How To Find A Column In Database

May 29, 2008

Hi all,
Is there a way to see how many tables have a column like "name" in database?

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Transact SQL :: How To Find If A Column Is Used Anywhere In Database

Oct 20, 2015

I have looked around quite a bit, but mostly what I have found is looking to see if a table is used or if a column is in a stored procedure and honestly most of what I have seen does not work.

I want to reduce our nightly import by removing any columns that are not being used. We insert into our staging tables, Stage1 for example. And say Stage1 has column1 and column2. If those columns are not being used, then I want to remove them from Stage1. The only catch is that every Stage1 table has a v_Stage1. v_Stage1 should have all the columns from Stage1, but doesn't always. So I need to know what columns from Stage1 are used somewhere other than v_Stage1 and what columns from v_Stage1 are not used. 

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Query To Find A Value In Column B Based On An Aggregate Function On Column A?

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,Suppose I have a table containing monthly sales figures from my shopbranches:Branch Month Sales-----------------------London Jan 5000London Feb 4500London Mar 5200Cardiff Jan 2900Cardiff Feb 4100Cardiff Mar 3500The question I am trying to ask is this: in which month did each branchachieve its highest sales? So I want a result set something like this:Branch Month----------------London MarCardiff FebI can do a "SELECT Branch, MAX(Sales) FROM MonthlySales GROUP BY Branch" totell me what the highest monthly sales figure was, but I just can't figureout how to write a query to tell me which month corresponded to MAX(Sales).Ideas anyone?Cheers,....Andy

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Transact SQL :: Find Unique Rows In Column That Are Associated With Another Field In Another Column?

May 1, 2015

I am having issues trying to write a query that would provide me the unique GUID numbers associated with a distinct PID if the unique GUID's > 1.  To summarize, I need a query that just shows which PID's have more than one unique GUID. A PID could have multiple GUID's that are the same, I'm looking for the PID's that have multiple GUID's that are different/unique. 



The result of the query would only have PID1 because it has two unique GUID's. PID2 would not be listed has it has the same GUID3 in each row.



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Find Duplicate In Column Tied To Another Column

Apr 29, 2015

I have one table with two columns, GUID and PID and another table with three columns, GUID, LastName, and FirstName. For each unique PID, I need to find the PID's that have more than one GUID and then match that with their respective FirstName and LastName from the other table.




GUID LastName FirstName
GUID1 Mulder Fox
GUID2 Scully Dana
GUID3 Skinner Walter

So I'm looking for a result like:

PID1 GUID 1 Mulder Fox
----- GUID 2 Scully Dana

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How To Find Column Name Without Knowing Column Name

Sep 5, 2015

I was querying to find the first non null address value using the COALESCE function.And I got the correct result.But then I jumped into another question and i.e what if I need to find the column name without knowing the column nameand just by using the column value.What I mean is this...My query was.....

SELECT COALESCE(AddressLine1,AddressLine2) AS [Addresss] FROM Person.Address
This is what I got.
Address#500-75 O'Connor Street#9900 2700 Production Way00, rue Saint-Lazare02, place de Fontenoy035, boulevard du Montparnasse081, boulevard du Montparnasse081, boulevard du Montparnasse084, boulevard du Montparnasse1 Corporate Center Drive1 Mt. Dell Drive

But then what if I just know the address of that person i.e #500-75 O'Connor Street..How am I suppose to retrieve that without knowing the column name.

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To Find A Column

Aug 30, 2000

I have 80 tables in the database and I need to find in which table particular column exist. How can I do it shortly, without naming every table in my query?
Thank you.

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How To Find Column Name

Jun 5, 2008

I have more than 70 tables
How can i find the column name ( this column is the one of the column name from above tables)
pls help me

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'Cannot Find Column' Errors

Oct 11, 2007

Greetings!I have a project that has been in production for a couple years now. It's a v1.1 ASP.NET web farm hitting a SQL database. The last couple weeks, the website has been erroring out on  various pages for about 1-2 hours at a time twice a week. While the error messages are occurring, I cannot reproduce the errors myself.  Here are some of the error messages I recieve:Cannot find column [ColumnName][ColumnName] is neither a DataColumn nor a DataRelation for table RESULT.[ColumnName] (This is a wierd one. The error message returned is just a column name)No record foundColumn '[ColumnName]' does not belong to table RESULT.I come to a dead end when I follow the Stack Trace to find a programmatic error.  I'm able to hit the same page with all the same form fields at the error occured on and I cannot reproduce. The only consistentcy in these errors is that they come all at once and they are database related. Anyone have an issue like this before?  

