How To Get DBName, IP, Domain Name, Data Path And Stop Services

Aug 17, 2006

How can I get



domain name

Data path

using TSQL.

how can I stop services using TSQL


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Master Data Services :: How To Stop Excel Addin From Being Disabled

Apr 3, 2012

We are using Office 2010 on Citrix with the RCO Master Data Excel addin. I am getting many calls from users that the Addin has disappeared from the Excel menu. Can re-enable it by going to files->Options->Addins and manage COM addins. Have not been able to work out why it becomes disabled. Any registry setting that I can use to stop it from being disabled?

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Master Data Services :: Advanced Filtering Of Domain Based Attributes

Jul 31, 2015

Data Scenario – Sitemaster entity has two attributes (Region and Country).

Region and Country are both domain-based attributes on separate entities [Region and . The Country entity has a domain based attribute on REGION.

Data relationship looks like this… REGION > COUNTRY
Customer Requirement

Customer would like the MDS UI to filter the Country drop-down options based on the Region selection.

To my knowledge – the only filtering that can be done is based on user security using Hierarchy Membership Permissions.

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Master Data Services :: Possible To Change Display Value Of Domain-based Attribute?

Apr 13, 2015

I've selected a domain-based attribute for one of the leaf member attributes in the same entity, aka parent id, since it's a self-referencing entity.  However, I cannot find a way to display anything but the code value in the drop-down (see below).

Is there a way to change the display value so that I can choose the attribute from the entity from which I want the user to choose? In other words, I would like to display the hierarchy name instead of the code, which is really just the primary id.

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Master Data Services :: MDS Filter Entity Based On Attribute From Another Domain?

Oct 28, 2014

I have an entity (A), in which I use domain based attribute. The second entity (B) has several attributes. My problem is that, I would like to filter the first entity (A) based on an attribute that belongs to the second entity. The only way I can filter it (in MDS Excel add-in or Explorer) is by using Code or Name from the second entity.

I have in mind a couple of solutions, but they require some coding with xml saved query from Excel.

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Integration Services :: Network Path For Flat File Destination - Cannot Open Data File

Apr 6, 2015

I am running my package in sql server 2012, in which i am giving network path for flat file destination. And its working fine. But if i give m local path, its giving me  error " cannot open data file" ...

Nothing is wrong with package.

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None-Domain Server Cannot Access SQL2005 Data On Windows 2003 Domain Server

Sep 26, 2006

I'm trying to run a test from my test environment which is a non-domain Windows 2000 server to access my domain 2003 with SQL2005. I have install 2005 tools to try to access the SQL server.

- I have try following the KB265808 - no success.
- Reading alot of blogs and it seems all are pointing to the same problem. "Remote access" but the settign is enabled.Error Message:

TITLE: Connect to Server

Cannot connect to ardsqldatawh.


An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 53)

For help, click:

Question: Could Windows 2003 security be blocking access? I'm using sa account to access.

Also, sa account does not seems to work for remote access. It is ok when accessing locally.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Stop And Start SQL Services...

Jun 27, 2000

Hi friends,

I have quick question. Ihave a job which consists of 9 steps. 9th step is:
Exec xp_cmdshell 'c:mssql.bat'. in this batch file I am stopping and starting SQL services using net stop and net start command. This job is running perfectly but it is not giving the job history when I right click the job and view job history I can't see anything where as if I check the checkbox for Show step details it showing first 8 steps information but it is not showing 9th step information. Even I checked the Sysjobhistory system table in MSDB it shows only 8 steps information.
What is the reason....


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Start And Stop Services

Sep 28, 1999


Is there any way to schedule stop and start of NT services
at a particular time daily.

For eg: If i have a service by name TemServer and if i need to stop
that service each night at 9:00 and restart as soon as it stops.??

And Is there any way to start and stop the services of NT from
workstation. Each and every time i am going to the server room for
stopping the service and restarting.

