How To Get Primary Key (Columns) Of A Table?
Jan 5, 2006
I want to get the Primary Key Columns in Arrays by sending a table
name. I am using SQL Server 2000 and I want to make a find utility in which
will work for all the forms; I have tables with one Primary key and some tables with composite Primary keys.
I used to do this in VB 6 by making a function which fills the Primary Keys in
List Box (I require to fill in list box), now I need to get in array.
Can some one tell me the migration of the following VB 6 Code?
This was written for the MS Access, I need same for SQL Server, I can
not find Table Def and Index Object in 2003.
Public Sub GetFieldsFromDatabase (ldbDatabase As Database, lsTableName As
Dim lttabDef As TableDef
Dim liCounter As Integer
Dim liLoop As Integer
Dim idxLoop As Index
Dim fldLoop As Field
With ldbDatabase
For Each lttabDef In .TableDefs
If lttabDef.Name = lsTableName Then
liCounter = lttabDef.Fields.Count
For liLoop = 0 To liCounter - 1
cboFieldLists.List(liLoop) = lttabDef.Fields(liLoop).Name
Next liLoop
For Each idxLoop In lttabDef.Indexes
With idxLoop
lblIndexName = .Name
If .Primary Then
liCounter = 0
For Each fldLoop In .Fields
cboPrimaryKeys.List(liCounter) = fldLoop.Name
liCounter = liCounter + 1
Next fldLoop
End If
End With
cboFieldLists.ListIndex = 0
If cboPrimaryKeys.ListCount > 0 Then
cboPrimaryKeys.ListIndex = 0
End If
Exit For
End If
End With
End Sub
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Feb 12, 2007
mahesh writes "HI,
I am new to sql server.
can anybody help me
I have a table named tblqualificationmaster.
can i know the foreignkeys and the table related to this
tblqualificationmaster having foeign keys using stored procedure."
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Aug 17, 2006
Dear all,
In my current database design, there is one table (PState) which has a Primary Key (int) and a few other fields.
During development, a pattern started to arise; for certain rows in PState, I wanted to specify an additional set of columns (over 10 of them with quite large lengths) for each row in PState. However, as these additional columns would only be required in approximately 20% of the rows of PState, there would be plenty of NULL values in PState if I would make this table wider than necessary. So, I decided to create a separate table with those optional columns (PStateWFI). In order to attach these additional columns in PStateWFI to PState in the cases they were needed, I would obviously have to create a Foreign Key constraint on the Primary Key of PStateWFI so that these optional rows would know which row in PState they would belong to.
However, the problem with this approach is that one could define multiple rows in PStateWFI referring to the same row in PState, which would not make sense. Thus, a UNIQUE index constraint added to the constrained ID column in PStateWFI would make sense to ensure that there could only be one set of optional columns added to each row in PState. But now, when adding the UNIQUE index, the FK constraint started to appear as a bidirectional key link in the Diagram; hence, new entries in PState would have to meet a FK constraint based on PStateWFI, which was not intended.
Hence, I had to create a quite awkward design to enforce the constraints:
1. The PState table has a Primary Key (PState.ParticleID, int, Identity Specification: Yes)
2. The PStateWFI table has a Primary Key (PstateWFIID, int, Identity Specification: Yes)
3. PStateWFI has field "PStateID" which has a FK constraint to PState.ParticleID (which is a one-way constraint operating in the correct way and does not constrain insertions in PState)
4. PStateWFI has an additional column ParticleIDIndex which has a UNIQUE Index attached to it.
5. There is a check constraint on PStateWFI enforcing PStateWFI.ParticleIDIndex = PStateWFI.ParticleID.
Although this structure does the job, it makes it necessary to add a redundant column in PStateWFI by duplicating the PStateWFI.ParticleID into PStateWFI.ParticleIDIndex, since I can't create a UNIQUE index on PStateWFI.ParticleID without constraining the PState table as well. So, insertions into this table would have to insert the same value into two columns. Not a big deal, but appears slightly ugly.