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Find A Column In All The Table

Jul 23, 2003

I need to find the text data type column in all the table.
Please let me know the script.

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Find Duplicate From 3 Column

Mar 29, 2004

I have column A,B and C. I need a query to find the duplicates among these column.

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Find Tables With Column Name

Oct 16, 2006

How can I find all the tables with a specific column name?

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How To Find Table Name From Column Value

Apr 16, 2011

How could i find all tables name which have column value 'Ferrari'
How could we find table name from it's column value?????

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How To Find First Not Null Value In Column

Jan 28, 2006

Hi,How to find first not null value in column whitout chacking whole table(if there is a not null value then show me it and stop searching, thetable is quite big)?thx,Martin*** Sent via Developersdex ***

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Find Type Of A Column

Jan 30, 2007


is it possible to find a column's type inside stored procedure?? I am going to get the name of the table and then work with the columns and I just need the type of the column if I have had the name of it


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How Can I Find A Column's DataType And Size.

Jan 21, 2007

hi ,How can I find  sql Datatype (like NVARCHAR , DESIMAL & .. ) and size of columns  and  also is it Identity or not in a Table of SQl server?

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Is It Possible To Find Out When A Particular Column Was Added To A Table?

Nov 4, 2005

Is it possible to find out when a particular column was added to any table?


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Find Column Name And Datatype Of A Given Table

Jul 22, 2006


How do we find the "column name" and "data type" of all the columns in a table. Assuming that I know the Table name or Table Object ID. I am using Microsoft SQL Server 2000.


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Find Table And Column Name From Data

Jun 14, 2007

I need to find a table and column name from some given data. I know what data i want to edit, I just need to know where it is located and the database is too big to manually go through. It is Microsoft sql server 2000. Any help is appreciated.

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SQL 2012 :: How To Find Most Used Column In Every Table

Feb 4, 2015

Is there any possibility to trace, most used column in every table on the SQL server?

The intention is, a query which suggests some columns to be indexed; Based on the usage of the column by the queries that run on server.

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How To Find Out Column Dependencies Of A Table

Jan 13, 2014

i have written query to find out column names of a table in the database .

,SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id)+'.' AS ColumnName
FROM sys.tables t
INNER JOIN sys.columns c ON c.object_id = t.object_id
WHERE OBJECT_NAME(c.object_id) LIKE '%Message%'ORDER BY t.NAME

So far i got the Expected result but what ever column i am looking i want to find out the Dependency of column realted tables. by executing the above query i am getting table name and column name. How can i get the column related dependent tables.

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How To Find Count From Multiple Column

Mar 24, 2014

let us suppose

ID | companycode | year | name | State
1 | 01 | 2013 | xyz | D
1 | 01 | 2013 |abs | S
23| 02 | 2014 | age | D
2 | 01 | 2013 | XYZ | D
1 | 01 | 2013 | abh | D
7 | 13 | 2014 | adi | C
7 | 13 | 2014 | adi | C
7 | 13 | 2013 | adi | C
7 | 13 | 2014 | adi | C
7 | 13 | 2013 | adp | C
7 | 13 | 2014 | abp | C

and we want like this

ID | companycode | year | countname | State
1 | 01 | 2013 | 2 | D
23| 02 | 2014 | 1 | D
1 | 01 | 2013 | 1 | s
2 | 01 | 2013 | 1 | D
7 | 13 | 2013 | 2 | C
7 | 13 | 2014 | 4 | c

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Find Common Value In Column For 30 Tables

Mar 21, 2006


I am trying to query for a common value in a column called "file_auth_nbr" in 30 different tables. I was going to try something like this (see below) but wasn't sure if this was the most efficient, fastest, or correct, way to get what I'm looking for:

Select distinct a.file_auth_nbr from table1 as a
join table2 as b
on a.file_auth_nbr = b.file_auth_nbr
join table3 as c
on a.file_auth_nbr = c.file_auth_nbr
join table4 as d
on a.file_auth_nbr = d.file_auth_nbr
join table5 as e
on a.file_auth_nbr = e.file_auth_nbr
......etc., etc.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated,

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Find String In Any Column In Any Table

Sep 13, 2001

quote:Another question is how to find a string in any column of any table.
(Above is a hint as to one way)
I had to do this because a system was sending out a not very impressive email to users ad we couldn't find what was triggering it.

