How To Editing XML File Through Script Tack In SSIS (Integration Service) 2005

May 2, 2006

Please help me with editing a XML file through script tack in SSIS (Integration Service) 2005

Thank you

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SQL Server 2005 Integration Service (SSIS) Reading HTTP Data

Jan 16, 2008

I need to read in general web pages (not a web service) from a typical web site using SSIS and make it available for other SSIS transformations (Script Component). I tried using the XMLSource data source but this appears to require well formed XML, and will not accept HTML which is what I am likely to be getting from the web pages.
I tried a HTTP Connection Manager with a DataReader Source, but seems to only accomodate web services.

Can this be done? If someone has an example (tutorial) of how to accomplish this I would greatly appreciate a copy.

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Please Help Me With Editing XML Files In SSIS 2005

Apr 28, 2006

I am using a XML file and retrieving data for my SSIS 2005 (Intigration Service) package, where after  retrieving the data I need to update my  XML file with new data by using script task or XML task

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

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Routine Crashing Of Visual Studio 2005 When Running Or Editing SSIS

Jun 7, 2006

We have found that it is common for Visual Studio 2005 to crash when editing or running SSIS packages -- from CTP versions through beta versions and including the release version.

Of course we kept hoping that newer releases would become more stable, or at least more robust -- and now I'm hoping there will be a service pack, which might make it more robust?

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Integration Services :: Post To A Web Service Using SSIS

Sep 2, 2015

I have a table is SQL server database A that is my source.

I have another database B which is accessed via webservice call.(its a CRM server basically).

My intention is to transfer data from A to B while B is accessible only via web service. I need to Trasnfer the data from the source database A to the destination Database B by calling the webservice.

Is there a way where I can retrieve whole set of rows in source table in preexecute(), And transfer the data to Database destination B by calling the webservice?

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Integration Services :: Reading Data File Present In A File System From A Package Deployed In SSIS DB?

Dec 4, 2014

I am trying to create and later read a data file from a package deployed in SSISDB, but it is not reading it while it is successfully creating the file. The same package when run from the file system package, runs successfully. Generating ispac and deploying in SSISDB is running for infinite time. Is it a permission issue?

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Integration Service In SQL Server 2005

Jul 14, 2006


I try to import a directory with pdf-files in the SQL Database.
How can I do this using the Integration Service? I can't
find suitable data sources.

I would be very pleased to get well informed answers.

Yours sincerely

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Integration Service Express/2005

Sep 13, 2007

I finally bit the bullet and uninstalled all of Sql Server 2005 and installed Sql Server 2005 Express both Advanced and the Toolkit. I can get in and see everything locally and my production Great Plains server just fine through Management console. The one thing I can't do is open an integration package to process our credit cards.

It's a pretty simple integration, but when I go to open it in SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio, the only thing it shows installed was Reporting services, not Integration services. When I try to open the project it gives me:
"The application for project 'c:pcard...' is not installed. Make sure the application for the project type(.dtproj) is installed."
I had a problem earlier with the gui not coming up but was resolved when I applied SS2005 SVP 2. Some items wasn't on the same version. I re-applied svp 2 after I installed SS express and still got the above. If I try and 'add' Integration Services, either thru Express or just regular ss2005, it says it's already installed.

Do I have to modify the registry so that it comes up on Business Intelligence Dev Studio? I can't run the integration if I can't open the project.

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SharePoint Server 2007 Integration With Reporting Service 2005

Jan 18, 2007


I am working on sharepoint 2007 integration with reporting service 2005. There are few facts which i am trying to understand and need some clarifications. Please provide your comments

1) While configuring "Database setup" in Repoting Service Configuring Manager" i found two modes 1) Native and 2) SharePoint Integration. When creating a report server database if we check "Create the report server database in Sharepoint Integration Mode" then it set the mode to "SharePoint Integration Mode". There is no option of switching the same database to native mode. So i have to create another database in "Native Mode". (IS THIS CORRECT. DO WE NEED TO CREATE TWO REPORT SERVER DATABASE SEPERATE FOR SHAREPOINT INTEGRATION AND NATIVE)

2) I am using the new report viewer web part in sharepoint 2007. When i am in sharepoint integration mode i can create datasource, report model and with report builder i can create rdl file. On selecing any RDL file in doument library and it gets displayed in Report Viewer Web Part. When i switch to Native mode i want to configure the web part to use the report created with SQL Server Bussiness Intelligence Dev Studio and deployed on http://localhost:808/ReportServer. (IS THERE ANY WAY SO THAT I CAN EXPORT AND IMPORT ALL .RDL FILE FROM http://localhost:808/ReportServer to http://localhost/ReportServer)

