How To For Date Is Not Null Or Nothing Condition

Jan 11, 2007

How can i write a condition for like isdate(Fields!DueDate.value)

I tried isdate but i am getting an error message. what is the equivalent for isdate in sql server reporting services formula fields or calculated fields expression.

Thank you very much for the information.


=IIF(isdate(Fields!DueDate.Value), ................


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COndition Spli - Error Date Condition

Apr 19, 2007

Dear friends,

I'm having a problem... maybe it's very simple, but with soo many work, right now I can't think well...

I need to filter rows in a dataflow...

I created a condition spli to that... maybe there is a better solution...

And the condition is: Datex != NULL(DT_DATE)

(Some DATE != NULL)

[Eliminar Datex NULL [17090]] Error: The expression "Datex != NULL(DT_DATE)" on "output "Case 1" (17123)" evaluated to NULL, but the "component "Eliminar Datex NULL" (17090)" requires a Boolean results. Modify the error row disposition on the output to treat this result as False (Ignore Failure) or to redirect this row to the error output (Redirect Row). The expression results must be Boolean for a Conditional Split. A NULL expression result is an error.

What is wrong??



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If Null Condition

Apr 2, 2008

I have a this code

SELECT @maxid = MAX(id) FROM Quote

now i need to check if @maxid is null.. if so i want to set it as 1. how do i do this

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Sum Column Values And Also Check Null Condition

Mar 28, 2014

select '$ '+ CONVERT(varchar,CONVERT(decimal(10,0),CONVERT(money, Amt_Value)),1) as [Amount]

from Products

How can I sum this column values and need to set a validation like the column has null values it has to return zero.

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Script With If Condition For Multiple Input Parameter That Can Be NULL

Jan 23, 2008

I want to write an Query for a report that has 7 parameters. I want to allow Null for these parameters but at the same time in the Query i want to put an AND condition for all the parameters. I cannot put an OR condition.

For Example;
If i have a report with 2 parameters then the script will have 2* 2 If conditions

something like:-

if( @parameter1 is not Null and @parameter is not Null)
select A, B, C
From Table 1
Where parameter1 = @parameter1 and parameter2 = @prameter2

if( @parameter1 is not Null AND @parameter2 is Null)

select A, B, C
From Table 1
Where parameter1 = @parameter1

If( @parameter1 is Null AND @parameter2 is Not Null)
select A, B, C
From Table 1
Where parameter2 = @parameter2

If( @parameter1 is Null AND @parameter2 is Null)
select A, B, C
From Table 1

For 7 parameter there will be way too many If conditions. Is there an better approch to write a Query for such a situation?

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Date Condition In Where Clause?

Jun 23, 2008


Well, i have one view:

create view vwdate
select custno, custname, city, date
from salestab
where date = ????

well, this question mark...i have to fill..

like i want if month is june then i want for whole may month results of custno, custname and city..

if month is july then i want results for whole june month..

means for previous month results i want whatever the date is for that particular month..


if date='06/15/08'
then results will be
custno custname city date
1 AAAA NJ 05/01/08
2 SDS CT 05/04/08
........................ 05/18/08
.......................... 05/30/08

if date='06/30/08' OR '06/1/08' then also results will be same..
so i want for previous month results..

so can anyone help me to get the correct condition in where clause?

Thanks ALL..

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Using A Year Parameter In A Date Condition

Mar 11, 2008

I am collecting a year parameter from my user and want to use that year as part of a complete date condition.

So I collect the year say '2003' from my user.

A condition must be applied so that the date must be after 01-APR-...and here is where i want to utilize the parameter @Year. So I can apply the same date condition depending on what year we are looking at.

I am currently using the following logic:


This causes problems as the date can be only Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr 01 or 02. What I need is to gather all dates prior to Apr 02, with the year paramter to follow.

We originally developed this querty using Oracle so idealy there would exist a pl-sql to t-sql conversion tool out there! Anybody know of one?

Here is how the pl-sql is structured:

Thanks in advance,

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Convert Varchar To Date In Where Condition

Mar 31, 2008

Hi guys.
i have a field in a table which datatype is varchar and i m storing datetime and number in it.. but when i try to use select statement like ( between startdate and enddate) or number (= ) operator it's not working..

select * from table
where cast(Field as datetime) between @startdate and @enddate

second query that i m trying to exectue is

select * from table
where cast(Field as bigint) = @Fieldid

but both are not returning any value...can anyone tells me where i m doing mistake

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ADO + MS Access Cannot Use Date As Query Condition

Aug 12, 2007

First I have to apologize about posting the problem here , since it not actually relate to SQL Server

I am really new to database programming.
I use ADO (the ActiveX one , Not ADO.NET) In an MFC Application to access MS ACCESS Database

I can insert date in to table using statement like this

insert into tableXXX (date_field) values ('1/2/2007')

but when i tried to query it using this statement

select * from tableXXX where date_field = #1/2/2007#

Nothing return

I also tried to use #1-2-2007# , #01-02-2007# but it all the same

Can someone tell me how to successfuly use date as a query condition ?

