How To Get A Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 Database Multiuser Work On A Network Share

May 21, 2008

Hello All,

I need some advise/help how to deploy a small sql server compact 3.5 database on networkshare where about 8 people have access to it(install de client ) and can modify the database with aprox 3000 records.
I'm using visual basic 2008 and created a compact database and filled it with one table of an export of an access database done with data port console.
And created a new windows forms application and saved the project.
Publish is not the problem but how too set it up......
There is not much info to find on how to get a sql server 3.5 database running on a network share.
Who can help ???


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Sharing Website( Mdf Database On A Network In Multiuser Environment

Sep 19, 2007

simple question:

I have create a web site in visual studio with form user authentication. Thats create a mdf database in this path:

thats use Sql server

i would like to access this database with c# form application on a network with multi-user.
if i change the drive letter of the path above to f: (mapped drive) or \serverc, i got this message

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: The file "h:InetpubwwwrootwebsiteApp_DataASPNETDB.MDF" is on a network path that is not supported for database files.
An attempt to attach an auto-named database for file h:InetpubwwwrootwebsiteApp_DataASPNETDB.MDF failed. A database with the same name exists, or specified file cannot be opened, or it is located on UNC share.

i read that sql server did not support database sharing with mapped drive or unc share.

So how can i share website database with c# application???

Note: of course if i develop the website and the application on the same machine its work. I want this application run on several work station accessing all the same mdf database with his web user member.

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How To Connect ADODB With Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 (.NET Framework Data Provider For Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5)

Sep 12, 2007

We are checking VB 9 (Orcas).

we connected to database created under with sql server 7. with this code

Public cn As New ADODB.Connection

Public Sub OpenDB()

cn.Open("Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial catalog=Reservation;Data Source=.")

End Sub
this code worked well.
we know sql7 is not compatiable with vista. please tell us how to connect it wiith sql2005 . we downloaded orcas express edition beta. we created a database also. please let u know how to connect with Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 (.NET Framework Data Provider for Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5).


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How Do You Connect To SQL 2005 Express Database On Network Share

Mar 30, 2006


Ho do I allow multiple users to share a database?


I have developed a Windows App in VS.NET 2005 which connects to a SQL 2005 Express database.

Now I want to install the app and database on the network and I am getting an error "File 'file_name' is on a network device not supported for database files"

What is the best way to get this working

Thanks in advance,


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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: BCP Cannot Access Network Share

Jan 5, 2015

I have SQL Server 2014 (Enterprise) on Server A. The service runs under DomainAAdmin.

The Client machine is B, User credentials DomainBUser.

DomainBUser has a share on B that contains a BCP data file. DomainAAdmin has full access to this file.

If I log onto A (the server machine) with either DomainAAdmin or DomainBUser credentials, and run SQL Server Management Studio with Windows Authentication I can run BCP sucessfully using the following:

BULK INSERT [MyTable] from 'Bsharedatafle.tsv' WITH ( KEEPNULLS , KEEPIDENTITY ) However, if I log onto B, (the client machine and the machine hosting the share) and try to run the same bcp command, I get "Access is Denied".

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Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 Samples

Dec 20, 2007


I'm looking for the sample application : IBuySpy Delivery Sample Application (SQL Server Compact). But I could not find this sample file anywhere.
The only sample which is available in my local directory below is Northwind.sdf file
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server Compact Editionv3.5Samples

The link in the Book Online is pointing to this URL below :

Can anyone help me on this?

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JDBC Driver For Microsoft SQL Server CE / Compact Edition

Jul 10, 2007


I have a J2EE based web application. There is a requirement where user triggers a process to query a database, and the application needs to save the results to an SDF file (Microsoft SQL Server CE 2.0 / Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition) database. I need JDBC driver for it, but could not find it anywhere. Please help. Also, if there is any alternate way to do this, please let me know.


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Backup To Network Share

Nov 27, 2005

I would like to backup my databases to a network share (NAS) instead of local disk using Maintenance Plans created by Enterprise Manager. I have successfully used a UNC path to target the destination network share but have not been to figure out how to submit a logon to the network share before the backup is executed.

