation should i use .... to replace all the columns which have matching ID in table to the current record from trans file and if there doesnt exist matching id just add them as new row.
I have one table Phone and a table SmsMessage that are linked by the Cellnumber. Cellnumber is the primary key in Phone.
For some reason in the table Phone the Cellnumbers are stored with extra spaces like: '+27000000000 ', but in the SmsMessage table the same value is stored as '+27000000000'. However when I want perform an update to trim the Cellnumbers, I get the message 'Cannot modify values Cellnumber in Phone because there are dependent values in SmsMessage.
The fact is that there are no dependent values, but for MSSQL '+27000000000' and '+27000000000 ' is the same????! Note that the function Len(Cellnumber) gives me the length of the string WITHOUT the spaces as well.
Even if I remove all relationships from Phone, I still get the same error. Are there more places in MSSQL where relationships are stored besides the Diagrams?
Or is there a command that tells MSSQL to ignore all relationships for the next query?
I need to create an SSIS package that updates columns in a table from columns in another database where the keys match. What's the best way to do this?
IUpdating existing rows in a SQL server 2005 destination table
--I have a CSV file and every row needs to perform an update on a production table
The most straight forward is to use an OLEDB Command Data Flow Transformation Object that sends one SQL statement per row coming in. How do I configure this object ???
That might be okay if you've only got a small number of updates, however if you've got a large set, I prefer landing this set to a temporary table and then doing Set based updates in a following Execute SQL task. Can you please tell me how I can set up the Execute SQL Task to do set based updates in the Control flow??
I have 50 MSDE SQL2k servers, each server has around 10 customer databases. There are 5 stored procecures need to update to 50*10 = 500 databases. These 5 stored procedures each has many 'Go' keywords and 4 of 5 with more than 8000 characters. What might be the best way to loop execute them automatically, instead of isql/w to each database connection to run the script?
I had bumpped by 'Go' keywords error and limitation of max varchar of 8000 error. thanks for the help David
HelloI used to work in a Sybase database environment. When I had to insert/update records in the database, I always used "insert on existingupdate", in this way, you didn't have to check whether a recordalready existed (avoid errors) and you were always sure that afterrunning the scripts, the last version was in the database.Now I'm looking for the same functionality in MS SQL Server, asked afew people, but nobody knows about such an option.Does anybody here knows the SQL Server counterpart of "insert onexisting skip/update"? If this doesn't exist, this is a minus forMS ;).Greetz,Bart
I have a field where all of the data is 5 characters in length. The last character denotes a status and will always be an F, H, or T. I want to add a new field (which I will do manually) and populate the new field with the last character from the "old" field. Once that is complete, I want to eliminate that 5th character from the old field.
I am building a data warehouse. I have many columns I want to populate in a fact table using integration services. Sample fields are: companyID, companyName, companyNumberOfAccounts, company, NumberOfUsers.
In the integration services package, I would like to keep this fact table in place and populated with data and to build integration services packages that update each of the existing row's specific columns (e.g. companyNameOfAccounts) one by one. For example, I have a source of data that has companyID and companyNumberOfAccounts data.
Is it possible to use the SQL Server Destination or OLE DB Destination Integration Services elements to import companyID and companyNumberOfAccounts data so that existing records just have their companyNumberOfAccounts column updated?
I have an excel file that contains column A with names of components and products followed by column B which has each respective quantity on hand. I want to import that data to our website's SQL database that has a products table with a column, Pf_ID, that has only product names not component names and In_Stock which contains out-dated information that I want updated from column B of the excel file.
I think I've figured out how to use DTS and update the two fields, but I'm afraid that when everything runs new entries will be created with component information. Is it possible to specify that only rows where Pf_ID matches some row in column A that same row's column B will be used to update the data in In_Stock. I may have just made things too confusing than they need to be, but I don't have much experience with EM or Excel.
I'm also considering trying to write a macro that will match Pf_IDs in an exported excel file of the products table and take rows out of the excel file with current quantity information putting them in a new excel file to import into the website's database.