Thank in Advance

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Transact SQL :: Selecting First Row After Date Matching Condition?

Sep 22, 2015

I've two audit tables, AUDIT_ORDERS and AUDIT_ORDER_LINES.

The AUDIT_ORDERS has these columns: AUDIT_ID, ORDER_ID, AUDIT_DATE and other ones.

The AUDIT_ORDER_LINES has these columns: AUDIT_ID, ORDER_ID, ORDER_LINE_ID, AUDIT_DATE and other ones.

I need to join these two tables in order to select for each order line row the first order having the related audit date lower than or equal to the audit date of the related order line.

I don't want to use the TOP 1 clause or a subquery. I think to complete a such statement:

SELECT OL.Order_Line_ID, O.Order_ID, OL.Audit_Date, O.Audit_Date
on OL.Order_ID = O.Order_ID and O.Audit_Date <= OL.Audit_Date ...

I'd like to get the first row of the Audit_Orders with audit_date <= of the audit_date of the Audit_Order_Lines table by using the join clause.

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Can I Print The Results Of A Condition Based On The Condition?

Feb 9, 2006

For example..

select * from mytable where MyNum = 7

If this brings back more than 1 row, I want to display a message that says,

Print 'There is more than one row returned'

Else (If only 1 row returned), I don't want to print anything.

Can I do this? Thx!

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Reporting Services :: SSRS IIF One Condition Or IIF Another Condition

Jun 22, 2015

I  am trying to write an visibility function to have message shown based on two different IIF  conditions:

If behavior is to Add a customer ( if message =NAME ALREADY EXISTS, return " NAME ALREADY EXISTS",    otherwize return " NAME CREATED")If behavior is to  Delete a customer (( if message =NAME DOES NOT EXIST, return "NAME DOES NOT EXIST",    otherwize return "NAME SUCCESSFULLY DELETED")
I tried the following which doesn't work:
=IIF((UCase(First(Fields!Message.Value, "DataSetName")) = "NAME ALREADY EXISTS"), "WARNING: NAME ALREADY EXIST", "NAME  CREATED"),
IIF((UCase(First(Fields!Message.Value,  "DataSetName")) = " NAME DOES NOT EXIST"), "WARNING: NAME DOES NOT EXIST", " NAME DELETED")

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Default Date When Not Null?

Apr 23, 2008

I have a table that has a date field that can't be null.  When a new record is created, if a date is not passed in, I want the default to be the current date.  How can I set that?  I tried Now, Today, GetDate, etc.  Diane 

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Date IS NULL Not Working......?

Jul 20, 2004


I have a problem with a SQL that check if a date column IS NULL.
On one server the check work ok but on another (the same data is on both - restored copy) the check does not find any NULL values.
If check where datecolumn =convert(datetime,'9999-12-31 23:59:59.000',121) I get the same result as when checking for NULL in the other.

Is there any parameter set somewhere that tell the server to return a value even if NULL is stored in the database?

thank you for reading,

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How To Use BCP With Null Date Field

May 28, 2008

My tests have shown that if you use BCP to import records with a
date field as " ", it won't work.

Is there a way to get BCP to accept empty date fields?

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MIN Date Without Displaying NULL Value

Sep 24, 2013

I have 3 dates one of them could be NULL . I do not want my min to display it as NULL.Below is my script. Is there a way I could do it?

select Order_id, customer_id, date_1, date_2, date_3
into #temp1
from ##Temp_dates (nolock)
Select Case when (date_1 < date_2 and date_1< date_3) then date_1
when (date_2< date_1 and date_2< date_3) then date_2


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Doing A 'between' On A NULL In A Date Field

Mar 29, 2007

Hi everyone,

I have two tables - caseinfo and steps.

Caseinfo shows when a particular case entered and exited a particular project. If the project hasn't ended yet, then the end date is NULL.

Steps shows the steps the case has gone through and the dates of those particular steps.

I need to join the tables to show the steps the case went through during a particular project, but I'm having trouble with the NULL values in the end dates.

If I join the tables so that the step date is between the start and end dates of the project, then I get no step information for the cases where the end date is NULL (that is, where the project hasn't ended yet).

Does anybody have any ideas?

Here are my tables, the query that shows the main idea (with the wrong result), and my expected results.

Thank you for reading.

