How To Dynamically Map The Coloumn To A Flat File Destination?
Jun 5, 2007
Hi All,
I am struck at one point. I am trying to this operation and not able to go further.
1. I have got the dataset to a variable in the control flow.
2. I am looping through the dataset based on a coloumn.
3. Now inside my For each loop i have a dataflow task.
4. In the data flow task i am trying to build a dynamic query using the OLEDB Source and i have selected SQL Command from variable. And the variable build the Query as select * from @othervariable.
Now my question is
Can i send the data of each of the Query resultset to an out put text file using Flat File Connection? If yes pls guide me how? I have tried to create a flat file connection but i am failing how to map the data comming from step 4 dynamically for every query, since every query gives you a different resultset with different coloumns.
I am testing SSIS and have created a Flat File Destination. I defined the Flat File Connection as New for the first time and it worked fine. Now, I would like to go back and modify the Flat File Connection in the Flat File Destination Editor, but it allows only to create a New connection rather allowing me to edit the existing one. For testing, I can go back and create a new connection, but if my connection had 50-100 columns then it would be an issue to re-create it from scratch.
I am transferring data from an OLEDB source to a Flat File Destination and I want the column width for all of the output columns to 30 (max width amongst the columns selected), but that is not refected in the Fixed Width Flat File that got created. The outputcolumnwidth seems to be the same as the inputcolumnwidth. Is there any other setting that I am possibly missing or is this a possible defect?
I m using SSIS and i am transfering the data from Flat File Source to the OLE DB destination File. The source file contain some corrupt data which i am transfering to the other Flat file destination file.
Debugging is succesful but i am not getting any error output in the Flat file destination file.
i had done exactly which is written in the msdn tutorial of SSIS.
Plz tell me why i am not getting the error output in the destination flat file?
Need to know how I can get the dynamic filename created in the FlatFile destination for insert into a package audit table?
Scenario: Have created a package that successfully outputs Dynamiclly named flat files { Format: C:Test’Comms_File_’ + ‘User::FileNumber’+’_’+Date +’.txt’
E.g.: Comms_File_1_20150724.txt, Comms_File_2_20150724.txt etc} using Foreach Loop Container :
* Enumerator Set to: “Foreach ADO Enumerator” with the ADO object source variable selected to identify how many total loop iterations there are i.e. Let’s say 4 thus 4 files to be created
*Variable Mappings : added the User::FileNumber – indicates which file number current loop iteration is i.e. 1,2,3,4
For the DataFlow task have a OLDBSource and a FlatFile Destination where Flat File ConnectionString is set up as:
I am trying to create a text file from an SQL query on a SQL table. I would like the SSIS package to prompt for the file name and path. The text file is tab delimited and the text qualifier is a double quote.
I am running my package in sql server 2012, in which i am giving network path for flat file destination. And its working fine. But if i give m local path, its giving me error " cannot open data file" ...
So this one has been bugging me for a while and I am ready to punt...
Is it possible to dynamically create a text file destination in SSIS and then pump the results of a query stored in a variable to this text file?
So my package looks like this 1) SQL task that pulls back a list of tables to be exported 2) For Each Loop ADO enum that passes the table name to a SQL Task that builds the select * from <DTS.Variables()> 3) Data flow task that sets the command from variable from step 2 4) Text File destinaiton that is built using a varable as the connectionstring
I am delaying validation in steps3 and 4 above without any luck...basically I am curious if i can even do what I am thinking I should be able to do here...I get as far as getting metadata errors because SSIS can't seem to handle dynamically filling the pipeline with the columns from the variable/SQL statement.
1. Flat File Source 2. Conditional Split, Case Good = !ISNULL(KEY) Case Error = ISNULL(KEY) 3. Case Good -> Writes to Good Flat File (with timestamp in the title) 4. Case Error -> Writes to Error Flat File (with timestamp in the title)
Most job runs have no errors but the error file is created as a zero byte file anyway. If there are no error records I don't want the error file created. How might I accomplish this?
I am a relative newbie to SSIS. I have been tasked with writing packages to import data from our clients. We have about 100 clients. Each client has a few different file formats. None of the clients have the same format as each other. We load files from each client each day. Each day the file name changes. I have done all of my current development work with a constant file name in a text file connection manager.
Ultimately we will write a VB application for the computer operator to select the flat file to load and the SSIS package to load it with. I had been planning on accomplishing this thru the SSIS command line interface. Can I specify the flat file to load via a variable that is passed through the command line? Do I need to use a Script Component to take the variable and assign it to the connection manager?
