How To Get All Field Names In A Table Using Sql Query?
Sep 11, 2006
How canI get all field names in a table using sql query? Now I am not interested in the data in this table, what I am interested in is just the schema, i.e. all field names. Thanks.
Hi,We have a database with some tables with (what I woulddenote as) 'referred field names'.Like this:DataTable1 with fields F1, F2, F3DataTable2 with fields F3, F4, F5DataTable3 with fields F1, F5, F2We also have a table with field namesFieldNameTable with fields FIELD, NAMEcontaining data like:FIELD NAME----------------F1 FieldName1F2 FieldName2F3 FieldName3F4 FieldName4F5 FieldName5Now, we need a way to query the data of these tables, butthe result of the query should show the 'referred field names'from the FieldNameTable.For example, querying DataTable3 should produce the outputFieldName1 FieldName5 FieldName2------------------------------------------... ... ...... ... ...Any idea how (and whether) this can be done with an SQL query?Thanks in advance for tips & tricks.Dirk Vdm
I have been trying to get this code work, but I could not. Every thing seems going well. However, The result of running the sql query is strange. It shows the field names twice. Eg:) if you have a table called "newtable" that has two fields[Custnumber, Custname], you will get somthing like this [Custnumber, Custname Custnumber, Custname]. I have tried many times, but I couldn't fix it.
Sub Page_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) handles Mybase.Load
if not page.Ispostback then
try Sqlconnection = New Sqlconnection (connectionString)
SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(queryString, Sqlconnection)
I have a .NET program that can connect to either an Access 97 database or anSQL Server 7 database. In the database I have two tables which have a fieldcalled ID. When I run a query like "SELECT A.*, B.* FROM A, B", the queryreturns those fields as "A.ID" and "B.ID" when connected to Access 97, butas "ID" and "ID" in SQL Server 7. Is there anyway to get SQL Server toprepend the table name to the field name in a case like this and not returnduplicate field names like that without having to specify aliases for thefields?- Don
I need a statement or sp that will display, for a given user database, an individual table's fieldnames, datatype, and length. Any help is appreciated. Randy
Hi folks,I'm trying to write a simple SELECT statement that will execute inquery analyser but will just have the data with no column names, or thedotted line between them and the data. I also want to avoid thestatement at the end which says nnn rows affected. any ideas? I want todo this because I intend to write the results to a flat file.Thanks for your helpDanny....
You may find below script stupid to you. I am trying to create a table with week number that is not fixed, i.e. March 2006 may have 4 weeks and April 5 weeks based on our company calendar.
And Field Names could be Grp, SubGrp, Week_10, Week_11, Week_12, Week_13 depending on the week being stored in TempWeekFile. We could start the month having only Week 10 and following week with Week 11 added into TempWeekFile.
My below script shows error. I have following records in my TempWeekFile
Week_No WeekCnt 10 1 11 2 12 3 13 4
How to write a script that do the above? Has anyone done this using a better method? Please advise. Thank you.
Using VB5|6/ADO/MSSQL6.5. I want to get the names of tables in a query. I.e. if query is "Select Name, Title from Employee inner join job on employee.empid = job.empid" I want a way to get "Name, Title" In VB 3 we used the VBSQL.VBX which had 2 functions for this: SQLTabCount and SQLTabName.
I have query which is used to dynamically insert value but not working. We are trying to get all table names and insert dynamically to all tables by looping through table names.
declare @a varchar(max),@i int; declare @table table(rno int, name varchar(max)) declare @b varchar(max) insert into @table select row_number() over( order by table_name) rno, table_name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.tables declare @tblname varchar(max)
I don't know why this is so difficult. What I want to do is take a table name as a parameter to build a query and get an integer value from the result of the query. But from all of the research I have been doing, Dynamic SQL is bad in SQL server because of SQL Injections. But my users are not going to be supplying the table names.
Things I have learned:
- SQL Functions cannot use Exec to execute query strings. - SQL Functions can return a concatenated string that could be used by a stored procedure to Exec the query string.