Basically I'd hope someone could explain why a bidirectional FK constraint has to be enforced on the primary key table in a relationship when the constrained column in the primary key table has a UNIQUE index attached on it. I have a few other cases where the above approach would benefit from a more clear structure.
Thanks in advance for any advice.
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Dec 7, 2001
Hi Guys,
When I create a table with a composit primary key with 18columns. I get this error
"Cannot specify more than 16 column names for index key list. 17 specified."
I really have to have these columns as primary key.
Is there any workaround to create this table;
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Apr 15, 2007
How can I create a primary key on two columns? I could not find any sensible code sample or description how it should be done. It is clear from MSDN that it is possible but there are no examples.
There is a textbox "Included Columns" in one of the tools for setting primary keys for one column but it does not allow me to enter anything.
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Jul 22, 2015
So I have been trying to get mySQL query to work for a large database that I have. I have (lets say) two tables Table_One and Table_Two. Table_One has three columns: Type, Animal and TestID and Table_Two has 2 columns Test_Name and Test_ID. Example with values is below:
Type Animal TestID
Mammal Goat 1
Fish Cod 1
Bird Chicken 1
Reptile Snake 1
Bird Crow 2
Mammal Cow 2
Bird Ostrich 3
Test_name TestID
Test_1 1
Test_1 1
Test_1 1
Test_1 1
Test_2 2
Test_2 2
Test_3 3
In Table_One all types come under one column and the values of all Types (Mammal, Fish, Bird, Reptile) come under another column (Animals). Table_One and Two can be linked by Test_ID
I am trying to create a table such as shown below:
Test_Name Bird Reptile Mammal Fish
Test_1 Chicken Snake Goat Cod
Test_2 Crow Cow
Test_3 Ostrich
This should be my final table. The approach I am currently using is to make multiple instances of Table_One and using joins to form this final table. So the column Bird, Reptile, Mammal and Fish all come from a different copy of Table_one.
For e.g
Test_Name AS 'Test_Name',
Table_Bird.Animal AS 'Birds',
Table_Mammal.Animal AS 'Mammal',
Table_Reptile.Animal AS 'Reptile,
Table_Fish.Animal AS 'Fish'
From Table_One
[Code] .....
The problem with this query is it only works when all entries for Birds, Mammals, Reptiles and Fish have some value. If one field is empty as for Test_Two or Test_Three, it doesn't return that record. I used Or instead of And in the WHERE clause but that didn't work as well.
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Jan 12, 2007
Hello all. I need to extract the column names that form the primary key group on a table in SQL Server. I have a table called Account and it contains ten columns. The primary key consists of two columns - MasterAccountID, AccountID. This primary key is a unique constraint and is clustered (it acts as an index as well as a primary key group). I have tried the following to no avail:exec sp_pkeys Account -> returns no rowsexec sp_helpindex Account -> throws an error stating that the object 'Account' does not existIf I run the following SQL statement, I can see all of the PK_* constraints in the database, so I know they are there:select * from information_schema.table_constraintswhere constraInt_type IN ('PRIMARY KEY','FOREIGN KEY') Again, I need to be able to specify a table name and have it return the columns (don't care if it returns extra fields) that make up the primary key fields for that table. Thanks!
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Oct 17, 2005
I am currently undertaking a review of the primary keys in a SQL Server2000 database with a view to improving performance of queries.I have heard that, in the case of compound primary keys, it isimportant to select the correct order for the columns within the key.For instance, imagine a table called OrderLine which has primary keycolumns as follows-LedgerOrderNumberOrderLineNumberThe theory I have heard is that columns with the most distinct valuesshould come first. In this case, Ledger is likely to have a maximum of6 distinct values, OrderNumber a maximum of 10 million and OrderLine upto 99. Based on this supposition I believe the best order would be-OrderNumberOrderLineNumberLedgerI have performed a few rudimentary tests that appear to bear this out.I was wondering if anyone else has tried something similar and if sowhat was the result?Thanks,Ross
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Feb 23, 2006
my table :
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[users] (
[ID] [int] NOT NULL ,
[A1] [nvarchar] (100) NULL ,
[A2] [nvarchar] (100) NULL ,
[A3] [nvarchar] (100) NULL
i must keep ID columns as primary key
but now A1+A2 must be unique
how can i do it ?
thank you
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Jun 12, 2006
Hi everyone.