I am trying my first bulk update to an existing SWL table from a CSV text file,The text file naming is exacrtly the same as the SQL table, with the same attributes
The statements: BULK INSERT [Jedox_prod].[dbo].[B_BP_Customer] FROM 'c:Baanjedox_dailyjdcom4401.txt' WITH
The error message is: [size=1Msg 4864, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Bulk load data conversion error (type mismatch or invalid character for the specified codepage) for row 2, column 3 (BP_Country). Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server "(null)" reported an error. The provider did not give any information about the error. Msg 7330, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
Cannot fetch a row from OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server "(null)".size=1]..The have checked and re-checked the BP_Country field ( the 1st field after the key) and I am not seeing any mismatches.
Have installed SQL Server 2008 R2 Express (includes SSMS tool) on Windows server 2008 R2 sp1 without any issues.Database created with no issues, full text catalog created via the wizard also with no issues but cannot run the process as a scheduled task of updating the catalog because the SQL agent is not available in the express version.
The full text index information is already being populated and updated by a third party application so this leaves just the catalog to be updated as and when new full text information is available.
I have a third party SQL scheduler which will run SQL scheduled tasks but requires a script to run the full text catalog update process
Is it possible to extract a script from the existing full text catalog to run the update process or how to create a script from scratch to do the same update catalog process in the third party scheduler?
The objective is to identify orders where an order fee has been applied incorrectly. I have multiple orders per customer, my table contains an orderID and a customerID. Currently if the customer places additional orders before the previous orders have been closed/cancelled, then additional fees are being applied.
Let's say I'm comparing order #1 to order #2. I need to identify these rows where the following is true:-
The CustID is the same.
Order #2 has a more recent order date.
Order #2 has a FeeDate Before the CancelledDate of Order #1 (or Order #1 has no cancellation date).
So in the table the orderID:2835692 of CustID: 24643 has a valid order fee. But all the subsequently placed orders have fees which were applied before the first order was cancelled and so I want to update the FeeInvalid column with a 'Y'. The first fee will always be valid.
I think I understand why the code I am trying doesn't achieve the result I want but I can't figure out how to write it correctly. Below is one example of code I've tried and also code to create the table and insert some test data.
update t1 SET FeeInvalid = 'Y' FROM MockData t1 Join MockData t2 on t1.CustID = t2.CustID WHERE t1.CustID = t2.CustID AND t2.OrderDate > t1.OrderDate AND t2.FeeDate > t1.CancelledDate CREATE TABLE [dbo].[MockData]( [OrderID] [float] NULL,
I went to look at the connection string previously entered for a dataset created in a new report, and am not seeing anything intuitive for bringing up the associated datasource dialog box that was used to enter name, type and connection string. I'm also noticing nothing intuitive for deleting an existing dataset. How do you do these two very simple things in an existing project? I dont see the dataset in solution explorer, I see it only in the text box on the data tab and in a limited kind of way on the dataset view where the columns show and maint is allowed mostly on the columns only. I tried hilighting the dataset here and hitting the delete key to no avail.
I would like to restore database using RESTORE DATABASE ... REPLACE command. If database exists already and has any open connections this command will fail. I would like to close all existing connections to specific database before running RESTORE DATABASE ... REPLACE command. I can do closing from Management Studio using checkbox "Close Existing Connection" when deleting database. Actually I need to do the same but from script.
I would like to update Table 1 with the data from Table 2. Here is my problem..Lets say that I have two records in Table 2 that have the same policyNumber but two different NewEmpNames, it only takes the first. In other words, a single policynumber can be moved to a New EmpName and then again later on to another NewEmpName adn even again if need be
I am trying to update a field within one table with the values from another table. With the criteria that another field in each table are equal. What is the correct way to do this. My syntax is all wrong.
I have table1 which has many unique ID numbers and table2 that has many records for each ID. some of the ID numbers in table1 have changed and I have created a translation table (table3) that links the old and new ID numbers.
What I need to do is some sort of update sql statement that updates all the records in table2 changing all the oldID numbers to the new ones using the translation table.
Table1 and table2 are not linked...can anyone help me with the sql statement
Table 1 IDNUM NAME 12345 Joe 12346 Mary 12347 David
Good day to all, I am new here so i hope i am doing things correctly.