The SQL Server instance is running in the context of the local system account.

Can I insert a step in the SQL SQL job that is created by the Maintenance Plans that changes the Windows account that the backup runs under? If yes what command syntax would I use in the inserted step or is there another way to accomplish that I'm attempting to do?


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Backup On A Network Share

May 6, 2008


I am trying to backup a database with a command like:

BACKUP DATABASE my DataBase TO DISK = '\bkSystemkDiskBackup1.bak'

but I get the error 'Cannot open backup device '\bkSystemkDiskBackup1.bak'. Device error or device off-line.
The bkDisk folder is shared, with Everyone full-control access (it's a test environment)

MS SQL 2000.

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Backup SQL 2K5 To A Network Share

Apr 5, 2007

I attempted to backup my database to a shared drive using the UNC path and it gave me access denied. Any thoughts?

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OPENROWSET And Network Share

Dec 15, 2006

Hi,I am not able to execute following command from computers other than the SQLserver * from openrowset(bulk N'\ImageServerModelCam_05.dwg',SINGLE_BLOB) as docI get following error message:Msg 4861, Level 16, State 1, Line 1Cannot bulk load because the file "\ImageServerModelCam_05.dwg " couldnot be opened. Operating system error code 5(Access is denied.).If I use local file path and keep the file on the SQL server then it worksfine from any * from openrowset(bulk N'D:ModelCam_05.dwg', SINGLE_BLOB) as docThe network share has read access for everyone.What should I do to make it work? I am not allowed to move the files and theapplication which loads them to the SQL server.ThanksSachin G

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RDA Pull Error Using Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition 2005

May 20, 2007

Hello dear all.

I am using a Compact Framework 2.0 on a mobile 5.0 with a local Microsoft SQL Compact Edition 2005 database. The backend database is a Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and I am trying to pull a 45000 rows table (the table has 2 varchars(8) forming a primary key and an INTEGER column).

The statement I issue is the following:

rda.Pull(table.TableName, table.TableQuery, Program.RdaOleDbConnectionString, RdaTrackOption.TrackingOnWithIndexes, table.TableName + "Errors");

The application works perfectly when I am pulling smaller tables (up to 15000 rows) but when I try to pull this one I get the following error details:

base {System.SystemException}: {""}
Errors: {System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeErrorCollection}
errors: {System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeErrorCollection}
HResult: -2147024882
Message: ""
NativeError: 0
Source: "Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition"

Please have in mind that the handheld on which I deploy does not have an extra storage card.

I have done a thorough internet search and I have found no solution to this problem. I truly rely on you to find the solution.

Thanks in advance,


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Developing Microsoft SQL Server CE 2.0 Merge Replication Using .NET Compact Framework

Aug 13, 2007

We are developing Microsoft SQL Server CE 2.0 Merge Replication Using .NET Compact Framework. There is need of sinhronizations between SQL 2005 Mobile Edition witch resides on Barcode terminal (Windows CE) and SQL 2005 Developer Edition (on Windows XP). Everything is done by the book. There is few lines of code that we are using:
public bool Replicate()
{ bool ret = true;
SqlCeReplication repl = null;
try {
// Instantiate and configure
SqlCeReplication object repl = new SqlCeReplication();
string dbFile = ........
repl.InternetUrl = this.InternetUrl;
repl.InternetLogin = this.InternetLogin;
repl.InternetPassword = this.InternetPassword;
repl.Publisher = this.Publisher;
repl.PublisherDatabase = this.PublisherDatabase;
repl.PublisherLogin = this.PublisherLogin;
repl.PublisherPassword = this.PublisherPassword;
repl.Publication = this.Publication;
repl.Subscriber = this.Subscriber;
repl.SubscriberConnectionString ="Data Source=" +dbFile;
if (!System.IO.File.Exists(dbFile))
{ repl.AddSubscription(AddOption.CreateDatabase);
IIS is configured, but in log on the server we've got this error:
2007/08/09 15:33:02 Hr=80004005 ACK:Error for DistributorSessionID = 58 2007/08/09 15:33:02 Hr=80004005 The SQL statement failed to execute. [,,,SQL statement,,] 28560 Please give us posible solution of this problem, we have searched on forums but with no result. p.s. I'ts urgent

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Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express Version To Use For SQL Compact

Jan 18, 2007


i don't know if it was mentioned before, but i solved the issue that Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express won't show the option to create/modify a sql compact database by installing not this Version:

Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express
Date: 19.04.2006

but this one:

SQL Server Management Studio Express Service Pack 2 €“ CTP-Version
Date: 19.12.2006

hope this helps.


