I am very new to VC# and SQL Express. I made a databse and a table in SQL Express, but I can not find it when I open up VC# Express and search through the Database Explorer. Can anyone provide me with information on how to get them working together? I have searched online for a while, but so far no good answers. Thank you!
I took some database from mproduction, updated and then restored to acceptance. I was trying to make my update as quick as possible so I dropped my originals and renamed my new ones...
Hi, I installed already vs 2005. The installation installed automaticaly SQL Server 2005 express. Now , I want to see which databases I have there and tables,views,store procedure etc. I tried the server explorer in the vs but I don't see any database on my pc. I tried also to open somthing like enterprise manager like I have in sql server 2000 but I don't found such a tool. I tried to find it in START=>Programs=>SQL Server 2005 but their I see only the Configuration tool. I want to know if the installation of the vs 2005 does not install Databases for the sql server Express ? Should I have to download this database samples? What about a tool to view those database like the enterprise manager in sql server 2000 ? Thanks, David
Why can I not connect to the database created under app_data folder with sql express and view the tables. I am trying to understand the structure of how it works, I have gone through the My personal web site starter kit's files to try and understand how it writes to the database.Why is the databse not visible in SQL express and why are the databases attached database files and not directly in SQL2005.
I am trying to attach a database that was created on another server. I believe the database was created using SQL Server Management Studio Express 2005. Now, I have successfully attached the database in my development environment, which is using SQL Server Management Studio Express 2005. However, when I tried to attach the database onto our production server, which is SQL Server 2000 I received the error: Error 602:Could not find row in sysindexes for database ID 18, object ID 1, index ID 1. Run DBCC CheckTable on sysindexes. In my development environment, I ran DBCC CheckDB on the source database and no errors are returned. I aslo checked the compatibility level under the database properties and it shows: Sql Server 2000 (80) So, this should not be a version incompatibility issue. What is causing the attach to fail on SQL Server 2000? Thanks for any help.
I am new to sqlserver. we are using sqlserver 6.5. these is no dbcc checkdb,checkalloc has been ran on the database for more than a uear, and dbcc updateusage has been run daily. Still now no errors are seen on the errorlog. The database has been restored daily on a different server too.
How can we confirm that the database is good. Will the database show suspect if there is a single table gets corrupt.or the dbcc update usage will say that the table is corrupted.
Suppose if I run the checkdb and checkalloc on the server now (after a year), will there be a possibility of table corrupt seen and how can I handle the database in this situation.
It is very much appreciated if any of you clear my doubt.
Hello, I have created a couple of triggers in many different tables. is there a way to run a comman in sql window to see a list of all the triggers that I created, or telling me which tables that triggers are located.
HI, We get our Database restored regularly in our test enviornment. I am trying to find out the Database Backup Time stamp through system tables and I am not able find . If you guys know ,please let me know. Thanks, Raju
Hello,I need to monitor every 15 minutes growth in data file and log file .Since mdf and intial file sizes are set to high value,measuring these values at 15 min interval will not provide the changein size .My intention is to measure the log file size growth which helps tocalculate the disk space and bandwidth required to setup log shipping .We need to set up this infrastructure based on this calculationThanksM A Srinivas
I have a bunch of datbases I have created during the development process. I want to delete those no longer being used. How do I find when the last time a database was accessed?
hi, I am developing a PDA project using Windows CE 6.0 I develop an Application using VS 2008 and create a database using SQLCE 3.5 in VS2008. I run the Application in Mobile 6 Emulator, it is correctly.
When I integrate it in My Custom OS, there is an error to connect the SQLCE 3.5 Database.
