How To Find Trigger Assosiated With A Table ?

May 15, 2008

How to find triggers assosiated with a tables for triggers having text like '%GLPAudit%'

Actually, I want to find all the triggers which has text like '%GLPAudit%' and want to disable all of them. I am thinking of using cursors to read each triiger, find assosiated table with it and disable triggerrs.

Any other ideas ?

Thank you,

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Trigger Doesn't Log Into The Audit Table If The Column Of Table Has Trigger On Is Null

Jan 23, 2008


I have a trigger set on TABLE1 so that any update to this column should set off trigger to write to the AUDIT log table, it works fine otherwise but not the very first time when table1 has null in the column. if i comment out

and i.req_fname <> d.req_fname from the where clause then it works fine the first time too. Seems like null value of the column is messing things up

Any thoughts?

Here is my t-sql

Insert into dbo.AUDIT (audit_req, audit_new_value, audit_field, audit_user)

select i.req_guid, i.req_fname, 'req_fname', IsNull(i.req_last_update_user,@default_user) as username from inserted i, deleted d

where i.req_guid = d.req_guid

and i.req_fname <> d.req_fname


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How Can I Find Invalid Trigger On MSSQL ?

Aug 19, 2003


i looking for something to find invalid trigger on my database. In Oracle i found something. There is a entry for status in user_objects.But i looking for MSSQL.
Have somebody a tip ?

sorry my english is not so good ;-)

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CLR-Based Trigger? Recursive Trigger? Common Table Expression?

Nov 14, 2006


I'm new to this whole SQL Server 2005 thing as well as database design and I've read up on various ways I can integrate business constraints into my database. I'm not sure which way applies to me, but I could use a helping hand in the right direction.

A quick explanation of the various tables I'm dealing with:
WBS - the Work Breakdown Structure, for example: A - Widget 1, AA - Widget 1 Subsystem 1, and etc.
Impacts - the Risk or Opportunity impacts for the weights of a part/assembly. (See Assemblies have Impacts below)
Allocations - the review of the product in question, say Widget 1, in terms of various weight totals, including all parts. Example - September allocation, Initial Demo allocation, etc. Mostly used for weight history and trending
Parts - There are hundreds of Parts which will eventually lead to thousands. Each part has a WBS element. [Seems redundant, but parts are managed in-house, and WBS elements are cross-company and issued by the Government]
Parts have Allocations - For weight history and trending (see Allocations). Example, Nut 17 can have a September 1st allocation, a September 5th allocation, etc.
Assemblies - Parts are assemblies by themselves and can belong to multiple assemblies. Now, there can be multiple parts on a product, say, an unmanned ground vehicle (UGV), and so those parts can belong to a higher "assembly" [For example, there can be 3 Nut 17's (lower assembly) on Widget 1 Subsystem 2 (higher assembly) and 4 more on Widget 1 Subsystem 5, etc.]. What I'm concerned about is ensuring that the weight roll-ups are accurate for all of the assemblies.
Assemblies have Impacts - There is a risk and opportunity impact setup modeled into this design to allow for a risk or opportunity to be marked on a per-assembly level. That's all this table represents.

A part is allocated a weight and then assigned to an assembly. The Assemblies table holds this hierarchical information - the lower assembly and the higher one, both of which are Parts entries in the [Parts have Allocations] table.

Therefore, to ensure proper weight roll ups in the [Parts have Allocations] table on a per part-basis, I would like to check for any inserts, updates, deletes on both the [Parts have Allocations] table as well as the [Assemblies] table and then re-calculate the weight roll up for every assembly. Now, I'm not sure if this is a huge performance hog, but I do need to keep all the information as up-to-date and as accurate as possible. As such, I'm not sure which method is even correct, although it seems an AFTER DML trigger is in order (from what I've gathered thus far). Keep in mind, this trigger needs to go through and check every WBS or Part and then go through and check all of it's associated assemblies and then ensure the weights are correct by re-summing the weights listed.

If you need the design or create script (table layout), please let me know.


