How To Get Status For Every Individual Task In A Package
Jun 27, 2006
I have a package in which there are four tasks. I have to get the status of those four tasks and finally send a mail. I am unable to get the status for individual task.
Has anyone tried this? Please help.
Thanks in advance.
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Feb 5, 2002
I am writing a utility that browses all steps, connections, and tasks in a given DTS package. One of the functions is to rename each item using its description, ie, removing spaces, formatting it, and then appending it to the standard DTSTask_ActiveScriptTask_MyCustomNameDerivedFromTh eDescription. I am being sure to change everything to match this in both the Step and task for a given set. The behaviour that is occuring is this. The package appears to be named correctly, and even seems to run correctly, but none of the precedence constraints, it, OnFail, OnSuccess, OnCOmpletion seem to show up in the DTS Designer Environment. The package does seem to be running correctly, any idea what would cause this behaviour?
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Dec 27, 2005
The Browser role has the task Manage Individual Subscriptions. Fine, the user can create a subscription. The problem is that the reportserver populate the email address text box with the Windows User ID and does not let the user change this to put his email address instead. The text box is greyed out.
I found that to enable the text box I have to add the task Manage all subscriptions to the role "Browser".
This is a major security problem because with this setting any user can edit any subscription.
I suspect that I could work at the Active Directory level to populate a field that would in turn populate the email address with the correct data., however this is not an option for me. I have absolutely no way to do it or get it done. Does anybody has an idea on how I could allow a user to edit his email address in his subscriptions and not let him tamper with other users subscriptions?
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Feb 5, 2008
In my SSIS program I have a main package that calls bunch of packages step by step. I would like to find out how can I capture the status of each task once its done and insert the value whether its "success" or "failure" into a sql server table.
any ideas how should I go about doing this?
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Jun 24, 2000
is there any way to make the status of a package execution to be success without caring about failure of certain steps in the package?
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May 26, 2006
In Control Flow you can do that.
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Nov 23, 2005
Hi,Say, you have two inter-dependent packages of pA and pB. With thesuccessful execution of pA you would proceed to execute pB. And sincethey would perform some repeatitive tasks on regular basis they arescheduled as a job. But you don't want to the job to make attempt torun pB if you know pA has failed and you want to nofiy sys adm of it.And let's say pA has log option checked (so, there's a log file forit). Now, it would seem to me quite clumsy to check this potentiallyhuge file to see if a particular package (pA here) is successful beforerunning pB. Any other viable and clean solution?Yes, one could possibly combine pA and pB into one big package (pBIG),however, for the sake of a clean and clear business process this is notdesirable since pA and pB handlestotally different business processes.TIA.
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Apr 9, 2007
I have a package load all flat files under a directory. Some of them may fail because formatting issue.
What's the best way to generate a report at the end, shows the list of failed transfer? Maybe with error message.
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Nov 22, 2007
hi all,
i have a package; thats executing another 4 packages, i can able to execute these packages in
I want to display the status notification of the executing packages in the webpage( while packages are being executed, i want to display which package is executing, and what is the status of the package! whether it is executing or not? or it is raising any errors?) every thing i want to give in the front end--> its not my requirement, my client ask me to do that!
so please help me! how to display these status information of the running package in (c#)
(i'll give you one good chocolate if you give me good solution!)
post your mails to Thanks you a lot!
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Sep 21, 2006
Hi everyone,
For first time I'm testing this task and surprisingly, when I try "Edit Package" option:
1)The DTS host failed to load or save the package properly
2)The selected package cannot be opened
3)Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component
But after these messages you can see all the tasks but they haven't name!!
It seem as if RCW mechanism has failed between managed and unmanaged coded-partially.
I don't dare to follow doing more stuff, I don't know if that package is well-loaded or not from there. ?¿
Any guidance or idea about this?
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Jul 19, 2007
Hi friends,
I have a for each loop that populates from a set of flat files into a Sql Server table, I run the Flat file Import via a dts package embedded into Execute DTS 2000 Task. I want to pass the Sourcefile Name that is fetched by the For Each Loop to assign it Global Variable in DTS. how this can be made ?