I AM NOT ABLE TO CONFIGURE WEB PART WHEN I AM IN NATIVE MODE i.e giving path of .RDL in report textbox throw a error saying "Item not found" i tried all combination. THIS can be related to datasource not reading in .RDL file in native mode while confuring report viewer web part.

http://localhost:808/ReportServer (Report Server)

http://localhost/ReportServer (SharePoint Mode) (Default Top Level Site)

3) LAST : I want to create a .RDL file report from the data in sharepoint, say lists or news etc. So when creating a RDL file how can i connect to sharepoint database. I read some where that in previous release they used to DATA EXTENSIONS and get the data from list in sharepoint with something like http://<servername>/<sitename>/List=Announcement when creating RDL file. Is the alternative in new release to create the report based on sharpoint list data.

Thanks and i would really appreciate your help

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Running Store Procedure As Integration Service In SQl Server 2005

Aug 8, 2007

I am trying to run 4 - 5 store procedure in a strict order. I have created a SSIS package whereby I trying to execute store procedure in a orderly fashion. I have created constraints between them. Yet whenever I run the package - the store procedures run out of sequence.
Is there something I can do to force the store procedure in orderly manner?
Help will be much appreciated.

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Parameter Passing In SQL Server 2005 Integration Services (SSIS) 2005 From VB.Net2005

Sep 7, 2007

Is it possible to parm in a value to a SSIS

in my SSIS i have a variable;

Name : FileName
Scope : PackageName
Type : String

Value : ""

I have tried adding the following code in my project ;

pkg.Variables("filename").Value = "C: emp estfile.001"

but come up with the following error

A first chance exception of type 'System.MissingMemberException' occurred in Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll
Public member 'Variables' on type 'IDTSPackage90' not found.

can anyone help ?

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Parameter Passing In SQL Server 2005 Integration Services (SSIS) 2005

Jan 16, 2007

Hi All,

Parameter passing in SSIS 2005 sometimes appears to be a cumbursome task. I have been digging into this topic for quite some time and here i note down some simple steps to demonstrate parameter passing at Package level.

(1) Create a SSIS project using Business Intelligence 2005 Or VS 2005.

(2) Create datasource (.ds) and Data Source View as required.

(3) A default SSIS Package by the name Package.dtsx is created. Double click this and you are shown tabs for Control Flow, Data Flow, Event Handlers, Package Explorer. On the Control Flow, drap and drop Execute SQL Task from Control Flow Items in the toolbar.

(4) Lets now create a variable at Package level. Right click anywhere in the control flow box (not on the Task created in Step 3 above). Click on the Variables on the context menu displayed. Variables window appears on the left of the screen. Click the Add Variable box in this window to create a variable. Name it var1 (or whatever you may like), Scope as Package, DataType as String and Value as MyValue. This is only the default value.

(5) Now let us edit the SQL Task created in Step 3. Double on it, on the General tab you can change its Name, Description. Set ResultSet as None. We shall proceed to execute a stored procedure by name MySPName and pass it a parameter. Set ConnectionType as OLE DB. Select the connection you creates in step 2. Set SQLSourceType as Direct input. SQLStatement as MySPName ? . Note the ? mark after the name of the stored procedure. This is important to accept the variable value (var1) created in Step 4.

(6) Select Parameter Mapping tab now. Click on Add button. Select the Variable Name as User::var1. This is the user created variable of Step 4. Select Direction as Input, DataType as Varchar and Parameter Name as @var1. Click on OK now.

(7) This sets up the basic of parameter passing. Compile the project to verify everything works. Right Click on the SQL Task and select Execute Task. This will execute the package taking default value of the variable. This can be used along with dtexec command with /set option to pass the parameter at command prompt.

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Integration Services :: Encrypt A File In SSIS Using GPG Or PGP?

Nov 12, 2015

Is it possible to encrypt a file in SSIS using GPG or PGP.

I try to encrypt a file in SSIS using GPG the execute process task is executed successfully but the encrypted file is not generated.

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Integration Services :: Rename File In SSIS

May 14, 2013

I have csv files in the source folder being put on an hourly basis by an external software. The format of those files would be in the below way

so on....

If you look at those files, they have date and time being appended

I would have move that file to a Processing folder and process the csv file and move that file to an archive folder every hour.

