How To Force View To Change Automatically When Table Schema Changes?
Jan 16, 2004
I am still having problem with making View automatically updates itself when the underlying table schema changes. Running sp_recompile on the view table doesn't seem to work either, as I am still getting old format from the view (in Design mode the view returns the right info, but not when I open the View by doing Open View) even though the underlying schema has changed. Right now I find that I have to go into the View and change it a bit to force a recompilation.
And even if sp_recompile does, it would require that I manually do it each time I change a table. Any idea?
I have created a table on SQL Server from SAS. The table gets created fine. However, the table schema has my user ID in it (AD-ENTmyuserid.Table1). How can I change the schema to dbo.(dbo.Table1)? It's fine if I have to make this change in SQL Server Management Studio.
Is to Possible to Create a Triggers to capture Schema (alter table, Drop table) Changes only for certain tables.I don’t want schema change for entire database.
I am working on a dtsx package wherein i am sending the data from OLE DB Source (SQL Server) to OLE DB Destination (Oracle). For development purpose i use DEVLOPMENT environment on oracle but for unit testing i have to use QA or Some other Schema. when i use DEVELOPMENT Schema in ole db destination, tables are accessed under Schema name eg. "DEVELOPMENT"."EMPLOYEE", but when i m chenging schema name to QA table names are not changing as "QA"."EMPLOYEE". Data Flow Task is pushing the data to DEVELOPMENT environment only.
Can Anyone suggest me any remedy for it ? Or this is one more BUG in SQL Server 2005.
I notice that when I change my table schema, the view that was created based on the older schema remains using the older schema, and when I try running it, it will give me error.
I assume that's because the view is still using the old execution plan? Is there a way to force an automatic recompilation of execution plans for all views when there is a change to the underlying table?
I'm admitedly a bit new to the world of replication, so please bear with me. I've got two SQL Server 2000 servers running in different locations. Server A does transactional replication over a push subscription to server B. If I need to make a minor change to one of the replicated tables (for example, dropping a no longer used column or changing a varchar field's length) do I need to drop the subscription, make the changes and then re-initialize the schemas and data?
For minor changes, I really hate having to knock out the site runnign off server B while the subscription is re-initialized and data is bulk copied back over. If I want to just make the changes manually on both servers will that cause problems down the line?
I created a view from a table with out any where clause. All the rows from the table will be in the view with some extra info.
The table has a few indexes.
In my stored procedure I am storing two columns from the table ( IdHi , IdLo - primary key ) into a temp table and joining the temp to the view. Here the query is taking too much time and not using the index. Can I force the primary key index on View?
need help with my problem i have this view this code change the value field "new_unit" evry month from 1 > 2 > 3 > 4 like this evry 4 month it return to 1 >2.......... ------------------------------------------ for example
if i put unit_date = 01/05/2008 and unit=1 than new_unit=1
my question is how to create a stored procedure that move forward (all the employee) the "new_unit" field in +1 OR "unit_date" value MONTH +1
like create stored procedure name "plus" + so if i run this name stored procedure name "plus"
the stored procedure go to the viewor table and change the code view or table value
so i forward all the the "new_unit" or "unit_date" value IN one (change the cycle)+1
it doesn't matter if it change the "unit" value in the table "dbo.empList" or "unit_date" value
the important thing is that i can forward +1 or backward -1
evry time i run the stored procedure i get +1 (in the "new_unit") and olso create stored procedure name "minus" + so if i run this name stored procedure name "minus" this stored procedure that move backward the the "unit" value in the table "dbo.empList" or "unit_date" value in -1
Hi,I use view to join difference table together for some function. However,when the "real" table fields changed (e.g. add/delete/change field). Theview table still use the "old fields".Therefore everytimes when I change the real table, I also needed open theview table and save it by SQL enterprise manager manually for update theview table field.Can we use a SQL command or other method to update it directly?Regards,Silas
I have located a bug in the functions cdc.fn_cdc_get_net_changes_<capture_instance> generated when you enable cdc on a table. This bug can be triggered if 2 rows are created in the _CT table having the same values for the __$start_lsn, __$seqval and the table's key column(s). From research on the internet I have found such rows can be created by a "deferred update": a single update statement in which a column that is part of a unique constraint is updated.