Any suggestions and comments are always welcome.

Advance Thanks


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Reporting Services :: How To Stop Rendering A Report

May 2, 2015

I am building reports using MS Visual Studio, and in the Preview tab I have the Refresh button and a button with a X to stop a report while rendering. However, when I deploy the report to the reporting server and I run it from the application the X button is not there, and users would find it useful sometimes to be able to stop long running reports. Is this a configuration change?

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Integration Services :: How To Stop At A Blank Row In Excel

Oct 9, 2015

I am importing a .xlsx into at SQL Server 2014 table.  I would like to import each row with an ID and stop at the notes that are listed at the bottom.  Please see attached image. How do I tell my SSIS Data Task to stop importing at the first blank row?I never know how many rows of data I may have so I can not use a fixed row number to stop at.

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Reporting Services On Cube: Stop Parameters From Cascading

Aug 27, 2007


I'm using a SSIS cube as source for reporting services. In my DataSet I have 3 parameters: Year, ProductGroup, Product. By default all parameters are cascading when defined on the DataSet. This is great for ProductGroup -> Product, but I don't want it for Year -> ProductGroup (I want to avoid the roundtrip). I removed the link in the generated MDX, I removed the parameters on the DataSet, but when I run the report, ProductGroup is still grayed out until I choose a year.

Suggestions are very welcome...

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Stop And Start Analysis Services Using DDL Task In SSIS

May 6, 2008

How to use the "Analysis Services Execute DDL Task" in SSIS to stop or start the Analysis Services.? Many thnaks.

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Integration Services :: Tell A Package To Stop Executing On Failure

Sep 8, 2015

I am using SQL Server 2012 SP1. I have built an SSIS package that imports flat file data from various files to SQL Server.  I have got it to do everything I want it to do when things are going well, and am now on what I want it to do when it encounters a failure executing specific tasks and containers.  For example, I have a Foreach Loop container that executes a dedicated stored procedure for each csv file in the target folder. If any of the store procedures fail to run for any reason I want to carry out certain actions.

For the most part I think I will be fine using the Event Handlers.  What I can't seem to find is how to tell the package to stop executing on a Failure event after carrying out the actions defined by the relevant Event Handler. Or, perhaps it isn't necessary as that would be the default behaviour on a failure?

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Reporting Services :: Report Builder 3.0 - Stop A Textbox From Moving?

May 5, 2015

Some textbox are great moving, and need to when the box above gets extra data.. but how do a stop one from moving? make it stay right where I put it.

A stays where it is... for some reason. but B doesnt? it moves down according the textboxes to the left (where is says phone) ...

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SQL Server Integration Services - Stop Large Number From Being Converted To Exponential

Sep 23, 2006

I am importing a text file with a column (serial numbers) with alphanumeric data, some mixed and some only numeric. The very large values that are all numeric are being converted to exponential when I run it thru an import package in SQL Server Integration Services (2005)

Ex. 4110041233214321 --> 4110040000000000 (displays as 4.11E+15)

In the past I dealt with this by importing the text file into Excel and changing the format of the column to number. This works even when many of the values contain alpha characters. I am not sure how to accomplish this same thing without going thru Excel. If you have any ideas on this I would be happy to hear from you.

I am importing the text file into a sql table.

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Reporting Services :: Moving Images To Another Path

Sep 24, 2015

Using the "move" command it's possible to relocate e.g. datasources without negatively impacting reports that use them. We've got some folders where users have uploaded images for reuse in several reports as external images (2008 R2).

Now I'm trying to consolidate these folders. Yet it seems, moving images will not update the reports that use them as it happens with datasource. Instead, the link to the image breaks.

Is there a way to move the images and telling the reports that reference them that I did so?

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Reporting Services :: How To Find Report Path

Dec 15, 2009

I am using a Report Viewer on a web page and I'm not sure how to set up the ReportPath.

The URL.... I don't have any permission on the ReportServer database itself.  How can I determine the correct path?