I have two tables: the catalog table and the detail table.
The two tables are joined by a two-columns key.
I want to make a Delete sentence for delete all the rows in the Catalog table that aren't in the detail table, in SQL Server.
The only problem is that the key is composed by two colums.
If the Key was maded of one column, that would be easy, like this:
But it is possible to make a delete sentence if the key has two columns ?
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May 29, 2007
Hi ,
Plz help me.
The scenario is as follows
I have a db on sql server 2005.I have replicated the db on sql server 2000.All the data counts seems to be correct.But the online websites are not able to execute queries generating error(Microsoft OLE DB Provider for sql server error '80040e21'.Multiple step OLE DB operation generated errors.Check each OLE DB status value,if available.No work was done.)Same web aspcode is working for other db (which were replicated from sql server 2000).
Also one more thing that was observed is as follows:
1)Prmary key was replicated for some of the tables.When primary keys were removed manually report executed fine.
Thanks in advance
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Aug 28, 2002
Hi all,
Can anyone suggest me on Adding primary key to a table which has already a primary key.
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May 23, 2015
Can a Primary Key column also be a Identity column? The reason I am asking this question is because I have created a table and each time I insert data into the Address Table I am also inserting the AddressID, how do I get the Primary Key (AddressID column) to self generate ID values.
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Sep 24, 2014
I've two tables A, B. In A table, I need to define the primary key with combination of 2 columns and this Primary Key will be a foreign key in table B. Based on these PK and FK I'll be writing a join to get the second column in table B.
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Apr 17, 2014
how to find all primary key columns & foreign key columns in all database tables?
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Jul 23, 2005
How can i enter Default Values of " " to all the columns of type characterof all the tables (excluding system tables) and Default Values of 0of all columns of type numbers. Excluding all primary key columns.Thank you
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Jul 7, 2006
I frequently have the problem where I have a list of items to delete ina temp table, such asProjectId Description------------- ----------------1 test12 test43 test34 test2And I want to delete all those items from another table.. What is thebest way to do that? If I use two IN clauses it will do it where itmatches anything in both, not the exact combination of the two. I can'tdo joins in a delete clause like an update, so how is this typicallyhandled?The only way I can see so far to get around it is to concatenate thecolumns like CAST(ProjectId as varchar) + '-' + Description and do anIN clause on that which is pretty nasty.Any better way?
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Sep 19, 2007
I have two tables
Table Source
category varchar(20),
LastUpdate datetime
Table Destination
SubjectId varchar(20),
SubjectDate datetime,
category varchar(20),
LastUpdate datetime
Please note that the number columns are different in each table.
I wanted to dump the data of Source table to Destination table. I meant to say that the rows of 2 columns in Source table to last 2 rows of Destination table.
And also my oreder of the columns in Destination table will vary. So i need to a way to dynamically insert the data in bulk. but i will know the column names for sure before inserting.
Is there anyway to bulk insert into these columns.
Your quick response will be appreciated
~Mohan Babu
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Apr 29, 2015
I have a business need to create a report by query data from a MS SQL 2008 database and display the result to the users on a web page. The report initially has 6 columns of data and 2 out of 6 have JSON data so the users request to have those 2 JSON columns parse into 15 additional columns (first JSON column has 8 key/value pairs and the second JSON column has 7 key/value pairs). Here what I have done so far:
I found a table value function (fnSplitJson2) from this link [URL]. Using this function I can parse a column of JSON data into a table. So when I use the function above against the first column (with JSON data) in my query (with CROSS APPLY) I got the right data back the but I got 8 additional rows of each of the row in my table. The reason for this side effect is because the function returned a table of 8 row (8 key/value pairs) for each json string data that it parsed.