P.S. i'm curious if anybody else had the same issue, caused of using the wrong Version of  SSMSe?

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Moved App To Network Share, Can't Access SQL

Jan 19, 2007

I've recently moved an website from my PC to a network share because another tech it going to be working on it.  I finally got the correct permissions on the network share and the correct .NET Framework settings on my PC to be able to run the app.  Now I can't access the SQL server which is on a different server.  Getting the following error:
Request for the permission of type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlClientPermission, System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed.
How to I setup access to my SQL server for the app from any given PC on my LAN?

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Share May Sqlexpress 2005 On Network

Apr 1, 2008

how can Share may sqlexpress 2005 on network   that other can access my databasess on their pc and edit update and insert recored into my table
please tell me how can do this ?

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Problem Attaching DB From Network Share

Aug 31, 2007

Hello All,
I 'm trying to attach a database to my sql server 2005 using the following syntax:

Code Snippet

DBCC TRACEON(1807, -1)
EXEC sp_attach_single_file_db 'MyNetworkDB', '\leaf7dbsMyNetworkDB.mdf'

Also, the folder dbs and the mdf file MyNetworkDB.mdf has full permission for Everyone.And when executing the above statement, i get the following error:

Code Snippet

DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.
Msg 5133, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Directory lookup for the file "\leaf7dbsMyNetworkDB.mdf" failed with the operating system error 5(Access is denied.).

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SELECT With UNION And DATEDIFF Does Not Work On SQL Server Compact Edition

Jan 24, 2008

Hi there,

i've tried using the SELECT SQL sentence on PPC with UNION and INNER JOIN in combination with DATEDIFF function which works fine on ordinary SQL but obviously does not work on compact edition. Is there some workaround?

SQL sentence that works:

Code Snippet

SELECT 'O' Type, O.Name , OC.Name Contact, Birthday FROM OutletContact OC
INNER JOIN Outlet O ON OC.OutletID=O.OutletID
SELECT 'W' Type, W.Name,WC.Name Contact, Birthday FROM WholesalerContact WC
INNER JOIN Wholesaler W ON W.WholesalerID=WC.WholesalerID
) S

Thanks for any hint or solution to my problem,


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Using SSIS To Access Network Share From Different Domain

Feb 12, 2008

Hey All,

This is my first time using the forums here nor am I a SQL programmer. I'm trying to help a coworker figure out how to access files from a network share (using a UNC path) from a different domain. Right now we have three domains - Production, Development, and the Local. There is a one-way trust setup with the development and local domains, so using cross domain accounts is easy. Unfortunately, we cannot setup one right now with our production domain to any of the other two domains. Is there a way to pass production credentials from our local or development domain servers to a production server share? Am I even approaching this in the right way? Maybe there is a different method, any help would be GREATLY appreciated!
Network Administrator

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SSIS Package Storage In A UNC Network Share?

Aug 13, 2007

Somehow I have an impression this can be done.
Somehow I tried myself by modifying MsDtsSrvr.ini.xml to point it to network UNC share, but it didn't work for me. It gave me an error

"Failed to retrieve data for this request (Microsoft.SqlServer.SmoEnum)
Additional Information: The storage localtion for the folder 'File System' cannot be accessed. (MsDtsSrvr)"

I checked my UNC permission, and I even allow full access from "everyone", but it still does not work.

I paste my MsDtsSrvr.ini.xml here too, and any help is greatly appreciated!

