Also , is it true that Grants to service accounts should go through roles as it is against audit & compliance standards? If yes, than how to find out the list of users who has direct grant to a service account ?
- Then how to revoke this grant from service account and than how to grant through the role ?
- Is there a script that i can run and find the list of users in each SQL server instance ?
I am trying to get list of users on different dbs located on different servers.Currently i get them manualy by going on each db and copy the users to excel sheet.I tried to use sysusers, but i needed status of their account, created . Is there any easy way where i can pull list of users from all dbs from at once.I also need to exclude dbo accounts ans sa accounts if possible
Say this table grows very large, what would be a good way to fetch a list of users that was configurable to bring back all or some of the users ? How about a procedure that uses a range of user id's. So if you wanted ALL of you users, you just use a range of inputs that span the entire range.
comments ?
CREATE PROCEDURE EndUsers_Select @lowuser int, @highuser int
SELECT eu.FirstName ,eu.LastName ,ci.Email FROM UserTable eu JOIN ContactInformation ci ON eu.ContactInformationID = ci.ContactInformationID WHERE EndUserID < @highuser AND EndUserID > @lowuser
sorry about asking basic question, just slipped out of my mind, how to get the list of currently connected users on one database and on whole server in sql server 2005
is there a master table that i could querry to buiild a report on the users who have acces to the various databases on the SQL server. I am trying to use master.dbo.syslogins but that is not generating what i need.
[dbo].[PortalUser]( [PortalUserID] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[dbo].[Role]( [RoleID] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [Name] [nvarchar](250) NOT NULL, [IsActive] [bit] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_Roles_IsActive] DEFAULT ((1)) ...
[dbo].[PortalUserRole]( [PortalUserRoleID] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [PortalUserID] [bigint] NOT NULL, [RoleID] [bigint] NOT NULL, [IsActive] [bit] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_PortalUserRole_IsActive] DEFAULT ((1))
I'm asking to get a list of portalUsers that do not have a PortalUserRole records for the rolename I'm checking against. And don't ask me why the person who coded this is searching on rolename not ID. But this is how we're doing it for now.
I need to be able to list all User connected to a particular database, after doing a bit of playing I have writen a simple view in the database to show this information which looks like
select spid, status, loginame, hostname, blocked, db_name(dbid), cmd from master..sysprocesses where db_name(dbid) = 'AutoCost2008
But my problem is that as this needs to be run from an application where the user is logged on as a standard user and therefore when this is run it only shows the current user, I am not sure what permissions I need to give this login to allow them to view all users connected to this database without giving them full Admin permissions, can anyone please help.
I want to map users/groups of a .NET application which uses MS SQL Server to Windows users/groups. Then grant pemission to the Windows users/groups to access the MS SQL Server.
If possible, I want to list Windows Users and Groups regardless of whether Active Directory is used or not.
I need to be able to set up a table listing users permissions, this needs to be run daily and then notify me of any changes without using the auditing or profiler software.
I have a report where a user selects a AD Global Group. Then I have another parameter that populates with the members of that group. My problem is the userlist parameter isn't populating. If I hard code a Global group name it works, but it isn't getting the Global Group parameter when I use @GlobalGroup.
SELECT sAMAccountName, displayName, distinguishedName FROM 'LDAP://DC=xxx,DC=xx,DC=xx,DC=xx,DC=xx,DC=xx' WHERE objectCategory = 'Person' AND objectClass = 'user' AND memberOf = 'CN=@GlobalGroup,OU=Groups,OU=SCSM,OU=Applications,DC=xxxx,DC=xx,DC=xx,DC=xx,DC=xx,DC=us'
is this even possible in reporting services? I already deployed reports for our client using Reporting Services 2000, one of their complaints was that the dropdownlist of the reports contains a very long list of data, this list cannot be shorten since all data are required. Is there a way to let the users type in characters, not only one character to find the exact data they want. The data in the drop down list are needed because these data are parameters.
Are there any web based reporting tools which can provide this kind of requirement?
We are evaluating users. We need to isolate certain users and certain groups. I can not figure out how to use a stored procedure or a script to filter a list of ALL users with the same 'Type'. Does this make sense? Any advice would be appreciated. I am on a deadline here and i could use any input u might offer. I can always TYPE them in using the EM - Security - Login, but I thought that there might be an easier way to do it. Thanks! Billy
I'm trying to find out what tables are being used in a Database.
I don't want the last User but the User and the Dates.
I have a script that return the last user but that is not going to work.