In order to report the bug with Microsoft I need to create a complete series of steps-to-reproduce. But even though the situation happens several times a day in our production environment, I have not yet been able to reproduce it in my test environment.I need a single update statement (plus maybe some steps in advance) that make that the log reader inserts 2 rows into the _CT table, one with __$operation = 1 (delete) and another with __$operation = 2 (insert) as opposed to the single row with __$operation = 4 that it inserts for a normal update. Below is the script I have so far to create a fresh database, enable cdc, create a test table, insert some data and update this data.
I would have liked the last update statement to be handled as a "deferred update". However in all of my tests the log reader just simply inserts a single row into the cdc.dbo_NETTEST_CT to reproduce the situation where I get the 2 rows with __$operation 1 and 2 from a single update statement instead of the single row with __$operation = 4.
How can I automatically change records by a specific date specified inside the record. An example would be the way ebay sales work. How does ebay have the status of an item change to closed, at the time inside the item record of the database.
I know i could use triggers or something to check the current date against the enddate everytime the record is accessed, but is there a more efficient method?
A section of this company's intranet site where I just started interning at has little company anniversary and birthday sections that look like (for the anniversary section.. in the birthday section, it looks the same, except it doesn't say how old the comployee is):
-Steve Cunningham 6/1 - 6 yrs -Andrew Brown 6/3 - 11yrs -Lisa Stone 6/4 - 3 yrs
How can I get it so instead of manually changing that text every month, it will look at a SQL database and automatically change that text every month? I'm guessing the pseudocode would be if the b-day or anniv. month matches the current month, display the first and last name, the date, and number of years (which would have to be calculated maybe?) Any help would be GREAT! Thanks!!
I have a data column named Date_In with format of 20-May-13. How can I filter the data to select based on year only. I used
Select * From apps.xdmc_852@erpprod Where Year(Date_in) = 2014
This code is not working. I also need a way to automatically update to next week range. For example, last week I used where function like this
Where Date_in = to_date('01/12/2014','MM/DD/YYYY')
Is there a way it will automatically at the next 7 days to the code above when the date is available. This week I have to go back and changed the code in to this:
Where Date_in = to_date('01/19/2014','MM/DD/YYYY')
I found one database in availability group state change automatically. I found ERR started at
0000233c.00002848::2015/09/11-03:51:09.840 ERR [RES] SQL Server Availability Group: [hadrag] ODBC Error: [HYT00] [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0]Query timeout expired (0)
And I use google to search and found the link below. It indicated a network issue. Is it the source of the problem. By the way, My failure Condition Level is 1 and I have increased Health Check Timeout from 30,000ms to 150,000ms just now. [URL] ...
--- SQLDIAG ---
cluster log in UTC+8:
0000233c.00002848::2015/09/11-03:51:09.840 INFO [RES] SQL Server Availability Group: [hadrag] SQLMoreResults() returns -1 with following information 0000233c.00002848::2015/09/11-03:51:09.840 ERR [RES] SQL Server Availability Group: [hadrag] ODBC Error: [HYT00] [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0]Query timeout expired (0)
I need to know if the anyone has had success using any sort of tracking tool to manage schema in SQL 7. I'm responsible for several SQL servers, each with upwards of 10 databases - most still in deelopment phase. We use Erwin to store our models and Visual sourcesafe for stored procs and sql scripts. But now as a Dba I'm looking either:
(1) create a custom database to keep track of schema changes (as they movefrom development to test to prod). OR
(2) buy a 3rd party tools to keep track of schema changes? Platinum?
It's getting too much for a single Dba to manage a busy devel shop with 20 db's. Schema is comming in too often. Only some of our db's are in Erwin.