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<DtsServiceConfiguration xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<Folder xsi:type="SqlServerFolder">
<Folder xsi:type="FileSystemFolder">
<Name>File System</Name>

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Network Share/Multi User Deployment

Dec 12, 2006

Can a SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition database file be deployed on a file share and be accessed by multiple (5-10) concurrent users? This is a current scenario being implemented at several sites using MS Access databases.

Each client would have the SQLce engine installed on it and would only access the database via a managed C# application.

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Flat File Connection - Network Share - SQL Agent - HELP!

Jun 19, 2007

SQL Agent will not successfully execute my package as a job. Bids executes the package correctly as well as when I run the package manually (right click, run package) through SQL Server Management Studio. This is a permissions issue with the flat file any help will be much appreciated.Background Information:OS: SQL 2005 on Windows Server 2003Flat File Connection: \servernamefolderfile.txt (If I change the flat file location to a local file the package will run as a job successfully)Domain: The package is running on a Windows machine that is not on any domain. The network location is a Windows machine on a domain.Security: The network location folder (\servernamefolderfile.txt) has no security, namely anyone can access any file to read/write/delete/etc. I can manually add and delete files as well as add and delete files when the package runs through BIDS or when I manually run it through management studio.Permissions: I have created a login, security credential, and proxy which I am using to run the package. The security credential is tied to the Administrator account on the local machine.
Error Message: Executed as user: COMPUTER-NAMEAdministrator. Microsoft (R) SQL Server Execute Package Utility Version 9.00.3042.00 for 32-bit Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1984-2005. All rights reserved. Started: 12:05:37 PM Error: 2007-06-19 12:05:39.25 Code: 0xC001401E Source: DataTransfer Connection manager "FILECONNECTION.FileConnection" Description: The file name "\servernamefolderflatfile.txt" specified in the connection was not valid. End Error Error: 2007-06-19 12:05:39.25 Code: 0xC001401D Source: DataTransfer Description: Connection "FILECONNECTION.FileConnection" failed validation. End Error DTExec: The package execution returned DTSER_FAILURE (1). Started: 12:05:37 PM Finished: 12:05:40 PM Elapsed: 2.297 seconds. The package execution failed. The step failed.
(note: I replaced the fileconnection strings with FILECONNECTION and the serverpath with "servernamefolder" for privacy reasons.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. This is some sort of security issue with SQL Agent. But, the error claims that the user is running as localmachineAdministrator. Isn't this how the package would run if I manually execute it?

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Multi Connection To .sdf File Store On Network Share

Feb 22, 2007


In the "Choosing Between SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition and SQL Server 2005 Express Edition" white paper, i can read that: "SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition support data file storage on a network share" and "Number of concurrent connections = 256"

But when i try to connect with two different PC at the same time to a .sdf file store on a network share, i have an error message : "File is locked by an other processus"

The firsth PC is connected but the secondth can't

";Mode=Read Write" in the connection string don't change anything.

anybody have an idea ?

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SQL 2000 Fails To Delete Old Backup Files From The Network Share

Jul 21, 2006


I am experiencing an issue with SQL Server 2000 Maintenance Plan.
DB Backup job fails to delete old backup files from the file server (I am backing up to the network share - actually, a DFS).
Backup part of the maintenance plan/job succeeds, but then cleanup part fails.

I made sure that service account under which SQL Server Agent is running, has sufficient privileges over the network share by logging in and successfully deleting files in question.

I was not able to locate any log entries either on the SQL Server machine or on the file server machine that would indicate the root of the problem. Even though I turned on auditing for Delete operations for the destination folder, its subfolders and files, I could not find anything in the Security event log.

I would appreciate any ideas on how to troubleshoot and correct this problem.

Thanks in advance,

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Transact SQL :: Bulk Insert When Data File Is On Network Share

Dec 3, 2015

I am running Microsoft SQL Server 2012 SP on a Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard SP1 box. The SQL Server service is running as a simple windows domain user (nothing special, no admin rights, etc.) I am having some issues with using Bulk Insert when the data file is on a network share when using Windows Authentication. What is known is that the SQL Server service account has access to the network resource, which is shown by logging into SQL Server with a SQL account and doing the Bulk Insert. I also have rights to the files on the share, as shown by the fact that I put the files there. My SQL is in the form of:

Bulk Insert [table name] From '[server][share][filename]' With (FirstRow = 2, FormatFile='FormatFile.xml')

Now, when connecting to SQL Server with Windows Authentication and running the Bulk Insert I get the following error:

Msg 4861, Level 16, State 1, Line 2 Cannot bulk load because the file "[server][share][filename]" could not be opened. Operating system error code 5(Access is denied.).

