How To Get String Value In A Middle Position?
Feb 26, 2007khosara writes "I have one parameter @String with value "My name is Khosara".
How to get the value only "Is khos".
Could you please help me, witch method shold i use.
Thank in advance."
khosara writes "I have one parameter @String with value "My name is Khosara".
How to get the value only "Is khos".
Could you please help me, witch method shold i use.
Thank in advance."
Lets say I have a column of type varchar and need to extract an integer value from the middle of it. The string looks like this:'this part is always the same' + integer of varying length + 'this part is different but always the same length'Is there a way to trim the constant string lengths from the beginning and end?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIm having a dumb moment... what is the easiest way to get the third and fourth character of a string???
Thanks :)
How can i find the 2nd comma position of a string, if i have multiple commas in my field. I need SQL Statement
I need the position should be
F1 F2
Andy,David,Martin, 11
Sam,Dan,Philip, 8
I need retrieve only strings that hold the sub-string in middle. no first no last just middle.
See: the sub-string is "test"
Yes: test test test
Yes: take test test
Yes: test test take
Yes: take test take
No: test test
No: test take take
No: take take test
No: test
I prepare sample data...
declare @sample table(s varchar(50));
insert @sample values
('test test test'),
('test test'),
('test take test'),
('test take take'),
('take test test'),
('take test take');
I am trying to write a query in sql query analyzer that will extract a date that appears after the first comma in the string. An example of the data is below:
I want to select the 8 characters after the first comma in the field, and then convert it to a date format.
I am a novice, so any help with the correct function and syntax would be greatly appreciated.
I've got a situation where a table column is composed of decimal numbersthat have to be converted to whole numbers. I want to use CEILING and FLOOR functions to round them up or down, but how do I extract the part after the decimal point to evaluate which operation to apply? I don't think there is a function in sql server that looks for a position of a character within a string. I tried INSTR (the vb function) and that gave me an error msg.
could you help me. I'd like to get last position of the specified expression in a character string(a fast solution for DB)
Thanks for youe help
I usually do this through Access so I'm not too familiar with the string functions in SQL. My question is, how do you remove characters from the middle of a string?
String value is 10 characters long.
The string value is X000001250.
The end result should look like, X1250.
I've tried mixing/matching multiple string functions with no success. The only solution I have come up with removes ALL of the zeros, including the tailing zero. The goal is to only remove the consecutive zeroes in the middle of the string.
i have a column name remarks and i want to retrieve data like by deleting some of the leading charaters and some last characters and show the middle one.
like remarks has CALLTRANSFER_OVER_SIP:XfrTime=86.05599975585938_en and i want to show only "XfrTime=86.05599975585938" this much
Hi Friends:
I usually run this query in Oracle to find out the position of a character in a string from first position to the nth occurence.
For example, I run the following queries in oracle to get the desire result.
SQL> select instr('DADADAQQQA','A',1,1) FROM DUAL;
INSTR('DADADAQQQA','A',1,1) -- First occurence of 'A' from start.
SQL> select instr('DADADAQQQA','A',1,2) FROM DUAL;
INSTR('DADADAQQQA','A',1,2) -- Second occurence of 'A' from start.
SQL> select instr('DADADAQQQA','A',1,3) FROM DUAL;
INSTR('DADADAQQQA','A',1,3) -- Third occurence of 'A' from start.
SQL> select instr('DADADAQQQA','A',1,4) FROM DUAL;
INSTR('DADADAQQQA','A',1,4) -- Forth occurence of 'A' from start.
Is there ay equivelant way in Transact- SQL? If not, can anybody suggest the solution?
I'm trying to import a large .txt file into SQL but a regular bulk insert will not do as there are no delimiters. Each line contains roughly 1080 bytes of data that are scrunched together. (1 byte - represents one character) The only thing I know for sure is the start and end position for each column entry which is fixed-format. For example:
col1 (1,3)
col2 (4,6)
col3 (7,7)
col4 (8,30)
col5 (31,39)
colN (1050, 1080)
This occurs for X,XXX,XXX rows. So for each row, I want to pull in the column info based on the string position of the data.