Is there a better way to do this? I have seen glimpses of a VB interface to SSIS. Maybe that is a better way to kick off the packages from a VB app?
LEFT OUTER JOIN vwInventoryAllocMapping AS vwMap ON a.TNRAllocTypeID = vwMap.TNRInventoryAllocID
LEFT OUTER JOIN ABC.dbo.TableJoinKey AS c ON a.TitleID = c.TITLE_ID
WHERE (vwMap.DataSourceID = 3) and vwMap.[DataSourceAllocName] = 'I'
group by c.SKU_NO , vwMap.[DataSourceAllocName],a.Qty , b.Profit_Center
order by c.SKU_NO,vwMap.[DataSourceAllocName]
i have to send the result of aforesaid script in batch of 300 records per file (tab delimited text file) now the file name must be dynamically created as each file will contain 300 records.
I have found some document related to same issue on this url
I am using SSIS to create a weekly data extraction that will be emailed to an external agency. I can extract the data, create the file and email it without any problems but I want to compress and encrypt it before I send to give some measure of protection to sensitive data it would contain.
If I did this manually, I would simply use Winzip to compress and encrypt the file to be sent. How can I achieve a similar result programtically?
I have created a package and when i was trying to configure a flat file destination, i am getting the following error:
The component could not be added to the Data Flow task. Could not initialize the component. There is a potential problem in the ProvideComponentProperties method. (Microsoft Visual Studio)
Error at Extract Test Flat File [DTS.Pipeline]: The module containing "component "" (245)" cannot be located, even though it is registered.
Exception from HRESULT: 0xC0048021 (Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSPipelineWrap)
------------------------------ Program Location:
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper.CManagedComponentWrapperClass.ProvideComponentProperties() at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design.PipelineTaskDesigner.AddNewComponent(String clsid, Boolean throwOnError)
Say I am going to write to a different Flat File for every product. So if there are 10 products in the data. There should be 10 Flat Files. Also the file name should include the Product Name And Product ID.
It is being done in a single Data Flow Task.
Right now the Property Expression for the File Name is which is not working)
Hi, I tried to follow the widely talked about method to dynamically populate the connection string property of my flatfileconnection manager from a variable. I keep getting the following non-fatal error.
TITLE: Microsoft Visual Studio ------------------------------
Nonfatal errors occurred while saving the package: Error at Package [Connection manager "FFCM"]: The file name ""C:ProjectsSSISHLoadTOutputOut.csv"" specified in the connection was not valid.
Error at Package: The result of the expression "@[User::CsvFullFileName]" on property "ConnectionString" cannot be written to the property. The expression was evaluated, but cannot be set on the property.
Here is what I am trying to do. I have a foreach loop that iterates through a list of xml config files and reads the config information including the destination csv file name and does a data transformation. So I created a flatfile connection to a csv file did my data mappings. Created a package level variable to hold the destination file path In the Flat file conn. manager's properties -> expression -> set the @[User::CsvFullFileName] (which even evaluates fine)
When I try to run the package I keep getting the above mentioned non-fatal error..I checked the path and it is valid. I even tried
the c:\projects\...notation and the UNC path notation...all seem to give the same error
Anyone experience this before ? any thoughts would be appreciated.
Trying to figure out the best method of reading in a number of flat files, all with different number of columns and data types and outputting them to a database.
Here's the problem: They are EBCDIC encoded and some of the columns are packed decimal. I've set up one package that takes the flat file, unpacks the decimal (Using UnpackDecimal component) and then sending the rest through a second component to go from EBCDIC -> ASCII.
What I need is a way to do this for every flat file based on the schema for that flat file. One current solution is to write a script/app to create the .dtsx XML file and then execute that for each flat file. It appears like this may be possible, but I haven't gotten far enough to know for sure. So my questions are this:
1) Is there an easier way to do this (ie somehow feed the schema to the package and use it to dynamically set up the column makers and determine which columns get fed to the unpack decimal component.
2) If there isn't a better way, will dynamically creating the .dtsx XML file based on the necessary input/output columns for each flat file work? If so, what is a good source of information on this (information about how the .dtsx XML file is set up, what needs to be changed/what doesn't, etc).
i am trying to load almost 15 csv files to my oledb destination can i use for each container to map the source columns dynamically to destination table during data flow task
I have a database app, and we're implementing various data export features using SSIS.
Basically, it's a couple of straight extracts of various recordsets/views, etc. to CSV (flat files) from our SQL Server 2005 database, so I'm creating an SSIS package for each of these datasets.