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How To Get Application Path In Integration Services Package?

Apr 13, 2007

We have a main package which is calling multiple other packages. The the child packages uses parent package variables and which we are configuring using configuration file while installation of the package. Here we need to set each path while installation because there are many variables using the same path with the different file names(Different files stored in same Folder).
We want to get the main path and then if we use relative path in other variables then we need not to assign all the variable paths while installation.

How to we can get the Application path in Integration Services Package(Script Task)?

Thanks in Advance!

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Security Rights Needed To Start And Stop Services From SQL Server Management Studio

Jun 21, 2007

Hello everyone.

I have a question about granting enough rights to allow a non admin user to start and stop a sql server service via the SQL Server Management Studio by right clicking on the server node.

I have changed the acl's of the SQL Server service security and gave the user rights to start and stop the service. This does allow them to connect remotly to the server using computer manager and they successifully start and stop the service. But, in SQL Server Management Studio the option still does not show up, unless he is a admin of the server.

Does anyone know what other security settings I need to address for the start and stop to show up when I right click on the server node?

Thanks for any help

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Best Practice For Domain Account For SQL Services?

Mar 23, 2007


I've done some searching, but have found no definite answer yet. Our SQL 2005 servers are members of Active Directory Services. We want to run SQL services using an ADS account.

I see 7 SQL services in the SQL Server Configuration Manager: Integration Services, FullText Search, SQL Server, Analysis Services, Reporting Services, Browser, and Agent.

Question: Is it a bad move to run them all using the same domain account? I mean, wouldn't this give, say the Browser service, more privileges than it needs by allowing its account access to the same resources as, for example, the Agent service? What I'm concerned about is a vulnerability in one service compromising another service.

I would like to be able to use one domain account for all 7 services on two SQL servers, but I have a feeling this is a poor choice.

What is the best method for running SQL services using a domain account?



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Integration Services :: Excel Shared Path Connection

Nov 4, 2015

I am having issue in running a ssis package which connects to an excel file from shared location.It works fine on the machine of the person who has developed it as he has access to that shared drive.After deploying the ssis package to SSISDB and creating a proxy account with the developer's credential, and running the ssis package using the proxy under SQL Agent Jobs, it is failing with error :

Load XXXXXXXXXX :Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER.  The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "XXXXXXXXXX.xlsx"

failed with error code 0xC0202009.  There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the AcquireConnection method call failed.

XXXXXXXXXX:Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR.  An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005.An OLE DB record is available.  Source: "Microsoft Access Database Engine"  Hresult: 0x80004005  Description: "Failure creating file.".

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Reporting Services Authentication Ticket Across Domain

Apr 4, 2007


I am new to Reporting Services. I want to use Reporting Services 2005 in our application.

My custom web application is on one machine and Reporting Services 2005 is on other machine. I am using Forms Authentication and using Single Sign On for login

If my custom web application and Reporting Services are on same machin I can get "Authentication Ticket" issued by ReportingServices2005 to the Report server.

But in this case I am not able to get "Authentication Ticket" on Report Server since it is on other machine.

I am using ReportViewer control in my web application to display Reports and using LogonUser method to get the Authentication Ticket.

How can I pass CookieAuthentication ticket from my Custom Web Application to Report Server?

Is there any work around to pass Authentication Cookie across Domain or any other solution for this?



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Reporting Services :: Drill Through Report - Full Path Must Be Less Than 260 Characters

Sep 15, 2015

I have a drill through report. I am passing multiple parameter values to my sub report using 'url'.

But I am getting error 'The full path must be less than 260 characters long'.

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Reporting Services :: Defining Element-path Using Namespace Prefix?

Sep 28, 2015

I have an XML file that some of the nodes are represented with a namespace prefix. I have found the "msdn" page where shows the possibility to filter using the Namespace Prefix, but I have not been successful at it.