The Company i work for make coils of shaped wire and work a 6 - 6 shift pattern
I have a database that is updated from a data collection source (MS Access) at 06:00 every morning. This seems to be working ok, my problem is that most coils fit nicely into the 6 - 6 shift pattern, but some now and again drift over into the next shift. I have written a crystal report that picks up this data. at the moment the coils are put in the database as: [Coil Start Time], [Coil Finish Time], [Coil Start Weight], [Coil Finish Weight], etc.
I have written (been helped to write) a SQL statement that will do the following:
Step 1: If the Coil Finish time is greater than the shift end time, then set the shit end time to be coil end time and zero start and finish wheight. Step 2: The original Coil record is duplicated and Coil Start time set to start time of shift, all other data left alone.
Example of code:
SELECT [Batch Name], [Batch Start], [Batch End], [Coil Start Weight], [Coil Finish Weight], [Product], [Shift], [Operator ID], [Works Order No] FROM dbo.tblCoilData WHERE (DATEPART(hour, [Batch Start]) >= 6 AND DATEPART(hour, [Batch End]) < 18) OR ((DATEPART(hour, [Batch Start]) < 6 OR DATEPART(hour, [Batch Start]) >= 18) AND (DATEPART(hour, [Batch End]) < 6 OR DATEPART(hour, [Batch End]) >= 18)) UNION ALL SELECT [Batch Name], [Batch Start], DATEADD(hour, 17, DATEADD(minute, 59, CONVERT(char(10), [Batch End], 101))), 0, 0, [Product], [Shift], [Operator ID], [Works Order No] FROM dbo.tblCoilData WHERE DATEPART(hour, [Batch Start]) >= 6 AND DATEPART(hour, [Batch Start]) < 18 AND (DATEPART(hour, [Batch End]) < 6 OR DATEPART(hour, [Batch End]) >= 18) UNION ALL SELECT [Batch Name], DATEADD(hour, 18, CONVERT(char(10), [Batch Start], 101)), [Batch End], [Coil Start Weight], [Coil Finish Weight], [Product], [Shift], [Operator ID], [Works Order No] FROM dbo.tblCoilData WHERE DATEPART(hour, [Batch Start]) >= 6 AND DATEPART(hour, [Batch Start]) < 18 AND (DATEPART(hour, [Batch End]) < 6 OR DATEPART(hour, [Batch End]) >= 18) UNION ALL SELECT [Batch Name], [Batch Start], DATEADD(hour, 5, DATEADD(minute, 59, CONVERT(char(10), [Batch End], 101))), 0, 0, [Product], [Shift], [Operator ID], [Works Order No] FROM dbo.tblCoilData WHERE (DATEPART(hour, [Batch Start]) < 6 OR DATEPART(hour, [Batch Start]) >= 18) AND DATEPART(hour, [Batch End]) >= 6 AND DATEPART(hour, [Batch End]) < 18 UNION ALL SELECT [Batch Name], DATEADD(hour, 6, CONVERT(char(10), [Batch Start], 101)), [Batch End], [Coil Start Weight], [Coil Finish Weight], [Product], [Shift], [Operator ID], [Works Order No] FROM dbo.tblCoilData WHERE (DATEPART(hour, [Batch Start]) < 6 OR DATEPART(hour, [Batch Start]) >= 18) AND DATEPART(hour, [Batch End]) >= 6 AND DATEPART(hour, [Batch End]) < 18
I have 2 options now
option 1: Leave this as a SQL View and report from this
option 2: Insert updated records to the tblCoilData table so that the data in the table is permanent
I would prefer option 2 but am a bit of a nugget when it comes to writing update / insert statements, Could someone please help me with this
Update the taskname as 'projectname' + '_' + 'workname' for any projectid. projectname and workname coming from the projectid and workid in the task record
so the task table becomes 1,project1_work1,1,1 2,project1_work2,1,2 3,project2_work3,2,3
I can get all the records doing this
SELECT p.projectname+ ' ' + w.workname AS 'NEWNAME' FROM task t JOIN work w ON t.workid = w.workid JOIN project p ON t.projectid = p.projectid WHERE projectid = 2