How would i rename the file to only file_demo.csv file.

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Integration Services :: BAT File To Run SSIS Package

Oct 7, 2015

Looking for code for .Bat file to  run ssis package and i want to run it from Tidal.

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Integration Services :: How To Open MAR File Extension In SSIS

Nov 30, 2015

I have a source file as filename.mar it is microsoft access report. When I am loading into my database the file name was something like filename.nov (its current month).

When I ran the package its shows error system cannot find the file filename.nov.

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Integration Services :: File Rename Using SSIS Package

Apr 29, 2015

I have a SSIS package in which i will download the files through FTP from main server to my local server. The file names will be like as follows:



After the download is over from the server to my local server.i will manually rename the files into like this as below,



SO i need to automate this files renaming process through ssis package.

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Integration Services :: Deleting Column From CSV File Using SSIS

Aug 18, 2015

How can we delete the column from SSIS file using ssis?

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Integration Services :: DTS Config File Using SSIS Package

Sep 3, 2015

After developing SSIS Package (.dtsx file) if I need to deploy to all environments dynamically, then how can I create .dts config file and mention properties in it ? 

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Integration Services :: Delete Row 2 From Excel File In SSIS?

Apr 27, 2015

I need to delete the second row in an excel file in my SSIS package. Is that possible to do?

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Integration Services :: Loading PGP File Into Table Using SSIS

Oct 13, 2015

I have a load a zipped folder which is PGP encrypted into SQL table, How to unzip and load it into sql table using SSIS.

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Integration Services :: Importing Excel File Via SSIS Error

Nov 2, 2015

We have a 2014 SQL Server.  I have a SSIS package written in VS 2008 where I am simply importing an .xlsx into an existing table via a mapped drive.  I have it working on my development machine using the 2007 Access 32 bit driver from [URL].....  Our DBA is trying to schedule the package to execute on a schedule job on the 2014 server and we received an error. He installed the 32 bit driver and still getting the error.  I set the package to run in 32 bit and we are still getting the error.

Date                      10/30/2015 2:51:18 PM
Log                         Job History (BD_ISS_Websites_New1)
Step ID                 1
Server                   ETSSQL2014DEV
Job Name                            BD_ISS_Websites_New1
Step Name                         ISSWebsite
Duration                              00:00:01


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Integration Services :: SSIS Error - The Project File Cannot Be Loaded

Jun 1, 2015

while working on deployment to production server of an SSIS project, I have noticed that development priject has "disappeared" from my development machine which, obviously, was not my intention, at all. I now get the error prompt saying this:

what am I suppose to do in order to RESTORE it on devel machine like it used to be?

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Integration Services :: Creating A File Using Stored Procedure In SSIS

Jun 24, 2015

I'm trying to create a file using a stored procedure with SSIS.  I've tried to use the Execute SQL Task, but it will not create a file nor output to that file.  I'm using "Full result set", but I don't know how to sent the result to the file.  Is there another Control Flow Item I need to use?The reason why I'm using SSIS and not SQL Server Agent is because the file name must contain a timestamp.

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Integration Services :: SSIS Package Not Able To Connect To XLSX File

Apr 23, 2015

I have a very simply package using an Excel connection to an XLSX file.  It's a straight read of the file and import onto a table. 

The package works fine in Visual Studio 2008 development and also runs fine when executing on the (server I copied it to) under Integration Services.    

However, under a SQL Agent, the package (32-bit is checked) can not acquire the connection to an excel file.   I use UNC pathing to the file.  I've read other posts about similar problems and tried various scheduling options (including Owner of job).   

I even tried a to trigger it with a command-line which did not work: 

"C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL Server100DTSBinnDTEXEC.exe" /sq "our packagesMy_XLSX_File_Import" /SERVER myserver /X86  /CHECKPOINTING OFF /REPORTING E

All errors are:   "DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER.  The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "Excel Connection Manager" failed with error code 0xC0209302." 

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Integration Services :: Unprocessed File Count Variable In SSIS

May 12, 2015

I've been working on an issue in an SSIS package and getting strange results using a package variable named "UnprocessedFileCount".  I'm looping through files in a directory (using a Foreach Loop Container) to process data into the database, and after a certain amount of time, I stop processing the files and short circuit the loop to finish the package faster.  I was tasked with counting the number of files that weren't processed and it seemed easy enough to count how many times the loop "short circuited" by incrementing a variable in a script task.  I then wanted to send out an email and include the incremented variable in the body of the message.