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Trouble With Update Trigger Modifying Table Which Fired Trigger

Jul 20, 2005

Are there any limitations or gotchas to updating the same table whichfired a trigger from within the trigger?Some example code below. Hmmm.... This example seems to be workingfine so it must be something with my specific schema/code. We'reworking on running a SQL trace but if anybody has any input, fireaway.Thanks!create table x(Id int,Account varchar(25),Info int)GOinsert into x values ( 1, 'Smith', 15);insert into x values ( 2, 'SmithX', 25);/* Update trigger tu_x for table x */create trigger tu_xon xfor updateasbegindeclare @TriggerRowCount intset @TriggerRowCount = @@ROWCOUNTif ( @TriggerRowCount = 0 )returnif ( @TriggerRowCount > 1 )beginraiserror( 'tu_x: @@ROWCOUNT[%d] Trigger does not handle @@ROWCOUNT[color=blue]> 1 !', 17, 127, @TriggerRowCount) with seterror, nowait[/color]returnendupdate xsetAccount = left( i.Account, 24) + 'X',Info = i.Infofrom deleted, inserted iwhere x.Account = left( deleted.Account, 24) + 'X'endupdate x set Account = 'Blair', Info = 999 where Account = 'Smith'

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Generic Audit Trigger CLR C#(Works When The Trigger Is Attached To Any Table)

Dec 5, 2006

This Audit Trigger is Generic (i.e. non-"Table Specific") attach it to any tabel and it should work. Be sure and create the 'Audit' table first though.

The following code write audit entries to a Table called
with columns
'ActionType' //varchar
'TableName' //varchar
'PK' //varchar
'FieldName' //varchar
'OldValue' //varchar
'NewValue' //varchar
'ChangeDateTime' //datetime
'ChangeBy' //varchar

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;

public partial class Triggers
//A Generic Trigger for Insert, Update and Delete Actions on any Table
[Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlTrigger(Name = "AuditTrigger", Event = "FOR INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE")]

public static void AuditTrigger()
SqlTriggerContext tcontext = SqlContext.TriggerContext; //Trigger Context
string TName; //Where we store the Altered Table's Name
string User; //Where we will store the Database Username
DataRow iRow; //DataRow to hold the inserted values
DataRow dRow; //DataRow to how the deleted/overwritten values
DataRow aRow; //Audit DataRow to build our Audit entry with
string PKString; //Will temporarily store the Primary Key Column Names and Values here
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("context connection=true"))//Our Connection
conn.Open();//Open the Connection
//Build the AuditAdapter and Mathcing Table
SqlDataAdapter AuditAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM Audit WHERE 1=0", conn);
DataTable AuditTable = new DataTable();
AuditAdapter.FillSchema(AuditTable, SchemaType.Source);
SqlCommandBuilder AuditCommandBuilder = new SqlCommandBuilder(AuditAdapter);//Populates the Insert command for us
//Get the inserted values
SqlDataAdapter Loader = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * from INSERTED", conn);
DataTable inserted = new DataTable();
//Get the deleted and/or overwritten values
Loader.SelectCommand.CommandText = "SELECT * from DELETED";
DataTable deleted = new DataTable();
//Retrieve the Name of the Table that currently has a lock from the executing command(i.e. the one that caused this trigger to fire)
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT object_name(resource_associated_entity_id) FROM
ys.dm_tran_locks WHERE request_session_id = @@spid and resource_type = 'OBJECT'", conn);
TName = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
//Retrieve the UserName of the current Database User
SqlCommand curUserCommand = new SqlCommand("SELECT system_user", conn);
User = curUserCommand.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
//Adapted the following command from a T-SQL audit trigger by Nigel Rivett
SqlDataAdapter PKTableAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(@"SELECT c.COLUMN_NAME
where pk.TABLE_NAME = '" + TName + @"'
DataTable PKTable = new DataTable();