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Integration Services :: Access To Path Denied In Script Task

Jul 31, 2012

Note: this applies to SQL 2012 only. I'm using the project deployment model in SQL SSIS 2012

I have a script task inside the SSIS package that renames some files on a domain share. (mydomainmyfileshare)

The database owner is a domain user (mydomainsvclogin)

I start the package from a stored procedure like so:

EXEC [SSISDB].[catalog].[start_execution] @execution_id

When the package is deployed to my local machine, it executes without error.

When it is deployed to a remote server on the same domain (2012), I get an error:

Access to the path mydomainmyfileshare is denied.

The report log show that the caller is mydomainsvclogin. I added some informational logging of my own and I see that the variable System::UserName is also mydomainsvclogin

I logged on to windows as mydomainsvclogin and verified that I can modify/delete/change files on  mydomainmyfileshare

On older packages, I used credentials and proxy accounts to set up access to domain resources.

How do you specify the account (a domain account) that will access domain resources in an SSIS 2012 package ?

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Can I Install SQL Server Reporting Services On A Domain Controller

Feb 18, 2004

I've just got RS Enterprise Edition.
Installed it in a Test Server, ok.
Installed it in a DEV server, having some errors.

My DEV server is an "ALL in 1" server, which is also a Domian Controller.
While Test Server is not a DC.

The installation was succesful but when I open RS Manager thru the web, it gives me a ASP.NET error:

Access to the path "D:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLReporting ServicesReportManagerin" is denied.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path "D:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLReporting ServicesReportManagerin" is denied.

ASP.NET is not authorized to access the requested resource. Consider granting access rights to the resource to the ASP.NET request identity. ASP.NET has a base process identity (typically {MACHINE}ASPNET on IIS 5 or Network Service on IIS 6) that is used if the application is not impersonating. If the application is impersonating via <identity impersonate="true"/>, the identity will be the anonymous user (typically IUSR_MACHINENAME) or the authenticated request user.

To grant ASP.NET write access to a file, right-click the file in Explorer, choose "Properties" and select the Security tab. Click "Add" to add the appropriate user or group. Highlight the ASP.NET account, and check the boxes for the desired access.

I tried doing everything I can possible think of from the error message advice, including adding rights to ASPNET user from ISS to that particular success.

What I'm suspecting is I can't install RS in a DC box. But I can't find this info anyway in the web.

Anyone can point me to the correct direction or any advice?

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How To Stop Data Redundancy

Dec 29, 2005

Hey guys...i've got a problem wif my stored which my page keep repeating the same to counter this problem i use SELECT DISTINCT instead of just SELECT..but the problem is when i change SELECT into SELECT DISTINCT...the page will not be display,page error....for your information my stored procures was auto generate from some security can guys help me out with my code...
SELECT DISTINCT t.TargetID, 'V' RecordType, t.TargetDNSName [Target DNS Name], t.TargetIPAddress [Target IP], t.TargetIPDisplay [Target IP Display], t.TargetOSName, t.TargetOSRevisionLevel, v.SecChkID, v.Severity, sc.TagName [Tag Name], sc.ChkBriefDesc [Tag Brief Desc], sc.ChkName [Tag Chk Name], CONVERT(NVARCHAR(4000),sc.ChkDetailDesc) [Tag Detail Desc], CONVERT(NVARCHAR(4000),r.RemedyDesc) [Remedy], o.ObjectID, o.ObjectTypeDesc [Object Type Desc], o.ObjectName [Object Name], s.SensorDataID, a.AttributeName, a.AttributeValue, NULL [Port],NULL [Service Name],NULL [Protocol] 
FROM #Vulns v INNER JOIN TargetHost t (NOLOCK)  ON v.TargetID = t.TargetID INNER JOIN (SecurityChecks sc (NOLOCK)  LEFT OUTER JOIN Remedies r (NOLOCK)  ON sc.SecChkID = r.SecChkID) ON v.SecChkID = sc.SecChkID INNER JOIN ObjectView o (NOLOCK) ON v.ObjectID = o.ObjectID LEFT OUTER JOIN SensorData1 s WITH (NOLOCK, INDEX(SensorData1_AK3)) ON v.ObservanceID = s.ObservanceID AND s.Cleared = 'n' LEFT OUTER JOIN SensorDataAVP a (NOLOCK) ON s.SensorDataID = a.SensorDataID AND a.AttributeValue IS NOT NULL AND a.AttributeValue != ''UNION ALL

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Reporting Services :: Default Path For Saving Reports On File System?

