from this, circdate being a datetime field:SQLQuery = "select distinct circdate from circdata order by circdate"I need the distinct date portion excluding the time part.this has come about when I discoveredI am inserting and updating some datetime values with the same value,but for some reason, the values are always off by a few seconds. I seta variable called SetNow assigned to NOW and then set the datetimefields to this SetNow variable. Then when I collect the distinct datetime I am assuming they will have the same values recorded incircdate, but no, they are off by several seconds. Makes no sense to meat all. I tried renaming the variable several times but it makes nodifference at all.any help appreciated, thanks.
I need to set only the date part of tblEventStaffRequired.StartTime to tblEvents.EventDate while maintaining the time part in tblEventStaffRequired.StartTime.
UPDATE tblEventStaffRequired SET StartTime = <expression here> FROM tblEvents INNER JOIN tblEventStaffRequired ON tblEvents.ID = tblEventStaffRequired.EventID
From the table above the current running shift is Id = 1
Based on that I have following question:
1 - Is there a way to specified for a DateTime field that it will recieved only Time part ?
2 - When a shift change occurs, I need to compare the Current time with the time shift in the table. Then according to that I set the IsCurrent flag to proper new Shift ID.. how to perform this ?
HiI am using SQL 2005, VB 2005I am trying to insert a record using parameters using the following code as per MotLey suggestion and it works finestring insertSQL; insertSQL = "INSERT INTO Issue(ProjectID, TypeofEntryID, PriorityID ,Title, Area) VALUES (@ProjectID, @TypeofEntryID, @PriorityID ,@Title, @Area)"; cmdInsert SqlCommand; cmdInsert=new SqlCommand(insertSQL,conn); cmdInsert.Parameters.Add("@ProjectID",SqlDbType.Varchar).Value=ProjectID.Text; My query is how to detail with dates my previous code wasinsertSQL += "convert(datetime,'" + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yy") + "',3), '";I tried the code below but the record doesn't save?string date = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yy"); insertSQL = "INSERT INTO WorkFlow(IssueID, TaskID, TaskDone, Date ,StaffID) VALUES (@IDIssue, @IDTask, @TaskDone, convert(DateTime,@Date,3),@IDStaff)"; cmdInsert.Parameters.Add("IDIssue", SqlDbType.Int).Value = IDIssue.ToString();cmdInsert.Parameters.Add("IDTask",SqlDbType.Int).Value = IDTask.Text;cmdInsert.Parameters.Add("TaskDone",SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = TaskDoneTxtbox.Text;cmdInsert.Parameters.Add("Date",SqlDbType.DateTime).Value = date;cmdInsert.Parameters.Add("IDStaff",SqlDbType.Int).Value = IDStaff.Text;Could someone point to me in the right direction?Thanks in advance
I have a table with a datetime field (named "lnDateDone") and an integer field (named "PlannedHour"). I want to build a new datetime field with the same value as lnDateDone and replacing the hour part by the PlannedHour field. Example:
lnDateDone = '2014-04-09 13:22:31.544' HourPlanned = 14 new datetime field = '2014-04-09 14:00:00'
I tried the following:
CAST(SUBSTRING(CAST(lnDateDone AS VARCHAR(25)),1,12) + CAST(PlannedHour AS VARCHAR(2)) + SUBSTRING(CAST(lnDateDone AS VARCHAR(25)), 15, LEN(lnDateHeureFin)) AS SMALLDATETIME) AS DatePrevue
but it won't work when casted in DateTime format, only in varchar, but I want it in datetime as I need to do compute some values using date manipulation functions.
hai friends, iam doing a project in .net and using sql server. i need to compare only month and year part in datetime type to retrive data. 1)retrive unique year and its months available in the database. like may 2008 apr 2008 mar 2007
Execute following T-SQL within Queary Analyzer of SQL Server 2000:=======================================DECLARE @dTest DATETIMESET @dTest='2001-1-1 1:1:1:991'SELECT @dTestSET @dTest='2001-1-1 1:1:1:997'SELECT @dTestSET @dTest='2001-1-1 1:1:1:999'SELECT @dTest=======================================You get what?This is my result which is weird:2001-01-01 01:01:01.9902001-01-01 01:01:01.9972001-01-01 01:01:02.000Then what's the reason of this weird problem?
I am inserting date and time data into a SQL Server 2012 Express table from an application. The application is providing the date and time as a string data type. Is there a TSQL way to convert the date and time string to an SQL datetime date type? I want to do the conversion, because SQL displays an error due to the
My date and time string from the application looks like : 3/11/2014 12:57:57 PM
I use smalldatetime for a datetime and i just display the date part i'd like to compare the date part of the smalldatetime and the date i have how can i do that ? I know we can select the day,month or year ... If you know a link where i could find different kinds of example about sql command it would be great to
I think this is a simple question but I am just not sure how to do it right, as a newbie.
