create table t1
oid int identity(1, 1),
f tinyint
and need way to fill it as fast as possible with say 100000 sequential values. Field f may stay = 0 but oid should be raising from row to row. How can I do it in MSSQL 2000?
I have been away from SQL for a couple of months, and for the life of me cannot work out a simple way to do what i want to do.
select,,,, from Sale INNER JOIN Sysuser on sale.userid = sysuser.userid INNER JOIN businessunitBU1 on BU1.Businessunitid = sysuser.businessunitid left JOIN businessunitBU2 on BU2.Businessunitid = bu1.parentbusinessunitid left JOIN businessunitBU3 on BU3.Businessunitid = bu2.parentbusinessunitid left JOIN businessunitBU4 on BU4.Businessunitid = bu3.parentbusinessunitid left JOIN businessunitBU5 on BU5.Businessunitid = bu4.parentbusinessunitid
So effectively i am trying to go through the hierarchy to find all the levels. Unforunately not every entry has the same amount of levels.
Row 1 with identity 1 has rolled over to new quarter row 4 with identity 4 ( qtr fields are changed ) Row 2 with identity 2 has rolled over to new quarter row 5 with identity 5. Same with last row as well.
Here, i have another table called "ident_map" with columns like (old identity, new identity ) and during rollover i am supposed to load ident_map table with old and new identity. So after rollover is complete, ident_map table should look like
1,4 2,5 3,6
I know using output clause I can capture the new identity values. 4,5,6 in this case. But is there any way to capture both old identity and new identity during rollover so that i can load the ident_map table with old and new identity.
hi i have a table with Id and otehr fields,ID is autogenerate with datatype int. But now i want to generate an Id in AU001 format and then want to insert into table where it must be autogenerate.How to do this. Please help me with the problem,its very urgent....
While I have learned a lot from this thread I am still basically confused about the issues involved.
.I wanted to INSERT a record in a parent table, get the Identity back and use it in a child table. Seems simple.
To my knowledge, mine would be the only process running that would update these tables. I was told that there is no guarantee, because the OLEDB provider could write the second destination row before the first, that the proper parent-child relationship would be generated as expected. It was recommended that I create my own variable in memory to hold the Identity value and use that in my SSIS package.
1. A simple example SSIS .dts example illustrating the approach of using a variable for identity would be helpful.
2. Suppose I actually had two processes updating these tables, running at the same time. Then it seems the "variable" method will also have its problems. Is there a final solution other than locking the tables involved prior to updating them or doing something crazy like using a GUID for the primary key!
3. We have done the type of parent-child inserts I originally described from t-sql for years without any apparent problems. (Maybe we were just lucky.) Is the entire issue simply a t-sql one or does SSIS add a layer of complexity beyond t-sql that needs to be addressed?
I have three queries that I use to determine what the party type of a person.
They will be either a child, family member or an associated party and I need to go to three different tables to find this out. I set a field "relationship" to child, family member or associated party depending on the query results.
I would like to fill a temp table with the results so I can use it in reporting.
Here is my code:
Code: SELECTvap.partyID, relationship INTO#Relationship SELECTvap.partyID, Relationship = 'Child' FROMVolunteerActivityParty vap JOIN VolunteerActivity va ON va.VolunteerActivityID = vap.VolunteerActivityID JOIN
I want to insert a new record into a table with an Identity field and return the new Identify field value back to the data stream (for later insertion as a foreign key in another table).
What is the most direct way to do this in SSIS?
P.S. Or should I pass the identity value back in a variable and not make it part of the data stream?
I have 2 identical tables one contains current settings, the other contains all historical settings.I could create a union view to display the current values from table A and all historical values from table B, butthat would also require a Variable to hold the tblid for both select statements.
Q. Can this be done with one joined or conditional select statement?
DECLARE @tblid int = 501 SELECT 1,2,3,4,'CurrentSetting' FROM TableA ta WHERE tblid = @tblid UNION SELECT 1,2,3,4,'PreviosSetting' FROM Tableb tb WHERE tblid = @tblid
Ok, so I can connect to the database without any errors, however im not sure about the syntax for filling a table. Heres what i have so far in the pageload. Like i said this all works with out any errors. Thanks in advance for the help.testDS = New DataSet() testDataTable = New DataTable("Tbl")testDataTable.Columns.Add("username") testDataTable.Columns.Add("datecompleted")testDataTable.Columns.Add("lastfive") testDS.Tables.Add(testDataTable)Me.dgrdSearch0.DataSource = testDS.Tables("Tbl") Dim Conn As Object = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Dim strConn = "DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=serverName;UID=userID;PWD=password;DATABASE=net"Dim DSNtest As String = strConn Dim sql As String = "SELECT * FROM Tbl"
I have a database that has an Identity field in one table which has duplicate values. how can this be? and is there any way that this can be adjusted or corrected. (this field is used as the primary key).....UG!
i have a website that accepts users on it. first the user will apply to make use of my site and the data that he supplied will be put to account table. my problem is how can i get the last inserted identity value lets say id, to create the id of the person applied by simply incrementing it... i dont want to use the built in function of the sql server. can anybody help me of this process. asap...