How can I do this in SQL? All I have found so far is bulk insert entry...
In t-sql 2008 r2, I would like to know how to select a specific string in a varchar(50) field. The field in question is called 'CalendarId'.
This field can contain values like:
xxIN187 13-14 W Elem
HS321 13-14 D Elem
IN636 13-14 C Elem
030 13-14 clark middle.
What I am looking for is the first position that contains a number value for the length of 3. Thus what I want are values that look like the following: 030, 636, 187.What I know that I want is substring(CalendarId,?,3).The question mark is where I want the starting location of a number value (0 to 9) of the value in CalendarId . I tried pathindex but my syntax did not work.
Is there a function that gets the name of a column and a string as arguments and returns the position of this string in the column given?
Thank you in advance.
Ok following scenario
create table dbo.ADAssets
(Computername nvarchar(max))
insert into dbo.ADAssets
('AIRLBEOF3565 CNF:4e926e06-6f62-4864-aebd-6311543d',
So if execute the following
select Computername
from dbo.ADAssets
where Computername like
I get both records,but if I do this
select *
from dbo.ADAssets
where Computername in
'AIRLBEOF3565 CNF:4e926e06-6f62-4864-aebd-6311543d',
I only get AIRLBEOF3565
So the big picture is that I need to compare 2 tables to find records that match & don't but that I get matches that shouldn't be & matches that aren't.
Hello all!This might be a newbie question, and there might be something Im just not thinking of right now, but I have a set of values that I need to get the average of but only from the middle 90%. Example:11 <-From here1234456 <- To here.7I thought I could solve it by subqueries and do the following:Select (((Select sum top 5 order asc) + (Select sum top 5 order desc)) - sum total)/rows*0.9 which would give me what I want, but I realised that when aggregating I cant order the subqueries.This is for an application (that will run the query on a sql-server) that only takes one query (although subqueries should be fine), and thats why I have a problem, I cant build any views or things like that.I guess my question is very simple: How can I get a sum of the bottom 5 percent without sorting descending?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have a table Customer with 200000 records.
When I run query
DECLARE @posTable TABLE(idkey INT IDENTITY(1,1), value VARCHAR(128))
INSERT INTO @posTable (value) SELECT CustID FROM Customer ORDER BY CustID
At the first time it takes 1 minute 42 seconds, at the second time it only takes 3 seconds.
When i run the query
SELECT IDENTITY(INT, 1, 1) AS idkey, CustID INTO #posTable FROM Customer ORDER BY CustID
The order in column idkey is not exacts
Pls. tell me why? and How can i rewrite it.
I'm writing a page that will return data from my database to the user based on their search paramaters, over several pages with 20 matching records showing per page, and a next button on the bottom. Similar to the format of any search engine.
However, I'd like to write this into the query, and I'm not sure how I would go about doing so. For example:
"SELECT TOP 20 to 40 * FROM Northwind"
Hopefully this makes sense. Is there any way of doing this?
Thanks in advance,Russ
I am trying to concatenate three fields into one in a View. I have the following data:
Last Name
First Name
Middle Initial (can be null)
I need my resultant field data to look like the following:
"Doe, John P."
I'm having a problem writing SQL that is sensitive to placing the period after the middle initial only if there is a middle initial present. If there isn't a middle initial, I just want the following: "Doe, John".
I have tried the following CASE statement:
CASE WHEN middleInitial IS NOT NULL THEN ' ' + middleInitial + '.' ELSE '' END
However, I get an error indicating that the CASE statement is not supported in the Query Designer.
How can I resolve this problem in a View? Is there a function similar to ISNULL(middleInitial, '') that would allow for the "."?
Is it possible to use a TRIM(){or similar} function when JOINing 2 tables via a NVARCHAR field in T-SQL?
I need to trim the field first because some of the data contains trailing spaces (GRRR) and so might future data...
So I have this query where i need to get the average date of about five different dates... Is there any way to do this or am I screwed. I looked at using the avg function but SQL server 2005 did not like that.
Thanks in advance for any help.
I need to display the middle initial from a name field that contains the last name, comma, and the middle name or initial.
