How To From 1*apple,1*orange,1*apple To 2*apple,1*orange

Nov 13, 2007

 Lets say there is a data table called ShoppingBasket. It has fields like "product", "price", "quantity" and "total" and so on. It is possible to have duplicates, but I think it is better to run a query and remove them. And update quantities. In the end, I plan to calculate total price.
For total price there seems to be a field or property "Formula" in column properties.
As this is really two questions, I take any help.



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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Change Query So Apple Does Not Show Up In List

Apr 2, 2015

I am trying to print Companies with less than 100 employees for all dates.Here's my table structure

Create table CompanyEmployeeArchive(
Company varchar(100) not null, Employees int, Dateinserted date)

Insert into CompanyEmployeeArchive values('Microsoft',1001,'2015-01-01')
Insert into CompanyEmployeeArchive values('Microsoft',1050,'2015-02-01')
Insert into CompanyEmployeeArchive values('Microsoft',1600,'2015-03-01')
Insert into CompanyEmployeeArchive values('IBM',10,'2015-01-01')
Insert into CompanyEmployeeArchive values('IBM',80,'2015-02-01')
Insert into CompanyEmployeeArchive values('Apple',90,'2015-01-01')
Insert into CompanyEmployeeArchive values('Apple',900,'2015-02-01')
Insert into CompanyEmployeeArchive values('Apple',1000,'2015-03-01')

I want companies that have employees less than 100 for all dates i.e. Only IBM. Apple has < 100 employees only on one month.Select Company, dateinserted, employees from CompanyEmployeeArchive group by company,dateinserted,employees having employees < 100 order by company, dateinserted this query lists Apple too. How can I change the query so Apple does not show up in the list.

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