All I want to do is generate a report of company employees grouped by their date of hire.
SELECT DateOfHire, FirstName, LastName from Empls ORDER BY DateOfHire
The only problem is that the DateOfHire displays as, e.g., '01/03/2004 12:00:00' which is not what I want. I SIMPLY WANT TO OMIT THE TIME PART but don't know quite how to say this. I tried several variations along this line but it causes scoping errors...
SELECT CONVERT(Varchar(10), DateOfHire, 101) AS DOHDateOnly, FirstName, LastName, State FROM EMPL GROUP BY DOHDateOnly
but this gives error
"The value expressions for the textbox DateOfHire refers to the field DOHDateOnly. Report item expressions can only refer to fields within the current data set scope or, if inside an aggregate, the specified data set scope."
Which makes sense, but I don't know HOW to say the right thing to get what I want.
i want to use the date part of the function getdate in my sql query. the getdate function return the current date and time. i want only the date part. how can i do it.
Ok, so I have a Select statement that looks like this:
Select * from FilteredOpportunity where (OpportunityID LIKE @opportunityid) and (Name LIKE @name) and (CustomerIDName LIKE @customeridname) and isNull(EstimatedCloseDate, '1900-01-01') LIKE @estimatedclosedate and isNull(Description, '') LIKE @description and isNull(AccountIdName, '') LIKE @AccountIDName and isNull(ACCU_OppTypeName, '') LIKE @ACCU_OppTypeName and isNull(SalesStageCodeName, '') LIKE @SalesStageCodeName and isNull(ACCU_CustomerTypeName, '') LIKE @ACCU_CustomerTypeName and (CreatedByName LIKE @CreatedByName) and (CreatedOn LIKE @CreatedOn) and isNull(ACCU_OppSourceName, '') LIKE @ACCU_OppSourceName and (StateCodeName LIKE @StateCodeName) and (StatusCodeName LIKE @StatusCodeName)
This chunk of code is used in an XML file which, once this XML is imported (using sharepoint by the way if you haven't noticed), I can then search through tables with different filters. Well, my date filter isn't working the same way as my other ones. I have a couple different date filters, but none of them work.
Before I ask my question, I only pass in one variable at a time through my code.... the rest of the variables get a default value passed to them if the user doesn't pass it. That value is simply '%'. Anyways, so the different ways a user can type in a date is by typing in the whole date, part of the date starting with the beginning of it, typing in the end of the date, or typing something within the date. For a string it's like 'Example', 'Exam%', '%ple', and '%amp% respectively. How do I accomplish this with a date?
We have some seasonal products that we would like to turn on and off automatically on our website. To accomplish this, we've added StartDate and EndDate fields to the product table. See simplified table: --------------Simple Table:--------------ID int identity (PK)Value varchar(50)StartDate datetimeEndDate datetime Normally I could just do something like SELECT ID, Value FROM PRODUCTS WHERE StartDate <= @MyDate AND EndDate >= @MyDate The catch is that we want to ignore the year part of the dates so that we don't have to go back through and update all the records every year. I'm pretty sure I've done this in the past, but I'm having a brain fart right now and can't remember how. One of the issues is that the start month could be > the end month (e.g. - October 15 - January 1). Using code in the application I could work around this (see below), but I would like to handle this in SQL if possible so I don't have to return more records than are needed and weed out the bad records. 'dtStart and dtEnd are Date Objects, StartDate and EndDate are strings containing the MM/DD partIf dtStart.CompareTo(dtEnd) > 0 And dtStart.CompareTo(myDate) < 0 Then dtEnd = Date.Parse(EndDate & "/" & (myDate.Year + 1))ElseIf dtStart.CompareTo(dtEnd) > 0 And dtStart.CompareTo(objDate) > 0 Then dtStart = Date.Parse(StartDate & "/" & (myDate.Year - 1))End If I appreciate any help you can provide. Thanks,Sam
I would like to know the best way of returning just the Date part (dd/mm/yyyy) of a DateTime field using T-SQL. I know that some methods mean that you lose the indexing if the field is indexed. Which is the best way to do this in T-SQL whilst preserving the indexing? I'm using SQL Server 2005.
I wrote the query like this "select datepart(year, Msg_Time) from C20_Messages" This query result is:- 2006 2006 2006 2005 2005 2005 2005 Here I want to get only the year part without repeating. I mean 2005 2006
I am wondering has anybody ever created a Matrix in a report grouped by Day Part (10-2 Morn, 2-6 Aft, 6-10 Eve etc) and Date?