My CE 6.0 customed OS included: All 'File System and Data Store' Components. I also Include the 7 DLL: in C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server Compact EditionV3.5Deviceswce500armv4i -sqlcecompact35.dll -sqlceme35.dll -sqlceqp35.dll -sqlceca35.dll -sqlceer35EN.dll -sqlceoledb35.dll -sqlcese35.dll
Also, I include the three CAB Files: - sqlce.dev.ENU.wce5.armv4i.CAB - sqlce.wce5.armv4i.CAB - sqlce.repl.wce5.armv4i.CAB
I first Run the three CAB files in My PDA Emulator. Then I run the Application located: Windows All the files I imported in my OS is located in Windows
When I run my Application, there is an error prompted: "The Database file cannot be found. Check the Path to the database. [Data Source = WindowsTest.sdf]"
I try to use The Query Analyer to open the DB:WindowsTest.sdf, The Error Message shown: Error: 0x8004005 E_FAIL Native Error: (25046) Interface definning error: IID_IDBInitialize Param 0 : 0 Param 1 : 0 Param 2 : 0 Param 3 : WindowsTest.sdf
I, then, create a database in my PDA Emulator using isqlw35.exe (Query Analyzer) and located in WindowsTest2.sdf. After create the Test2.sdf, I use the Query Analyzer to re-open it. It is correct with no error! I use my Application to open the WindowsTest2.sdf, and it is correctly too!
Therefore, the problem would be: The SQLCE 3.5 database I created in VS2008, named 'Test.sdf' cannot be opened in my customed ce 6.0 OS. However the database I created in my customed OS 6.0 emulator ,named 'Test2.sdf' works fine.
Is there any difference or what's wrong when I create a SQLCE 3.5 database and integrated in Windows CE 6.0???
I was trying to backup my database file using My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyFile but because SQL keeps the file locked this doesnt work (I am using VB.NET 2005 Express and SQL 2005 Express). It seems that the Backup command is what I want to do but it doesnt recognise my database name, which otherwise appears in the Database Explorer tab of the IDE
I wrote a function to use the Backup command as follows Public Sub MyDbBackup() Dim sqlconn As New SqlClient.SqlConnection(MyConnectionStringdb) Debug.Print(sqlconn.Database) sqlconn.Open() Dim Backupcommand As SqlClient.SqlCommand = New SqlClient.SqlCommand("BACKUP DATABASE MyDatabase TO DISK = 'c:Mydatabase.bak'")
But this gives the error Could not locate entry in sysdatabases for database 'Mydatabase'. No entry found with that name. Make sure that the name is entered correctly. BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
I have also tried with the .mdf extension, with the full path name, and with the name as given by sqlconn.database which is supposed to be the full database name, with and without single quotes surrounding it.
How can I find out which database name this function requires and why it is not finding the database? Other queries on it are working fine.
Hi, I wanted find the log information if anybody deleted my database or bojects in my server. Is it possible we can able to find this details in my previous log or any sys tables ? Thanks
I'd like to find a specific text string searching in all tables within same database. Is there a way to make only one query to all tables at the same time?
Ok, lets see if I can put what I am looking for into words. I run a MSSQL server, I show in my logs that a connection is being made to my server from a remote ip. I have contact the owner of the ip in question and they state that they have no buisness with us and they should not be connected to us. According to netstat the connection to us is established on 2 different remote ports to 1433. My question, is there any logging on sql that I can turn on, look at to see what database this connection is accessing? Thanks
I need to be able to find certain data as the user has submitted that data twice and delete one record,except that have hundreds of tables and don't know the table where she would have submitted the data, but I have some other key info that I can start with.
My question is,how do i select a record from the database if I don't know the table it comes from?
I created a Daily and Weekly Maintenace Plans when I check my backups I notice that one of my databases was not being back-up. I then try to create a Maintenace plan for tha particular database only but I can't see it on my list of databases to back-up. Any help would be appreciated on creating a daily and weekly plan for these particular database.
-- This stored procedure will let you search through your database -- to find various objects that contain a particular string. -- For example, you may want to see all tables and views that contain -- a particular column.
