How To Embed Word/pdf Object Into Report?

Oct 15, 2007

Hi, I have a report which includes all the customer data. each customer have a separate page based on their id.
For example, the report is 10 pages and each page is data for one customer.
Now we need to insert the instruction on the second page of each customer report. that means we need
to insert 10 instructions on the above report so each customer will get one page of data and one page of instruction.
this instruction is a pdf/word file, and
it is big so it is hard for us to redesign it in the report. We are thinking to embed the pdf/word file into the report, but
looks to me, the report only can embed the the image. If we make that pdf file as image, the report will be very
large and hard tto deploy. Can someone help me with this? thanks in advance.

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Embed A Word Document Into A Reporting Service Report

Nov 19, 2007

I've created a report that will print on a pre-printed paper. Is there a way to embed a word document into a report or some other type on document. I'm not able to format the text like in word.

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Embed Excel Object In Report

Feb 22, 2007

Is it possible to embed an excel worksheet in a report? I have a workbook which contains some data and this data needs to be part of the report. What are my options and can this be done by creating a custom report item.

Thanks for your advice.


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? Embed PDF Inside Of SQL Server Report Servics Report

Dec 21, 2006

Hi ...

I posted this same question on the ASP.NET forum and haven't received an answer, so I thought I'ld move the discussion over to this forum. My question has been read several times, so I know I'm not the only one facing this problem, but nobody seems to know how to make it happen.

Anyhow, I'm building a system where we collect a great deal of meta data inside of SQL Server. The meta data is associated wtih files that the users can attach - image files and PDFs. I can get the image files to display properly, however I can find no way to actually display the contents of the PDF file as part of the report.

We want to print out the meta data as a header to the PDF and then print the PDF in it's entirety. As an example, we would print out:

Emergency Plan Name: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Facility Name: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Last Review Date: 99/99/9999 Reviewed By: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


-- Emergency Plan --

-- Evacuation Plan 1 --

-- Evacuation Plan 2 --

I can print the file names - they are fields in the database, but how do I embed the actual PDF in to the report? They can print on different pages - I don't care about that, but I need to get them to be a part of the report.

Thanks ...


Any day above ground is a good day!

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Can I Change Null Word In Report To Another Word

Feb 24, 2008

i have report with parameter and he can have a null in parameter ther is null word can i change it to another word like all or any thing else

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Embed Instead Of Attach Report

Nov 30, 2007

Is there anyway to embed a report in an email message instead of attaching it? I want to be able to send out nice looking order confirmations via email using Reporting Services. I would like the HTML to be embeded in the email so that the user does not have to open an attachment to see the report.

Can this be done?

Stuart Fox

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Reporting Services Report Embed In Aspx Page

Nov 20, 2007


I am trying to embed a Reporting Services Report in a aspx page. I have the report embedded in the page but I am having difficulty passing a parameter to the report and getting the report to run within the page. Any information is appreciated.


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Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object. MSSQL Server Report Builder

Feb 15, 2007

When I try and run Report Builder Reports i get this error message "Object reference not set to an instance of an object. "

I can run reports locally but not from Report manager

here is the stack trace info

Exception Details: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Source Error:

An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.
Stack Trace:

[NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.]
Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.WebRequestHelper.GetExceptionForMoreInformationNode(XmlNode moreInfo, XmlNamespaceManager namespaces) +18
Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.WebRequestHelper.ExceptionFromWebResponse(Exception e) +358
Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ServerReport.ServerUrlRequest(Boolean isAbortable, String url, Stream outputStream, String& mimeType, String& fileNameExtension) +482
Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ServerReport.InternalRender(Boolean isAbortable, String format, String deviceInfo, NameValueCollection urlAccessParameters, Stream reportStream, String& mimeType, String& fileNameExtension) +958
Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ServerReportControlSource.RenderReport(String format, String deviceInfo, NameValueCollection additionalParams, String& mimeType, String& fileExtension) +84
Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ExportOperation.PerformOperation(NameValueCollection urlQuery, HttpResponse response) +143
Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.HttpHandler.ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) +75
System.Web.CallHandlerExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute() +154
System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously) +64

Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.42; ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.210

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Report Server Issue Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object