What is the easiest way in T-SQL to reset the identity values of the PK columns in a DB. Here's the scenario.
I'm going to be backing up a HUGE DB and then restoring it to a new server. Once there I will run an SP to remove all the existing data. The tables are now row-free. However my customer doesn't like that the first record they add gets PK value of 5,321, or whatever.
After I remove all the data how can I reset the ids? It would be nice to add some code to my sp_cleardb that would go back and reset the identity columns FYI All of my tables use auto-incrementing identity fields with a seed of 1
1) I know how to do it in enterprise manager, but I need it in scripting since I'll have to do it on hundreds of tables 2) I tried using alter table to drop the PK constraint, but that requires knowing the pk constraint name, which is SQL generated and I won't know.
I think I got very close, but the code was just getting too big. I thought, there must be an easier function to use, or a built in SP, or something?
Anyone know how to script this? THanks in advance. Josh
We are experiencing a problem at more than one site - it has only just started happening.
We are actually getting duplicate Identity column values in various tables and the values seem random - its not like the counter just gets wound back.
We have used dbcc checkident and also bcp out and in the data, which of course corrected the tables but only temporarily. Our application is not doing any select into`s - just plain old inserts which for some reason are allowing dups to be inserted into the tables.
problem sites are either sp3 or sp4.
There are thousands of sites (including most of ours) where there are no problems like this with this particular app.
hi to the group, i am small problem, i am having two columns 1 is col1 which is a primary key and col2 any think .now i want to insert the data into second column at that time the first column must get the values in identity (like 1,2,3,4 etc) with out using identity(sql server)/generated always(db2) can any one knows please explain it
If I have an Identity-declared column, the table has lots of rows and I start deleteting records - will any old, deleted identities be re-used (without an explicit re-seed) ?
(I'm talking about numerical Identities, not these GUID things)
hi to the group, i am small problem, i am having two columns 1 is col1 which is a primary key and col2 any think .now i want to insert the data into second column at that time the first column must get the values in identity (like 1,2,3,4 etc) with out using identity(sql server)/generated always(db2) can any one knows please explain it bye
Going from Oracle to SQL 2000 and want to repeat Oracle process whereby the job_id field is generated using a trigger and a sequence one-up generator. These two values are then combined to create the job_id number. The sequence is simple: a minvalue, maxvalue and increment 1. The trigger is generating the first five characters from yyddd and appending the next sequence value to it. Example: JOB_ID: 08088155 YY: (Year = 08) DDD: (88th day of year) Next sequence number: (155)
When I create the table in SQL 2000 I will identify the JOB_ID column as an IDENTITY type data field, but is there any way to duplicate this Oracle sequence in SQL?
I am relatively new to SQL and as a project I have been asked to create the SQL for a simple database to record train details. I want to implement a check constraint which will prevent data from being inserted into a table if the weight of the train is more than the maximum towing weight of the locomotive. FOr instance, I need to add the unladen weight and maximum capacity of each wagon (located in the wagon type table) and compare it against the locomotive maximum pulling weight (the locomotive class table). I have the following SQL but it will not work:
check((select SUM(fwt.unladen_weight+fwt.maximum_payload) from hauls as h,freight_wagon as fw,freight_wagon_type as fwt,train as t where h.freight_wagon_serial_number = fw.freight_wagon_serial_number and fw.freight_wagon_type = fwt.freight_wagon_type and h.train_number = t.train_number) < (select lc.maximum_towing_weight from locomotive_class as lc,locomotive as l,train as t where lc.locomotive_class = l.locomotive_class and l.locomotive_serial_number = t.locomotive_serial_number))
The hauls table is where the constraint has been placed and is the intermediary table between train and freight wagon.
I may not have explained this very well; but in short, i need to compare the sum of two values in one table against a values located in another table...At present I keep getting a message telling me the sub query cannot return more than one row.
Hi, I am having problem in bulk update of a sql server table haning identity column from a datatable( has no identity column) using sqlbulkcopy. I tried several approaches, but it does not show any error nor is the table getting updated. But the identity value seems to getting increased every time. thanks. varun
To All, I have a table [multiple entries over the web] where the identity field values do not appear in order using a simple SELECT [no ORDER BY]. Why?