1. First question: How do I modify my current query (see below) so that for each row in my table i got back one row with 19 columns.
If updated my query (see below) and call the function twice within the CROSS APPLY clause I got this error: "The multi-part identifier "A.ITEM6" could be be bound.
2. My second question: How to i get around this error?
CROSS APPLY fnSplitJson2(A.ITEM5,NULL) B, fnSplitJson2(A.ITEM6,NULL) C
I am using Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 version. Windows 7 desktop.
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May 26, 2015
Here is My requirement, I'm not sure if this is possible. Creating table called master like col1, col2 col3, col4 , col5 ...Where Col1, col2 are updatable - this can be done easily
Col3, col4 are columns in another table but these can be just a read only ?? Is this possible ? this is possible with View but not friendly with share point CRUD...Col 5 is a computed column of col 2 and col5 ? if above step can be done then sure this can be done I guess.
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Jul 20, 2005
Hello,Using SQL Server 2000, I'm trying to put together a query that willtell me the following information about a view:The View NameThe names of the View's columnsThe names of the source tables used in the viewThe names of the columns that are used from the source tablesBorrowing code from the VIEW_COLUMN_USAGE view, I've got the codebelow, which gives me the View Name, Source Table Name, and SourceColumn Name. And I can easily enough get the View columns from thesyscolumns table. The problem is that I haven't figured out how tolink a source column name to a view column name. Any help would as ViewName, as SourceTable, as SourceColumnfromsysobjects t_obj,sysobjects v_obj,sysdepends dep,syscolumns t_colwherev_obj.xtype = 'V'and = v_obj.idand dep.depid = t_obj.idand = t_col.idand dep.depnumber = t_col.colidorder,,
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Jan 28, 2012
I need to add a child table that will tell us who the participants counselor is, what I did was I did a Make Table query based off the primary key of the Parent table and made that the link (foreign key) for the People_tbl and the Counselor_tbl, so if the counselor changes then the user adds the record to the counselor tbl and then puts in the Effective date. The problem is that when I run a report it doesn't show the present counselor always shows the old counselor?
SELECT Student_ind.StudentFirstName, Student_ind.StudentLastName, Student_ind.[Student ID], People_tbl.[Family ID], People_tbl.FirstName,
People_tbl.LastName, People_tbl.[Parent ID]
Student_ind ON People_tbl.[Family ID] = Student_ind.[Family ID]
WHERE (People_tbl.LastName = @Enter_LastName) AND (People_tbl.FirstName = @Enter_FirstName)
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Jun 21, 2015
Previously same records exists in table having primary key and table having foreign key . we have faced 7 records were lost from primary key table but same record exists in foreign key table.
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Feb 26, 2008
Hi all,
my stored procedure have one table variable (@t_Replenishment_Rpt).I want to create an Index on this table variable.please advise any of them in this loop...
below is my table variable and I need to create 3 indexes on this...
DECLARE @t_Replenishment_Rpt TABLE
Item_Nbr varchar(25) NULL,
Item_Desc varchar(255) NULL,
Trx_Date datetime NULL,
Balance int NULL,
Trx_Type char(10) NULL,
Issue_Type char(10) NULL,
Location char(25) NULL,
Min_Stock int NULL,
Order_Qty int NULL,
Unit char(10) NULL,
Issue_Qty int NULL,
Vendor varchar(10) NULL,
WO_Nbr varchar(10) NULL,
Lead_Time int NULL,
PO_Nbr char(10) NULL,
PO_Status char(10) NULL,
Currency char(10) NULL,
Last_Cost money NULL,
Dept_No varchar(20) NULL,
MSDSNbr varchar(10) NULL,
VendorName varchar(50) NULL,
Reviewed varchar(20) NULL
I tryed all below is giving error...