I found this snip at

BULK INSERT (Transact-SQL)Security Account Delegation (Impersonation), which says, in part (emphasis mine):

To resolve this error [4861], use SQL Server Authentication and specify a SQL Server login that uses the security profile of the SQL Server process account, or configure Windows to enable security account delegation. For information about how to enable a user account to be trusted for delegation.

How to Configure the Server to be Trusted for Delegation, and we tried the unconstrained delegation and I rebooted the SQL server, but it still does not work. Later we tried constrained delegation and it still does not work.

I have verified the SPNs:

C:>setspn adsvc_sqlRegistered ServicePrincipalNames for CN=SVC_SQL,OU=Service Accounts,OU=Users,OU=ad domain,DC=ad,DC=local:        MSSQLSvc/        MSSQLSvc/        MSSQLSvc/        MSSQLSvc/
I have verified that my SQL connection is TCP and I am getting/using a Kerberos security token.
C:>sqlcmd -S,1433 -E1> Select dec.net_transport, dec.auth_scheme From sys.dm_exec_connections As dec Where session_id = @@Spid;2>
gonet_transport auth_scheme------------- -----------TCP KERBEROS(1 rows affected)1>

If I move the source file to a local drive (on the SQL server), all works fine, but I must be able to read from a file share?

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CompactDatabase In ASP With SQL Server Microsoft SQL Server Compact

Jul 2, 2007

I've been playing around with Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition
v3.1 as a posible replacement for the SQL Server CE 2.0 (can't
remember exactly what the called it). Its working pretty well. I
was able to connect to the database using the same recordset object,
ADODB.RecordSet and connection object, ADOCE.Connection.3.1. However
where I've run into trouble is when I try to compact the database.
This code works on 2.0.

srcConn = "Provider=Microsoft." & "SQLServer" & ".OLEDB.CE.2.0;Data
destConn = "Provider=Microsoft." & "SQLServer" & ".OLEDB.CE.2.0;Data

Set DBEngine = CreateObject("SSCE.Engine.2.0")

DBEngine.CompactDatabase srcConn, destConn

But now when I try to run it vor v3.1

srcConn = ";data
destConn = ";data

Set DBEngine = CreateObject("SSCE.Engine.3.0")

DBEngine.CompactDatabase srcConn, destConn

I get this error message:

Info: Object required: 'DBEngine'

As I understand it SSCE.Engine.3.0 is still an ActiveX
object. Is it no longer posible to run this directly from

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Failed To Generate ResultSet Code. Typed ResultSets Are Only Valid For Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 Databases

Feb 27, 2008

I get the error above when I do the following.

Using VS 2008 I got a Windows Smart Device project targeting WM6 Standard and using .NET CF 3.5.
I add a new database file = creating an empty Compact 3.5 database (creates an sdf-file in my project).
Then create an empty dataset in the wizard (creates an xsd-file in my project).
Then I add a couple of tables in the database.
After that I want to use my earlier created dataset.
I mark the xsd-file and looks in Poperties.
I get the error when I try to change Custom Tool value from 'MSDataSetGenerator' to 'MSResultSetGenerator'.

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Sql Server Doesn't Work Well With 250ms+ Network Latency

Oct 15, 2007

Hello,I'm an absolute newbie when it comes to SQL. I was told that SQLserver does not function well on a WAN where network latency between,say, the SQL server and a front-end server is greater than 250ms.I can't find anything information supporting this claim online, so Iwas hoping someone here could tell me if this is true or not?Thank You!!