I have run into a similar situation. Care to share your solution?


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How To Find Column Size In A Table?

May 7, 2008

Is there any way to get size of the individual column in a table?

I know we can use sp_spaceused to get the size of the table. But my question is diiferent. I have a table with 50 columns and approx 2 million rows in it. I wanted to know which column is taking most of the space.


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Please Help!! How To Find Space At End Of Data In A Column

May 14, 2008

I need a query that checks each row in a column (hardness) to see if the last character is a "space". The column holds numbers (73.45) but is a varchar 50 type. It will always be the 5th character but it would be nice to not make this assumption. Please help!!

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Find Out What Tables Contain A Specific Column

Jul 28, 2006

I want to write SQL that will search the tables in a database for a specific column, like this. For instance, I have a column "Unique_ID" that is in many of our tables (hundreds) but not in others and want to find out the tables it is in. It is always the first column.

I tried to find a system stored procdure to do this but couldn't and tried to create a script using the sysobjects and syscolumns tables in the Master db, but came to a roadblock because they don't seem to be related at all.

I would surely appreciate if someone else has already done this!


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Need Help With Some SQL Statements, Find Most Frequent Value In Column

Mar 11, 2008

How can I make a statement that will return the 10 most frequently occuring values in a column?

I have no idea if that is even possible, if you have an idea on how I could do that I would really appreciate it.

Im trying to make a page that would show some statistics on a table I have.

Im also trying to make something that would show the count of the number of records inserted in the last 24 hours, week, month, year etc. The table has a column called "DateInserted" as SmallDate, right now i can use a Where DateInserted > '20080310' to get the count, but its not dynamic, is there anyone to merge all these results into one row with each column being a diffrent time period?

I know this a lot of questions, but I would really appreciate any pointers.

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How To Find That The Table Column Exists Through Program

Jul 12, 2007

i need to check that the column exist in the table if yes the update/insert value in the column else i need to add the new column like new browser name in the table.

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Cannot Find Either Column Dbo Or The User-defined Function

Oct 14, 2007

 Hi, I have a stored procedure that calls a scalar function.  It works fine on my development database, but on my production database, I get this error when trying to execute the procedure: Cannot find either column "dbo" or the user-defined function or aggregate "dbo.MyFunction", or the name is ambiguous. However, I am able to execute the function outside of the procedure like this: select dbo.MyFunction(0, 0)  Anyone have idea? I can't figure it out.    

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: How To Find And Add Column Of Percentage In Table

Mar 16, 2015

i made a procedure to the below output now i need to add column percentage depends on these output

block Response Heads Dept Actuals
1Sales Sales01.Sales (net of Sales Tax)1087.5999999999999
1Finance Sales02.LESS:-EXCISE DUTY 22.800000000000001
1Sales Sales03.Net Sales 1064.8
2HR HR 04.Personnel Cost 170.60000000000002
3Materials & productionCOGS 05.Material Cost 376.70000000000005


block Response Heads Dept Actuals percentage
2HR HR 04.Personnel Cost 170.60 170.60*100/1064.8(dept=03.Net
3Materials & productionCOGS 05.Material Cost 376.70 376.70*100/1064.8(dept=03.Net

How to write make a query for that?

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How To Find Formula Column From A Table Programmatically?

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I'm on SQL Server 2000, say, I have a table named [orders], how I findif there is any column which has a formula in it? In other words, howto identify formula column programmatically? I've looked atinformation_schema.columns view for clue but to no avail.Thanks.

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Find/Next + Excel Merge Column Issues

May 9, 2008

Two issues,
1. Even if there is no text entered in the search box of the report viewer header, the next button is clickable and returns the message "the entire report is searched'. Is this a defect in the product?

2. When report is exported to excel, the excel object tries to keep the report formatting to the closest and hence merging the columns in the excel. What is the work around to fix this issue. The end users after exporting to excel would normally do a sort by ascending/descending on required columns and this behaviour is causing an issue.

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