switch (tcontext.TriggerAction)//Switch on the Action occuring on the Table
case TriggerAction.Update:
iRow = inserted.Rows[0];//Get the inserted values in row form
dRow = deleted.Rows[0];//Get the overwritten values in row form
PKString = PKStringBuilder(PKTable, iRow);//the the Primary Keys and There values as a string
foreach (DataColumn column in inserted.Columns)//Walk through all possible Table Columns
if (!iRow[column.Ordinal].Equals(dRow[column.Ordinal]))//If value changed
//Build an Audit Entry
aRow = AuditTable.NewRow();
aRow["ActionType"] = "U";//U for Update
aRow["TableName"] = TName;
aRow["PK"] = PKString;
aRow["FieldName"] = column.ColumnName;
aRow["OldValue"] = dRow[column.Ordinal].ToString();
aRow["NewValue"] = iRow[column.Ordinal].ToString();
aRow["ChangeDateTime"] = DateTime.Now.ToString();
aRow["ChangedBy"] = User;
AuditTable.Rows.InsertAt(aRow, 0);//Insert the entry
case TriggerAction.Insert:
iRow = inserted.Rows[0];
PKString = PKStringBuilder(PKTable, iRow);
foreach (DataColumn column in inserted.Columns)
//Build an Audit Entry
aRow = AuditTable.NewRow();
aRow["ActionType"] = "I";//I for Insert
aRow["TableName"] = TName;
aRow["PK"] = PKString;
aRow["FieldName"] = column.ColumnName;
aRow["OldValue"] = null;
aRow["NewValue"] = iRow[column.Ordinal].ToString();
aRow["ChangeDateTime"] = DateTime.Now.ToString();
aRow["ChangedBy"] = User;
AuditTable.Rows.InsertAt(aRow, 0);//Insert the Entry
case TriggerAction.Delete:
dRow = deleted.Rows[0];
PKString = PKStringBuilder(PKTable, dRow);
foreach (DataColumn column in inserted.Columns)
//Build and Audit Entry
aRow = AuditTable.NewRow();
aRow["ActionType"] = "D";//D for Delete
aRow["TableName"] = TName;
aRow["PK"] = PKString;
aRow["FieldName"] = column.ColumnName;
aRow["OldValue"] = dRow[column.Ordinal].ToString();
aRow["NewValue"] = null;
aRow["ChangeDateTime"] = DateTime.Now.ToString();
aRow["ChangedBy"] = User;
AuditTable.Rows.InsertAt(aRow, 0);//Insert the Entry
//Do Nothing
AuditAdapter.Update(AuditTable);//Write all Audit Entries back to AuditTable
conn.Close(); //Close the Connection

//Helper function that takes a Table of the Primary Key Column Names and the modified rows Values
//and builds a string of the form "<PKColumn1Name=Value1>,PKColumn2Name=Value2>,......"
public static string PKStringBuilder(DataTable primaryKeysTable, DataRow valuesDataRow)
string temp = String.Empty;
foreach (DataRow kColumn in primaryKeysTable.Rows)//for all Primary Keys of the Table that is being changed
temp = String.Concat(temp, String.Concat("<", kColumn[0].ToString(), "=", valuesDataRow[kColumn[0].ToString)].ToString(), ">,"));
return temp;

The trick was getting the Table Name and the Primary Key Columns.
I hope this code is found useful.

Comments and Suggestion will be much appreciated.

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Problem: Find All Table Names In Db And Then Find

Jun 12, 2008

I have 3 database say

I need to setup a script to read all the table names in the database above and then query the database to find the list of Stored Procedure using each table.(SQL Server)

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Trigger - Require Help For Updating A Trigger Following An INSERT On Another Table

Oct 30, 2007

Table 1













Table 2































I want to be able to create a trigger that updates table 2 when a row is inserted into table 1. However I€™m not sure how to increment the ID in table 2 or to update only the row that has been inserted.

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Trigger - Require Help For Updating A Trigger Following An INSERT On Another Table

Feb 5, 2008
















I want to be able to create a trigger so that when a row is inserted into table A by a specific user then the ID will appear in table B. Is it possible to find out the login id of the user inserting a row?

I believe the trigger should look something like this:

create trigger test_trigger
on a
for insert
insert into b(ID)

from inserted i
--specific USER

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SQL Server 2012 :: Join To Find All Records From One Table That Do Not Exist In Other Table

Apr 29, 2014

I have table 'stores' that has 3 columns (storeid, article, doc), I have a second table 'allstores' that has 3 columns(storeid(always 'ALL'), article, doc). The stores table's storeid column will have a stores id, then will have multiple articles, and docs. The 'allstores' table will have 'all' in the store for every article and doc combination. This table is like the master lookup table for all possible article and doc combinations. The 'stores' table will have the actual article and doc per storeid.

What I am wanting to pull is all article, doc combinations that exist in the 'allstores' table, but do not exist in the 'stores' table, per storeid. So if the article/doc combination exists in the 'allstores' table and in the 'stores' table for storeid of 50 does not use that combination, but store 51 does, I want the output of storeid 50, and what combination does not exist for that storeid. I will try this example:

'allstores' 'Stores'
storeid doc article storeid doc article
ALL 0010 001 101 0010 001
ALL 0010 002 101 0010 002
ALL 0011 001 102 0011 002
ALL 0011 002

So I want the query to pull the one from 'allstores' that does not exist in 'stores' which in this case would the 3rd record "ALL 0011 001".

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Trigger On Table LeaveRegister And Inserting Rows In Audit Table

Oct 22, 2012

I write a insert trigger on my table LeaveRegister(1000 rows) and inserting rows in audit table, but when i inserting a row in LeaveRegister table. In audit table 1000 + 1 rows are inserting every time.