Nov 14, 2006

Hi all,

I'm getting this problem 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.' whenever I try to review a report and I checked the log file and this is what it had

w3wp!ui!1!11/14/2006-10:54:20:: Unhandled exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.WebRequestHelper.GetExceptionForMoreInformationNode(XmlNode moreInfo, XmlNamespaceManager namespaces)
at Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.WebRequestHelper.ExceptionFromWebResponse(Exception e)
at Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ServerReport.ServerUrlRequest(Boolean isAbortable, String url, Stream outputStream, String& mimeType, String& fileNameExtension)
at Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ServerReport.GetStyleSheet(String styleSheetName)
at Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ReportServerStyleSheetOperation.PerformOperation(NameValueCollection urlQuery, HttpResponse response)
at Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.HttpHandler.ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
at System.Web.HttpApplication.CallHandlerExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute()
at System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously)

Some previous forums stated checking the webconfig file but the web config file look okay. Is there another way to fix this.

Much Thanks,


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Report Needs To Go To Word

Feb 28, 2007

Is there any recommended way to format and export a report so that it can be modified in Word if purchasing SoftArtisans OfficeWriter is not an option?

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Export Report To Word

Dec 28, 2006

is there a way to export the report to MS Word?


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How To Export Report To Word File ?

Jul 17, 2006

Hi all,

After publish a report to Report Server, how can we export that report to word file ?

I used to try Office Writer tool. This tool allows to export report to word file but the report must be created in Office Writer, not report that is created in Reporting Designer of Reporting Service. Is there any way to export report to word file ?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: SSRS Report Rendering When Exported To MS Word

Oct 20, 2014

I am having a situation where my SSRS report when exported to PDF shows the exact report & when exported to MS Word, shows some unwanted space in the report column. Also the borders of the report are shown cut when exported.

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SQL Report Server Subscription E-mail Format As MS Word

Jan 22, 2007

I am wanting to set-up a subscription to e-mail my reports in MS Word format (either .doc or .rtf) and I do not have the option on my company's report server version.

I have read that it is possible, though I don't have the option. Is this a change to report server, or maybe is our version not updated?

I can e-mail the report out in the following formats:

XML File with report data

CSV (comma delimited)


Acrobat (PDF) file

Web Archive (default)


Let me know if I am just expecting too much, or if there is something that needs to be updated on our report server.

Thank you,

T.J. Bernard

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Reporting Services :: Footer For A Report That Is Converted To Word Gets Cut Off

Nov 24, 2015

In Visual Studio, when previewing a report with a footer that has two rows of text, the footer appears to display correctly. When I export to Word, the footer for the first page looks as if it has shifted down slightly and the second line is missing. Subsequent pages show the footer correctly.

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Reporting Services :: Getting White Space When Report Is Exported To Word

Sep 28, 2015

I build a tablix A in SSRS, which contains a tablix B and a textbox C. When the report is exported to word,  I found that there is white space between the tablix B and textbox C if the row of  tablix B is spilled over to next page.

If I export the report to PDF, the white space issue is gone.

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Reporting Services :: SSRS Word Cloud With Drill Down To Linked Report?

Jul 3, 2015

I have created a word cloud in SSRS 2008 using Jason Thomas's method but I would like to be able to add an action to click on a word to go to a another report using either the word or an ID integer. how to add an action to go to another report?

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Sql Search Command Word By Word?

Mar 30, 2005

I'm just wondering does anyone know how to create an sql command that can search word by word?
what i mean is like I have a product with name 'harry potter broom'.
I want an sql command where if i type only 'harry broom' this 'harry potter broom' product will show up.
Does anyone have any idea?
Here's my sql comand: (I'm using vb script do develop this system)
query = "select distinct * from product where " & _
"(pname like '%" & keyword & "%' or " & _
"pdesc like '%" & keyword & "%' ) and " & _
"(price >= " & price1 & " and price <= " & price2 & _
") and status <> 'out of stock' order by price asc"
Thank you.