Jun 23, 2015

during period of troubles connecting to Local Servers and Sites location i.e., to [URL], the place where all Reports are saved by default, I have continued to work on some Reports that have been saved to file system of my localhost/developing machine. But, upon recovery of http location, I can not see/open those files?

how to approach those files in order to open them in Report Builder 3.0 and thus, to "save as" them to the http location? Seems that Report Builder has chosen that location, by default, somehow.....

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Reporting Services :: Server Not Fully Functional After Migrating To New Domain

Jun 19, 2015

I had to migrate my report server (2008R2) to a new domain. I built new server and restored the old ReportServer and ReportServerTempDB into new server and also restored the certificate from old server. The Report Server is running but I don't have full access to all server futures anymore, looks like it's AD authentication messed up. My new account is Admin on new server but I can't see all options, like New Data Source, or wehn going on report level to manage to see all option such as Parameters, Subscriptions, Data Source.

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Reporting Services :: SSRS 2012 Report For Non Domain Users

Nov 6, 2015

I created a SSRS Reports in SQL Server 2012 and deployed in server, I want this report to be accessed by one particular User created in that hosted server and any time if user hits the Report URL it asked for login Prompt.Suppose if I create a Windows User "ReportUser" in report server , I want when user hits the URL he should be able to access the report by providing the 'ReportUser" credentials.

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Reporting Services :: Domain Account Used For SSRS Service Keeps Getting Locked Out

Oct 15, 2015

Sometimes I have to unlock the account 3 or 4 times a day. This is getting annoying. Why would my service account keep getting locked out?

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How Can You Stop And Cycle Through A Column(s) Of Data?

Jun 16, 2007

Ok, at this point I have the reader reading the tables data in a loop while it's not empty. During the gathering of each row of data, I was wondering if it was possible to do a next row once I've reached a certain column. The main users table has just the one user, but it's relationship table has a couple family members. I was hoping someone could show me how to make it so that the one user and all his related family members will print out to a label.
while (reader.Read())
string usr = reader["UserName"].ToString();
usr = usr.TrimEnd();
string pss = reader["Password"].ToString();
pss = pss.TrimEnd();

if (usrNmeLbl.Text == usr)
if (psswrdLbl.Text == pss)
//read the column from the reader and cast it to String as some may contain null values
usrNmeLbl.Text = reader["FirstName"].ToString() + " ";
psswrdLbl.Text = reader["LastName"].ToString() + "<br />";
psswrdLbl.Text += "Place of Birth: " + reader["BirthPlace"].ToString() + "<br />";
psswrdLbl.Text += "<img src=" + reader["Photo"].ToString() + " />" + "<br />";
Label4.Text = "Your relatives: " + "<br />";
Label4.Text += reader["Relation"].ToString() + ": ";
Label4.Text += reader["RelativeFN"].ToString() + reader["RelativeLN"].ToString();
Label4.Text += reader["Relation"].ToString() + ": ";
Label4.Text += reader["RelativeFN"].ToString() + reader["RelativeLN"].ToString();
If I grab the Relation table data again, it's not cycled to the next relative. I was hoping that it would, but it's not. So I'm wondering if there was something that could be added to the second set.
Label4.Text += reader["Relation"].ToString() + ": ";
Label4.Text += reader["RelativeFN"].ToString() + reader["RelativeLN"].ToString();

Thank you in advance.

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