So how can I write a stored procedure that will
1. take a parameter 2. Pass the parameter to a function that will return a string 3. Execute that string as SQL 4. Get a return value from that SQL statement 5. Then finally, from a View, how can I pass a parameter to the stored procedure and get the returned value from the stored procedure to be used as a field in the View?
Numbers 3, 4, and 5 are where I am really stuck. I guess I don't know the proper syntax and limitations of SQL Server.
Here with the below query iam binding my gridview with industry name,company name,Plant Name,Group Name related to the IDs in Audit table.Select Aud.Ad_ID_PK,Aud.Audit_Name,Ind.Industry_Name,Cmp.Company_Name,Pla.Plant_Name,Gr.Groups_Name,Aud.Audit_Started_On,Aud.Audit_Scheduledto,Aud.Audit_Created_On from Industry Ind, Company Cmp, Plant Pla, Groups Gr, Audits Audwhere Ind.Ind_Id_PK =Aud.Audit_Industry and Cmp.Cmp_ID_PK =Aud.Audit_Company and Pla.Pl_ID_PK =Aud.Audit_Plant and Gr.G_ID_PK =Aud.Audit_Group and Ad_ID_PK in (select Ad_ID_PK from Audits) Now i want to edit these names. when i click on edit in gridview these names will be filled into textboxes and when i change the names it should compare the name with particular tables and should get the Id of that and store in Audits table. For example: i have this data in my audits table:
2 2 2 1 Here Commercial83312 is ID of that Audit and 2,2,2,1 are the Industry,Company,Plant and group Ids for that particular audit.In the front end i can see the names of this particular IDs. when i edit the industry name in the UI it must check the name with industry table and get the ID of the changed name and store it in audit table. so the data may be changed in audits table as :
4 2 2 1
so here the industry ID is changed I need the stored procedure for this. please help me,its very urgent...
I want to update Flag column in second table based on the Adder names.
If the Applicatiion has atleast one AIX and Adder name is UDB then the flag would be True. If the Application has more the one AIX and Adder names are diferent then the flag would be null.
APpName OS Adder
App1 ||| Windows|||Null App1 ||| Linux |||UDB App1 ||| AIX |||UDB App1 ||| Linux |||Sql
I thought I saw this done once before. So today I hunted around inBooks OnLine and did a Google search. So far I have found nothingclose. So if you know how to do it, please tell me or if cannot bedone, I'd appreciate know that too.Thanks in advance,IanO
I am designing a package to export staging tables into a flat file.The names of the tables will be: TableAStaging_YYYYMM and TableBStaging_YYYYMM. As you can see the names of the tables will be changing each month.
The flat files will have similar naming: C:MyPathFlatFileTableAStaging__YYYYMM and C:MyPathFlatFileTableAStaging__YYYYMM.I want to run the package as an sql job in two steps, one for each table.I need to dynamically pass the table names and file names (together with the path) to the IS package.
I was wondering if anyone has an idea of how we could find the table names and column names of the tables in our Sql server database at runtime/dynamically given our connection string? Please let me know.
SET @QUERY = "INSERT INTO tblDocTable(FileName, FileType, ImportExportID, BuildingID, Document)
SELECT '"+@fName+"' AS FileName, '"+@fType+"' AS FileType, " + cast(@fID as nvarchar(18)) + " as ImportExportID, '"+@bID+"' AS BuildingID, * FROM OPENROWSET( BULK '" +@fPath+"' ,SINGLE_BLOB)
AS Document"
This puts some values including a pdf or .doc file into a table, tblDocTable.
Is it possible to change this so that I can get the values from a table rather than as parameters. The Query would be in the form of: insert into tblDocTable (a, b, c, d) select a,b,c,d from tblimportExport.
tblImportExport has the path for the document (DocPath) so I would subsitute that field, ie. DocPath, for the @fPath variable.
Otherwise I can see only doing a Fetch next from tblIportExport where I would put every field into a variable and then run this exec query on these. Thus looping thru every row in tblImportExport.