Subhash Subramanyam
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Jun 14, 2006
While Creating a script task in Control Flow, I am getting "Package Validation Error". Here is the complete message:
Error at Validate File and Load Data: The task is configured to pre-compile the script, but binary code is not found. Please visit the IDE in Script Task Editor by clicking Design Script button to cause binary code to be generated.
As mentioned in the message, I opened the script IDE and added the code I need. When I close the VSA IDE, package designer displays the same error message.
The worst part of whole story is that if I close the package designer and reopen it, I find that all the code I wrote in the script task has been deleted by the package designer. This is not at all acceptable as I saved the package the and still lost all my work. I did all the coding from scratch for that task.
Please respond if anyone faced similar problem.
Thanks in advance!
PS: If any one from Microsoft is reading this, please see what you guys are coding there. Due to the buggy software you deliver, I am loosing my credibility.<P< P>
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Jun 8, 2007
I am having problems executing a child package from a parent package using the Execute Package Task. I am attempting to run the master package through a SQL Server Agent job.
The SQL Server Agent job is owned by sa. The step that runs the parent package is configured to load the package from the SSIS Package Store on the same server that the job is running.
I have the Execute Package Task configured as follows:
Location: SQL Server
ExecuteOutOfProcess: True
Connecting as a SQL Server login (let's say TestEtl)
I have added the db_dtsoperator database role to both the TestEtl login and the login that SQL Server Agent connects through. I have also configured the child package's reader role to include db_dtsoperator. Per, this should allow these logins to run the child package.
I have enabled logging of all events in both the parent and child packages. I see the following in the logs when the Execute Package Task executes (omitted portions unrelated to the execution of the child package task):
450939 OnPreExecute ChildPackage 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 450940 OnPreValidate ChildPackage 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 450941 OnPostValidate ChildPackage 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 450942 User: Diagnostic ETL 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 ExternalRequest_pre: The object is ready to make the following external request: 'IDataInitialize::GetDataSource'.450943 User: Diagnostic ETL 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 ExternalRequest_post: 'IDataInitialize::GetDataSource succeeded'. The external request has completed.450944 User: Diagnostic ETL 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 ExternalRequest_pre: The object is ready to make the following external request: 'IDBInitialize::Initialize'.450945 User: Diagnostic ETL 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 ExternalRequest_post: 'IDBInitialize::Initialize succeeded'. The external request has completed.450946 User: Diagnostic ETL 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 ExternalRequest_pre: The object is ready to make the following external request: 'IDBCreateSession::CreateSession'.450947 User: Diagnostic ETL 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 ExternalRequest_post: 'IDBCreateSession::CreateSession succeeded'. The external request has completed.450948 OnError ChildPackage 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 Error 0x80070005 while preparing to load the package. Access is denied. . 450949 OnError ParentPackage 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 Error 0x80070005 while preparing to load the package. Access is denied. . 450950 OnTaskFailed ChildPackage 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 450951 OnPostExecute ChildPackage 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 450952 OnWarning ParentPackage 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 SSIS Warning Code DTS_W_MAXIMUMERRORCOUNTREACHED. The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (1) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the errors. 450953 OnPostExecute ParentPackage 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 450954 PackageEnd ParentPackage 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 End of package execution.
I am sure that what I am doing is quite common, and I obviously have something misconfigured somewhere - but I'm not sure what my misconfiguration is. Can anyone enlighten me?
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Aug 25, 2006
I use a execute package task to run a child package in which I run some sql task.
as the error handle I insert a script task and link a line from execute package task to script task
of course the line is red,
but I found when the child package failed, the execute package task turns red,it stopped
the script task can't be run, I don't konw why?
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Jan 19, 2008
I am calling one SSIS package from another using the Execute Package Task.
I also need to pass a parameter to the called SSIS package.
Can I do this? If yes, how? If no, then what will be the work-around for this?
Thanks in advance.