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SQL Server 2012 :: Using DateDiff To Work As Excel Network Days

Jan 2, 2015

So I am trying to work out the difference between today's date (GETDATE()) and a Target Date in a specific table (targetdate)

When I use the DATEDIFF function it is including non working days in the calculation (weekends and bank holidays). Although our date calandar table provided to us from a third party supplier will tell you the weekends, it does not tell you the bank holidays.

Luckily there is another table in the database called - ih_non_work_days.

The format of the date is "2014-12-25 00:00:00.000" for example in that table.

How do I using my "targetdate" and today's date calculate in days the differance - excluding the dates that exist in the ih_non_work_days database?

So for now my basic script looks like -

SELECT com.comm_reference AS 'Referance'
,com.current_task_target_date AS 'TargetDate'
, DATEDIFF(D,com.current_task_target_date,GETDATE()) AS 'Incorrect Date Calculation'
FROM [dbo].[em_communication] as com

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SQL Server 2005 Setup Of 2 Vista Machines, Can't Get Individual Network Login Accounts To Work On Each Others SQL Server

Apr 16, 2008

Hello all,

I have 2 networked PC's both running vista ultimate

1st is Laptop and is running its own SQL Server at laptoplaptopSQL
2nd is Desktop and is running its own SQL Server at desktopdesktopSQL

Now both machines have seperate windows login accounts.

When I go SQL Server management studio I go to browse and each machine can see the other machines SQL Server, but when I go to login I get SQL Login falied for users" The user is not associaed with a trusted SQL server connection".

So I then go to logins new login and try to add my other pc's user account.
The problem I see is that when I go to search and then location it only shows its own PC's location and not the location of my other networked pc? So if I am on Desktop and in my theory want to add laptopuser to the desktop SQL Server logins I get:

"create failed for login laptopuser

An exception occurred while executing Transact SQL statement laptopuser is not a valid windows NT name. give the complete name

Not sure on where to go from here.

Any help would be great

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Compact Edition 3.5 On A Network

Mar 18, 2008

Hi all.

We are developing a desktop windows forms app that uses tha database as storage for application configuration.
It may be used by one user locally OR used locally by multiple but sharing the database.

Now, i'm really sure that I have read that sharing the .sdf file over a network is supported and thus have started developing against the 3.5 compact db (sdf file).
But when testing this scenario we get a message that sharing over network is not supported. I'm really surprised and frankly puzzled since I know I have read about this being supported.

So, can someone more into this subject exlpain to this to me? Is it supported, and if not, should we use the express version instead?

Also, if we have to change strategy, is there an easy migration path regarding development (app. is not even in beta stage so no migrations will be necessary with customers.).

Thankful for any help since this might cause a lot of extra work...

If this leads down the synchronization path, could someone please explain how this is set up. Is it one "master" that acts as a publisher?
If we would like to have the solution where several users access the same db-file (be it sdf or mdf), do we have any choice here?


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Retrive Score In Logistic Regression (Microsoft Neural Network Viewer - SQL Server 2005)

Feb 19, 2008


I bought the book €śData Mining with SQL Server 2005€?, but I can€™t find the solution to a problem I have.

I want to retrieve from C# the logistic regression Attribute Value (AV) Scores for the Logistic Regression Algorithm. I can see the Scores from the Microsoft Logistic Regression Viewer (the same of Neural Network Viewer), but I cannot retrieve them via DMX, OLEDB or similar.

Otherwise, is there a formula that I can use to compute that score from the coefficient, support, or probability values of the Attribute Value pair (I can read this values from DMX)?
I can access to them via DMX:


with a query like


Thanks in advance


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Creating A New Connection With Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition From Visual Studio 2005 IDE

Jul 25, 2007

Hello, How are you?
I have a problem when I try to create a new connection with Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition from Visual Studio 2005 IDE. When I€™m going to choose the data source, the SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition provider doesn€™t appear in the list. I installed the SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition from this page In the additional information says by installing SQLServerCE31-EN.msi installs the provider (System.Data.SqlServerCe.dll) in the GAC (global assembly cache) and registers the OLEDB provider (sqlceoledb30.dll). So, I don€™t understand why couldn€™t I create a new connection with Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition from Visual Studio 2005 IDE?

I appreciate your help€¦

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