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Bind Object To RDLC Report

Apr 8, 2006

I hava a question about Bind object to RDLC Report,the RDLC like
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Report xmlns="" xmlns:rd="">
    <DataSource Name="DummyDataSource">
        <ConnectString />
      <Table Name="table1">
                    <Textbox Name="textbox7">
                      <Value />
                    <Textbox Name="textbox8">
                      <Value />
                    <Textbox Name="textbox6">
                      <Value />
                    <Textbox Name="textbox9">
                      <Value />
                    <Textbox Name="ID">
                    <Textbox Name="Name">
                    <Textbox Name="Name_1">
                    <Textbox Name="PatientOfMedcialCase">
                    <Textbox Name="textbox1">
                    <Textbox Name="textbox2">
                    <Textbox Name="textbox4">
                    <Textbox Name="textbox3">
                      <Value>Patient Of Medcial Case</Value>
    <DataSet Name="WindowsApplication1_MedcialCase">
        <rd:ObjectDataSourceType>WindowsApplication1.MedcialCase, WindowsApplication1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null</rd:ObjectDataSourceType>
        <CommandText />
        <Field Name="ID">
        <Field Name="PatientOfMedcialCase">
        <Field Name="Name">

the object I bind  to the Report like

public class MedcialCase
        private Guid iD;

        public Guid ID
            get { return iD; }
            set { iD = value; }

        private Patient patient;

        public Patient PatientOfMedcialCase
            get { return patient; }
            set { patient = value; }


    public class Patient
        private string name;

        public string Name
            get { return name; }
            set { name = value; }


and the code bind object to report like

  MedcialCase medcialCase = new MedcialCase();
  medcialCase.ID = Guid.NewGuid();
  Patient patient = new Patient();
  patient.Name = "Michael";
  medcialCase.PatientOfMedcialCase = patient;
  this.MedcialCaseBindingSource.DataSource = medcialCase;

I choose the MedcialCase.ID and MedcialCase.PatientOfMedcialCase.Name to show, but when the report was run ,,just MedcialCase.ID has been shown,
the text of MedcialCase.PatientOfMedcialCase.Name is "=Fields!Name.Value"

I modify it to "=Fields!PatientOfMedcialCase.Value.Name.Value" and run it ,the "#Error" show in the text of Name

anyone can tell me why?and how to bind object like MedcialCase to the Report?



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Inserting Flash Object In Report

Mar 29, 2008

Hello friends,
So, this is my senario...
i'm using SQL 2005 reporting service which reports are shown to the client from my web-site...
I've included a report viewer in my ASPX page through which i'm displaying the reports.
I wanted to know if their is any way by which i can embed a flash file in my report.

Secondly, i have some reports in which I have used the matrix control. And to display the headings of the columns i've created individual text-boxes & have made them overlap on the top region of the matrix.thoe these text boxoes are getting rendered in proper places when i preview the reports during design time, but when they get rendered in my website all the heading text-boxes get scattered all 'round the report......has anyone faced such weired problems & is there any alternate way of do'in the same ??

thanks in advance,

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Embed A Database

Aug 5, 2007

I have a rather large DB that is used ONLY for lookups.  I want to develop a componet that will lookup in that database, and then I want to be able to distribute that component.  My obstical is that I do not want the person who gets the component to have any access to the database... here is my question.
Is there a way to embed the database (or even an xml file) into the DLL in order to keep it from prying eyes?

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Embed SQLServer??

Oct 22, 2007

Can SQLServer be used as an embedded database in a program?

If not, can anyone suggest some alternatives that can be?



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Report GenerationObject Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object

Mar 26, 2007

I started a new thread as I was able to get more information on the error Im getting when I attempt to generate the report in report manager. Ive seen some solutions but nothing seems to work for my particular case. I am hopefull that this can be resolved "WITHOUT" ininstalling and reinstalling SSRS so any information would be helpful.

Here is the Soure Error and Stack Trace info:

Server Error in '/Reports' Application.

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Source Error:

An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.
Stack Trace:

[NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.]
Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.WebRequestHelper.GetExceptionForMoreInformationNode(XmlNode moreInfo, XmlNamespaceManager namespaces) +18
Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.WebRequestHelper.ExceptionFromWebResponse(Exception e) +358
Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ServerReport.ServerUrlRequest(Boolean isAbortable, String url, Stream outputStream, String& mimeType, String& fileNameExtension) +482
Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ServerReport.InternalRender(Boolean isAbortable, String format, String deviceInfo, NameValueCollection urlAccessParameters, Stream reportStream, String& mimeType, String& fileNameExtension) +958
Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ServerReportControlSource.RenderReport(String format, String deviceInfo, NameValueCollection additionalParams, String& mimeType, String& fileExtension) +84
Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ExportOperation.PerformOperation(NameValueCollection urlQuery, HttpResponse response) +143
Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.HttpHandler.ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) +75
System.Web.CallHandlerExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute() +154
System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously) +64

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Dynamic Location For TAble Object In Report

Feb 14, 2008


I have placed one table object to show my datarows in reporting services report.
Depending upon the Parameter i want to change the location of this table in report. Is it possible or any other way we can do this. please help on this.
The purpose is to show the table horizontally centered after hiding the visibility of some column depending upon the parameter.