So far, so good, but my problem comes here: My requirements call for users to select from a list of available columns the fields that they want to include in their exported file. Then, the package should run, but only output the columns specified by the user.
Does anyone have any idea as to the best way to accomplish this? To recap, at design time, I know which columns the users will have to choose from, but at run time, they will specify the columns to export to the flat file.
Dynamically load a flat file from a dynamic source table-
The source table metadata is known via the SYSOBJECTS and SYSCOLUMNS tables- I can pull the column names, type and lengths from these tables based on the table name. (my goal is pretty simple- pull data from a table in our database, and save it down to a flat file)
Would this be enough to dynamically create the destination flat file? If so, how do I do it?
I have a dataflow task with two components: OLE DB source --> Flat File destination
In the OLE DB source, I am accessing a view, not a table.
However, when I attempt to map the view's input columns to the flat file destination columns, the screen is completely blank. There's none of the usual drop downs that let you select the column name, nor can I drag and drop the input column from the upper pane to the lower pane.
Attempting to write to a flat file, I get the following Warning then Errors:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Warning: 0x80070005 at Data Flow Task, Detail to dat File Writer [54]: Access is denied.
Error: 0xC020200E at Data Flow Task, Detail to dat File Writer [54]: Cannot open the datafile "DetailOutWhat_1.dat".
Error: 0xC004701A at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: component "Detail to dat File Writer" (54) failed the pre-execute phase and returned error code 0xC020200E. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
There should be no reason that this project can't open DetailOutWhat_1.dat, as it has successfully done it earlier today...
UNRELATED: Is it possible to comment out a transform or destination file while in the Designer View?
Currently we're working on an SSIS package to extract data from a SQL Server database to several fixed width flat files.
Some of the data needs to be formatted/converted in a certain way DateTimes need to be formatted in ISO8601Booleans need to be 0/1 instead of False/True...Has anybody any idea what the preferred approach (best practice) would be to do these conversions?Convert everything in the select query? What about readability of your query? Do it somewhere in the package? If so, how?....
I am trying to use a conditional split task so that I can check for specific fields. If the value doesn't exist I am piping the records to a derived field task, where I add an error. I then try to send these records to a flat file destination so that I can keep track of them. However, when I execute the SSIS data flow task I get the following error
[Log Invalid Records [5496]] Warning: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
This file isn't being used by any other process as far as I can tell, and the only process using it is the SSIS task trying to write to it.
If anyone has any ideas, then I would really really appreciate it
Hello Everyone, Please do inform me, how can I check if there is a new record or changed record from the source.
NOTE: my source is Flat File and destination is Oracle Table.
What is needed from my side is the history load (Type 2). This is not possible thru SCD component in Integration Services, If my source is Oracle (Even after I had added the parameters in my OLE DB) Please do inform me about this process. Very important.
I'm unable to figure out how to write a column header to my flat file destination. My source is a OLE DB SQL query and I need the column names as a header row in my text file destination. This seems easy but the closet I can find is hardcoding the column header row in the header property. Is this the only option?
I need to create a number of flat files, all with the same layout and sourced from the the same table, but with different criteria.
The first set of (three) flat files file is created out of a simple Conditional Split transformation: If Source Table row number > 40,000 route to File 3; if row number > 20,000, route to file 2, otherwise route to file 1. This gives me 20,000 rows in files 1 & 2 and the remainder in file 3.
I also want to create a fourth flat file by joining the Source Table with a sample table and selecting only those rows where the Customer numbers match. I'm currently doing this in two stages: An Execute SQL Task performs the join and inserts the selected rows into a Destination table (identical layout to source table), and then a simple data flow moves the rows from the Destination table into the fourth flat file.
My problem is that the order of the columns in the first three flat files is different from the fourth file. I've tried creating the fourth flat file with a single data flow using a Merge Join transformation which didn't work because the tables aren't sorted in the correct sequence, and I couldn't get an OLE DB Command transformation to work either.
I'm not sure why the column order of the 4th file should be different seeing as how its contents are sourced from the same Source table, but is there a cunning way of setting this up so that the columns end up in the same order?
I am using a data flow task, and outputting the results from the ole db source adapter to a flat file by calling a function. That part works fine.
However, I want the text fields to be surrounded by double-quotes, like so:
"data1", "data2", "data3"
However, what I'm getting is:
"data1 ","data2 ","data3 "
I tried both specifying a "text qualifier" and when that didn't work, I removed the text qualifier and put quotes around the columns in my select statement. But that didn't work either.