--Indexing the @t_Replenishment_Rpt table on the column Names Item Number, Vender , Department Number
--EXEC sp_executesql(CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX Replenishment_index ON @t_Replenishment_Rpt (Item_Nbr))
--CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX Idx1 ON @t_Replenishment_Rpt.Item_Nbr
INDEX_COL ( '@t_Replenishment_Rpt' , ind_Replenishment_id , Item_Nbr )
--EXEC sp_executesql('SELECT INDEXPROPERTY('+ '@t_Replenishment_Rpt' + ', ' + 'Item_Nbr' + ',' + 'IsPadIndex' + ')')
--EXEC sp_executesql(SELECT INDEXPROPERTY('@t_Replenishment_Rpt', 'Vendor','IsPadIndex'))
--EXEC sp_executesql(SELECT INDEXPROPERTY('@t_Replenishment_Rpt', 'Dept_No','IsPadIndex'))
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Dec 10, 2007
Hi i have set up two very simple tables, I want a user to be able to create a basic account ( data stored in User_Profile table with Id set as the Primery Key as Identity) I
want the user to be able to be able to return to their account at a later date
and then post multiple reviews of different bands they have seen at a later date.
I kept the tables in my example very simple so I could get my head
around the concept, but generally, I want to connect the Id (PK) value in
User_Profile table to the User_Id filed in the User_Review table,
so every review that user writes, will be connected directly to their Id.
Any help you could give would be fantastic a i have no idea where to start!!!
Id int, ( as primary Identity Key)
I have a second table called User Reviews
Revew_Id int , ( as primary Identity Key)
User_Id int, ( I want this to contain the Id value in
the User profile Table)
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Jan 17, 2008
I have a Users table that I use for membership. I am using username varchar(30) as the primary key for this table since username will always be unique.
The question I have is regarding how SQL Server actually stores data:
I see that when I add users, they are always stored alphabetically sorted on username.
I was expecting that all users will appear on the users table in the order they were added.
Example: I have 3 users (john, jonah, wilson). Now I added 4 user with username='bob'
If I execute select * from users, it returns me (bob, john, jonah, wilson). Look bob has become the first row of the table.
My question: Is Sql server moving 3 older rows to make room for 'bob' and it is also rebuilding part of the index due this new username 'bob'?
If this is the case, then it will have big impact if I have 100K users and I add one user that becomes firstrow. In that case 99,999 rows will have to move.
Bottom line, insert, delete will be very expensive.
I know sql server keeps data physically sorted on PK. But I am concerned here since rows are losing the order in which they were inserted.
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Jul 16, 2014
what the best practice is for creating indexes on columns that are foreign keys to the primary keys of other tables. For example:
[Schools] [Students]
---------------- -----------------
| SchoolId PK|<-. | StudentId PK|
| SchoolName | '--| SchoolId |
---------------- | StudentName |
The foreign key above is as:
FOREIGN KEY([SchoolId]) REFERENCES [Schools] ([SchoolId])
What kind of index would ensure best performance for INSERTs/UPDATEs, so that SQL Server can most efficiently check the FK constraints? Would it be simply:
CREATE INDEX IX_Students_SchlId ON Students (SchoolId)
CREATE INDEX IX_Students_SchlId ON Students (SchoolId, StudentId)
In other words, what's best practice for adding an index which best supports a Foreign Key constraint?
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Apr 4, 2008
I'm in the process of converting legacy DTS packages to SSIS. I need to populate a table that has more fields than the source file. In DTS I did this with an ActiveX script. How do I go about doing this within SSIS.
In the ActiveX script most of the fields were defaulted with either spaces or zeroes.
One of the Destination fields needs to be incremented by 1 for each new record inserted.
Any help would be appreciated.
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Dec 2, 2013
There is a restriction that we must have only one primary key per table. We can have composite primary key by defining primary key over 2 or more columns. Actually,, a primary key uniquely defines the table and if we have two or more columns which follow unique and not null features why can't we have two primary keys?? I want to know what is the main reason behind having only one primary key in a table??