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Update One Table When Records Inserted In Another Table - Variables In Trigger

May 19, 2014

I am trying to update one table when records are inserted in another table.

I have added the following trigger to the table “ProdTr” and every time a record is added I want to update the field “Qty3” in the table “ActInf” with a value from the inserted record.

My problem appears to be that I am unable to fill the variables with values, and I cannot understand why it isn’t working, my code is:

ALTER trigger [dbo].[antall_liter] on [dbo].[ProdTr]
for insert
declare @liter as decimal(28,6)

[Code] ....

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Is Having A Trigger That Inserts A Row In Table 'A', When A Row In Same Table Is Inserted By ADo.Net Code?

Oct 13, 2006

I want to insert a row for a Global user  in Table 'A' whenever ADO.Net code inserts a Local user row into same table. I recommended using a trigger to implement this functionality, but the DBA was against it, saying that stored proecedures should be used, since triggers are unreliable and slow down the system by placing unecessary locks on the table. Is this true OR the DBA is saying something wrong? My thinking is that Microsoft will never include triggers if they are unreliable and the DBA is just wanting to offload the extra DBA task of triggers to the programmer so that a stored procedure is getting called, so he has less headache on his hands.Thanks

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Trigger For Updating Value On One Table When That Value Is Updated On Base Table

Jul 30, 2015

If the id1 will change in table1 it should also change the corresponding id1 field in table2 it does not do anything.

ON [dbo].[table1]
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from

[Code] .....

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Trigger- Dump 'inserted' Table To Temp Table

Jul 11, 2006

I want to pass the 'inserted' table from a trigger into an SP, I think I need to do this by dumping inserted table into a temporary table and passing the temp table. However, I need to do this for many tables, and don't want to list all the column names for each table/trigger (maintenance nightmare).

Can I dump the 'inserted' table to a temp table WITHOUT specifying the column names?

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How To Find Filegroups For A Given Table And Table's Indexes

Oct 6, 2006


I am using SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition.

I want a list of the following things from the database: -

Table Name , FileGroup Table resides on

Table Name, Index Name, FileGroup index resides on

To put it simply, consider the following example:-

Lets say I have a table XYZ in my database created on Filegroup F1. It has a PK PK1 nonclustered index on Filegroup F2.



XYZ        F1




XYZ          PK1         F2


Please do not tell me of sp_help <table> option




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Find PK Of Table

Dec 21, 1998

I have a table name and I want to get the column name of the PK of this table.
Do you know how can I do this ?

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Find A Certain Row In A Table

Feb 28, 2006

I am trying to import a sql table from one sql database to another using DTS. I am getting an error and when I dblclick on the row it says

'Error at destination row 44324 .Errors so far encountered in this task 1. Unspecified error'

How do I find and list row 44324 ? Or is there something else I should do/check


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To Find Second Max No In Table

Jul 6, 2007

Dear all,

i want to find the second max no from a column can anyone help me in this

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How To Find Max From A Table By Row

Jul 23, 2005

I have a Product table with the columnsAcctNumProdCodeInvoiceDateI can have multiple rows for a given AcctNum:123 A 01/01/2005123 B 01/02/2005123 C 01/03/2005234 C 02/01/2004345 A 01/01/2005345 B 01/02/2005I need the max(InvoiceDate) and if the max for a given AcctNum is a ProdCode= B. So if the latest InvoiceDate is for a given AcctNum is B then returnthat row.123 B 01/02/2005Would not be returned because the max Invoice date for AcctNum 123 isProdCode C.345 B 01/02/2005Would be returned because the max Invoice date for AcctNum 345 is ProdCodeB.I can solve this using a cursor fairly easily by using a distinct AcctNum inthe cursor select and getting the max InvoiceDate for each AcctNum. This isa costly and I'm looking for a solution using temp tables or a query tohandle this problem.I hope I have made this clear enough (sorry if I was too verbose). Thanks inadvance for your help.-p

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Find Table

May 29, 2008

Hi Folks,

Can any one tell me how to find table which has max records, let say i hve 50 tables in my database so how to find particular table has max records.

Thnx & Regards

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How To Find Out The PK From A Table?

Sep 1, 2006

Dear all experts,

I need to find out some property of a tableAs following sql statement:
from sys.tables mtable, sys.all_columns mcolumn, sys.types mtype
where mcolumn.object_id = mtable.object_id
and mcolumn.system_type_id = mtype.system_type_id
and in ('TestTable')
order by,mcolumn.column_id

But there is no PK information.
Follwing sql statement shows the PK name of a table, but no composite info(which fields):
from sys.key_constraints mkey, sys.tables mtable
where mkey.parent_object_id = mtable.object_id
and mkey.type = 'PK'
and like 'TestTable'

How can I find which fields are PK in a table?thanks...

