I have about 30 sql servers runnign multiple databases amd i need to
audit them so what i want to do is to log onto each server and then
maybe export the database properties into an excel sheet or text file.
Anyone know how to do that i am quite new to sql any help will be
I am trying to generate a report from the database. I am using Visio 2010. I would like to include the table names, column names , column types and the comments that I entered in the NOTES field associated with the tables and columns. Basically, I would like to generate a data dictionary report.
I am trying to create a hard copy of all the table definitions in the database and have not found a way to do so. The report would have all the columns for a partcular table and each property assigned to the column. For instance Customers table has CustomerId, FirstName, LastName, Phone, etc. The CustomerId is PK, Identity, Auto Increment, BIGINT, NOT NULL. FirstName is NVARCHAR(30), NULL. LastName is NVARCHAR(30), NULL. Phone is NVARCHAR(20), NULL. Can anyone point me to the right system function or sp to get this info?
Another Newbie here...sorry if this is an easy question: How do I extract Table Properties (field names, type, length, PK/FK) from multiple tables and into an Excel spreadsheet?
How can I Export Database with foreing Key and primary key.
Operation is that SQL2005 Management Studio/Database/Tasks/Export Data
Before Version is SQL2000 we can Selected Copy Object and data between server and then Use Default Options click checked and Select Copy Index, Copy Foreing Primary key vs vs
But this options is not found in the SQL2005 Management Studio/Database/Tasks/Export Data wizard or I can't found it.
How can I export foreing Key and primary key with SQL2005 Management Studio/Database/Tasks/Export Data wizard.
What are the differences between the database permissions, which can be granted in the database properties permissions tab (create table, create procedure etc.) and the predefined role db_ddladmin? It seems that the database properties permissions tab includes more permissions than the predefined role db_ddladmin.
Does anybody know the difference in terms of permission?
is there anyway to retrieve the database properties and display in an asp.net web form as a quick over view rather than logging onto the server to check, items such as size, space available, last backup data etc? Cheers
I am trying to find information on Database properties - more specifically, what the 'Space Available' means, because right now when I look at the properties of a database I am setting up, which will grow substantially I am sure, it says the database size is 154 MB and the Space Available is 42 MB. What is the Space Available? What does this refer to and is it going to be restricting the growth of the database? Thanks.
Hi,I'm creating a User Interface to display Sql database Properties, but I cannot find the right query to retrieved the info on database properties. The status that I get is "ONLINE", but it should be "NORMAL". Cannot find the right query to get the date of last database backup, last transaction log backup, and maintenance plan, etc.. Please help me [:'(]
There are some databases in a SQL Server. How to check, 1. User database numbers 2. Backup plan 3. Configuration 4. User database size 5. Nightly process
I've been asked to provide some information about databases on an sql server.
I can use the following query to provide the names of all the databases:
select * from master.dbo.sysdatabases
What I'm also looking to provide is the current "size" of the database. I'm trying to find a table that I can link to that would provide the database size. I can manually find this number by right clicking on the database from enterprise manager, selecting "properties" and picking it up from the general tab.
Due to a network time skew some time ago, all of the databases on an SQL system now have the following information stamped on them..
Within Enterprise Manager (SQL 2000), The "Last Database Backup" timestamp for each database is showing the year 2025. Our backup system runs incrementally daily and a weekly full. Unfortunately, the timestamp does not seem to be updating as the year is as I guess in the future.
Can anyone advise of a procedure so as I can wipe this time skew date from each of the databases?
I have added alias datatypes using sp_addtype and would like to view the properties defined in it. please let me knowhow to view the properties of them and also is there a way to list all alias datatypes existing in the current database along with their properties.
When I select the database and right click. I receive the following error:
Cannot show requested dialog Additional Information:
Cannot show requested dialog (sqlMgmt)
Property Owner is not available for Database '[DB_name]'. This property may not exist for this object, or may not be retrievabledue to insufficient access rights. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)
I'm wondering if there is some sql I can run to check properties on a table. This would be used to verify things like data types, allow nulls and default values have been set to avoid mistakes. This could be done manually one table and one column at a time, but it would be a lot easier to look at it in the results window.
I have just upgraded to SQL Server 2005 from SQL Server 2000.In Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, when I click on databaseproperties, I receive the following error:-Cannot resolve the collation conflict between"Latin1_General_CI_AS"and "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" in the equal to operation.(Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 468)Some reference suggest that I can change the database collation byclicking database properties!What can I do?
I installed SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition. When i create a new database (using the "New Database" dialog) i cannot set the new database's compatibility level to "SQL Server 2005(90)" because this option is not in the "dropdown list". the only items shown are: "SQL Server 7.0(70)" and "SQL Server 2000(80)". I set the owner to "sa". How do i get "SQL Server 2005(90)" in my "compatibility level" drop down list? Is this an installation option that i missed? Thanks in advance for any assistance!
but after the assignment the LocalConnectionString is different from ConnectionStringWithoutCredentials, there are much more ssce parameters.
What I don't understand is:
why I'm getting this error even after closing the connection ?
Since the error report [32] the ssce conflicting parameters shoud be AUTO_SHRINK_THRESHOLD, FLUSH_INTERVAL and MAX_DATABASE_SIZE
I tried to cut & paste the same values from LocalConnectionString into app.config connection string, at first It seemed to work, but now I got the same error.
I need to export a database, x, of a server, X, to another database, y, of a server, Y and I need export the database schema only, not include the data. Does anyone know how to do that? Many thanks for replying.
Hello,I want to connect to an SQL Server Database called MyDBTest, through an asp.net web form, select particular columns from particular tables, and then export these tables (with the selected columns only) to another SQL Server database called MyDBTest1 Is it possible?Thank you in advance! :)
Hi, I'm looking for the best way to export a database to another database. Essentially making a copy of it. I need to keep all of the database structure and data. I need a way to do this all programmatically, rather then through the wizard.
I recently posted this question to MSDN forum and was directed to re-ask it on this forum. Following are the question and answer I got.... >>>>>>>>>>I am trying to export a table from VWD into a CSV, MySQL or text file so I can transmit it to my hosting manager. They won't take it in as a .mdf - After browsing around on VWD Options & Help I can't find someting that specifically has export options for database.Anyone ? Answer :you maybe best asking the gurus over at the ASP.NET forums:http://forums.asp.netI think this would come from the database manager itself on options to export data, not within VWD however. Again, best to ask there
HiI am using SQL Server Management Studio Express and I noticed in my data I made a big mistake(effects every peice of data I have in my row) I need to grab all these cells so I can then do a find an replace on them all and fix my mistake. I tried to use find and replace in SQL Server Management Studio Express but it seems to not work on data in the files so I am wondering how do I export all this data out so it is in a notepad file and I can just find and replace from there?Thanks
I want to export a database from localhost anh import it to hosting server. Which version of SQL database server I need to install to have the export feture? Also I would like to know which version of SQL database server can be installed on Windows XP and Vista? I have nightmare to restore my database to the godaddy hosting envirenment because the host server does not allow to restore the database that was backup from localhost. Please help me to solve this problem. Thank you,