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Mar 16, 2007
I am using many Execute Package Tasks in a DTS packages to call a number of other DTS packages. The problem is that when I change one of the called DTS packages the execute package task does not run the updated packages. It looks like the execute package task references a Package ID guid instead of the name. Is there a way to make it so a change to a called DTS package will reflect in all references to it
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Jul 21, 2007
I am missing something simple that's killing me.
I am trying to execute a child ssis package using the execute package task. I add execute package task to the parent package and in the package task editor, under the package options I choose: filesystem for location, I choose new connection and create a connection to the package on the filesystem I want to execute, packagenamereadonly is blank. I execute the parent package and get an error that I did not specify the name of the package in the execute package task object. Now, since I can't populate the package name, as that option is readonly, I am not sure how to remove my headache. Anyone see what I'm doing wrong? None of these packages have security.
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Feb 21, 2007
hello to every body.. well i have a problem.. well i created a package the task of which is to update thedimensions and the fact tables from the tables of source.
i created a configuration file with all the parameters that are nedded (connections managers; parameters of packages).this config file will include all the paremeters need for the execution of other packages
In that package i call an other package (execution package task). this package normally will take the parameters of the parent package isn't it??(i put the parameters of this package to the config file of the parent package).
i must also note that for the second package called there is also a package...
i must also note that i have 2 DWHs (a and b) for testing.
the problem is that when i execute the parent package to DWH b , the sacond package called do not take the parameters of the parent package. instaed it looks to its XML configuration file(in a different location of the config file of the parent package) which contains the connection parameters to DWH a and it calls strored procedures from the DWH a (instead of calling at SP from DHW b).
any ideas??
thnx a LOT0
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Feb 13, 2008
Hi All,
I have a master package that has 3 child packages,so iam taking the child packages from the D drive of my QA machine.
I have used environmental variables to define the path in packages configurations,so that same environmental variables can be used to point to production server path.
The package is able to run on production server but it still fetching data from QA server.
Is the any other way to do it better.
How to use the subpackages in production server.
Please help.
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May 25, 2007
I would like to know if it is possible to use dtexec to run a specific task in a package? If so how?
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Jan 16, 2004
Thanks for reading.
I am creating a DTS package to import a .txt file into sql. I have everything in place, but the text file needs to have the last record deleted before the import. I need help with this part
I would like to delete the last record from a fixed width text file before I import it into sql. The number of rows will vary from file to file.
Can any one offer suggestions on the best way to do this.
I understand that I have to use the FSO to open and read the file, but I am not sure the best way to proceed after that.
Thanks in advance,
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Apr 21, 2006
I have five DTS packages on a server.
Instead of executing these DTS packages individually, I have decided to create a 'parent' DTS package that will fire off each of the five 'child' DTS packages using 'On Success' precedences.
This seemed like a pretty straight forward task, but when one of the child DTS packages fails, the 'parent' DTS package continues to execute the next 'child' DTS package through the 'On Success' precedence. I was expecting the 'parent' DTS to fire off an 'on failure' precendence and stop executing
Can anyone tell me why the 'parent' DTS package continues with the 'on success' precedence after one of the 'child' DTS packages has failed.
Thanks in advance.
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Jun 2, 2006
In a DTS package, I have various SQL tasks which are linked by workflows, either 'on success' or 'on failure'.
What is the sql statement for making a sql task fail so that it follows the 'on failure' workflow?
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Mar 25, 2008
I have a package A which has execute package task which tryes to execute package B.
I am able to execute package B directly but when i execut epackage A.Its able to open package B but its failing at the very first task in B.The error iam getting is like this
Error: The task "Setup Connections" cannot run on this edition of Integration Services. It requires a higher level edition.
Has any one come accross this before...Help
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Jan 26, 2006
I've searched everywhere for this but can't find the answerI want to run a DTS package that simply executes a SQL statement to geta count of rows in a table, if the resulting number is greater thanzero I want to execute another step in the same package, else justquit.I don't to pass global vars from one package to anotherHow can I do this?Any help would be great
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Feb 19, 2008
I have a Load package which calls 3 other subpackages within it through the execute package task.