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How Do I Find Out Who's Locking A Table? And Than Do Something About It?

Oct 3, 2007

So randomly every 1 to 6 days queries start timing out and I'm almost positive it's from an improperly terminated transaction
 Is there a way to snoop this out the next time it happens? Like when a table's locked I can look and see yea this is the transaction it's in the middle of?

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Find Value Match In SQL Table

Oct 28, 2007

Find value match in SQL table
Is there any application that can compare two tables and find the similarities (there is no high rate of exact match on the field values but there are similarities)?

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How Do I Find Duplicates In A Table.

Apr 15, 2008

 I have table which stores the fund name and its data. We get quarterly information from the fund co. Suppose if the user wants to add a fund thats not in our database we let then add a ClientFundId and a FundName. But may be after sometime the fund company may add that fund in the next quarter.. So how do i get rid of Duplicated Data..
In the ClientFundId column we can a 9 letter Aplhanumeric or a 5 letter character but if the fund co.. provides those values the 5 letter characters are stored in Ticker column and the 9 letter words are stored in Cusip column.. So i just wrote this query hoping i could retrieve the duplicate values but it didnt list any..but i found one this is my query..
From Fund

ClientFundId = Ticker
ClientFundId = Cusip
 Any help will appreciated

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How To Find An Inserted Value In A Table

Apr 19, 2006

I have 2 tables, and use objectdatasource and stored procedures, with sql server.
Let say in the first table I have IDCustomer as a datakey, and other records, and in the second I have the same IDCustomer and CustomerName.  I have an INSERT stored procedure that will create a new record in the first table (so generate a new IDCustomer value), and I would like to insert immediately this new value in the second table.
How can I know the value of this new IDCustomer ?  What is the best  way to handle that ? Once the insert in the first table is done should read it the table and extract (with an executescalar) the value and then insert it in the second table ? This solution should work but I am not sure this is the best one.
Thanks for your help.

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How To: Find Cols In A Table

Jan 12, 2002

I'd like to know if I can make one proc/cursor that I can pass only a table name and it will determine what cols exist in the table?

AND, what is the syntax for such a query?

I will be receiving data back where I will receive the accountID and only the deltas will have values all other columns will be null.

My proc will update an existing record, updating the specific col when an accountID exists, it will create a new record if the accountID does not exist.

I'd like to search all the cols getting their names and values when not null.

I can construct a proc for each table searching each col by known name.

However, I'd like to know if I can make one proc/cursor that I can pass only a table name and it will determine the cols?

All my tables start with cols AccountID and end with RecID with any number of cols inbetween.


cross posted to

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How To Find A Temporary Table Using T-SQL

Aug 16, 2000

Im trying to find a table and Drop in T-SQL
using this script.

/* Start */
Use Students
IF exists (Select * from information_schema.tables
where table_name ='##Exams_result)
drop table ##Exams_result
Create table ##Exams_result..............etc

/* end */

But I cant find my temporary table on this way...
Any sugestion?

Luiz Lucasi
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

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How Do I Find The Duplicates In A Table

Dec 11, 1999

does someone have a querry to display the duplicate records in a table.

zipcode dma

My data upload is failing because there is a primary key on zipcode and the source data (42k records) has about 50 duplicate zipcode records in it. It is possible that there is a unique combo of zipcode / dma but I need to identify the duplicate records to determine that.

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HELP!!... How To Find Out If A Table Exists

Aug 10, 1999

I need a snippet of code that will determine wether or not a table exists in a database...


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Find A Column In All The Table

Jul 23, 2003

I need to find the text data type column in all the table.
Please let me know the script.

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How To Find Out The Rows In A Table?

Apr 10, 2002

Hi Frinds,

How can i find out the no of rows in each table. if the no of table are more than thousands(i.e. 1000+,2000+ etc..) are there. Certainly 'select count(0) from <table>' is not the good idea. Egarly awaiting for the solution.


Nageswara Rao Bomma

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Find Primary Key On Table.

Feb 26, 2008

I need to find the primary key of a table, in MySQL i used SHOW COLUMNS and looped through them to find which one was primary if any. The MSSQL equivalent is SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.Columns WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'table_name' apparently. However the result doesnt give me any key information. How can i find out
1. if a primary key exists on a table
2. what column that primary key exists on

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