--- create sample data
set dateformat ymd

declare @caseinfo table (caseid int, startdate smalldatetime, enddate smalldatetime)

insert @caseinfo
select 10, '2006-12-23', '2006-12-27' union all
select 20, '2006-12-23', NULL union all
select 30, '2006-12-23', NULL union all
select 40, '2007-1-15', '2007-3-4'

declare @steps table (caseid int, stepnumber int, stepdate smalldatetime)

insert @steps
select 10, 1, '2006-12-24' union all
select 10, 2, '2007-1-3' union all
select 10, 3, '2007-2-5' union all
select 20, 1, '2006-12-26' union all
select 20, 2, '2007-1-7' union all
select 20, 3, '2007-1-9' union all
select 30, 1, '2007-1-14' union all
select 40, 1, '2007-1-23' union all
select 40, 2, '2007-3-2' union all
select 40, 3, '2007-4-16'

--- the main idea (with the wrong results)

select *
from @caseinfo c
left join @steps s on s.caseid = c.caseid and s.stepdate between c.startdate and c.enddate

--- expected result

declare @expresult table (caseidexp int, startdateexp smalldatetime, enddateexp smalldatetime, stepnumberexp int, stepdateexp smalldatetime)

insert @expresult
select 10, '2006-12-23', '2006-12-27', 1, '2006-12-24' union all
select 20, '2006-12-23', NULL, 1, '2006-12-26' union all
select 20, '2006-12-23', NULL, 2, '2007-1-7' union all
select 20, '2006-12-23', NULL, 3, '2007-1-9' union all
select 30, '2006-12-23', NULL, 1, '2007-1-14' union all
select 40, '2007-1-15', '2007-3-4', 1, '2007-1-23' union all
select 40, '2007-1-15', '2007-3-4', 2, '2007-3-2'

select *
from @expresult

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Date Field Cannot Be Null!

May 30, 2006

Visual Basic 2005 Professional Edition:

I have an SQL database table that includes a BirthDate field. I would like to have this field as optional when adding a record, but, SQL insists on throwing an exception if the field is null.

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How To Insert Null Into Date Field?

Dec 11, 2007

hi all!I have a task, for example, to create a record for bill. I have table which represents this bill entity (Bill_ID, Amount,  CreationDate, ExposureDate, PaymentDate)In table definition date fields allow null. I would like to create bill, which means insert record:  (new_bill_id, 1000, 2007.12.11, null, null) But it couses exception. Smth like: System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypeException, date should be not null.  How could I do it?Please advice!    

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How To Retrieve Only Entries With Date = NULL From The DB

Jan 9, 2008

I am trying to write a Stored proc to retrieve only records from my table tat do not have a DateTime value ie DateTime is NULL and for some reason simply adding a DateRemoved = NULL does not work. Can anyone please help me with solution to this issue please??? Thanks in Advance 

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Passing Null Date Value To Database

Oct 31, 2004

how can i pass null value to database? date is not required field in my database. i can pass default date but i think default date is not good in my case as it is DOB of a customer.

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Comparing Date With NULL Values

May 8, 2001

Hi , I need to compare two date fields in two different tables.One of the field is varchar(8) and other is dateime.When there is a date in one field and NULL in other field , how do I compare these two vales?

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Handling Null Date Values

Jun 30, 2000

I would like some suggestions on how to keep from displaying the value "1/1/1900" on my asp pages when my recordset field returns a Sql date value that is null

Thanks for any tips

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Query For &#39;null&#39; In A Date Column-how?

Apr 19, 1999

I know I am missing something basic, here.
I have a date field in a table. The field is 'allowed Nulls'. When a certain thing happens in the program, the date is filled in.
At various times, I need to do a query to find all the rows that have no dates entered.

What do I use in my where clause? SQL server does not like 'where date = null.'


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Null Date Value In SQL Server View

May 24, 2007

I have a SQL Server View. The problem is that the DateTime field has many Null values which is causing a problem with my parsing of the data in MSAccess.

How would I use CAST (or CONVERT) to handle Null Date values in my SQL Server view?

I remember there was a way to use CAST or CONVERT similar to the nz type function in MSAccess to handle null date values but I can't remember the syntax. What is happening now is that I get a data mismatch in my MSAccess function when it hits a Null Date value. Can I somehow use the ISNULL or ISDate function? I believe I need to somehow return "" instead of Null.

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Selecting Last Non-NULL Value In Date Range

Jul 10, 2013

I'm trying to construct code that will return the last non-NULL value in a column containing daily records.

For E.G. I want to know what the LAST value of Description field when it is not NULL, AND the Date is within the range t=1 to t=5 => i.e. "Dog" in the below example:

Date Description
3 Cat
4 Cat
5 Dog
8 Mouse

How this can be achieved?