Is there anyway to determine what the resulting Field Names are going to be from a SQL Statement?
resulting field names: FIELD1 FIELD2 FIELD3 ANOTHERNAME
Seems easy enough splitting all values before "FROM" by comma and doing some manipulation to remove table names and anything before the word "AS". However, it gets more difficult when you have complex CASE statements embedded in you query that may also contain commas.
Just a shot in the dark because I don't know if anyone has already done something like this before.
Howdy all,I'm wishing to write a stored proc to return only the field names from a table. What I've tried gets the field names but also returns all of the data in each row. I only want the field names. Is this possible?Thanks!JP
This is a followup to my last post. If a field name is changed in the database, what is the easiest way to determine what stored procedures and triggers that reference that field are now broken?
I can't seem to find a sample code, either here or on the net - - so I'll go ahead and ask...
What I'm looking for is a sample of how to query a database, so that I can populate a listbox with the table names from a database - - and then, populate another listobx with the field names from the database, in order to build a user-driven sql statement builder....
either of the above (at least the field name part) - either a code sample, or a link, will be greatly appreciated) - -
USE MLS select,f.field#,fdesc,flong from sysobjects so join syscolumns sc on = join fld f on f.field# = replace(,'_','') where = 'dbo.tbl_MLS_Leads_Trans'
I am trying to get the description which is flong and I get the following error message:
Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 2 Invalid object name 'fld'.
Hi,I am trying to create a stored procedures (SQL 7.0), to provide dataina crosstab format.(I'm using Crystal Reports 8.5, but the Crosstab capabilities areterrible, so I have to do as much as possible on the SQL side)I have a table [Occurrences] with the following fields:Year (int)Month (int)Occurs (int)Claims (int)I need a query to give me the following format:Acct_Month 2001 2002 2003Occurs Claims Occurs Claims Occurs ClaimsJanuary 120 180 132 196 110 140February 154 210 165 202 144 178March etc.......Catch! I need the Year field name to be the contents of the fieldYear in the Table (2001, 2002, 2003...). Not the usual Year_1, Year_2approach.I got the month name ok...Acct_Month = DATENAME(month, Convert(Varchar(2), Month) + '/01/'+Convert(Char(4),Year))Is it possible to do this easely, without the use of cursors?Any help would be much appreciated.Luis Pinto
is there any "robust" way to find out the name of a field in the pipeline by it's Lineage ID programatically? There is a sample code out there (on one of the blogs) but it seams not to be reliable...
The usecase is easy... What is the field name in an error output of that column that causes the error? We don't want to have hardcoded LineageIDs in the error handling so I think it's the best idea to go with field names... However we only get that LineageID...
While creating a view in SQl Server 2005 Management Studio Or Interation Services on a SQL Server 2000 database using "*" something very strange happens. Has anyone every seen this happen before?
The new view is created something like the following:
CREATE VIEW [dbo].[new_view]
However, when right-clicking on the new view, and choosing "Design", the SELECT scrambles the field names with aliases of the other field names. When the view is run, the result set is incorrect. It may look something like the following:
SELECT Field1, Field2 AS Field3, Field3 AS Field4, Field4 AS Field5, . . . From Table1
I am having two datasets in the same report, the column names are the same, in both the datasets, Now How can I use the individual fields in same report. If I use (Fields!xyz.Value, "dsDataSet1") and (Fields!xyz.Value, "dsDataSet2") It is giving me syntax error.
How can I use both these fieds, I do not want any aggregates
hi, i need help with a query:SELECT Headshot, UserName, HeadshotId FROM tblProfile INNER JOIN Headshots ON Headshots.ProfileId=tblProfile.ProfileId WHERE (UserName= @UserName) this query will select what I want from the database, but the problem is that I have multiple HeadshotIds for each profile, and I only want to select the TOP/highest HeadshotId and get one row foreach headshotId. Is there a way to do that in 1 SQL query? I know how to do it with multiple queries, but im using SqlDataSource and it only permits one. Thanks!