Example data:
Jane,Smith Ron
John,Dow L
Mary Jane,Dow Welsh
The result I am looking for is to capture only the first letter of the middle name. In this data example, I would need to display the following on a separate column:
-- I have a first name field that sometimes contains only the first name,
-- sometimes contains the first name and the middle initial, and
-- sometimes contains the first name, a space, followed by NMI (for no middle initial)
-- how do I correctly grab the first letter of the middle initial in all cases?
-- I have been playing with patindex but its harder than I thought. guess I need a case
-- statement in addition to this. Any idea how I can do this?
-- thanks!
create table UHS_t1 (c1 varchar(20))
insert UHS_t1 select 'john a'
insert UHS_t1 select 'jeff b'
insert UHS_t1 select 'sue z'
insert UHS_t1 select 'joe nmi'
insert UHS_t1 select 'jamie'
select *, substring(c1, patindex('%[ ]%', c1)+1, 1) as middle_name
from UHS_t1
drop table UHS_t1
How do I stop the restore in the middle?
restore database blah
from disk='mybackups hismonthbackup1.BAK'
with replace, recovery, stats=5, maxtransfersize=1048576
In a table I have a coulmn of postal-codes where there is a space in the middle of the postcode. How do I do to trim them away?
View 6 Replies View RelatedHow do you get the following to work properly?
WHERE Location = 'John's House'
The apostrophe between n and s has me stumped. Thanks.
Hello The following command is for Name Split as First Name and Second Name. Please let me know based on the following only how to get Middle name. SELECT name,
END AS Lname
FROM YourTable
Some of the databases that I inherited contain search that are based on finding a string anywhere within a last name such as:
WHERE lastName like '%smith%'
It is desired that each of these names be returned:
What is presently done is that updates to the last name fields trigger that substrings of the last name be sent off into a substring table wtih retention of no 2-char substrings. For these three last names the following would be kept:
(1) Smith, (2) mith, (3) ith and (4) th
(1) Smithson, (2) mithson, (3) ithson, ..., (n) on
(1) Nesmith, (2) esmith, (3) smith, ... (n) th
The where now becomes
WHERE lastNameSub like 'smith%'
This seems to make the search routine by last name faster. I would like to improve on this if I can. Suggestions?
Well, how do you do it? I've not seen any report on this... so could it be next to impossible?
Say you have 10 records, 1-10 and you want to insert a new record between record 4 and record 5 in a SQL database, just how do you code it? And oh, each record uses the auto ID increment feature.
hello everyone,
we have a problem in my system that will say it now.
we have two departments can access to the same database , the first department fill all the fields in the application(web_enabled), the second department can fill some fields from whole the fields and the remaining fields are set as default values because they don't have access to the remaining items.
the problem here, when the first department go to fill the fields and then press save to save the filled information , will operation successful, but when the second one want to fill the fields then click save , will appear this error
" there is no row at position 0".
note that we can't to change any thing in the code , i hope to find the answer for our problem thru database.
with my regards
I'm trying to get the position of a single value in the query results.
like this:
select * from tPerson order by ds_alias
results in
id_person | ds_name | ds_alias
15 | mark | AA
20 | john | AA
5 | mike | BB
8 | thomas | JK
2 | mike | MM
as you can see, I can have registries with the same name and with the same alias, there's no restriction
and I'm trying to find out how many registries there are before the second "mike", wich would be 3.. so it's the 4th element, get it?
I have no idea how to...
Thank in advance
I have this assignment where i have a table full of two digit exam scores and I have to write a function that eliminate x number of top values and x number of bottom values and return all the middle values. When the function is called, obviously a number is entered such as 3 and the top 3 and bottom 3 scores are not returned.
i.e. SELECT * FROM GetMiddleValues (3);
If anyone has any ideas on how to accomplish this, that would be great.
I have a table with 100,000 addresses and I need to change 'street' to 'st', 'avenue' to 'ave' and 'road' to 'rd'. These words can appear anywhere in the field. example
10 Main street & Washington avenue
Trying to get it to be
10 Main st & Washington ave