When i run the package thru batchfile it runs fine.
But when we run thru Autosys job scheduler i get the following error for the subpackages.
Code: 0xC00220DE
Source: Execute Package Task1
Description: Error 0x80070003 while loading package file "". The system cannot find the path specified.
i have given the path in the config file,which has the server name and the path of the subpackages.
Has anyone come across this situation before.
Pls help!
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Feb 9, 2006
I'm trying to run a package from another package using Execute package task -
I'm getting the error:
Error: Error 0xC0012050 while preparing to load the package. Package failed validation from the ExecutePackage task. The package cannot run. .
I have Delay validation on the child package. Any other suggestions?
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Jan 29, 2007
In Dts you can loop a package by creating an Active-X script with something like this ...
"oPackage.Steps("DTSStep_1").ExecutionStatus = DTSStepExecStat_Waiting"
"oPackage.Steps("DTSStep_2").ExecutionStatus = DTSStepScriptResult_DontExecuteTask"
What is the way to do in SSIS? Depending on a condition i want to rerun my package but have not found a smooth way to do it. I guess you can do it in a better way than using the ActiveX Script Task
have a nice day
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Apr 24, 2008
I have a script task and the code has a path in it, which has to be changed for Dev, for QA and for Prod. I am trying to put this in Package configurations. Can somebody tell me , as how to set the variable, how to set the value etc in getting this done. I want to put this in Package Configurations.
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Jan 20, 2006
I€™m using a For Loop container to with an Execute Package Task inside, looping until a folder is empty. I€™ve noticed some strange behaviors:
1. The child package keeps creating new connections. I start with 3 connections to the DB and when the For Loop container is done I€™ve got 364 connections.
2. The Execute Package Task is pulling the wrong version of the package I€™ve specified. I€™m using a package saved to the File System and there€™s only one copy on the drive. I€™ve verified the path is going to the correct location.
Does anyone have a work-around for the €˜connection generation€™ issue?
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Jan 27, 2008
I have added a package from SQL Server to another package as an "Execute Package Task" it fails with this error:
Error: Error 0xC0014062 while preparing to load the package. The LoadFromSQLServer method has encountered OLE DB error code 0x80040E14 (Only the owner of DTS Package 'nVision_AgentPump' or a member of the sysadmin role may create new versions of it.). The SQL statement that was issued has failed. .
I tried setting the Protection Level to "don't save sensitive", and running the package in process and out. Any idea where to look?
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Dec 14, 2007
I'm working with 2005 SSIS and am getting the below error associated with a query when
I try and set up a package that runs other package tasks. It errors in the Package Name (..) lookup after I enter what appears to be a validate location (sql server) and connection information.
I located a post suggesting to add an mmc certificate but that did not seem to help.
I'm sort of assuming that if it was id/passwd related i'd get a more specific error..
Any info would be much appreciated...Thx Owen
An OLE DB error 0x80004005 (Client unable to establish connection) occurred while enumerating packages. A SQL statement was issued and failed.
Program Location:
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Application.GetPackageInfos(String strFolder, String serverName, String serverUserName, String serverPassword)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.ExecutePackageTask.PackageBrowser.<>c__DisplayClass1.<EditValue>b__0(String path)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.ExecutePackageTask.PackageBrowser.EditValue(ITypeDescriptorContext context, IServiceProvider provider, Object value)
An OLE DB error 0x80004005 (Client unable to establish connection) occurred while enumerating packages. A SQL statement was issued and failed.
Program Location:
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper.ApplicationClass.GetPackageInfos(String bstrPackageFolder, String bstrServerName, String bstrServerUserName, String bstrServerPassword)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Application.GetPackageInfos(String strFolder, String serverName, String serverUserName, String serverPassword)
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Sep 26, 2006
I have a package (i.e. child package) which runs itself perfectly fine without displaying any error.
However when I embeded this package inside another package (i.e. parent package) using Execute Package Task. The task always fails. It seems strange enough.
The child package has two variables that need to be passed in from parent package.
Can any expert here please help out? Thanks.
- Steve
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