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NULL For Date Data Type ?

Oct 23, 2007

I created a function class in "Script Components" to convert an Integer to a Date data type. It works good except that it converts NULL value to the date 1988-12-31; but I want to return NULL when the value is NULL. Any idea on this?

Here is my function:

Public Class ScriptMain
Inherits UserComponent

Private Function ConvertToDate(ByVal dateIn As Double) As Date
Dim DateStr as String
If DateStr Is Nothing Then
Return Nothing
Return CDate(DateStr)
End If
End Function

Public Overrides Sub Input0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Input0Buffer)
Row.ReportDte = ConvertToDate(Row.RPRTDT)
End Sub
End Class

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Null Date Values And Order By

Jul 20, 2005

How do I order a query by a date field ASC, but have any NULL valuesshow up last? i.e.7/1/20037/5/20037/10/2003<NULL><NULL>Any help will greatly be appreciated

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Passing A Null Date Value To Report

Dec 6, 2007


I have an ASP.Net page that needs to sometimes pass a null parameter value to the querystring. It bombes out with an error that a date cannot be "" and that i need to supply the date.

Has any1 been able to get this right? How does one pass a null date through the querystring?


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Convert Date Format Of 00-XXX-00 To NULL

Apr 14, 2006

Let me start by saying that I'm brand new to SQL Server 2005 and SSIS. I'm using the import wizard in SQL2005 to import from a flat file into a table and everything works fine except for dates. A typical date in my flat file is 01-JAN-06. 01 represents the day of the week, JAN represents the month and 06 represents the year. The flat file also contains date values of 00-XXX-00 which represent no date. For example a column containing last purchase date data would look like this:"DateOfLastOrder"
"03-DEC-05"The value of 00-XXX-00 means that there is no purchase date.I want to bring these columns into my table and replace the 00-XXX-00 values with a NULL.

The table Data Type is datetime.

If I use the import wizard using the example above I get this error message:

- Copying to [cpstest].[dbo].[date] (Error)
Error 0xc0202009: Data Flow Task: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005.
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Invalid character value for cast specification".
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

Error 0xc020901c: Data Flow Task: There was an error with input column "DateOfLastOrder" (32) on input "Destination Input" (26). The column status returned was: "The value could not be converted because of a potential loss of data.".
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

Error 0xc0209029: Data Flow Task: The "input "Destination Input" (26)" failed because error code 0xC0209077 occurred, and the error row disposition on "input "Destination Input" (26)" specifies failure on error. An error occurred on the specified object of the specified component.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

Error 0xc0047022: Data Flow Task: The ProcessInput method on component "Destination - date" (13) failed with error code 0xC0209029. The identified component returned an error from the ProcessInput method. The error is specific to the component, but the error is fatal and will cause the Data Flow task to stop running.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

Error 0xc0047021: Data Flow Task: Thread "WorkThread0" has exited with error code 0xC0209029.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

If I remove the 00-XXX-00 values and import something like this:


The import is successfull and the dates look correct in a querry.

FROM date

2006-01-01 00:00:00.000
2006-01-02 00:00:00.000
2005-12-03 00:00:00.000

(3 row(s) affected)

Does anyone know how I should go about getting these date columns into a datetime table and convert the 00-XXX-00 values into NULLs?

Thank you,


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Date In Excel File Is NULL

Feb 19, 2008

In my Excel file the date column contain some nulls. In Data conversion I am converting this Date column as Date[dt_date]. When I run the package it is giving the error Can not convert date to Copy of date.. This error is coming due to nulls in Date column. How to solve this error?

Thanks in advance

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Handle Null Date Values

Feb 19, 2008

In my Excel file, The Application date column contains empty for some rows. In SSIS I am using one Data Conversion to that Application Date column to change it as Date[dt_Date]. This data conversion is giving error Conversion failed. In Sqlserver table, I declare ApplicationDate column datatype as DateTime.
I want to keep those empty date values as Null in Sqlserver.
I tried the IMEX=1 property still it is not working. How to solve this error?

Thanks in advance.

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Importing Null Date Fields

Nov 27, 2006

I'm using SQL Server Express and am trying to import a CVS file. The CVS file contains a string field (named DAS) that represents a Date. This field can be null.

I've tried using the DTS Wizard to import this CVS file and convert the DAS field to a Date, which works great until it hits a record with a NULL DAS field. It then throws a convertion error.

Still using the DTS Wizard, I've changed the DataType of the DAS field in the Source file to [DT_DATE], it works fine but all the null dates are converted to 12/30/1899.

Is there a way (DTS Wizard or something else) that will allow me to import these CVS files with null Date fields and keep them as null in SQL Server table.

Thanks for any help,


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