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Jul 23, 2005
I ran into a table that is used a lot. Well less than100,000 records. Maybe not a lot of records but i believethis table is used often. The table has 26 fields, 9 indexesbut no Primary Key at all!There are no table relationships defined in this database, noNatural keys, only Surrogate keys in the database.1- Maybe an odd question but is it normal to have 1/3 of thetable's fields as indexes? Is this a valid question or it reallydoesn't matter if you have 9 indexes if they are appropriate to beindexes?2- Below is the DDL of the indexes (Is DDL the appropriate termto describe the indexes?) Without going into too technical aboutwhat the table is, what relationships it has with other tables,would you be able to tell if the indexes are good, bad, too many,etc?3- If i open the table in DESIGN view in SQL EM, i don't seethe Primary key icon. Yet here i see the words "PRIMARY KEYNONCLUSTERED". Does this mean UNIQUENO is actually some typeof primary key? If it was CLUSTERED then SQL EM would showUNIQUEID with a key to the left it identifying it as a PK?If that is the case, then what is the difference betweenPRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTEREDandPRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED?CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX [TBLTEST_PK] ON[dbo].[TBLTEST]([UNIQUENO]) WITH FILLFACTOR = 80 ON [PRIMARY]GOCONSTRAINT [PK_TBLTEST] PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED([UNIQUENO]) ON [PRIMARY]GOCREATE UNIQUE INDEX [ASSIGNUNIQUENAME] ON[dbo].[TBLTEST]([USERNO], [STARTDATE], [NAME]) WITHFILLFACTOR = 80 ON [PRIMARY]GOCREATE INDEX [ENDDATE] ON [dbo].[TBLTEST]([ENDDATE]) WITH FILLFACTOR = 80 ON [PRIMARY]GOCREATE UNIQUE INDEX [IUSERASSIGNACT] ON[dbo].[TBLTEST]([USERNO], [TASKNO], [PROCESSENTRYNO])WITH FILLFACTOR = 80 ON [PRIMARY]GOCREATE INDEX [STARTDATE] ON [dbo].[TBLTEST]([STARTDATE]) WITH FILLFACTOR = 80 ON [PRIMARY]GOCREATE INDEX [PROCESSENTRYNOTBLTEST] ON[dbo].[TBLTEST]([PROCESSENTRYNO]) WITHFILLFACTOR = 80 ON [PRIMARY]GO/****** The index created by the following statementis for internal use only. ******//****** It is not a real index but exists asstatistics only. ******/if (@@microsoftversion > 0x07000000 )EXEC ('CREATE STATISTICS [Statistic_NAME] ON[dbo].[TBLTEST] ([NAME]) ')GOCREATE INDEX [TASKNO_IDX] ON [dbo].[TBLTEST]([TASKNO]) WITH FILLFACTOR = 80 ON [PRIMARY]GOCREATE INDEX [TBLTEST_ORGANIZATIONNO_IDX] ON[dbo].[TBLTEST]([ORGANIZATIONNO]) WITHFILLFACTOR = 80 ON [PRIMARY]GOCREATE INDEX [TASKNOUSERNO] ON [dbo].[TBLTEST]([USERNO], [TASKNO]) WITH FILLFACTOR = 80 ON [PRIMARY]GOThank you
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Mar 21, 2008
Hi to all.
I have a table with about 8 columns as a primary key. I would like to delete one column but not destroy the other 7 primary keys and their relationships between the other tables. Is it possible to do this?
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Dec 3, 2007
I'm trying to find the primary key on a given table in SQL Server 2000 using SQL. I'm querying the sysobjects table to find a given table, and then querying the sysindexes table. I've ALMOST found what I'm looking for. I see the indexes and columns etc. on the tables in the database, I just don't see the field that indicates that the index is the primary key.
Can anyone help?
Thanks, Alex
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Feb 25, 2004
I'm trying to drop a table onto the design view in Web Matrix and the following message appears: "dropped table does not have a primary key and cannot be used".
I'm using a SQL 2000 database that was previously an MSDE 2000 database. Is there anyway that I can define a column as a primary key?
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