Is it possible to turn off transaction logging when making a table schema change? For example, when expanding a varchar field from 10 to 40 characters? This is occurring on a hosted site for a table with about 150,000 records. The db size is 200 Mb. If I try this normally with transaction logging enabled, I get the dreaded log file is full message, even if I first truncate it. I was thinking about doing the following instead:
taking the db offline creating a backup disabling logging change the schema re-enable logging put db back online If a problem occurs during the schema change, I would just restore from the backup. Please let me know the following:
Is it possible to turn of the transaction logging for the schema change? Do you see any problems with the above. Alternatives? One alternative is to look into increasing the db size. A second is to add a new field (named temp) to the table, copy the old field to the new field, delete the old field, add another field (with the original field name) with the new schema, copy the temp field to the new field, and finally delete the temp field. This should require less space in the transaction log. Unfortnately, it could possibly affect some linked Access databases with the new field order. Thanks in advance.
There is a report when you click servername, report and run SCHEMA CHANGE HISTORY I had my SQL 2005 running for a few weeks and this is many listed from day started is there a way to recycle this and clean it up on a weekly basic
Simple question, I hope. I need to add a column to a table of a database that is mirrored. How do I have to do that? Do I need to stop mirroring? Is it sufficient to simply pause mirroring? If I make the change on the principal db, what do I need to do the make the same change on the mirror?
How can I keep schema changes in the subscriber's database when I replicate the snapshot from the publisher?
I just want to move data from a remote server, but it seems that the tables are being dropped which is not good as we use the subscriber as a development box.
Dear All, we are using one view which is having around 30000 rows. it is taking too much time to retrieve data. that's why i've decided to create an indexed view.
now i'm getting this error. Cannot schema bind view 'view1' because name 'Table19' is invalid for schema binding. Names must be in two-part format and an object cannot reference itself.
what is the solution for this error?
Vinod Even you learn 1%, Learn it with 100% confidence.
Question re Merge rep (pull) and processing order. We have a group of changes associated with an app upgrade, the scripts run fine on the publisher. Part of the change includes creation of a new table , followed by altering a view to use new table.Following the change at the publisher, when the sync is kicked off from the subscriber, it fails - the alter of the view throws an'invalid object' error with regard to the new table. Seems as if the view alter is attempted before the dependant table has been created.
I have tried to amend the processing order of the view using sp_changearticle, which executes (quickly) with a 0 return code.But it is to no avail , the error still occurs. is it possible to change the processing order for a view article , which will be applied to schema changes ? Have
One of our databases has at some point in its dark past had the owner of the guest schema changed to be a named user, rather than the default guest user. Correcting this feels like it would be easy enough by running the following...
ALTER AUTHORIZATION ON SCHEMA::guest TO guest but that results in.. Msg 15150, Level 16, State 2, Line 3 Cannot alter the schema 'guest'.
I realise the guest schema is a special one, and cannot be dropped, but I'm not trying to do that. End goal is to export the database to a SQL Azure DB, and this guest schema assignment is blocking that process from completing.
Greetings,I read msdn article and has the following:Transferring ownership of a view to the schema owner The following example transfers ownership the view ProductionView06 to the owner of the schema that contains it. The view is located inside schema Production. ALTER AUTHORIZATION ON OBJECT::Production.ProductionView06 TO SCHEMA OWNER;GOso what i understand that i can create an object within a schema that has a different owner from the owner of the schema!!!is this true ? so if if it is true so what the benefits to create an object within a schema that has a different owner from the owner of the schema.?your help is highly appreciatedbest regards
I'm using SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Studio. I have a view that I'd like to index. Obviously, that requires that the view be schema bound to the underlying table. I have found myriad explanations for how to programmatically create a schema bound view, but I've never created a view like that before, and since I'm more a mechanical engineer than a database manager, I'd like to be able to do it the 'easy' way, by just creating the view in Management Studio by going to the database, right clicking on 'Views', clicking on 'New View...' and then, hopefully, checking some box somewhere that schema binds the table to the view.
I am having a table called as status ,in that table one field is there i.e. currentstatus. the rows which are having currentstatus as "ticket closed",i want to move those rows into other table called repository which is having same table structure as status table. I can do programatically. but is there any way for every 3 months system has to check and do this action means moving to repository table automatically?