I ran into issues when I used the variable name "UnprocessedFileCount".  The variable was incrementing within the loop as expected.  However, it was always resetting back to "0" after the ForEach file Loop Container completed.

After some heavy searching on the subject, to no avail, I eventually found that changing the variable name did not reset the variable.

I'm still using SQL Server 2008.

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Integration Services :: Send File Using SSIS To FTPS Site

Jun 25, 2013

I am given a task where I will be creating flat files and will be sending them over to a different network using FTPS site. I have tried everything(May Be not), But wasn't able to figure this out. This will be the only task which will be using FTPS site do client is not willing to spend money on buying any 3rd party addons.

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Integration Services :: How To Make SSIS Read Excel File

Dec 7, 2011

I’ve been trying for a while now (won’t say how long), to get BIDS to read a very simple Excel file. 

I’m talking SIMPLE!!  No matter what I don, SSIS keeps throwing an error, and of course it doesn’t say what the error is, so I can’t really debug it. 

I’ve tried this at least 20x with flat files, and it works perfect each time. I’ve done Data Conversions, Sorting, Union All, and several other Transformations; all work perfect. 

Trying to used Excel as a data source, is proving to be a mind numbing experience. Of over 20 different attempts, it hasn’t worked even once. I can make it as simple as you can possibly imagine, and SSIS, refuses to even perform the first step (I’m not even trying to create a table in SQL Server anymore). 

I have the Excel file path (very simple)

I have the Excel version (very simple)

I have the Connection Manager (very simple)

I have the Sheet name (very simple)
All I can do is see a preview of the Excel sheet before the process runs.  As soon as I het F5, I get an instant error, for no reason whatsoever, and no debugging options,whatsoever.

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Integration Services :: SSIS Package - Create Different TXT File For Each Code

Jun 25, 2015

EDate Datetime,
Code varchar(255),
Cdate int,
Price int
drop table Test

[Code] ....

I have this Query and the below output:

EDate Code CDate Price
2015-06-24  RX 20150701 22
2015-06-24  RX 20150701 28
2015-06-24  RX 20150701 43

[Code] ....

Now the task is to create  SSIS package which will create different .txt file for each Code

1) RX20150624.txt
2015-06-24 00:00:00.000 RX 20150701 22
2015-06-24 00:00:00.000 RX 20150701 28
2015-06-24 00:00:00.000 RX 20150701 43

2) NG20150623.txt
2015-06-23 00:00:00.000 NG 20150701 43

3) HO20150624.txt
2015-06-24 00:00:00.000 HO 20150701 43
And so on..

But the requirement is to have a dynamic query where we can have more number of Codes or less number of codes and similarly the package should generate dynamic text files, one .txt file per code. What is the best way to create a package which can meet the above requirement?

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Integration Services :: How To Add Row-count In Flat File Header In SSIS

Jul 30, 2015

I am facing a problem i just want total no row count and it should be show in header .So how can i do in SSIS


eg. HeaderName , 3

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Integration Services :: Automating SSIS Package For Different Source File

Sep 22, 2015

I want to design an SSIS package that loads data from files into SQL Server and I want to automate the process. My major issue is that the source file doesnt come in the same format. Some times I comes in either .csv , .xls , .txt or even .rpt file format. Is there a way I can write a code that checks through my folder and based on the available format on the folder it loads the value in ssis.

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Integration Services :: SSIS Copying Populated Excel File?

Jul 9, 2015

I am experiencing unexpected behaviour when copying an Excel file.

An Excel file from TemplateDir to WorkingDir.

Excel file is then populated in WorkingDir, ok Copy File task copies Excel File from WorkingDir  to FinalDir, however non populated version of file is copied.

However, if I stop SSIS and and execute Copy Task only,  the populated version of file is copied.

It seems SSIS has a kind of lock on Excel file in WorkingDir.

how lock can be released to enable Copy of populated file.

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Integration Services :: SSIS Flat File Processing And Creation

Nov 30, 2015

I am facing one process related issue.

I have one task in which i have to collect lots of .txt file having ## delimiter my requirement is to convert the delimiter from ## to comma and save the new file with .dat extension in different folder.

I have done all required process and run the application which should flow like collect source .txt file do Script component processing and create new .dat file with processed data in Data Flow task, but in my Task the Source and Destination start on same time and process start after words which cause empty file or some time a.txt file data stored in b.dat file where as a.dat file is completely empty.

The process should flow in sequence but behavior is totally against the process, i am using Foreach Loop Container for pick up each file.

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