I would like to see a report with an output such as
13/02/2006 14/02/2006 Total Morn Aft Eve Morn Aft Eve Mr A 2 4 5 2 6 2 21 Miss B 8 8 1 1 4 5 27
I have a DB table which records the datetime each time a viewer changes TV channel. The report is a summary by user of each channel change By Day Part with Each Date
I can do this easily enough by just grouping on Date but now require another level of detail.
I'm trying to find if any part of a date range in my table between orig_start_rent and stop_rent falls within a period I specify in two variables: startPeriod and endPeriod
For example if I specify 2013-11-01 as startPeriod and 2013-11-30 as endPeriod, then if any part of the date range between orig_start_rent and stop_rent(stop-rent can be null if hire is open) falls within that period, I want that to be picked up and assigned the value of 1 in my case statement for OnHire. My code is not picking everything up however - using the example above, a record with orig_start_rent of 2013-05-23 and stop_rent of 2013-11-18 is being assigned 0 when it should be 1. My code here:
declare @startPeriod as smalldatetime declare @endPeriod as smalldatetime set @startPeriod = '2013-11-01' set @endPeriod = '2013-11-30'; select dticket, orig_start_rent, stop_rent, case when orig_start_rent >= @startPeriod and orig_start_rent <= @endPeriod then 1 when orig_start_rent < @endPeriod and stop_rent is null then 1 else 0 end [OnHire] from deltickitem
OK, the thread's name is not very self explanatory so here I go:
The fact I'm working on a simple APP where I store the date of a transaction. I use in my Stored Procedure the getdate() as the default (and untouchable) value for the transaction date
The problem: These transactions are made all day long and there are transctions made on the morning and afternoon. Now, when I make a report of the transactions for one specific range of days, all the transactions made in the morning of the start date are ignored completely.
Say I have these transactions TCode TType TDate 45 REQ 03/09/2007 08:20:16 a.m. 46 REQ 03/09/2007 11:59:43 a.m. 47 REQ 03/09/2007 12:01:30 p.m. 48 REQ 03/09/2007 06:01:49 p.m.
and I make this query SELECT * FROM <Table Name> WHERE TDate BETWEEN <Start Date> AND <End Date> (where <Start Date> && <End Date> are 03/09/2007 selected from a DateTimePicker control)
I only get these results 47 REQ 03/09/2007 12:01:30 p.m. 48 REQ 03/09/2007 06:01:49 p.m.
if I make a cast as integer I get these results: TCode TDate TCast 46 2007-09-03 11:59:43.000 39326 47 2007-09-03 12:01:30.000 39327
so my question is Why are the Morning Transactions from the start date ignored (or interpreted as part of previous day transactions) ?
print @@version print 'arithmetic with datetime' go begin try declare @datetime datetime = getdate()
[Code] ....
... I get this:
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 (SP2) - 10.50.4042.0 (X64) Mar 26 2015 21:18:04 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Express Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.2 <X64> (Build 9200: )
arithmetic with datetime @datetime = Sep 22 2015 1:39PM arithmetic with date Msg 206, Level 16, State 2, Line 3 Operand type clash: date is incompatible with int
Why the inconsistency? Datetime is lenient in this regard - I can even do set @datetime += 0.5 (although the meaning is less intuitive).
Is there a way to extract the date part (11/27/2012) of a datetime/time stamp column (11/27/2012 00:00:00.000) and keep it in a date format?
The code i have below extracts the date part of a timestamp column and converts it to a char field. This becomes a problem when I joing the resultant table with a SAS dataset which contains the same column but is in a date format. The join process generates an error saying the column is in different formats.
I have SSRS 2005 SP2 configured to work in Sharepoint integration. Everything works fine except that I am not able to programmatically change any property of report viewer web part (instance) that I have added on on home page of my sharepoint site. I can do same thing via sharepoint UI but not through program. When my programs runs it fetches all web parts been added on home page, then I need to iterate through each one and find report viewer web part. While iterating, as soon as I arrive to report viewer web part it is named as "Error web part" with error message as "Windows SharePoint Services cannot deserialize the Web Part. Check the format of the properties and try again"
If someone has a solution, please respond at your earlist.
I have a table with a column named measurement decimal(18,1). If the value is 2.0, I want the stored proc to return 2 but if the value is 2.5 I want the stored proc to return 2.5. So if the value after the decimal point is 0, I only want the stored proc to return the integer portion. Is there a sql function that I can use to determine what the fraction part of the decimal value is? In c#, I can use dr["measurement "].ToString().Split(".".ToCharArray())[1] to see what the value after the decimal is.