Thanks in advance.
With regards,
Sathish Raja S

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How To Embed SQL Management Studio

Apr 2, 2007

I'm trying to embed SQL Management Studio in an installation package. Although I can find information on how to embed SQL Server Express I can't find instructions for the Management Studio express, although the web site says it's possible. Can anyone help?


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Embed SQL Management Studio

Apr 2, 2007

I'm trying to embed SQL Management Studio in an installation package and although the SQL website says that it CAN be embedded there are no instructions on HOW to embed it. I can only find instructions on embedding SQL Express edition. If anyone can help with this I'd appreciate it!


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Embed Office Document

Oct 27, 2005

is it at all feasible to embed an office doument (specifically word) into an ssrs report so that the document will print out when renderered to pdf?

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Embed Vs Add Image To Project

Dec 21, 2007

what are the pros and cons of embedding our logo right into the report hdg area vs adding it to the project?

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Using Object Data Sources In A Report - For Web Apps? (VS 2005)

Sep 4, 2005

In VS 2005, using the ReportViewer control on a form in a Windows app, I've created an Object Data Source for the report by following the walkthrough in the documentation, it works.

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Embed SSRS Reports Into Powerpoint Slides?

Feb 28, 2008

Hello all!

I'm trying to see if there is a way to embed SSRS reports into a Powerpoint Presentation (or build a PP Presentation using multiple SSRS reports as the slides)? I have a requirement to have a presentation available whose content is dynamic based upon the customer our marketing folks are going to visit that particular day. The idea is they would access this presentation from IIS or a shared folder

Still new to SSRS (I'm a convert from Cognos / Hyperion), so if this is a real simple question go easy on me! ;-)

Thanks in advance!

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Can You Embed DTSX Package In A C# Winform Executable?

Mar 22, 2008

Im trying to figure out if there is a way to embed an ssis package into a c# winform?

I know that I can pass variables to a package and write the entire package out programatically, but im curious if there is a way to add the dtsx as an assembly or something. OR is there any tool that would take the ssis package and spit out its equivalent in code?


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Embed SQL Native Client (SNAC) Into My Setup

Nov 13, 2006


I have seen in the licence of SNAC that it is a redistribuable piece of software. That's fine to me

However, when we install the MSI file, it places dll files into <windir>system32. Our policy, when possible, is to install everything we need into the install dir of our software (to work with validated sub-systems).

Is it possible to parametrize the installation of SNAC for the place where files are written, or to install the files ourselves as part of our distribution ?


C. Doré

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HELP: Sp_help And Object Browser Report View Column Sizes Differently

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I've run into a curious problem with MS SQL Server 8.0. Using sp_help andSQL Query Analyzer's object browser to view the columns returned by a view,I find that sp_help is reporting stale information.In a recent schema change, for example, someone lengthened a varchar columnfrom 15 to 50 characters. If we use sp_help to find out about a view thatdepends upon this column, it still shows up as VARCHAR(15), whereas theobject browser correctly reports it as VARCHAR(50).Dropping and recreating the view fixes the problem, but we have quite a fewviews, and dropping and re-creating all of them any time a schema change ismade is something we want to avoid. I tried using DBCC CHECKDB in hopes thatit would 'refresh' SQL Server's information, but no luck.(if you're curious as to why I don't just use the object browser instead,read boring technical details below)Has anyone seen this before? Is there some other way (other thanre-creating every view) to tell SQL Server to "refresh" it's information?Thanks!-Scott----------------------Boring Technical Information:The reason this is an issue for us (i.e., I can't just use the objectbrowser instead) is that our object model classes are built using standardmetadata query methods in Java that seem to be returning the same staleinformation that sp_help is returning. These methods are a part of thestandard JDK, so we can't easily fiddle with them. Anyway, as a result, ourobject model (at least with respect to views) may not match our currentschema!

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