The following script returns the last user but not all users and the Login Name:
ITH LastActivity (ObjectID, LastAction) AS ( SELECT object_id AS TableName, last_user_seek as LastAction FROM sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats u WHERE database_id = db_id(db_name())
I have a MSSQL Report Services Report Model set up to allow users to create their own ad hoc reports. The data source for my model is a Named Query that queries a MS SQL view that actually pulls data from a series of tables & other views. When you create a report from this model and attempt to filter the data some of the fileds will provide you with a pick list to select which values you would like to filter on and other fields do not provide you with a pick list but require you to enter the data directly that you wish to filter on. Most of the data fields that I am trying to filter on are varchar fields and like I said some will create a pick list for you to selet from and others will not. This all seemed to start after I changed my data source to a Named Query rather than having my data source as the MS SQL View directly. I did this becuase it seemed that anytime I had to make a change to the views that the data source pulled from it would mess up any existing reports that had been created and this does not happen if I use a named query. I have gone crazy trying to figure this one out so any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
Hi all, I am brandnew with SQL2000, so sorry in advance forstupidities....SQL2000, SP3, running on a SBS2003-server with WindowsSharePointServices.I want to make a dataconnection (from within the LAN with InfoPath) froma client to this server. I got the error that whether the server doesnotexists (it does) or no permission. Where can I find (in SQL2000) whichusers have access to the databases ???Help is appreciated, Ger.*** Sent via Developersdex ***
Hi, Imagine that I have a select something like this select * from T where T.Name Like '%Maria%' "Maria" would be what the user what to find. But for example in spanish we use í, ó, ú, ü... The same happens in french, german... The user want to find Maria and does not care if another user (or himself) has inserted the client as Maria, María, Marïa or whatever. Of course one solution is putting in the DB only the simple characters (a,e,i,o,u) and look for these, replacing the "strange" chars in the application to the "normal" ones. But if we want to be professionals we would need to insert in the DB the name in their original spelling (the image is the most important!) Any idea, help or reference? Thx in advance and happy new year. David
Hello,I have an ASP web app with an SQL back end. I am currently migrating to anew Windows 2003 Server machine and SQL Server 2005 Express. When I importthe old database, I'm trying to grant the IUSR_MachineName account access tothe database, but I can't seem to find that user account. I'm clicking newusers, and when I type this user in, SQL doesn't recognize it, and when Iclick "Browse" all I see is BUILTIN/Administrators, BUILTIN/Users NTAuthority/System SA (which is not in use) and a long name that includes alot of dollar signs, the machine name and SQL express in it (it's a bigcryptic looking thing). Any idea how I get this to work again?Thanks!
Hello there,I'm a new one to, so I need some help, and hope someone out there wanna take the time to help me, with my problem..I had set up a Custom "Membership", you know click on a file, and it create a database ASPNETDB...There I need to find 5 random users where they are e.g. females..Right now I can find 5 random users, but I dont know how to put in there Where statement, because I need to read something from thier profile?This is my code so far: SELECT TOP 5 [UserName] FROM [aspnet_Users] ORDER BY NEWID() Then I have to put in WHERE (profile.Gender = female)<--- But how do I do that?Hope you wanna, and can help me,Regards Jeppe RichardtPS,Im using the language
Hi all, I want to find the list of filenames associated with the SQL server instance programmatically. As VDI is concerned with taking backup of SQL server. Can we find the list of filenames associated with a DB using VDI ? or Is there any other way to know filenames?
I'm using this to find duplicates where a person has the same email but varying firstname and lastnames:
select distinct t1.booking_id, t1.first_name, t1.last_name, t1.email_add, t1.booking_status_id from [aren1002].[BOOKING] as t1 inner join [aren1002].[BOOKING] as t2 on t1.last_name=t2.last_name and t1.booking_id<>t2.booking_id where t1.booking_status_id = 330 order by last_name asc
Sample data: 3927 Greg Smith 303 5012 John Smith 303 6233 John Smith 303 4880 Dulcie Abuud 303
However it is listing the non duplicate rows, For example: The record with Abuud as the last name, doesn't have any duplicates in the table, so I don't want it listed.
The data should be like this: 3927 Greg Smith 303 5012 John Smith 303 6233 John Smith 303
how to find the names of the tables owned by the particular user in sql server and how to display the distinct object types owned by the particular user.
I am trying to use the SQL "Contains" method and full text indexing for some search functionality in an application.
I understand that full text indexes will break data using certain word breakers which are dependent on which language the index is created with. However, I cannot seem to find a list of the what the actual word breakers are. I cannot find these online or in Books Online ... please can you let me know where I can find out more about this?
I was wondering if there was a SQL query I could run that would list all the current jobs in a SQL 2005 database? I would like to check to ensure a job exists before I call it, but was having trouble finding a way to determine if it existed.
I have installed the SharePoint adapters from codeplex and they show OK in SSIS 2008R2. But in SSIS 2012, I can't find them and their is no SSIS component tab to pick it and add it to the toolbox.