use master IF (object_id('sp_FindReferences') IS NOT NULL) BEGIN PRINT 'Dropping: sp_FindReferences' DROP procedure sp_FindReferences END PRINT 'Creating: sp_FindReferences' GO CREATE PROCEDURE sp_FindReferences ( @string varchar(1000) = '', @ShowReferences char(1) = 'N' ) AS /****************************************************************************/ /* */ /* TITLE: sp_FindReferences */ /* */ /* DATE: 18 February, 2004 */ /* */ /* AUTHOR: WILLIAM MCEVOY */ /* */ /****************************************************************************/ /* */ /* DESCRIPTION: SEARCH SYSCOMMENTS FOR INPUT STRING, OUTPUT NAME OF OBJECT */ /* */ /****************************************************************************/ set nocount on
declare @errnum int , @errors char(1) , @rowcnt int , @output varchar(255)
/****************************************************************************/ /* INPUT DATA VALIDATION */ /****************************************************************************/
/****************************************************************************/ /* M A I N P R O C E S S I N G */ /****************************************************************************/
-- Create temp table to hold results create table #Results ( Name varchar(55), Type varchar(12), DateCreated datetime, ProcLine varchar(4000) )
IF (@ShowReferences = 'N') BEGIN insert into #Results select distinct 'Name' = convert(varchar(55),SO.name), 'Type' = SO.type, crdate, '' from sysobjects SO join syscomments SC on SC.id = SO.id where SC.text like '%' + @string + '%' union select distinct 'Name' = convert(varchar(55),SO.name), 'Type' = SO.type, crdate, '' from sysobjects SO where SO.name like '%' + @string + '%' union select distinct 'Name' = convert(varchar(55),SO.name), 'Type' = SO.type, crdate, '' from sysobjects SO join syscolumns SC on SC.id = SO.ID where SC.name like '%' + @string + '%' order by 2,1 END ELSE BEGIN insert into #Results select 'Name' = convert(varchar(55),SO.name), 'Type' = SO.type, crdate, 'Proc Line' = text from sysobjects SO join syscomments SC on SC.id = SO.id where SC.text like '%' + @string + '%' union select 'Name' = convert(varchar(55),SO.name), 'Type' = SO.type, crdate, 'Proc Line' = '' from sysobjects SO where SO.name like '%' + @string + '%' union select 'Name' = convert(varchar(55),SO.name), 'Type' = SO.type, crdate, 'Proc Line' = '' from sysobjects SO join syscolumns SC on SC.id = SO.ID where SC.name like '%' + @string + '%' order by 2,1 END
IF (@ShowReferences = 'N') BEGIN select Name, 'Type' = Case (Type) when 'P' then 'Procedure' when 'TR' then 'Trigger' when 'X' then 'Xtended Proc' when 'U' then 'Table' when 'C' then 'Check Constraint' when 'D' then 'Default' when 'F' then 'Foreign Key' when 'K' then 'Primary Key' when 'V' then 'View' else Type end, DateCreated from #Results order by 2,1 END ELSE BEGIN select Name, 'Type' = Case (Type) when 'P' then 'Procedure' when 'TR' then 'Trigger' when 'X' then 'Xtended Proc' when 'U' then 'Table' when 'C' then 'Check Constraint' when 'D' then 'Default' when 'F' then 'Foreign Key' when 'K' then 'Primary Key' when 'V' then 'View' else Type end, DateCreated, ProcLine from #Results order by 2,1 END
drop table #Results
GO IF (object_id('sp_FindReferences') IS NOT NULL) PRINT 'Procedure created.' ELSE PRINT 'Procedure NOT created.' GO
hi,There is facility to do backup of the database. I can use thatfacility to backup the database. But before i do a backup i want tocheck if the disk space available enough to backup that database. Ihave a 22gb database mdf file, when i took a backup of that its only3gb. SO i cannot use the size of mdf file to determine the databasedump file. Is there any facility available to find out the backupdatabase dump size before doing the backup?ThanksNabhonil.
We have an application that uses SQL CE to fill a catalog of tools that the user can drag and drop onto a drawing.
Upon loading the user is given a list of options, one being to open an existing drawing. When the user clicks to open a drawing the OpenFileDialog opens up and the user clicks a file and then "OK".
In the same subroutine I use a table adapter to fill a dataset that holds the catalog of tools mentioned earlier.
If OpenFileDialog1.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
OpenFile(OpenFileDialog1.FileName) 'Subroutine to open the file
End If
'Later in the code...
Dim catAdapter As New PCDatabaseTableAdapters.CategoriesTableAdapter
Dim catDS As New PCDatabase.CategoriesDataTable
For some reason, when the user clicks "OK" on the OpenFileDialog1, I get the following error...
SqlCeException - The database file cannot be found. Check the path to the database. [ File name = .database.sdf ]
And I know that the database is where it should be. If the user hits cancel, then the tableadapter works fine and the data is loaded.
If anyone has any solutions to this problem I would appreciate it.