This is my simple procedure, I wanted to know whether the IDENTITY values created in #tblTest will always be consistent, I mean without losing any number in between. i.e. ID column will have values 1,2,3,4,5..... or is there any chance of ID column having values like 1,2, 4, 6,7,8....
I'm having a central Server with SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition and Other sites with Sql Express Server 2005.
Other sites will also be adding New records and data will be replicated to Central server and from there it will be distributed to all sites.
Question is that if Other sites are also adding Records how i can assing Identity values in those databases. There are few restricitons on this :-
1. I don't want to use GUID.
2. Numbers should be sequential that is after 1000, 1001, 1002 etc. should come.
i thought of adding Negative Values in the primary key on other sites and then when data is replicated on central server then replace it with sequential key but i'm not clear on how to accomplish this.
Is there any way to get the new identity values created after an OLE DB Destination has finished its inserts?
Basically my problem is this...
My source database has its primary and foreign key columns as a GUID datatype. In my conversion, my destination database will be using INT (identity) columns for primary/foreign keys. How do I propagate the foreign key relationships to the destination database in an SSIS package? So obviously I can use an OLE DB Destination to generate the data with identities for the parent table, but after that I am stuck in how to create the relationships for the child tables.
I know how to do this in TSQL fairly easily (cursor or temp tables), but it doesn't seem so simple in SSIS.
We are facing the following issue, several machines/users that are executing very often a command similar to :
INSERT INTO TableName (FieldOne,FieldTwo) VALUES ('ValueOne','ValueTwo'); SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() AS Table_ID;
Where TableName has a primary key defined as identity(1,1).and that Table_ID is being used as reference in others tables
These queries are executed using different dababase users and among several diffrent apps..The Problem is that we are detecting lost block of "Table_ID's" as the other tables shows the InsertedID as a reference, but the TableName table lacks of this ID record. In other words, the INSERT seems to work, the SCOPE_Identity returns an InsertedID, and the other tables are populated using this number. However, when we query the TableName table the mentioned record does not exist. We are profiling the server and we're sure that there are no DELETE statement on the TableName table. This seems to be happening when the are either deadlocks or blocked processes. Whenever the deadlocks and locks disappear/solved, everything works as expected.why the Scope_Identity returns the Inserted ID if the INSERT action had failed.
Howdy all, I've run into an interesting scenario that I can't seem to resolve.
We have a table that we are using to create sequence ids. It's literally a table with a single field with the identity value turned on.
create table ident (seq_id int identity(1,1) primary key NOT NULL)
If I want to grab a new sequence id, I can execute
INSERT INTO ident DEFAULT VALUES SELECT scope_identity() AS seq_id
All is well and good. However, now let's suppose that instead of just one, I'd like to get a range of values.
If the table had one other field in it, I could do the following
create table ident2 (seq_id int identity(1,1) primary key NOT NULL, placeholder char(1)) GO ; WITH RECORDS AS ( SELECT CAST('A' as char(1)) AS col1 UNION ALL SELECT char(ascii(col1) + 1) FROM RECORDS WHERE col1 < 'C' ) INSERT INTO ident2 OUTPUT INSERTED.seq_id SELECT NULL FROM RECORDS
Can this be done if there is only the identity column and if so, someone care to educate me?
Howdy all, I've run into an interesting scenario that I can't seem to resolve. We have a table that we are using to create sequence ids. It's literally a table with a single field with the identity value turned on.
Code Snippet create table ident (seq_id int identity(1,1) primary key NOT NULL)
If I want to grab a new sequence id, I can execute
Code Snippet INSERT INTO ident DEFAULT VALUES SELECT scope_identity() AS seq_id
All is well and good. However, now let's suppose that instead of just one, I'd like to get a range of values. If the table had one other field in it, I could do the following
Code Snippet create table ident2 (seq_id int identity(1,1) primary key NOT NULL, placeholder char(1)) GO ; WITH RECORDS AS ( SELECT CAST('A' as char(1)) AS col1 UNION ALL SELECT char(ascii(col1) + 1) FROM RECORDS WHERE col1 < 'C' ) INSERT INTO ident2 OUTPUT INSERTED.seq_id SELECT NULL FROM RECORDS
Is there a way to do this if there is only the identity column and if so, someone care to educate me?
From a design perspective, all I can say is "it's not mine" but I do have to live with it, or at least my coworker has to live with it. I'm merely trying to prevent them from opening a cursor and calling the default values version 45M times and no, that's not an exageration.
We have a couple of tables that can have quite a bit of data each day prior to replication. Can we increase the default values for a table for each subscription? For example we have a table called table1 and on the sqlexpress client they could enter in 10000 rows a day, on table2 it's just 100 rows a day. How can we increase the values to where we do not get the error for table1 stating that the insert failed because it conflicted with the identity range check constraint. Thanks in advance.